Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: ?
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?
6:15pm The live feeds return with all the house guests in the kitchen chatting and eating.
HOH competition will be later tonight.
6:30pm Bedroom – Kimo and Tkor
Kimo – I say we gun for it. Tkor – I think Rubina winning it would be good too. Kimo – I think she will be gunning for it too. Beds are changing too because we have new havenots. Who are the havenots? Tkor – we don’t know yet. Kimo – If its the wall the first four down are havenots. There are a bunch of people on your side. You’re fine. We don’t know it could be literally up your alley. You know what I mean?!

6:40pm Unicorn Bedroom – Leah, Brooklyn, Rubina
They say sorry to Lisa and then point their finger like a unicorn horn.
6:45pm Kitchen – The house guests are hanging out.
They wonder when the HOH competition will start. (Big Brother didn’t tell them this time. Last week it started at 8pm) Kenny – At least Lisa won’t be leaving all her sh*t over the house. Chelsie – a win is a win! Kenny – I watched her today take the last .. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Angela – well thanks again for keeping me guys, honestly. I didn’t expect it.

Bathroom – Angela and Makensy
Angela – This is a crazy night and its not over. We still have that HOH. We’ll see who that’s going to be. oh my gosh. Makensy – yeah. Angela – I really didn’t expect to stay unless I had won (the AI comp). Its crazy that you think one thing, but then another thing happens. Thank you again for your vote. I appreciate it. Makensy – I said I will never be disrespectful or dishonest.
7pm Bumper Pool Room – Cam, Cedric and Joseph
Cedric – This week, hopefully everyone sticks to the plan this week. Cam – hopefully nobody gets cute! Joseph – I just want to know who has the other fucking thing, the power or if Lisa even had it. Cam – Lisa might not even have had it. Whoever got it was playing real smooth. Joseph – I mean, I guess if you lie about your job, you would lie about having a twist.
Bathroom – Brooklyn, Kenny and Cedric
Kenny – I new Angela wasn’t going to pull anything off. Brooklyn – that’s the thing, she can’t win anything unless its pure luck. Lisa can. Kenny – yeah. Brooklyn – and she was an unpredictable cannon. Kenny – I just couldn’t do it. I didn’t agree with how she bullied people. Brooklyn – I know. No one does. Kenny – She did harp the shit out of me. Cedric – And now this week, you know, it’s like it’s clear what it. Kenny – its a game. Cedric – And you know with Lisa not being able to win she was out.
7:20pm Bathroom – Cedric, Cam and Quinn
Cam – you’re going for HOH right? Quinn – yeah, I want this one bad! Cedric – you (Cam) going for it? Cam – yeah, I’ll go for it. Cedric – if one of us wins it, who we feeling to go up? Cam – we’ll have to talk about it as a group.
7:25pm Bathroom – Cedric and Chelsie.
Cedric – so you don’t think the two are rocking no more? Chelsie – who? Cedric – MJ and Leah. Chelsie – what do you mean? Cedric – do you think they’re not rocking with the kid no more? Chelsie – who? With you? Chelsie – no.. Cedric – Are you thinking its going to be a line in the sand? Chelsie – no, they haven’t brought your name up. Leah just brought up the comment that you brought about about giving her game away. That made her mad. Cedric – its just weird because I didn’t even say that. That’s the coldest part but whatever … perception is reality. Chelsie – so they’re gunning after Angela clearly but I think they would use someone like a Joseph, or a Kimo or you or even me as a pawn. And wouldn’t be mad if we went home. Cedric – right. Chelsie – so I don’t think they’re against you but.. Cedric – they’re not rocking with me. Chelsie – and I think they were only rocking with me because I had power this week so I am in the same position that you are, I just haven’t said anything to Leah to make her feel a way. SO that is it, its not like against Cedric .. its just a numbers thing. Cedric – yeah. Chelsie – that’s just a feeling that I get. But I feel like they’re more not with Joseph because Joseph and Matt were like .. (at odds). But with them I just don’t trust them. Cedric – at all. Chelsie – and I am just trying to keep them close to keep control over that side. But even Rubina doesn’t trust them. Tucker doesn’t trust them.
7:57pm Kitchen – Cam, Rubina, Cedric, Joseph, Leah, Brooklyn, Angela and Tucker
8:05pm Bedroom – Makensy talking to the cameras.
Makensy – I don’t want to. I am supposed to sleep there. And Angela sleeps there in the yellow one. If you’re waiting for MJ’s moments of the day we had the live eviction today and I feel really bad about it. Tucker did great. We’re about to play HOH and I have no idea what the outcome will be yet. Wish me luck. I love y’all. I love my family. I miss Matt. I miss Lisa already even though she was a little crazy. She was a great person, just living with her was a lot.
8:18pm The house guests are sitting around the kitchen waiting for the HOH comp to start. Leah – I am excited to allegedly possibly be able to go outside tomorrow. I don’t even remember what the sunlight feels like since Monday.
8:20pm Big Brother blocks the feeds. It looks like the HOH competition is starting now..
9:55pm Still blocked..
Cedric won HoH