Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Leah
Nominees: Kimo Tkor & Rubina
POV Players: Leah, Rubina, Kimo, Angela, Chelsie, T’kor
POV Winner: Angela (Veto), Leah (Jankie Veto)
Veto Ceremony: Angela used her veto on Kimo / Leah nominated Tkor
Havenots: (they all have to sleep outside)
8:15pm Kimo and Tkor
Tkor – I know that a lot of people would want Angela out because she can’t be trusted, right. That’s why for you, if you do win HOH, not putting Angela up could work in your interest a little bit so that you can get out a target that’s more of a threat and still have someone there that people would want to target you know. Which sucks because I don’t want to see Angela go far personally but game wise I think its the smallest maneuver if given the opportunity to do so. And I think that Leah is someone that can’t be trusted but I do notice her getting close to you a lot and spending a lot more time than usual with you these past couple days. I am not the only one noticing that so I would be careful of how others are perceiving it. But I don’t know, Leah is a tricky one in terms of, I feel like she is too dangerous to work with. Its never her that goes, its the people around her. Kimo – I know. I am very aware of that. Tkor – how do you feel about Cam. Kimo – I like Cam. I trust that Cam is not coming for me. What is your read on him? Tkor – I think he listens too much to other people and doesn’t assert his own.. Kimo – I agree. Tkor – so that is kind of annoying. But I think that he .. I like him a lot too. But I think Leah and or Makensy need to go in order for him to be a more feasible teammate.
Tkor – if you are in a position of power, I know that’s not a move that we’re free to make for me my target will be Leah, you know? Not even just for revenge but like cause all just makes no sense. Kimo – Leah is going up on the block if I win, 100%! One million percent!
Tkor – you want to try and align with people who like wouldn’t wanna put you up as a pawn if that was ever an option that they had to do you know what I mean? Kimo – I know. At this point I don’t think you. I don’t think Rubina. I don’t think Angela either or Chelsea. Maybe Cam .. but I don’t know, I don’t know if my reads right though.
Tkor – I don’t want to feel pessimistic because earnestly you survived the block four times and you know.. I just think that you can go really far. I think your story is very different and if you make it to the final two you have a solid chance at winning because of everything you’ve had to overcome and most of it has been in the second half of the game. I think other people have a good chance of winning if left in the game.. Makensy and Chelsie. Your strongest asset is your guy. Your intuition. Its your ability to know when you don’t overthink and second guess what actually works for you .. what actually resonates with you.
Tkor – you better go all the way to the end. No other option. And its very possible for you. It is. Its very possible. Kimo – I hate this! I can’t imagine Rubina not being here. Tkor – I know but at the end of the day I think everything happens for a reason. I can’t even fully be upset, you know? Because I am so glad that you’re safe. Kimo – God this makes me angry. Tkor – I know. Everyone is beatable at the end of the day. Don’t even underestimate yourself. Yes it will be tough, but its not impossible. Earnestly I think I was placed here to help. That’s how I feel. Kimo – I don’t really want to talk. I don’t want to think about anything. Tkor – I think yes I have been sad for the majority of this but I think that something that is resonating with me now is you know either way whatever way it ends up going you know whatever direction that ends up coming… like please don’t do that to yourself. I don’t like seeing you beating yourself up. Whatever happens you can survive again. You just have to fight for it. I’ll be here for you. I said I am willing to be a pawn for you and anything you need. I am not the most physical but I am strong mentally. At the end of the day whatever happens I will be fighting for you in jury. I think you really can win like I am not joking when I say that based off of how I’m reading everything. Kimo – I am spiraling. Tkor – I know but you always spiral. I know its hard, it is. But that’s the beauty of having fostered the relationship that we’ve been able to foster. And at the end of the day we will survive it, you know?
9:06pm The house guests are hanging out and chatting about random things.

9:20pm – 9:40pm Chelsie working Angela for jury votes laying it on thick!
Chelsie – whatever is next is just going to keep going up for you. Angela and I’ve had so much respect for you after you did the punishment. That was hard! Half the men couldn’t do that in itself so I’m like this girl’s capable of doing so many hard things you don’t even realize it so I just pray when you leave this house you realize you can do whatever you set your mind to. Your age is not factoring your story and it has never been something that I’ve looked at you and thought a way because of your age you’ve shocked me a lot in this game. A lot! I have so much respect and that’s why I want to see you in the top five and I mean that. You deserve to be here. Angela – so do you. Chelsie – thank you. I appreciate that thank you and the fact that Chuck he may have struggled a little bit you know then you go who realize how much you’ve done but the fact that he let you do something like.. this is a good man. He’s a good man and when and you inspire me in a way where it’s like you can never get to it a certain age and stop dreaming you could keep dreaming you can still keep discovering things about yourself. You never reach a
plateau so you just inspired me like I pray when I get to your age that I am just as bad ass seriously. Angela – no way. Chelsie – I do believe that and then seeing you hold the freaking marshmallow for 9 hours. I’m like this woman. I don’t care what nobody says you’re so deserving to go far in this game. So deserving so so deserving and I told you this during my HOH the way this game has laid out for you have not been the cards that you’ve wanted. You played them well. Just keep playing them well. We can’t control what happens in here. We can only respond and I’m just proud of how you respond over the last couple weeks. You are a better player than a lot of these people in this house believe that. Angela – I believe that. Chelsie – I’m not lying to you, you’re a good player and I’m not saying that in an intimidating way. No no no I have respect for that and I want to sit next to people at the end who I’m like if I lose I’m 0K with. I want to be proud of the person that I vote for you just not myself and. I’d be proud if you won this game, seriously. I know it’s been hard since week one. I want somebody to win who’s fought, period. You fought, you and Makensy have fought. I’m proud of you. I’m proud of you and I love you genuinely deeply. Angela – Sometimes I feel like you don’t like me. I don’t know why. I don’t know, I guess sometimes like I don’t know. I just feel like sometimes when we’re talking or whatever and maybe it is me. Obviously it’s me because after these nice things you’re saying but I know like you know you have people here. Maybe that you would rather spend your time with others and stuff you know. And sometimes when I’m talking I don’t really feel like you make eye contact with me a lot too
Chelsie explains it takes time to warm up to people and how its hard to manage her time with everyone. Chelise – also how to manage my mind. I’m in my head a lot.. so to where people who are perceivably closer to me are looking at me like are you good and I’m like I don’t know if I’m good. But my words are true. Angela – I feel that. I know. Chelsie – words are true I know sometimes it takes me a little bit longer to process and share and Leah says all the time like it takes a little bit longer for my walls to come down in normal life. So that’s maybe what you have felt as well. Just it takes me a little bit more time.
10:10pm – 12am The house guests are chatting while Angela and Makensy toss a ball back and forth. The house guests continue to chat about random things. Big Brother blocks the feeds.
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If I have to listen to T’kor talking for one more moment, with her ridiculously pronounced words, I’m going to get a hammer and slam it into my kneecap.
i agree. my ears bleed when she speaks.
you and me both.
Oh my! Where did that forced accent go and that “shyness”. T’s so phoney.
that is how I feel about Leah….. like like like
So twitter tells me Will has stepped down from hosting the jury round table.
If I had to meet with this cast to discuss game, I’d so no thanks I’m good too.
They’re not going to have a lot to talk about.
I hope they get another former HG to host. Possibly BB10 Dan, BB16 Derrick, BB3 Jason, or BB24 Taylor Hale.
How do you put Taylor in the same sentence with Dan/Derrick and Jason? That’s like comparing her to Janelle.
Some people actually like Taylor and think she is a BB mastermind.
and i strongly disagree with those people.
If Angela makes it to final 2, does that make her a BB mastermind too?
After joe feeding Taylor turkey while playing the joe desire card. Taylor thirsts hard for Daniel week 2 talking about his magnums. She then gets petty and wants to backdoor a girl for a trip which broke up her majority alliance. Later on she heads to monte’s hoh room three days straight with a week left before finale. A directly saved by a twist at eviction bottom winner who couldn’t recognize that hisam devin’d himself after her season. Yet, Taylor still supports contestants on race only but is right fit hosting unbiased round table? Yeah, that make zero sense to include her! She is not even in the same stratosphere as a Danielle Reyes, Vanessa, Maggie, Nicole, Kaycee, or Jun.
yeah, taylor’s win could more accurately described as monte’s loss. if you really disliked monte, sure be a taylor-stan. to me he was kinda meh. not nearly as bad as rachel reilly where i found myself actively rooting for the dull and useless porsche of all people or paul where i was elated josh won despite josh being an awful man-baby.
They probably pull Jerry in again.
That’s why I think he stepped down. How could he conduct a halfway intelligent jury table with them?
Actually this season is more interesting because you really have to know what people are thinking when they vote. It is not like we have had that dominating person. I think if Chelsie makes it to the end it has to be her, but outside of her who the heck knows.
If the remaining contestants stop trying to block Chelsie, I will surrender. Chelsie, you are completely dominating them. No one is even thinking about eliminating you.
chelsie really is in the best position. it will be interesting to see when/if the other houseguests realize this.
Angela is
Angels told Leah she wanted to nominate Chelsie if she gets HOH next. She’s the only one who would do it.
It would have been a disaster if Joseph had to participate in the dance party, poor thing can barely walk.
None of them can dance Jojo would’ve been alright moving around lol
OMG, Kimo.
Angela put you up Week 1 — and Chelsie put you up last week! Your read sucks, wahini.
Tkor – you want to try and align with people who like wouldn’t wanna put you up as a pawn if that was ever an option that they had to do you know what I mean? Kimo – I know. At this point I don’t think you. I don’t think Rubina. I don’t think Angela either or Chelsea. Maybe Cam .. but I don’t know, I don’t know if my reads right though.
Leah knows she is probably going on the block unless Angela is head of household. Unlike T’kor, at least no one from her aliances left on her head of household.
Why? Chelsie is the only decent player left
eh, i’d still put makensy as a decent player. not a great player, but she’s at least playing and doesn’t have any major screw ups.
Is Chelsie playing better that the rest? Yes. Are any of them decent players? No.
I really disliked T’kor. I really don’t see why anyone would like her. If you can’t tell, she’s a racist. T’kor calling herself a good person is laughable. I noticed her family or friends put up a IMDb profile for her. How embarrassing. Thirsty woman.
It is wild how much t’kor has played the poc card while self righteously calling herself a good person. That is as rich as Taylor calling herself a girls girl and not seeing things still through a racial lens. No wonder Taylor was a huge stan of T’kor’s.
Blatant racist! It’s a shame she doesn’t get blasted like others have if the rolls were reversed.
Good Lord, don’t be such a Karen.
Does anyone know if Tkor will be shocked if she’s evicted? Or she knows it’s a real possibility?
She gave herself 3 eulogies last night to a blubbering eeyore Kimo. I think she knows it is possible.
Sadly, ANGELA ended up being the only one truly playing the game.
This cast sucks for making me type that.
Overnight was…
that’s it. It happened.
Cam / Mak / Chels were about to game talk and Leah joined and stayed and talked.
The Godots celebrated their friendship (like Kimo wasn’t an afterthought until Sunday) and whined about their circumstance. Sour grapes were noticed. Rubina says Leah has horrible jury management for targeting their trio. T’kor is pushing the Chelsie agenda even though she and Kimo acknowledge she is over-insulated and likely to win… so do nothing? mkay.
That was it for game talk related happenings.
Note: the final 2 Kimo begged for from Leah died the moment Angela used veto on him.
Note2: Cam never stated his intent to both Chels and Mak together (he’s agreed with each of them separately). He’s still the swing to watch.
Chelsie confirmed to Kimo that T’kor will be leaving.
She told him next week is the week to take out Leah.
I believe Chelsie was the person telling everyone not to tell Kimo the vote.
If they’re stupid enough to listen to her… that’s on them.
Things about this season:
fact checking is almost non-existant. When it does happen, and the person being checked lies… the house believes the lie.
week one sets tone. So many things about week one. Whackadoodle attack Karengela HOH screaming at everyone. Tucker going off on people for not game talking to him when he explicitly and repeateedly said he was a lone wolf, didn’t want alliances. Alliancing exposed as of day 4 causing a fear state about playing the game. Everyone in their feelings and acting out like napless toddlers… and getting their way.
SO with week one we got a perfect state to condition people… that house wouldn’t have stood a chance if a real cult leader had been recruiting. Alliancing became verbotten and transitory… and people recognized threats… but agreed to let the threats continue to take out people they didn’t like.
I have to ask. Is this generational? is the current state not just mememe, but also myfeelings and shallowness and pettiness are superior to logical threat assessment?
I honestly don’t know if that is the zeitgeist or if that is just casting with an objective.
You tell me.
Chelsie, who wanted that trio broken up but wanted to keep T’kor though she pushed T’kor as the biggest threat to Leah the HOH…. is now saying Leah causes chaos and dissension.
Kimo, Rubina and T’kor think anyone that nominates them don’t deserve to win because they don’t think about their feelings and let them have their way.
THESE 2 THINGS ARE NOT EQUAL. One is gamesmanship (and petty to be sure) the other is self-righteous bullshit.
I’m gonna say something that’s gonna get me a rain of downvotes… but I actually like this cast. They play it for themselves, they don’t care about single bit about using their powers, it’s so contrary to previous seasons that I actually enjoy not knowing what to expect. The constant new deals are also ridiculous but fun. As annoying as Angela can be, I gotta give it to her that she knows how to sow doubts and wreak havoc. What she pulled last week with Chelsea was sorta amazing. Who cares they are not conventionally good BB players? At least I’m not super bored watching the episodes. I guess it’d be worse if I were watching the feeds. I don’t really have strong dislike for anyone.
Now, do your thing and downvote me all you want. LOL!
You have a point, this season has been about sabotage. With every alliance blown up from the inside, it has made the usual boring big dominate alliance we see every season impossible in this one. I just wish we had better players who were using it as strategy rather than personal pettiness. Better gamers would have made this game style exciting to watch.
Totally. But I sorta like how everyone is watching out for their own game only and foremost. It’s like they don’t really have a defined path on how to get the big prize, but they reconfigure as they go. At the same time that some things seem messy and at times they get a little petty, they seem to forgive each other because first and foremost they know it’s a game. I gotta say that’s kinda… admirable? The season has been lighthearted and a lot of people went out because of their own actions – some got too confident, others were naive, but more than anything I gotta say I love that no one cares about what the HOH wants and they are just like: I’m gonna play and live this for myself. LOL. It’s refreshing.
Sure, not all of them are charismatic and nice to watch, but I prefer this BB AI Arena twist way better than all the other stuff they have done in the lat 10 years. I also prefer players that take risks. It’s just funny when we see how sloppy Angela is, and then Chelsea – the “big player” – fall into her trap and show the door to Quinn – lol. They don’t make sense at all. At the same time, their level of chill is admirable. They don’t stress all the time.
It drives me crazy that everyone is using Angela every week as the disposable pawn that they think they can just do away with when the time comes – not because I like her but because eventually – it’s going to carry her to a point fairly soon where she is able to pull off a win of power and land herself in the finally three. They keep thinking she’s not a threat – and they are probably right socially – but ultimately if she gets far enough simply because they don’t see her as a threat – they are going to regret it.
Angela has played the game so badly, that it is actually good. I can’t believe I am pulling for her to win this trainwreck of a season now, but I am
85% T’kor is evicted (since Chelsie told Kimo she was being evicted). The last 15 is shenanigan awareness.
You know who I pity…
Quinn. Can you imagine a week of T’kor blaming him for everything? I do mean everything.
Why didn’t Quinn trust us… this is all his fault was the title of last nights sermon of revisionist history. No ownership of every knife they put in his back until he said yeah… you can sit in an eviction chair to 2 of them… and the pontiff of petty self righteousness wasn”t even one of them.
Dear Jury house handlers: set up a system now… one blink for help… two blinks for ear plugs…. and one blink with a triangle drawn on the hand for make it stop.
This sums up their season of taking this game way too seriously on a personal level. It would be nice to have someone irl who relates to you this way for actual problems. Yet here it is, wasted on a game that is based on winning capitalism, rather than some noble goal or landmark.
Kimo – I am spiraling. Tkor – I know but you always spiral.