“Kimo, Angela, Rubina.. I stabbed her in the back twice she would be drunk to try to not send me home” **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Quinn
Nominees: ?
POV Players: >?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: Kimo, Makensy

Spoilage – Kimo, Rubina and Angela going up. Quinn is saying Angela is the target.

2:00 am – 3:00 am Quinn’s HOH room.

3:16 am Tkor and Leah
Leah says she wanted to win SO bad
Tkor – you were so close
Leah – he deserves it.. when it’s my time it’s my time.
Leah – you don’t have to worry at all between me and you.. Still talk to him.
Tkor – I’ve loved Quinn since the beginning he’s a really great person
Leah – I talked to Tucker before he was leaving. It’s crazy he said so many lies to my face. That hurt my feeling I literally didn’t think he was the type

3:20 am Quinn and Joe
Joe – who do you want to put up?
Quinn – Angela, Rubina.. I stabbed her in the back twice she would be drunk to try to not send me home.. It would be crazy for her to be like I trust Quinn again. And I’ll put Kimo up here’s the truth..
Joe – I’m just going to tell you right now, Me and Tucker and Rubina.. They were both talking sh1t about you like how they can’t trust you to save face.. Just letting you know she might use that.
Quinn – it makes not sense for her to trust me.
Joe – her and Tucker were both going on about how they can’t trust you.
Quinn – Kimo, what pisses me off Kimo knew about Tucker trying to trick me what a stupid thing to try and get me to do.
Joe – I don’t give a f** who you put up as long as it’s not me.
They cackle like two BB convention nerds.
Joe – I went up to K’kor and KImo in the morning I was like why does Tucker want us to lie about that and they both said it was stupid. They both didn’t want to do it.
Quinn – T’kor told me about that alliance. She left you out again.
Joe – she has my back dude
Quinn – Kimo… she said that she’s been trying to talk to Kimo to have that conversation with me but I gave them multiple opportunities last night to bring it up.
Joe – did they tell you the name? 6th Avenue
Quinn – that’s kinda gas..
Joe – they wanted to include you in it. ONce Angela was out.
Quinn – If Angela or Rubina go home this week it’s a success… We can build a power structure with you, Me, Chelsie, Cam, Makensy and I want to include Leah. The reason I want to include Makensy is we can both beat makensy, we can both beat Leah and cam.
Joe – you mean in the end
Quinn – in the end.
Joe – that is why it’s important to keep T’kor because she’s the biggest Jury threat right now . she can take that threat off us.
Quinn – dude she’s SICK nasty at this game
Joe – she really is
Quinn – I Adore her.. Dude
Joe – Dude.. I meant it when I said I’m never going to put you up I hope you know that it’s genuine as f*** I’m never putting you up
Quinn – I will commit to you right now I will never put you on the block and I will never vote against you
joe – same.. You saw the loyalty I had to Tucker dude.. I didn’t know he was going home for sure but I’m not stupid I know it’s a possibility that Cam and Chelsie were lying about it.

3:57 am Kimo and T’kor
T – you don’t feel good? what happened?
Kimo – things are very very weird..
T – I think it is a similar thing that happened with the collective where the next person in power came for those people. Quinn and Tucker always had their vendetta. I don’t think if he’ll target but it might be a situation where he might put up people who had a relationship with Tucker. Which to me doesn’t make any sense because he is no longer here.
Kimo – he can put me up whatever.
T – I am confused I thought this was a thing but I guess it’s not a thing anymore.. I must not be.
T – I am not losing you or Rubina in this game.
K – if we have to fight we have to fight.. if she does at least we know
T – what are you thinking?
K – I’m thinking maybe Quinn hasn’t trusted us for a long time though.
T – mmmmmmmm
K – he was just
T – Pretending.. my feeling was off.
K – Tucker was right..
T – yeah..
K – I really liked Quinn. so if that is what happens..
T – if that what happens you and Rubina ain’t going nowhere number one but also number 2 then we know
K – Do you think Quinn does have an alliance with Chelsie and Cam?
T – I don’t know, They talked about the decision to get Tucker out they just didn’t involve us.
K – I whispered to Cam I’m keeping Tucker. I don’t blame anyone.. Smart game move.
T’kor points out that the way Tucker was saying he was targeting Quinn iof he won HOH and the way he was treating Quinn this morning didn’t help Tucker.
T – Quinn had done nothing but tried to get in his good graces and you will not accept it that is on you

They got a grill
Angela burps out “We got a GRILL … they vacuumed all this it looks so good we’re going to cook up some hot dogs.. we got the hot dogs tomorrow..”
Angela – GOSH they did such a good job bringing this all back to BEAUTY (Backyard)
Angela – WOW.. WOW a barbeque.. it’s all NEW INSIDE.. (Shut the f*** up Angela)
Angela – I’m excited I’m so excited..

WE only get a bit of this conversation. Quinn tells Rubina on a peranol level she’s one of his favorite people in the house because she reminds him of home.
Q – we would be friends in real life.
R – I need you to more understand gamewise nothing that was a decision Tucker made I had anything to do with it. Even today.. I did not know anything about that.

4:40 am Rubina and Tkor
Tkor asks how her conversation with Quinn went.
R – I did my best to help him understand. even though I was close to him we played total seperate games were totally separate people. I hold nothing against him. I was rooting for him.
R – I never lied to you about anything.. He might put me up.
T – you think he might
R – I know I’m an option, he’s going to make it clear that (Angela) is the target.
Rubina says if that is the plan than this week might be ok to go up.
R – I’m not scared.
T – we got your back
R – I know
T – Quinn is making a mistake if he puts you and Kimo up. Especially Kimo he TRUSTS Quinn. He really trusts Quinn..
R – I know he does
T – He (Quinn) is trying to build a bridge with Makensy because he’s burning it with Kimo. IF he does do that and I make it to Jury he doesn’t have my vote and he’s sure as heck not going to have Kimo’s vote.
T – I think he’s making a mistake.
R – putting up Kimo and Makensy would be great.. that would be Crazy. Makesny said she would put him (Quinn) upo
R – my game isn’t to throw names under any bus so I didn’t mention.. It’s not my place.
They talk about Leah not being good for Quinn’s game.

T – I can’t wait till he watches this back and see how Kimo protected him and how much Leah talked about him
R – boys boys
T – That’s okay it’ll kick him in the butt later
R – true
T’kor is confident that Kimo and Rubina are not going home.
R – I’m not scared.. especially now
T – we are strong independent people…
R – I love you and appreciate you just know we got this.. I am not Genuinely not worried, Genuinely not scared two can play
T – that game
Rubina is surprised that Quinn and Makesny are “Good”
T – they’re not ‘GOOD’ he’s trying to be ‘GOOD’
R – she’s not good for his game either.. I don’t understand. Try thinking with you brain not your Penis (Funny coming from her)
Rubina laughs.
They count the votes last night
R – I heard it wrong..
T – it was 5-3
feeds cut..

5:15 am Makensy and Quinn
Makensy – I’ll speak to you, but I’m not going to go to Utah.
Quinn – No, I’m not going to Utah either. Also, I guarantee you after watch.
feeds flip when we’re back
Quinn – she’s not going to let me talk to that woman.
MJ – my moms not going to let me either.. Like ever ever
Q – my mom is going to be like Don’t Talk to her
MJ – ever ever, That’s the thing am I mean for saying that? She’s a 51 year old woman I’m 22 she’s literally 30 years older than me I don’t need to be besties with a 51 year old. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. My mom is my bestie
Q – I’m friend with my girlfriends moms. My Girl.. halley just got engaged I told Bridget HEY I can’t tell you what is happening I have some pretty big stuff and you’ll be proud of me.. Like..
MJ – that’s fun.. but someone that calls you out
Q – I went to my friend’s Sean mom’s birthday…
MJ – firends moms.. for sure.. but we’re in here with (Angela)
Quinn – and she’s saying crazy sh1t.
MJ – her speech today when she said thank you in advanced.
Q – I was so nervous.. Like what if there’s a deep plot what if everyone is riding with Tucker.. we’re just being left out..
MJ – can you imagine..
Q – that is why I hugged you ‘We’re doing this f** it’
MJ – at least there was going to be TWO
Q – I saw people whispering to Cam and Chelsie.. first of all that is not allowed we are voting so they have to be quiet.. someone speak up!
MJ – say something
Q – This guy is the favorite of the season so maybe they (Production) are okay with it.
MJ – for sure

Q – that was a BIG move and you were at the centre of it.
MJ – could you imagine if I didn’t win
Q – I think you would be on your way home.. I’m not going to lie
Makensy agrees “My a$$ was grass if I didn’t win”
Q – I would have voted for you to stay
MJ – I would have had you, Leah, cam and Chelsie it would have been 4-4. it would have been up to T’kor.

Tomorrow’s going to be crazy tears will be shed

5:53 am Zzzzzzzzzz

9:40 am Chilling

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Tucker For AFP

I want chaos so I’m rooting for Angela to win the veto

Team Angela

I agree. I will wholeheartedly support Angela Murray, carrying on the spirit of Angela “Rockstar” Lantry from Big Brother Season 20. Without her, there may be less chaos, but the fun will also disappear.


just send angela home. the sooner she’s out of the house, the sooner she can (hopefully) get mental help.

Team Taylor

Overall, I would be satisfied with Rubina, Angela, and Kimo as noms.

But it’s a waste for Quinn to target Rubina. Her bond with Kimo and T’kor isn’t as strong as their bond with each other.

He should focus on evicting Kimo instead. It would weaken T’kor further and she would flock to Quinn and Chelsie, who are both more decisive with their gameplay.

But evciting Angela would get the last crazy person out of the house right before jury. Can you imagine her becoming the first jury member and all other HGs make eviction night pleas to not send them over to Angela?


I woke up screaming. One that one on ones were still happening and Two a nightmare of a thought that Tucker will battle back! Production Gold CompBeastG*d Tucker not going to jury makes it too quiet for this week! Just like T’kor uses the woman poc excuse for not voting against Chelsie Kimo will not vote against fellow Philippino Rubina. Kimo will chose Rubina first. Plus I am starting to see a low key jealousy Kimo has for T’kor. Kimo should be voted out. Then a battle back between Kimo and Tucker. Tucker gets back in the BBHOUSE26 then get the Vaseline because people will get s3x nuts not just Rubina.


They deserve to have Angela in Jury for keeping her this long


Kimo going on the block again later today is LONG overdue.

I hope he gets the boot this week but it probably will be Rubina.

She has some nerve talking about anyone thinking with their dick when she only thinks with her cl*t… At least Quinn had a game before he started thinking with his dick she had none before Tucker had her lusting over him…

And now that he is gone she is still playing stupidly like before. Why would you not throw Makensy under the bus if she really did say that about Quinn? Your ass is on the line who cares about offending anyone really… I mean unless it was a blatant lie that is going to blow up in your face anyone should do what they have to do to avoid being a nominee/replacement nominee.


I cancelled this show from my DVR. Tucker was playing old time bb, which I loved and looked forward to watching. With him gone, I’ve lost interest. May check in later to see who wins this year. My money is on Chelsie.


Yes, it was fun but another person winning all comps is not good tv. See last season with Matt, Jag and Cameron.

This isn’t the challenge.

Team Angela

Tucker wasn’t popular because he was a challenge beast. He was popular because he created tense moments during the elimination nominations.


I want Mackenzy and Leah to be put on the block and Mackenzy to go home.


This is T’kor’s fault. We need another America’s vote to put her on the block.

Game fan

Tucker volunteer.. and angela wouldnt have been on the block, if she wasnt acting crazy.

Team Angela

Even if they are a volunteer, they were ultimately put in the rejection category by T’kor. Why does she emphasize that she was a puppet? Being a puppet doesn’t mean she played the game well, does it?

un autre nom

There are 10 houseguests left.
Quinn and Joseph want to start an alliance.
The alliance includes 1Quinn 2Joseph 3Leah 4T’kor 5 Chelsie 6 Cam
with a satellite member 7Makensy.

That means everyone but Angela Kimo and Rubina.

How is this a problem? Let me count the ways.
T’kor is not fine with targeting Kimo and Rubina. These mooks seem to think it’s fine. She has been siamesed with them for 45 days. How did they think she’d be fine with it?

NOBODY wants to work with LEAH in an alliance but Quinn and Joseph. It’s true. She’s a coaster you pull for a vote. She isn’t a long term ally.

The only reason Chelsie and Cam were okay with the initial call of Cam, Chelsie, T’kor, Mak with Quinn and MAYBE Joseph was Chelsie had some pull with them and Mak seems to have the clutch comp win gene and really just needs a home. She’s under Chelsie’s spell sometimes. Thinks they are friends.

Why is Mak on the side now? Leah. HAVE to make ROOM for Leah. and Leah doesn’t like Mak.
Chelsie already had to douse one fire with Cam and Leah (she got Cedric to do it). There is no way in hell she wants an alliance with Leah.

Let’s say veto is won and used. Quinn has promised everyone ELSE safety. When they say LEAH renom… what happens?

Kimo and T’kor were always right about Quinn being a simp for Leah. Honestly, the pair are delulu playing victim to the guy they stabbed repeatedly and now say but we trusted you. Come on. Claim some OWNERSHIP.

He’s doing WAY too MUCH again. THIS is what GETS him in TROUBLE.

SIDENOTE: the pair of Quinn and Joseph… i don’t like them at all together. It’s Dumb and Dumber think they found the cheat code level obliviousness to social cues and group dynamics.

Frankie’s Pink Shorts

“ They cackle like two BB convention nerds.” Hilarious


Quinn is one of those “Children of the Corn” creeps. Sorry

un autre nom

Leah and Joseph are a final 2 called Chilldom. sideye. Oh Joseph…. you will NEVER be Will. STFU. What game does he REALLY think he’s playing because the whole house except Leah knows his view of his game impact he’s had is delusion
Let’s remember: Joseph being SO save LEAH last week… was too much. With both Quinn and Joseph being save Leah…. THAT is what made T’kor want to nom Leah. She had done an okay job securing herself most likely, and in walks Joseph frantically pushing to keep her safe to a truly SKETCHY degree.
It’s a recurring theme this season. These guys this season are… blatantly stupid for a girl flirting with all of them. More power to her…. but NONE of the women want LEAH anywhere NEAR them in an alliance because of it.
At first I thought JUST jealousy. But there is something else I’m seeing now. IF all these men are crashing their boats on the shore around her… the other women are expendable to keep Leah safe. NONE of them have gotten so much as a kiss btw.

T’kor. I was counting the minutes WAITING for her to soapbox about wanting Mak or Leah to be the noms. I don’t care what theory she’s saying now as her justification for their nomination and eviction. WE know WHY. Shush. She said it LOUD and CLEAR mutliple times. We know.
Makensy is the ONLY person to tell Quinn that T’kor is NOT fine with Kimo and Rubina being on the outs because they are conjoined triplets. Quinn dismissed because he thinks he and T’kor are likeminded. They are not. T’kor is a personal injustice collector that fails to see her own culpability in the events that happen around her. Threatening jury votes if any of her best friends leave? mmhmmm. Everyone has to earn her trust despite how many of them she has betrayed. She doesn’t acknowledge those betrayals.

Again… HOW does Quinn miss these things? Joseph too. It’s like they’ve charted their bbgame according to how things have worked past seasons, and they want their legend moments. Secretly i want a pact from podcasters to say no thanks to both of them.
Joseph isn’t Will. Quinn will not get his America and Cory story with Leah. T’kor and Quinn will not be Jason and Danielle. Joseph and Quinn aren’t even Steve and the dentist (and which did they think was which because that shit matters).
The only big legend moment one of them MIGHT get…. I can see one of them getting six finger handed just for shits and giggles by the house.

Kimo almost won HOH I guess. Who do you THINK Kimo would have nom’d? I mean, his behavior tells me he was going to nom Quinn for the Tucker revenge. He’s more war widow about the situation than Rubina. There’s a reason he is acting like he done pissed in his own chili. Because he has with Quinn. Weekly.

PART of me is saying in my head… Did T’kor secretly want Tucker out? Does Quinn secretly want Angela out? ONLY they can’t say it out loud and have to play the pawn placeholder routine because they are AWARE that Prodo has it’s pets? This cast seems HYPER aware of who is getting the grease. This cast is HYPER aware of who is getting storyline and screentime.. Are they trying to target by oops?


If T’Kor wants to openly threaten her jury vote than how about Quinn makes it so she IS NOT on the jury?

I would just pivot my target if she wants to play games. She is a bigger threat to win the game in the end than Kimo and especially Rubina or Angela so I’d be targeting her if I were HOH.

I think at this point the only people who can win the game are Quinn, Chelsea, T’Kor, and maybe Makensy (if people really respect competition wins by an underdog).

Of course there is SO much more game to be played but it seems very obvious that Rubina and Angela have no shot of winning. Leah is probably next in terms of having the least chance to win. Then Cam, Joseph, and Kimo are in the middle of having a shot to win. But all are further down than the top three of Quinn, Chelsea, and T’Kor. Kimo is probably closer to Makensy but I kinda expect him to go this week so that’s why I’m not really thinking of him much.


Angela needs to go before Jury, for the fact of what she did to Matt and MacKenzie. She still rolls her old devious eyes at MacKenzie behind her back or give her little shadey looks. Angela has this unnatural dislike, for that girl. There’s something about MacKenzie that Angela has been jealous of since day one. And Leah is one of the biggest snakes in that house towards MacKenzie. This is the third HOH that she has put MacKenzie name out there too. I hope Quinn is just playing in love with Leah because if not, he’s making a total fool out of himself. That girl said Quin is on her ” eww no list”. Like get a grip, like stop being desperate, like you know, I could never, he’s just not the type I would ever. Gross no please, and every place I go to get away in this house, here he comes. The jokes and constant loudness are like fu@#king annoying. That’s one of the reasons I go clean the bathroom and like still. These are her feelings and opinions on Quinn to Chelsie, Brooklyn and Joseph. But this supposedly, “super fan” is protecting her, even though he himself said Leah and MacKenzie will go where the power is. And I hope T’Kor goes on the block at some point. Who the heck do she think she is to say what Quinn better not do. Cedric had her back and was protecting her but she led the charge to backstab him. Her and her Steve Urkle looking eyeglasses can shut up!

Don't Shoot the Messenger

Dinah is the most annoying and unself-aware houseguest ever! Not to mention the granny clothes and speech impediment…

Omega BB

TKOR should be the target but we know why she’s not, POC / WOC protection.

Team Angela

The reason she isn’t a target is that she balances well on both sides. Ultimately, as the numbers decrease, her gameplay will lead to her elimination.

un autre nom

If you have Karen Singbeil sitting in the bathroom muttering curses at that kevinrobertmartin…..
You try to drag that hyperdelusional foul mouthed whackjob as far as you can because… who votes looneytunesKaren to win.

I don’t want to see this American version starring Karengela. Didn’t want to see it when Tucker was trying to do it. Don’t want to see it when Joseph tries to do it. And if Cam even for a second considers it? We KNOW he thought about it.

Quinn’s undescended testicles

So, will Tucker continue to be in every conversation for the rest of the season? Dude is out of the house & yet they still obsess…… hoping Tucker wins AFP now , just to piss them off , esp with Quinn saying that a pre -juror will never win

Don't Shoot the Messenger

Has everyone forgotten about Cody Nickson???? He wasn’t in jury and won AFP. He deserved it, and so does Tucker.


He was juror # 1.

Jessica wasn’t in jury.

Cody’s final vote was the one that denied Paul the win for a second time in two years.

It is one of the best moments of Big Brother lol.


luv that moniker! lol

Game fan

I can’t believe he is doing kimo!


Are you watching the show? Kimo exposed Quinn not once(exposed Quinn Upgrade power to Tucker) not twice(exposed all Quinn’s alliances and game play to Tucker) but three times(not giving Quinn a heads up about switching the vote to get Cedric out exposing and destroying the alliance pentagon)! Kimo deserves to be on the block and all T’kor and his crying as to why because they “protected” Quinn is about the same protection of sunglasses given on a nuclear blast zone. Some protection.


For real!

Rubina being the target is kinda messed up when you think about it.

Kimo and T’kor are the ones who should be on the block together with one for sure going home.


Tucker is gone. No reason to watch anymore. The rest of them are BORING!!!


Same here. I won’t tune in. I’ll just get my updates here.

BB Princess

Can we just all agree to refer to Angela as STFU now?? Lol!


Man, I’ve never seen anyone on big brother beg and plead so hard as Angela. I’ve watching this show since the beginning. I believe she would sell her soul to when this game. I’d be uncomfortable with this prolonged tirade. She needs to learn grace. Hate see what happens when she gets evicted. I’m thinking might have drag her out. Jeez


Also, why did they stop goodbye messages? Somehow I missed when and how. I do love this show. Initially I wasn’t sure about Tucker but he grew on me big time. So glad he won the 20 grand.

Another Dixie

Just not enough time in the hour. If you want to hear them, find Julie’s interview with Tucker. You’ll see them all. This is one of the reasons I don’t like the AI comp. There’s not enough time in the live show for the interview & never get to see the HOH live anymore.

un autre nom

They show them on the extended exit interviews that get released after the episode.
That’s where you see the other gbm’s too.
If you miss them, some bbtwitter fans will have them clipped and released as a tweet.


Tucker was a fan and understood the game..Knew who was running the game, etc. He thought he was in an alliance, but Tkor put him up when she had other choices, like her buddy Chelsa.. He deliberately gave her options as a test. So he became suspicious when she put him up. I think he threw the veto. Maybe gave TKor $5,000 and took a punishment for her to make her look and feel embarrassed.. He knew if he stayed on the block he’d most likely go home. Said he rather leave than end up in jury early.. So he threw the AI puzzle, obviously… It was an easy one he could of figured out while waiting to start the comp. But he deliberately did it backwards, so he’d lose.. He felt betrayed and alone. Decided why help people to advance in the game if there was nothing in it for him. But he could have stayed if he wanted. Glad he won $20,000. More money than most of the other House guest will get.

Don't Shoot the Messenger

He has emphatically stated that he did not throw the AI comp.

Angela's Missing Xanax Rx

And that he has dyslexia