POV Holder: | Hayden | Next POV | Aug 2nd |
POV Used | YES | POV Ceremony | July 28th |
HOH Winner 1: | Frankie | HOH Winner 2: | |
Battle of the Block Winner | Nicole/Christine | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 31/Aug 1 |
Original Nominations: | |||
Final Nominations: | Amber & Jocasta | ||
Have Nots | Nicole, Caleb, Christine, Derrick | ||
POV Players | Frankie, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny, Hayden & Christine |
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9am – 10:50 am Donny is up and moving around the house. He heads outside and starts exercising on the elliptical. Christine and Hayden are talking about the morning wakeup calls and how everyone used to get up but now no one moves. Hayden heads up to the HOH room to shower. Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Donny, Nicole, Hayden and Amber are out in the backyard putting down the awnings. Donny comments on how they will probably be locked inside at any moment. Donny tells Hayden that he can’t believe he stayed up all night. Hayden says he was active all night playing pool. Jocasta wakes up and takes her suit case to the fire room to pack.
Hayden and Donny are chatting on the backyard couch. Amber is suntanning and then gets into the pool. She thinks Hayden said her name and asks did you say my name? Hayden says no. Donny comments to Hayden can you say paranoid?! Jocasta joins Hayden and Donny on the couch.
11am Hayden says alright, goodnight! He asks Donny if he isn’t up by 4pm can you wake me up? Donny says he will. Hayden heads to bed.
11:15am – 11:35am Jocasta and Donny are out on the backyard couch talking. Jocasta says they were trying to figure out how to tell Caleb because he was out there crying. 26 years old! Donny says apparently this has happened many a time before. Jocasta says but he still doesn’t get it. And he was like how is everyone going out there having hammock dates with Amber but me. When he comes to me I just tell him to go talk to her. I just listen. I throw it back to him. Well what did she say? How do you feel? Jocasta says that he (Caleb) said you and I are the only ones that don’t tell him anything. Donny says well we don’t hear nothing. Jocasta says I told him you need to talk to her and find out. It was an hour Donny and I was like this… Over and Over again. He thinks she is the one god sent him. Jocasta says that Frankie keeps saying that Caleb keeps twisting it. Whatever they tell him he is like no Amber wouldn’t do that. They think once Amber goes out he will walk out the door right after her. I don’t think he will but I would love it if he did!
11:40am – 12pm Donny and Jocasta start doing laps back and forth in the backyard. They talk about the possibility of it being a double eviction this Thursday. Jocasta says so if you win the first HOH then you can’t compete in the second right? Donny says yeah. Donny says you need to start thinking about what you would do today because it all happens so fast. Donny heads inside. Jocasta says Okay I need to think this through, if I put up Frankie and Caleb ..then one of them will possibly remove themselves.
12:25pm – 2pm Donny and Amber are sitting out on the couch talking about random things like different ideas for dates, and life outside the house. Donny asks Amber if she would like to act. Amber says that it hasn’t been a dream of hers. He asks her what about being one of the girls on The Price is Right? Amber says yeah I would do that. Donny says I just want to blend back into my simple life and disappear. Amber says I like the simple life. Jocasta joins them. Donny asks if they have good ears. Amber says I can hear them (Production behind the walls). Amber says I would love to work behind these walls. Amber heads inside. Donny and Jocasta sit in silence. Jocasta comments that where ever Derrick goes, Victoria follows. Donny says yeah. Jocasta says I find it crazy that both of their grandparents passed away the same week. Donny says MMmHmm. They sit in silence. Donny says this game takes a lot of patiences doesn’t it. Jocasta says I’m bored out of my mind. Victoria joins them and talks about what she was doing while staying up till 6:30am. Jocasta says if Victoria won HOH I would go up depending on who has the stronger hold on Victoria ..either Derrick or Frankie. If its Frankie I would go up, if its Derrick I wouldn’t go up. Victoria joins them. Jocasta, Donny and Victoria start talking about the differences between Jewish religion versus the bible.

2:15pm – 2:40pm Nicole wakes up and heads out to lay out on the lounger to warm up. Amber joins her. Christine comes out soon after and joins them. Christine says that the only entertaining thing that happened last night was Zach staring and dancing for Victoria. Christine says it was hilarious, I couldn’t stop laughing. Amber comments on how she has to pack today. Christine says that’s so annoying. Christine asks Amber if she thinks this show will help her career? Amber says I don’t know, that’s why I was iffy about even coming in here.
2:55am Nicole and Christine are alone on the lounger. Nicole says now that Caleb knows there’s no point in blind siding him. Nicole says the boys are afraid Amber is going to blow up their game. How could we tell her without it being us? I’m saying like accidently. Christine and Nicole think it would be awesome if Amber blew up the guys game. Nicole says I am not getting thrown any more, if I get asked again I am telling her. You’re super close with her do you think she would keep a secret? Nicole says I can’t believe there are only 4 girls left. Christine says people don’t want to get out Victoria and it pisses me off. Christine says that Zach actually thinks he controls Victoria. If we put up Victoria and Zach .. I don’t know who would go home. If it was Victoria and Derrick .. Victoria would go home.Christine says we need to start telling people that we’re really good friends but not working together. Nicole says she already says that. Christine says good. Cody would take out Zach and Caleb. Nicole asks really? Christine says yeah, he’s been saying it for weeks.
Where is the vote
Amber’s going home 9-0
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
Final 2 Deal “The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
(Defunct or unknown status)
Bomb squad = Caleb, Amber, Frankie, Derrick, Cody, Christine, Zach, Hayden
Not a showmance= Hayden/Nicole
Los Tres Amigos = Derrick, Cody, Zach
The bottom Feeders = Derrick/Nicole
We hate Devin = Christine and Zach
Outsiders = Brittany, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny
Stalker = Caleb/Amber
Quad Kings = Derrick, Zach, Cody and Hayden (still being built)
More polls here https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-compendium/big-brother-16-polls/
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When last we left our intrepid Cowboy he and Sock Monkey were channeling Sherlock and Watson and investigating the hell out of the Case of the Mysterious Nomination. Caleb’s gut told him something was amiss in the Big Brother house and his gut is never wrong, it is only 4% body fat. He was starting to suspect that Amber might have been framed. He was questioning everything. Could people be lying to him? Was Big Brother’s catchphrase actually ‘My Word is My Bond’ like Sock Monkey said? How does his gut know words like ‘amiss?’
It was all too much for Cowboy. He had simply wanted to put Amber on the block and threaten her with going home in order to make her see that she owed him her affection. Theirs was an epic love and he believed this gesture would prove it. It had all gone so wrong somehow. “Alas romance is dead,” said Cowboy sadly. The clock was ticking and if he didn’t crack the case soon he would lose the chance to creep Amber out with his increasingly inappropriate behavior FOREVER.
The boys were worried. Had their hatchet job on Amber been so sloppily executed that even Cowboy and Sock Monkey could see it? They had to act. They knew that if they could just fill Cowboy’s head with new information it would kill all of the old information. Cowboy would forget he had ever suspected them. They would worry about Sock Monkey later.
“Your girl is treacherous. She’s looking to off you. I could beat her up for you. Probably. Don’t tell her I said that. You don’t think she’d call me on it do you?” said Cody.
“She’s been up to something since day one. I’m a cop, I know these things. No I’m not. Who said cop? Hahaha. I work for the Parks Department. Lawns. Rakes. Fertilizer,” said Derrick.
“Burn every pickle in the joint. Also the bananas. Also the house. I will dance in the ashes of the BB house like a God of Chaos. Wildcard!” yelled Zach.
“If she tries to fight me I’ll just say I can’t hit a woman. Yeah that’s it. Security’s on standby right?” said Cody.
The conversation worked. Cowboy put a crown on his head for some reason and yelled “I’m the king! Amber’s gone!”
It looks like it’s up to Sock Monkey now to get Cowboy out of this pickle and save the house from the “King Pins” running things, but can he do it by Thursday? Probably not because this season is RIDICULOUS!
Best post of the entire year by far!!!
Very entertaining…. looking forward to Chapter 2
And that is why we can expect Sock Monkey to attempt to off himself just like Clowny last season.
You nailed it!!!
Very clever
(Insert slow clap here)
That. Was. Awesome! Thank you for painting a far more interesting picture than anything actually happening inside that house. Can’t wait for the next installment.
This post is amazing! please do more parodies, chapter 2!!!
I’m reading this as I fall asleep for the night, and I couldn’t stop laughing because I read the entire thing in Morgan Freeman’s voice, with his slow cadence and we’ll placed pauses and all. It was very dramatic, and funny at the same time. Please do a sequel. Thanks for he laughs!!
Wow Caleb be crying?!? I wish he had left instead of Devin. This Caleb/Amber story… I can’t… I really can’t no more. Even prior entering the house…. Do you have a strategy for winning Big Brother? Caleb : Yes I have a strategy, I will make sure I have the ladies in my pocket. Guess we know what he really meant
Caleb probably stupid enough to see Amber go and he will raise havoc. Good Luck with that.
There was an All Girl Final Three Season 4 Erika, Jun and Allison. Jun and Allison hated each other but worked with each other because everybody else hated them. They did one of the best things I have ever seen in the game the would fight, then talk game in between shouts so no one thought to ease drop on them. They could here the shouting at each other.
no, erica got evicted at final 4……the final three was jun, allison and robert…it wasn’t a female final 3…
though i would like to add that jun and allison really worked well together…jun in my opinion is one of the most underrated big brother winners
Season 4 was Jun, Alison, and Robert in final 3.
Season 4’s final 3 was Jun, Alison, and Robert.
Season 4’s final 3 was Jun, Alison, and Robert.
BB6 had an all girl final 3, Janelle, Ivette & Maggie. And actually April was final 4 so girls made it pretty far that season.
I wish I would have watched BB back then, now the first thing the guys do is agree to get rid of girls before jury.
The pre-evel dick seasons were more about plotting and scheming and real alliances that would truly divide the house and keep things interesting. The last few seasons have been more about intimidation and bullying to instill fear in the sheep. People can say what they want about floaters but floaters used to keep things from being unanimous week after week. Predictability breeds boredom. This is the first season I have ever watched anything other than after dark. I am so grateful to this site because it means I don’t have to watch the boring show to know what is going on.
For anyone thst thinks CBS is giving Frankie a good edit, and people are loving him. Today the comment that he made about Jacosta got back to her sister and she tweeted,
“”I don’t f**king care if your sister sings good, you’re a sh*tty person Frankie. Telling Jocasta to kill herself. Argh.”
People were slamming Frankie. So I think his true colors are being revealed. And its about time.
If anyone’s getting a good edit, it’s Christine.
It was the top story yesterday on TMZ.com. Jocasta’s sister was livid!! So, even if CBS gives the woodpecker a good edit, America already knows the real truth of his character. Also sick of good edits of Nicole, Christine, and Hayden
Yes! But I didn’t know he was 31 o.O
Kid acts and looks like a 16 year old girl.
I am a sixteen year old girl, and that is offensive. 😛
You got way more going on then Frankie. Your comment made me literally lol. I’m a 22 year old gay male and I find Frankie offensive on so many levels. I wish CBS would quit casting stereotypes… I mean isn’t the big flaming gay stereotype so 2004?
this whole season is like a long episode of degrassi.
I didn’t see it, but I’m pretty sure Frankie didn’t TELL Jocasta to kill herself. He seems more the type to say something like that dismissively in a room full of other people while strategizing.
Whether people agree with using statements like that flippantly, Jocastas sis and TMZ are changing the context of the situation and that’s irresponsible. Judge it for what it is, not for what gets the biggest reaction.
So I just looked up the story, and it was someone else on twitter that made that statement and they apparently said “CALLING”, not “TELLING”. So ignore what I just wrote. Neither Jocastas sis or tmz said it. She just said it was irresponsible.
He didn’t tell Jocasta. He had a conversation with her about his nominees. He hugged her etc…He then told other HGs within minutes, if she doesn’t agree then “she can go kill herself”.
Will they show that comment on TV? That will be the honest way to tell if there is a good edit or not.
It’s kind of stupid to keep Jocasta over Amber…. it is also kind of stupid to do this blindside thing. Everybody in the house knows there is a big alliance. Everybody knows who is in the Alliance. Everything that Caleb or Amber could possibly blow up is know….. and I think everybody is about to realize who the core four is.
Just tell her if she is going home… These blindsides are just stupid.
Derrick was saying yesterday that losing Amber and Caleb would give the numbers to the other side and maybe it’s not a good idea to vote Amber or Caleb out right now. He’s absolutely right. Can’t wait to see how this works out
I agree. It’s just unnecessary drama. There’s nothing left to blow up and if there was, the HG’s on the outside don’t exactly have the mental capacity to strategize and challenge it.
For the most part they all try to hide in the shadow and hope that they aren’t made to participate in this game.
How much do you think that next weeks Amber is going to be Christine maybe be even Hayden because he talks to much with Donny.
God, I have never seen house with so little to blow up afraid of being blown up.
They target each other so much the final three is going to be Victoria, Jocasta and Nicole (Ambers all girl final three) by process of elimination.
Yes, agree. And once again I’m reminded of how ugly this game is compared to the UK or Australian one. These people hardly EVER have any fun! Sometimes I laugh till I cry at the other two shows! They have tasks to earn groceries, parties and more! It’s not all “get behind closed doors and stab each other in the back….who can we hate on next?”. It’s VERY different.
I know I got slammed last year about saying this, but I just can’t help myself. This game here in the states is just ugly. I can’t help but watch…there’s always a train wreck coming, but I really don’t enjoy it. I enjoy reading these comments way more, and Simon and Dawg totally rock my world with all that they do for us. Please don’t hate on me!!!
Still enjoying being here and reading everyone’s comments, CHEERS!!
The first several seasons….I would say up to Season 8 were great. Luxury competitions were nice breaks, food comps were fun, twists were great, blindsides were great, backdoors were great, and the infamous 6 finger plan (thanks Nakomis!) was awesome. Hell even watching Season 8 play beer pong nearly every night was fun to watch. Even the first couple seasons when the planes would fly over with banners saying what’s happening.
Recently the game is just not fun anymore. It’s not fun to watch, its not fun to watch the feeds, BBAD is not fun. I mostly lay blame with Alison Grodner. To me the switch in the how much fun the game was to watch changed Season 11. You could start to see how much of a hand production started having (even if they did before it wasn’t AS noticeable as it is now) in the game and now…..I start every season hoping things would be different but until AG is gone, I can’t see it being ANY different.
The UK version when I can catch it much more entertaining than the US version. Especially since the HG’s can hear if they are liked or not liked based on the boos and cheers from the audience…something that won’t happen on CBS.
Thank you and I totally agree! I’ve been back to watch the first few seasons, and it WAS SO different!!
I really feel bad for Caleb. He needs professional help. I’m not sure if he’s psychological fit to continue this game. Maybe he has a rejection complex or something. He could also be suffering from PTSD. I hope he doesn’t have a breakdown on live tv.
Plus we don’t know what they are saying to him in the DR to get him to be even more emotionally erractic. I’m not a fan of his behavior at all but I also think the HGs have made it worse by messing with his head.
I meant to say “Psychologically” not psychological
I believe he has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Google the symptoms and you’ll notice he has every one. But yes I agree he needs professional help.
You have to feel sorry for his family. Its one thing to have someone this unstable in your family but its another to have the whole world see it raw. I couldn’t believe when he said he went to West Point but dropped out after 2 years. Seriously? Does he really think anyone believes he could pass the entrance exam to West Point?
He is suffering from clinical Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I have posted the definition of this disorder in comments further below.
My ex-fiancee had PTSD and depending on how bad it is, it’s just heartbreaking seeing someone deal (or not deal effectively) with it . One of his symptoms is that he had flashbacks being shot at and occasionally would call me out of no where screaming they were shooting. But he functions at a high and level normal at work. So many people don’t even know the extent of it. Anyway, like the other posters stated he’s probably more of a narcissistic more than anything else. So his reaction may not be as extreme as people think but I guess we’ll see. He will still probably talk about her the whole game though whether she’s there or not. But his narcissism is probably one reason why it’s easy to him riled up if you screw with his ego and why he’s able to almost act like he’s the victim somehow. And his ego won’t let him face reality that she doesn’t like him that way really. He may not ever get help, will function, and even date and marry someone who is okay with him. But I think it’s quite overkill for them to keep poking at the bear though playing with his emotions. It’s mean-spirited. I get using it as subtle game play but not in the way they have with the extreme propaganda campaign etc. I hoping the upcoming week will shift the focus. It’s overkill
The guys are pulling off the most amazing week in BB history, or Caleb is the most gullible person in BB history.
I can’t believe how easily manipulated Caleb is. I hope he talks to Amber before her eviction and she blows the alliance off. Donny and Haayden may shift the power if they get Caleb and Amber this week but Caleb’s personality is just a baggage for any alliance. His decisions is dependent on who talked to him last.
Unfortunately, Caleb will probably stick with Derrick/Cody. He might go after Zack/ Frankie, if and only if Derrick approves. If Derrick doesn’t approve, he will simply manipulate Caleb, and Caleb will fall for it, and go after Donny instead. Even Jocasta has been manipulated by Derrick. I think Donny is the only one Derrick hasn’t pretended to talk game with. Not a good sign. Let’s hope Donny wins and gets Derrick out.
Who the heck is Jocasta and has she been there the whole time?
At the end of the day….Amber will be gone.
quite frankly, at the end of the day, beast mode cowboy done did her wrong.
Thurs: perform terribly at HOH comp
Fri: get nominated and cry/ lose BOB and cry
Sat: lose veto comp and cry
Sun: cry and complain
Mon: get taken off block to facilitate eviction of ACTUAL threat
Tues: talk sh!t about the ACTUAL threat being voted out
We’d: talk sh!t about the ACTUAL threat being voted out
LMFAO ! Forgot one: Put on a lot of red lipstick and shiny gloss; put on tight black dress, go into diary room to vote, say : ” Hiiiii Juuleeee, I vote to evict the horrible Amber/Jocasta” Look in mirror as walking out and fix stray hair,
Hmmm, sexual favours in exchange for my safety in this game? I hope Mom and Dad, but mostly God, don’t mind over-the-pants elbow jobs and aggressive cuddling.
Then get to final three. Let everyone know she is really ex Israeli special forces and it was all an act. Then dominate the finally.
But she still won’t be able to figure out that just because no one is in the room doesn’t mean the cameras aren’t on and you shouldn’t change your clothes unless you want the whole world to see what you got.
um.. victoria has actually won a botb and a veto… and to the “victoria’s thoughts” post below, ya’ll are DELUSIONAL.
seriously tho, are you guys related to caleb?
defending her like that veto was a win is laughable. Caleb handed the veto to her. he took the 5k. it was not a win, it was like a win by default. no one else showed up to win, so she wins
I really love how she claims to have won that veto that Caleb gave her, too funny
Amber’s such a beautiful lesbian and a delightful person. Why can’t Caleb take a hint?
If by “lesbian” you mean “heterosexual girl who has NO interest in Caleb,” then I agree. Don’t know where you’re getting lesbian from…
Apparently a reject who’s only defense is to call a woman a lesbian when she shows no interest in his Kentucky A$$…sorry…it happens to me all the time.
and yet Caleb never called her that, it was some random guy/girl on a website, sooo…
I can’t wait till the number of houseguests get smaller and smaller and “alliance” members end up turning on each other. No more elbow jobs or cuddle sessions, just backstabbing and people showing their true colours. Christine will stop riding Cody’s dick, Cody will stop riding Derrick’s dick, and floaters like Nicole and Victoria will be forced to play the actual game. Derrick’s decision to make side alliances with basically everyone in the house might be the worst mistake he ever made, or the best one.
Tomorrows HOh can’t come soon enough. A real one please , where people put those on the block they want out vs weaklings. Ya know , like in the old days.
how about BB starts a new tradition this weeks HOH gets evicted for being a POS>
Zach is so in love with Vic can’t keep her name out of his mouth
give us both of Caleb’s going away msgs to Amber. please. one after the other, side by side, you choose, would be hilarious and really drive home how scary he is right now.
and if he walks…great. then next week when Zach is voted out, they can have a non eviction. that’s right, there is no way #WILDCARD is going anywhere before jury. far too entertaining.
time for a Zach HOH after ending the awful twist, time to end Team America(aka Sab 2.0) and let Zach go on the ATTACK
can see it now, they go to the tribute, music plays. Caleb is crying his eyes out, crowd goes “awwww”, then Caleb is the next one again! this time he is yelling at her and saying she dug her own grave and how he is beast mode cowboy, then they do the next couple. I think Caleb’s 2nd personality(stalker) needs its own goodbye.
wil did a drunk take for last week in the house – check it out, it’s too funny!
Wil is too funny! Lol
Yes last season was vile but this season has done THIS to Wil!! Sock Monkey off yourself now while there’s still time!!
omg Caleb is a lost soul, from day one when he set eyes on Amber thats ALL he knows, no regular game play. He wants to be her Knight in shining armor so bad, but if he does not stop crying he is gonna rust. Gonna be interesting when she leaves.
Jocasta still in the house? She has a unique way of disappearing when she needs to, getting sick when she needs to (which by the way consists of her coughing in bed). She always coughs in bed when she comes down with something.
She gets a lot of pity but I’m glad Derrick is finally telling her she’s got to start playing the game.
I wish Victoria would stop riding Derrick’s back all day and night.
So does Derprick. He’s been hiding from her and that’s not an easy job in that house.
So does anyone think the whole “Someone close to me died, thats why I cant be in a relationship” thing that Amber has thrown out the last couple of days has any truth to it? Or is it a ploy to gain sympathy, by saying “I have a really sad story but dont want to tell it because I dont want sympathy”?
Well Amber was basically taunting everyone with I can’t tell anyone, I don’t want to share my sob stories, blah, blah, then of course you know we’re going to hear about it.
She’s pulling out all the stops now.
She’s that girl that wants the man that cares about her to think she is so deep and wounded that he will be the one to knock down all those walls because she’s so special.
Her story is not in any way unique to the human experience and the fact that she still walks around wounded says a lot about her.
She sucks as a player and is a bore to watch.
Not sure if she’s trying to gain sympathy or not but I suspect her boyfriend may have died tragically like suicide, cancer, maybe car accident. Whatever it is, Amber feels like now is not the time for her to entertain another relationship and her feelings should be respected
Amber’s mentioning “something” that she won’t talk about yet is just another way she is trying to keep Caleb on her side. If you don’t want to use any of your life experiences to better your game, then why mention it at all? (And for those of you out there who may think I am Team Caleb, I by no means excuse his actions – – I’ve said it before and I will say it again, Amber should have cut the cord the first time Caleb made his intentions known and been straight up with him and stuck to her guns…..but she didn’t and unfortunately now she is paying for it.)
Anybody else getting sick of the immaturity and antics of the guys in the house? Yes, Caleb is pathetic and needs professional help, but at least he tells it like it is. If he’s mad, he shows it. If he loves (stalks) you, he shows it. He’s so one dimensional (dumb) you always know where he stands. But I’m soooo sick of Zach, Hayden, Cody, Derrick and most of all Frankie. OMG, they are like the popular boys back in high school who bully and laugh at everyone behind their backs because they think they are better than them. Frankie is so egotistical I can barely listen to him on BBAD anymore. Notice how everything he says is so over the top dramatic, like he knows the cameras are on him all the time? He even talks loud like he’s on the stage. Makes me sick how he can do a 180 on someone when they walk in on the conversation and be all sweet and complimentary when he was just bashing them 2 seconds before. He really is a head case. I doubt he’d be voted in on Team America if they were to re-do the poll. Makes me sick he’s winning extra money, he far from needs it. And the house guests are stupid not to see through it. And yes, I know this is a game, but I really think some of them are ENJOYING being mean sprited and will then use the “game” as an excuse for their actions. As for Christine, used to like her, now I hate her! She is soaking up all the attention from the boys just like a nerd would from the football players if this were high school. Victoria is a hot mess (needy and entitled), Jocosta is a waste of a contestant (who thinks Catholics are not Christians….really?!?! How dumb are you?!?!), Amber needs to go just to get away from the dysfunctionality of the show so I’m actually glad she is being evicted (set free) this week, and Nicole is a dimwit. Donny is the only one who is decent and has not changed who he is just to further himself in the game. He may not win the $500k but he’ll get America’s Choice so hoping he gets at least $25k plus anything he gets for Team America challenges.
I’ve never missed an episode, and I’ll continue watching, but really miss the Chicken George days!
Last season was the season of vile racists. This season is the season of fratbrats and posers like Ratine and KnowNothing Nic. I also miss the early days of BB–Chicken George, Marcellus, etc. The a@@holes got the boot early and they didn’t take such pleasure in being mean.
Too bad Amber will be sitting with Julie Chen asking question of Zach forming the alliance with the detonators. She will be pissed.
I must look into myself and ask why I find this season of BB so BORING? Could it be that I couldn’t take the double HOH’s nominations, lost in all urgency and panic, seriously? Or could this season’s boring cast members be a protest against the awful, however sensational, people from the last one?….anyways…yawn.
I didn’t read the comments yet (sorry if it was mentioned already) , but LOL I guess Derrick’s family/friends have joined this site. All of a sudden he has fans and is the 2nd most popular houseguest (before Zach) what the …. HAHAHA
Maybe its his brother narcs?
I honestly find it hard to believe that the army would risk sending Caleb off on deployment… imagine if he were to be captured and asked for information… it would take no time at all for him to flip sides and tell the enemy everything… Im beginning to wonder if he left the army on his own or if he was kicked out for psych issues… he is too easily manipulated and a total wuss on top of that. I would not want my son depending on him while deployed.
Like Simon said, there have been a few times that I felt sorta sorry for Caleb. But there’s been many more times that I have Not. Primarily because Caleb’s 1st instinct when he gets mad at Amber is ALWAYS to throw something at her – the pillow, smash a banana in her face, throw cold water on her then powder. And I know some of you all think that’s not such a big deal. And I guess, if it were just once – then maybe it wouldn’t be. But he Always takes a violent approach when he gets mad at Amber. Derrick & Cody were smart when they told him he better talk to production before playing his “prank” on Amber. They knew he shouldn’t that. A prank is something done in fun – not out of anger. I really believe Caleb needs some anger management. To me his “pranks” could turn quickly into something dangerous. He certainly fits the profile of an abuser. (Not saying that he is). But he is undeniably self-absorbed, wants to control “his woman” & has a very fragile grasp on reality. Just saying it wouldn’t hurt for him to get some help when he gets out of the house. I think it would make him (& everyone around him) much happier.
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe that they’re superior to others and have little regard for other people’s feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms may include:
• Believing that you’re better than others
• Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
• Exaggerating your achievements or talents
• Expecting constant praise and admiration
• Believing that you’re special and acting accordingly
• Failing to recognize other people’s emotions and feelings
• Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans
• Taking advantage of others
• Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior
• Being jealous of others
• Believing that others are jealous of you
• Trouble keeping healthy relationships
• Setting unrealistic goals
• Being easily hurt and rejected
• Having a fragile self-esteem
• Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional
Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence or strong self-esteem, it’s not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence and self-esteem into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal. In contrast, people who have healthy confidence and self-esteem don’t value themselves more than they value others.
That certainly does sound a lot like Caleb!
Some of that is probably true, but your glossing over a really big fact, they are all in a cage, competing for the cheese, and some do it one way and some do it another, they’ve been filling his head with so much nonsense its a wonder he hasn’t exploded, but many of those traits belong to many other people in that house as well.
Has Caleb gotten the Republican Nomination for President yet and decided to ban Giant Crows as part of his platform so he could get Victoria vote.
Why is everyone underestimating Beast Mode Cowboy? There’s a reason the house…er Caleb gave himself the nickname Beast Mode Cowboy, aka BMC. At the end of the day, everyone needs to understand that BMC is the man. He’s dominated every comp, and he’s thrown all of the comps he’s lost (meaning he’s only tried to win two comps so far, making him two-for-two when trying). At the end of the day, BMC is the most-feared houseguest in BB history. The house knows he’d smoke all of them, but, at the end of the day, they know what a bada$$ he is so everyone wants to work with him.
At the end of the day, BMC is getting the last laugh. He’ll get the girl, Amber (who really is crazy about him, she just doesn’t want it to ruin her game so she pretends not to like him). He’ll win BB, because he’s the toughest, strongest, best-looking, most charismatic, most humble and most Christlike person in the house.
I mean, at the end of the day, we’re talking about a local celebrity (biggest celebrity in town BEFORE Big Brother, not to mention best-looking, with a mom who has two nice cars and a brother who’s the pastor of the fastest growing church in any of the surrounding COUNTIES). BMC basically won The Voice, or he would have won The Voice but he decided to bow out early (before the actual TV tapings) because he wanted the competition to be fair. You’ll all see what I’m talking about at the end of the day.
Got sarcasm? LOL!! At the end of the day, this is the most hilarious thing I have read at the end of the day! Don’t forget, BitchMode Cowboy also had to choose between Big Brother and Survivor. He was also going to be on The Bachelor. I’m thinking that his reality tv aspirations should have been more PawnStars (he could be a crazy customer trying to pawn his very famous ex-girlfriend’s lock of hair) or Storage Wars (he could give opponents the beat down to “win” the auction.) Just sayin!
Again, I strongly believe that Caleb suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. People who suffer from this lie about everything. I heard this guy say he going to do Survivor, Amazing Race, Naked n Afraid, The Bachelor, he has said he is a master trainer in jujitsu, he is a personal trainer who has a year left to be a master trainer and that master trainers work for Doctors and make $70K per year. He is also a Dietician. He was at West Point for 2 years (Derrick called him out to his face on that lie, and Caleb just laughed and walked away). His Dad lives in a mansion and one of his brothers makes $10K a month flying helicopters etc etc. Lie after lie. Hollywood will not want to touch this guy. He is to much of a liability. CBS must be on edge at this point, hoping he doesnt do anything to hurt anyone in the house that would warrant a lawsuit against them. Anyone can recognize that he is mentally unstable.
Did we ever find out what Victoria did that was so bad? Remember she came out of the DR crying and started telling someone (Zach maybe) about something having to do with her breaking a rule and she “just hopes someone from production doesnt get fired”?
Also, did we ever find out why her hair fell out 3 years ago?
She probably tried flirting (maybe) with the guy in DR. She probably had her nest of hair pecked out by a crow?
Don’t know the real answer but she’s full of lies – like renting an apartment for her photo shoots (on her Iphone probably) only on weekends but paying a full month rent. That means she’s got money to blow, right?
She’s a Jewish princess who needs a wake-up call.
To the person above who posted she won the comps she did: uh, she really didn’t win any of them on her own and was handed a couple.
So she’s still a lousy player who cries a lot and spends too much time on her appearance and it doesn’t make her look good anyway. She’s a little bitch.
She probably has her parents accountant write off the apartment as a business expense. And she’s only there on weekends because that’s how long it would take for her to run out of clean clothes so she would have to go home to have the maid wash them.
Dawg, do we know if TA completed their task with Zack’s tyrade against Amber at the veto ceremony?
Not sure I think it will be shown on the episode tonight or Thursday
Wish they would do like Canada and give America the HOH !!! BBC is becoming one of the best.
Two off-topic questions: first, what is Jokers website that the HG mention when they talk about super fans. I think I’ve checked something called Jokers before, but think this site has the best, quickest updates of anything out there- by far, Second, does anybody watch BB AfterDark and see a commercial about e-cigarettes? Is the guy in the commercial somebody famous? He looks like he’s trying to be The Dude, but comes off like a complete DB – walking to his race at, puffing while looking out from a skyscraper. Who is he? Thanks for letting me rant.
That ecig ad is more like a spoof ad on SNL ” How to look like a complete douche smoking ecigs” . He doesn’t even use his fingers to hold the thing! No one vapes ecigs that way. Though it is memorable, in a bad way. Too bad too, because it is a great way to wean off cogs. The guy looks familiar. And to segway back to BB , nice to see no smokers on the show this year. BB really stinges on the alcohol . Do they give them more on Canadian and UK version?
The actor in the e-cig commercial is none other than B actor Stephen Dorff. I haven’t seen him in anything since the ‘Blade’ movies, which probably explains why he’s on those commercials. Gotta get it where you can!
Thank You! I was racking my brain trying to place that actor. It’s the worst commercial ever. So right that it looks like a SNL spoof.
they should give America hoh in let us chose wish on on the mission I will give it to Donny but I want Donny to have the golden power of veto in win hoh by himself I know he can
People keep making fun of Jocasta and all her religious nonsense. Clearly though its working for her. Only divine intervention can explain her ongoing presence in this game.
They are just hypocrites. People preach about intolerance and predigests towards others. Accepting people for who they are, for example gay rights. But they rail on someone that is very religious and practices her religion. The world is just full of hypocrites.
I can look at Jocasta and tell she likes to party. I don’t buy that religious thing for one minute. Its an act to try and win the 500K!!!
no. there is total acceptance. that is your belief system, fine. but she brings it into everything. god is the reason she isn’t constipated. so on, so forth. you get tired of it, you get slightly annoyed hearing about it 24/7. I don’t see why we have to listen to it
would it be OK if someone constantly sat there praising satan? no. he would be seen as insane. its no different. praising a cult leader? no different. it has nothing to do with the game and if you want to pray, do it. but do it on your time in the house and not in the DR or with every single comment relating to your everyday life. its tiresome
If anyone follows Survivor, on Survivor Pearl Island Jonny Fairplay had his cousin, preplanned, come on the show and tell Jonny that his granddad had died. Which help him secure a place to the final 3. Jeff Probst described it as “the greatest lie in Survivor history”. Is it possible Derrick did the same thing, instructing his family to do this at a certain time in the game? It just seems soooo weird that this happened. 2 in one week….I’m a little skeptical. What’s your thoughts?
It was his best friend and his Grandmother. It still didn’t get him the money.
You watch the live feeds? His emotions during the whole thing was genuine. If it was a hoax it would have been reported, since TMZ was covering both deaths.
Derrick is a police officer so we all know he is a good liar. What is his last name it would be easy to do a Google search and find out.
Expect the unexpected!!
Ok heres a great twist CBS before you start sending people to the jury house mention that all the HG’s that were eliminated didn’t actually go home but were placed in another supersecret BBhouse. Cameras have been following there every move and now we are going to start the jury each week there will be 1 HoH with 2 nominees in both houses NO vetos each eliminated HG from each house will go to the Jury house until we are down to 2 hgs in each house(4 total) . The remaining 4 will then move into one house were they will have back-to-back HoH’s eliminating the final 2 Hg’s then all HG’s will be the jury and vote on who the winner of the 500k really is. Hows that for a twist of all twists?
There is obviously something seriously wrong with Caleb. He must have a mental disorder. Please evaluate him when he gets out of the house as he might hurt himself or others.
“Alison, you’re fired.”
I think Caleb simply has CCHB disorder (Completely-Clueless Human Being).
I hate how these last f*ckers sleep all day. It’s 4:30 in the afternoon bbtime. Do something worth blogging about damn it! You’re on TV, you’re supposed to be entertaining us!
The problem is they stay up until 5am If CBS would not allow them to sleep during the day their sleeping patterns would adjust and things would be normal.
*lazy, not last
They should have voted out Caleb and let Amber play her game. She was cheated by Caleb. It seems they have something personal against her. The boys are frightened by her and the girls are intimidated by her looks I guess. I think the guys are lame picking on the girls all the time (as in putting them up for noms).
I really don’t like the idea of two HOH, then it becomes to one, I personally think that’s only to waste time. because with 4 being picked for the block, they don’t get that mad because they know 2 are coming off, and when you piss people off in the game that’s what makes the series interesting. People are watching the show because they would like to see Drama,and not much of it till two is on the block but when four is picked, they really all don’t care. go back to one HOH and put fear into people, that’s what makes game more interesting. Taking Amber out is only going to make game more boring, because Caleb has nothing to complain about. I cannot believe he really thinks that he should have Amber, If she does not feel same way, oh well get over it. cannot force someone to like you in that way. I feel sorry for Amber in a way. She shouldn’t have to feel obligated to like Caleb in that way. Instead of Zack going off on her, he should of went off on Caleb by saying you just a stalker, she doesn’t like you that way Dude.lol but you can tell Zack prefers to pick on woman instead of guys.