POV: | FES | Next POV: | July 21st |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | July 23rd |
HOH: | Sam | Next HOH: | July 26th |
Noms: | Kaitlyn and Haleigh | Have Nots |
12:08pm Backyard – Tyler and Kaycee. Tyler – I had a good talk with Sam yesterday. She wouldn’t tell me who she would put up. She wants Kaitlyn to go so if Haleigh comes off the block Sam is going to put up someone that guarantees Kaitlyn to go. Kaycee – MMmm interesting. She asked me today who I would put up. Rockstar. Did she ask you who you would put up? Tyler – yeah same thing. Sam’s personal thing is good but you have to know who was there for you before the pressure you know what I mean? Kaycee – did you tell her that? Tyler – no not yet. I don’t want to force things on her. Kaycee – she just has to do what she wants to do. Tyler – I am scared of is since she already told people what was going to happen I don’t want them getting mad at her if she doesn’t do it. So we will see. It could be worse. Kaycee – way worse. Tyler – we have to remember that going forward because now people know how to get to her.. play that sympathy thing. Kaycee – so horrible. Tyler – I am just not good at that playing victim to get sympathy. Bay came up there crying yesterday too.. because I think she is feeling the heat that she might go up too. Kaycee – hopefully not. Tyler – I just hope its not one of us. Not us but one of the six. There are certain things you can say to Sam and certain things you can’t.
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Backyard Suntanning. Rachel and Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn – For him (Fes) his argument to me was that he wishes I didn’t put Swaggy up because that is something I’ve done to him and she (Haleigh) has done nothing to him. I get that but his words, not mine are that after it happened, that was the best thing that could have happened for Fes game. Because then he wasn’t associated with a threat in the game and a duo and we all know what happens to duos. I get that it was hard. And I get what I did causes a lack of trust. But truthfully in week 2 when I was HOH it wasn’t about anyone else but myself. It was selfish, I know. She is still holding a grudge. The game that she is playing to try and pull out all these other things to people at will vote against me is weird. Rachel – I know you’re spiritual and sensitive to other people.. Like do you feel like you’re putting a lot of pressure on Fes to use it on you? Kaitlyn – not any more. Rachel – I think that you don’t need to. I think that you need to put it out there to him that you are okay. If he knows that then the pressure of the situation will.. I think that will make him. Kaitlyn – but I know Fes and if he hears that it will release him from using it on me. There are two ways it will go down .. he uses it on me and I stay. If he uses it on Haleigh, then I am going home. His big thing is that he want’s both of us to stay. Its tough.
12:22pm Backyard. Kaitlyn and Tyler. Kaitlyn – I decided that I have so much faith in myself and I don’t need a man to save me. I am not even going to push him. I want him to know. I don’t want to annoy him. I know its a hard position he is in. He knows the facts and that if he doesn’t use it on me I am more likely to go home. I can’t keep pressuring him to do something he might not want to do. Tyler – yeah, he knows the facts. Kaitlyn – and coming from me it doesn’t mean anything anymore. It just sucks because I know Bay and Rockstar are also fighting for her (Haleigh). And I don’t have that. Tyler – well if you do stay then at least you know who has your back when you’re up against the wall. That’s why I told you it wasn’t a good idea to run back over to them. Kaitlyn – I didn’t though. Tyler – you went back to them. They only kept you with them because they knew then needed another number. Kaitlyn – do you really think that? Tyler – a million percent! Kaitlyn – where was I supposed to go? Tyler – not back to who you just backdoored their leader. Kaitlyn – who would you want to see go home? Tyler – not you. One of them. Haleigh will campaign against you. Whoever is up there against you will campaign against you. Kaitlyn – you have to tell him that people don’t like Kaitlyn and if you don’t save her she will go home. (I thought she didn’t need a man to save her?) Tyler – I will have that conversation with her. If he doesn’t do it then you can’t blame him. If the doesn’t do it them you know, but its not over till its over.
1:15pm HOH room. Sam and Bay. Sam – do you feel better after yesterday. Like you have a place and some motivation? Bay – my motivation is for me now. Like with everyone else when people wake up in the morning they have someone they’re worried about. But literally after 8 hours no one even cares if I am up. Sam – the only reason people look for me is because I am HOH.
1pm – 2pm Backyard suntanning..
1:40pm Fes and kaitlyn. Fes wonders if he should talk to Sam. Kaitlyn – you should because then if she tells you (who the replacement nom is) then it might help you decide what to do.
2:06pm Bathroom. Fes and Bay. Bay – you treat everyone else better than you treat me. I am so confused. I have been trying to give you your space because you have been mean and mad at the world. And I get punished for it. I don’t understand. Fes – are you serious? Bay – yes, I’m being serious. Like yesterday I had to spend my night crying by myself. Fes – what was wrong yesterday? Bay – a lot! But it doesn’t even matter because you guys were going through what you were going through so I didn’t want to add anything to that. But my whole thing was you were in a mood yesterday. I wasn’t in a mood. I told you that I would give you space. Fes – so what was wrong with you? Bay – I’m over it now. I just need you to stop being wishy washy. Fes – I’m not wishy washy. Bay – you were punching things and throwing things around. Fes – no I wasn’t not yesterday. Bay – do you feel better? Fes – yes, its just a game. Something has to happen.
2:35pm Kitchen – Fes, Kaitlyn and Tyler. Kaitlyn – can I see a smile?!
3pm Bedroom. Fes and Haleigh. Haleigh – what could you possibly say? Fes – something to get people to want her to stay. Like call her out so that people will be like well if she stays Fes and her aren’t cool no more. Haleigh – yeah that’s a good idea. Just be like .. but not in a weird way. You could point out the flip and Swaggy. Fes – Pointing out the flip and how she left me in the dark and now she wants me to use the veto on her? Then she starts crying Should I talk to her before? Haleigh – no, then she will talk you out of it. If you tell her you;re going to do that and then use it on me .. she will lose her sh*T! Fes – what I am scared of is if you sit up there you have the votes to stay. If she is up there the only votes she has are me, yours and Tylers votes for sure. When she was HOH I don’t know if she was talking to everyone.. I don’t know if she made some deals. Haleigh – it depends on who she is sitting next to.
Rachel and Tyler. Tyler – Sam these people voted you out… and now they’re coming up to you with these sob stories. Sam asked Kaycee and myself who she should put up and we both said Rockstar. He is going to use it.
3:15pm Backyard. Kaitly, Sam and Rockstar. Kaitlyn – As a life coach you really figure out what when I was growing up the little gremlins they become very relevant. My big ones when growing up were that I am not enough and the fear of rejection. Its so relevant now. After the veto I was convulsing. I was thinking about why I was getting so worked up.. and the bottom line was that my best friend, who is this incredible man and whom I am so proud to stand by is being put in this situation. And its another thing from my past with the fear of being rejected by a man. I never wanted to ever count on a man. I love men. I love women. I wanted to save myself. I am my own superhero. Sam – its meant to be a personal challenge.
4pm Lounge room. Fes and Kaitlyn. Fes talks about how he told his sister to post updates about him. Kaitlyn – I know that Joe (her boyfriend or now ex-boyfriend after this
night in the HOH room. ) is doing my instagram now .. knowing him he is probably posting a meme of us laying in bed and you saying I’ll save you don’t worry. Fes – he is probably freaking out about this season .. like what did this girl sign up for. Kailtyn – he is probably not well .. he sees everything .. I am scared to get out of the house and him to say you should have been friends with Angela. She’s my favorite. I’d be like what the f**k are you talking about.
4:30pm Rockstar and Bay making bubbles in the backyard.

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oh, cray-tlyn, still in denial about how bad your game moves were week one and two.
I so did not need to see Kaitlyn’s crotch shot! (Insert puking emoji)
I wish Sam would tell Fessie how this power will play out so he isn’t beating himself up for having to make this decision.
As for Kaitlyn, I think she has spent her life guilting men into doing what she wants. The tears probably worked a lot. But how many times can a person betray you before those tears don’t work. I don’t understand how Fes still listens to her.
Whenever I get ready to throw my remote at the screen in an attempt to knock-out Kaitlyn, I just remind myself, “It could be worse. You could be watching Paul right now.”
Hahahahah..or I would not be watching Paul, because I stopped watching BB19 last year
I can think of something worse! Raven and her 400 terminal diseases…..
Or that mindless, orange sleeveless t-shirt wearing cereal eating Raven loving numb skull.
Poor Fes, all the ladies are giving him such a hard time lol. I’m getting so sick of Bayleighs pity party. She whining and complaining no one cares about her. Maybe if she wasn’t up Swaggys ass for the first two weeks, the most important time in the game to make relationships, she would have more people to go to. She’s just mad her side is dwindling down and is now expecting the other side to just come running to her rescue and trust her. Kaitlyn and her are so needy.
yea, im really surprised at all this with Bay. I thought she was more level headed. the n-word thing (overreacted big time about that imo and im a black american) now the nobody cares about me? ugh. insufferable. NO BIH, nobody cares about you bc you didnt care about anybody before your BF left. get yo (BB) life together!
2:06pm Bathroom. Fes and Bay… I don’t think I could have ANY MORE EMPATHY for Fes Than the EMPATHY I have for him in this convo LOL… I swear this is a convo every Man, who has ever existed, since Creation, has HAD TO ENDURE at some point in his life! SMH #LOLBRUTAL
Gone are the great days of bb, now I’m stuck with a bunch of crazies and fame hoes. You want to come on tv, then move to LA later? Sure! Super! Do you! But this is fucking big brother, play the game!!!!!! I don’t like brett but he’s playing! I didn’t think i was going to like Tyler, but so far he has THE BEST game play i’ve seen in years. Scottie is doing awesome! Bayliegh, KC, and Angela are coasting in a relatively impressive way. The rest of these ppl are just giving brain aneurysms. Can we bring back old cast mates for the next season, people who actually know how to play and are not focused on getting into a showmance, or banging pots/pans, when alliances actually meant something????? And can production STOP scripting these ppl!?!?!?!?!?! Its absolute cringe!!!!!!
I’ll agree Angela hasn’t done much beyond align with the right side so far but she is having conversations. Kaycee held on until Kaitlyn dropped then immediately dropped leaving just Tyler, her closest ally, and Sam who she’s good with right now. She doesn’t want to be seen as a physical threat yet because she’s got a lot of athleticism. That’s her play and no one is seriously thinking about tossing Kaycee out the door yet. Bayleigh has just recently realized she’s not in control and has started to play but she has to figure things out first.
Kaitlyn is a whack-a-doodle, Fez is totally confused because he’s trusting the wrong people’s information and he can’t get it to add up right, and Hayleigh is relying on her looks to keep her safe. Angie had to have had a traumatic incident with a frat boy to become so unhinged at Brett’s really simple ploy. I think most of them are playing and it’s been great entertainment and great gameplay so far, even if it’s been rather one sided.
The helicopter and airplane noise in the backyard today is so loud. You’d think there was an airshow going on.
Rock Lobster keeps vainly searching for an answer as to why everyone else likes Brett but her, but the one place she never looks is in the mirror.
Holy Sh*t, I can’t un-see that thing!!
She needs to put that hat on top of it and cover that thing up.
Uhhhhhhh, I’m scarred for life……. thanks a lot Dawg.
No problem. I aim to please… lol
LOL that conversation between Bay and Fez in the bathroom is a men are from mars women are from venus exchange. Fez is like I’m giving you what you want and now you’re mad that I was giving you that. Bay is like yes give me space but at least treat me better then you treat everyone else. Fez… she didn’t come with a manual bruh
The people on here complaining about Kaitlyn’s crotch shot sound just like Sam now. Bunch of prudes. She has a female body get over it and don’t look at it if you can’t stand it.
That’s just your truth.
Poor Fez. He’s getting it from all directions. Now Bayleigh’s climbing his ass because he “didn’t come find her” while she was crying? Like he doesn’t have enough to stress about now? I honestly feel bad for the guy.
How is everyone changing their name pics? I can not figure it out
Hey Gigi, you need to make an account here: https://en.gravatar.com/ with same email that you use when commenting on our site. The gravatar will follow that email address on wordpress sites. 🙂
Can someone give Kaitlyn a Camel Toe Alert! geezz
Bad game move by Sam. You need to leverage HOH into a deal for next week if possible. And you also can use the HOH room to find more about other people’s game. You might find out about strong and weak alliances. Acting like a b@tch with a stick up your arse is unique but now every is gonna be talking behind her back instead of lobbying for her support. I want to keep my enemies close.
She’s not a real serious target for anyone because there are much more immediate threats to worry about.
Kaitlyn is a mess of contradictions. A life coach…but an emotional manipulator. Talks strong…cries, whines and talks like a baby.
Very self absorbed. Not AUTHENTIC at all. Quite the opposite.
I don’t like Rockstar either. I thought I would…but she has shown herself to be hard done by and vengeful. I don’t mind the pot banging..or her being angry with Brett. It’s the constant whinging..and going on about wealthy white guy. And how SHE hasn’t been acknowledged since day !.
She has made it her mission to get the guys out. I don’t think she likes men much.
Sam. No question that she is quite unusual, Betty Crocker and fix it guy rolled into one. Add in Dr Ruth..artist..insect knowledge..the list goes on.
However…the lecturing can be a bit much. By saying she loves everyone the same? Nope.
That’s not real. The truth is that Sam is playing the game. She is very smart…and is playing a unique game.
Will it work? For awhile. But she WILL be seen as a popular threat down the line.
No one wants to take a physical threat and Miss Wonderful to the final 2.
Kay Cee is one of the best under the radar players.
She’s just waiting for the numbers to drop. Then watch out.
JC is going to be on thin ice. Loose lips sink ships. I think he can be VERY revengeful.
Bayleigh is gorgeous and smart. And I like her a lot. But..she is not a savvy BB player. She needed Swaggy to clue her in. Scottie would be her best bet for a final 2 alliance. They would be incredible. In a final 2 she would win.
I really like Brett, i think more so now bc of rockbottoms racism and hate against whites and males. I mean what’s that about? Nowadays it seems like the people going around shouting at everybody that they’re all about equality and inclusion are the main ones spewing the very racism and hate they say they’re against. weird. you can be for “womens empowerment” and such but why bash another group/person in the process? THATS whats “disgusting…disgusting!!” Rockstar. Kaycee is one of my faves! i cant wait for her to start making power moves…..at least, I hope thats what happens lol.
Is this the season of baggy dirty sweatpants??? Crissakes can we get some yoga pants going on?
Still. . .so much better than watching Paul in his undies!
If Kaitlyn is truly a life coach, that is terrifying. She is a complete basket case. I can’t imagine what depths of hell nutjobs are so comprehensively screwed up that Kaitlyn looks to them like a paragon for the way to do life.
She is a special type of crazy…..
Fes looks like he never gets any sleep
So if Kaitlyn is saying this, is she admitting that what Sam said is correct?