Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Tkor
Nominees: Tucker, Makensy, Cam
POV Players: Cam, Tkor, Makensy, Tucker, Joseph and Leah
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?
8am Bathroom – Makensy talking to the camera.
Makensy – The only people I trust in here are me, myself and I.
Meanwhile in the kitchen the house guests are waking up and getting ready for the day.
8:20am Big Brother blocks the feeds showing the animal rescue cams.
8:50pm The live feeds return. In the kitchen they talk about what the veto might be. Quinn – My guess for the veto comp today is going to be fitting through a Joseph sized hole and it’s going to be a Looney Tunes style cut out of him jumping through and everyone else has to do the same thing but it’s only Joseph sized.

8:55am – 9:25am HOH room – Joseph and Tkor
Joseph – Do you guys know who you’d want to go home between Cam and
Makensy? Or have you talked about it? Tkor – I’ve tried not to make plans that far yet. Joseph – yeah there are pros and cons to both. I don’t trust Makensy. Because she is a flip flopper. And Cam is, they’re both very good athletically but they’re both not that good at the game. So pick your poison. Tkor – yeah. Tkor starts studying the days/events of the season. Kimo and Quinn join them.
They talk about the veto picks. Joseph – It’s good for us to have me play. I can, you know, if I went and I’ll do whatever you want, which I would think would be keep on the same. So you don’t have to get more blood on your hands. I think it was a good thing overall. Honestly, I think that was pretty foolish of Cam, unfortunately. He should have picked Chelsea. Tkor – True. Way to commit to a bit though. Way to see it through. They can keep laughing. But that was not smart especially because he never talked to me beforehand. You know what I’m saying? Like it would make more sense if he would ask me before but I wouldn’t want to lie to him. I would have told him the truth. I would have been like, probably not going to use it on you, bro. Tkor leaves. Joseph and Quinn chat.
Joseph – I just honestly last week too I was really just getting fed up with Chelsie in Brooklyn like because I know that they were talking shit about me behind my back I was hearing it from other people and not even like game stuff just like.. Quinn – yeah they were saying dude yeah they said some crazy shit about people like like the word worthless was used at one point. Joseph – about Tkor and Kimo. Quinn – and I was like they’re not worthless. Joseph – they just didn’t feel appreciated honestly it’s so fucked up but like she still has her back which I understand you know what I mean but it’s just like it is deeply puzzling I get it but it’s just like she doesn’t deserve the grace she’s getting from her at all she really doesn’t like put her on the bottom of the alliance called her worthless and that she would be the first one out of the wall and then she ended up outlasting Chelsie. I’m being serious when, like, I like Chelsie as a person, but it would take a lot for me to vote for her at the end. It really would like she would have to be sitting next to Angela or some shit for me to vote for her.

9:47am The house guests are lounging around chatting. Cam and Chelsie are studying the days / events of the season. In the kitchen – Kimo talks about how he saw the top of the veto comp being built which is why he thinks it might be OTEV. They speculate what other veto comp it might be.
10:43am Kitchen – Makensy and Leah
Makensy – I know all the noms. I know all the replacement noms. I know who want AI. I know who won all the vetoes.
11:08am The live feeds switch to the rescue animals…
1:54pm Still blocked
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BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE to the whole stupid house.
Joseph calling MJ a flip flopper that’s rich. Coming from the guy who’s the biggest rat in house.
Yeah, it’s really ironic when you consider the fact he flipped on Cedric.
Makensy actually hasn’t flipped on anybody, since she’s not been included in any of the alliances, and voted with the house on all 3 votes since Matt left in week one.
Joseph is playing a rat game, but I’m not sure he’s the biggest rat in the house. That position could be reserved for T’Kor and Kimo, who seem to be willing to turn on and vote against whatever their alliance wants, week after week. They did it 2 weeks ago, when they flipped on Cedric, and were willing to do it last week to save Chelsie, but didn’t get the chance. Now here they are talking about voting Tucker out, and once again abandoning their existing alliance and forming a new one.
Where’s the loyalty? How do you expect people to vote for you in the end, if you back-stab them throughout the game?
Some people may look at those things and think “that’s good strategic game play”, but others will see it as total lack of loyalty, back-stabbing rat play, and nothing more than that. The only way they would give either one of them their votes, would be if they somehow ended up sitting next to each other in the end, which is highly doubtful given neither of them are exactly competition beasts.
The game isn’t entertaining to watch anymore.If you’re a player you are seen as a threat by people who have no integrity or can be trusted to be held to any moral standards. Tucker worked with and for is alliance. He deserved this week off.If they vote him out I may stop watching because people just floating and lying is boring.
Fair enough and valid.
I guess…..
why does prodo keep putting Joseph in every veto?
Is he the anti-CIrie?
Cam put him in thinking he was one less competitor to beat!!!
And he was right!
Only 6 people will participate in the power of veto: the HOH, the three nominees, Joseph and one other player selected by random draw now that Brooklyn has been evicted.
Gee. ANGELA is playing another VETO? Color me shocked.
No have nots again…. and the only person not HOH who has also not been a have not is Chelsie.
Guess the answer of who do they keep cancelling have nots to protect has been answered.
Has she determined a target? No.
Has she strengthened her bonds with her existing alliance? No.
Is she enhancing her own likelihood of winning with this HOH? No.
Nominees: You have the Grodboy story focus. You have the showmance girl without a showmance. You have skidmark with no storyline… and almost no episode inclusion.
The plan that T’kor, Rubina and Kimo propose: taking Tucker to top 6 or 5. So you are taking the guy that has won how many gimmes to the place in the game where everyone plays VETO, and helping him with his achilles heel through studying…
How do they plan to remove him?
Remember when prodo TRIED to create a comp Da’vonne could win in season 18… standing in one place like the wall but no tipping back and forth…. and she still lost? It wasn’t until they invented Tiny veto that she ever won a comp… in 22.
Get out your thinking caps production. A LOT of these houseguests are going to need the hand of Grod… if she can stop extending it to her Grodboy
Side note: Makensy and Tucker don’t know their days. Anyone else? Anyone else I can call a moron? Don’t @ me with this person has ADHD this person has this difficulty.
If Neuro-divergent and Autism spectrum Britini could learn her days…. so can someone with ADHD… and she shared a bedroom with a couch and a bedpost.
Joseph asks Kimo if Joseph would be a twink.
Remind me to call some friends.
I know about bears and otters…. i just wonder if there’s a platypus.
Joseph would be a platypus.
love how you mind works.
What isn’t clear? Do they mean BBcan veto outage for veto (feeds back at 1-3 am) or do they mean no feeds for you until Sunday’s episode?
expect more outages for ai i guess since feeds came back at about usual time.
Mak: hawaii trip
Angela: yard cleanup
Joseph: 24 hour isolation.
Cam: veto.
I have a awesome idea, why don’t we have a daily post about the game where we can all come together and chime in besides this production conspiracy log that everyone seems to enjoy more…OK we get before the next person accuses production of fixing the game please note its been said 10,000 times already get over it or watch something else.
Why don’t you just get over it and stop coming to this page then if it bothers you so much ? * sheesh * – face palm –
Anyone else notice that T’kor’s secret target is Tucker?
I know i have said she hasn’t named a tatget.
That’s why I’m saying she hasn’t named a target.
She wants to pull an oops… how did that happen to Kimo and Rubina.
If that doesn’t work…. Joseph or Angela will be renom.
Yes I was thinking the same thing! She’s smarter than we think
Joseph looks like an animated extra from Lady and the Tramp came to life. Jim Dear’s brother in law, or something.