Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Makensy
Nominees: Kimo Leah & Angela
POV Players: Makensy, Angela, Kimo, Cam, Chelsie and Leah
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony: Makensy used the Veto on Kimo and nominated Leah in his place.
Havenots: No havenots
9:04pm Bedroom – Chelsie and Leah
Chelsie – how are you feeling? Angela – you know .. I’m up against Leah. So the one on ones I’ve had so far, I’m not campaigning against Leah, I am just campaigning for myself. So I have nothing negative to say about Leah whatsoever. Just for myself. You already know its a broken record. I want to be here. I want to work with whoever wants to work with me. That’s been very few and I think I still have a lot to give. I have a lot to do and watching that Summit (the movie) last night and seeing those women that are like me and the things that they said. That’s my story too. You know, like I don’t want that story to be threatening to anybody. It’s a personal journey for myself. It’s my kids at home rooting me on and if I could put it to you this way hypothetically if your mom were on
a show and it was her dream to be there. How far I’ll get I don’t know I loved it when you told me the kind words you had for me in Jankie World that you could see me, being part of 5 that went a long way with me and my morale to be honest with you. I kind of started thinking that I should start praying for some miracles. I should start praying on my family. I should start praying on things. I do pray every once awhile. I’ve been making it like a nightly thing.
I know people are telling me that I’m somewhat of a threat because
I won two HOHs but other people have won two HOHs not that I said
that so much but other people have won things too are not the only one and if you really look at my record I haven’t won that
much, you know? I haven’t, there’s been a lot that I’ve lost at even
easy things that should be easy technically that are actually pretty
hard sounds or whatever physically I was able to stand up somewhere but that was at a sure adrenaline and willpower. Anything where I’m having to hold on or do anything like that might be coming up in those games we haven’t played yet physically. I may not do so well and so therefore I’m not a threat when it comes to those things. I’m not looking to like everybody in this game right now. I have no ill feelings towards anyone. There’s nobody that I distrust and so moving forward I’m willing to work with whoever wants to work with me and just see how far we can go.
Chelsie – would you ..with Leah being gone I know that leaves you in a vulnerable place. There’s people I work with you if you wanna work with me, is there anybody that you want to work with that you see yourself like hey moving forward as we get to the final 5, to final 3? Is there anybody that you would prefer? Angela – I want to go far with certain individuals. You don’t have to share if it puts you in a weird position.
Angela – I want to always keep all the conversations that have very private so I’m trying to figure out a way to tell you that no one has come right out and said I want to work with you. Chelsie – will you work with me? Angela – I will work with you like I will keep you here if you work with me. No one has said that to me so I will put it to you that way. Chelsie – I said that I want to see you further in this game and my actions will continue to prove that down the line that’s what I will give you. Angela – I appreciate that I really, really do.

Makensy – If she (Angela) won. I think that we’d be good and I do think that she would target Kimo and Rubina before us because she knows that they’re gunning for her so she would be stupid not to, you know? If Angela is still here Rubina is going to target Angela. We’re going to target Angela so then the next target is actually Angela. Cam – but that’s.. how many times has Angela been the target and not gone home? Makensy – the benefits of keeping Angela? Cam – the other two aren’t as bad. She can be convinced to put them up. She’s not good in pressure situations. She creates a shield for us.
Makensy – The benefits of keeping Leah. Cam – we believe she’s a shield. We believe she’ll go after the other two and in high pressure situations in a weird way she’s a little bit better so if she does win if she’s being truthful she will use vetoes and she will keep us safe for now. All of it’s hard cuz everything that we’re saying is under the assumption on both sides. Makensy – I think she’s gonna go after Kimo. I am just really hoping that with Leah gone she (Angela) will grasp onto Chelsie and I. Cam – I think she will. Makensy – because if she does she will put them up for sure.
10pm Leah and Kimo chatting in the bathroom about whether or not tomorrow will be a double eviction or not. Leah tells Kimo that she killed a black widow spider earlier in the day. Leah – They call me the Black Widow. I widow the widows.
10:30pm HOH room – Chelsie, Makensy and Cam.
They’re talking about strategies for the next HOH. Makensy – we could be screwed if one of them wins a veto, they could try and make a big move. Chelsie – But they can’t, they don’t have majority vote. We do not. The two of us are up. Makensy – I’m saying if we’re next Angela, we do have. We have to keep her from winning. My fear is not if we if we win my fear is that y’all don’t put both up, okay cuz if y’all don’t put both up there is a small chance that one of us is going home it is not impossible it is a 20% chance that one of us goes home. You know I’m saying? If we don’t put both of them up we could get f**ked over on a week that we actually won and then it goes down the drain. Why the f**k did we even win that makes sense you know and it’s like HOH went to waste were f**ked and they have more power now.
10:45pm Bedroom – Leah and Angela
Leah and Angela get out their frustrations by having a pillow fight and they cry and hug. Leah – if you stay, you better take that cake and f**king run with it. They both say they love each other. Leah – its so horrible. You better freaking stick it to them. I know you can do it. I’ve watched you do it before and you can do it again. Hell hath no fury like a scorn juror ladies and gentlemen. I am still proud of the relationship that we built. I’m still proud of us. I just didn’t think it was going to be so early. Angela – either way we’re going to be fine and we’ll see each other in three weeks. Leah – that’s the hardest part. If it’s me you better freaking, you better freaking win because you can. I just want it to be different.
11pm – 11:10pm HOH room – Makensy and Cam.
Cam talks through the different scenarios. Makensy keeps reiterating what they need to do (put them both up) otherwise one of them could go home if they lose the veto comp. Cam – I’m literally just talking through the three scenarios. Makensy – No, I agree. Cam – I’m not stupid. Makensy – I don’t think you’re stupid. Cam – you’re getting all worked up over. Makensy – I’m just in a bad headspace. I’m
losing Leah. It sucks in a personal way. And I just don’t want one of us to get screwed over and because the thing is, I can’t play. I’m just upset because I’m losing a friend for three weeks. Do you
understand what I’m saying? Also, my period, so I’m easily
irritable, and I’m stressed about tomorrow because I can’t play. I
can’t do anything. Cam – But that is the reason for having us too. Makensy – No, I know, I know. Cam leaves. Makensy comments on how annoyed and irritated she is. Makensy – why even talk through other scenarios!?
11:20pm – 11:45pm HOH bathroom – Makensy taking a bath while continuing to rerun all the same scenarios over and over again with Chelsie. Leah joins them. Leah talks about her conversations with Kimo and Rubina. She says that Rubina asked her if she would put her up and she said she couldn’t say that she wouldn’t. Chelsie – she (Angela) did tell me in our conversation she’s like just imagine your mother playing this game and like you know you know her grandkids and family are like rooting for her. She brought up The Summit and how her storyline is similar to the Summit or she brought it back to me yada yada and then ..I’ve been praying more in this house. It was just unnecessary. Its a little bit just unnecessary just say hey like I could be a benefit X y and Z to do your thing. Leah – is there anything I can clarify for you guys? Chelsie immediately – nope you were very clear. Makensy – not for me. Leah – I am just going to hope for the best.. Big Brother switches the feeds.
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Re: Angela’s one on one with Chelsie
I didn’t buy it.
Angela’s big issue is paranoid delusion, not gullibility. I don’t think she truly bought ANYTHING Chelsie said to her. Remember week one? She called off the original Collective Alliance because Chelsie was in it and she knew Chelsie was out to get her.
It’s now the end of week 10… and she still thinks MOST of the time that Chelsie doesn’t like her.
Do I think Angela takes the shot? 60/40 she would take the shot. She’d fail.
I’m STILL 90% that Mak is juror number 4. Cam and Chels currently wouldn’t nom her in the double, but they would not cry if she was vote her out. HOH for a double is quick questions most of the time.
Veto? Ball pit last year. Would they ball pit 2 years in a row? It was a staple for a few years, then went away, then came back last season. I think equitable season…. most likely NOT the ball pit. Angela in a ball pit. If they do, it’s a Cam veto.
The episode foreshadow of Mak being target next is still on my mind. It’s screaming Kimo wins double HOH somehow. Cam somehow wins veto. Doesn’t use it.
AS SOON AS THE ARENA ENDED…. HOH to out the door started… except CHELSIE (who I’ve been calling the prodo edit darling since episode 2). Still, I think Prodo wanted the Jankie veto used last week, Chelsie to survive, and for justification to pre-exist for Leah to be the target this week. Leah throwing that Jankie Veto sealed her fate given the Saturday clothes Mak d/r in Sunday episode before the decision had been made. mmhmmm again.
With that said, if they are bbcanning more this year (which believe me, by edit THEY ARE) then i will apologize if I’m wrong, but Mak should be packing.
Mak is pushing you have to nom the Godots together in a double, or one wins veto and they control the vote. She is the only one concerned about the double. I think part of her brain has realized she’s fuqed, that her allies are throwing her to the wolves, but she can’t quite grasp the reality. Cam and Chels are SO unconcerned because they know it’s Mak that’s screwed not them… and she doesn’t realize she did her job for Chelsie, she has no more value. F2 with Mak is a fight Chelsie doesn’t want to fight when every other choice is an easier path to victory. Should have kept Leah as a real shield blindfolded giraffe.
OOPS. She expected loyalty from 2 people that have plotted her demise off and on since week one. Remember when Chelsie went to Angela debating for OVER an HOUR that Mak should be the target? Remember when Cam and Cedric said nom Mak to make her use her power, if she doesn’t use it, evict her? That was week 3. She really seems to have believed all that biblestudy and shield flirting meant something. In big brother. oy. vey.
At the very least this convo is going to make Mak try to win that veto. Nom or not. Shouldn’t it?
Reality…. taking her to final 2 even if she won every comp left would still make the other finalist, especially Chelsie, the winner. Why? She was bamboozled every time she had power to do the worst move for herself, best move for Chelsie. Veto, HOH, Veto again. All under Chelsie’s thumb. But Chelsie is willing to let that go and just quote a proverb to Mak in the finale to get her vote.
LEAH IS GOING TO JURY BELIEVING RUBINA MASTERMINDED HER DOWNFALL. T’kor will be thrilled. Quinn also had a high opinion of Rubina, that’s why he wanted her out on his HOH. Jeepers… three jurors that think Rubina played far better than Rubina played.
veto is gonna be either ball pit or drop cans in a hole would be my guess. both should play to cam, but makensy has a shot.
Correct me if I am wrong,but in addition to Leah going to jury believing Rubina and Kimo really were the impetus behind her demise, doesn’t T’kor still think the only one vote she received was from Chelsie? Quinn in a fan and loves/ respects Chelsie’s game play so that’s a jury vote for her. T’kor’s vote is a lock and no question she will have Kimo’s, Rubina’s and or Cam if two of those three make it to jury. She most likely won’t have Leah’s or Angela’ but she only needs 4 jury votes and she already has them in her pocket.
I don’t know WHO she thinks voted to keep her. She can’t be informed by Julie because that is production tampering with a juror.
I’m pretty sure Leah will set her straight on who voted where. Leah could damage Chelsie a lot by telling T’kor that Chelsie was the first person pushing how dangerous T’kor was and how she had to be renom. If Mak leaves saying I had a final 2 with her when T’kor thinks SHE had the final 2 with Chelsie… more damage. That’s where we COULD (but I don’t expect) get a Paul situation with jurors calling out the lies. Chelsie’s game is VERY much based on lies and making sure people don’t fact check her. She can’t control the jury that way.
Sorry, for the late add on: kudos to you in autre nom for rightly spotting and explaining that Leah and Chelsie played the same game. Tonight, in what I see as her unofficial good bye rounds, she told MJ that she and Chelsie are the same and played the same in this game. Whoa.. how did you know!? PS a few others posted that Leah and MJ keep going back to Matt and week one and you called it too! MJ and Leah went back to talking about Matt and week one in there ” sort of good bye.”
How long before Chelsie and Cam turn on Makenzie? I say the min after Leah leaves. Why would they ever keep her if they have the opptunity to evict her over Kimo, Rubina or Angela. I think Makenzie made a major mistake turning on Leah.
Cam has already stated Mak leaving over Angela in the double doesn’t bother him at all.
cam and chelsie can’t directly take a shot at makensy until angela goes because then it makes them look like they used her. i’m wondering if they throw the next hoh for this reason.
It has already started. Despite strong pitches to MJ and Chelsie and softball pitches to everyone else, Leah is a goner. Chelsie did do one of her camera talks admitting she” had a heavy hand” in getting Leah gone. Cam told Chelsie that MJ was more of threat than Kimo (remember Chelsie has already started planting seeds against) so the wheels have started turning as we all knew they would as the bulldozer (Chelsie) went to work. Chelsie told Rubina that MJ needs to go in the double. Rubina agreed! We shall see, barring any bizarre BB show twist, Chelsie’s getting either MJ or Angela out in tonight’s double. Either way, whoever remains, Chelsie knows will not go after her or vote against her so she wins! She came to play and came to win!
Prediction. Leah, Makensy evicted tomorrow.
Sounds good to me. Evict them all and this season have no winner whatsoever, now THAT would really work for me big time.
Late night saw Mak scared she’d leave in the double and telling Leah that nobody made her any promises in order to get Mak to nom Leah. Leah is surprised by that.
Leah told Mak that Angela is either going for Cam and Chelsie or Rubina and Chelsie if she wins HOH.
Chelsie started planting seeds to Rubina about Mak being a big target to get out big targets during the double.
Yeah, Mak is toast if she doesn’t win veto.
I don’t think so I truly believe Angela is smarter than people give her credit for. I really don’t like her at all but I do believe she knows who is calling the shots in the house. If Angela was to win the HOH IMO she will nominate Cam and Chelsea and use Mckenzie as the back up for eviction during the double. I truly do believe Angela is one of the only house guests not under Chelsea’s delusional spell.
It’s 2:00 in the morning and Leah is helping MJ realize just how much she messed up. MJ says Angela won’t put her up. Leah tells her she promised Cam and Chelsea safely if she won HOH. MJ says she didn’t promise me anything. MJ says Kimo will probably put up Chelsea. Kimo says he’s putting up MJ and Angela. MJ and Leah may be going to jury together
Leah has told several people a scorned jury is a bitter jury. Quinn and Tkor will be happy to see her for different reasons.
It’s interesting what happens when people have to start playing the game. For most of the game Leah was just sort of there, not in any alliances and not a threat. Now she is sort of being forced to play and she is doing a good job. What she is telling MJ is true. And it’s kind of funny that MJ was the one who was talking about jury management which so far is not doing very well. I don’t think Angela or Kimo would have been bitter jurors simply b/c they have been on the block so many times that they almost expect to end up in jury so they’re not happy about it, but accepting. If Leah does go to jury she may calm down in a few days or she may wreak havoc, it will be interesting to see.
Late late convo
Leah and Mak in HOH.
Mak seems to be saying an awful lot that she’s cooked in a double.
Two minds: she’s been informed by the relatives for storyline…. or
That talk with Chelsie and Cam where i noted it was like she was picking up the vibe but couldn’t comprehend it… i think comprehension is slowly seeping in. When she names votes she might be able to get if she doesn’t win veto… she doe NOT name Cam. She names Angela, Rubina and hopefully Chelsie (yes she said hopefully).
Leah is saying she’d be pissed if they bamboozled / garfunkled Mak and she walked into jury with Leah.
I’m still at 90 for Mak being juror 4. After the stupidity of this HOH, she deserves it.
We’ve got prodo putting out foreshadow. We’ve got Chelsie’s edit sanitized but still getting credit. We’ve had bizarre not matching what I’ve heard on feeds d/r. This is very bbcan, especially once they switched to digital dailies. I mean, Canada’s fave houseguest in one of the seasons wanted to quit as of week 3…. and we even got hints of that in the dailies. Episode edit had him fighting the good fight. His vote went to the last person he said he’d vote for…. and he gets the popularity poll prize. How very Da’vonne… vote our way and we’ll get you a career in reality tv. What, you thought Da’vonne’s comp record made her a natural for the Challenge? mmhmmm.
If Leah is the bbcan 6 equivalent of Plur…. that makes Mak the Erica (listened to the wrong advice on her HOH and was told by prodo not to nominate her original target, then made a final 2 with the HOH that replacement nom’d her on eviction day after a one sided edit saved a nom through viewer vote (the edit didn’t show she would be replacement, they only showed the recipient sad sacking and crying). One hour from safe to nom with no veto play and no campaign time just out the door instant eviction. KEEP IN MIND, THOSE TWO EVICTIONS HAD 2 WEEKS IN BETWEEN, so it isn’t written in stone….. but it’s a really good bet if they continue borrowing from bbcan 6 so much. Sort of wish I knew how the logistics of that season worked in the last few weeks endgame, but that prodomanipulation made me write off the season and quit watching. I mean… prodo did that woman SO dirty and it was so glaringly obvious that I couldn’t buy anything else they did.
This season we have D/R instructing saves of Angela, early veto meetings to make sure veto holders follow the script…. some comp irregularities (leah’s marshmallow crazy glue, and the individual time veto that i really think the times were fudged this week). For Arena we had that odd Tucker disappearance from feed view that led directly to him wiping the floor with the others in arena. We’ve got the Tucker expulsion via Arena loss for telling Chelsie that it is unfair ( i think he called it bullshit) that she and T’kor can have a race pact, but prodo would never allow him to make the same pact with another white person. THAT is what Chelsie was crying about and spent hours in d/r about. Exactly what Tucker was saying to Joseph is what he said to Chelsie. Chelsie has said as much recently on feeds.
Overall I’m rating bbcan 13 (that’s what this feels like) as about equal to bb22 in terms of my enjoyment level…. and that season was not a good season. Strategically, the season rates somewhere around bbcan8 / bb21. What strategy? Everyone just rolling over and taking it up the wazoo from Grod’s strap-on noticeably because those d/r calls and houseguests saying prodo wants them to save Angela and the weird veto meeting schedule…. definite bamboozling going on. The edit for the episodes doesn’t match feeds, I’ve given so many red cards for being complete bullshit that i could open a manure factory.
First week sets tone. Nobody gives heads up to evicted houseguests because of Arena. Alliances are transitory.. Prodo covers the asses of the offensive with feed cuts.
And yes, even if my prediction is false, and the blindfolded Griaffe i thought would be last out pre-jury does end up magically staying….. EVERYTHING i’ve written about the season still stands. I’ve been clear for weeks and weeks that Mak is not a bb winner.
They’ve still been pushing the envelope off the table with the prodoshenanigans ALLL season long. This one’s still reminding me of some of my least enjoyed seasons.of both US and Can.
makensy really blundered this week, but i think it’s also partially on leah. leah had the opportunity to completely use that convo she overheard between chelsie and rubina to completely throw them under the bus. unlikely makesy takes the swing at chelsie, but in that moment there was a real possibility she could’ve talked makensy into perceiving rubina as a threat and using the veto to replace angela with rubina.
For Double Eviction, this is what I think could happen depending on who’s HOH:
Chelsie/Cam HOH – Angela & Rubina OTB, Kimo renom if Rubina wins Veto/Angela evicted, MJ renom if Angela or Kimo wins Veto/MJ evicted
Kimo/Rubina HOH – Makensy & Angela OTB, Cam renom if Makensy or Angela wins Veto, Makensy or Angela evicted
Angela HOH – Chelsie & Cam OTB, MJ renom if Chelsie or Cam wins Veto, Cam or MJ evicted
chelsie’s gonna throw hoh. no one’s putting her up and she doesn’t want to take the direct shot at her target, makensy. everyone else except maybe angela is targeting makensy though. even cam’s gonna play to win this hoh.
I don’t see Angela doing a Mak renom. After the Mak and Angela talk last night, I do get the feeling that Angela would not renom her. But it’s Angela. Who knows for certain.
From talks with Leah I gather she would renom Rubina.
Chelsie vs. Rubina is the only possibility that Chelsie goes.
Makensy would be the deciding vote and she could evict Chelsie.
Mak does Not evict Chelsie. Even if Chelsie admitted she conned Mak and played her for weeks….. Mak STILL keeps Chelsie because she has nothing else.
I like Leah… but damn, girl: loose lips, sink ships. Julie has been saying that throughout all seasons of BB that I watched. Her mistake was not sending TKor to the jury. Her mistake was talking too much: with Chelsie, Rubina, etc. She should have kept some stuff to herself only.
Also, Makensy… girl… you got yourself in the 2nd most vulnerable position in the game: you got to do other people’s deeds. You should be all like: “yeah, Chelsie, I get it gf, but Leah is not a threat and we can beat her later.” Doing Chelsie favors won’t benefit you the least when the object of her affection – Cam – will always come first because they aligned way before you were part of this trio, and I’m sure the fact he pines for you also lowkey gets under her skin. So she will pick him over you, dummy! Get ready to be sent to jury if the other side manages to get you on the block next.
At this point they need to stop worrying about who is in the house and start counting the votes that are already in the jury house. T,kor will vote for Chelsea unless she is sitting next to Kimo and even then its not a sure bet for Kimo. Quinn is another vote for Chelsea and it only takes 4. Let’s add Leah who will cool off and eventually respect the game move and then you have possible, Rubina, who has already said she would not only like to see a woman win but another person of color. Then there’s Mckenzie who is absolutely brainwashed, and either Cam, her partner through the entire game, Angela, or Kimo. Unless they evict her I just don’t see how she doesn’t win.
I don’t know why everybody seems to think Quinn is an automatic vote for Chelsie, when Chelsie is the one who put him OTB and got him sent to jury. It would seem to be very easy for him to be a bit bitter about that. Also, given how hot he is for Leah, I think she may be able to influence his vote, at least to some degree.
But if she’s dumb enough to blame her own eviction on Rubina, I’m not even sure it matters.
First Tucker, then Joseph, now Leah. Definitely not the best game players but by far the most fun to watch. It would be cool if Leah won AFP just to mess with Chelsie’s head a little.
I think Tucker will get AFP, but I’d like Matt to be AFP just to mess with Angela.
BB is a reflection of real life, playing scared because you don’t to be seen as a bad person to checkbox “others.”
Today, after hearing Cam and Chelsie discuss what THEY should do if they win DE HOH, I believe they are over-complicating.
HERE, Let me help.
NOMS: Angela Kimo
Renoms: If Angela wins veto, Rubina. TAKE OUT KIMO. If Kimo wins, Rubina. TAKE OUT ANGELA. If Rubina wins veto, Mak. TAKE OUT MAK.
Then play it off as planned no matter what once eviction is over.
THERE. Either way you get out a potential target on your list.
Logic: If you backstab Mak off the jump you lose jury support. Who is advocating for you in jury? If it’s a no option but situation… then you keep advocacy.
If you are forced to break up the duo, you still have a 3 strong.
If you take out Angela? nobody crying.
But these people are only thinking path to A only has one option.
Chelsie said if you win to Cam. Is she planning something else if SHE wins?
Last night she stopped Rubina to say Mak is still lying to her, maybe we should take the big target swing…. then said she’s still down for 2 women at the end. To be clear…. Chelsie was the one that put the kybosh on the girl alliance night two because her priority was already 2 men. 2 women at the end is just another lie she tells to placate. She doesn’t actually give a shit who is at the end as long as she’s in one of the chairs. 2 PoCÉ keeps the POC thinking she’s with them. 2 women, Keeps the women thinking sheès with them. Chelsie only cares that HER ass is in one of the chairs. Not a judgement, but an explanation, I can get behind opportunism in big brother, I just prefer it be stated clearly in one of those camtalks she does. The lack of ownership and having to put the pieces together from a player prodo has green lit to talk to the cams… that annoys me.
Chelsea is playing old school BB. This voting with the house and all these one on ones is stuff that has recently been added. There was a time when people didn’t know how people voted. Chelsea found out early that alliance loyalty meant nothing. If fact Leah didn’t know that having a final two with Brooklyn was considered an alliance. These people talk so much too so many people it’s easy to manipulate them. They are more concerned about friendship than playing the game. Chelsea came to play when she saw the new game play wasn’t gonna work she went back to Evil Dick play. No alliance trust minimal people and make your moves. I think they closed down the house and made them all have nots to reminder most of them they weren’t on summer vacation to promote their self or their product lines . Chelsea never forget she was there to play BB. And she has done a great job. Not only has she fight thru all the help production has given other players like Tucker and Leah to win comps ,TV edits showing her as a clueless angry black woman. She was in a house with people that over played or didn’t play at all. The fact that Leah and MJ were saying last night that if Matt had stayed the whole game would be different. Really?
BB karma and next week will see Kimo or Angela win.
My guess is that it will be Cam and Chelsie/MK nominated. If one gets of Chelsie/MK goes up. Rubina and Kimo/ Angela will be making the decision on who goes and it would be MK or Cam.
The freaky thing that could happen is the final three of Angela Kimo, and Rubina.
I don’t care who wins this Season.
Ginamarie, Andy and Spencer.
(well almost.. )