“Kevin just runs around making weird noises and Dry humping Pili” – Willow

POV Holder: Godfrey Next POV May 29th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 26
HOH Winner Pili Next HOH April 29th
Nominations: Sindy and Brittnee Godfrey
Have Nots Brittnee, Sarah, Kevin, Godfrey
POV Players Godfrey, Pilar, Sindy, Willow, Bobby, Kevin.
Host is Sarah

(you tube is very slow tonight these videos are still processing)

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12:44am Bathroom Bobby, Willow and Bruno
talking about Zach making deals with everybody. Willow says he’s playing too hard. Willow sas if she wins HOH Zach and Kevin are going up right away.
Bobby agrees that will break up a showmance either way.

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12:46am Bedroom Bruno and Bobby
Bruno says the diapers only have 3 votes. There side has 5 votes. Bruno does think Sindy is good for them the only problem her mouth he says if if Sindy would just shut her face she would be better on their side because he doesn’t know where Brittnee’s head is at.
Bobby – I want Brittnee to go home now that I think about it. (He’s scramble brained right now)
Bobby says the reason if he’s up against Sindy she will go home he can’t say the same if he’s up against Britnee he thinks she would stay.
Bobby changes his mind says he doesn’t trust Sindy she has a better chance of going with Zach if she stays.
They talk about their targets next week. Bruno is going to target Zach and Kevin
Bruno – I’m going to say it straight to their face F*** you
Bobby says Willow will never f***k them over he trust her a lot.
Willow joins them..

Willow says that Kevin knew about the chop shop before Sindy told him.
Willow brings up When Kevin was with Sarah driving the car (in the task) he asked her ‘Can you believe Willow lied to you for so long” And Sarah’s reply “So long”
She tells them how glad she is they took out Jordan. Bobby says Zach and Jordan played too hard.
Willow – He (Zach) actually talks down to me if you’ve noticed
They tell each other they have trust 100%.
Willow tells them everyone is back and forth about Bobby’s veto.
Willow says she’s not working with Zach she calls him a piece of crap “He might as well sh1t on his hands and give it to me”
Bobby blames Zach for the demise of teh chop shop
Bruno says it’s Ashleigh, Zach and Kevin against all them in the HOH. They laughs at what they are going to say to Zach and Kevin when they win the HOH. Bobby says he feels bad because Kevin is such a nice guy.
Willow – No he’s not.. he’s not.
Bobby wonders what kinda game Kevin is playing.
Bruno explains they have the two shomance an they are trying to use Bruno and Bobby as their bigger target. Zach is making Bobby out to be the biggest threat in the game.
Willow says that Zach is not a nice guy.

They all agree 100% Zach/Kevin going up.. (Lot’s of bro talk)
Willow leaves.. Bruno says he should be making out with Willow, “Willow’s a cutie”
Bruno – I’m glad she’s with us
Bruno and Bobby note how Zach was starting to get shady early on in the game. Bruno says they could have walked to the final 5 with the chop. Willow comes back. Bruno tells her he’s so happy she’s with them.
Bruno – I love the fact that everyone is like F*** the showmances now
Bruno – we’ve been f***k the Showmance for ever but the problem is people were sucking D***k so much
Willow tells Bruno Jordan volunteered to be put up. Bruno loves it says Jordan was so cocky and to do something so foolish.
Willow – Kevin just runs around making weird noises and Dry humping Pili.. has anyone had a real conversation with him”
Bruno – Nope I’ve never had a real conversation with him
Willow brings up a conversation Sarah and Kevin had where Kevin said “Pili’s nice to cuddle but I’ve never been with a Sarah before”
Sarah’s response was “You wouldn’t know what yo do with me”

Bruno asks Willow if it’s better to keep Sindy. Bobby says Sindy will hop sides.. They laugh that they’ll talk the Diapers into keeping Sindy then evict her Blindside back to back.
Bruno mentions they need to play it cool with Zach and Ashleigh. They laugh at the final 7 alliance with 10 people in the game. Willow says htey might as well call it the Bomb Squad (Notorious BB16 alliance which included most of the house)

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Godfrey rolls in tells them he’s going to bed. ASks Willow why she’s not cuddling with Bibby and Bruno.
Willow says she cannot decide who to pick. Godfrey laughs says if he was there it would be easier for her to decide.
He fist bumps Bru and Bobby, Blows Willow a kiss and heads to bed.
Bruno and Willow both say how solid they are with Godfrey.
Willow – I love him

12:51am Sindy and Zach
Sindy campaigning

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1:42am Zach checks the car out Find nothing goes back to bed.
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2:40am Everyone sleeping

7:10am Big Brother blocks the feeds.
8:15am The live feeds are still blocked.


There are always a lot of Alliance but we’ve tried to make sense of it all.. Read our alliance help guide

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22 thoughts to ““Kevin just runs around making weird noises and Dry humping Pili” – Willow”

  1. I predict that Zach’s side of the house will be gunning for Bobby once he shows his cards, and the other side of the house is going to go after Zach (obviously). So while Zach and Bobby get targetted, B/Sarah/Pilar/Willow are going to be sliding through. I believe Zach/Kevin/Ashleigh/Godfrey/Bobby are going to be the ones at risk in these next few weeks. Also, anyone notice that it’s final 11 with like 4 weeks to go? Excited but scared to see how this is going to play out.

  2. All I have to say after watching Sunday’s show and reading the past updates is that Bruno’s game is looking really good at this point. He isn’t on anyone’s radar right now at least not at the top of the list. He can sit back and let the girls fight and scheme and Kevin and Zack plan with Pili and Ash and Bobby be oblivious while he reaps the rewards of going towards the finish line! Now he has Willow doing some spying which eventually will blow back only on her! Not to mention he doesn’t trust anyone 100% only himself. He knows how to play this game unlike the other people in that house!

  3. What a waste of time. I regret every minute I spent following BBCan3 on Sunday other than watching the episode. I just want to get to the next episode and HOH on Wednesday.

  4. Willow’s Coasting has improved quite a bit in the last day. I believe she is loyal to Sarah now more than anyone, and has the ability to go to all three sides of the house (Diapers, Bruno/Bobby, Sarah/Britt/Godfrey). She can then bring this information back to Sarah and also help make Sarah a smaller target to other HG.

    I’m surprised we haven’t seen any Floaters in BBCan yet. Zach and Jordan used tactics shared by Floaters, Snakes, weak Collaborators, and Coasters, but ultimately were loyal to each other. They were way too sloppy trying to play all sides to be good Floaters though.

    1. It’s like on Saturday night she cried it out, took that ketchup costume off and decided she wasn’t going to be a joke anymore, woke up and decided to actually start playing the game.

      1. Sorry tried replying on my phone, but it was acting up SlopFarts.
        I was trying to say it’s nice to see one less person shoved up Zach’s backside lol.

  5. There’s an interesting 13 minute interview of JP by Murtz Jaffer, in which Murtz pushes the “Zach betrayed you” angle. I’m really surprised this kind of influence on a jury member from the outside is allowed. Not that it matters, since Zach very likely will be evicted very soon because of all Sindy set in motion with her Chop Shop knowledge from Graig, but if he somehow made it to F2, JP would be less likely to vote for Zach because of that outside information he’d take as “fact”.
    Zach keeping JP on the block turned out to be a big mistake, but it was because Zach was so sure that the other HGs would keep JP over Godfrey, not because Zach had ‘betrayed’ JP.
    I’m definitely having a hard time with just how much BB has drifted away from the basic concept of “no influence from the outside world”, with Sindy getting all thze crunchy alliance info from other evicted HGs, and the voting HGs getting to hear the crowd cheer if they vote a certain way…

    1. Zach in the DR showed he was not 100% with JP. In the beginning, Zach was willing to ‘let’ JP ‘think’ he was the brawn to JP’s brain but as days turned into weeks the 2 time Academic All-Canadian began to show he believes himself to be the complete package. That he is carrying JP.

      1. Zach could see when they were studying the dates just how infallible JP was when it came to dates for this kind of competition. They had agreed not to throw this comp, and that it would be better if it wasn’t Zach who’d win it, since JP wasn’t an official Chop Shop member. It would be better for Zach to still be on good terms with the CS after “they” backdoored Bruno.
        Since JP had been boasting about throwing every comp so far, and since it was good for JP’s individual game to have Zach lose the CS’s trust, I think it’s normal Zach wondered if JP really tried to win it. I think it’s normal that Zach would question “if JP isn’t able to win in this JP-tailored comp, then what exactly is he ever going to win?”
        Still, Zach never betrayed him. That’s what Jaffer simply put as a fact, and that’s what I’m not ok with.
        He didn’t even ask JP if he felt Zach had betrayed him, he just stated it: “so, before Zach betrayed you, …”
        And that’s all the outside info JP has while he spends 1 week alone thinking about what went wrong. ‘Betrayal’ sounds like “he planned you to get evicted” or “he was fine with you getting evicted”, and neither one of those was the case.

        1. Fair enough. However, it may also be possible a little reading in is taking place. Is it possible, Murtz’s comment relates specifically to the planthey had to put JP up as a pawn and to take JP off the block at the Power of Veto ceremony but Zach betrayed JP when he kept the nominees the same?

    2. “I’m definitely having a hard time with just how much BB has drifted away from the basic concept of “no influence from the outside world”,”

      This has never been the basic concept of the show, even without the blatant interference that we can see, production is, and has always been, working behind the scenes trying to make good television.

      1. I agree when it comes to the North American BB, it was like that from the start. (though it’s become worse and worse over the years)
        I should have specified I meant the original BB, and that’s the dutch one, and the next year Germany started BB as well. I’ve seen the german ones and back then, the 1st dutch one was so controversial that everyone was talking about it!
        Those shows were completely different, and required a completely different audience.
        There would only be an eviction every second week: one thursday, there’d be nominations (every HG gets 2 votes, 2 HGs end up nominated – more only if there was a tie); the next thursday, there’d be the eviction where the audience votes on who leaves.
        There was no HOH, no POV, no twists. That meant you’d really get to know these individuals and care for them, watch their social interactions and it would become that much more thrilling to see who votes for who to be nominated. Nowadays, you think “oh, he/she won HOH, but there’s still POV” then “POV is over, but there might be a twist”, “he/she got evicted, but BB might bring them back!”. So in the end, you just don’t feel like it’s all that important.
        There was a 1 hour recap every day, in addition to the 2 hour eviction/nomination show. So even if you weren’t watching the live feeds (who were almost never blocked!), you’d get to know them really well. Nowadays, BB spends the entire episode recapping what happened (it’s been 4 episodes since we first saw JP jumping in Zach’s arms after he won HOH, and ever since, BB has been showing that same clip every single of those 4 episodes!), showing us comps, showing us how someone is looking at pictures of HGs before noms/POV like he/she is just making their mind up in that very moment… There’s no time left to actually show us who these people are so we’d really care about them. They should show way more DR sessions so we’d see who HGs are REALLY aligned with, since we live feeders see them all lie to each other about “I’ve got you! you can trust me!”. They should also stop with those scripted DRs, it’s become way too obvious.
        Yes, the “old, original” BB wasn’t as “quick and commercial” as it is now, but I’m telling you, you’d be amazed at how intense and satisfying the experience would be for you to watch it. I really miss those days.

  6. oh big brother. that was really contrived. put cindy and Zach in the car and oops the car breaks down for the night? not hating on Zach or cindy for the circumstance. just saying that was a really reallllllllly deliberate production move to get some campaigning scenes between the production posterboy and the production grenade.

  7. “Notorious BB16 alliance which included most of the house”- this cracked me up big time. I remember watching them form this and was astonished that over HALF the house was in it lmao devin….

  8. Keeping Sindy is better for the BBW alliance… get rid of Brit..

    But, since Bobby is involved in the decision making, he will do what benefits him* the most.


  9. I’m laughing so hard at Willows description of Kevin, ‘he just runs around making weird noises and dry humping Pili’. LOL

  10. Thanks Simon & Dawg for removing the previous VILE post, love/hate the players, even insult if you want but, something comments go way to far……

  11. It’s funny how just as Kevin’s golden edit is coming to a close we suddenly start hearing the houseguests saying a lot more negative things about Kevin. I love it, thank you so much production. Watching Kevin play and seeing the reactions, or lack thereof at this point was starting to make me feel like I was taking crazy pills.

  12. Frenchie, I very much appreciate your opinions on this. The questions are pre screened but I really appreciate your point of view on this and will try and take it under consideration.

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