Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Quinn
Nominees: Kimo, Rubina and Angela
POV Players: Quinn, Rubina, Angela, Kimo, Joe, Leah
POV Winner: Leah
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: Kimo, Makensy
5:15pm Backyard – Joseph and Angela
Angela – I’ve been thinking about and thinking about it and
thinking about it because it’s like I am not tied to anybody. I don’t
have numbers with me. I care about Kimo. I like Kimo a lot. The
other girls, they don’t really talk to me except for Leah. Leah is the only one that really talks to me like about personal things outside of this house that make me feel normal again. And I appreciate that in our relationship in that way. And then and game wise you’re like the only one that I’m like I know you’re smart. I know you’re you’re you can analyze things you’re seeing things that I’m not seeing so that’s why I have no problem like asking you because Joseph for one, I do trust you. and use me as a number like I you can see the house is split completely in half.
Joseph – Angela, I’m not the one you got to convince but I’m also only one person. Angela – I think he values your opinion. Joseph – Quinn he’s not gonna, you’ve come at him too many times you know I’m saying I can’t convince him to …you know I’m saying to get Leah to use like that’s not gonna happen like as much as I tried and everything and I’ve broken his trust too with not telling him about Tucker and everything like that and Tucker being against him and everything. Angela – Yeah. Joseph – so like I’m sorry there’s nothing, there’s no way I could convince him to convince Leah to take you off. Angela – I didn’t ask for that no but I felt like that I’m not asking her I’m not. Joseph – yeah but will you ask me to help with Quinn and I just it was just with Quinn not with Leah but I don’t understand what you meant by that. I feel like people are a little worried that you could blow up their game. You know what I’m saying? Angela – I haven’t. Joseph – I know you haven’t, but at the same time, just think about it from their perspective, right? Angela – I know. I know. Joseph – I don’t know what Tucker was doing. I don’t know y’alls relationship, but just from an outside perspective, he used the veto on you. You felt like in a good place with him. And then when I’m in the matrix, you try to send him home. So just think about it from that perspective. You know what I’m saying? They feel like, well, she can do that to him. You know what I’m saying? So it’s not one thing, you know what I’m saying? And it’s one thing, if you’ve maybe blown up on somebody one time, you can kind of get over that two times, maybe, you know what I’m saying? But it’s just. and unfortunately, Angela, it’s just a pattern. You know what I’m saying? And unfortunately for you, you’re not going to be able to convince anyone of them that you’re not going to do it again. You know what I’m saying? And it just kind of is what it is. And I’m sorry to put it that way to you, but I just turned it anyway. Angela – But it’s like at that point, then, why not just use me as like, somewhat of a shield, you know?
Joseph – But I honestly, Angela, I don’t. I don’t see a way for you. I’m just being honest with you. I feel like you need to go on there and you need to win. Like, just should be quite frank with you. And I’m saying that to you because I love you and I don’t want to lie to you like that. It’s really the only thing I see right now at this point unfortunately. You know, I feel like it’s what it is and and if you do win it could it could honestly be a brand new day once you get back or whatever you know what I’m saying give you a brand new game because you don’t know who’s gonna win HOH and that you know I’m saying but at this point I just don’t see how you can move the waves in your direction and I’m sorry to say that but that that’s just how I feel you know what I mean so and I would never want to steer you the wrong way not saying you shouldn’t try you know I’m saying never say die you know what I’m saying but like I just personally right
now do not see a way.
5:43pm HOH room – Joseph tells Quinn and Tkor how Angela just tried to get to try and get Quinn to convince Leah to use the veto on her. Joseph – I kept it real real with her. Quinn – I will say that about her, she is not afraid to ask. Joseph – I do appreciate that just from a competitor standpoint that like she’s always gonna try to stay no matter what but just her way of going about it is very funny and I feel like it has bought her probably a total of an extra like 2 1/2 weeks another thing I said to her that was another thing I said to her without like I said in a nicer way but I was just like it’s crazy you’re still here.
5:45pm – 6pm Backyard – Angela and Leah
Angela – I basically asked him because I know he and Quinn are friends if he could talk to Quinn and maybe see if I wouldn’t be his target and he said that he doesn’t believe that there’s a chance of that. And I said because I’ve talked to some of the other people. I was going to ask Joseph if he could maybe talk to Quinn to see if Quinn would be okay with maybe considering somebody else who may be more of a threat than myself. And he says no I don’t think so. I’m not going to do that and to be honest with you, you’ve blown up at him way too many times and I don’t know why you would think that he would he would want to keep you here. You’ve done too much already and you should just be thankful and happy that you’re here and that you sorry and that you that some wins and you beat out a lot of people to be here and all those things you know that are true he says I’m not saying its your swan song.
Leah – that’s not what you need to hear right now. Angela – it wasn’t I don’t know I am just feeling defeated and I don’t want to feel that way but I may as well just go in the DR Get out the tears and just deal with this. Leah you can give it to somebody else I will win in that AI. I will! I keep telling myself I was gonna win win win and I never do but like I can I know I can. Leah – you are literally one of the strongest people let alone players in this house. Don’t give up on yourself. Angela – I’m not, I’m not and I know you won’t and I’m not saying that like at all I know I just mean even in this moment like you know of course you can feel defeated and you can feel however you wanna feel but I know you. Angela – it’s just hard to hear like if all the house guests feel that way about you. Leah – don’t let someone put that in your head cause I know how you are that’s not true it’s not even fair to make a generalization. I’ll continue to be there for you. Angela – Thank you. Leah – You gave them, you literally gave them free targets every week. They should be grateful they should. Angela – Yeah screw this. Screw that. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. All right.
6:10pm – 6:40pm Backyard Upper Level – Rubina and Leah
Rubina – I wanted to say I’m so also grateful that he’s not here to be honest. And that was the processing that was really hard for me. I know I said it, but it was just like I know this is better for me, but it still hurts really bad. But I know my logic brain is like b*tch. This is best case scenario for you. My heart is like I’m hurting. If you help me, I bleed. So it was. It’s a feel wonky donkey and all that I know. And I told them in the thing I’m like I’m not Ainsley. I’m human. Sorry. Sucks. Leah – But now you get the chance to be Rubina. Rubina – I know I’m so happy that I get to and like do the things that I… Leah – and that’s all I wanted for you. Rubina – I didn’t think it would happen this quick but it’s all that I would I know that it happened and you happened because I needed to it needed to and like. Leah – I’m so excited for you like I just think like you deserve it. Rubina – I can I can feel even again and just like how you’re able to breathe almost because you’re almost like afraid of like doing anything like your friends were like thinking.
Rubina – Keep it between us. Leah – of course I will yeah of course I will. Rubina – it’s just something that feels in line with the way things have been going. I want to believe it can happen because it’s never happened and why couldn’t we be this season make it happen but again I know it’s high at the risky I don’t want to leave here without trying to do something that can have a bigger impact. Leah – That’s something that I wanted to do prior. Rubina – really. Leah – way prior before you been meeting you guys.
6:45pm HOH room – Quinn, Joseph, Kimo and Cam.
They’re rehashing / talking about past events of the season.
7:05om Backyard – Angela and Rubina
Angela talking about what Joseph said to her earlier. She says she’s going to win the AI and who knows maybe even the HOH. Angela – Yeah, but you know what it (Joseph’s words earlier) did it literally did light a fire under me that I can do anything. Rubina – exactly. Angela – I do miss him (Tucker) in here and I’m sorry that I did that no. Rubin – it’s okay. Angela – but I didn’t vote him out. I didn’t have a say in that. Rubina – I know, I know you didn’t. I miss him so. Angela – I miss him too. Good man. One of the best. Lucky girl. If I look back at this and he was telling me the truth. Rubina – oh he was telling you the truth. To his detriment he told the truth.
7:25pm – 8pm Backyard – Angela and Tkor
Angela – Tkor, like if anything was misinterpreted or said in your direction like I want you to go up? Rubina – Oh, I didn’t say anything either. Angela – so I already know I’m his target. I’m the one that’s going home. I’m the target and I’m going to do
everything I can to be here. I have responsibility in this. I’m taking responsibility too. You know what I mean? At the end of the day, it’s still hard. It is. So I’m just owning it and I’m dealing with it. And I plan to fight my way so that I could still be here. And, you know, every week is different. Every week that I keep going is another week. Another fresh week. And that’s just what I plan to do. But I could not bear it if you and I weren’t good. And I have felt something today. And I just wanted to, if you have anything you
want to ask me, I will be around. Tkor – thank you Angela. Angela leaves. Kimo joins Tkor. Kimo – I don’t think Leah will use the veto. It wouldn’t be good for her game. It’ll get unnecessary blood on her hands. There’s a real good chance that I could go home. Tkor – this is not what I expected to happen this week. Kimo – Should we be aggressive with trying to create something else? Tkor – I think so. Kimo – but who with? Tkor – I am still analyzing. Kimo – I think maybe we should talk to Quinn. Tkor – I am just biting my tongue a lot in conversations. Its very hypocritical for us to have to be able to continue to tell you (Quinn) everything but you don’t come to us. And then I can’t get over the fact that he put you and Rubina up together. And the very next day after he said that you and me were the people he trusted the most in the game. It means he lied because of your viewpoint doesn’t just change overnight. It just doesn’t.
Rubina joins them. Tkor – I think that if Angela doesn’t win (AI arena) I do feel like it helps most people’s games you know what I mean cuz that’s what most people were going to do last week I think. Rubina – yeah I agree.
8:15pm Kitchen – Angela and Leah
Angela – I told her I was kind of feeling today, but that, you know, you’re a very smart woman and kind of talked me off the ledge a bit. So I love that. And I’m feeling better, but at the same time, now I’m just feeling like, I know I’m the target, whatever, because he’s made it very apparent to me. And, you know, it is what it is. But I told her, I’m determined to win in the Al, and I’m determined to come back in this house. And now he has somebody who wants him out. Leah – Yeah. Angela – Well, now that’s going to be spread all over the place. Why do I tell people things? Why do I do that? Leah, you I’m just speaking my mind. I feel like she (Rubina) just came to sit with me just to get ammunition of something to say against me and I gave it to her pretty good. Leah – you still have time to explain yourself, is what I’m trying to say. Angela – Yeah, like it just, I forget how quick things can spread really, really fast in here. Leah – Well, maybe you should remember how quick things can change. Angela – I do that. I do remember that. Leah – Don’t let your paranoia get the best of you. You still have almost a week to change the narrative. It’s not over till it’s over. Angela – I can’t talk to people about game anymore unless its you.
8:20pm HOH room – Makensy, Quinn and Cam.
They talk about how annoying and uncomfortable it is to be around Angela. Quinn – I really, I really am like, excited to see what she is like outside of I bet she would be f**king the like day one. The her like cool mom vibes who was just here for fun. Cam – Yeah, I bet that is like what will shine through more than anything. Makensy – Yeah, I probably won’t ever hang out there again. Cam – What? That’s fair. Makensy – Sorry. No, I have no need to like, hang out with her that often. Cam – I’m just talking about half party. Makensy – Yeah. Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. Not much more than that.
9:05pm Backyard Hammock – Kimo and Tkor.
Tkor – I’m realizing that nobody knows what it feels like to be on the block and be a have not except for you. I don’t think that’s happened to anyone else in this game. Kimo – Yeah. Tkor – because Angela was a havenot, but she wasn’t on the block because that was during Tucker’s thing. And you’ve had to endure this twice. I’m saying that because you’re doing a good job and don’t beat yourself up because at the end of the day. don’t nobody know what this feels like, except for you. Kimo – That’s true. Tkor – Being on the block already sucks and being a havenot on its own sucks. Tkor – I want to stay in this game as long as possible but I also can’t wait to go home. Kimo – I know. Tkor – I think that the people who decided to vote together or if they haven’t already decided to form an alliance and I think they’re going to just knock us out one by one. I’ve come to the realization this week that I’m done fighting for other people I’m done putting my neck out to try to protect other people to protect other people’s feelings to protect other people’s place in this game. I don’t really care to do that anymore. I made the friends that I wanted to make which I’m very grateful for.
9:20pm HOH room – Makensy and Quinn
Makensy – We’ve got to stay solid. Are we still thinking 7? Quinn – That just feels too big. Makensy – it does. Quinn – Joseph has been like floating around. Makensy – oh yeah. And I know he would put me on the block because I know he thinks I’m scary. He is going to do what protects him, he is not going to do what protects the alliance. Quinn – I wanted to include him but I don’t think it makes sense. Makesy – I just don’t think he will be loyal. He wouldn’t put a veto over you neck. Quinn – no, he does not do that. I know he throws HOH comps. Makensy – yeah, he has been. Quinn – and that’s like why. Makensy – he’s felt way too safe to and I’m like why do you feel that safe and stuff like that I’m like you haven’t been playing and I don’t respect your game play and I don’t think that you respect ours you think that we’re fools like if I walked out this house he would literally tell me that my gameplay was awful probably. Quinn – yeah no he tells me that to my face. Makensy – that your game plays awful? Quinn – like that I’m so messy and like all this stuff. Makensy – I know he always shows to give advice right? Quinn – and I’m like dude. Makensy – you know it’s the good ones in the in the house getting targeted right the ones people are scared of? Quinn – yeah like I don’t. I just wouldn’t tell someone that like especially like this is a very insecure process like there’s a million people watching. And so, like, I think that you can joke with people, or you can highlight things that, like, you didn’t appreciate from people’s games. Like, live done that with Tucker, where I’m like, I don’t think that he valued, like, the social or the strategic, like, stuff like that. But when you’re saying that they’re bad or like that, they’re terrible and, like, they’re horrible.
9:50pm Dinner time..
10:25pm – 10:41pm Backyard Upper Level – Quinn and Tkor
Quinn – we’re in like a crazy position right now. Tkor – yeah, you said that you some sort of game plan. Quinn – my thing was if we commit to me, you, Joseph, Kimo. I was under the impression that, like, the lines were blurred after today. That is not the case and working with Joseph might be a bit more precarious. Our positioning because he’s been talking a lot and he’s coming off his very cocky. He’s talking about how bad people were at the game and how good he is and he’s straight upset to people that like he hasn’t had to win and he he hasn’t felt like he’s had to win an HOH because he never was never in any danger and it comes off his bragging so people are growing frustrated with him and so I don’t know what to do and he won’t win a comp because he doesn’t want to. I think the best option for you and myself is to like team up with Chelsie but that means that Cam is coming and they’re both such good players. I’m worried about the late game. I also know Leah wants to work with you. Tkor – I really like Leah and I think she’s a good player. Tkor – I agree with Joseph, I love Joseph but mouths can get people in trouble.. so yeah. Quinn – I know. Tkor – I’m not quite sure how to save Joseph at this particular moment. Quinn – but he’s not on the block yet exactly so that’s good But I do think if you want to work with me like I don’t know. do you feel comfortable forming an alliance without Kimo in it? Tkor – yes. Quinn – that’s a hard question you can take your time to answer. Tkor – I’m open, I am always open you know I love Kimo but we came into the game separately. So it would essentially be me, you, Cam, Makensy, Chelsie and Leah? Quinn – it would be a 6 but we need a core .. “T-core” within that so that when things start to dwindle we would still be safe.
11:15pm – 11:45pm HOH room – Leah and Quinn
Quinn – our boy is a risk. He’s gone off the deep end. He’s wilding. He (Joseph) like he said I (Joseph) haven’t had to win a veto or I haven’t had to win an HOH yet because nobody’s going to put me up. Leah – I know people are telling me this. Quinn – and they’re getting pissed off and so then he keeps giving people advice on how to play the game and he keeps just bringing up like how much how he
outsmarted so and so. He’s so smart, so smart. Leah – I was trying to tell you yesterday. Quinn – I was listening to you. Leah – I know, I know you do. I was being extra observant today and I was like, Oh my gosh, he’s going crazy right now to everyone. They continue to rehash past events of the season. Rubina joins them. They watch Angela walk through the house to the DR. They notice that production doesn’t let her in. Leah – they want her to pop off. They all laugh.

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That Joseph & Angela conversation was pure unintentional comedy, JOE made me laugh good with that one. He said, “it’s crazy you’re still here.” LOL
T’kor’s mmmhmmm is a dripping water torture machine. Look it up.
With 4 hours remaining on her stay of nope, I’m going to call Rubina attempting to form a girls alliance as a campaign game unrelated to her showmance.
Was it going to work NOW? Most likely not…. but it was attempted game.
So i’m calling off her nope FOR NOW.
Do I dislike Angela? yup. Do I want anything good for her in the game? no, she’s a nope.
HOWEVER… as good as it feels for someone to be brutally honest with Angela… and as much as a nope is a nope… Don’t sink to her level. Show at least the bare minimum of human compassion. Joseph was pretty much trying to outdo Quinn’s nomination speech that was from all accounts too much.
She’s nope. She’s still human i guess… Empathy is what separates us from the whackjobs.
So yeah, be honest with her… but trying to draw blood?
Joseph has no skin in the game when it comes to retribution against Angela for all her whackadoodle Karening on people. Therefore Joseph was just being a dick.
Bad form Dick Dastardly. Muttley would have told him so. He needs a Muttley, otherwise… just a dick.
Trader Joe is a dick, so he played his role well.
un autre nom I SEE YOU!! Truth!
Angela needs to get off her lazy, fat a$$ and start cooking and cleaning. She contributes absolutely nothing to that household. I have yet to see her cook one meal or clean anything! She loves to just sit at the counter and watch all the girls cook for her. I’m watching her on the feeds right now doing exactly that…just sitting on her a$$ watching them cook!
Joseph always saying “you know what I’m saying?” is the same water torture as T’kor’s mmmmmhmmmm. T’kor being soooo upset with Quinn needs to be addressed so she can be in same group of delusion of grander so far occupied by Angela Quinn Joseph Leah and T’kor. Own up to your game of deception you are queen but people are afraid to offend. People drag T’kor for poc/woc strategy. I think it’s stupid to be so bitter about her choices since this BBHOUSE26 has a philippino strategy, gay strategy, crazy strategy, wurtzenburger strategy, floater strategy, all girl strategy, all boy strategy, all G*d strategy. It is a strategy and shouldn’t be knocked for working.
So drunk watching BB LIVE FEEDS AINT gonna lie. (I love a great Melbac wine for these moments) So I predict that Leah will use veto take Angela/Kimo off the block (she won’t forgive Rubina for last week ManMeat Tucker pushing for her on the block) and Joseph will be put on the block and voted out. You know what I’m saying? LMAO.
The delusion level of that house is astounding.
T’kor is STILL whining and moaning.
T’kor, Kimo and Rubina are still huddling more than social gaming.
Part of me says after veto ceremony is T’kor goes through with her whole we’re three jury votes routine… I’d say take one of them away and evict Kimo.
She’s mad. She took part in trying to deceive Quinn about the vote. That’s what had Quinn throw up his hands… he and Chelsie cracked that the alliance was lying to them about evicting Angela.
Any accountability? None.
Instead it’s all about how the house pulled a T’kimo on her. EXACTLY what she did to Cedric and her allies is EXACTLY what they did to her to show her turnabout is fair play… and she’s crying unfair.
The more everyone kvetches about Joseph, the more Quinn’s moronic mind is saying gotta take Joseph to final 2. With the number of jurors that are hyped on LOYALTY… that would cause a problem.
Does ANYONE want Joseph in their group?
Not T’kor. Not Chelsie. Not Mak. Not Cam.
If they were on the block and Joseph somehow ended up with a veto… he wouldn’t save them. Not that he’d end up with Veto because he won’t contribute to his allies success by trying to win a comp, AND HE’S VOCAL ABOUT IT.
You can give a snake shoes, doesn’t mean a snake can wear them.
Quin Quinning.
Plan 6 to Mak was a five alliance with the Tucker votes. No Joseph.
Plan 7to T’kor.
Quinn, T’kor, Cam, Chelsie, Leah and Makensy. With a core that includes Quinn, T’kor and Chelsie.. think there was a 4th probably Leah but don’t quote me. No Joseph.
T’kor who says she can’t be fake and can’t lie is proving again that she’s a big ol hypocrite because she played along.
T’kor wants to expose Quinn, but this alliance would also harm Chelsie.
The only consensus these two really have is Chelsie.
T’kor already said she’d feel like she’s at the bottom of this group because they voted together to get rid of Tucker and left her out. I mean… glass house. but hey. You be you ya big ol hypocrite.
Nobody has been loyal to me so I didn’t flip on anybody. mmhmmm. That’s flimsy. It’s revisionist justification because just last week she stated with pride that she broke an alliance for Rubina. Y’know… back when she was on top and she was picking and choosing to get to her ideal alliance…. but never sealed the deal leading to this week’s development.
Leah and Angela are conversing about Veto. Leah couldn’t do anything to save Matt or Lisa or Kenney but now she has the power to do something if she wants to is the basic.
Joseph has been dropped from T’kor’s new alliance idea.
Joseph has been dropped from the last 2 Quinn alliance plans.
Joseph’s mouth and attitude is causing Joseph most of his allies.
I wish Split House Double Eviction would come back. It’s so boring.
GODOTS in the bathroom.
They talk about who they can work with:
Makensy and Leah?
They lied to Mak about keeping her last week.
Leah knows she was almost renom last week.
Kimo says he has no relationship with Mak. They are have nots together. Does he just not talk to her? no really. Is that why Have not room has had Nearly Zero Camera time this week… because it’s 2 strangers in silence or sleep that quickly leave the room without speaking when they wake up? DAMN… they just showed Mak going to have not for bed. Her bed is in one corner. His bed is in the opposite corner. BRRRR. He’s got a relationship building chance and… isn’t interested.
T’kor has a readymade group that wants her. Kimo hasn’t even SPOKEN to the veto holder.
Let’s be clear: Kimo has spent 5 weeks saying Leah’s name. T”kor has said Leah and Makensy’s names since week 3, and nom’d Mak on week 6 after approaching her with Rubina about working together week 5.
T’kor currently has a Sophie’s Choice dilema… that movie was 2 hours and 37 minutes… she’s stretching it out for a week. Yes, it’s nice to have friends. Trust is good. Adaptability is also good. Is there adaptability in her game? Nope, she’s choosing the cyanide in her talk with Rubina. Tells Rubina she’s been offered safety and an alliance but she doesn’t want to be on the bottom (she enters everything like she’s on the bottom even though she’s being offered core top). She’d rather be an anchor.
TRANSLATING T’KOR: ON THE BOTTOM JUST MEANS NOT GETTING HER WAY. Replace on the bottom with not getting my way every time she says it and replay the comment in your mind. Now it makes sense. You’re welcome.
They discuss forming a women’s alliance again. REMINDER: T’kor wanted a women’s alliance if they protected Kimo and Rubina wanted a women’s alliance if they protected Tucker. Then no they didn’t want it and now they want it again… I’d like to see a woman’s alliance work on big brother… but THESE WOMEN… Leah’s game depends on sirening men. Chelsie shit on the original women’s alliance because she had 2 meatshields. Mak has a showmance and we just covered T’kor and Rubina. Rubina already approached Leah with the idea. Summation: maybe we should girlliance? Your boyfriend tried to get me evicted and you said nothing.
AND THIS GIRLLIANCE THEY WANT IS CONTINGENT ON KEEPING KIMO Too for as long as they can. So blink blink…. good luck. Prove me wrong. But when someone says hey, let’s save Angela she’s a girl i guess…. what then?
Kimo and Quinn talk and it’s bullshit. Let’s be honest. the advice Quinn is giving about suck it up and socialize and work on relationships with people he doesn’t talk to is good…. but the alliance PLAN 8 of a 4 between Quinn Joseph T’kor and Kimo.
I remember Mak once saying Kimo won’t even look at her a couple weeks ago. Maybe start with that. Cam? Maybe apologize for leaving him out of the vote flip that destroyed his spot in the game. I mean… couldn’t hurt i guess.
WHO WOULD JOIN A TRIO, one male, in a women’s alliance ONLY being considered because TWO of them are ON THE BLOCK when that TRIO had a HAND in so many women being TARGETED? They followed Glorious Leader as he named each of the other women as targets and called them snakes for two weeks straight. But sure… I mean they had a girls night during T’kor’s HOH with 2 girls on the block and nobody died… but that doesn’t a women’s alliance make. SHOULD HAVE PUSHED THAT IDEA 2 WEEKS AGO INSTEAD OF SAYING NAAAAH. HELL should have PULLED TOGETHER THAT IDEAL ALLIANCE A WEEK AGO. they didn’t. Again. Naaaah.
RUBINA HAS NOTHING TO LOSE. And she’s actually trying. Day 47 and Rubina is trying to catch up. Good. Finally.
Y’know who would have loved this whole women’s solidarity discussion? Lisa.
Y’know who else tried to get the women together? Brooklyn.
What did T’kor and Rubina say to them?
So good luck to Rubina… she’s trying harder than slurpy eeyore. So Given she’s trying harder, I’d prefer she stay over him.
Good Grief I am SOOOOOOO SICK OF ANGELA…..go home!