POV Holder: | James | POV Competition | Aug 29th |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | Aug 31st |
HOH | Vanessa | Next HOH | Sept 3rd |
Original Nominations: | Meg and James | ||
After POV Nominations: | Meg and Julia | ||
Have Nots | Johnny Mac, Julia, James, Meg |
12:05am Vanessa comes out of the diary room with the HOH camera and starts waking up the other house guests. Good morning my little havenots! Vanessa gets ready and heads outside. She tells Johnny Mac it sucks. I don’t want to take photos of sleeping people. Vanessa says I feel like we should take a photo.. The least likely people to work together. They stand together and take a photo. Vanessa asks how was last night? I drank that wine and passed the f**k out. Johnny Mac says Meg came out feeling out where I stood and I said I was pissed at you and Steve. Just so they can’t use that against me in the future. Then I went to bed and James and Meg didn’t come back for 2 more hours. Vanessa says I wonder what they talked about? Johnny Mac says they’re obviously going to try sh*t. I will let you know everything. Vanessa says it only going to be Meg. Its not in James’s incentive to try. Right, I mean? Johnny says this HOH is big. Steve or I could win it and its almost checkmate. For the double we almost want to throw it. Vanessa says the problem is .. do you really believe Steve would do it? Johnny says I would have to talk to him more. Vanessa says I know I would and you would do it.. but I just don’t know if Steve would. He cried after Jackie. Johnny says he would probably go after James. Or would he throw this HOH and let you, me or James go home. Vanessa says it doesn’t make strategic sense for us to go for him. Johnny says he is really trying to prepare me. Vanessa says that doesn’t mean he is trying to win it. Vanessa starts quizzing Johnny Mac on his days. Vanessa says she wants to to Steve to find out what Meg talked to him about. Johnny says whatever I hear I will let you know. Vanessa tells Johnny I like the 3 person thing you suggested. Johnny says its a little risky but if we win its almost checkmate. Vanessa says yeah its a good idea. Liz joins them.
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12:25pm – 12:40pm Havenot room – Meg says lets go take a photo. If we don’t she will say we never took photos with her. James says just one picture. Meg says this is good for you. So next week she can’t say you never took a photo with me. James says I’m a havenot. I’m tired. I didn’t take a photo with her last time either. James goes back to sleep.
12:35pm – 12:55pm In the backyard they start taking photos. Meg joins them and complains about being so tired. They take a bunch of photos and then before 1pm Vanessa returns the camera.
HOH photo time
@bigbspoilers #bb17 pic.twitter.com/faVXIvhifF
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) September 1, 2015
12:55om – 1:10pm Kitchen – Juju tells Liz that late last night she saw Johnny Mac, Steve, Meg and James talking. Austin was in the kitchen cooking. He said go out there but I woke up from sleeping. Liz says that’s all you. JuJu says I was assured that I wouldn’t have to do anything like that. Its just annoying. You know?! Liz and Juju head into the hammock room to talk. Juju says I swear if I go home because of that kid after I voted to keep him! Vanessa doesn’t care. Austin doesn’t care. All of you were promising me I didn’t have to do anything and look what’s happening. Liz says okay you need to have a poker face. Juju says I am pissed. Liz says I’m going to talk to Steve and see what he said. Juju says no I want to. Liz says no he won’t tell you. Juju says and now Austin is saying Steve is talking sketchy. I feel like Vanessa doesn’t care. I just feel alone. If I go home this week I will never talk to her again. What if Steve flips the vote .. then I’m gone. Liz says then Austin and I go after him. Juju says I am really pissed off. Liz says Vanessa has made it very vocal she wants Meg gone. So if he doesn’t vote her out, she will be pissed. Juju says this is the worst feeling. I am never doing this again. If you put me on the block I am coming after you. I am never being a pawn again. Steve joins them. Steve says you have my vote 100 million percent!! Juju says me and her did so much to keep you here and if you flip the vote.. Steve says you have nothing to worry about.. Its done!! Juju asks can you tell me about what she said about me? Steve says at no point did she ask me for her vote. She hasn’t even started campaigning yet. She will probably still talk to me but she doesn’t have my vote. Juju asks should I not be sleeping.. should I be up scampering!? Steve says you have the vote. Nothing more needs to be done. There is no reason for you to be freaking out. There is 0% that she would have my vote. They hug and leave the room.

1:35pm – 2pm HOH room – Austin heads up to the HOH room to talk to Vanessa. Austin says that Julia was complaining that Liz was sleeping and they were out there talking. I was like this is big brother why don’t you just go out there. They’re just being so lazy about it. Vanessa says we don’t want to leave them along for too long. Austin says this is the time when you need to stay up late and grind it out. I went to bed at 4am. This is how the exterminators got together by staying up late. Vanessa says Johnny Mac really likes you. He wants to make a move. He is feeling me out to see how close we are. Austin says to make a thing together. That’s how James is too. We stayed up late last night. He thinks everything he says will go back to you so he is careful about what he says to me. Vanessa says James has never worked with people that can win things and I think that’s attractive to him. We can both offer that to him. Have you thought about this .. people want to work with us because people hate us in jury. People really like Steve. Johnny Mac is turning away from Steve because it will be hard to beat. How ever wins HOH there are conversations to be had if they’re on the other side. If I was on the block next to Julia would you be able to keep me? Austin says I would want to. Vanessa says yeah its better for your game. I could campaign really well and you would just vote with the house. Austin says Liz said to me if Julia went home, I would self evict. I told her don’t think like that, there’s only a few weeks left. Vanessa says if they were on the block its better they’re on the block together (Julia & Liz).
Austin says you and I have had our thing. You and Johnny Mac have and your thing. Johnny Mac and I have had our thing. We are all equal distance from each other which is why its good if we came together. Vanessa says its down to us needing to get rid of people who can win. If Steve is up there its getting to the time to get rid of him. Vanessa asks do you think its better to keep Johnny Mac over Steve. Austin says we can beat Johnny Mac. Vanessa says she thinks he and her are fairly even in terms of the jury hating us. Austin says once Meg goes in you’re done. Vanessa asks what will Steve do if he wins HOH? Will he go after James? You have to scare him into thinking James is coming after him. Austin says if Steve wins he has to put up James and Johnny Mac. Vanessa asks is that best for your game? James going is best for my game. Austin says I think Steve will throw it to go for the double eviction. Liz joins them. Liz asks what happened last night. Austin says Steve and Johnny Mac were up late with James and Meg. I’ve just seen too many times the impossible flip happen in past seasons. That’s why you need to stay up late. Liz says I know. Austin says we’re good but its something we need to be aware of. Austin says if Steve were to vote out Julia .. he would make 4 enemies. It doesn’t make sense for Steve to do that. He’s sworn up and down she has his vote. He’s not a liar. He’s not flipping it. Vanessa says I would be shocked if he did. Vanessa says if he ever asks they came to us about “Brass Tacks”. James thought of the name. And it was never real. They agree to stay up late to stop Meg and James from talking game.
If you enjoyed the spoilers please consider a donation using the button below.
- “Goblins/Gremlins” = James and Meg
“The Generals” = anyone allied with Becky- “SOS” (Students of Sound) = Steve and Vanessa
- Rockstars = Steve and Jmac
- AUS-Twins = Austin, Julia and Liz
- “Austin’s Angels” = Austin, Liz, Julia, Vanessa
- “Brass Tacks” = Gobins and Austwins
- The new “Brass Tacks” = Aus-Twins, Meg, James + Vanessa
“Freaks and Geeks”“The Scamper Squad” = Aus-Twins, Vanessa, Steve- “The new Freaks and Geeks minus Vanessa” = Austin, Liz, Julia, Steve, Johnny Mac
- “The Authority” = Austin, Liz, Julia, Steve
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Good for Americas favorite JohnnyMac! Run and tell Vanessa your master everything. Boo terrible!
lol why do people take everything these houseguests say as the truth
like why can’t john play the game and tell vanessa what she wants to hear
Was it me, or was Vanessa starting to warm to the idea that Jmac brought to her about getting rid of Julia?? Did i read that right?
Jmac is doing What all of them are doing including Meg and James did everyone forget the last couple of weeks. You get mad when he doesn’t play now he is playing Just LIKE all of them James with Austin. I hope James is lying to Austin and he will target twins and Austn plus I hope Jmac is just telling Van stuff because he is worried that Meg would tell Van and Austin like she did last week. We have to wait for the votes. Van sucks but Austwins need to go first , I think Jmac realizes that I hope James does too. I think Meg would want James to target Van because she would do better with the remaining twin they like her and don’t see her as a threat
That’s what i’m hoping too.
Jmac actually said i told them i was angry at you, so they can’t come and use that against me later.
He’s covering his bases.
I hope he really is playing. But every time i get my hopes up this year, these guys let me down.
i hope Johnny is playing now – and i hope they can flip Austin.
Fingers crossed.
Jmac has told the truth time and again: he’s said he hates everyone but he hates Vanessa and Steve less, he’s said he was going to get rid of Meg, and he said that James can’t even memorize days. He wants to be with Vanessa and Steve. He’s playing his game, it’s just not a very fun game to watch, added to which he’s a bit of a snob.
Jmacs parents make less than 100,000 combine. he worked hard in school and has lots of loans. He does not party because he ,unlike everyone there, but James, don’t have a rich mommy and Daddy. My husband and I have a son who works very hard does not do a lot of stuff that his friends do because he knows we cant afford for him to go to medical school. That’s what my kid wants to do. I asked him if he just didn’t like the greek system and he said he just couldn’t afford to party financially or otherwise. He like Jmac is being responsible. How is being responsible, pulling your self up by your own boot strings ,make you a SNOP!.
Hey you guuuyyyssuhh! You told me I don’t hafta campaaaaiiggnnuh! Should I stop sleeeeeeepppingggguh? If I get evicted Thursday I’m not going to live with Vanessa in Vegasuuhh, I’ll never speak to her again. I’m not going to be DJ Twin, I’m not going to take the new car, I’m going to give her that $10,000 back! Heeeyyuh, I just figured it out! Vanessa paid for this hit!
Uuhhh, Don’t tell HER that JuJu or Vanessa won’t vote to keep you either. Can’t wait for that catfight! JuJu pulling some bad ass Bad Girls Club moves on her, slapping her fake glasses off and tying her down with those ridiculous suspenders. Then screaming at her til her eardrums bleed. Then stuffing the $10k in her mouth, then yanking out her extensions, throwing the Bible at her…then chomping hands full of her meds and really going kookoo! Go JuJu tear that house and your alliance down gurl! That’s why BB hired these two foul mouth fightin gangsta ho’s anyway right. Give us that drama you promised Julie! Frankenstein’s monster jumps her creator! Yeah!
So I guess you would align with the Austwits?
JMAC is telling her just enough so she doesn’t get suspicious–he didn’t rat on Trojan Horse yet, but still offers to be the hitman for Twins. It’s perfect for him to plot 2 or 3 paths to Finals and his sketchy Taxi Driver image is perfect for Van to buy lone assassin routine.
Love to hear her frustrations with Steve who plays smarter than everyone else. He plays dumb, thumb sucking coddled child with Van but she doesn’t like it or buy it. He told Van he hasn’t been thinking of strategy which is stupid lie for him to tell. His awkward hugs laying on Van and flirting with Julia are childish & aren’t getting him anywhere. Twins like him but nobody else does and their affection switches hourly.
JMAC finally has some meat shield; Meg, James, Julia, Steve, Liz
As of this post – I don’t think he even knows about Operation Trojan Horse yet – or he would have sold them out by now.
Nobody knows about Operation Trojan Horse yet, James said they would talk to Austin tonight, and if he’s in, they will approach JMac with the deal
Huh? Jmack doesn’t know about operation Trojan horse. No one does except Meg and James.
James said he will approach Austin with it last tonight. So Austin will be the first one they run it by as of right now.
Excuse me, I meant to say James will go to Austin LATER tonight.
I hope James win America”s favorite
Meg hasn’t lied to any HG or come up on anyone’s radar because her strategy is to sleep the whole season.
The narcoleptic summer camper woke up long enough to lie to Vanessa the day before the pov meeting that got Vanessa put on the block. There must have been a pea under her mattress because she stayed awake long enough to lie to Becky for a day after that that Vanessa was still the target.
She must have rolled out of bed by mistake the day before the last eviction long enough to tell Jmac that she and James were never working with Austin and the twins. Maybe she ran out of nyquil and had a hard time getting back to sleep that day, because she originally tried to repeat that one to Vanessa later that day.
Good thing she can cry on cue every time someone catches her.
Sure..There will be little glimmers of hope here and there that maybe they will flip and put Julia out, but just look at the whole season so far, they will put Meg out. It would take a major meltdown or Someone making a tactical error. I mean do Y’all really think Austank is up to making a game move ???..The only thing He has in common with a Horse, Trojan or not, is that He smells like the backside of one
LAMAO loudly in my office at “Austank”!!!!!!!!! OMG! Funniest thing I have seen all day. Damn near spit out my sprite!!!
honestly, evicting meg is neither a “right” or “wrong” decision at this point. it’s only based on the results (what happens in the double eviction) will this be seen as a “right” or “wrong” decision. if john/james/steve win the hoh and liz is evicted, then it’s a right decision. but if austwins win hoh and john is evicted, then it is a wrong decision.
It’s weird. I liked JM a lot, and now I am about to start disliking him quite strongly… He’s now Vanessa’s chihuahua!
Don’t dump him yet! He can’t tell her he hasn’t heard anything, he doesn’t have a target or he hasn’t heard James Meg campaign–Duh! She’d smoke that out for lies even drunk on her port. He’s got to give her nibbles to keep the paranoid schizo at bay. He’s gotten alot smarter (unlike Steve who is regressing to a 4 month old sucking on Van & Julia’s tits) anyway, he tells her the OBVIOUS, and they aren’t lies:
…James & Meg are targeting Van & Steve of course, they put them on the block, slop, and refused all offers. The Twins wanted JMAC on the block, so Van knows she’s their target.
…He says they’re trying everything, TRUE Meg said so, the plot is evidence, he just didn’t tell her details & maybe she doesn’t want to know so she can play dumb like Austin.
…FACT he will tell her some version of what goes down to protect him and her, including his targets TWINS she wants him to be bad guy and STEVE who neither of them trust and Van wants to get out early because he’s a threat, a sketchy HOH player and voter.
JMAC is sitting pretty, with meat shields James Meg Julia & Steve on the block first as threats and Jury favorites. DE will be a blow out, where for once, everyone will be trying to win. The only two who will blow this FLIP are Meg & James blabbing, chickening out or losing HOH. Worst case scenario is Ethel & Fred go out 1 & 2, and who wants these Benedict Arnolds focused on summer camp crushes to win anyway?
I don’t know why Jmac is so popular. Other than his DR sessions, he’s trash.
It’s hard to read JMac, he did tell Meg that he was mad at Van and Steve, but it didn’t stop there, they talked about a lot more, and he didn’t tell Vanessa that. He just maybe, just a little….might be thinking of turning on Vanessa after all. I just can’t understand the fear and control she has over him, Steve I understand, Vanessa has replaced his Mother while on the show.
I’m hoping jmac is telling Vanessa everything he is saying bad about her is to cover his ass in case it get back to her. If it doesn’t get back to her then he will know he can trust them and maybe work with them. You can’t blame him after everything he said got back to everyone the week he got evicted. It would really be a good game move telling on yourself before anyone else can. Even if you were telling the other people the truth it would look like your bullsh!tting to get info. Just hope that’s what he is doing and not becoming Vanessa’s and Steve’s stooge.
Good Grief Johnny Mac! Please say your telling Vanessa what she wants to here…Why are they working so hard for her and helping her game If J-mac & Steve are that stupid they both deserve to go home! Go James Win this thing!
I know, JMac should align with clueless James who will run to his buddy Austin with everything. You know James and Meg who ran to Austin last week when JMac was pleading with them to flip.
JMac is aligned with the right person for now, Vanessa did not put him on the block and that said a lot.
I DO NOT get JohnnyMac’s appeal he’s not some fun goofball he’s just another of Vanessa’s little bitches. Now he’s going to run and “snitch” to her EVERYTHING that James and/or Meg tell him. Why? Just keep it to yourself stop doing her bidding. And Steve is another one who is so under her thumb. Why these people are so afraid of Vanessa is beyond me.
If Steven and John were actually smart they would vote out Julia (That splits up the twins) then join forces with Meg/James and they are four against Vanessa/Liztin. Then they can actually have an argument at jury as to what their “big move” was.
I don’ think taking out Julia is a big move, Austin, Liz, Vanessa yes. Aligning with Vanessa is best for John’s game. He’s moved himself into a good spot, even if you can’t see it.
Or else you wouldn’t be thinking in terms of ‘it’s not a good game move to get Julia out’. Julia’s not the objective – splitting up the Austwins is. And that is definitely a good game move for anyone that’s not Austwins. It’s even a good game move for Austin, if he can come out looking innocent of the deed.
Taking out Julia NOW (and not next week) is actually a HUGE move! Especially in comparison with taking out Meg. Just think about numbers…
Calm down–JMAC is calculated, undercover next to Vanessa for her protection before he knifes her in the back like she’s done to everyone else. He doesn’t need rubber hoses to beat her for info, she’s giving her top secrets away for the fake “info” he brings. Everyone knows if you don’t give Vanasty info she’ll waterboard your ass then evict you.
Steve just plays googoo gaga teachers pet, book smart history know it all, but talks strategy with no one and has no real info–which is a bad look and game. No one wants to hear what kind of soap the losers of Season 1 uses Steve, play Season 17 for craps sake!
Go Agent Taxi Driver! Sharpen that knife, and like Brutus did Julius Caesar, keep your arm around her til you get her into position.Et tu Brute’?
everyone on jmac about running back to vanessa with info, he is working with her and its an alliance that is working for him so far. he tried last week with james and meg and look how well that went, they sold him out! i agree voting out julia is the right move but working with james and meg is iffy, their love for austin is just too strong IMP.
Good boy JMac you’re now officially Vanessa’s little puppy .. You went from Americas favourite down the list with Steve … Losers !!!!!!????
WTF happened to JohnnyMac? Talk about a disappointment of a player.
This season turned out to be a major dud. They should have left the twists in the game to try to at least keep things interesting. I don’t know how you guys do it watching the live feeds of these fools. I can’t even watch the TV show anymore (especially with the endless horrible sound effects they now add, its like someone found a sound effects CD from the 90s in the back of a drawer and went to town on this season) let alone every annoying minute of the season of the ball-less.
About James and Meg staying up for 2 hours, “I wonder what they talked about?”
Jeez, I don’t know Vanessa. Maybe they talked game or maybe they talked camping. Or maybe they talked about how loca you are and how loca your girlfriend must be to put up with your loca-ness.
Jmac working with the enemy now. Hate it. He really doesn’t seem like he’s going to pull the V-card anytime soon.
If they can get Austin and jmac to vote out Julia, they need to keep their options open. Instead of blaming Steve, wait and see who wins HOH. If it’s Liz or Steve, they should tell the truth that it was Austin making him the target.
U doing the right thing my sweet jmac
Stick with Steve and Vanessa that is a guaranteed final 3 go the other way and your out in a week or two
Exactly..he cant trust James because he tell Austin everything.
and Austin tells Vanessa everything !
Yes, there is a loyalty now between JMac and Vancheesy. She talked to him before anybody else would and then backed her talk with action by refusing to put him up. She is the first one in this game to really try to partner up with him…so all you JMac with Vanessa booers out there…get real!!!
I stopped watching this season 3 weeks ago when it became obvious that the game was over and the dominate alliance would pick off the other side until the end.
Same old crap every year, only this year the house was filled with especially scummy people on one side of the house and clueless people on the other side.
For a while I continued reading OBB hoping it would get better but it just confirmed what I already knew, the fix was in and the winner has already been decided by the producers.
I’m done.
I’ve watched BB since season 1 show 1. I’ve never missed an episode until this year.
What a waste of my time.
Until this show finds itself and comes up with a way to stop alliances from forming so soon, better competitions, decent contestants worthy of cheering for, and new twists, they can count me out.
As for this season, I don’t care who wins or loses. In the end it’s the viewer who lost.
Well you can thank Grodner for putting the Battle of the Block back on again in the beginning of the season, that’s the only reason the big alliances were formed and dominated the game. If the BOB wasn’t in play this season would of been so much better. BOB single-handingly ruined this season and the last all thanks that bitch Grodner and my hope when this season is over someone fires her and finds another producer who will make this show better instead of intentionally making it worse.
In that gift of Austin, his chest hair looks like an ass crack and his arms look like legs and when he put his head up it look like…..
Ok that’s it, just like last year i’m going to do a countdown everyday for when this season finally comes to and end. This season was so interesting to watch in the first month and a half and now it’s just getting frustrating and unbearable to watch thanks to these insufferable dipshits that are the Austwits and Vanessa and now by the looks of it now Jmac and Steve are also included in that. So unless James can win HOH and turn this around i’ll continue the countdown.
Johnny Mac didn’t have a choice but to join Vanessa and I think he is making the right move to stay in the game. Yes, Vanessa needs to go, but the Austwins need to be broken up first. There is no need to be hating on Johnny Mac, it’s a game and he would be on the block if he didnt join Vanessa and would probably be going home.
They want JMac to blindly align with idiot James who is Austins buddy.
Not sure I follow your logic. Yes, the Austwins do need to be broken up but why does he need to stay loyal to Vanessa? One of the twins is on the block so he can break that up this week whether Vanessa likes it or not. He can’t do it alone (he needs Steve or maybe Austin to vote out Julia also) but loyalty to Vanessa shouldn’t factor into his decision.
I don’t think he is being loyal to anyone, he is playing a game. Everybody is using everybody and for once it’s nice seeing Johnny getting a chance to finally play the game. As far as double eviction, I would still take out an Austin if Julia doesn’t go first. And are we even sure there is a DE this week. Dawg do you know?
I accidentally thumbs upped your comment. I agree with it all except I think Van needs to go in the double evict. Then it should be 3 vs. 3. Van staying in the games after DE, would mean her options will be open to pick any side she chooses. Her “integrity” has always chosen the austwins… I think if she stays the austwins are guaranteed in the finale.
JMAC has gone from being at the top of everyone’s list for eviction to almost out of the top 3 choices. I don’t care who he’s aligning with or who’s dirty work he’s doing, the’s surviving in the house. That’s the first step to winning. He has bought himself a week or two. He’s an option for partnership on several houseguest’s list. That is playing a good game. He’s show before that he will say anything to win so don’t think he’s sold his soul just yet.
Oh wow !!! Look at that group pic by the Memory Wall…………
Austin has His arm up in the air, and there are probably about 500 dead flies on the ground
I’ll bet the ants aren’t doing so well either! LMAO!
Aaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhh *gag* ……..
Exactly! JMac is a professional, a dentist, thrown in with the Austwins, Meg, James…If that’s who he has to play with, he’s got to get creative to survive. Their thought processes are totally different which is why it was hard for him to make an alliance. Look at all the nominations he came through without being evicted. Then he WAS evicted, came back, and actually avoided the block again! He’s in survival mode and doing a great job!
Yall hate on Vaness too much to realize that this is Jmacs best move… Now he can potentially make it to final 3. Otherwise he would be a gonner after the Goblins were wiped out.
A pervy sex addict, fine. What overcompensating man isn’t?
If Jmac and Steve agree to boot Julia, they do not need Vanessa or her approval. They would have James vote plus their 2. Not saying Jmac and Steve have the cajones to pull the move but if they did, it would be 4 vs 3 with Steve, John ,James and Meg for the vote. Austin, Liz and Vanessa would be pointing fingers at each other blaming everyone but themselves. If they take a twin out 1 less vote against them in the house. Makes no difference if they make any of the 4 mad if they are all in the jury house. They have to vote for somebody to win!
Ok let me start by saying I like Jame, I like Meg, but game wise, both of them are in this position they are in because of the way the have not been able to observe and be aware of the various groups that are working together.
James and Meg are not very bright when it comes to knowing who is playing them and just getting information from them. They think the Austwins are on their side because they play games with them, they think Austin is really trying to keep Meg in the game, they think blabbing every thought they have to the Austwins, and JMac.
Instead of James running around the house for the past 3 – 4 weeks scaring people, and sleeping the majority of the day along with Meg, why the hell hasn’t James been studying the days. He said he is not good at that, so why hasn’t he done everything in his power to learn and remember the days, so he is prepared for that competition.
James thinks he can trust Austin to not put him up, what will happen is, Austin will throw the competition and let Vanessa, Steve, JMac or Liz, put James on the block after Meg is gone. Austin will then say I really tried to keep you safe, but I can’t control whoever is the HOH, and then James will be following Meg out the door on the double eviction.
This is why it is so hard to keep cheering James on in the game, hoping he will win HOH, and make it to the final 2, James and Meg have really been lousy at understanding who they can trust, who they can work with, they have watched everyone they trusted on their side walk out the door.
James needs to get off his butt and start studying so he is prepared for the mental comps just as well as the physical comps. Hell he lost the last physical comp for HOH to Vanessa, James needs to stop playing games, scaring people, talking about camping, and start trying to be in a good spot and be prepared for the mental comps. If not, he is going to be evicted right after Meg leaves the house, stop hoping it is a physical comp, because it does not automatically mean you will win.
James needs to be more aware of who’s playing him, who’s working together, stop thinking just because Austin talks with him, this means Austin and the twins are on his side, same goes for JMac, if James and Meg were not always sleeping, they would see how JMac, Steve and Vanessa are really working together.
Hasn’t it dawned on him, WHY the hell didn’t Vanessa put JMac on the Block? Why did she protect JMac, my biggest fear is if James wins HOH, he going after Vanessa, and he will leave the twins and Austin in the house.
I’m hoping that JMac is just leading Vanessa on by telling information he gets from James and Meg, until JMac has some power, and then he can convince Steve and James that they need to work together and split up the Austwins, send Liz out first, then after they split them up, they can work on splitting up Vanessa, Austin and Julia, get rid of Vanessa, then Julia, then Austin.
Austin will be a lost puppy without Liz, Julia is another Meg and she is not really winning any comps, so if JMac wins HOH, takes out Liz, then James wins HOH and takes out Vanessa, then JMac wins HOH after James, JMac takes out Austin, then James wins HOH and takes out Steve. Next person out is Julia, she has proven to be useless, now we have James & JMac in the final 2.
I hope and pray JMac is not going to let me down and he is not going to be Vanessa’s bitch boy like Steve. I don’t trust Vanessa, once she has the twins out, I think vanessa would team up with Austin and try to take out James, JMac, and then maybe Austin, and Vanessa would take Steve to the final 2, she would convince Steve to beg everyone to give it to Vanessa because she has been like a mother to him the entire game. Man I hope things turn around soon, this has been a really boring 3 weeks, with Austin, Liz and now Vanessa as the HOH.
If Vanessa gets a hint that Julia doesn’t trust her then she will be gone because Vanessa will take any little thing against her Praying it comes out.
I just read on another site….”if Meg walks out the door this Thursday, Julie Chen should walk into the house and slap everyone not named Austin, Liz or Julia”. Possibly the funniest quote of the day!
If you are John and you are thinking over half the jury is recruits, you expect them to vote not game but emotion (they don’t care as much about the sanctity of the game, they didn’t apply). Why not take the most hated to jury?
If that is his thought process it’s not a bad thought process.
I don’t think flipping to save Meg is good for anyone’s game. Yes Julia is an Austwit but her and Meg are almost interchangeable. Both goats who can’t win a comp. Plus the Goblins need both John and Austin to flip for the plan to work. They can’t blame both votes on Steve. John loses his spot with Van and Steve and possibly goes to the head of the line for noms along with James the next time the other side wins while Meg the goat floats to F4 or F2. What has she done for John to deserve him sticking out his neck? You can’t talk game to someone for the first time this late just because your behind is in jeopardy. Did she help him last week? Oh yea, she voted him out. Kick rocks Meg..
But Meg is a VOTE. She is worthless in competitions (although probably better than James in the days comp which is coming up) but you still need numbers to vote your way. Numbers are what is allowing the Austwins to control the game right now. Meg will vote with James and whoever James is aligned with – that is worth quite a bit at this point in the game.
Yes she is a vote. Only one. If John finds himself up with James at DE who will she vote for? Anyone going after the Austwits will put two on the block together so her vote is not needed. It also frees James to join the resistance and align (at least temporarily) with John. Steve and Van to take out at least two Austwits. Hopefully without Meg in his ear he will realize that Austin is not “at the end of the day” his friend.
I don’t totally disagree with you, but one vote is huge at this stage. Similar to your question, if Austin and Julia are on the block who is Liz going to vote for? In any alliance there is always a chance you have to choose between 2 of your alliance. But if you want to bust up the Austwins take one out while you have the chance and get another vote on your side for attacking the other 2 and eventually Vanessa. You don’t have to send Meg out in order to “get to” James. If JMac aligned with James he would automatically get Meg (and another vote) as part of the deal. And that extra vote could be key if JMac or James win HOH and it’s not a tie breaker week so the HOH cannot vote. In the worst case, you’re 100% right – Meg would keep James over JMac. But there are a lot of non-worst cases that you might not be considering. They won’t need Meg after the DE so it will be easy to get rid of her later, but this week voting out Julia puts JMac and James in a stronger position overall.
what Beast mode said…Both are votes. If you can boot Julia, you do it. Steve and John are working together. Have been. Been keeping it quiet to keep themselves safe. They are the 2 to vote Julia out along with James. Meg would be a vote for those 3 guys. 4 against the 3 would be in total disarayy
Strangely attracted to lizard girls.
Wow. People here say they used to like Jmac now can’t stand him cause he’s with Van.?
Jmac is using Van as much as she is using him. Both are leery about Steve, unsure where his real allegiance lies.
Johnessa with a combo of Steve and/or James would be fearsome. Austwits would be dessimated.
Final two…James and Jmac
That will be the final two…if they are smart enough to boot Julia this week…….Must have cajones!!!!
The best TV would be if Judas votes for Julia to be evicted. But we already have seen that he doesn’t really have the balls to do a move that big, especially since it would bring on the wrath of Liz. However, if Meg wants to stay she should give Austin what he needs to sell Liz on the idea to vote Julia out. He can sell it that he is saving her (Liz) – being the hero and figuring out how to protect her game. The Austwins are delusional if they think no one will target them and they will make it to final three. Austin gets this and I think Liz kind of gets this. For that to happen they have to win every HOH and the odds are not good. Taking it for granted that they are going to be targeted, who is most likely to be targeted – Liz. She is the linchpin between Austin (showmance) and Julia (sister). To preempt her being backdoored and evicted, they need to reduce their numbers to two. Then they have a more level playing field since it will be several pairs to break up: Meg/James, Austin/Liz and Van/Steve or Steve/JMac depending on perceptions. They can go from being the primary target (being part of a threesome) to blending in with the other pairs. Austin can sell that they need to vote out Julia to save Liz who has the better chance of winning competitions and making it to final two and winning Big Brother. I don’t think she would win, but she might just believe the pitch and go for it, under the guise of it being the smarter strategic move.
Wow Simon, either Vanessa is psychic or DR is giving her info.
She just asked Steve if he has ever thought about Austin flipping the vote and blaming it on Steve.
For real? She said that?
If Austin really likes Liz, it would kill the potential for their relationship to progress because once the show is aired his part in the Trojan horse will come out. This gambit is not only too late, it’s out of character for either Austin or James, who, despite looking different from stereotypical hero, both want to be heroes in the game. For all the talk about camping, and the extracurricular under cover activity of Austin, both James and Austin are acting as caretakers of other players, both men and women. What is surprising about Jmac is with his baby face and occupation the stereotype is to expect the heroic behavior but he doesn’t do it.
Ready set stop. Last season same thing. End of season and no fun
Are you effing telling me that the austwits still aren’t on anybody’s radar? ??????? HELLOOOOOO!!!
does anyone know why julie chen’s outfits aren’t looking as glamorous this year?
John didn’t play the most strategic game, but I can’t really blame him for this. Last week, he was the outsider in the house and Austwins, Vanessa, and James and Meg were all buddies. He tried to get Meg and James to flip and vote out Steve, which really could’ve shaken the game up, but instead they went and told Austin and them. Now this week he didn’t really have any better choices for his game
I don’t get why JM gets such high ratings on the voting. He’s all over the place. His DR sessions were funny but he’s strange.
Liz promising to make out with Austin if he wins games for her. Vaneesa offering money to get jury votes from the people she puts on the block. Now Julia telling Steve she will give him 2 back rubs if he doesn’t vote her out, which is like offering him a sexual favor. I wonder if this is going to be the new big brother norm. Last year it was throwing a few comps this year everybody is throwing comps. This year a few bribes some kisses a little rubbing. What will it be next year extortion and prostitution. Just saying, there needs to be some clear steadfast rules that can’t be broken so everyone is on an even playing field. Cuz if you are poor and really need the money you can’t offer the bribes and if you ugly the kissing rubbing thing isn’t going to work for you either.
Meg and Julia are exactly the same player. It’s now a power move only if the guys group together for just this eviction. Then game on! New and final alliances would have to be formed, mostly out of fear for whoever is the outgoing HOH.
I’m not a Steve fan, but I really feel bad for him because I don’t think he handles pressure well. And bully Vanessa will not let go of her prey. She really should be ashamed of herself for how she has spoken to and treated him. I could be wrong and he’s extremely strong (personality) and can handle such a manipulating personality such as Van and Aus, but I don’t think so.
So if Julia goes home, she will never speak to Vanessa again? What is this? 7th grade? Um, I pretty sure Vanessa can live with that. Just further proof of how narcissistic these twins are. To me that is instant incentive to vote her out (“So I never have to listen to your whiney voice again? Promise? Bye-uhhhh”).