“Keep Kaitlyn. Okay, I’ll vote with it but I think it’ll bite y’all in the a$$”

POV: FES Next POV: July 21st
POV Used YES POV Ceremony July 23rd
HOH: Sam Next HOH: July 26th
Noms: Kaitlyn and Rockstar Haleigh Have Nots Scottie, Rachel, Bayeligh, Kaycee

Big Brother Spoilers

4:04pm RS and Fes

RS – I’m f*ing tired of this place
RS – I voted to keep him here.. my biggest f*ing thing is loyalty
RS – and she said my name has been tossed around like it was me and Kaitlyn’s plan to do that.. (Take Swaggy out)
FEs – who said that
RS – Bayleigh..
F – who is saying that
RS – it doesn’t f*ing matter if I go home I get to see my people that do trust me.. I’m just tired of being here with people that are dishonest..
Fes tells her he trusts her
RS – I want Bayeligh to trust me
Fes – I promise you Bayleigh is voting to keep you ..

Fes – you are going to get through this week I promise.. there will be a lot of talk this week..
Fes – don’t think because i’m best friends with her..
Fes – if that was the case I would have taken her down I know what she did to Swaggy..
Fes says she hasn’t proven her loyalty in this game to him.

Fes – Don’t freak out she’s going to be very emotional this week..
Fes – you have my vote you have Haleigh’s vote.. Yo have Scottie’s Vote and then the other people.. not all of them 1 or 2 or three..

Fes tells her to let things go.. “HAve fun”
RS – I’m sad people question my loyalty..
Fes -t eh two people closest to you don’t.. me and haleigh
RS says she told Sam everything.. She told her why she voted for Steve their Swaggy alliance.

RS – I just thought if you had people you trust you would go far.. I just hate that it’s even to question my loyalty to swaggy.. not that it reall matter.. I loved that kid.
RS – I felt like he would be trust to me too.. that is why it’s bothersome.. I don’t like my integrity questioned
RS was hoping talking to Bayleigh would make him feel better but it didn’t

5:18pm Haleigh and Rachel
Going over pros and Cons of keeping Kailtyn or Rockstar.

Kaitlyn is sneaker, they are both BIG targets, Kaitlyn might target Fes.

Haleigh says Kailtyn is now saying she picked Fes for the veto so she could throw it to him.
They wonder where all the flipped voted are coming from. They have not idea.
Haleigh goes on about how much Rockstar likes Rachel. Rachel says she likes Rockstar as well her entire opinion has changed of her since they’ve started talking this last week.

Rachel says if the nominations had stayed the same Haleigh would have stayed.
Haleigh says Kailtyn is cornering people an hour after the veto Ceremony she cornered her and fes with their vote.
Haleigh brings up how Kaitlyn didn’t put any effort into their relationship it’s been all her.
Rachel – it’s almost like she just goes where the power it
haleigh – exactly..

Rachel tells her how tough she is Says she could never have done this show at 21.. (same good grief)

4:38pm Have nots Rachel, Kaycee

Kaycee – Brett is saying to get rid of Kaitlyn
R – really, that’s a dumb move
Kaycee – she’s more of a threat
R – but if she is to win
Kaycee – what is she going to win
R – yeah but.. i guess for me.. RS was third..
kaycee – I mean she could
R – I wouldn’t count her out
Kaycee – I want Kaitlyn to stay too
R – this is why I want Kaitlyn to stay; She’s not coming after me, she’s not coming after you she’s not coining after us.. Brett wants her to go because he feels if she wins she’s more of a threat to win

R – it’s better for you, Me and Angela’s game to get rid of ROCKSTAR
K – yeah
R – at the end of the day she will still do the all girls thing..
R – Kailtyn will be going after Fes, Brett before us
Kaycee doesn’t see her going after Fes
R – I just had a conversation with Haleigh outside and she wants to get rid of kaitlyn
R – Tyler will want to keep Kaitlyn he has her he would be dumb to get rid of her..
R – Angela wants to keep Kaitlyn, So we have you, me, Angela and Tyler..
They agree they can pull Kailtyn in if she comes back.
R – her whole side is going to vote her out, Fes, haleigh..
R – I know Sammy wants Kaitlyn out.. she might be like LISTEN VOTE KAITLYN OUT
They think Sam might just let the votes go where they may.
They bring up how Sam telling the whole house about the power now makes the other side look even more shady because they know it wasn’t them that flipped.
Rachel says the only person going after Sam is Kaitlyn they can tell Sam they will protect her

Brett joins them..

Brett says they can twist Kaitlyn’s mind if Rockstar stays there’s no chance. Brett adds that Kaitlyn has bigger targets if it’s RS it’s the three of them but mostly just him.
Brett – I wouldn’t be surprised after this he put him (fes) up.. Swaggy made up one comment and she backdoored him.. it wasn’t even game related.. I
Brett – Rockstar isn’t winning the chance to come back.. Kaitlyn is ..
They think that an evicted houseguests come back
Rachel – what if it’s a vote than Winston could come back.. (LOL)
Brett – we are never going to change Rockstars mind and she is gunning for us
They agree Kailtyn would probably put one of them up maybe as a pawn but Rockstar will put two of them up.. .

Kaycee – right now we’re voting to evict Rocksar
Brett – that makes the most sense..

They count the votes.. they have 5
KAycee says BAyeligh will vote Rockstar out.

Brett – Haleigh is voting to evict Kailtyn..
Kaycee – Sam wants KAitlyn out
Rachel – we have to make sure we have JC or bayleigh
BRett – JC is 100% voting Kailtyn out
Bertt says RS and him are buddy buddies bnow
Rachel thought they didn’t like each other
BRett- he doesn’t.. he’s just really good at it .

Brett is unsure about bay. Both Kaycee and RAchel tell him she will vote out kailtyn
Brett – Fes would be easy to flip..
Brett – I want Fes to vote for Kaitlyn to leave.. That positions him as one of her targets.
Rachel – theya re flipping out tryign to figureout who flipepd the vote.
Brett – dude they are so f**ing stupid
They laugh that the other side still thinks a power has been used.
Brett – kaitlyn has convinced in her mind that it’s been used so she now thinks it was me
BRett – why do they think that
Rahcel – people makes up shit in their minds becuase they don’t want to beleive the trust.

Brett leaves…

5:10pm Bayleigh, Kaycee and Rachel
Bay – you got to thank god for every day.. this is a good day for us.. we’re not on the block..
R – how are you going to vote
Bay – you y’all are voting
Kaycee – i might have changed
R – keep Kaitlyn
Bay – ok.. I’ll vote with it but I think it’ll bite y’all in the a$$
Kaycee and Rachel offer her protection if she votes out Rockstar.
Bay – she claims to be good with everybody in this house..

Bay tells them that Fes forgave Kaitlyn for turning on Swaggy and Kailtyn told Tyler. She doesn’t see Kailtyn going after Fes.

Bay – Tyler might and She might vote him out..
Kaycee – She’ll see four votes turned against her it’ll be Haliegh, Fess, JC,
Bay – I think they will vote the house.. it’ll be unanimous
Bay is convinced Fes won’t vote out Kaitlyn.

Bay asks them about Brett and Angela. Rachel says they probably want Rockstar out because she’s putting them up if she wins HOH.
Rachel says there’s enough pull with Tyler to get Kaitlyn to put up Fes.
Rachel and Kayceee both say “Tyler has a lot of pull”

Bay – even though she’s little, she’s lied to y’all including me
Bay – if not this week I thin she’ll be on the block next week
Rachel says Kaitlyn can be a Shield.

Bay – if Tyler wins HOH who do you think he will put up
Kaycee – Rockstar .. Fes.. maybe Scottie not you
Bay – I think him ans Scottie are really close..
R – you shouldn’t be worried about Tyler
Bay – if we unanimous vote her out she’ll come back broken..
Bay – I will say this and this is unfortunate.. both of them have families to go home to…

Rachel – we got 5 for sure… it can’t go down to a tie
Kaycee says Scottie wants to go with the house

Rachel strikes a pose

5:52pm Rachel and Angela
They talk about having no clue what Sam was doing during Sam’s HOH speech. Angela says the whole thing with Sam was planned she thought she was putting Rockstar up all along.
Angela – the whole best friend thing is a way for her to put Rockstar up..

Angela – next week will be a really easy week.. since everyone is on board with Kaitlyn leaving..
Rachel says her plan is to backdoor scottie if she wins HOH but doesn’t want Kaitlyn in the Jury.
Angela – Kaitlyn is a easy out

They talk about their attempts to get the house to think they are not close. Rachel is starting to worry that maybe Angela is drifting away.
Rachel says she’s cried to JC yesterday because she thought Angela and Brett were getting closer than her an Angela.
Angela – Rachel I do not like Brett.. the fact you cried to JC is perfect..
Angela – when it gets to 3 or 5 of us we need to stage a fight over brett..

They pinking swear they are solid to the Vixen alliance.

6:14pm outside.. .

Brett talking about how he didn’t know anything about the live feeds before the show started he thought “What’s the point” . Now he knows if you want the full story you ahve to watch the feeds because they can edit you any way.
Tyler didn’t know about the feeds until he started going through the casting and he started watching the you tube highlights.

6:36pm Haleigh and fes
Haleigh says she bit her nail off today.

Haleigh says everyone laughing at her speech
Fes jokes – you speech was so bad..

6:45pm Angela and JC
JC says he’s as surprised as Angela is with Sam saying she was about to put him up.. JC says he campaigned so hard to keep Sam week 1.
Brett joins them.. starts listing his reasons to keep Kaitlyn. (nothing new that hasn’t already been said)
Angela chimes in that Kaitlyn is going after Fes now.
Brett says Rockstar will put two of them up but Kaitlyn will put up one of them. \
JC – RS won’t win anything at all…
Brett brings up Random competitions.
Angela says RS has a 1 in 10 chance to winning HOH
JC says if they send RS out they guarantee Swaggy coming back.
Brett- what if it’s reaching your hand in a f*ing snake pit..
Brett – if Swaggy comes back he wants kaitlyn’s head on a stake..
JC – he’s going to have a lot of F*ing numbers.. all those little minions..
Brett – RS is one of his numbers.. with Kaitlyn we can always influence his vote

JC says he’s leaning towards voting kaitlyn out
Angela and brett say ROCKSTAR.

Tyler joins them..

They go back and forth who RS’s targets are..
JC – I 100% do not want Swaggy in this game..
Brett says they have no clue Swaggy will come back.

7:00pm JC and Tyler
Tyler says Bayleigh and Rockstar are super close.
Tyler says the sides are: Brett, Angela, Rachel, Kaycee, Sam VS Scottie, Haleigh, Fes, Rockstar, Bayleigh
JC – she’s playing you (Kaitlyn)
Tyler says he tells Kaietlyn jump she asks how high
JC tells him that kailtyn is smarter than the two of them put together.

T – I’m 5 f*ing steps ahead of Kaitlyn.. I say Jump she says how high..

Tyler says he’s lied to Kaitlyn in the face and told her they didn’t flip the vote last week that is why she thinks power is used.
JC – if we get Rockstar out we have 4 people on 1 side and 5 people on 1 side and KAitlyn…
JC adds that if the other side wins HOH kaitlyn will jump to them and they will have 6 people.
JC says they are losing a weak player and keeping a strong player. They did the same thing last week when they kept Brett.

Tyler tells him he was never going to go up today. JC oh m f*ing god Tyler.. if I hadn’t opened my mouth she would have thrown me there her game strategy is to be the most liked person in the house.
JC – I don’t even know what I said.. I changed her mind right there.
Jc – girls talk and you believe them ..
Kaycee comes in

7:25pm JC and Bayleigh

Jc – she told Tyler she has feelings for Tyler.. and week two she told FEs she had feelings for him
Bayeligh doesn’t thin that is true
JC thinks it’ shows she’s crazy
JC says the same thing Kaitlyn is telling Tyler he’s telling Fes..
JC says he won’t trust Fes again.. JC says it’s becuase of him he almost went on the block.
Bayleigh – did he say sorry
JC says no he acts like it was his girl what could he do.

Rockstar comes in..
JC tells her most of the house is on teh fence. whispers “I think Angela will vote for you”
RS – really

Tyler and Rachel talking about the permutations for of a battle back twist.

Fes and Brett talking about the vote. Fes says that both Rockstar and Kailtyn are so emotional something is going to happen that sitr sh1t up.
They talk about Kailtyn thinking a power was used.
Brett – no power f*ing used.. dude.. C’mon man use your head.. if there was a power used we would f*ing know

7:46pm Haleigh, bayleigh and RS
Bayeligh tells them that KAitlyn told Fes and Tyler that she has feelings for them that is why she’s got them wrapped around his little finger..
Bay tells rs to keep her mouth shut warns her that she gets fancy theories.. “this is for you and you”
Haleigh – she’s in a 5 year relationship

Haleigh says it’s terrifying that Kailtyn is doing this.
Haleigh – I’m telling you if I was her boyfriend watching the show she wouldn’t have a boyfriend coming out.. that is why she needs to go.. it’s gotta happen.. it’s gotta happen.
Haleigh says Angela is really not going to vote to keep kaitlyn

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24 thoughts to ““Keep Kaitlyn. Okay, I’ll vote with it but I think it’ll bite y’all in the a$$””

  1. Bayleigh seems like the smartest one on the clueless side. I’m liking how she’s getting in with the other side. She doesn’t see it now, but Swaggy leaving was the best thing for her game.

    1. We’ll see. If she keeps the info she gets from them to herself, then she’s the smartest by a country mile…but if she shares it with any of the clueless side, she’s equally clueless.

      Bayleigh has to see everybody on her side as pawns, all to be sacrificed before her…while she tries to sow dissension in the majority. She absolutely has to make an effort to get as close to either Tyler or Brett as she can. She’s cool with the girls and once they catch on, that will make her a target

  2. I think Bayleigh’s pregnancy hormones are already starting to cloud her judgement.

    1. Her judgement? She’s making in-roads/talking votes with level 6, Only one in her alliance smart enough to not trust Kaitlyn and she’s got a Power and didn’t tell everyone in the house about it….. Not sure why you choose to Hate on Bayleigh so much but she is playing a smarter game than alot of people in the house

      1. Very true. She’s stepped up her game since Chris got tossed. She’s smart enough to realize something isn’t right with her side so she kept her power a secret. She can do some significant damage with it if she plays it right. She needs to find a solid partner to get her back though and she may have a hard time at this point.

  3. I think RS, Sam & Kaitlyn are going to break Josh’s record for crying…. I think Kaitlyn still ahead by a bucket (even with the all the fake crying)

    1. Big Brother 19 winner Josh “meatball” Martinez on twitter yesterday:
      “Watching Kaitlyn cry every episode, I like to make a public announcement I’m sorry.”
      He now KNOWS what he put you through.

  4. Simon,

    I was just sure you would have gifs of Kaycee and Rachel hiding behind the bed in the have-not room discussing “the plan”.

  5. If this comes down to a unanimous vote, Box o Rocks will be devastated. No way she wins the comp to come back. She doesn’t want to be there now.

    Tyler is a mind bender! Wow! Getting Box o Rocks out benefits no one more than him. Can’t wait to hear his conversation with Sam. That one’s gonna be tricky but I have faith in him. If anyone can do it….he can.

    BTW…..where the heck is Steve???

    This is the best season!!!!! I’m loving it!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Steve left week one, you may mean Scottie and I believe he has kept his head hidden after his big play last week. He may pop up now that he’s safe this week. Tyler at least will be looking to make sure he votes the right way, the Tyler way! Tyler is going to want to mix up the votes to maintain some confusion and distrust.

  6. I don’t know why Angela is so afraid of Rockcod “putting her up.” Rock needs to WIN HOH to be able to do that! Rockquarry could not win a coin flip against herself. So strange the fear.

  7. Oh Tyler. It is true you have done some great BB work on Kaitlyn. But keep yourself together and don’t get too comfortable with it. Still much work to be done if she stays. Which I’m sure she will. Please don’t underestimate the ticking time bomb that can and most assuredly will blow up in your face if you get too over confident. Bay just told them what I’ve been saying and hope isn’t true. Kaitlyn will ruin your game if you aren’t very very careful.

  8. “Haleigh – I’m telling you if I was her boyfriend watching the show she wouldn’t have a boyfriend coming out.. that is why she needs to go.. it’s gotta happen.. it’s gotta happen.”
    Haleigh you are correct, Kaitlyn does not have a boyfriend coming out of the house. I actually feel sorry for her ex, when she finds out “ joe, look at me, look in my eyes and tell me you broke up with me, we had 5 years, look at me, just look at me”. Lol

    1. Yeah, I wish we could be a fly on the wall in Kaitlyns house when she cracks open her laptop and loads up the first of many BB live feed forums! She’s going to be so disappointed, not finding out America didn’t like her, but finding out that her psychic intuition didn’t tell her while in the BB house that America didn’t like her lmao

  9. I think they should get Kaitlyn out. First of all she is the village idiot. Maybe if she was gone other people may actually get some tv time.

    And second of all I believe she could possibly become a strong force and win. She is pretty competitive.

  10. Kaitlyn says she’s just going to meditate the next couple of days. Riiighttt. Meditating on how many ways to kill Fessie.

  11. So another with conversations with Scottie involved.., WHERE IS SCOTTIE? Is he talking to anybody about game? Votes anything

  12. Does anyone know if Tyler would be safe in the next two weeks if he doesn’t win the HOH? I would like to at least see him in jury if anything. His game is scaring me.

    Team Tyler

    1. He has the cloud power and for it to be used he has to anticipate either being nominated or evicted. I think he’s in a pretty good spot right now that he doesn’t need to worry about either of those things. Depending on who wins HOH coming up, that could change. He can only use the power BEFORE he is either put on the block or evicted. He’s my fave too.

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