Joey eating slop says I’m in the Hunger Games right now.. I’m Katniss God D@mmit!

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Subscribe to the Big Brother Live Feeds11:35am In the living room – Zach, Derrick and Victoria are talking. Victoria asks no one is thinking of backdooring anyone this week are they? Zach says no not week one. Victoria leaves. Zach tells Derrick I can’t believe one of us is going to be half a million dollars richer. We’re all just regular people. Zach comments on how Frankie is going to be famous after this. He says and Cody is going to be the next Channing Tatum. The cameras switch to the bathroom where the girls are getting ready. The camera switch to the kitchen where Hayden, Donny, Zach, Christine, Victoria Nicole, Brittany and Joey are talking about random things.

11:50am Up in the HOH room – Caleb continues to talk to Devin after Amber leaves the room. Caleb says that if Donny wins the HOH I would go up and congratulate him and then have to do the dirty work. I’d put up Joey and send her home. Frankie says because it is so early we need to keep everything quiet and happy. Devin says if we get blind sided with the vote then we lose the majority. Frankie says I’ve got Brittany. I’ve been working Brittany. Frankie says I am questioning Amber because I don’t know if I can trust her. Frankie says we let her vote her way this week. We don’t strong arm her. We give her a free pass this week. Devin says but then we don’t have the majority. Caleb says he (Donny) is going to go if he doesn’t win the veto. Devin says when you don’t agree with Amber on a moral level she gets the piss face. Frankie says don’t disagree with her. Caleb talks about a fight he got into where a guy came after him and dropped him. Frankie then says I want to tell my fight story just to feel cool. Frankie says he back kicked a guy and dropped him. Devin heads to the diary room.

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12pm Frankie and Caleb go into the HOH bathroom. Frankie says I feel like I am the diffuser. Caleb leaves and Zach joins Frankie. Frankie and Zach agree they’re good. Zach asks what’s up with Devin. Frankie says he is just Freaking out about Amber. Zach says but she isn’t even in our alliance. Frankie says I know .. it took every ounce of me not to say anything. They agree that if its an endurance competition Devin with fall off .. if its a brains competition he will get flusters. Frankie says the only way Devin will win an HOH is if its a bench pressing competition. Zach says its just weird how fast Devin added Nicole and Amber. Frankie says I can’t wait to watch you perform today. Zach says oh yeah I’m going to win it. Zach says if I won HOH I would put up Victoria and Joey. Frankie says yup! Zach heads down stairs.

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10 thoughts to “Joey eating slop says I’m in the Hunger Games right now.. I’m Katniss God D@mmit!”

  1. Just got back into town, catching up on the episodes. OMG!!! Its the reincarnation of Jameka!! So far I like Donny, Christine, Pow Pow and Hayden. On the fence if I should get the feeds, but I know I will cave, I always do. Cheers Simon and Dawg!

    1. SHE IS SO LIKE JAMEKA, RIGHT?? UGH!! It seems BB has a cookie cutter mold they use for picking the HG’s and they sure do stick to it! What is with Devin? Something is seriously not right in that head as he definitely displays bipolar manic-depressive behaviors! He is the type of person that will wear you down to a nubbin and he doesn’t even realize how taxing on others he is. Why send Donny or Joey home when there are so many other bigger threats? This happens every year, they leave the big threats hanging around all season long and then when they lose the grand prize they can’t figure out why!!

  2. Devin mentions he doesn’t want to be like Howard, but he’s doing the same things: making early alliances, making big plans, and talking too much, imo. When you play too hard, you end up talking to the wrong people. when you make alliances too big too early, you miss out making really solid reliable ones.

  3. I reaallllllllllllyyy want Donny to stay, his comments seem sincere and he’s a fresh break from some of the others….

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