Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Angela
Nominees: Kimo, Lisa, Kenney
POV Players: Kimo, Lisa, Kenny, Brooklyn, Angela, Joseph (Tucker is the host)
POV Winner: Lisa
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: Quinn, Tucker, Cam, Kimo
DEEP FAKE HOH Upgrade: Quinn
AMERICA’S VETO Upgrade: Makensy
MASCOT: Cedric & Chelsie
4pm Backyard Hammock – Matt and Kenny.
Matt – I think you’re in a good position. Don’t lose hope. I think the best chance is if you can convince her to put up Tkor. I think we’re in a good spot Kenny. And then I am telling you next week we will start all over. Angela joins them. Matt – I just talked to Kenny about how we made up and we’re good now. Kenny – I knew that if I am up against him, it’s not good for me. I don’t want to go home. I think we had, I laid out to you exactly why I think you made a huge mistake putting me up. And there’s a very good possibility that I’m going home, which absolutely sucks for me and I my looking around like I don’t even agree with the reason why you put me up but I can respect it because it’s two days in and you have to make a decision. I thought I was good because I extended that olive branch during the comp and you know we didn’t eliminate you and I know I don’t want to keep bring up. I think my best bet is if I am up against Tkor. Your reasoning was that I didn’t play a social game or my social game was slow. I think her social game was way slower than mine. She’s a beautiful person. She’s great but her social game has not been as good as mine. Maybe not necessarily with you but the entirety of the house and that’s just that. I think for me that’s if I’m in that situation and I go home I feel really good like if I go if I leave and if I’m against Tkor. I can win shit like I think you can see my intensity. Angela – Thank you, thank you. I appreciate that. Matt – good talk. Angela – that was a good talk. Matt – we can move past what happened.
4:35pm Bedroom – Joseph, Cedric, Leah, Matt, Brooklyn, Cedric, Quinn, Makensy, Tkor
Leah is telling a story about a mouse big brother house. “Head of Mouse Hold”, “You’re getting put on the block… of cheese!”. Leah – And just to clarify, I have not prejudice against mice or rats.

6:05pm Unicorn Room – Angela and Lisa
Angela – I thank you for taking time to talk with me and, like, comfort me all the time. I really appreciate this. Of course. How’s your day going? Lisa – Good. What’s going on? Angela – So I did exactly what you said. I had something at the end that was even better not really for like playing the game. Lisa – Good. I’m proud of it. Angela – This is what I do that I’m proud of. Angela explains the conversation she had with Matt. Angela – He basically also wrote me a script to apologize publicly in front of the whole house as to why I’m not putting him up there. I’m good to go up there apologize publicly that the words of the choice words I used or miscommunication between him and I and it was more passion and act of passion and that I’m sorry for bringing people outside this game like his mom and do it when I never should, which I am sorry for that and you did apologize and I’m okay and I did apologize for that more game in the beginning I thought how I approach it as I apologize for those
things saying I want nothing from you. Lisa – you did good. You played the game. Are you proud of yourself? Angela – I feel so good. Lisa – Good. That’s all that matters. And then now you have a clear picture. If he doesn’t do that, you’ll put him up. There you go. Good job.
6:30pm – 7:10pm Backyard – Cam, Cedric, Matt and Kenny.
Cam – The game we get to you, but like the three people that are nominated, and you probably like, you probably thought the house was conspiring against you the same way. The three people that were nominated conspired against you. And like, this is just the mindfuck of the game. It was just out of left field for me.
Matt – That is a character claim that someone that is aggressive to a lady is totally. A man to be called aggressive towards a woman is different than being told you were passionate about something. It’s very different so that’s why I was like, I don’t think you understand that. And if you do feel I was being passionate in that made you fearful. Those are all emotions that are not synonymous and different than passionate.I told her (Angela) she has two options, one is you put me up, number two is you don’t put me up and you publicly apologize to the whole house present in the same way that you came for me with the whole house present and you say in your attempt to make good graces you are not going to put me up and you’re going to stick to what you originally had planned.
7:50pm Backyard – Matt and Kenny.
Matt – If I’m her (Angela) I’m basically thinking to myself like, wow. I gained nothing positive from this week. So the only positive thing she can now get is going to get her back to zero, which is going to be not putting me up for sure. I feel like I don’t know what other play she’s got.
Kenny – There is no other play. Matt – I loved, I loved talking to Kimo, but I just don’t think I can work with him. He it too quiet. I mean, you’re going to think of who’s going to bring you into the
team. You know, he doesn’t bring anything, man. No competition. I don’t know if he’s going to win much. Kenya – I mean he’s super, I mean, he’s a smart dude. Matt – But Angela isn’t going to bring to the table either. She’s got baggage now because if she did that on HOH, what is she going to do when she’s on the block? Kenny – It’s a good point. She’s going to lose her sh*t. There could be a day where we’re going to have to live through Angela on the block for a week. And Im taking Angela with a grain of salt when she says that wasn’t really me. Kenny – The real person comes out when the pressure’s on for sure. So you saying that’s not you is not true that is you when the pressure’s on that’s you that’s true and you don’t want it to be you, but that’s you like I said if I did that I’d be so disappointed of myself to be like how the fuck did that happen.
8:05pm Bathroom – Lisa and Leah
Lisa talks to Leah about how she wants to work with her, Quinn and Cam. She says they all bring different strengths to compliment each other. The other thing is that we’re all in different groups so its not suspect.
8:50pm Havenots Tucker and Quinn drinking pickle juice!
9:10pm Kitchen – Big Brother blocks the feeds and when they return Tucker was talking to Joseph.
Tucker to Joseph – Yeah, we just can’t make it obvious. That’s why I don’t want to shake your hand. Joseph – That’s cool. Tucker – And keep riding your way with them because I’m trusting you to the end. A 100! Hundred thousand! Joseph leaves. Tucker to himself – Matt, then run your mouth. I thought I could do it with him, but he’s just not. He’s out. He’s out. Joseph returns. Tucker to Joseph – I guarantee it’s you and me to the end.
9:45pm – 10:05pm Bedroom – Quinn, Cedric and Chelsie.
Quinn – and instead they’re offering Tkor and that’s not ideal right. I want to make it clear that I want to rock with you guys. I want to make final five. Chelsie joins them. Quinn – I was just like, I still want to work with you guys. And so then all the sh*t that happened yesterday and I was like Bro why!? Cedric – So this is the thing with the Pentagon. I feel like the Pentagon is like, very secret. It’s like a very secret alliance. We have the numbers at 5 in a few weeks, kind of control the house in whichever direction you choose. So we just have to make it like three weeks in and we literally control the whole house from the pentacle. So if you have to find other alliances. And that’s where all of our folks like that’s really a solid final 5. Chelsie – I’m still stuck on, if Angela doesn’t want a man, that’s going to be the dumbest move in Big Brother in history. Chelsie – I’m not working with Lisa. Cedric – I’m not either! Chelsie – she’s crazy! She’s crazy! Cedric – she be telling people what to do. I don’t like that. Chelsie – There a lot of people playing a very idiotic game. I’m sorry half of these people are not using their brains and this is a game where you have to think. Cedric – that’s frustrating because it messes up everyone else’s game. Chelsie – The best game move for Angela is to put up Matt. Cedric – it makes no logical sense why she wouldn’t put him up. If she doesn’t, Angela is burning her bridge with that side of the house.
10:30pm Backyard Hot Tub – Matt, Leah and Makensy
Matt – I don’t fully trust Cedric. Makensy – I think you should trust him. Matt – do you trust him? Brooklyn – no not yet. I don’t know. Makensy – I think he is just nervous. Brooklyn – he is paranoid and young. He can’t do anything. He is powerless which he knows.
10:45pm Havenot room – Tucker and Angela
Tucker – I’m putting Lisa in there (Havenot) for damn sure cuz she won’t be able to stand it and she might walk out of this fucking place. Angela – I don’t know she seems so like you know!? Turkey – Yeah, but it’s fake as hell. She cooks her food and doesn’t even eat it and leaves it on the burner for f**king 15-20 minutes re-cooks the shrimp and it’s been out three days later. Angela – I’m so glad I don’t need seafood. Tucker – They ate that shrimp 3 days later. That’s why those toilets are getting non-stop work. I can’t f**king stand Lisa. If its Matt up there.. Only MJ and Leah will vote for him. Angela leaves.
11:30pm Storage room – Quinn and Brooklyn
Brooklyn – how do you feel about Lisa? Quinn – She gives me like schemer vibes.. Brooklyn – Big Time! Quinn – She was talking to me so late into the night. Listen the whole time I was like I went up here in the like upstairs to pretend like I was a DJ and like piping off the crowd and then we’re having like such a long conversation and she’s like asking, like, who do you like you know, all this stuff. And then she keeps flexing that, like, she has all this information. Brooklyn – Like on a power trip, like you saved yourself. That’s how you get when you have a power. Quinn – and if she puts up Tkor and its Tkor vs Kenny vs Kimo. Brooklyn – then Kenny’s got to go. Quinn – I want to win this next HOH. I want a letter and I want to be able to look at 4 other people then we’re making decisions.
1:18am Bathroom – The house guest are getting ready for bed.
Just started watching, I know I’m old but the swearing is totally unnecessary, it drives me crazy and makes it hard to watch someone saying the F word for no reason. There are already a few on my nerves too. Ugh, hopefully things calm down.
For me the biggest pet peeve is the constant use of the word “like”.
Just watched Lisa and the bikini blonde lol talking about age clothing discrimination and they brought up Tvs The Golden Girls. Telling Angela ” she didn’t dress like the Golden Girls did ad they were like what in their forties “. ? Oh my yeah Golden Girls in their forties??!?!!
Whet the episode edit is saying:
Angela getting a lot of added she’s a lot to take in the edit. It’s pretty heavy as far as edits go to show she’s important to the week.
Angela was being a wee bit passive aggressive in her comments in the edit to Matt that were publicly making him a bigger target. like on his neck constant it looked like. It wasn’t but it was edited to be a constant barrage.
Lisa was being a bit much, and was burned with Tucker the minute she interrupted his intro. Not showing she rubbed multiple people wrong. Not showing she was buddy buddy with Angela like the houseguests all said night one of feeds.
The women were talking alliance night one but it was obvious they weren’t good with it. Chelsie was a yeah but no not really. We learn on feeds during episode that Brook is pentagon first but final 2 with Rubina.
The bros tried to Bro day 2. This did not last.
America’s Veto vote choice won’t be revealed until eviction night. No campaigning surprise nomination. Yeesh.
Makensey has told Leah and Matt. Don’t think it was 100% smart to do so.
Deep fake HOH will have graphics to make it seem like the actual HOH. Quinn was stupid to tell Angela about something that could have been invisible HOH. His intro said he wanted to play with emotional people….. well he got that.
They won’t know who the final noms are until moments before eviction due to the AI Arena Game.
How did Angela become HOH?
Mak and Tucker are out first for not being able to grab the 2 people next to them.
Shuffleboard team total for high score to eliminate a team.
Round 1 cut a team
team 1: 24. team 2: 28 team 3: 7 team 4: 14. Brooklin, Rubina and Kimo eliminated.
Round 2 best of each team
Kenney hits finals. Leah hits finals. Angela hits finals.
Round 3
must be odd number. They are definitely curating this HOH.
Leah 26 out. Angela 23. Kenney 0 overshot.
Angela is HOH and Matt knows she’s already after him.
Angela says she didn’t come to play who’s your mama. Yeah, she sort of did. It’s her manipulation tool. How many times has she reminded everyone she’s a mother? Daily?
Kenney an early target for being in the final three.
The downgrades are safe for being in the same bedroom night one with the HOH.
The early alliance was Angela Rock Room bunkmates T’Kor Joseph Chelsie and Cedric.
Matt voicing his concern. Joseph tells Angela… so he was the rat. okay.
Angela plays dumb…. come on. it was passive agressive for sure. Matt’s an idiot for voicing in a crowd that he felt she was targeting him with her comments. Angela’s an idiot for not owning that her comments weren’t innocent because there were just so many of them for a night one. How do we know? She sympathy seeks in order to get the people she wrongs to pity her.
Quinn reveals the power with details.
Final 2 revealed.
Kenney is going up…. who else?
Cam suggests Lisa. Leah suggests Lisa. Mak says Lisa. Tucker says Lisa.
They don’t show Lisa and Angela were buddies. odd.
The Edit.
Angela tries to clear the air. She’s sympathy seeking innocent comments didn’t mean any threat or target placement to Matt. Mat responds with saying if she was targeting him and he stayed he’d retalliate. We’ve seen this a lot from alphaguys on bb in both bbcan and bbus… is it personal safety threat? from seeing what she said was a big threat intimidation….
I’m not seeing that because of him saying if you were targeting me I thought…. after she said I’m not targeting you. So…. While i think he was putting out don’t mess with me…. she wasn’t in the immediate physical danger that she conflated it to be. He ran his yap saying good thing because I was worried that if you were…. IT was nothing more than we’ve seen 100 times. He made no personal threat to her personal safety like she later told Tucker and Tucker’s telling others like Rubina.
Kimo’s nom has absolutely no grounds in the edit. None.
Shows us Angela the nutcase and Matt the victim.
SO casuals will think Angela was the aggressor to poor schmuck Matt.
She was the aggressor & she’s lucky she went at Matt & not Cam with those threat lies because then BB fans & podcasters would be calling her Racist & TMZ would be saying she needs to be Luke 2.0.
I was expecting a different edit.
That’s my takeaway.
The question I have at the moment:
Does Grod want her showmance or her undercover cop story more?
My feeds questions:
why isn’t anyone telling T’Kor about the renom plot?
is Angela going to tell Lisa just how much Tucker hates her? You know, earn back her trust is supposed to be the mission. Or does she not care because it’s real and not something she made up in her head.
Totally agree. She’s a predator. She started her intrusions in the bathroom. Imagine a man in his 50s telling a young woman that obviously all the guys are going to want her ass?
She was being very flirty when sitting next to him. Viewers were calling out America last year for her flirting, but she never crossed the line with anyone the way Angela has with Matt.
Now that I’ve seen what caused the Angela/Matt blowup, they’re two things I’ll say:
1. Matt was stupid for telling Angela that if she put him OTB, he would be able to get off by comp or vote. It’s one of the dumbest things I’ve seen a HG do to advocate for themselves. But he wasn’t aggressive or verbally abusive towards her. It’s bad gameplay, but not bad character.
2. Angela was stupid and psychotic for starting an argument with Matt in front of everyone for something that could have been talked about one-on-one. And bringing up his Mom went too far. She may have drawn a line in the sand, but she showed bad gameplay and bad character. She’ll never win the game now, but Matt has the opportunity to recover from this.
As for today, what the hell is Angela doing now? Is Matt still going up or not? Why put more blood on your hands by renominating someone else other than Matt? You already called him out; might as well follow through and put him up. Damn the upgrades!
Angela is psycho. But Mackensy got them cheeks
Where did Big Brother find these people? Wtf I already can’t stand Angela, Matt and Lisa. We all know these 3 will not make it to the end, can we just fast forward. I hope they get Matt out this week and Angela out after.
yes get Matt & Angla out so we can have a nice quiet season
Quick Takes on the Houseguests:
Angela: already said ad nauseum. Too much.
Brooklin: not bad. I don’t get her mid or end game plans or her path, but I see she’s doing good socially.
Cam: not getting enough to know who his real deal is.
Cedric: seems to want to be over-aligned but pushes loyalty so I’m confused.
Chelsie: wants to be an old school original definition floater while also leading both sides. I find that incongruous so annoying.
Joseph: wanted to be the social manipulation mastermind…. couldn’t do it for a full week so now he’s invisible.
Kenney: no game. filler. next.
Kimo: see Kenney add future pawnstar. next.
Leah: who IS Leah really playing with? What really IS her game plan? dunno.
Lisa: does nothing for me.
Makensy: WHO badmouths the HOH before week one noms? blink blink. Stupidly told the biggest yap in the house she had a power. Now he’s saying too much at her expense.
Matt: really….. he’s not worth all the effort and drama the house seems to be putting in. He’s a big brother idiot level gamesman. It’s almost like prodo is trying to appease bbtwitter with this whole blindside thing.
Quinn: He’s doing ok…. but when he errors he errors big in my opinion. Perfect set up for an undercover prize worth keeping undercover and he tells the house crazy woman.
Rubina: No clue. None…. at all.
T’Kor: bbtwitter will love her. I find her game style to be a cross between Azah and Nicole Anthony first time around. I don’t know if that’s a compliment. But nice person.
Anyone left?
Tucker. right. Tucker. I’m suspicious. Something feels Grod. I’m betting some feeders are cheering bro on bro violence without realizing the true motive. Who does Tucker see as his real biggest threat in comps? Oh. That’s it, isn’t it. He’s aiming to get rid of a bro so he is THE alpha bro. IT’S POSSIBLE. While I’m sure there’s a contingent cheering his antics, I’m still thinking he’s another only wants to work with men to power through the house and get rid of the inferiors type. Only he’s laying on the petty thick and behaving like a cartoon character while plotting it so he isn’t taken seriously as a bro type until it’s too late. Think Cauliflower brother masquerading as Justin from bbott. That’s my gut read.
Matt is way too confident. I seriously don’t know why he would think it is a good idea to tell Tucker that he brought him up as a potential pawn. No wonder he doesn’t think people should win because of their social game…He has none!! It looks like Tucker even in his “I hate Lisa for everything because I want to cook” delusion may have steered Angela back on track
glad to be back with you, dawg and simon!
first impressions: matt and angela are blowing their games hard. lisa can’t read a room at all. joseph and quinn i think had good instincts to want to align with the week one hoh, but um, she’s really bad at the game, and they should have pivoted. that she can’t see it and they don’t see it is worrysome. cedric and chelsie deftly navigated the oh poor us we can’t compete. dumb as hell not to nom them, but good on them to stay off the bloc, so i’m kinda rooting for them atm. not forming an all girls alliance is dumb, so not a lotta hope for the ladies. overall looks like the best candidates to win already seem to want to play a float game and stay off the radar because the players playing more aggressive games are not doing it well. not a lot of hope for this season, especially as 3 noms means a lot of frontdooring and it’s what the house wants bullsh*t which typically doesn’t make for a good season. rooting for kenney to stay and win the next hoh as i think it’s the best hope to stir up the house and save this season from disaster (though i worry that if he does that, quinn will respond by wasting his power).
The Tucker Plot.
What’s the point?
What are the ramifications?
Yet another feels like it’s just for good tv moment.
Like Tucker is trying to be a character not a houseguest.
Aftermath. Kenney and Matt both think it’s real until the ceremony.
Tucker told Matt about the volunteer stuff in front of Cedric.
Matt told Rubina… who seems to be more emotive than logic player.
Angela is trying to rebuild her relationship with Lisa by being honest and straight shooting.
Post ceremony what is the mood or feeling regarding Angela and Tucker?
That’s my question.
I like that it serms Tucker steered her back on track when the others couldn’t . Kenny and Matt are to blame for the position that they are in. My thing with Kenney is for being an undercover cop why does it seem that he is only dealing with Matt and hardly anyone else? I would think undercover cops would have a great social game
Again, the objective isn’t the problem.
It’s the method.
My issue with Angela was method not objective.
My questions about Tucker are method not objective.
I feel like they are not thinking through long term only jumping up and down to try to make good tv moments. That makes them feel performative, not strategic because they aren’t questioning what is the effect long term.
Quinn told Kimo about his power.
Kimo listened to Quinn go over options.
Quinn: not as smart as we thought.
his ideas:
nominate himself during a takeover to avert suspicion.
win HOH, take over his own HOH and blame Lisa.
i mean, if you voted yes to allowing ainsle in i was already suspect of your game, and now they’re kinda proving it. pretty dumb how they’ve talked about their powers. stay quiet. use it if you need it. if you don’t, letting it expire isn’t the end of the world. it’s not complicated. don’t overthink it.
Hey Quinn:
who is your target? Lisa.
who are you blaming for your power? Lisa.
who can’t you nominate to make your plan work? Lisa.
See why It isn’t smart?
Post Veto Ceremony:
HOH Angela
Lisa,Kenney, Kimo, MattVeto winner: Lisa
Matt wants a better public apology that specifically addresses his mother, not just loved ones. Who cares dipshit, you’re on the block and nobody likes you.
Matt has revealed to Lisa that the whole house thinks she has a power.
Lisa wants to have a house meeting… wants to know who said what to whom. She tells Matt to use his mind to realize he’s being manipulated into thinking false things, and not to repeat them.
That’s a big Matt problem: he tells everybody EVERYTHING. It’s been said for days, you can’t actually say anything to Matt because he has no discretion and no filter.
How do neither of these people (Lisa and Matt) realize they are mostly unliked by the house?
Tucker is continuing with his buddy pal (screw him) theatrics for tv moments. Of course you have my vote. why? to be that cartoon character because it does NOTHING for him on a strategic game level. Future houseguests: be real, not a badly drawn cartoon. Again, I think parts of the viewership will love his antics until he turns on their faves and then be shocked when they shouldn’t be. That’s what the Grod cartoon characters do.
Personal Opinion:
Of the three noms Kenney brings Zero to the feeds, Zero to house dynamic, and Zero to entertainment. Sorry. He’s…. dull and a little annoying and has that only comp wins matter alphamale idea of the objective in BIg Brother.