JARED WON the VETO! “You’ve got the votes against Izzy so I am going to keep them the same.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cameron
Nominees: Felicia and Izzy
POV Players: Izzy, Cameron, Felicia, Matt, Jared, Jag
POV Winner: Jared
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: Everyone except for Cameron is a havenot this week. Everyone is on Slop, Everyone takes cold showers, and they all take turns sleeping in the havenot room.

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation Kaboom.. Izzy and Felicia on the block. Jared isn’t using the veto. Felicia will likely go home.

10:30am – 3:30pmThe big brother live feeds were blocked for the power of veto competition.

JARED WON the Power Of Veto!

* It was a prize swap POV competition
* Jag got the $5,000
* Cameron got the Europe Trip for two
* 5 costume punishments for 48 hours
* Matt costume has something to do with Josh Duhamel dinner (card board cut out or something)
* Felicia and Cirie have a Kayak Costume for two.
* Izzy and Cameron have to wear pig suits digging dirt for 12 hours LOL

Bedroom – Blue and Jared.
Jared – damn this sucks! Blue – this really sucks because its you two out of everyone. Jared – I know. I just couldn’t take the G’s. Blue – I don’t know how you’re going to talk to them but if you want to let down Felicia.. it depends are you going to let her know? Are you going to let her down easy? Because she is pretty confident that she has the votes. Jared – If I take you down, Cirie went up.. Cirie does not have the votes against Izzy. You’ve got the votes against Izzy so I am going to keep them the same. And honestly at that point, I am just going to let people pick but I just know that Cirie don’t got the votes against Izzy like at all! Matt joins them. Blue – I wonder what your prize really means. Matt – I know. Blue – I bet you have to hang out with the paper cut out. Matt – I thought it would be the real deal. Blue – you did great though.

3:50pm Bathroom – Cirie, America, Izzy, Meme, Jared and Blue
They’re chatting about the comp and how it was 3.5 hours long.

Living Room – Cory and Jag.
Cory – I don’t know exactly how it plays out but it should be good. Jag – yeah I think it should be fine. Cory – If you were in any danger this is not how the week would have gone. It would make no sense. At some point we should have a Jag/Cory one on one. Jag – I’m down.

4:05pm Bedroom – Cameron and Jared.
Jared – Jag was going to let her keep it. Cameron – we’ll talk later. Jared – yeah I want a convo. Cameron – You just let me know if you want to keep dropping grenades. Or if you want to be safe? Jared – let me know when you want to? Cameron – I got all day. Jared – probably later on tonight. Cameron – you know where I live. Jared – not with Matt, just with you and me. Cameron – no yeah it has to be. Jared – cool. Cameron – if we’re going to drop grenades, I’m in!

4:15pm Bedroom – Jag and Jared.
Jared – felt good to beat him. Jag – oh I’m sure. Jared – now he’s got to do that sh*t one more time. Hopefully he doesn’t even get picked. In the case where he does, we just have to beat him one more f**king time bro. Jag – you won the veto so are you planning to have one on ones or meet up? Jared – I don’t know.. His plan is to backdoor Cirie. Jag – is it? Jared – yeah. If I use it on Izzy, then Cirie goes up against Felicia. At that point I guess its fair because I don’t know who got the votes. Jag – exactly. That might be smart, that way you don’t go against him because if he is telling you to use it .. that might be the best move. Jared – I need to pick his brain to see where he is at. I think he is going to backdoor Cirie.. I just don’t know who to keep on the block. Jag – did he say if he wants Izzy of Felicia on the block? Jared – he didn’t specify. He asked me if I want to drop another bomb. Who the f**k is that other bomb? It could only mean her (Cirie) or you. .. I doubt he is talking about Cory. He wouldn’t be talking about Matt. Either Cirie or You. If you won it what would you do, keep it the same? Jag – yeah keep it the same. The power now is in your hands.. so you control the conversation and how it goes. What would you prefer to do? Jared – I would prefer to keep them the same. I know Izzy will stay. I just know it will HURT BRO .. I love Mama Felicia and I know she loves me too but I am not using it on her. Its basically who do we want to keep Mama Felicia or Cirie.

4:59pm Comic Bedroom – Matt and Cirie.
Matt – do you feel good about that? Cirie – yeah. Matt – yeah because I was seeing who was in and who was out. I knew we could keep it the same so we’re chilling. Cirie – as long as he keeps it the same then I feel much better. Matt – yeah yeah yeah… I didn’t even know what he was going to do. Cirie – I just hope it doesn’t backfire on POO in anyway. Matt – like making him use it? Cirie – no, like I hope it doesn’t affect his game. Matt – I don’t think it will, I think he will tell him to keep it (the same). We’ll see. Cirie – hopefully..

5:04pm Bedroom – Jared and Cirie
Jared – I had to. I had to. Cirie – Oh I know. Jared – he was already talking about letting her keep it. Cirie – I know especially after I heard what happened. I know, I know. Jared – I feel bad but. Cirie – but on our side there ain’t going to be no repercussions its just what Cameron is going to tell you what to do. Jared – he already came in here and was like are you ready to drop bombs?! Cirie – WOW!! Oh my god! I love you. He is in a pig suit (Cameron & Izzy) with her digging dirt for 12 hours. They both laugh. Cirie – I love you.

5:39pm Bedroom –
Jared – Dude wants to back door someone. Matt – and we probably won’t know. I’m going to go move around a little bit. Jared – I’m going to shade tan (sleep with sunglasses on) for a bit and then come talk to you.

5:50pm Bedroom – Izzy and Jared.
Jared – I was happy as hell and wanted to celebrate. You know I got you bro! I did not want to take the risk of them letting her keeping it. Izzy – you’re going to keep it all the same right? Jared – of course. Izzy – and we’re going to be solid. Jared – of course. Izzy – and campaign. Jared – you just let me know if you get any feels that its different and I’ll just take you down. Izzy – I know, but I feel good. BB switches the feeds.

6:15pm Big Brother blocks the feeds.
6:49pm Still blocked.
7:01pm The feeds switch to the kitten cams.

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42 thoughts to “JARED WON the VETO! “You’ve got the votes against Izzy so I am going to keep them the same.””

  1. Damn, I wanted cam to win. Either way at least izzy is going and I hope she blows up cirie and jareds game!! At least this week has been interesting finally!!

    1. Melissa izzy wont say anything production wont let her this season bb 25 is rigged and fixed for cirie and jared to get to the end

    2. ” I hope she blows up cirie and jareds game!”
      That’s what I’m hoping as well. It won’t be a “grenade”. It will be a NUKE !! lol

  2. Ugh.

    Of course the person I wanted backdoored this week won Veto.

    I mean good for him since it seemed it wasn’t some rigged comp but maybe next week he can be gone…

    As it is I really hope buggy eyes leaves so we don’t have to see those hairy pits anymore.

    People would be complete idiots to not take the shot at her while she is on the block. Felicia is messy but overall very harmless compared to Izzy.

    1. But you’re okay with everyone else’s hairy pits and gross habits. Your comments are worse than hairy pits. These people are all the same just in different bodies. What happened to talking about the PEOPLE and the GAME. These are cheap and lame shots. Say something else for a change.

  3. Ugh, can’t stand Jared….. of course he wins the veto to save mama. So wish Felicia knew the secret, bc I don’t think she would hold back if she knew her coven was setting her up

    1. This is the perfect opportunity for Cirie and Jared to get rid of Izzy, and their secret goes with her. And, it stays out of the jury house as well. Izzy will understand that Jared won’t be using to veto to save her, because that puts Cirie on the block as a replacement. Cirie and Jared need to make Izzy think they will not be voting to evict her and do it anyway. Then, if she is voted out, pray she does not spill their secret on her way out the door. Both mother and son are liars. I can’t stand either of one of them. But I want Izzy out if the choice is between Izzy and Felicia.

      1. I got to imagine that Cirie will flip the vote to get Izzy out and take Felicia to the end with Jared. Easy for them to get to the final two together.

      2. But there is another person in the house that knows their secret -Blue. Because of Jared’s big mouth. So it doesn’t stay out of the jury house.

  4. Does anyone have any insight as to why Cam appears to be trusting Jared more than anyone else? Why would you trust him when he put Cam and Red on the block last week and sees they all hate him. Why is he confiding in him??? Jared is going to push for Jag going up because he took the money and not the veto. Jag is the best at digging a hole for himself. This could be such a great week but Jared will mess it up once again with the double dipping. UGH

    1. I wondered this also. Cam isn’t just talking to Jared. His body language and excitement around him doesn’t match up with what happened. Especially if Cam is ‘now seeing’ what has been going on. He either has to be playing Jared so convincingly….or he’s clueless. Still.

    2. Cam is playing Jared, just like Jared played both Red and Cameron with the lies he told them, which made Red go against Cameron. Right now, Jared has the upper hand by winning the veto, so Cam is just letting him talk and pretending to be agreeing with him, when he actually is baiting him to get information.

    3. The insight is production makes him trust Jared so Cirie can win the whole thing. No other way fits their plans.

    4. Un Autre Nom had great insight on Cam on a prior page. IMHO it’s his ego… NONE of the women in the house have his respect and the ones he likes he refers to as his daughters or emotional imbeciles.

      He has verbs and adjectives to describe them all — he referred to MeMe as cold (bc she’s unemotional) while Bowie is too emotional (actually he thinks most of the ladies are too emotional). Felicia is there to cook and clean for him (insert eye roll), said Reilly was like his daughter, and claimed Cirie wasn’t even playing the game (little does he know how off he is). ASIDE: If things go according to plan Felicia will leave this week and I’ll just remind Cirie entered Thursday with Cam as the priority boot & secondary targets of Felicia or Jag so she’s going to get one of her targets out on his HOH!!!

      As for the men, he has far more tolerance, especially the ones he views as alpha males who happen to essentially placate him, agreeing mostly with everything he says (Matt/Jared).

      Example: Jared convinced him he put up him/Red last week bc the house wanted Red or Jag out so he was just doing what the majority wanted. Plus, Jared acted pissed by the vote & feigned ignorance about the flip.

      Some are saying Cam is just playing Jared but look at what they’ve discussed, the level of information Cam has shared (even before POV) & how he speaks about Cirie (tell her to shut up & maybe she’ll start playing the game). CLEARLY, production hasn’t drilled home the plot line to Cam or maybe he thinks he can outsmart Grodner too.

      The misogyny for me is ICK x 100 but he’s got relatively decent instincts the problem is other than Jared he’s not willing to consider anyone else’s opinion. While Cirie has the miracle mist this season, Jared is the Cam whisperer which only adds to the growing target on Cam’s back.

      Case in point, he’ll be the backdoor option for the majority of the house next week. America is unlikely to be convinced to do it but she might be the only one.

      I’m not sold Jag won’t succumb to the pressure of the SDS especially now that Cam told Jared about the deal. Ironic that Cam made the premise of keeping Jag safe was based solely on his promise of absolute secrecy. But he told Jared who told Matt, Blue & Izzy with the latter telling Cory & we know Cirie will learn once she’s not tethered to FeFe.

      So another 5 people at minimum will know about the deal with only FeFe, MeMe, America & FBJ unaware (that factor would be enough for Jag to go back on his word). And, I’m not convinced Bowie Jane will saddle herself to Cam if the whole house except America & Cory want him gone.

      Ultimately his ego is out of control and the noms this week had more to do with him feeling like he got punked (by women no less). Look at his interactions with Jared, Matt, & Cory who all apologized and he was quick to say – – no it’s okay but he’s brought up several times how the cameras were only focused on him & Bowie and they (clearly referring to THE WOMEN) made a fool of him. That’s not something an egoist takes lightly, hence his “Shock & Awe reign”.

      Cam will get out one of the three, but unfortunately for him, it’s someone Cirie & Izzy wanted out sooner rather than later.

      Jared probably will keep up pretenses next week bc odds are Cam will head to jury & Jared wants his vote.

    1. Ironically, Jared won AGAIN by default bc Matt got the last choice & I think Jag was also ahead but took the money.

      So, Jared lost HOH by selecting the wrong door, won HOH bc Izzy answered the question wrong, and won this POV bc Matt took what he thought was a prize as did Jag.

      1. In other words – they gave it to him.

        Jag took the $5k and Matt (idiot that he is) took an unknown that he thought might be a prize. Apparently both feel comfortable enough because of their respective situations (Jag with his promise from Cam, Matt with his position with Cirie and Jared, and knowing that Jared is unlikely to use the veto due to the possibility of Cirie being the replacement nominee) that they let Jared win and take the veto, when he actually should have finished no better than 3rd, and in this case we don’t know yet which “prize” he would have received for doing so.

        Damn sure seems like the entire stuntcast is playing there parts to ensure either Cirie or Jared wins this season, just like production wants them to.

    1. Terry i think if cameron told jared that i wants to put up jag jared will totally do it then put up cirie

    2. I think that’s what Cam is going to do. Unless Cirie talk him out of using it, because I’m sure he’ll tell her that Cam wants to put up Cirie to get Izzy out.

    3. Jared may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he’s not playing alone inside that house. There’s no way on God’s green earth that his momma is going to allow him to do that without filling him in on what Cam would really do should he use it.

      4 seasons playing Survivor and 1of Traitor (or whatever it is called) is a lot more experience than anybody else has playing these types of reality TV game shows, and I guarandamntee you, she won’t let that young whippersnapper make a fool play like that, that would most likely land her OTB, even if she probably had the votes to stay.

  5. Damn I wish Jag would tell Cameron that Jared just said he wants Cam out.

    If Cameron had the Dan mist, he’d talk Jared into using the veto to put up Jag as the renom. And boom, Cirie goes up (but probably stays because her butt has been nice and licked clean by all the other HGs who are still asleep and in the Matrix).

  6. jared winning is perfect. he can’t use it because cirie would go up but felicia and izzy will be pissed. he should have thrown.

  7. So…Jared won POV. He knows he was responsible for the conflict between Red and Cam and he owes Cam for that. If he had any sense of right and wrong, he would offer to do whatever Cam wants done with veto. He doesn’t so he will flat out tell him that he isn’t going to use it. Well, that high from him winning HOH didn’t last long. We’ll have to see what happens tomorrow.

    Does anyone know what the comp was? I heard something about money. Was it like white elephant/pass the veto game?

    1. Sounds like it – I read somewhere that Felicia passed out though (not sure if it is true).

      The punishments and prizes were:

      Jag won $5k
      Cam won a trip for 2 to Europe

      Izzy has to wear a pig costume & move a mound of dirt in 12 hours from one side of the backyard to the other with a cup or forfeit playing in POV next week.

      Both Izzy & Felicia had to pick a ‘buddy’ to do their punishment with bc this week is based on Josh Duhamel’s Buddy show. She selected Cam which is HILARIOUS!

      Matt has to wear a costume & take selfies with a cardboard cutout of Josh Duhamel (Matt thought he would get to hang out with the actor which is why he didn’t take the money or trip).

      And Felicia (who picked Cirie) are in costumes looking like they’re white water rafting and are in an inflatable kayak that they have to be inside & paddle throughout the house for the next 48 hours.

  8. Prize Punishent Veto

    Jag 5k

    Cam European Vacation (insert Cousin Eddie ‘shitter’s full gif if you desire)

    Matt thought Josh DuHamel would be his new best friend. unspecified punishment

    Felicia kayak doubles with Cirie

    Izzy pig in shit digging with Cam (if unfinished, neither can participate in next veto).

    Jared wanted money and trip… defaulted veto.

    1. is this also the order they finished? generally feel jared was way better off taking the 5k from jag than keeping the veto.

      1. not in order.
        I think order was last to first
        izzy, felicia, cam, jared, jag, matt.
        neither jag nor matt took veto.

  9. Airhead hates Cory and America now.
    Well reality is he thinks their showmance takes away from his showmance screen time. We KNOW this.
    I think he believes Cory threw HOH?
    He’s back to saying America is throwing (she’s dusted him in every comp they’ve competed head to head). Cory IS throwing MOST comps… and still dusting Jared in every comp they’ve competed head to head.

    1. True. Plus, I’m pretty sure Jared has caught on to Cory always pushing Crossroads to evict the person best for his game.

      With Izzy sharing with Jared he knows things Cory is doing/saying and it’s clear Cory has caught real feelings for America. You can tell by how much his boundaries have changed since they first began discussing a flirtmance.

      Cory wasn’t expecting to be in a showmance and that’s obvious by the missteps he’s taken game-wise. He wonders why people don’t trust her but he was perhaps the main contributor to creating that opinion bc he trash-talked her saying she can’t be trusted instead of upselling her & the benefit of a duo. And bc she can’t retain a secret they know he’s sharing more than he should with her.

      But, yeah, you’re right — I think it’s really about air time & the d*ck measuring thing going on. Catch how Cory gets upset bc Matt/Cam trusts Jared more whereas Jared doesn’t like America or Jag bc they trust Cory more.

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