Kaitlyn – Swaggy made it really prominent to Bayleigh in the beginning that they are brother and sister and they act as such

POV: Faysal Next POV: ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 2nd
HOH: Tyler Next HOH: July 5th
Noms: Sam, Steve Have Nots Brett, Kaitlyn, Scottie, Winston

Big Brother 20 Spoilers – small changes in the alliance. ROCKSTAR and Haleigh are closer than I thought. They are preparing to jump ship in the event Feysal/Swaggy/Bayleigh/Kaitlyn pair in in showmance. (which they already kinda have done) The other side, The Bros, Rachel, Angela, Kaycee seems to be a lot more solid.

11:42pm Fez, Steve, ROCKSTAR
Talking about how mean the Bros are to Rachel. They think they can pull Rachel in with them.

Steve – We’ve count the votes it’s 7-6 me
They count the votes.. Fez, swaggy, ROckstar, Kaitlyn , Haleigh, SCottie
Fez – maybe JC
They think Winston is a Doctor.
Rockstar/FEz – he thinks he’s smarter than everybody else
Fez – I’m sketched out by Winston.. either way he’s gotta go..
Rockstar now thinking that Brett has the power
Fez and Rockstar agree Winston is “scheming like crazy.. ”

Steve – who else has he approached..
ROCKSTAR – he shuts up when I walk into the room
Steve – Haleigh
Fez – I think Kaitnlyn but she just shut it down..

ROCKSTAR – Haleigh can’t stand Winston.. Haleigh hangs out with Brett..
ROCKSTAR mentions how Heleigh doesn’t like Winston always commenting on her being a baby.
Fez says if anyone from their side wins HOH it’s be a combinations of Angela, Winston, Rachel.
Fex mentions they could put Kaycee up as a pawn and backdoor one of them.

Steve – Kaycee told me she would vote for me to stay..
Fez says the other side has Sam who is a wild card more of a liability.
Steve says when Sam goes into “red alert” everything goes out

Steve wonders why Tyler doesn’t see the bigger picture..
ROCKSTAR says Tyler and JC just want to float.
Steve calls this the season of Floaters.. (lol already chief)

Fez wonders what Winston an JC are scheming about so early
ROCKSTAR says they’re trying to pull JC in
Steve – that’s like trying to nail down a rainbow
ROCKSTAR – no sh1t
Fez leaves.. ROCKSTAR and Steve talk about how crazy this game is.

And another Jenga game has ended

11:58pm Haleigh and Tyler HOH

Haleigh – I really think ROCKSTAR has my best interest in mind
Haleigh is upset because JC is telling her that ROCKSTAR doesn’t have her best interest in mind. He also told her

Tyler – we need to reel him in a little bit. You know hoe he likes to talk
H – he’s a wildcard
T – I don’t know how good he would be with deflecting stuff.. it’s too early to tell.. I guess we just roll with it . .
T – there’s only so much we should tell him..

Haliegh says JC made another comment about Kaitlyn to her and Rockstar
Tyler – he doesn’t think a whole lot before he speaks
Haleigh – this might be TMI but every girl in here got their period on the same day (that was quick)
H – I haven’t had a period in 3 years.. I can’t deal with this
T – what’s everyone thinking
H – Steve is still staying
H – Kaitlyn is really pissed one of them is going home
T – How long ago did everyone decide Stve would stay.. cause I had no preference
H – two days after Nom ..
Haleigh says they started to get to know Steve and Sam was around.
T – and when Sam started snapping on people

T – do you trust Steve personally
H – yeah I do.. he really not feeling Winston and Angela
T – Winston? I thought they were friends
H – Yeah.. it might be a facade..
Haleigh says Swaggy and Fez have been pretty vocal that they don’t like Winston and Brett.
Haliehg says Steve told her he would put up the Bros and if veto is played Angela goes up.

ROCKSTAR comes in and says Steve thinks Winston is a medical Doctor or Med student. Rockstar goes on about all the evidence her and Steve came up with that points at Winston being a Doctor. (it’s about as solid evidence Caleb had that Donnie was special forces)
ROCKSTAR adds a healthy dose of BBAPP power speculations saying she’s 90% sure Brett has it.
ROCKSTAR goes as far as to suggests Winston is like a DR.Will.. but not a good Dr.Will..

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12:07am ROCKSTAR, Swagz and Bayleigh
Speculating about Winston’s career.
ROCKSTAR is dead set now that Brett has the power.

12:26am Have Nots Winston, Brett, Kaitlyn
Winston asks if Bayleigh and Swagz are in a showmance
Kaitlyn – yeah they’re really tight
Brett – they’re sleeping together
Kaitlyn says they are just sleeping in the same bed like she was sleeping in the same bed with Feysal last night.
Brett says that is different because Feysal and Kaitlyn aren’t flirting with each other and Swagz/Bay are

Kaitlyn – Swaggy made it really prominent to Bayleigh in the beginning that they are brother and sister and they act as such
Kaitlyn – they aren’t really flirting they’re just really close friends
BRett – i’m jsut wonding..

Brett – I was just wondering if we have a showmance
kaitlyn – are we going to have one with you
Kaitlyn says Brett should worry about getting his own showmance.
Brett asks who he can go for.
Kaitlyn -Haleigh’s taken
Brett – by whom
Kaitlynn – I believe she should be with Tyler
Winston – ohh
Brett – we didn’t know that ..

12:34am Swagz, Bayleigh and FEZ
Fez tells them that KAitlyn has a boyfriend back home and she get sketchy about him and Haleigh.
Bayleigh points out how close the other side of the house is.
Swagz isn’t sure Tyler is with them. He says eh is but there’s been no actions. JC pokes his head into the room. They tell him production doesn’t turn the lights off int eh room until everyone is in bed. They don’t think ROCKSTAR will go to bed for another hour.

12:54am Haleigh and ROCKSTAR

Haleigh is making cookies. They whisper about the showmances Feysal/Kaitlyn and Swagz/Bayleigh. Hard to hear what they are saying.

Haleigh – when we were on the hammock, Fesyal was rubbing my legs like he usually does


1:00 am like a boss 

1:06am Hammock Bros and Scottie 
They mention how much they “F*ing hate those saucers” (have not beds)
They bring up the BB prom they have tomorrow that will be 2 hours long. The Bros both bring up how awkward the Birthday party they had earlier. Brett brings up how “backed up” JC and Kaitlin are. Scottie says he never had that problem. (LOL great useful spoilers I’m giving you all)
The Bros tell Scottie about Kaitlyn telling them that Haleigh is taken.
Scottie – Kaitlyn really wants a showmance to happen
Bros – there is a shwomance happening but nobody wants to talk about it
Scottie mentions how weird it is because people are calling it that they are brother and sister
Winston goes on about how ridiculous that is.
(lots of farting going on)
Scottie says he’s been occupied because Steve is on the block.
Winston asks if they’ll use the Veto
Scottie – I honestly don’t think he’ll use it..
Scottie says the entire VETO meeting they had in the HOH was confusing, “it was a total f* fest”
(feeds flip to HOH)

1:16am JC and Tyler
JC has no where to sleep. He hopes in with Tyler. Says if he wins HOH Tyler can sleep in the bed any time. Talks about how back home he hates sleep alone.

1:24am we’re back to the hammock..
They talk about what would happen if Veto is played.
The possible replacement nominations could be: Angela, Scottie, Kaitlyn, Winston, Bayleigh
Scottie brings up that Kaitlyn was accusing him of lying about his job. She thought he was a brain surgeon.

1:22am ROCKSTAR and Bayleigh Bathroom
They are talking about KAitlyn have a boyfriend back home and acting the way she does towards Faysal
ROCKSTAR _ I love her i really do but I don’t think she’s thinking
Hayleigh – what are you doing under the covers
Hayleigh – Swaggy and BAyleigh have made out every single night..

1:35am Haleigh and ROCKSTAR
She brings up JC trying to offer her an alliance with Tyler and him. JC also told she can trust ROCKSTAR but not to the full extent because she will relay information back to SWAGGY.
Haleigh – Tyler is not onboard at all.. he’s like that is terrible.. He thinks this wold blow up in his face because JC is so mouthy..
ROCKSTAR smiles.
ROCKSTAR says she was the one responsible for bringing their 5 people together
Haleigh agrees.
ROCKSTAR doesn’t know exactly who Swaggys is dealing with
They agree Kaitlyn is fun and she has a good social game but they don’t full trust her.
Rockstar – I don’t know why I really don’t trust her
Rockstar goe son about how she was the one that brought the 5 together and they need to stick together. They will Drop Swagz fez when the time is right
She says Steve and SCottie are a huge asset.
Rockstar says that Swaggy/Fez think they are the mastermind. She is find with that. Rockstar adds that people don’t trust her in the hose because they think she’s smart.
Haleigh says if the other side gets power they’ll put up Fez and Swagz. She will fight to help them and it sucks

Haleigh says Swaggy is already talking about switching out someone in their 5 to being Bayleigh in.
Haleigh- I’m working with Scottie
ROCKStaR – Scottie and Steve are till the end
Haleigh says Scottie/Steve Haleigh/Rockstar can be and 4 person side thing.
Rocksart – I love Tyler it’s just too bad
Haleigh – this is just not the right game for him (WOW)
Haleigh – Brett has the power there’s no doubting that. Winston is a doctor.
Rockstar asks what do they do if Swagz and Bayleigh hook up.

Haleigh – that will f* sh1t up
ROCKSTAR – we need a exit strategy
Haleigh – our other friend is looking at the other option (Kaitlyn)
Haleigh – we just picked some horny people to ally with
ROCKSTAR – Swaggy told me that Scottie told him the other side are going to put up me and Kaitlyn
Rcokstar again says she masterminded their 5 person alliance that latest 1 week and she can mastermind another alliance in the event Faysal/Swagz go hog wild in a showmance.

ROCKSTAR and Haleigh final 2 is called “The Manifesters”

2:00am JC and Tyler
Tyler doesn’t think Haleigh likes him “I do not have the pull you think.. I like Haleigh.. but I can tell when I like somebody and they Don’t like me back.. I can tell.. I swear.. I know”
JC says he’s feeling to be more distance from Haleigh.
Tyler says Haleigh is in a good spot she;s got the entire other side of the house with her. She also close to Brett and she’s clse to them.
JC says Haleighs BFF is ROCKSTAR
Tyler – she protected from every angle right now
Tyler says Brett likes Haleigh hack.
Brett is a player anything with a pu$$y walks near him…


2:55am Faysal gets a ham delivery 

7:43am house guests are still sleeping

8:26am Steve is up outside smoking, Drinking coffee. Deep undercover work.

9:20am Steve and Sam the Robot
Steve about Tyler – It’s almost like talking to a young innocent kid.. he’s very sweet and he’s very nice.. I know you, you know me we’re blue colour workiers..
Steve – We have to convince Tyler tonight if the power of veto is used on Steve to not put up Fez.. otherwise he won’t use the veto
Steve says that he picked Fez as player choice for Veto so he’s thinking he’ll use the veto on him
Steve says they have to wrack their brains for who Fez is close with to tell Tyler. Steve tells her she talks to everyone so maybe she’s got a better idea. Steve claims that there’s 5 people in the house he has never talked game to.
Steve – JC I can’t nail him down it’s like nailing down a rainbow..
Steve is proposing to Sam that they convince Tyler to put someone distance from FEZ up. Fez will use the veto on Steve and Steve will then work hard to get the votes to make sure Sam stays. (LOL)
Steve – I want off the block.. by helping you it helps me..
Steve – I guess I have to talk to Tyler.. maybe you should talk to Tyler
SAM – I already have had my one on one.. all I could t3ell him is not beat himself up.. like you said he’s a sweetheart.. its the first HOH he can’t do anything too crazy.
Sam – he did the logical thing he chose the 2 people that were off first, It’s not my fault it’s a ROBOT

9:51am Winston and Kaycee
Winston – I got to thinking last night when I was sitting here with Brett and Scottie.. the only way for me to guarantee my safety would have been for Steve to pick me to play in the veto (instead of FEZ).. I couldn’t have been backdoored than.. I’m at risk getting backdoored..
Winston and Kaycee think that JC has the BBAPP power.

10:07am Backyard sam cruising around.. she tells them someone “F**ed up” one of her hands on the robot

10:11am Angie says she’s talked to the medic in and they… (feeds cut)
Kaitlyn, Bayleigh and Angie.. chatting about the prom tonight
Bayleigh – we don’t have any music
Kaitlyn – prom is dumb
Angela lets have a funeral
They laugh about have a funeral about Angela’s left lung.. (I guess it’s her lung that’s bothering here.. you can here her cough)
Angel;a – I just took a handful of pulls.. Vitamin-c, Mucidex, multivitamins..
Bayleigh tells her to drink lotsa water..

10:20pm Haleigh and ROCKSTAR
Talking about how kaitlyn has been in the same relationship since she was 20 and now she’s hanging with Faysal.
They think she’s starting to tone it down becuase of what was being said yesterday and she feels bad.
(Sounds like Feysal is using the same lines on Haleigh and Kaitlyn.. LOL)

11:00am The swagz and Scottie

Scottie says Brett has labelled Swagz and Bayleigh as a showmance. Nobody is buying the bother and sister story.
SCottie says he thinks it’s better they don’t change the nominations and have Tyler pick a replacement.
Scottie says Winston is paranoid.
Swagz-C is going to tell him the word in the house is everyone whats his head on a platter next week.
Swagz-to-tha-C – So he can start focusing on them and stop focusing on me
Scottie warns him about the showmance.
Swaggy-C – thanks, Appreciate it

11:09am Faysal has found the veto…
(He lost it earlier today)

11:10am Winston tells Steve he wishes he had picked him to play in the Veto that is teh only way he can guaranteed them both safety.

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23 thoughts to “Kaitlyn – Swaggy made it really prominent to Bayleigh in the beginning that they are brother and sister and they act as such”

  1. WOW Some pretty paranoia going on! It’s gonna be sweet<3 I'm all about the bros alliance + Rachel and Tyler because for all honesty all the other people sucks !

    1. LOL what did i said wrong. You all supporting Sam which is a waste of space and dumb done nothing so far only acting “cute cheeky” and you all saying this is about gameplay. What game play has Sam done ?

  2. Just want to say that I am super impressed with Tyler and Sam…their ability to remain hush-hush.

    The idea of Fay and Haleigh kinda makes me want to puke. She has him panting like a puppy, and their conversation is ridiculous.

    Baggy still trying to keep their showmance a secret is the most hilarious thing ever. They must think everyone is an idiot.

    Speaking of idiots, these egoists are really getting on my nerves. Just one season I’d like a group of HGs that come in and all play for themselves…ones that don’t complain about everyone else being a floater or bad player just because they aren’t doing what they want. That’s so 2nd grade. A majority of these HGs don’t see beyond themselves…very self-centered people (not Tyler, Sam, Angela, Kaycee)!

    I think it’s time for BB to start casting adults on this show before they run out of diapers.

    *Granny rant over**

  3. Tyler would be a lot better catch for Haleigh then Fess. Dude is a gomer and has lumpy body symdrome. Tyler is actually one of the best players in the house and clueless types like RockStar can’t see it. Too busy thinking Winston is a doctor…Winston a Dr. Haha. She is a mess and talks behinds everyones back. If anyone did that to her she would flip out.

    People I love:

    Scottie, Angela, Sam

    People I don’t hate:

    Kaycee, Rachel, JC, Tyler

    People who annoy me:

    Kaitlyn, Steve, Haleigh, Brett, Fess

    People I want to jab forks in their eye sockets:

    Winston, Swaggy, Bayleigh, Angie(I have to stop calling her RockStar. She is the farthest thing from a RockStar ever in that house. It is like she is in a really cheap bad halloween costume and trying to play the role of a Rocker Wild Chick and epically failing at it)

    1. The “ zen girl “ has become quite the little trash talker too…. she drops more F bombs than the Swaggmeister

    1. After watching scaggy whine about how America got it wrong by not giving him the app and how he was gonna give America one more chance to get it right next week, really just showed what an obnoxious arrogant A$$ he truly is. He has no redeeming qualities that I have seen yet. Even saying America is gonna eat this Sh*T up, showed what an idiot he is. Funny that everyone in the house has figured him out but he believes he has them all fooled. I am really hoping that everyone turns on him soon, so that he feels alone .. I was sort of hoping that his ego would have been put in check when he was denied at the app store but no instead he just goes even more over the top. unreal.

  4. Swaggy , Bayleigh, Fez the f**kboy, Rockstar , Winston, and Brett all need help.
    Swaggy think everyone in that house are a bunch of idiots and don’t see them( him and Bayleigh) in a showmance ..like I think that’s hilarious that they are trying to hide it and fail.
    Bayleigh is a disappointment because I thought she wasn’t gonna be one of those females who weren’t in a showmance and be a good contender to win because of what she said in preseason interviews but sadly that’s not the case. She’s gonna be pre-jury for sure Bayleigh will either leave this week (if the veto is used ) or if The 6 win next week which is very possible at this point.
    Fez the F**kboy is mad annoying like this dude might be worse than Swaggy C personality wise and is looking like a fool chasing Haleigh around ( A girl that probably doesn’t like him ) and it’s just sad to watch and hearing him speak is just as terrible.
    Rockstar isn’t even a Rockstar per day she hasn’t done anything that would make people call her one except her close family all she does is talk mess about people and gets mad when other do it to her .Winston is not even a Doctor oml if she stopped thinking Winston is a doctor and look at the bigger picture the best player that’s in the game right now its Tyler ( imo) but she can remain clueless all the way to the jury house or pre-jury because she is not winning this game.
    Winston- All he does is complain everytime he talks and he says the other side complains and what he talks about has no substance at all hopefully he gets no camera time on the edited show because I’m definitely muting his scenes on the show.
    Brett- He is just there…I haven’t seen him do anything worthwhile because he’s always with Loudmouth Winston or even Haleigh to a extent .

  5. Anyone else annoyed that they keep switching the feeds mid-convo to a room where nothing is going on? Drives me nuts.

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