POV Holder: | Vanessa | POV Competition | Aug 22nd |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 24th |
HOH | Austin | Next HOH | Aug 27th |
Original Nominations: | Steve and Jmac | ||
After POV Nominations: | ? and ? | ||
Have Nots | No have nots this week |
9:40am Big brother wakes up the house guests. James says to Meg that there were talks about me being backdoored. Meg says I know I heard that and I was like AGGHHH. James says The only people that would go up are you and me. I feel really good though because I don’t think Austin will do that. If he did, it would be a good blindside.
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10am Johnny Mac comes up to the HOH room. Austin tells him that because he told James I also said I would throw it (HOH) to you, now he is all suspicious of me. So its just like BAM BAM a lot of things. But she (Vanessa) is supposed to come up here so maybe talk to her and see what she says because she ultimately has it. If she wants to use it, I have to put someone else up. Even if it stays the same nothing is concrete yet. I am just afraid to put them in a position where I have already pissed you Steve and you .. and if I put up one of them I piss them off too. Its a messy situation. Johnny says I will just put it out there if I stay I could put up whoever is left of them and who ever comes back. Austin says that’s big too.. and its something Vanessa needs to hear too. Talk to her. Johnny says okay sounds good. Johnny leaves. Liz says you handled that well. Austin says when I was going to go up on the block I begged and said I would do anything to be here. Johnny Mac has done nothing. Austin says if we send Steve out we’re f**Ked because they we have both of them coming after us. If we send out Johnny Mac and he comes back we might be fine because Steve might still be loyal. Austin says he comes to me who doesn’t have the f**king veto. They think I’m running the show.
10:15am Johnny Mac says I don’t think its looking good. Steve says no, I don’t think its getting used. Johnny asks are they ticked at me upstairs? Steve says I don’t know. I don’t know what is going on. I just don’t think its getting used. I don’t know the details. Johnny says all I can do is one more talk with Vanessa. Steve says then one of us wins on Thursday. Johnny Mac says oh you’ll stay. Steve asks you think so? Johnny says yeah, you’re way closer to them. Steve asks is there anything I can do for you? Johnny says no.
10:20am – 10:30am Bathroom – Vanessa tells Johnny he doesn’t want me to use it. If I did then I would have Austin and the twins coming after me. Johnny says you’re at the bottom whether I stay or go. They told me we had a 5 person alliance to get you out last week. Vanessa asks really? Johnny says yeah I thought you knew about that. Vanessa asks Austin, You, Steve and the twins? Johnny says yeah, so if I’m not in that then its you, then me, then Steve. Vanessa asks why did they flip that, just because I won the POV? Johnny says yeah and I was looking for an alliance at the time and I was after you. Vanessa says problem is if I use it, I can’t get the votes. I have no control over it. Johnny leaves. Austin joins them. Austin talks about how Steve called him and the twins a power fortress (pretty sure Steve called them a power force not fortress lol) Austin says that Johnny Mac only started kissing a$$ after you won the veto .. now all of a sudden you want it so bad. Vanessa says its really not going to feel good no matter what we do so we just need to do it and move forward.
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10:30am – 10:40am Bathroom – Vanessa asks Liz was it true that you, Austin Julia and Steve had a five person alliance to get me out? Liz says no. I don’t know why he’s saying that. Vanessa asks that’s totally a lie?! I get I was a target but was there a 5 person alliance to get me out? Liz asks what is he trying to do here!? Liz says I mean okay yeah it was Steve’s idea and wanted to bring Johnny Mac into it. Vanessa asks oh so it was Steve’s idea? Liz says yeah. Vanessa asks why did Steve want to do that? How does it benefit him? Liz says Steve and Johnny Mac are close. Vanessa says I can’t believe everyone wanted to do that. Liz says everyone in this house was telling us. Liz says I don’t know why Johnny was telling you because he was the front runner on it. Vanessa asks you said Steve orchestrated it. Liz says Steve wanted to bring him in. Vanessa says so then you guys realized how little that benefited you. Liz says we were just agreeing. I never wanted to do that basically. Vanessa says f**k him! (Steve) I want him gone then. What a disloyal little f**K!!!

Steve asks Vanessa if she is good. Vanessa says I am great, really f**king great! Thanks for asking!! Suddenly so concerned! Steve asks so should I leave you alone. Vanessa says probably a good f**king idea!
10:45am – 10:50am HOH room – Liz tells Austin that Johnny Mac is done! He just told Vanessa about the 5 person alliance to get her out. Austin asks did you tell her this was before everything. Liz says I said that. I said it was Steve who orchestrated it. Liz says Johnny Mac needs to go! Like I want to f**king cut you! Austin asks why would he do that? Liz says so she would use it on him. Austin says so what then we send Steve out. I don’t care. Liz asks Austin to go get Vanessa so we can talk to her. Austin says I don’t want to talk to her. Julia says for the rest of the week don’t talk to me. I am going to give him the evillest stares! Bit*h a$$! Pu$$y A$$!! Liz asks what if he tells Meg and James .. we’re f**Ked! Austin says no, we didn’t put them up. Austin says Johnny Mac is so dumb, you don’t do that when you still could stay. Liz says Johnny Mac you are suck a little sh*t! He has to go! He just sealed his fate! Johnny Mac you done f**ked up! You messed with the wrong chicks! He needs to get stitches. Julia tells Julia to stop. He is done, if he even looks at me I am going to laugh! He was the one that wanted her out.
10:50am Vanessa pulls Steve into the havenot room. She asks him about the 5 person alliance to get her out. Who orchestrated it? Steve says it wasn’t me. Vanessa says it was you motherf**ker!! They confirmed it! So say goodbye motherf**Ker!! You aint got my vote!! Was it you?! Was it you!? Steve says no. Vanessa says at least have the balls to admit it! Steve says no, no, they wanted to work with Johnny Mac. Vanessa says in a baby voice.. no it was you who orchestrated it wasn’t it?! Steve says no! Vanessa says I would be breathing heavy too if I were you goodbye!!! Vanessa leaves the room. She tells the others if you want Steve he is gone! Steve comes out and asks Austin did I orchestrate that? Austin says kind of yeah?! You’re very eager to make sure you and Johnny Mac are safe. I don’t know why you are coming at me and attacking me in public. Steve says I am sorry I will stop. I didn’t mean to attack you.
Steve asks Meg and James if he should go apologize now or just drop it? Meg says we don’t know what just happened. James says yeah thats exactly what you should do. Steve goes to apologize. James says to Meg that’s exactly what he shouldn’t do but I’m not going to tell him that. That veto isn’t getting used now! We’ve been fighting bullets all summer. Its time for us to be in summer camp.
James and Meg excited the fight doesn't include them and that the veto won't be used
@bigbspoilers #bb17 pic.twitter.com/Gf7dsKGhMh
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 24, 2015
10:55am Cabana room – Vanessa says I don’t want him here! Austin says I don’t know why he is doing that. Vanessa says I am not mad at you guys. I am mad at Steve for being two faced. After finding out he was saying that and saying the complete opposite to me. I understand if you guys were mad at me after finding out the things you found out. Steve knocks on the door and asks if he can do anything to help? Vanessa says no, that’s why I left the room. Steve says okay and leaves. Vanessa says Only I know the level of two facedness .. and I fell for it hook line and sinker! I want him gone. You want to know what its like to play alone .. have fun because that’s what I’ve had to do this whole game! Vanessa says you did just take a big risk by not putting me up. There is not an ounce of me being mad at you guys. Vanessa I am never using the veto.
11:10am Austin talks to Steve in the cabana room. Steve asks am I gone then? Austin says I don’t know. There’s time to calm down. I tried to explain to her that it wasn’t Steve. Steve asks can you be honest with me. Are you being honest with me or are you just covering your a$$ if I come back. Austin says no I’m being honest. She is just angry and hurt by it. She isn’t angry at me or the twins because we had reason to doubt her but you didn’t.
11:15am Big Brother blocks the feeds for the veto ceremony. The veto is definitely not being used now after everything that just happened..
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Just dont hurt my innocent goblins, I really hope becky/jackie come back in this game and get liz out asap, at this rate I dont see a final 2 where liz isn’t in it, why r people not going after the trio =/
Vanessa does not have a strong game β¦.she has weak competition. Can you imagine her trying this fake crying, browbeating, sacrilegious, bullying, forcefully spinning conversations and wearing HGs down tactic in past BB seasons with more mature, more intelligent competitors??? She has no integrity no matter how many times she says she does and would have been out weeks ago in any other season. The best she can do with her current strategy is final four with the AusTwins and they donβt give a prize for 4th place.
you mean like the past two seasons where she could probably work half as hard and be 10% the target she currently is as she floated to the end. only person who could play the past two seasons was derrick. everyone else has been at least twice as dumb as the houseguests this season.
Amanda would have had her out ASAP. She wouldn’t fall for the tears and she sure as hell wouldn’t take any of Vanessa’s shit.
No way. Amanda was a classic bully. She would have said something to Vanessa and Vanessa would have given it right back to her and Amanda would have ran away crying. Just like with GinaMarie.
Haha that’s what I was going to say! Amanda was big and tough with someone like Elissa but Gina Marie came at her and she cried like a little bitch. Lol
If Vanessa came at her they would probably find her balled up in the fetal position behind the trash cans in the storage room.
i’d like to see her in All stars with Janelle
This isn’t going to be popular, but it’s seeming like Austin’s playing a fantastic game.
Am not a fan of his or anything, but it seems like he’s doing a really good job of finding a way to get Vanessa’s weaknesses to work in his favor? Like by keeping her in the house, to use as a shield to keep himself and the twins safe?
Better to be patient and calculating, than knee-jerk and reactionary – he’s very good … that poll up above seems to be inversely proportional to gameplay ability :/
I wanted to throw this out there yesterday when Vanessa started going crazy again. I really have a hard time rooting for her game! There is strategy and I can understand all strategies (Dr Will, Dan, Andy, Victoria, Evil Dick, Jordan, whoever) when 500K is on the line, but her strategy isn’t one for the fans. She is a massive bully and her hypocrisy is so far out of this world it’s kinda sad.
Would I like to see her win over Austwins, Meg, the returnee? Yes, but that is a testament to the formers idiocy, not the ladders likeability/strategy.
I wish there was a true SMART alpha in this season because they would have shut Vanessa down early. Could you imagine Dani D, Jannelle, Rachel, or even Amanda in this house and Vanessa playing how she is? They would have crushed her. What about Evel D, Dr Will, Frank, Zack Attack, or Jeff?
Last year Derrick played with idiots and smoked them for 500K. Now Vanessa is bullying and lying her ass off (not even lying well) to a bunch of cowards for 500K.
I’m ready for ALLSTARS 2 BB!!!! But I’ll be 21 next summer….unless they recruit me I probably won’t be on anyways lol.
rachel gets way more credit than she deserves. only reason she made it as far as she did her first season was by being a comp beast. and she won her second because fan v. favorite seasons are stupid, and production through it to her with a massively unfair pandora’s box.
Vanessa is just fine until she is pumped full of Pills
Then she starts tweeking
Man that Vanessa chick is crazy!!! She is not on the block, she has POV, and she is still going bat-shit nuts!
Ditto. Van is sporting the crazy-eyed look in that screen capture. She’s scary crazy!!!
Judas put all his eggs in Liz basket and SHE CONFESSES, they made deals without her on both sides. What an idiot! Then because she knows she’s guilty she’s off on JMAC for ratting getting graphic about slitting his throat. Juda$$ covers his by blaming Steve–Austwins hated JMAC they wouldn’t join with him without Austin. What potty mouths and the sobbing screaming interrogations commence. I combed your haaaiirr, I styyyylleedd you, you homely mootthherr-fuucckkkeerr! I thought she was on meds??? I am truuulllyy a niiiiccceee peeerrrsssooonnn! II’vvveee gooottt aa ggooooddd hheeaarrtt! Hooooo cooouulld yoooouu!!
Edgar Allen Poe’s Telltale Heart beats again. Vanessa is her own alliance with Steve by blowing up like the 4th of July then melting down like a mother stabbed in the back by her own son. Operatic proportions, really Ms.Together with 5 degrees, you couldn’t handle a real job in a Boardroom, where is Donald Trump when you need him?
Vanessa pretends not to be mad at Austwins but is setthing-she just can’t show it yet. IT WAS VANESSA’S IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE. She wanted 2 6-person alliances to cover her self & Austwins for Jury return or split. SHE GOT CRAPPED ON BY AUSTIN AGAIN when he made both deals without her.
I’m glad Vanessa’s still here to watch her horrible game explode in her face over and over. They could have felt the BOOM in the Jury House. Either Steve or JMAC could win their way back. And Vanessa and Austwins will never trust each other again.
Vanessa deserves it, and her mental breaks are entertaining in a watch a train wreck kinda way. But gawwdd is she stupid. She knows she’s be gone if she hadn’t won POV and it kills her that she neither in control or even liked by these people. She knows the betrayal is deeeep she’s not made friends with anyone in Jury or James/Meg. She can’t trust what anyone says when she uses verbal water-boarding to get answers. Ha, ha, ha.
Vanessa pretends
Janelle who cut her own throat for Will? a real genius there. Amanda was just as bipolar but had less social game. Frank and Zack would be made easy targets for Vanessa.
Vanessa would be in a secondary group of players that falls in with Jeff and Derrick but behind Will and Dan.
Regardless of how you feel about her game she gets it done. People who complain about her complained about dick, Dan and Will. Liars and cheaters are what makes this show. There aren’t enough of them.
After that JMac convo Vanessa has all the info now to figure out Austin was working everyone last week to get her out (James throwing HOH, etc.) . Wonder if she’ll piece it together? Could be epic.
Vanessa, save JMac and vote out Steve.
What a half-assed effort by JMac, Steve and Vanessa this week. They needed to convince Austin to backdoor James and all 3 of them failed miserably. It really wouldn’t have been that hard but they all seemed to just go through the motions this week. No urgency whatsoever…
They tried but the Austwits are at summer camp with the goblins to have fun. Winning the game is secondary. Anyone one of those five leaving would end the fun for the Austwits. However, I think James would drop the Austwits like a hot rock to win.
vanessa better use the veto. if james goes up, it’s foolish not to get him out and meg will never trust austin again. if meg goes up, jmac/steve will know they’re doomed, and will consequently blow up the austwin’s game.
go van go!
I just can’t anymore… With any of these idiots!
Hahaha stuff is hitting the fan! Come on Vanessa use the veto! I am sure she won’t but at least Steve could go this week!
Im sooooo over Steve and his “is there anything i do for you”? YES, Act like you know how to communicate on a human level with people! “I cant talk to anyone right now, I just can’t process my words”‘ really??? You have been living with these people for 2 months now STOP BEING A WEIRDO!!!! “Can I have a hug, I like the hugs”. Who says weird shit like that? And stop sniffing Nasty Nessa’a a$$ under the hammock…that is weird!!!!
I was going to say the same thing! He uses that same tired line over and over! He’s gotta go, followed by crazy hypocrite Vanessa!!
Wasn’t Steve’s hometown visit strange too, everyone turning out because backwards Steve finally achieved something. They focused on his obsessive socially creepy personality as if they were after a sympathy vote. The focus wasnt Steve winning, but wow Steve made it out of the basement. Is he on meds too? He’s smart angry swearing then begging for his from someone he just stabbed in the back. Definitely too much time with Mommy who was proud to watch him dress himself everyday, albeit like special ed, until Vanessa did it for him.
Why not fess up CBS and admit you recruited from a mental health clinic?! Sex addicts, pill poppers, bi-polar, transgender, crippled surgery patients costume wrestler in-his-own-mind, siamese twitless, basement dwellers and raving lunatics.
Don’t you feel guilty for watching like homeless hobo boxing? Or we can cheer like we do for the truly disabled at Special Olympics, just be a straight shooter Julie!
These houseguests are no where near as bad as you make them sound! Maybe you should stop watching if they bother you so much! Steve obviously has cognitive/social issues. Probably on the autism scale. These people are in a game where you have to lie and backstab and hope you don’t get caught. Some of their behavior is strategy! They are playing for a half million dollars, not a new car! No one this season is as bad as many HGs in previous seasons. The only thing most people will take away from reading your comment is that you are a hateful person. You really should not drink and post.
I’m thinking he would have outed James & Megs 5 person alliance with Austwits and him as the Vanessa assassin. But he is the first to out his 5 man team outting Steve as the go between. Smart when the hit man comes clean first damning the conspirators. Steve did the plotting when he saw Austwins bond to James/Meg.
But JMAC has already come close to leaving a couple times, better not chance it again. And Steve only goes so far protecting JMAC then using him add a nerd meat shield.
I’m glad we get to see more fireworks while Steve is confronted then fights for his life until Thursday. Vanessa should be mad at Austin for double crossing and take him out first. She’s finally got A REASON to break Austwits and she’ll have a returning Jury Member to help.
I love how Liz confesses! With Julia listening on. Smoking Hot Blonds alliance is not a dream anymore. And everyone will roast marshmallows when Austin burns. What will he do when he’s out next without Liz? Ha,ha,ha.
Jmac is a good player…haha the twins are pissed,they got caught.
Omg…Vanessa is Crazy funny…..
The truth always comes out..even if it’s from a crazy person
Oh dear
Nice drama. No unexpected expected, regretfully.
I can’t stand these 3 jackass’
Vanessa is crazy and Johnny Mac has no common sense…
I think that he does. He has absolutely nothing to lose. He’s tried forming alliances with them, didn’t work. He’s tried being their pawn, but he can sense this week that he actually may be the one going so I feel like all he’s doing is throwing Hail Marys at this point. Why not try to cause a little chaos and make Vanessa think about where she really stands in the house in order to get her to work her crazy magic to keep him.
I wish Vanessa would have kept that private and then surprised everyone by using the veto on JohnnyMac. Draw a line in the sand. If Becky comes back Thursday, with James or Meg gone, Vanessa & Jon could have been a huge force (especially if Shelli or Becky returns and agrees to work with them.) If one of the Austwins / FingerBangBunch doesn’t go home next week, they’re going to keep winning HOHs and steamrolling through the house. Which sucks, because they’re all terrible game players who have gotten lucky due to the other houseguests’ ineptitude.
I really want a Vanessa / Jmac final two. I think she’s the best player by far and he’s the most likeable. I don’t mind James at all either, and I hope if he manages to get the next HOH, he realizes that the only big alliance left in the house needs to be broken up.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!! Vanessa is storing information and will use it if she wins the next HOH. Could very well be the most interesting HOH, James could also be the most interesting. Either way…target the damn Twilight seekers!! It’s just plain and simple their turn to squirm for a change!!
I agree Vanessa is collecting data to be justified on turning against the others. I’m not sure why she is throwing Steve to the Flames so soon-she still needs an ally to take out one or two of the Austwits so the remaining will work with her. She could be freaking as she realized Steve was laying the groundwork to get her out later and he was to be her guy. This could also be her way to create guilt so if Steve does stay he owes her. I say go JMac blow up everybody’s game what do you have to lose/ nothing you don’t have much time left anyway….Steve should do the same….create drama let everybody know Austwits are playing all sides…I would enjoy Austin having his easy choices blow up in his face.
Welcome fellow antster!! Actually, I don’t think Vanessa has the capability to hold something in with Steve or anybody. She is more of a confront, but never forget, divide and conquer type. I’m really not sure she would divide the Austwins yet as she blames Steve and JMac more and still needs numbers, so I think I would prefer James to win HOH, so hopefully I would hear Austin say “I never should have trusted the goblins, but damn, they were so much fun”!! It’s a damn game you idiot and you just got schooled!!
Sometimes these people frustrate me with their Waiting for Godot logic.
Will it be Steve, will it be Jmac, should it be James.
Today, it’s Austin.
The guy goes to sleep and wakes up disturbed that Vanessa has the veto but everyone is looking at him that it’s all on him whether she uses it.
He told them all that he and Vanessa would talk, and that she wouldn’t use it if he didn’t want her to. He took that responsibility when it fed his ego, now wants to shift the blame.
He has gone on about being the king of the house for two weeks, and said more than once that all the power is his because he’s hoh.
Now he wants to back peddle and put the target back on Vanessa and make the responsibility hers. Well, he wants it to look like the responsibility is hers, but imagine if she did do what she wanted.
Then he hears that Jmac is selling out his anti-Vanessa alliance. Austin acts butt hurt that Jmac would snitch on him, and acting like it was a coup attempt on his throne.
i’m getting tired and dizzy watching him jeckyl and judas his way through the day today. Somebody feed him some of Vanessa’s meds. The maroon cocoon ones, not the eye bulging head spinny ones.
actually i think the veto should be used – to make the trio l-a-j a bigger target with everybody. my dream scenario actually is, that this stupid blowout was the start for a v-jm-st trio and that meg is the one replacing the vetoed person and voted out. then with someone strong back (hopefully becky) this twinston thing could finally be targeted.
You nailed it! All Van needs to do is say she doesnt want the chance for jmac to go, and steve is her main target, so Austin puts up a pawn (meg) to sit beside him… then to get the house to twins to flip once the veto is used (easy). Its fucking genius if it is used and works…
How the hell did the twins ever get picked for this show? At this point I don’t care who wins as long as it’s not any of the Austwins. They have got to go.
Picked mostly by how much they like alike. Producers probably thought the HGs would evict them as soon as they were exposed and never expected them to be drug this far along into the game.
I was a little bit done with jmac but he seems to finally be playing the game. Telling Vanessa because he knows she always needs a reason to go against someone (excuse) about Austin deal was really the only choice he had. I think before he didn’t realize what a spineless person Austin really was. I was going to Change my mind about Austin if he put Vanessa and a goblin up. I didn’t want a goblin to go but by putting them both up would have been a big move and would have assured that Van could not turn the gobs against the Austwins. I guess I gave him too much credit. Vans best move now would be to use the veto on Jmac knowing that Austin is to afraid to nominate her. She will either get a gob out or Steve either one is good for her game. Jmac by putting aside his personal feelings about Van knowing that even the Gobs (MEG Dumbass) changed their mind about putting her up has no choice but to work with her because he doesn’t have anything to lose. Smart on his part. Maybe if Meg goes away Jmac and James can come together. Meg is messing up James’ game.
What? Austin cant put the veto holder up!? Welcome to Big Brother!
Meg and James are the deciding votes this week….Vanessa and Julia only count if they all can not agree. I still don’t think it’s looking good for Johnny Mac.
Come on Vanessa Steve didn’t start anything….It was Austwits and Twins who wanted you out and started it!! Steve was just going along with it and so was Johnny Mac. Time to flip the script everyone against Twins and Austwit!
I’m getting really sick of Steve’s antics. He almost is coming across borderline cocky asking JMac “Is there anything i can do for you?” WTH?! I hope they boot that WEIRDO out the door this week!!
I have seen this comment a few times, I have to say βIs there anything i can do for you?”, is actually quite a nice thing to say. He is socially awkward, but the segment with his parent and his home town, really got me liking steve. His parents seem so nice! I bet he is genuine.
I’m glad JMac told Vanessa. Only if she can see through Austwins! When you’re at the end of the rope, throw out all the info. Good for JMac even though he’s going to Jury. But blow up Austwins to everyone before you leave. Austwins don’t deserve to make it to final 3!!!!
I’m sorry but I think it’s hilarious that jmack told her that. Good for him.
I knew all this stuff would come out eventually. And there’s more yet to come.
Vanessa doesn’t use the veto, teams up with James & Meg to vote out Steve. Then with the returning house member goes after Austwin next week. Austin unable to play in HOH.
If Vanessa really doesn’t use the veto…. I wonder by thursday who will be evicted john or steve….. they will probably go back and forth; will not know for sure till Wednesday night lol…..
I’m Glad James isn’t going up but I do hope Steve gets evicted over John….
I would love to see Beckie or Jackie come back and work with John,James & Meg……
Ugh..the twins and Austin are useless imbeciles.
oh god the beanie is back.
I am just glad that Meg can take a week off from dodging bullets.
she needs a little summer camp time.
I wish they let us vote to evict this week so we could remove BB17’s likely 2nd place finisher from the game
This whole situation is ridiculous. Vanessa is a crazy b****. Austin is a mindless idiot. Liz and Julia (to a lesser degree) are vicious and downright mean. I feel bad for Steve and J-Mac. Austwins were just as on-board with getting Vanessa out. She should be just as upset with them as she is with Steve. It’s beyond comprehension. I can’t wait until those four have to turn on each other. I am rooting for the Goblins at this point (and the person who comes back). I am hoping whoever gets voted out this week comes back in. I am still rooting for James, J-Mac or Steve to win the whole thing but at this rate I do not think it’s possible.
I think the twins are hilarious in such a painful way.
you were getting rid of MAC. I mean, it was clear as day to everyone in and out of that house. and so MAC goes to Vanessa and says they had a 5 person alliance(true) to get Vanessa out(true)….so NOW MAC sealed his fate, and is good as gone? sometimes I wonder if the twins forget they are in the game. Austin too…”why would he do that”….maybe because he knows he is going home and thought he’d try to save himself.
what crazy thinking it is to try and stay in the game, and not ask for permission first!
If Steve leaves I hope he tells Vanessa that it was Austin’s plan with the five alliance to get Vanessa out and not Steve. I hope this backfires on the Austwins and Vanessa gets revenge. Also if Vanessa wins H.O.H she can ask Meg and James who had the plan to get her out Austin or Steve.Meg and James confess to her it was Austin and not Steve, because they don’t want to be put up on the block. Steve comes back in and Vanessa tells him she was deceived by the Austwins and they both target the Austwins.That would turn this game around and make it worth watching!
Vanessa is a vile bully. She’s terrorizing the HGs into submission. I can’t watch this anymore, it turns my stomach into a tiny knot.
Oh brother here we go with the “bully” comments. Knew that one was coming. How do you get through everyday life if you consider this bullying??
These are not little kids who can’t defend themselves! And no one is physically threatening anyone! Just because someone is not being nice does not equate to bullying!!!
Vanessa might be swayed now to vote against Steve but how is Johnnny Mac going to get James and Meg on his side he’s got to think of some Dan moves for that one!
You through a comp – you get evicted
I cannot stand Austin and the twins. You’re all busted jerks! Own up to it. For the love of god whoever comes back needs to pick apart Austins Angels.
that johnny be careful what u wish for!
As far as I’m concerned this whole BB has been so orchestrated by production , it is laughable… They have been told to create doubt in every eviction and POV. Do you really think true BB players could be this stupid ???? It’s like watching a fake wrestling match π
There are parts of the strategies that have some major flaws… and there are moments that drive me nuts for example… who in their right mind thinks that having twins in the house that are going to be most loyal to each other and a guy who is obsessed with one of them is a good thing for their game? Why has the Austwins never been on the block except for a terrible BoB plan? Becky and James should have put the twins up and backdoored Austin when they had the chance instead of wasting her time on Vanessa and Shelli. If she wanted Vanessa out instead of Shelli she should have put up Liz and Austin saved Liz put up Julia or if Julia saved Liz put up Austin… if Liz saved herself… put up Julia force some hands… but on she played stupid. I just hope someone plays smart this week like using the veto on JMac… so that they can vote out Steve… play smart people. Get the Austwins out next week.
Wow! Did not see that happening right before veto. JMAC set that up at a perfect time so he could save himself. I am stunned right now. Van,the b.s. queen,hates being lied too,& claims she is not an emotional player but yet again showed what a liar she truly is. This is potentially great for the goblins,& seriously hope whoever comes back will take out the Austwits! I can’t stand Van,but would rather one of the 3 headed monsters be taken out! How messed up they all blamed Steve,when scum bag Austin ran his mouth about taking out Van. JMAC very well may have bought himself another week!
okay, soooo in a perfect world vanessa would use her brain correctly this time instead of going into overdrive like she usually does and realize that she needs to band against Austwins. There is no scenario in which she makes it to the final 2 with them. Austin is love struck, and the twins are twins. Leave the veto alone, vote Steve out (because only god knows where his head is at, can’t believe people were trying to compare him to ian, blech) and take the team of james, meg, jmac, and whoever comes back (unless its brain related steve won’t win, and shelli said she’d side with whoeever was left of steve/jmac) and duke it out to the end. i mean, let’s be honest, there’s a slim chance of her winning regardless, but at least for her personal game she has chance to make final 2 with the other side who aren’t there to play camp. yes i realize there are holes in that logic, but at this point i despise austwins 100% more than vanessa. her game’s already been blown.
Oh oh, Steve f***d with the wrong person! Vanessa is shifting from the Evel Meg Monster and is now targeting her former F2 Steve. Too funny. It’s gonna be clash of the Titans, Vanessa trying to manipulate the Austwins to get rid of their little lap dog Steve. We’ll see if Steve will know what hit him.
That conversation between JMac and Steve (at 10:15 AM) is why I still love this freaking hot mess of a show.
While JMac was an early fav who I’ve sort of become disappointed with for a lack of fight when it has really started to matter, Steve has begun to grow on me both for – as long as he could – keeping such a low profile and – when he had too – aligning with the should-be ‘house targets’ to maintain his survivalist gameplay. Unfortunately for him, anyone and everyone who might’ve been able to take down those ‘house targets’ are gone/on the wrong side of the numbers. Steve stays this week, and Vanessa may end up out before him, but it will be shocking if most/all of the three stooges see the end-game. *Which sucks, because they’re terrible players who’ve been terribly lucky at the hands of terrible decisions – like sacking Jason*
Anyway, back to why I still like the show, I really hope this 10:15 convo makes the show. The way these two likeable underdogs have become aligned and attempted to work together despite conflicting insterests, who now face destruction, has been a very interesting story arc, wholly refreshing in a season that has become so painful to watch for its constant grope-fests and ooooooHHHHhhmmmmmyyyyGgggoooaaaaawwwwwwwwddddd-s from the Twins.
Steve asks “Is there anything else I can do for you?” Johnny says no.
If Austin and the twins ever moved to my neighborhood, a For Sale sign would be on my front lawn so fast…
So the question is whether Vanessa is a Sociopathic compulsive liar or whether it’s an act and part of her strategy. I’d like to know.