Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Quinn
Nominees: Kimo, Rubina and Angela
POV Players: Quinn, Rubina, Angela, Kimo, Joe, Leah
POV Winner: Leah
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: Kimo, Makensy
12:55pm The live feeds return – Leah WON the Veto!
Leah – I am literally picacho right now! My family is so proud. My dad is like I could have done that in 2 seconds. There’s a new comp beast in town! I have BOT to be grateful for! I’m so excited. Thank you guys so much for just always letting me be myself.
LEAH won the veto! @bigbspoilers #BB26 pic.twitter.com/3acU677Gno
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 31, 2024
Bathroom – Leah and Makensy celebrate. Chelsie joins them. Chelsie – watch them kiss up to you. Leah – I know. Chelsie – That would be what a crazy twist that would be if Thucker goes on and then all three of them are on the block that next week. That would be crazy. I don’t know if Quinn would want to put that blood on his hands, though I get that. But like I know I know that was a good one. That was a good win.
1:20pm Kitchen – Joseph, Quinn, Kimo and Makensy talk about the veto comp. They had to build a robot. Meanwhile out in the backyard Rubina and Tkor are playing pool.
1:25pm Bedroom Joseph to the camera – I spent a lot of time looking at the monitor too on purpose to make it seem like I really was paying attention. I did maybe near the end there I think I could have wanted if I would have switched it around but I wasn’t too much about it but I realized that it would be better for me to not win so didn’t try my hardest. Leah won, I’m happy for her. That’s my girl so that’s cool and maybe she’ll use it on Angela and Chelsie will go home. She loves the Angela so we’ll see. To make it clear. I’ve only purely thrown three only three pure throws. Wall firewall, hiding go I tried when you’re in that cuz that would have been cool but I didn’t care most of the time and then this one basically the same thing like was throwing it at the beginning then won’t to realize I had a chance like be like it would be cool.

Unicorn Bedroom – Leah and Rubina talking about Leah’s veto win. Rubina – Just being so real right now I feel the joy for you because I understand how it feels to feel like you’re just underestimated and I understand that so much. And so like the win is more than just like a “W” for being a competitor. It’s a “W” for like personal and mental you know. Leah – only freaking two girls that
have won a veto I know and it’s me and Lisa.
1:45pm Bedroom – Joseph and Tkor
Joseph – I mean, I do love her. So if she winds up staying whatever.
But, like, I also am not going to stick my neck out for her, especially when she’s been so messy, like. I’m, not doing that. I’m done sticking my neck out for people who don’t know how to play this game. I’ve done it too many times and I’m honestly surprised I’m still here because it hasn’t been easy. I feel like, it’s crazy that you’ve only won HOH. I’ve won sh*t. Leah has won sh*t till today and we haven’t been on the block. That’s pretty crazy, especially with three nominees.
1:53pm Unicorn Bedroom. Leah – we did it! She then kisses the cat decor. Leah – I’m so excited!
2:05pm Bathroom – Rubina and Tkor
Tkor – The worst case scenario didn’t happen. Angela winning. Hopefully she (Leah) doesn’t use it on her. Rubina – I know. That’s what my other concern is. Tkor – But I feel like Quinn wouldn’t. I feel like she would consider Quinn’s wishes. This AI could be a win for you, you never know. Rubina – I’m fighting up here even if it doesn’t like like it out there. I’m fighting. Tkor – I know you are. I’m proud of you.
2pm – 2:55pm HOH room – Leah and Quinn
They get into the room and dance to celebrate her win. Quinn – you’re so good! We had the lights on during the HOH comp, you won in the dark. Leah – that was fun! Quinn – you’re a bada$$. I’m getting nervous being in the presence of you right now. Leah – I feel a bit guilty winning because I’m not even up on the block. I wanted to win something so bad. Quinn – you did it. Leah – Wow! Quinn – what are you thinking. Leah – Second girl to win a veto. Feels pretty good. Quinn – unbelievable. Leah – I am so interested in how everyone wants to work with me now when they’ve been talking crap about me. Quinn – we can do whatever you want, what do you want to do? Leah – I am obviously willing to hear everyone out even though a part of me just wants to like lay under the covers. I already believed I was safe with you but now I’m for sure safe. We owned out own safety. I am so happy, I can’t believe it. Look at us. Quinn – and I pulled your name. Leah – what are you thinking? Quinn – the problem with keeping Angela is that people are going to keep her and she is going to disappear into the shadows and reappear at the finale in the second place chair and take 75k for everyone else because whoever sits next to her like that ensures you’ll get 750k. My original idea was I have to take out Robina because I’ve lied to her too many times, but I think that she’s already a target by the people who voted Tucker out. On a personal level I really like Rubina. I thought that it would be smart to go after her but I feel like people will go after her next week. My feeling is to take out Angela but I do know that you guys are close and that would be difficult for you and so I just wanted to
see where your head was at. How do you feel about Rubina? Leah – I think she likes me on a personal level. We’ve bonded on personal stuff. Quinn – the thing is I don’t think we could get Kimo out this week because if he is up against Angela, Angela goes. Angela goes sitting next to Rubina too. Quinn tells Leah that his plan for picking a renom was to bring everyone into the HOH and ask for a volunteer knowing that this might be the eviction right before jury so he would have everyone pull a skittle and the those that pull the green skittles are safe, the HG that pulls the red skittle is the renom. He says he would have given Leah a green one before hand so that she could cheat if she pulled a red. Quinn – do you feel like you are going to use the veto to save Angela? Leah – I really don’t want to say anything because I also don’t want to put you in a position of having to put someone else up. I also don’t want you to take this the wrong way but she benefits my game. Quinn – no I understand. They consider taking Kimo out this week. Leah – I really like Tkor. Quinn – I’m worried she’s gonna tell Kimo. Leah – I know because that’s why it’s probably just best for us to continue having our own relationships with her because then it will ensure that she doesn’t target us if she wants again. They talk about Joseph. Leah – literally every chance he gets he talks about how he convinced Tucker to use the veto on you. I don’t tell you that to turn you against each other. Quinn – no, its okay. Quinn tells Leah he and Joseph have a final two deal. Quinn – don’t tell him I told you that though. Leah – where am I with you then? Quinn – you’re my number one. Leah – you’re all I got! Should I make more? Quinn – no, literally everyone is doing that this year.
3:05pm HOH room – Makensy, Leah and Quinn.
They’re talking about strategies for winning the slip’n slide HOH competition.
3:25pm Backyard – Tkor and Chelsie
Tkor – I think you’re fine. Chelsie – The only person I’m worried about right now tomorrow it can be very different. Joseph is the only one that I’m worried about. There are some other people that I’m sketched out about but he’s the one that planted a lot of seeds to Tucker about me and he’s the one. They got Tucker to use the veto on Quinn and in turn messed me up and I know he’s afraid of me because I can beat him in a comp. I feel like he knows that I’m upset. The next 45 days will be very different than the first 45 days. It will be good for some and bad for others. Keep being you and I think you’re fine. Honestly there has not been one person that has been skeptical about you.
4:10pm HOH room – Cam, Joseph, Leah, Makensy and Quinn
Leah – I don’t even care, I think I am going to let my chain hang low. I owned it. Joseph – you killed it, girl. Leah – thank you. They continue chatting about random things and hanging out.
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Leah with veto.
Who does SHE suggest gets evicted.
She’ll want to use it on Angela (final 2).
She’ll push… who does she always suggest.
I think she tries to push Makensy?
When she isn’t pushing Quinn to an HOH she’s pushing Makensy.
Regardless that was his HOH Quinn would put himself on the block if Leah wanted it. He knows he is a fool for her. I just don’t want Leah to remove Angela off the block. Although production has Angela slated to win I like her penance being on the block.
Slated for the win? no.
Slated for final 5? yes.
Who votes Angela the win?
They’d have to offer every one of her votes winning spots on the amazing race and multiple seasons on the challenge.
Cough cough…. sorry.
Cody and was her name Jessica? who knows. on amazing race.
Dx and Claire on amazing race.
Da’vonne on the challenge.
Amber on the challenge.
What did they have in common? Prodo did them dirty for storyline or got weird jury votes out of them.
She’s pushing for Kimo or Cam to be her threats?
That’s actually a surpise. Well the Cam one anyway.
Is she looking more to jury votes? Angela, Kimo, Joseph, Quinn, Makensy would be solid votes for her to win against final two with Chelsie and she would have Cam, T’kor. That only works is Rubina gets tossed this Thursday. Mmmmmmaybe. Also it could be a Rachel Reilly 13th bbseason when her future husband Brendon Villegas battlebacked into the BBHOUSE.
Perhaps she realizes that Cam and Chelsie have to be broken up. Cam is another classic male comp beast figure who can deter the girls’ takeover of the game.
Kimo has been pretty clear about wanting Leah out, and he makes no attempt to build any bridges with her.
She’s no idiot. Quinn and Joe are forever committed to her.
She’s sitting nicely once her targets are gone. Quinn can win and protect her. I think she’s got a better hold on MK than Chelsie, the latter who is already starting to get sloppy emotional with her game again.
Tkor likes Leah more than MK ,and you know that goes a long way on who she chooses to work with or keep around.
Rubina is a lame horse, weekly pawn or scapegoat.
The minute she heard the showmance rumor between Cam and Chelsie she decided that’s one less man she can manipulate…. so he has to go.
Finally, someone not on the block wins VETO!
Keep them the same!
T’kor mmmhmmm is a dripping machine. Look it up.
Don’t use it Leah. Keep Makensy safe – she is the only one sort of in your corner.
Leah has been bussing Makensy since week 2! She just said in the above update that “Angela is good for my game.” and that was after Quinn told her he wanted Angela to go home.
I don’t see how Angela is good for anybodies game in there, unless it’s by sitting in a final 2 chair next to them, and I don’t see Leah and Angela making it to final 2. Neither one of them are good enough competitors to win either part 1 or part 2 of the final HOH, not to mention, I just can’t see either one of them being dragged to final 3.
But Derick and Cody dragged Victoria that far, so you never know I guess. But 2 of them? Two Victoria’s I just don’t see making it that far.
Leah is no Victoria. That was not an easy veto she just won. She can certainly win a Final HOH comp.
I have a bad feeling the used veto streak ends here
Quinn’s idea for renom is to pull a Marty.
red skittle renom if nobody volunteers.
Way to tell everyone you see no value in them.
Considering the level of strategic game play we’ve seen so far this season, are you really that surprised? The guy is still trying to build a 7 person alliance in a house with only 10 people in it (and a couple of the people he wants to use in that alliance are people he’s nominated), so is it any wonder he doesn’t want to re-nominate anybody?
the whole reason he wants that 7 is so everyone agrees not to nominate him next week. I mean, really. If he’s saying but a core of 4-5 that’s the part he wants with another 4-5 on the other side so he’s in both alliances and EVERYONE agrees not to nominate him.
THAT’S GOTTA BE THE REASON…. it’s the only thing that makes sense.
Leah wins her first comp. I have a feeling this is the beginning of a winning streak and people will finally understand why she’s needed to be evicted since Week Two.
That’s my prediction anyhow.
You want her evicted because she’s a white blonde girl.
I’m a “white blonde girl” and want her evicted bc she’s constantly throwing her only semblance of a real ally under the bus. The only “game” she has is controlling nerdy men. ? Now she acts like she just won a gold medal bc she won one comp halfway through the season. ?
Joseph is currently in 6th all time record place for single season HOH and POV comps without a win.
First place is a three way tie: Will, Kevin (bb19) and Ika Wong all did 21 comps without a win in a single season.
Joesph said winning comps was dumb during one of the comps!!
How many probable jurors have a comps matter mentality?
That’s what he’s missing.
Cam was social game doesn’t matter week one.
Mak thinks social and comps matter together, as well as loyalty.
Leah’s reaction to winning a comp means they must matter to her a bit…. but if Joseph made final 2 by cutting her… he’d NEVER get her vote.
That’s three already.
Chelsie is about loyalty shown to her.
T’kor is about everyone showing her loyalty whether she’s loyal or not.
Kimo votes male. sorry my gut read.
Quinn? Quinn hasn’t considered being on the jury.
Rubina? votes female. Gut again.
Angela…. votes however the voices tell her to vote depending on who slighted her in her last dream. True story.
Joseph. A legend in his own mind.
So you’re saying he has a mind ?
A season with tons of nobodies.
This week, HOH and VETO don’t really matter. I hope Angela wins in the AI Arena.
Like I commented on previous comments Team Angela:
Your message continues to be a JACKA$$! STATEMENT (not you for writing it just the comment itself is ridiculous) Can you seriously promote bullying and calling horrible names trying to shame/insult the MOTHERS of fellow cast mates, telling people to shove the words into their A$$, imitating walks, muttering under her breath “twit, idiots and snakes” when she is the one that is a twit, idiot and snake, targeting the people who tried to protect her, scaring the fellow BBHOUSE26GUESTS. Angela has PROUDLY bragged going on school grounds to bully a family member (an 8th grader child!) because that family member teased her daughter. Angela is a horrible spoiled brat and these comments take my breath away thinking this rat human being is a “FUN” person. Are you watching the live feeds? I think not. Angela repeatedly saying “I am not mad”, like she deserves a fukin gold medal for not bullying.
Get her out!
Get her out!
Get her out!!!!!!!
Angela doesn’t deserve BBfriends.
Angela doesn’t deserve Alliances.
Angela doesn’t deserve jury.
Angela doesn’t deserve the second seat.
Angela doesn’t deserve to win.
Angela does deserve to get thrown out of the BBHOUSE now. Period!
Why are you so excited? This is just a show. Just relax and enjoy. Woah woah woah, relax~
I’m not certain if MK is channeling Bret Michaels, or Axel Rose here.
Think about how bad the comp capabilities must be in the house for a floater to win veto lololol