POV Holder: | JohnnyMac | Next POV | July 13th |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | July 6th |
HOH Winner Team 1: | Becky | HOH Winner Team 2: | Shelli |
Nominations 1 : | Steve, Jason | Nominations 2: | Day, JohnnyMac |
Battle of the Block Winner | Steve & Jason | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 9th / ? |
Original Nominations: | Day, JohnnyMac | ||
Current Nominations: | DaVonne, Meg | ||
Have Nots | Steve, Jason, James and Meg |
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12:40pm – 1pm Living room – Liz, Steve and Audrey. Steve tries to test the twin theory by asking Liz about Giselle the giraffe and Liz wearing sunglasses to hide the colour of her eyes. Steve asks what was the final name of the giraffe? Liz says ahh.. I forgot. Steve says Geoffrey. Liz says Geoffriza. Steve says Giselle. Liz says Giselle yeah. Steve asks why is everyone wearing their sunglasses inside? Austin says because we were outside. Liz says because its bright in here. Steve says but you’re inside now. Liz says you’re a ray of fricking sunshine. They talk about being locked inside to set up the HOH. Austin wonders if they’re setting up a little HOH for us to practice. Steve says oh they could totally be doing that. Liz comments on how her sister has dropped her phone in the toilet a lot. Steve asks how old is your sister again? Liz says 24. Steve says she’s a year older than you. Liz says Angela Grace. Steve asks didn’t you call her Ang before. Liz says yeah. Steve asks is your last name Grace? Liz says no, Nolan.
1:10pm James, Austin, Clay and Vanessa talk about the podcast they’ll be doing tonight. 1:20pm Big Brother ends the lock down. James, Jason, Meg, Jeff and Liz head outside. Jeff tells Jason I don’t know. Jason asks what do you mean you don’t know ..its the same one as yesterday. They haven’t switched them out yet. Jeff heads to the bathroom and talks to Clay about Liz. Clay says this one has thin thighs and the other had bigger thighs. Jeff says this one is not nice, dude. Clay says she’s just not as funny and bubbly. Jeff says I can’t wait to talk to her friend. Clay says that James was being awkward with her. Asking her if she slept good. We were talking about the podcast and he said maybe Liz should go again. I kind of want to tell him to calm down with it a bit.
1:25pm Out in the backyard – Jason says they’re (Liz & Julia) so different. Makes you think ..Ya’ll couldn’t find better twins. There are more identical twins out there. Shelli comes out with the HOH camera. Shelli takes a photo of Liz and tells her she looks good! Liz says just basking in the California sun!
In the bedroom – Vanessa tells Steve to be careful when you say things like hey Shelli I saw you and Liz talking. That makes it sound like you were listening in. Maybe you should make it sound like you careless. Steve says thank you for telling me that.

1:40pm – 2:30pm Hot tub – Jason, James, Meg are hanging out. Jason says a lot of people have nicknames in here. Jason asks Liz .. are you an Elizabeth? Liz says yes. Jason says see there are lots of people with nicknames. They start taking HOH photos. Jason comments to Clay how Liz and Liz # 2 are drastically different. Once they put them together everyone is going to be like DUH! Jackie, James, Meg, Jason are talking about Liz / Julia. Jason says the other one is the one with the personality. This one is the evil one. Jeff says this one is just trying to get her bathing suit completely off. James says they’re totally different. This one just goes along with everything and says yeah. Jason says that’s because she has no idea what is going on. Liz is heavily medicated. Liz joins them and the conversation turns to talking about big brother in other countries. Jason tries to blow up Giselle the giraffe again. He then says I just went down on her for 15 minutes and she didn’t even appreciate it.
2:40pm – 2:55pm Clay and Jeff start a game of pool. Clay asks Jeff so Vanessa came to me today and said she wanted to talk game. Weird?! Isn’t that random. Clay asks did you say you had a twin? Jeff says I do. They didn’t ask you to include him? Jeff says no. If they did and someone went after him I would go nuts dude. I’ve always been the big brother to him. I would knock f**kers out for him. Clay asks is he smaller than you? Jeff says he used to be. Now he’s a body builder. Jeff says look at this one (Liz) she doesn’t care. She is just letting her v@gina hang out. This one is more jury house fun. Steve plays Clay next. Shelli joins them after having done her HOH blog and says she made up a nickname for her and Clay. “Shay”
3pm Up in the HOH room – Jeff tells Clay I think she’s on to us. What girl gets into a skimpy bathing suit and covers up her stomach and boobs. Clay says this one likes to cover up so that no one will notice the differences. She wears hats and sunglasses. She’s not the main one, she’s the stunt double. Jeff says I called her out 3 times to reenact the photo booth and she just ignored me. Jeff says this one has a big birthmark on her back too.
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Evil really? These houseguests are just mean for no reason. Liz/Julia hasn’t done anything to anyone other than be there and try to win like everyone else. Jason and Jeff are kinda vile and I hope they get voted off soon! No reason to call anyone easy and that’s calling the kettle black isn’t it….Jeff is trying to get with every woman on there!
Not a fan of hyperbole, huh?
I think it’s funny. Obviously, they’re just having fun. Like calling a fat one and skinny one. I just have to be careful not to read these updates with liquid in my mouth. It’s funny. No harm done.
yeah great sense of humor…not. unless of course you are into high school banter like our dear nerd herder jason. what an annoying prick.
I’ll take Jasons snarky foul mouth shit talking over Jeffs complete douchebaggery slithering all over the house. Dude bro Dude.
Jeff is disgusting in every way possible. Hopefully they take him out sooner than later. I’d love to see Clay and his puppet go too.
Clearly they know but don’t they have to evict Liz to end the twist? Just knowing isn’t enough to cause an end and send Liz out is it?
Jason is never gonna drop this is he? Seriously it’s getting annoying. And ugh I hate Jeff, I hope he’s next to go with his big mouth.
Ok Jason we get that u see a lot of differences between the two. He has said this at least 842 times. And Jason, u wouldnt have know unless Da’Vonne told u. He keeps acting like he is this genius now. And stfu about it
already. Haha.
I like Lizia. Yes a big reason I do is cuz they fun to look at and this season is lacking in eye candy. Meg. Did she get in a accident or something? She walks not with a limp per se..it’s one of weirdest gates I’ve ever seen. Ha. But yeah she isnt fun to look at. Jackies backside is fun. Shelli is kinda cute but she is just blah basic run of the mill southern chick. Also has a huge noggin and little body so looks a little like a bobble head:) I know some will blast me for this but Audrey makes me ill when I look at her. It has nada to do with her having been born a man. Or maybe it does contribute but I’m sorry she grosses me out.
I shouldn’t have read your comment with liquid in my mouth……lol you are so right about Meg, I thought I was the only one who noticed. I think it’s her knees or something idk. It also doesn’t help that she’s shaped like a toddler….I’m just waiting for all these “seat fillers” to leave so the real game can start.
Meg has a huge scar on her knee. I saw it on the last episode. It looks like she either had a really bad injury, surgery, or both. How is she unattractive because of the way she walks? You sound like a 12 year old.
Why is every gay guys on BB so freaking annoying? Maybe BB should bring back all the previous gays to play together. That would be a fireworks!!
Kevin from season 11 was the last tolerable gay we’ve had.
I Can’t Waite to Jeff get vote out I think the game will be better cause he the one telling everything
It’s extreamily mean and rude for Jason and Jeff to be saying those things about Liz/Julia. Neither of them come close to overweight, and to call them evil is insane condsidering the comments Jason and Jeff are making.
okay, currently, Julia is in the house (if the twins have been discovered).. is she going to stay until evicted? I’d rather Liz come back in because she is the true BB fan who watches the live feeds. Does anyone know the official rules for the twin twist?
I would love for Vanessa, Steve, Austin, Liz to legit team up and Johnny Mac to join them if he’s up for it. They seem to be decent people and at least I could bear to watch them for weeks instead of some of the others who are already pretty annoying. There have been enough seasons of houseguests just bitchin about each other for no apparent reason. I really enjoyed the last couple of game and non-game conversations between Vanessa/Steve and Vanessa/Austin.
Too bad Austin is so suspicious about Steve, when he should be worrying about people like Jeff. I hope Vanessa can help him out again and make him aware of that.
Also where does the other twin stay when the other one is in the house? Have they made them a door right outside the inside of the Big Brother House lol!
I was thinking that too… maybe the jury house?
If to pairs made a stong alliance bye everyone. The targets for now should be the “couples”.
# Pairs need to be broken up like yesterday.
Momma Day should’ve kept her mouth shut about the Twin Twist and use it to her advantage for getting votes by blackmailing both of them, but I’m still praying for a miracle for her to stay and wreak havoc on the cougar and her boy toy.. Jason, I used to like him (way better than 61 year old Frankie Grande), but he need to stfu!!! Momma Day told him thinking that he can help her by using the info to help her stay; and what does he do? He flaps his gums and opens his mouth wider than Shelly Winters at a buffet on the SS Poseidon!!! Still do not like Shelli and Clay…still waiting for Shelli’s veneers to slide out of her mouth and Clay is just another arrogant sonofabitch!! Now I’ve added another guy I do not like…Jeff! He also need to stfu because he’s like Audrey…talk talk talk talk talk and never keeping anything to himself. Jackie, just be thankful that you’re not with him romantically anymore; and I have a good feeling that she will screw him over big time and get him voted out of the house!
LMAO@ Shelly Winters at a buffet. Too funny.
can i get live feeds in canada
I find it super super hilarious that Jeff and Jason are calling Liz/Julia fat. Jeff, you have a dad body which is not a compliment and your face looks like Jackie took a frying pan to it. Jason, you live in your mother’s basement and you rival Social Media Mogul in looks, which is not a compliment.
Based on liz/julia gameplay, I see one is smarter than the other. When shelli initial want to put liz she agree and the other one freak out and is smart and got of it. Liz/julia when I saw them on live eviction they weren’t the same body figure or head structure and voice. I wonder if everyone is going to look at liz when she comes out of the diary room when she votes to evict and will bb not replace them when they vote to not make it obvious. I wonder if the other liz is pissed that there cover is blown. If they get pick as havenot will they get to eat outside real food and sleep on regular bed. Vanessa and Austin will be pissed off that everybody knew told them that there is a twin twist.
IF there is a coup d edat then shelli needs to go or if we vote she still needs to go she is annoying and she is going to ruin clay’s game in the process.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Day and she is definitely someone I like on the show, but I would be pretty upset if the eviction was cancelled to let Liz and Julia loose. I think how it SHOULD be handled is that they let Julia and Liz both into the game to play as seperate players and they wouldn’t get the reward they would’ve gotten at the end of five weeks.
It also annoys me so much that all these people talk about is the twins and all the ways they look different. It’s so boring to hear the same crap over and over again
Does anyone want meg to stay or are u all rooting for da the hypocrite?
Am I the only one that really isn’t enjoying the group that they got this year. Jeff acts like king shit and I’m sure its because he was on amazing race. its gone to his head he’s got no game. I want to go through the screen and strangle him. And Audrey Omfg how can they not boot that he she off and Jason He doesn’t represent Boston what a loud mouth his mother didn’t spank him enough when he was a kid
Will someone please put a bag in Jeff’s mouth. The man needs to shut the hell up, he is always making comments about the twins Liz & Julia, has he not looked in a mirror and realized he looks live a Beaver. His mouth, his voice, the Racoon eyes, pale & red skin is just not very attractive. He is always hating on some of the women on the show because I think he is pissed, it’s obvious they don’t find him attractive, and if anyone is watching him, and paying attention to him floating all over the house, they know that he really is a Floater !!! What the hell is he adding to this game except bitching and complaining about everyone else in the house. I also think his issue with Austin, is because he is jealous and feels threatened by him. I am so over Jeff, he makes my skin crawl, why did they bring him in the show, his comment about he knocked people out for his Twin brother ? Were they little kids ? I don’t see Jeff as being someone who can intimidate anyone, I see him more in the role of being someone’s BITCH !!!! Please let someone win the HOH that will put Jeff’s ass on the block. Let’s see him running around the house then, that will make him beg, plead and kiss everyone’s ass.
Jason is THE show! The others are extras…