Johnnymac – Follow Johnnymac on twitter @NikolaPoe

POV Holder: Austin POV Competition Sept 5th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Sept 7th
HOH STEVE Next HOH Sept 10th
Original Nominations: Austin and liz
After POV Nominations: ? and ?

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Nothing much is going on here is a collection of Julia pictures..

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3:20pm Kitchen twins, Steve, Vanessa and Austin
The twins telling Vanessa that Jessie was looking at her during the POV.
Vanessa – he’s barking up the wrong tree.
they laugh

Julia says she thought Jeff was 40 years old, “I thought he was the 40 year old guy”
Vanessa, and the twins are telling Serve they’ve been doing his dishes for the last 3 days they are over it.
Steve laughs didn’t think he was leaving dirty dishes around.

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3:34pm Jmac and Austin
Austin says he doesn’t have an opinion on which twin to keep until they tell him who they want to stay. He’s fine with doing what the twins want but won’t start worrying about it until they tell him.

Austin’s speech tomorrow will be a quote from Jean-Paul Sartre “Hell is other people”
Austin starts going over more ideas for his speech saying that he created his Judas character because people deceive but in this game he met someone that doesn’t deceive.. He covered his body in tree tattoos because nature doesn’t deceive. Austin adds being in this game is a dream for him.

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4:14pm Backyard Steve and Jmac
Steve tells jmac he better not be throwing HOH comps
Jmac wants to get rid of Liz this week but doesn’t really care he’ll do what the twins want

Jamc says the week following this one they need to take out the surviving twin otherwise none of them will trust each other. He’s worried about someone scumbaging and taking Julia to the end.

Steve asks about who Vanessa was telling him to target in the POV,
Jmac says Before the POV started Vanessa told him to go after Liz.
Steve – do your cardio things.. please I need you
Jmac – Clearly she (vanessa) wanted Julia out first

Jamc will do what the twins want he doesn’t feel if matter too much either way.
Jmac – there’s no winning decision you have to win comps.
Steve – you are building a relationship with Austin.. are you talking game with him
Jamc – when he’s ready
Steve – keep building that.
After the talk Jmac wanders around the back yard kicking the beachball around

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4:36pm Austin and Liz kissing
Liz – how long did you think I wasn’t going to talk to yo i
Austin – I don’t know, not as long as you did

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5:24pm Bathroom Liz and Julia
The twins wonder what Austin and Jmac were talking about outside they were out there for a long time.
Liz thinks Austin will win the game over Steve, “I think Austin will get top two”
Julia – Depends..

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6:00pm Austin’s workout plan..

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6:43pm working out Chit chat..
The twins and Austin are talking about jace and how he would give himself shoutouts. Liz says Jace was more flirting with Julia than Austin.
They’re all giving Jace shout outs.
Johnnymac – Follow Johnnymac on twitter @NikolaPoe
Austin – Shout out @NikolaPoe
Steve – @NikolaPoe
Liz – @NikolaPoe

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liz asks Austin “You still like me
Austin – Of course I still like you what type of question is that
Austin – do you still like me
Liz – ya
Austin says he’s looking forward with them spending time with each other outside the house.

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7:03pm -7:30pmHOH Steve and Vanessa
Vanessa getting pissy at Steve.. asking him if he felt it was the obvious move for her to recommend to Julia to take out Austin in the POV, ‘She didn’t want to be on the block with her sister”
Steve just says he doesn’t know that was the best move
Vanessa goes on and one about how Steve can say he doesn’t know it’s like looking at a chess board and making a call on the move.
Vanessa comments on how cute Austin and Liz look on the HOH camera (See iamge below)
They start talking about everyone that comes into the house has a dream and when they leave that dream ends. Steve says he never had a dream.
Steve doesn’t see himself making it to the finals.

Vanessa says here is a scenario that he makes it to the final 2.
-This week Liz goes home
-Jmac wins the next HOH, Julia vs Austin they evict Julia
-The final 4 is Austin, Steve, Jmac and Vanessa
-Austin, Steve and Vanessas go to final 3
Vanessa wins the final HOH and takes Steve
Steve – would I beat you in finals
Vanesa- 100%
Steve – then why would you take me
Vanessa- everyone will beat me except Julia
Steve – I don’t know you played a hell a lot more than me

Vanessa says the only people Steve cannot beat are Austin and LIz.
Steve – who can I beat in finals
Vanessa- ME

Vanessa – who is your ideal final 3
Steve – I don’t’ know.. Vanessa yo think I have my shit together way more than I do

Doesn’t sounds like Steve is buying this keeps asking why should he think she’ll take him when she’s so certain he’ll beat her.
Vanessa says they gave each other their word they would take themselves to finals.
Vanessa and Steve agree they need each other for final 3.
Vanessa – I’m hoping the girls say they want Julia to stay
Steve – do we have to do what they ask
Vanessa – no

Vanessa says Austin still has to be loyal to Julia so if she win the HOH next week

Steve – what if I put you up as a pawn tomorrow
Vanessa – I would go out
Steve – I’m joking.. I could send you out tomorrow.
Vanessa – you would be out the following week
Steve – I’m guessing the next eviction is going to be Tuesday (sept 15th)

Steve feels bad for taking out a twin
Vanessa – cmon you shouldn’t feel bad about the twins this wasn’t their dream they got great exposure one of them got a boyfriend..
Steve – you are right

Vanessa says it’s been a great game but she’s glad it’s coming to an end.
Steve- I’m Scared.. I’m scared of the unknown
Vanessa laughs because she likes risk and the unknown and Steve hates it so much.

Steve goes on about thinking when this show started he would never make it to Jury it was part of the reason he did it because he never thought he would make it far or make it on the show at all. “I made top 5 I don’t know how but I did”
Vanessa- you are a BIG favorite
Steve – that’s not a good thing.. that means I’m a threat
Vanessa- it’s nothing but threats.

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84 thoughts to “Johnnymac – Follow Johnnymac on twitter @NikolaPoe”

  1. Vanessa is smoking the world’s best crack if she thinks jmac and Steve are gonna get rid of Julia over austin.

    Or that she thinks she can convince anyone that their best bet is her with them in the final 2.

    Steve wi crush Julia in the final 2, prolly beat austin due to the number of non austin alliance members in the jury and a 50/50 on jmac depending on who upsets the remaining cast most.

    Vanessa will crush anyone in the finals cause the cast will have no choice but to reward her for sending them all home. She’s whack if she thinks Steves perception is that bad

    1. In bios and interviews Steve Moses says he plans to play a character like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory who is childlike, unable to win comps, virginal and sleeps with his teddy bear. And creep around the houseguests, and describe women’s breasts as scary monsters he’d rather never see again. He gets private game tutoring by emailing former houseguests and his mummy writes him clues in his HOH letter. Ugh…this scripted character typing boring excuse for a game show without games helps each houseguest construct fake identities isn’t surprising but nonetheless disappointing. I’m glad Steve isn’t really the Jackass creeper zombie in real life, but I know for sure these houseguests are recruited to throw comps to let other celebrities/ production favorites to win. The nerd, the dentist, the poker player the wrestler the Twins are left…no other normal people had a chance, and why the characters scripted get to cheat bribe and dummied down comps to focus on this manufactured drama, romances in custom dentist office sets. BB US crap. The tail that wagged the dog. Just like we staged 10 year wars in the middle east based on bogus evidence. Blech.

      1. If they are doing it to make drama they failed its boring and cringeworthy.
        BBUK Knows how to pick a cast for drama US should hire a few of them to help.

  2. Lizton may be hated here but like Brenchel they will gain a huge following and eventually become favorites of America with only two camps on either side being love them or hate them. Then everyone will realise they equal money and bring them back like they did Rachel and Brendon. Liz will win the game like Rachel. And few seasons later Julia will return and be a hero for America like Elissa and win America’s favorite. Lizton is the new black!

    1. Nope! The difference is Rachel never trash talked about Brandon. Liz has said horrible things about Austin and never really liked him at first. I believe once they are out in the real world and she is back to getting attention from other guys, she’ll drop Austin.

      1. if Austin wins, you will definitely see Liz staying with austin until the money dries up. if he loses, i doubt they will even last as long as McCranda did outside of the house. just today she was talking about the guy, Ryan, she left behind in Florida. and if Liz wins the money, or Julia, she’ll probably disappear to a foreign country in the hopes that Austin never finds her.

  3. I would put up $25,000 that Liz walks away the winner.

    Julia, Austin, JMac, Vanessa, will go in that order leaving Steve and Liz in final 2.

    Liz has a bombshell she is holding onto about Steve that will disqualify him from winning.

    She discussed it with Austin a few weeks ago and i notice there is talk of the issue on other forums.

    This will end BB.

    They should have done some research before letting some in this year…

    1. What does Liz have on Steve that vetting didn’t catch? I heard him talking about how he’s contacted past BB players and he lied about it ie. Christine. He said Production knew about that and it didn’t matter because she didn’t respond to him or it wasn’t after he auditioned. What else could it be? His mom auditioned? Mom stashed drugs in the Teddy? Mom mic’d the Teddy? Steve realy IS as we suspected a serial killer? Or there’s a 2 maximum on gay houseguests? Or Steve’s related to a CBS employee? Wwwhhhhaaaaatuuhh?

      1. Rumors on podcast are that Steve admitted to being gay, but didn’t admit it to BB because he thought it would reduce his chances of being cast. Steve said he knows BB only picks one gay guy per season and that person is always flamboyant. Even if Liz knows this ( rumor is that he only told Vanessa and Meg during music in the morning) I don’t see how it would hurt Steve.

      2. That would be an interesting tactic… create some false reason for your own disqualification. Then spread it quietly around the house in the hopes that it makes the other HG take you to the final.

    2. Could it be that his HOH letter his mom sent earlier in the game had clues to what was going on in the house? That letter never sit right with me and some others pointed it out when he got it. Very strange but I don’t think they could prove it if they wanted to

      1. Nah. Coded letters aren’t ground for expulsion. Evel Dick admitted to getting them in BB8. Production rewrites the HOH letters now to minimize the chance of cheating, plus most of them are written and submitted in advance..

      2. I agree. That first letter ws too strange and for him to commit tht his mom didnt write this ws proof. Then he started studying the letter with his finger. People dont use their finger to read a comment/letter. He didnt use it when he was reading the BB rule book but did when he was pointing out something important to jmac. Shadyboots!

    3. Steve did tell one of the girls ( I can’t recall which one) that there was a secret about himself that he wanted to tell her. He was interrupted, and I don’t think he told it that day. Can’t you tell something is wrong with him?

      1. OP could’ve told us lol
        I cant find anything? He has gone full retard and said some dumb stuff that I cant believe he’s gotten away with but I cant see him getting kicked out for it.

    4. At this point, unless it’s criminal or a gross violation of his contract nothing will happen to Steve by production for the “bombshell”. Production may even use it as a big, shocking reveal to up the drama, depending on what it is.

  4. Austin is so needy! It’s such a turn off.
    And someone needs to tell Vanessa her under eye concealer is the wrong shade….

    1. You nailed it–he’s needy. And that makes him the controlling suffocating type. Scares me he told her not to jump rope because of possible pervs. She wasn’t even on camera until he interrupted. His remarks about her being in bed with Jeff and even Steve (wtf?). Him asking “What are you girls talking about?” Like she can’t even talk to her sister? Like he has to be tagged onto her 24/7? That’s just not normal. Too bad.

  5. If Julia wins veto, Vanessa is toast.
    Because Julia will pull off Liz, Steve will have to nom Vanessa and the votes will go 2 to one against her.

      1. Austin already won the veto sweetie. Vanessa can still go up but they keep talking about putting up Julia. Or talking Austin into giving the veto to liz which would be crazy but would not surprise me.

      2. Because it is apparent that you do not watch BBAD , live feeds, or read the updates on this site. Austin has already won the POV. Sorry, but you wanted to know.

  6. I found the comments on how the show could be improved interesting and I hope production was listening. I know that BBC does because they responded to my comment of FB. They just wanted to know what else I enjoyed about the episode. Who doesn’t love Martha the Moose?? There could have been a twist every week unfortunately they were played out and didn’t make a difference. The telephone one should have been played the week after, might have saved Jeff as it had no impact on D’V leaving. They should have at least one where America votes. Someone suggested penalties for throwing comps, this I couldn’t agree with as it’s part of the strategy of some players and how would it be proven. I do agree that there should be more comps, like for food instead of a full pantry, losers somehow become have nots (may deter throwing comps), tasks by houseguests, at least one where America is the HOH this will shifts power. I really don’t like battle of the block. It’s also interesting to give the hgs some idea of how they are being portrayed, not just with zingbot. Penalties could include America voting on house chores. There is so much potential that BBUS produce.

    1. In early BB shows they used to have to play in teams to not be a have not. Teams randomly assigned and often the games involved disgusting food and drinks that they had to eat and/or make and eat or identify to win. The have nots were really have nots.
      They also used to have games which involved the winner getting a luxury comp. Like clothes, trips, a call from home, money, etc. It was much more interesting for the HG and the audience.

  7. Van cons Steve into believing he’d go out next week, if he voted Van out this week. Uh, no…and she’s getting him out next week anyway, so why not get your executioner first? He knows her plan, but he marches to her orders because he’s a nerd mommas boy who came on to make his mommy proud, and to meet his hero’s past BB players. Ridiculous — even susquatch pony beard knows his family will be mighty pissed if he doesn’t make a good show of attempting to win. The remaining houseguests can vote to get out the biggest threats and Vanessa, Liz are next 2 big targets. Steve prays JMAC wins HOH, because his hack job HOH means he’s got a target on his back next week no matter what, blood & comp strength seals his fate.

  8. Steve won’t get drunk because he and jonnymac would end up hooking up, not very good undercover homos

  9. Who knew that watching BB could be so educational. I didn’t know that Siegfried & Roy had formulated the Oedipus complex. Shame on Sigmund Freud for stealing their idea. Vanessa has become a royal pain in the ass. It would kill Steve’s game, but wouldn’t most of us love to see Vanessa sitting on the block next to Liz on Thursday night. If only James, Meg, and Jackie had stayed with Becky’s plan, and had evicted Vanessa when they had the chance. I would much rather watch Becky, and her adorable sweater puppies, than Vanessa the crying, manic, fast talking control freak.

    1. I can’t believe Vanessa is a professional poker player-she simply telegraphs her emotions. Does any poker players here know about her??

    2. Everybody has been waiting for the editing to make the twins look bad, well tonight was it. They looked whiney, uninformed, and snotty. The whole session with the twins in the hammock knocking Austin, then when he asked what they were talking about saying “girltalk” was sad to watch. Austin, Jmac and Steve may come out of this looking like heroes before production is done.

    3. “I didn’t know that Siegfried & Roy had formulated the Oedipus complex. Shame on Sigmund Freud for stealing their idea.”

      I snorted ^.^ Thank you for that, lol.

  10. Don’t believe her, Steve! I think it is in Vanessa’s best interest to take Julia to the F 2 and JMac is the last one she would want.

    Hopefully, next HOH will be won by JMac and he ousts Vanessa but not likely, he will probably take out Austin.

  11. OI don’t know if anyone else saw it, but I looked to me JM threw the HOH to Steve. It looked like he was waiting there for Steve to go finish.

    1. Simon/Dawg, I must say that I find it completely shocking that CBS and it’s production team do not pay y’all for maintaining this site. Because of THIS SITE, I still want to watch the show. My dropping in here periodically has kept me watching the TV show (I was gonna stop watching all together this season, you kept me watching). It’s hard for me to believe that CBS will dole out big money to those trashy twins and Vanessa, but won’t compensate Y’ALL and Y’ALL are more responsible for higher ratings than THEM!!!! What a shame, and my hat is off to y’all. <3 <3 <3

      1. He must hold the record for throwing comps.
        I cant stand it and hope next year if they don’t get in the top 5 they get punished bad.

      2. For this throw it wasn’t as irritating if you listen to his reasoning in the DR. It was down to Steve and him. John knew he was safe and figured he’d do better in a physical comp than Steve would. So he wanted to be able to play in next week’s comp in the event it was physical. Steve hasn’t done very well in those.

        Some of the other times he threw it though…

  12. Dear Awkward, Linda in Texas and Taylor, thank-you for the kind and sweet comments you made yesterday. I read them to my Mom tonight and she was tickled as can be. Her exact words were ” oh my God I’m famous”. Haha ! So thank-you for putting a smile on both of our faces. May God bless you and your loved ones.

    1. Greetings again my favorite Big Brother friends. . . Wasiffthegrid, I send back to you a basket filled with well wishes, a warm hug and a big Texas kiss, from me and my 83 years young Mom. She was equally thrilled to see your well wishes. Your Mom needs to be deemed Queen BB Fan, I know she would wear the crown proudly. Wednesday while drinking a tall cold glass of sweet Texas Tea, we will send a big cheer to you both while watching Big Brother. God bless you both. Much Love

  13. So… this ho-mance real between Asstin and Gizzard? Puleeze CBS…no TV wedding like Raawwb and Eaambuh. You shoved them down our throats AD NAUSEUM!

  14. was this steve “scaring” vanessa? the passive aggressive “what if i put u up” lol think steve was the one that got a scare in that convo

  15. Oh here we go again with the storing food in their cheeks an chomping an smacking. They take such big bites oh jeezzzzzza.

  16. What is Steve’s secret? I knew Liz was going to go back to Austin! It was getting good last night and now it’s right back to the grossness of those two. I wish Julia would tell her sister she’s being an idiot!!

  17. I was catching up after a couple days of heavy thunderstorms in our area. In the post before this one it said, “Julia – ratings better go mother fucking up because this is crazy”. So, who has been talking about the shows ratings with Julia???? THAT is one really strange thing to say. I’ve felt like ever since Audrey practically self evicted, that production wanted the twins to make final two. . . . . . . . . now I’m really wondering. Does anyone else find this to be an odd comment?

    1. The twins joined the show primarily for some TV time. This is beginning to be a trend where wannabe entertainers get on reality TV to audition their character to build some fan base and act like they are famous.

  18. amazon ad is misleading. Austin’s quote of Sartre…Hell is other people is from “No exit.” ” “Being and nothingness” is a seriously difficult philosophy book. A waste of money for most visitors to this site.

  19. The only person that is playing is Vanessa. Can’t stand her but mark my words she will win. All the other fools are so stupid, I can’t stand watching them!

  20. Whoever takes out Vanessa and makes it to the final 2 will more than likely win the money cuz they will have not only took out the person who got everybody evicted but will have done something other people had tried to do but failed. I want the twins to go too but this week if Vanessa is up there with Liz they will have the votes to evict her. I’m afraid if they don’t do it now she will win HoH next week and they will have lost their chance. I really wanted Johnny to be the one to do the deed but it might be now or never. Unless Johnny wins HoH and everything he’s been telling her is a lie. But that’s an if and right now its a sure thing. Steve put Vanessa on the block!

  21. I CAN NOT watch days on end of Steve and JMac. Steve is a grown ASS man that acts like CHILD and thinks it’s cute. i want to slap him sooooo bad. JMac does NOTHING, and his laugh is so fake and irritating.. He is worthless. Vanessa is a psycho bitch. She is that person you can never be friends with because she only wants to talk about herself, thinks she always right, and only sees flaws in others but never herself. I not crazy about the twins or Austin, but at least they are entertaining. The others are like nails on a chalk board. I realized tonight for the first time since season 1 that I can’t watch these people. I had to say it. This is a sad,sad season.

  22. So what is this big juicy piece of info that liz has on steve that will disqualify him or was that made up??? If its abt him contacting christine b4 he was on the show we all know and it doesnt matter. Please share with us

  23. Vanessa will not take Steve to the finals she would take Julia easy win she’s all about numbers but seems Steves not buying it I pretty much think anyone will win against Steve except a twin ironically

  24. If Steve told Liz a secret that is harmful about himself, don’t you think about now would be the time to tell it?

  25. Steve is Norman Bates but sicker. Austin is a hairy and tatted up Dan Gheesling. Vanessa is Janice the muppet with worse concealer. Julia is a transgender Mr. Bean. JMac is Beavis…but slightly more annoying. Liz is a gong ; )

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