Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Jared
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Lock your ranks in before midnight
The Situation: Welcome to Cirie’s HOH I mean Jared’s MOMMY – “we’re going to put up Cameron and Red and Cameron is going home. Its already decided”
JARED WON Head of Household!!
10:19pm /The live feeds return from being blocked for the live eviction episode where Jag was evicted but then saved by Matt with his super power. Everyone including the out going HOH Cameron played in the HOH competition.
Matt and America are in the bathroom chatting about New Orleans. Matt says he knows Swamp People. Matt – I was going to call people out and then I called Julie, JULIA. America – its okay, its okay. Its because I am thinking about what I want to say and then I am getting nervous. America – oh brother. Matt – next week I just have to get it right. America – I feel really good with Jared. I feel really good with Jared. Matt – I think a lot of people do. America – I think Red and Cam. I think Red is the target. Matt – okay. America – Which is good. Matt – I mean obviously that’s the plan. I knew that was going to happen. Red really likes me. America – I know he does. He hates me. Has he told you? Has he talked about me? Matt – I think he is scared of anyone that is outside of his group. America – he said I hate America, I don’t trust her. She’s flirting with Cam. I don’t respect that. Was he telling that to you? Matt – no, he just said he was ifffy about you. America – I don’t know what I did. I haven’t spoken to him. Matt – that’s probably why.
Meanwhile the other house guests are chatting in the games room. Felicia telling Production that – Jared wants some seasoning pepper in his basket.
10:33pm Bedroom – Jag and Cirie.
Jag – my question is though .. what happened with the vote? Cirie – when I went up there and you left, I was like so ya’ll good? And they were like no. Jag – oh sh*t? Cory and America? Cirie – nods. Jag – even under the assumption that ya’ll were wanting to? Cirie – even under the assumption, yeah. Jag – wow. Cirie – I swear to god. And then America said today, should we just tell him? I don’t want him to be shocked. Jag – America said that? Cirie – yeah. And then I said yeah lets tell him. And then she talked to Izzy and Izzy was like NA, we don’t want him to like.. be upset or sad. So yeah that’s what happened.

10:45pm Comic Bedroom – Izzy, Jag and Cirie
Cirie – that’s why you’ve got to watch how you treat people. Red was like I don’t think I was being an a$$hole!? I just wanted to know what time? You (Jag) played that good. Izzy – so good! Jag – I mean I wasn’t going to say nothing. I am not going to entertain this. We don’t got a relationship where we can be like that. He started off with the assumption that I played and then asked what time I had. Like in front of everyone. Cirie – well the tide has turned. Jag – The tide has turned! Life sure is sweet! Izzy – what a good day. Jag – today has been probably the best day. The craziest day for me personally. Izzy – I can’t believe it has all just been one day. Jag – ALL of this happened in ONE day. Everything.. the tide just turned. Red comes into the bedroom. Red – I really hope you don’t take offense to what I said. Jag – you’re good. Red – it was a tense moment and maybe I shouldn’t have asked that question because you just went through all those emotions. Jag – Its no hard feelings. I am chilling. I am blessed to be here. I am feeling mad grateful to be here. Red leaves. Izzy – he is freaking out. I can’t wait to be so nice to them this week. Jag – think about this.. Cam won the pressure cooker .. he was in there for 14 hours.. this week went perfect for them until the very last hour.. not even hour.. minute. Red wins the veto.. I know they were like we are the dynamic duo. Who is going to stop us!? I got evicted!! Everything that you won and you won .. f**k you! I am still here. Izzy – this is good tv right!? Jag – this is great tv. OH MY GOD!
10:50pm – 11pm Comic Bedroom – Cirie and Matt.
Cirie – The only person that said it could have been Matt was Cory. Cory said it could be Matt. Felicia doesn’t know that you won (the super power). Listen listen, she doesn’t know that you won but she told Izzy that you played. I am glad you didn’t tell her you won. Matt – she told Jag too. Cirie – but you didn’t tall her that you won. I told you not to tell anyone. Its good that you didn’t tell her that you won.. so nobody knows. She thinks Jag won. Matt – so I can’t tell anyone. Cirie – you can’t tell anyone. The only people that know is Me, you and Jag. Don’t tell no one else because everyone talks. And then Jared WINS! Cameron already said to Jared, I wanted the week off but if I have to go up as a pawn.. I know the common room got to go. Cameron is already throwing Red under the bus. So we are going to put up Cameron and Red and Cameron is going home. Its already decided. Cameron got to go. Jared is going to make him feel real comfortable. So we don’t want him to go for the veto. We don’t want him to play in it. He is going to think that Red is going home and then he is out of here. Izzy and Felicia join them. Izzy – we have a good shot at veto.
11:25pm Living Room – Cory and Izzy
Cory – I am sure she will tell you if you ask but it was just like .. just like I can’t control myself around you. Izzy – Gross! What the F**K! Cory – its just weird. Yeah. Izzy – Gross. Did she tell you what Red said to Blue? Cory – She might blow up on him. And I don’t f**King care. Honestly it might gain her some trust. Izzy – Yeah. Cory – and honestly we’re due. Izzy – yeah I know. Did she say while in the pressure cooker when me, Jared and Cirie dropped .. well good and they want us to do their dirty work for them? Cory – in the pressure cooker? No. Cory – She was complaining to me why the f**k are all our allies dropping immediately. And I was like well I don’t think it was on purpose. But I think what pissed her off was everyone saying she made a deal, she made a deal .. and she was like I was in there for 14 f**king hours. Izzy – yeah. Cory – and you guys were in there for two ours like shut the f**k up. Which I do kind of understand even if she did take a deal which she did. Izzy – you have to ask you can’t be mad that people are playing big brother. Cory – no yeah but that one thing I get it.. its like you’re telling me I didn’t do enough in the competition? But you’re right. Izzy – I am good with America. Cory – NO one is ever going to be GOOD with America. The second she stops becoming .. at least to me right now she is extremely important to my game. I think to you she might not be extremely important but she is useful. And the thing is .. if Jag wins an HOH ..she might actually become really important. I tell you what he walked back into this house and he trusts her. I don’t f**king know why because it was 10-0. But they hang out way more than I do with her. But BRO, this week is so good! Izzy – I know. Cory – we got so lucky. If either of them (Cam or Red) win the veto.. it doesn’t matter (meaning the other then goes). I want Cam gone and mostly so that he is not here for Jury. Izzy – I want both of them out before jury and now we have a shot of getting both out before jury. Cory – one of them is guaranteed. And honestly next week I am just down for Bowie & whoever survives. In the veto I am going to gun for it. Cam is just gross.
11:40pm – 11:53pm Jared gets his HOH Room. Jared’s HOH letter is from his brother. After he reads letter he said I am glad to share this with ya’ll, this room is open anywhere between 11 to … just kidding I know my mom is watching so .. just kidding ma. I can’t wait to share this with you. Blue you can move your bag up. I am going to get in trouble when I get home. MA just kidding.
11:58pm Bedroom – Cory, America and Meme.
Meme – Like I don’t think that is funny. America – I don’t either.. Like I don’t want to hang out with them. Meme – Like that is not fuuny. America – he did it last night, he did it the night before… for like the last week. Meme – Like it is actually very irritating. America – its weird. Cory – I am going up stairs. America – if you don’t want to hang out with them.. you tell them. Cory – absolutely, if he comes up I am going to tell him. Meme – when he was sitting in my room I was like why are you planted here? America – I hadn’t noticed until Cory said something a couple days ago. Cam like told him (Cory) that he gets really possessive. Meme – WHAT?! America – and then today what he told me in the lock.. BB switches the feeds.
12am – 12:40am HOH room – Jared and Matt
Matt – I wanted to tell you but I couldn’t tell anyone. Do you know why? Jared – no why? Matt – because I needed to know which way the votes would go because if the votes got f**ked it couldn’t happen. If the votes were half this wouldn’t have worked. Jared – you got lucky. Matt – not me but Jag and Blue. Jared – yeah they would have been f**ked. And I f**k with you.. and I knew that you would. I can’t lie. Jared – honestly I am not even mad at you. I know I told you I would be pissed off .. I guess it came at a good rime also. Matt – and that’s anther thing, You can’t lie about the power.. if you could that would be so smart but you can’t. Obviously it was called the invisibility and it was only able to be used this week or next week. And I could use it for my self but I am not a selfish person. Jared – one thing I will tell you can trust me my boy. One thing I want to tell you.. Jared – Now that its over I can say that if Cameron, Jag might as walk out the door.
12:33pm – 12:45am BB opens the backyard.
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“JARED WON Head of Household! ”
eh, kinda a wasted week. he probably just puts up cam/red so he doesn’t have to show his cards. be nice if he did put himself in a corner and get forced to show what side he’s actually on, but if cam does go, i’m not exactly going to be heartbroken.
He’ll do what mommy tells him.
he won’t put up blue.
She won’t tell him to put up Blu. She already riled him up telling him to vote out. She’s not upsetting her baby like that.
How the hell did that idiot win?
I wish he would have went all season without winning a comp but that still wouldn’t have lessened his self-important arrogant attitude.
I think the majority of the house didn’t want to win it. They would have to show their cards. Even though everyone in the house knows their cards!
I think America is the only person the house should be worried about. She is the only person I have hope in throwing a wrench in Cirie, Izzy, & Felicia’s plan.
Red in the half shirt looks like a garden gnome gone bad; now strips in the woods for fetish “gnomers”.
Well Jared went off leash on the Blue vote against Mama so wonder what he will do this week? Will he follow the plan or do his own thing?
Glad Jag stayed!!
No!!! ?
Red and Cameron should pull Chimas at the same time. The producers would be shooketh.
It’s quite bullshit really. I’m not even fans of them but they collectively had all the power this week by legitimately winning HOH (14+ hours) and the Power of Veto to not get either of their targets out.
The pressure cooker being invalidated is just ridiculous when you think about it. That much effort for nothing is totally fucked up.
Just think if Cirie’s HOH got invalidated after she pressed the button for 14+ hours. There would be outrage (and I’m a fan of hers).
So yeah I would love to see a double Chima because Cameron or Red is going this week regardless if one wins Veto. And the other is very likely going the week after.
So make a statement and go home to your families dudes. Become iconic in the process like Miss Chima.
Agreed and can you explain why all the hate in the house is towards these two? I watch the live feeds sometimes, and usually it’s Ceri, Felicia, Izzy, Blu, Jag or America saying foul things about Cameron or Red. So I’m not understanding the hate.
I know Cameron is problematic in how he talks about women and in general rubs people the wrong way.
I haven’t heard much negative stuff about Red other than game related stuff.
But you are correct that the people you listed exhibit bad behavior as much as the dude they talk shit about, if not more, all the time.
And they get attitudes when people play the game the way they do (tons of alliances, lying, etc) and it’s so annoying…
Okay, got it.
“it’s Ceri, Felicia, Izzy, Blu, Jag or America saying foul things about Cameron or Red. So I’m not understanding the hate”
Not Chima! You went wayyy back lol.. I remember watching that exact moment years ago back when BBAD came on late night showtime.. ah that was some good BB.
AGREED !!!!!!!!!!!
look at what happened with taylor last year the show saved her multiple times
Yuck, a week of Jared and Blu in the HOH room. Vomit in my mouth thinking about it.
We could have the quickest showmance to birth a baby. It should be a May baby if so.
Izzy you ain’t winning shit lol neither is mama Oreo and aunty Felicia they are gonna chill and boss Jared a week ago I didn’t like Jag I hope he or Matt pull through and win it all!
Elaborate on “Mama Oreo” please?
I wondered that too…..?
It was a typo it was mama cirie and it would not let me edit I’m a black woman so it was t racial in any way .
Knock out comp says a lot.
House pecking order.
Who is safest within the house usually in last 2 rounds.
The people worried about their position should note how soon they were chosen after Red.
Anyone worried should have taken note.
I still don’t get how Cory and America (votes 7,8) can be blamed for 6 votes. Does Cirie not know Jared promised his vote this morning? I’d be sus. Jag won’t.
Listen to Izzy say Cam, Red, Bowie should volunteer for have nots. Sure Izzy, Bowie hasn’t been isolated and demeaned enough, make her a 2 week have not.
America is saying Manson was letching on her during lockdown. Part of me expects Jared to make her have not because he doesn’t like her today.
Matt and Cirie told Jag they saved him. Cirie lied, she didn’t reveal Jared knew. She’s told Matt not to tell anyone, and to blame Cory and America. She’s making him her sith apprentice.
Will Jared follow the script? not sure about renom, but likely for noms.
Wow a knockout competition HOH, that is rarely if never won by underdogs, HOH right after that totally unfair twist is not right and I’m no fan of Cameron or Red.
Production MAJORLY screwed house targets Cameron/Red out of getting out at least one of their targets despite them earning the right to be 100% in power (14+ hour HOH win and winning Veto by 20 or so seconds) just to have them nullified and for their game to 1,000% be over. To be fair even if Jag was gone this week they were both going on the block. It wasn’t like Jag (or Blue) won HOH to nominate them but still…
This is just more reason why Cameron and Red should pull a Chima at the same time and fuck with Production back because neither has ANY chance of winning let alone being anything but juror # 1 or 2 (only one would be lucky enough to be a juror if they went on a crazy win streak).
What would Production do if they were instantly down two houseguests later today post nominations? I mean both of them surely have to realize the writing is on the wall so why delay the inevitable bullshit when you can just go home Saturday night to be with your wife and or young child?
I think more contestants need to stand up for themselves if Production royally fucks them. I think causing the producers to have massive headaces because they didn’t foresee people calling them out is good.
“Expect the unexpected.” Now fill all that extra time in somehow bitch… 😉
“What would Production do if they were instantly down two houseguests later today post nominations? ”
So…Sonny Boy won HOH. Does he have the balls to put Mommy Dearest on the block? He said he’s there to play his own game but we all know that’s a lie. It would really be great TV then, Jag. I can’t get over him saying that. NO !! It was not good TV. It was a boring wasted week.
Really wish someone other than Jared would have won. Not looking forward to this week at all.
Who gave Blue a cliff’s notes?
She’s told Jag that Cory is the snitch.
She’s said Cirie and Felicia have their hands everywhere. Cirie runs the house.
She’s said America is on their side but slips up talking too much.
Jag the moron will tell Matt in thirty seconds.
Blue caught that America is being framed.
She’s going to info test her. See if it comes back.
She doesn’t want to bring in America with Cory because Cory is the rat.
She knows Cory has his webs…but America only has Cory.
Jag wants to bring in Matt. He wonders to Blue if Matt spills info too
Well, somebody gave them a couple of hours of feeds in D/R because Blue has been a lustsloth for 2 weeks and suddenly she has a clue? Waiting to see how long before Jag blows it up with his cowardly lion strategy.
So Izzy ran the gauntlet, Jared was last picked. Izzy buzzed first and got the wrong answer? Jared default won? Now THAT makes sense.
Izzy was Day and Jared was Christmas.
Hopefully they have an epic fight like they had lol.
This week will be very telling. Is Jared a Mama’s boy or is he his own man.
Don’t most mothers want their kids to be independent thinkers ? Why does Cirie want Jared to ride her coat tails…shame on you Cirie (even if you think it’s just a game) for being so controlling.
Hey Production, get more condoms. You know it’s going to be a “love” fest all week.
I will not be able to stomach watching Jared all week. BARF. I am serious. Peace out until next eviction.
Mecole may be the biggest nothing player ever. I know that’s a bold statement, but you can”t even classify her a typical floater. The only time we see her is when it’s time to vote. Otherwise just put her back in the closet for the week.
Her only true loyalty is to the brown sugar bitches brigade do she doesn’t really interact with anyone else.
Matt is an idiot. He saves and keeps another idiot in the game for his adopted mother Cirie and boy is she going to use him up for HER game. It could have been one less player to compete with for $750,000. Way to go Matt, that’s using your brain. Are they all brain dead. I don’t think anyone deserves to win, they don’t know how the game works, they just want to be popular and make it to jury. They give me a headache.
There was a convo between Matt and America where they both knew where the power is but we’re unsure how to bust it up. I think to Matt, jag is a potential number. Here’s hoping at least.
Ugh… it’s going to be a looong week with Jared in the HOH room.
Veto comp can’t get here soon enough.
YEAHHHHH Podcast Bro won! Now to get rid of Corny and Lamerica! Put that cringe showmance up and send Corny home.
He was handed the HOH.
This season is set up for a Cirie win with Jared next to her. There really aren’t sides, just a bunch of people competing for eviction order in Cirie’s plan.
This season has jumped the shark week one. I’m
WHAT BULL SH** !!!!!
Sooooooo….. basically a repeat week of 3 then? It’s 4 peoples HOH , not Jared’s alone. He just gets the room and a basket, but not really…..because Jared needs pepper seasoning, per Felicia.
Suuuuure….. for all the cooking Jared does. Oh, okay. Mmmmmhhmmmm.
I don’t understand what y’all don’t understand…..it is literally a game of lies and deception ????? everybody is going to play for themselves period. Y’all mad every season but keep watching lol! It’s entertaining to read but also sad ? if you can do better audition and see if all your speculations are accurate ?
I don’t understand why you care so much ?
Don’t read these comments then !
Hit dog lmbo! Bye Felicia insert eye roll emoji and crying laughing emoji
Nice to meet you too 🙂