Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Tkor
Nominees: Tucker, Makensy, Cam
POV Players: Cam, Tkor, Makensy, Tucker, Joseph and Angela
POV Winner: Cam
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots this week
Veto Results:
Cam – won the veto
Joseph – Punishment: 24 hour solitary confinement
Makensy – Prize: 1 week trip for two to Hawaii
Angela – Punishment: Backyard clean up (She has to pick up 1000 things)
Tkor – Prize: $5000 (Tucker gave it to her/didn’t take it)
Tucker – Punishment: unitard costume including waking everyone up to do it
10:40am Unicorn Bedroom – Leah and Makensy
Leah – I can’t let them get you out dude! Makensy – I am worried about Chelsie. I don’t think she is working with them but I think she knows. Leah – Tucker wants to keep Angela because she promised him that if she is on jury she will vote for him to win. So why are you continuing helping? When are you playing for you? Are you playing for him? Makensy – No, literally. Leah – What the fuck are you doing? Makensy – Angel will do anything for Tucker. Leah – They’re so stupid. Fuck you. Its f**king ridiculous. But you guys want me or you to go home!? We’re the only people that could really f**king help your game. When we go they’re f**ked!! Makensy – you two next. Leah – yeah and watch I don’t have constraint. I brought up Five Queens yesterday to both of them. If you don’t see that you’re on the outs .. of their sh*t. You’re not even in this game. You’re not even here! Are you here?! Because you’re not! You think anywhere on God’s green earth? Those 4 people are going to keep you no numb skulls in this game. Why? Why would they? Makensy – Brooklyn and Chelsie brought up that they want us to go up together. Leah – of course they do. Makensy – and Chelsie not going up this week.. I love Chelsie. And Chelsie keeps telling me I have to win AI. She keeps telling me I have to win AI. She tells me not to even bother campaigning. Cam said if I am against Tucker, I am screwed! Leah – Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! BOO, BOO, BOO! You’re all DUMB! You’re all so DUMB! Makensy – WHY!? What did I do?! Leah – what is wrong with them.
Makensy – I have been wondering if I just blow it up at renoms. Leah – Well, if I’m the renom I’ll just f**King blow it up because if I’m the renom we’re f**ked! Makensy – oh yeah if you are the renom.. we know exactly what’s happening! Leah – exactly what’s happening! If I am the renom I will blow everyone’s sh*t up! I will sit there and be like all of you people are so stupid! Makensy – I’m gonna be like I’ve been in this game alone since week f**king one and you don’t understand anything about this. Tucker he is lying to all of y’all! Tucker I love you! You are an incredible player the way that you have everyone wrapped around your finger especially Angela. Especially me when you started so many alliances promising everything every week. And how you kept me safe because you had bigger fish to fry because you knew I wouldn’t put you up if I won that next week because you thought I had your back. I see right through you!
11am Big Brother switches the feeds to the animal rescue.
11:35pm The live feeds return. Angela is done her punishment. (She looks like she is in rough shape) Angela – You guys were awesome to stay up with me. I can talk until I feel better. I can’t wait to express it to you guys. They tell her to -Take care of yourself right now. Angela – I just like, I feel like everything is pulled out stretched and hurt. It’s just because I haven’t done anything like that in a long time. Leah – Nobody’s done anything like that ever. That was like a full endurance comp that she just went through.
Bathroom – Leah and Angela
Leah – I am so scared of this group of people. I think I’m going to get put up as the renom. Angela – I think its going to be Chelsie but I’m not 100%. Leah – you think? Angela nods. Leah leaves. Makensy and Angela talk. Angela – what did Tucker tell you. Makensy – he didn’t tell me sh*t. He is telling everyone he’s going to have their backs and do this and that he is going to do exactly what he said he was going to do. He is going to use floaters and people that he can beat in comp to keep him fine. He is going to take everybody out one by one. Why do you think he said he is going to work with you and with me but he actually doesn’t. Angela – okay.. well he may win this AI arena and I am not voting for you and I am going to make sure other people don’t vote for you either. Makensy – okay, and if he does win, that’s what I am worried about. I mean if he doesn’t and its me and Tucker. That’s what I am worried about. He makes promises and he doesn’t stick to them. He is going to tell you that you’re fine and he is going to use you, use you, use you as a shield. I am telling you right now he is using you just like he is using me.
12:10pm HOH room – Tkor and Cam.
Cam – I really don’t know about numbers, and I don’t know how the house is .. the thing about the house or Big Brother in general is like the house can flip n a day. The house can flip in a couple of hours. So it’s like putting up someone and putting up someone who you think could not be a pawn to everybody else. You know what I’m saying? Could look like a threat. Tkor – Good point. Good point. Cam – You know what I’m saying? We can probably end up talking later on tonight after you do your conversation to get a better read on things. But I’m thinking about using the veto myself, obviously. Tkor -No matter what. If we just make sure we’re on the side of the numbers then that’s good. Cam – Yeah, that’s good.
Tucker and Angela
Tucker – If I get stuck up there, I’m going to need the numbers. I know I got you. Angela – I know you got me.
1pm Kitchen – Tucker, Rubina and Leah
BB AI Assist: How was Pompeii destroyed and in what year?
Tucker – Mount Vesuvius erupted and covered Pompeii in its ash. I just don’t know what year..
1:15pm – 2:26pm HOH room – Leah and Tkor
Leah – whats the tea? Tkor – I don’t have tea. Leah – I mean not tea like that but if Cam uses the veto what are you thinking? Tkor – Cam is for sure using the veto. Well, let’s see. Mackenzie and Tucker are the ones left on the block. I feel like they’re both big competitors. I am hoping whoever I nominate will be safe either by winning the AI or by sitting next to one of them.
Leah – I do worry like especially with like how the H. O. H. Has gone so far that there’s like just like certain people who are like. I don’t know. I definitely see a division in the house and I see like certain people group together all the time and it like worries me and kind of like makes me just like sit back and look at things because like no, I’m just trying to see it from like all angles I guess and like I don’t really know like I do worry though that like I don’t don’t know like from what I’ve observed there certain people that are still hanging around each other and like I don’t know I just feel like there’s bigger like big targets that aren’t being looked at and like kind of being pushed to the side and continue to like do their thing and like go around to everyone and like tell everyone and work with everyone and like and that’s fine like that’s the name of the game I guess but there’s really good players left I mean obviously the best players are still here and it just like worries me because from what I’ve gathered I’ve known in my like heart and souls that like you are smart you have a great judge of character and that you’ve been observing everything so like I would be very surprised to see the wool pulled over your eyes in that respect but like also this game like you have to trust people’s words. It’s just also, I don’t want to put anyone on the spot because that’s not the game that I’m trying to play. But like, there’s just people who like have told me and like promised me things. And then whenever I actually confront them with the right questions, it proves to me that there’s shit going on. (This whole conversation Tkor is just saying MMmmm, HHmmmm, MmmmmmMMMmm)
I don’t know just like the same people like let’s use Tucker for example because this was a public law he’s like he is strong and he’s like he’s an amazing he’s a he’s a good person like strong soul like strong player for sure but like he in my opinion is very capable of bringing everyone in like he’s very you know good with words and very charming and even during his HOH was very charming with me and I’m sure everyone like everybody likes him to a certain degree and when you get him alone he’s better cuz he really opens up and things like that but at the same time he said like he wants to get the strong players out and in my opinion has not been doing his. Leah talks about how she doesn’t understand why Brooklyn was taken out when she wasn’t a threat and how Quinn is but he was taken off the block.
Tkor – MmmmmmmHHHmmmm..MMMmmhmmMMMmmm..MMMmmmmMMMMmHHHhhmmmm
Leah – I know Tucker has several final twos and final threes with many different people and I’m just realizing that cuz he was never really in my eyes like someone who I wanted to get out cuz I do like him but I’m worried that that’s like he’s just like that and also coming let’s just loop it around to Rubina really quick I actually really worry for her game him being here.
Tkor – MmmmmmmHHHmmmm..MMMmmhmmMMMmmm..MMMmmmmMMMMmHHHhhmmmm
Leah – Its also scary because who like people are fighting hard to keep Tucker and like are scared to vote against him when. Well first of all he could still win AI and so could Makensy and I know what you mean about that and so I also don’t know if it’s fair to group in someone in that that isn’t as good of a competitor as them because they end up on the block and pawns go home. Wouldn’t it be better to just not have someone who wins all the time so that you can so that you can win your own veto and then don’t have to owe anyone something? Tkor – MMmmmmmHHHmmmmmmMMMMmmmmm… Leah – I do worry about the future of the game if these big dawgs stay in that’s all I’m saying. And look people are slithering around in the shadows and like that’s going to keep happening until it doesn’t work for them anymore.
Tkor – for sure for sure, no I generally agree with you I think that. That’s definitely something I worry about too. Like I feel like one
aspect I try to think of is like you know who’s the number for me and who’s a number for someone who is more competitive right so who’s the number for tucker for example. Leah – exactly.
Leah – I don’t. I don’t care to do an all girls alliance thing or whatever and I do trust Kimo to a certain extent even though like I do think like again like he could be grouped with them just for the fact of like you know whatever it is. But like the girls are to me quite literally on the outskirts.
Tkor – who did you hear the Five Points form? Leah – honestly Tucker I think. Tkor – that’s who I thought. And the underdogs? Leah – that was more an assumption that I made but I think he also said that to someone too. Tkor – you’ve given me so much to think about. Leah – I’m happy.

2:55pm The house guests are lounging around and chatting about what to make for dinner.
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Leah so scared of touching the block she’s coming unglued…crying ass…get over it…not everyone has a crush on you ..like, like ,like Your not all that
At least she had the grapes to go up there and talk to her about it. Does her no good to wait until AFTER T’Kor puts her on the block.
On the other hand, she may have just talked herself into the re-nom position. Given how “touchy feely” T’Kor is though, maybe not.
T’Kor is so out of left-field with whatever she does, it’s hard to tell exactly what she’s going to do. I honestly don’t think T’Kor knows either, because she doesn’t seem to have a clear strategy as to what she’s trying to accomplish, other than to keep Kimo, Rubina and Chelsie safe.
Makensy better be quiet & just let LEAH blow up, especially since the odds favor LEAH & MAKENSY being final noms.
I am wondering if Leah really believes that she doesn’t have to play the game, that she at some point will not be challenged, and all she has to do is keep being( playing a role?) who she has been in the house and that’s enough. Her reaction is one of how dare someone nominate me? In her words earlier this season, “Like I am literally a girl?” With logic like that,It’s no wonder folks
like Chelsey and T’kor are gaining better ground! PS though it may well be MJ, in her loopiness may win AI, in which case Quinn and Cam and Joseph will keep Leah( Leah has them all crushing on her) so Tucker may go . T’kor, and Rubina won’t save Tucker and Angela may get by yet again.
We talk about “privilege” way too much in my opinion in the US, but in the context of this game, Leah is showing us what a privileged player, or someone who is trying to exercise privilege, looks like.
She’s not been a part of a single alliance since the start of the game, has in fact turned down the chance to be a part of an “all girls alliance”, never misses a chance to tell anyone and everyone she is NOT working with anyone (especially Makensy), hasn’t won a single competition, nor really been close, yet here she is expecting to be protected from nomination (which she hasn’t been OTB yet either) as she coasts through the game, doing nothing for anybody other than herself.
Who’s game exactly has Leah helped or elevated to this point in the game? What contribution has she made that made the game better or more exciting for the viewers? If Leah went home Thursday, would her leaving have a dramatic impact on the course of the game, or would everyone just yawn and say well, it’s on to next week?
I think everyone knows the answers to those questions. It would be like Big Brother removing one of the potted plants from the house without telling anybody. You might notice – four of five days later the plant is gone.
At least Makensy is a competitor, gets in there and fights for her chance to stay. I guess Leah is doing that with her soliloquy to T’Kor, but if that’s all she’s got (Why me? Please please pick somebody else!) I’d say it’s too little too late.
Well said.
Well said indeed! Thanks for your thoughtful insight. Leah has one stronghold she like( sorry couldn’t help myself) she uses well. They are: Cam, ( who likes her but is smart enough to see how showmances can affect his standing in the game. Quinn( who says he knows she’s not into him but loves to flirt with her) and Joseph who admits to really crushing on her. I can see them voting out Tucker or MJ. Be afraid Tucker , be very afraid.
Tucker is so scared and I’m loving it. He asked Cam if he would throw him the next HOH. If they make Angela the renom the house could vote him out. Cam told TKor the House might not see the pawn as a pawn. Now that he’s lost a veto comp he knows he’s no longer invincible.
Bang the drums slowly.. MJ is very good at comps and may well best Tucker. He knows it and this is the first time I have seen him scramble. Where is all that bravado now? Truth is he really has no one except maybe Kimo and I don’t see Kimo going against T’Kor.. Rubina said a few days ago she would vote him out if she had too ( Rubina’s is gonna ride Kimo and T’kor’s coattails for as long as she can) Quinn really hates him, Chelsey knows T’kor and Cam will protect her she no matter what she’s good, Joseph goes whichever ways the Leah wind blows.. Angela runs hot and cold. Without Tucker, IMO this show becomes boring but what irony if Tucker goes out on T’kor HOH a position he volunteered for. Can you say Cedric, Tucker? T’kor ‘s so called resume just got a huge star by getting the biggest threat out of the game.Great game move , loss of entertainment an strong interest for CBS. Correct me if I am wrong, but will large numbers tune in for Joseph ( he is funny but an acquired taste) or Angela? or Quinn?
Tucker is the show meal ticket. I feel pretty strongly he will somehow “find a way” to win the Ai comp Thursday night. By “find a way”, well, you know what I mean.
How many miles did Angela walk?
I had tears in my eyes the last 5 balls.
22 miles
I could be very out of the loop.
The word salad endurance comp between Like and Mmmmhmmm….
did it DO anything?
perspective 1:
If T’kor is looking for a way to tank Leah… Leah gave her alll the ammo.
perspective 2:
If T’kor is thinking about a move that hurts her short game benefits her long game…
Did Leah give her food for thought? Is Angela now the renom choice?
Neither of these perspectives were directly stated.
In one camp Leah just sunk herself and Mak in the process.
In the other camp Leah just got the target moved to Angela or Tucker.
Since all we really have is mmhmm to go on… couldn’t tell you which.
I think saying mmmhum works better than talking too much and giving your hand. It’s been working this far
Not from OUR perspective as feeders trying to understand her ACTUAL game plan this week.
We’re not in the game. I’m sure the people she works closely with knows her intentions; say Kimo and maybe Rubina.
Shouldn’t they have done the veto ceremony by now?
It’ll happen Monday
You’re T’kor.
Your stated strategy is only POC in the finals and loaded jury with POC hoping every one of them votes cause.
That means… you really have limited options.
You want to keep Cam to keep Chelsie safe and Chelsie is not an option to go on the block because. You felt bad for nomming Cam because of stated strategy.
You want to keep Quinn atm, as a token you don’t really trust… but just like before his HOH, you trust him least of your allies and want him gone first when they get down to POC plus Quinn.
You want to keep Joseph around because… there’s actually no damn good reason. Because Tucker would be upset? Because… he’s so loyal? Then why are you saying you have to weaken him in the Leah renom scenario? Because of Cause strategy? makes as much sense as the other reasons… because he’d blow up the in plain sight alliance that most of the house is aware of…. oh?
So you’re T’kor….
Your options have narrowed to 2 renoms. Angela who is only in your alliance because she begged and Tucker wants her around, or Leah who is not in any alliance but has men giving her information and offering to keep her around as an easy to beat final 2 option.
Who does Chelsie vote to win? You, as T’kor think obvi it’s POC. Is it? More likely because of how she makes everything personal it’s who played most like she thought she was playing.
Who does Joseph vote to win? You have NO clue.
Who does Angela vote to win? You have NO clue.
Who does Quinn vote to win? You hope Visionary.
Who does Leah vote to win? You hope female.
Who does Tucker vote to win? Most comp wins of the finalists? Whoever didn’t take part in getting rid of him? Whoever played the way he thinks the game should be played?
Who does Mak vote to win? I don’t think even Mak knows that but did push women alliance a couple of times before Chelsie ran around behind her saying she’s not a girlsgirl. However she also has that competitor coaster thing in her head. So…. As T’kor you have no clue.
Who do Rubina and Kimo vote for? If you are against Tucker do you 100 have their votes?
If you are T’kor… what does next week LOOK like? Have you considered that? What does week 8 look like? That’s where your head should be. You should have already secured week 7 with your nominations and targeting. You should at this point be cementing that security for yourself and be looking at week 8 in terms of next hurdle.
Dinah T’kor Clottey is from Chicago, Illinois, and divides her time between London and Atlanta.
I’m wondering if no one wants to work with Leah because she writes a book when a sentence will do. After listening to the 4th like does everyone just tune her out as she speaks, like I do. It’s unfortunate for her because she actually makes valid points if you can get through listening to her. MMMmmmmmHmmmmmm.
Who is the worst ally ever?
He tells Angela some guys are saying she’s an option to be renom.
How many guys are there? Besides Kimo there are 4.
If some guys are saying that it means more than one of those 4 have suggested her name.
Add that to Kimo and Rubina laughing and joking while Angela was doing her punishment, Tucker not bothering to be there for most of it, and these little meetings excluding Angela.
Has Kimo MET sleep deprived Karengela before?
Kimo is yet again the reason for discord that does NOTHING to help his allies… or really himself.
It IS possible that Angela is trying to keep herself off the block by telling people she’s done with Tucker. It IS equally possible Karengela took the wheel and we’re heading back to crazy town… a place managers fear to tread.
From a funfeed perspective, Thanks Kimo.
From a strategic analysis perspective…. Kimo is the root of all bad decisions this season.
HOH and NOM episode
The Tucker show has 6th Avenue… and targets Pentagon.
Brooklyn is the target because the house numbers are in women’s favor?
Cooould have been part of the reason never discussed.
Chelsie wins AI
Brooklyn campaigns to the last second.
More fun to keep AI secret until Thursday tbh. IF I WERE EDITING. But we’ll see Tucker
win AI Instigator. IT’S THE TUCKER SHOW.
Tucker is happy about the HOH outcome.
Chelsie talks like she was leaving in any scenario. nope. Yellow card.
Kimo is sad… no he wasn’t… he wanted what Tucker wanted and what T’kor wanted and Brook was the closest to pleasing both.
Cam is blasé that he would have been voted out.
Leah didn’t want to vote out Brooklyn. Had to go with numbers.
T’kor voted out Brooklyn because she was worried about the pentagon. nope.
Cam is blasé explaining to Chelsie
Chelsie thinks she’s in danger…. only Cam would protect her…. REDCARD.
She knows she has safety from the people that were keeping her against Cam OR Brook.
Mak thinks she’s in danger and ain’t got nobody.
T’kor wants to protect 6th Ave and Visionairies…. AND CHELSIE. SAAAAY ITTTT no? Okay REDCARD 2.
Tucker d/r for no reason.
Quinn Leah get why they want to win d/r.
TF sound first was brushing? F it was biting. ANGELA QUINN OUT.
TF shaving after eating. LEAH KIMO MAKENSY CAM OUT.
Chelsie has to win d/r? Does she?
D/R T’Kor wants to win HOH…..
FEDS T’kor said she guessed and didn’t want to win. REDCARD 3.
Joseph is going to try to make sure Chelsie doesn’t win a true false comp… HOW?
No really. HOW do you manipulate a TRUE FALSE so that someone doesn’t win? THAT makes NO sense.
TF Shaving is the seventh sound. True. CHELSIE, RUBINA, JOSEPH OUT
T’Kor is HOH.
Leah is mad that she’s not in God’s Grace.
Quinn wants to social game not scheme this week.
T’Kor is over allianced and has to tread carefully. Number of non-allies… 3. Number of noms….3.
Tucker is happy. Feels safe.
Cam is worried.
Mak wants to know what the parade following T’kor is about.
KIMO AND RUBINA… OH SUCK IT UP. The music isn’t making the vom in my mouth taste better.
Rubina is thinking the numbers are dwindling. Kimo already thinking GET LEAH in his brain… HE CAN’T STAND THAT LEAH CAN FLIRT STRATEGY.
Chelsie and Cam know Tucker wouldn’t be the target. OH YEAH, Cam is saying he’d evict Tucker on Thursday. Riiiiiight. So long ago.
Leah hopes she’s okay because they’ve been aligned in voting for 2 weeks.
6th Avenue gets a core of 4 Friend ZZZZ with A Trio core beyond THAT.
Visionaries suggested.
After the 2nd Instigation. The Showmance deepfake was intentional to get focus off him and Rubina’s reaction cemented it. He’d never do something like that to her intentionally….. she’s his editmance… why wouldn’t he? The nice Angela instigation cememted it.
The more instigation, the more he can win.
Kimo sings fluff. With an edit. Show him with slop burps as the sound effect and I’d be impressed.
Tucker says that was to get the heat off of his showmance. Then why the second half of that message?
Rubina reacts. Perception is the game.
She seeks consolation from the person that caused the distress.
Poor Tucker d/r. Gets a kiss for his efforts… how did the second half of that AI do anything BUT intentionally distress Rubina?
House supposed it was a power immediately.
END OF HAVE NOTS FOR ANGELA EXPOSURE. will they do Charcuterie flash? I don’t want to watch her eat…. was that a slowed down mmmm or was that a mooo cud chewing sound effect?
Chelsie’s was cut out. Now we get it.
Chelsie is safe. Sixth Avenue is safe. Visionaires are safe. THAT MEANS 3 POTENTIAL NOMS.
Mak: scared of Quinn. Angela is protected. She talked games. T’kor was always nomming Mak. But the d/r explanation is poop.
Leah: pause. pause. pause. Leah Named names and pushed an agenda. T’kor said she wanted to keep Leah around for a jury vote later.
Mak’s gametalk left T’kor saying she’d align with her if they’d talked sooner.
Leah named names.
Tucker volunteers but doesn’t want to. He volunteered and took it back 3 times to different people but never took it back to T’kor that we ever saw.
Angela is crying because she thinks she’s going home.
Makensy. Cam. Tucker.
Small pool. Someone win veto. The pool isn’t small if you aren’t over-aligned.
T’kor says Mak is the target in d/r. In HOUSE: no target. Wants Tucker veto to keep noms the same????? HOW IS THAT LOGICAL EDIT? REDCARD 5.
Mak wants to change her trajectory.
Cam wants to compete.
Tucker wants to win veto come off the block.