
Joe Arvin’s Winning Strategy for Big Brother 2012 Mad Love Cooking

Big-Brother-14-Joe-ArvinWhen the Big Brother 14 cast was released yesterday we learned that Joe Arvin is a chef from his cast bio. He also revealed that his strategy to win Big Brother is to use his cooking skills to carry him to the end. As we all know in the Big Brother house the house guests that cook and clean tend to stick around longer than the slobs. In Joe’s cast bio he stated:

I plan to use my cooking skills to help get me to the end. Every one loves to eat, never get rid of the cook!

From his Mad Love Cooking website Joe says:

“I use people’s eyes and palate as my canvas,”

“A friend once said after tasting something that I had prepared, “ ‘There is a party going on in my mouth!’ I could not have been happier.”

To explain what Joe means by Mad Love Cooking he wrote to Taste it My Way to explain what Mad Love Cooking is:

Food & Love = Mad Love

Love for food comes from deep within the heart.

You must have a passion for serving people.

By serving, I mean you must LOVE caring for others.

The best part of being a Top Chef is that you get to make people happy.

The best part of each day is the moment someone tastes your dish and you see it in their eyes.

They exhale and smile.

I LOVE that.

Cooking is as much for me as it is for others.

I get what I need from it, I feel good, and in return I share my passion, my art.

You may think that all there is to a Chef is serving great food.

Actually, though, food is secondary to something that matters even more.

In the end what’s most meaningful is creating positive, uplifting outcomes for human experiences and human relationships.

Being a Chef is like life, it’s all about how you make people feel. It’s that simple and it’s that hard.

~Chef Joe Arvin

We uncovered these videos of Joe Arvin showing off his cooking skills, which gives us a little taste of how he plans to win over the other house guests. Joe also has a Google+ account, so check it out and while your there add our Google+ account as well. You can also follow Joe on Twitter.

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Mad Love Cooking:

Peel Hard Boiled Egg In 5 Seconds:

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2 thoughts to “Joe Arvin’s Winning Strategy for Big Brother 2012 Mad Love Cooking”

  1. We are now in season14 of Big Brother.These house guests should no better than to allow someone with Joe Arvin’s strategy of cooking for the players in the house.Just like Dawg pointed out,previous house guests that cook and clean(I’m also going to add super nice and funny people)have a tendency to stay in the game longer.I’m not saying the people that use this type of strategy shouldn’t do it.If that’s going to help them go further in the game,then they should try it out.But the other house guests shouldn’t fall for it.If they’ve watched most of Big Brother season’s,they should already be hip to how those kind of people usually hang in the game for some time.But for some reason,despite people that have watched certain strategies,in past season’s.When some of them get in the house,and see other players displaying the same or similar strategy that allowed a previous house guests to go further in the game.They decide to keep that person in the game,instead of trying to evict that player as soon as they get a chance.It’s strange,it’s almost like for some people,once they enter the Big Brother house,they lose the ability to pick up on other players obvious strategy.I’m not naïve to the fact that not all players strategies are easy to read.I’m referring to the house guests that it’s obivious that no one in the house has a problem with them.I would like to think if I was ever in the Big Brother house(I don’t want to be on that show),I wouldn’t keep people in the game because they cook gourmet meals.I’ll make my own food there’s nothing wrong with heating up some pizza,Lol.And I’ll clean up after myself,the way I do in my own place.This is a half a million dollars on the line,the house guests should be ok with doing these things for themselves.Allowing their competitors to stay longer in the game just because they cook for you is ridiculous.It’s not like Survivor,where they keep someone like Ozzy,to provide food for them.A situation like that is a little more understandable,because not everyone on that island behave like they where raised in the wild,like Ozzy.And when it comes to Survivor that’s a compliment to Ozzy.But like I mentioned before in the Big Brother house,if your hungry then heat up a pizza or make a sandwiched clean up after yourself.Half a million is on the line.

  2. Edit:I meant to write,These house guests should know better than to allow someone with Joe Arvin’s strategy,of cooking for the other players in the house,to go far in the game.

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