Joel’s Mission to Punk Cassandra with a First Date Rejection – “It’s not you, it’s me!”

8:30pm The feeds are back again – Nominations still haven’t happened yet. HOH room – Joel, Nikki, Tim, Phil and Ramsey are chatting about how nominations haven’t happened and how its been a long day.
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PHIL FREAKS out on Nick for continuing to cuddle with Maddy
By the high roller room – On the couches outside the HOH room – Phil tells Nick that he wouldn’t even talk to Maddy at the bar if he was drunk. I’ve worked so hard to get here and you’re going to f**k it up. You’re literally a f**king idiot! …sometimes! It would literally be hard for me to be friends with you outside of here if we went out because of it. I’ve told you 26 million times. I’m tired of being mister nice guy. She hasn’t even done nominations. F**K off that girl .. f**K off every girl .. all you you need to do is coast till the end. Why are Jared and Kelsey a target because they’re together. People are going to think we’re a 3. I’m wasting my breath because as soon as I’m done you’ll go lay down with her again. I wish I could go and tell big brother to split us up so I could get power and evict you. They head to the bathroom – Phil says she seems cool though. Why are you all quite now? Nick says because I’m in my head. Phil tells Nick he can’t tell her my brother said we can’t hang out either… because then we would be out.

8:50pm – 9:15pm Living room – Loveita says I really have no idea what I’m going to do. I’ve had two sets of two going through my head. Phil says go with who is going to keep you safe long term. Nick, Phil and Loveita head to the HOH room. Loveita says I need long term security. Next week I’m not safe. Phil says that Cassandra and I were your strongest campaign last week. Jared and Kelsey wanted you out. You nominated them and they nominated you so they felt threatened by that. Loveita says I don’t see it as a smart move to put those two up again. Phil says so put up two randoms. Put up Nikki and Christine. Loveita says this game isn’t meant to be played emotionally and if you do you’re going to lose. Loveita asks do you have my back. Phil says you’ve asked me that 12 million times. I’ve got your back. If I get HOH I won’t put you up. Loveita says everyone’s attitude in this house needs an adjustment. She says she doesn’t like how some people acted last week. Phil says then make an example of it and say it in your speech. Nick tells Loveita that all he knows is that Raul has bigger targets. A blonde lady .. Maddy. Phil says that Loveita is going to look back and see how it was Phil and Nick that made it so she stayed in the house. Loveita asks am I really going to say that guys? Nick says swear on my grandmother. They shake her hand. Big Brother blocks the feeds again.

9:25pm Big Brother tells the house guests to go to the living room. Then blocks the feeds AGAIN!

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19 thoughts to “Joel’s Mission to Punk Cassandra with a First Date Rejection – “It’s not you, it’s me!””

  1. didn’t know it was a mission when watching i thought joel was going freaking psycho looking into the camera smiling and shit LOL

  2. This task and Joel’s revelation about his tourettes syndrome on the last episode makes me like him more. He’s not nearly as creepy as Steve and his mommy conversations were lol.

    1. And let’s not remember him crying with his teddy bear, good lord… but at the same time that could lead him to winning the game i guess right? haha

  3. are jared and dallas saying joels gay now? couldnt understand more than half of dallas whispering to cassandra

  4. is there a twitter account @loveitashat yet?
    It’s going to annoy me all season. stupid hats.

  5. Did they ever have noms after having been drinking alcohol the same day in earlier BB seasons?
    This whole date task was kinda cute at first, but a weird timing, to do it today amidst all this pre-nom tension… hmm…

  6. lets all hold hands and sing and smile and give each other compliments, im the only one with morals

    good lord its brutal

  7. Hey lets bring in an inanimate object, say like a Complaints Department mirror, that will spice it up a bit!

    1. Probably got sick of the entitled ones lining up every day to make requests.
      They already seem to have a couple human mattress covers that do nothing but lie in bed and complain as it is.

  8. Joel is a nice guy but he is just trying too hard to be entertaining, he just does not have it naturally so he needs to just be himself. Christine, I was happy to see someone above 40 in that House but she is so caddy, childish she is just as bad ad Kelsey or Maddy but double their age. It was so pathetic to see her talking to Love this afternoon saying how she does not play it personal…yah right you spent the whole week trashing Love and Sharry.

  9. Tim saying “the eggs are so white, what do they do lay them in the snow or something?” & Nikki saying ” they must be snow eggs” is the cutest thing in that video (Tim Nikki Loveita storage room ) LOL

  10. I could be wrong, but didn’t L / S try to make deals last week pre-nomination with Jared, while simultaneously trying to soothe Kelsey (poorly but at least attempted)?
    What makes the deals any more attractive now that the shoe is on the other foot?
    I don’t know if it’s the best game move Loveita could make. I know it isn’t the only game move she could make. But it strikes me that Raul and Kelsey seem to forget, while their alliance was in power before noms last week, the whole idea of letting bygones be bygones was never even a consideration. What makes the idea better now beyond their own self interest? And did that matter to them at all seven days ago?
    I don’t know what Loveita will do. But I tilt my head to the side and squint a little when Kelsey and Raul react to being questioned on a deal they’ve got no intention of honoring when they are being questioned for its’ honesty.

  11. I hate watching Phil yell at Nick, Phil thinks he’s running the game when everyone has already said they like nick more because he’s more relaxed. Phill a fucking asshole and it’s hard to watch. If friggin Cassandra hadn’t made the comment after love it’s win HOH there would be no confusion for loveita right now. Like I get she’s in a tough spot because everyone expects her to go after the 3 but they want that because they know they’ll stay safe but if she doesn’t go after them they will obviously go after her she is in a lose lose. From watching the feeds Tim is on team wannabe now and wants Dallas out too? I wish someone other then loveita had won HOH she is reminding me of Vanessa 2.0 green beanie included

  12. Loveita is probably going to end up nominated Christine/Cassandra.
    I’ll be shocked if she puts up Kelsey/Raul she seems too scared.

  13. another wasted HOH opportunity is around the corner. why didn’t she just throw HOH if she didn’t have a clear plan going into it.

  14. I totally understand why Phil is mad at Nick. Phil is playing a way better game. That would be so unfortunate if Nick ruined it for him, and especially because of someone like Maddy, who is far below average in every way and even that is an understatement. I actually really like Phil, I hope he doesn’t get screwed over.

    1. I partially agree. Phil is playing a more manipulative game.
      I would agree about Phil’s anger in regard to Nick and Maddy if he hadn’t spent so long last night getting advice on how to woo Nikki. Sure, it’s all fake, he’s just using her to look like he’s less game and more play, while also getting more guarenteed time on screen, but the difference is negligible when you consider how the house seems to feel about Nikki. In that way he’s a complete hypocrite.

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