POV Holder: | Vanessa | POV Competition | Aug 22nd |
POV Used | No | POV Ceremony | Aug 24th |
HOH | Austin | Next HOH | Aug 27th |
Original Nominations: | Steve and Jmac | ||
After POV Nominations: | Steve and Jmac | ||
Have Nots | No have nots this week |
12am HOH room – Austin, Liz, Julia and Vanessa are studying. Austin leaves. Vanessa says I told him I don’t fully trust him yet. Julia says that Austin doesn’t really care. I am so torn. LIz says I am so scared of both of them but Johnny Mac is coming after Me, Julia and Austin so keeping him is better for your game. I don’t know if Steve is coming after us yet but he did say strong fortress downstairs which is pretty f**king scary. Vanessa says and Steve is smart, he is going to do what is best for his game obviously. Whoever we keep is going to be our fifth person. So the question is which gives us a more well rounded group. Liz says I can’t work with Johnny Mac. Julia says No way I can’t! Liz says the way his back was against the wall and he “blubbed” something so irrelevant to spin it, you know. The 5 person deal was nothing. I don’t know if I can forgive that. Julia says we’ve been working with Steve longer. I don’t want to do anyone’s dirty work. I feel like James and Meg are going after Steve. Why would we take him out. Becky wanted us to take you out. I was like no, I do not want to do anyone’s dirty work. Vanessa says I am telling you guys I do not need the money. I will leave it at that. I’ve played a very clean game integrity wise. I’ve gotten my name out for being a DJ, this is great. Like I don’t want to be known as a traitor. Liz says that is the same with us. Julia says we only know about this game because we were recruited. Austin and Steve join them. Austin says James and Meg are in the pool together .. they’re being spontaneous. Things have changed for with them the last week.

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12am Backyard – Meg and James are in the pool talking. Meg says I was so scared on Monday with the veto meeting. James says oh yeah! But when I saw the fight with Steve I knew we were good. Meg agrees. We were dancing in our beds. Meg asks what is the deal with Vanessa? James says its like Zingbot said Vanessa is playing a masterful game. She cries a lot which makes people feel sorry for her. Meg says no one feels sorry for her. James says she was dead in the water and then we flipped votes on her. She was in the room, bringing her bible out, no one had seen her for a day or two. Then after she fought her way off that block she went right back to being Vanessa. James said his good bye message to Becky was they made me do it, I didn’t want to do it. James says I know when Vanessa asked me if you had ever said anything about her. I looked her dead in the eyes and had a low tone voice. I knew she was reading me right there. I told her you never said anything bad about her. Meg says we she doesn’t like her tactic of complaining about everything. Oh I really didn’t want to be HOH again. James says she always wants to catch someone in a lie in front of everyone. Meg says what if Jackie comes back. James says if she comes back its going to be very tricky because we’ve said we would put her up. James says Julia and Austin haven’t been on the block yet. James brings up how Austin said if he gets to final 2, don’t vote for me. Okay, I won’t. Meg says he has a tattoo of Big Brother don’t tell me he doesn’t want to win. Meg says at least Steve asked for our vote. Liz joins them. Liz says its a a toss up who to keep. James says we should just do paper, rock, scissors for it. Meg says she just saw Vanessa studying days with Steve in the bathroom. What the hell is that?! When you guys helped us with one question it was a big deal and now she’s been apparently fighting with Steve the last few days and now she is helping him. Austin joins them.
12:45am Comic bedroom – Vanessa talks to Johnny Mac. Vanessa asks so you had a good conversation with the girls? Johnny Mac says it went better than expected. They said they wanted to vote with you and whatever you’re doing, they’re doing. Vanessa says that Austin is now trying to act like he doesn’t care. The girls are saying its up to me. If things don’t change I think things are pretty good. I feel like they’re tricking me, they’re not tricking me are they? Johnny says when I was in that room it felt genuine. I’ve seen them when they’re not being honest with me and when they are being honest with me. They brought up its not personal, its strategic. I was like alright she got in their heads okay cool I’ll go with it. I don’t know if you have to do a whole lot more. They said they would let me know tomorrow. Vanessa says okay. Johnny & Vanessa go to sleep.
12:40am Pool – James says all I can get is a hand to face. Austin says maybe you can get a little winnie the pooh reach around. Honey pot. James says late a night when we’re in bed I tell her I need to tell her a secret and then she is like what was that secret. And I’ll go up to her bed and whisper in her ear.. So I get in the bed, start holding her down, like going in her ear. She starts giggling and going crazy. Like I’ll be literally kissing her ear. Austin says that makes Liz go crazy too. They can’t get enough of it.
James "So I get in the bed, start holding her down. Like I'll be literally kissing her ear" @bigbspoilers #bb17 pic.twitter.com/e5oojjP8dC
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 26, 2015
12:50am Julia and Liz play a game of pool. Meg and James head inside to shower. Austin and Liz head up to the HOH room to go to bed.
1:25am Bedroom – James asks Meg if she would like any crackers or water. Meg asks why are you being weird? James asks what are you talking about? I like to be nice to you. Meg says because the camera is watching you. James tries to trick Julia into thinking he is in bed by putting the cat hat in his hoodie. He then goes to Julia’s bed to scare her but Julia doesn’t fall for it.

1:35am James tells Meg that they should talk to Steve tomorrow. Its just like the Austin and Liz situation. Its like which ever way you’re voting, I’m voting. Its stupid him wanting to put you aside and then me aside. Meg says she is too tired. We should just all talk tomorrow.

Steve joins them and turns on the light. He says he’s been wanting to talk to them. Obviously I would appreciate your vote this week. I think this week has made if evident where my head is ..and the mistakes I’ve made in this game.. and think I can leave it at that.. you know what I’m saying. I don’t really have much else to say unless you want something else from me. James says I just feel like me and Meg are a dying breed just trying to hang on as long as we can. Our group has been picked off. Steve says I was a part of that. James says it is what it is, we’re just a little worried. Meg says we’re always worried. We will talk tomorrow. Are you trying for HOH next week? Steve says yes. Meg says were just concerned who is coming back and who is going on the block. Steve says without getting too specific because I’m on the block. Just look at where my game is and what has been going on .. and I think you could make some very intelligent guesses. Meg says yeah. James asks how many votes do you have .. or do you need. Steve says I don’t know, I need 3. Meg says we’ll talk to you tomorrow. Steve says the twins are voting together, Vanessa may or may not so there are potentially 3 groups. Steve says tell me if there is anything else I can do for you.
1:50am – 2:15am Steve is up scampering and then heads to bed.

9:12am – 10:35am Big Brother tells the house guests its time to get up for the day. Instead of blocking the feeds to play the wake up music, the feeds are left on while big brother blasts Missy Elliott – Work It. After about a minute of the song playing the feeds are blocked. When the feeds return Vanessa and Johnny Mac are lowering the backyard awnings. Johnny Mac heads back to bed. Vanessa heads to the bathroom to put on her face. Liz heads to the diary room and then goes back to bed once she comes back out. All cameras are on the house guests sleeping..
11:05am Still sleeping..
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You know what would be a really fun twist? If after the evicted HG re-entered Julie Chen announced that that person in now the new HOH! I know they likely won’t do something like that, but since they all have it planned that they’ll put the past evictee right back on the block, it sure would be fun to see them scramble when they can’t do that and have to all of a sudden start kissing up to them. Please BB producers, do something like that and give us some real drama and strategy to watch!? Please?
Becky would go after Vanessa
Shelli would go after James
Jackie would prob also go after Vanessa….
so the Austwins.? remain untouched again?
if Jmac goes and returns…he still will only go after Vanessa
if Steve goes and returns…he would go after James
again Austwins are safe!!!
I disagree. Didn’t Becky say she would go after Liz. I think the jury house members all agree that Austin / Twin need to be stopped at this point. I am sure Shelli will give them the info that Vanessa and the A/T have been in an alliance since the beginning. I really think A/T will be targeted next. The dynamics change weekly. I can’t believe that people in power really believe that the deals they will saved or someone will agree not win HOH is believed!!!
Becky’s going to go after Vanessa not Liz…Becky just got out of the house her feathers ruffled, cooler heads prevail. I believe she’ll be back on board because she’s going to go to that Jury house. When Shelli and Jackie have a word with Becky about Vanessa, and all three compare notes number one target Vanessa. Who knows who is coming back in the house, I’m sure they’ll all be on board about getting Vanessa. you could say what’s best for their game. Vanessa knifed them in the back now it’s their turn to stab that bitch, it’s best for all their game to shank her.
Becky and Shelli would both go after Vanessa. They both also said they hoped a strong woman would win BB this year. Ironic because Vanessa is one of the strongest strategical female player in BB history. Sure shows that they can dish it out but can’t take it.
Are you Mel? Vans mother? Her friend Mark or whoever? There is NO WAY Vanessa is one of the strongest women players in BB history. Most crazy, most drugged, most delusional, most grandiose, most egotistical, most paranoid, most insecure, most manic, loud, most paranoid, most viscious, most two-faced, most likely to lose even after all the bribes.
Cries & lies the most does not equal strong. She’s been on block, backdoored most not due to threats because no one can stand her, she is every alliance she’s in, she attacks every partner. She’s also not playing she said, she’s not social and just they’re for DJ adverts. And she’s got so much integrity she’s never lie. Why is Mel breaking up with her? Why does every man she’s with cheat? Why is she always alone in real life? If you’re her friend, or even just a groupie, you’d get her help, or rehab at least.
Oh please, look at you commenting on someone’s personal life like you know them. Mel, mark, blah blah blah. I have no clue who those people even are, and could care even less. You sound like you know a little too much about Vanessa.
Are you some obsessed psycho? Did she kill your puppy? Jeez
Oh and hashtags are for Twitter. That’s just dumb to use them on a blog.
Becky and Shelli we’re talking about themselves when they said that. Vanessa being a strategic player, come on now, don’t you think you’re reaching a little there. Paranoid schizophrenic is a fact of her gameplay. I get it she has fans, which boggles me why she does. People are making her a martyr of the game and it’s clearly not over. Folks want to crown her but there’s a lot of game left but she’ll be in jury voting.
They were “talking about themselves when they said Vanessa was a strategic player”? HUH? Your comment doesnt even make sense.
Jmac would throw the comp and not get back into the house.
I think they all will go after Vanessa. Jackie and Shellie both know that she is behind them going and Becky has had a whole week to stew on that though too.
They all know that if Vanessa makes it to the end she will win and I’m pretty sure they want to win too.
Meg complains that Vanessa is in this game to win it. Duhhh. Now Meg says because of that she will vote for a twin over Vanessa. Why do none of these people realize they signed up to play Big Brother not Bachelor in Paradise?
Yeah, this does seem to be the case MrJWall. At first I thought it was simply Austin & Liz not having the stones to send Vanessa to jury (which is still true) but their strategy of keeping her in the house because she is a bigger target seems to be paying off. They are in a really good position right now despite not being strong BB players (the twins don’t know the game at all – they admit they are just “recruits”). They need to be split up but I don’t think anyone has them as prime targets right now
OMW drinking the Koolaid.
Van is in trouble if A/T turns on her or A/T are up next to her. That’s it period! 5 votes 3 to evict next week again. Lets say Jackie returns or Becky and James wins HOH. I cannot see him putting up a twin/Austin. It will be Steve/Nessa and then need a POV used to get A/T up. I think Nessa could convince the nooblins to put up Becky lol. Up against Austin she’d have a small chance to turn the twins plus Steve to get 3 votes. Only sure evict is Liz versus Van with the Gobs supporting Liz. I think we’d see the funeral part 2? ROFL
I don’t think she is a great strategist but rather the house is terrible collectively. What she is though is a terrific scrambler. With this collection of morons she’ll have a chance til Julie announces the vote on any given Thursday.
Here is the big question……When/how does she break up A/T? No ones talking F2/Jury votes. She goes along with evict returning player then Gobs. 5 left with Steve and AT are unbreakable. Steve should be in her hip pocket but unreliable.
Van needs HOH at 5 and gets an A/T member. Van needs POV to send HG home of her choice. That could make it Steve/Van/A/T member F3. Who takes Van F2? No one she needs to win out. A lot of straight wins back to back. I like a twin to win at this point and that sucks.
Becky said to Julie Chen she would go after Liz if she returned.
A couple of years ago I think they had an endurance comp for HOH where everyone participated. The 1 of the 4 jurors who lasted the longest came back in and they could also be HOH. That was the comp where supposedly a hand came through the wall and pushed Helen of
i’d like to see them do something like how Judd came back where it was endurance and he had a chance to win HOH, but i doubt BB would do another standing against the wall comp, maybe the rolling log comp??? as long as its not a crap shoot like last years comp, and if Jmack is evicted i’d like to see him come right back just so that this week was a waste of HOH for the Austwins after they burnt bridges with Jmack and Steeeeeve-uh
They need to bring back the BB6 Pressure Cooker. Such an epic comp in the history of Big Brother, and they only used it once.
Yes! I agree that was a great comp! I’ve always wished they would bring it back.
Didn’t they have someone come back at another time (can’t remember which BB) and the returnee was safe for a week? That would make someone have a bowel movement.
Remember the last time Janelle was in the house and she won that hip bumping competition.
I’d like to see the three girls from Jury do that to come back in the house, that would be pretty sweet
CBS some way has to guarantee that Jackie comes back. and somehow needs to guarantee that James wins where Jackie wins. preferably Jackie. these two weeks have been boring boring boring. show come in with a vengeance she has no deals to honor and I would love to see Austin the twins and Vanessa run around and turn on each other. I don’t know, I see that’s the only way that it could be exciting. I mean what if Liz wins again, that would suck ass
1. Voted Jason out
2.Kept Vanessa
3.Steve nom/evict of Jackie instead of Austwins
I would like to see it because I want the power to shift but that would suck for the players in the house. Not only does the person get a second chance by coming back into the game after they were evicted, now they get a third chance by making them an automatic HOH. That would be fun to watch but absolutely that should not happen.
Jury House maybe. Austin quit playing, wants to go to Jury with Liz, to bang her hard with no cameras. He knows there’s no chance of them winning, he only won by a specially designed comp thrown to him. Julia, we dont even know this game we’re recruits from Bad Girls Club. Meg James classic floater-coasters. Just tell me what you want me to do- I’m going for America’s Fav-good luck with that. James is beating his own partner up literally, stopping her from playing. Steve JMAC professional idiots, pawns, “tell me what to say”. Vanessa plays 2 year old temper tantrum victim “I dont even need the money-I did this for DJ exposure” who doesn’t control anyone, doesn’t have any friends, production throws her POV to keep the drama so they don’t have to pay for twists, takeovers or luxury comps. Liz plays prostitute for protection and wins an emoji comp?? who came up with that one?? The only players are Production and we’re the ones getting played.
I think that is a great idea. At least keep him/her safe for a week like they have done in the past.
Sounds much better than them going through all the trouble of gettting back in just to be eveicted in one hour.
Unless it’s Shelli that comes back. The “house” has said if Shelli comes back they want to work with her. And I don’t see how any juror could win HOH since it might be the Dates HOH comp. I doubt with all of the freedom and booze that the girls are studying the dates. If anything, JMac might have a better shot at a Dates Comp since he is still in there.
Did Julie Chen say that your game might not be over? Does anybody remember what her words were? Maybe it is the one who is getting evicted could become H.O.H. We all know that Johnny Mac is Big Brother’s pet, this actually could happen.
Jmac is not their pet. They are using him for ratings but by the clues the are giving to other players I would say 1.. Vanessa 2. Austin and then Liz. maybe they want a girl to win.
I dont like that twist to begin with, but I have chalked it up to an element of the game. However, I would not want this scenario, cause then Vanessa would be singing the same tune as Keven (BBCan), “I did everything perfect. It was out of my control.” B.S. Ugh I dislike the poker player mentality.
I maybe wrong, but I think that they already did that once before. And I agree with you, it would be entertaining if the jury HG that won the comp to get back into the house automatically became HOH, it would shake things up and send the hamsters scrambling on the spinning hamster wheel.
Usually when a HG comes back from Jury, they’re safe for a week. So if it was Becky or Jackie they’d be safe. Though the goblins, while nicer than Austwins, are still idiots. So they’d probably STILL undermine their own game.
It would be nice if there was a rewind this week. That would be the only way i can think of to save this week – otherwise, it’s just shit.
And i’m so over austin and liz.
And Julia. I used to like her, but she’s just as vile as her sister; just not as loose.
Austin is a manchild, cheating piece of shit who’s more intent on Liz’s pants than winning. As per his GF they didn’t have an open relationship.
I’m so disgusted with those two.
Will Liz stay with him? She doesn’t know – yeah right.
Vanessa is playing to win. Liz and Julia want money. Austin just wants Liz. He’s going to lose.
Fantastic idea!!!
I think usually when a house guest comes back they are not allowed to vote him out the first week. At least I thought that was how it has went in the past.
BB CAN 3 did something interesting that I feel kept the integrity of the game (only time during the season I think). The returning house guest had to do an additional challenge to win immunity for the week, since they were going to be the obvious target.
What they could do is give the HG a choice, play in the HOH competition or play for immunity. I think that would be fair for everyone involved.
This would be great! But unfortunately, Big Brother always gives immunity to people who dont play in HOHs.
I am rooting for Meg, John, and James
This game seems lame since they started recruiting some of the players. It’s only worth it if everyone has a love of the game for the strategy and mind tweaking etc. I agree A.G.’s time is up. Get a new producer with fresh ideas. Or new scriptwriters.
They must have had a pretty bad selection of applicants to be on the show if they’re recruiting. Season 15 pretty well killed the show with so many sick ba$tards as the rat, the ignoramus, the bully and the racist.
Johnny Mac has been on the ropes since Becky was HOH because Meg flipped the goblins against him way back then. I give him a break because I think he was trying to be strategic and Dr blew his game up by making other house guest jealous. When he first went into the house he and Clay hit it off tand that was before Clay was all about Shelli. I think he is a loyal guys so he stuck by clay and therefore his friends girl Shelli. That was before Clay became so douchey. Meg ,Austin and the twins were super jealous of the attention t Jmac got .Meg has had it out for Jmac since. Jmac has had no chance with the goblins because you can tell on the feeds that Meg does not like him. She is polite but indifferent to him. You can definitely tell she is a Mayors daughter. I am surprised she is still jealous and snooping in on his DR. Meg would turn it around for me if she would just get over her jealousy and work with him. I think James and Jmac would be amazing together. Meg is now telling James to only target Van not the Twins. Please don’t listen James their power is in number Austin or Liz needs to go. I also think Meg would team up with the twins over James if Austin wasn’t there. I would like to see Americas favorite to either be Jmac or James and then the other one win.
I agree Meg would sell out James, she even hinted at it in the conversation where he mentioned they wanted to put him up, she said “I know, I went (sound effect)”. Seems she’s after an all girl win. ? The thing with Jmac though at least in the edited versions is he has not initiated any conversations with the goblins, and he was fully willing to be Shelly and Clay’s pawn from the very beginning, he is willing now to be Vanessa’s pawn, and the twins’ pawn. When he goes up to Meg and James, he reads as dismissive, as if saying, “I have to ask you so I’m asking, but I don’t really want your votes so it doesn’t matter if you say yes or not.” Bleh.
In the live feeds that I watched 2 weeks ago Meg really shut him down with a smile and no eye contact she is polite but non engaged with him. I think that’s why he doesn’t ask to talk to James because he know that James actually really likes Meg. I fell sorry for James. Jmac was trying to play along he did not know the game. I am happy though he seems to be adjusting. I think he is telling Vanessa what she wants to hear and would never say to her that he would go after the Austwins. I think that these people to an extent really are like this in their real life’s the game just magnifies their personalities.They don’t get this manipulative overnight. I think Johnny is surround by real friends and good people.
Except isn’t Jmac a super fan and playing that he doesn’t know the game?
He did say that he was. Most people who have watch his interviews( look on sites like reddit) seemed to believe as I do that he was exaggerating that in order to get on the show. While I think he did watch, I think it was recent.
Meg is so worn out from all that strategic game play today, she cant talk right now, Steve.
She called out Vanessa studying up Steve for the Days Comp HOH while refusing to help James & Meg at all, after her own alliance gangs up to get her out. Why not make a bigger deal of it??? Why isn’t James asking Asstink the same thing? This is a military hero’s bravery in action. While he brags he can look Vanessa in the eye without pissing himself, as long as Asstink tells him how.
This has been happening forever. Meg James work for others games & still go on the block. If they keep Steve after putting Meg on block and evicting Jackie. Great Game Talk James, it is what it is??? Picking your team off while you fight over Clay’s shirt and Meg slobbers on him to stay for a showmance? they deserve to lose if they don’t keep JMAC and team with Jackie Becky or Shelli to stop the Austwits & MA Barker Vanessa. James has more plans to jump Meg, really? More date rape fantasies instead of strategy?? You think that will earn you America’s Fav? You’ve been watching to much bad porn. Keep your bro-mance with Austink going and you can have a threesome. He’s not taking you anywhere except the Jury House. How many times do they need to hear they’re going up again.
praying for a shift in power……
I’m guessing that Shelli would target the Goblins if she came back in the house. She is the only one I don’t want coming back if she doesn’t target the Austwins.
Thumbs up if you think Shelli would go after Goblins! Thumbs down if you think she would go after the Austwins! Your assistance would be appreciated.
From the little clip we saw from Jury Shelli kept sayin how good/sneaky Vanessa is. To me it seemed like if she came back she would go after her. I could be wrong and maybe she just wants to keep working with her, but hopefully Jackie & Becky have been filling her head on how “bad” Austins Angels are. Im actually hoping she comes in and works with the goblins. (i know slim chance) Vanessa & Austwins say they’ll keep her if she comes back. She could be the mole for the goblins. Jackie & Becky would be targeted right away. Jmac would only take out Vanessa or a goblin if he wins. Shelley is the only person i see that could make it interesting if she flips sides. Unless James wins HOH, then she’ll be right back out.
I can tell by ‘Nessa;s actions she is prepared to take out Austin and Liz. Hang on to your hats (I knitted her the one she wears!).
My daughter promised me a new car if she wins, I went looking yesterday,
Bye Austin.
Cheer for my daughter peeps, she loves you all.
Is your whole family bipolar? Money won’t fix that!
Wow, she’s promising everyone a new car.
She said she doesn’t need the money, only wants publicity to be a DJ. Why didn’t she already buy you a car? What? She caught you telling a lie in front of everybody?
Sorry honey I should explain… The 2013 Mercedes she bought me is getting a little old so she is going to buy me something newer. Perhaps you and your family can pool their money and buy my old one when ‘Nessa gets me a new one.
Don’t hate the player sunshine hate the game.
You should take the money from the car and check her into a mental facility. Maybe you can find a two for one deal and go too…
This doesn’t surprise me at all. Vanessa’s generosity inside the house is clearly not an act. She’s as straight a shooter as we’ve ever seen in Big Brother.
I like Jmac more than Steve, and want him to stay.
Having said that, at least is trying to get votes. Jmac seems to just be relying on Vanessa at this point; which is surreal considering where he was two weeks ago.
i think he knows the deal, and he’s leaving anyway.
I wish he’d make the pitch to the goblins that he’ll work with them if he comes back, and if he doesn’t, he’ll influence the jury in their favor over Austwins.
I also wish he’d do it in front of the Austwins and Vanessa, because that would drive Vanessa into the goblins arms, i believe.
Also if James has herpes why is he rubbbing all over Meg and why did BB let him in the house?
I’m not trolling dude has herpes. He said it himself.
ROFL I’m worried the housemates are going to get sick in the house just think if Austin got James herpes on his finger from opening a door OMG
Okay someone back me up. Who else saw James saying to Austin he’s taking meds for herpes?
I heard it, but I think he was joking.
Oh I see it was a joke? wasn’t funny to me ROFL
Please quit recruiting these fame searching idiots. Give the regular people who really want to play the game a chance every once in a while!! It’ll make for a much better game!!
Honestly, I don’t think those people really exist anymore. Everyone thinks they are going to get famous off of these reality shows.
They should cast live feeders only next year, the real superfans! Could make for an interesting season. Like to see Dawg or Simon in the house.
You can’t cage this dawg. LOL
James: “Meg and I are a dying breed”
As for Meg, she’s a dead laughing hyena that manages to still laugh post mordem; she’s a sloth with red lipstick.
As for James, he’s not dead, just a coward who was afraid to vote Wahnessa out, went with the house and voted Jace out even though he’d made a pact with him.
And don’t forget that James has a perverted mouth.
There could be a hail mary where Meg could all of sudden just win HoH, nominate Austin and Julia, then Backdoor Vanessa!!
Aaahh…..who am I kidding. That wont happen. Lol
But one can hope lol
I wish JMac would just try to talk to the goblins. I think he would have a chance if he did. Especially when meg is always seeing steve and van together. She does not like it.
Bye JMac, they cant say you tried.
I liked the endurance comp where the HG had to hold on to a button depressed and the last one to let go was HOH. That’s a comp where everyone would have the same fair chance at winning, even Meg! Because you could stand, kneel or sit as long as you kept that button depressed. I think that Meg would still be the first one out because she is a lazy sloth.
I haven’t seen that comp in quite a few seasons, I hope that CBS brings it back.
Pressure Cooker! BB6! Only used once. It’s long overdue for a comeback.
Can someone let me know..I haven’t been paying attention much this week, are they playing Johnny Mac or does he have a chance to stay?
Meg saying there is a 0 chance with James b/c she still has the hots for Clay and hoping to get him in NYC little does she know what Clay said about her on the live show LMAO
Girls always choosing douchebags over good guys smh
Did you mean to say Douchebags over Scumbags?
I don’t want to be mean but meg has mild downsyndrome
Whoooaa!!! That was not cool. Like seriously??
Except for Autwins and Steve, it’s in their best interest to keep Jmac.. His target will be Austwins keeping the blood off their hands and have a one in three shot of the returning player working with them to get out the remaining Austwins, thereby guaranteeing a final five. If Liz or Julie win HOH their target will be Jamc first.
Except that Jmac promised not to go after the twins, Vanessa or Austin.
Please evict Steve, and then let Jackie come back.
James, Meg, Jackie, and John, vs Austwins and Vanessa
This Season, which really had promise, is fading….
To Me, The problem started with the Twin twist. ANY good game Player would have recognized the threat that posed. But Vanessa and Shelli holding power then allowed it to develop, and ultimately steer this season off course
if anything needs reset..It’s AG and Creative
1) Stop putting ,primarily,just the 20 something year old pretty,showmance oriented people in the House. Make the House a better cross section of society. The immature sometimes juvenile behavior,especially over the last three seasons, is ruining the game..The game is based on social strengths. Make it where They have to bond with people far different from themselves at times
2) Keep it simple..Two twists only DPOV and Pandora’s box
3) Make the Comps mental..I can see physical comps mixed in on a show like Survivor..but BB is a mental game..make the comps the same..
4) No more BOTB’s..And if someone flagrantly throws a comp..there should be a penalty for it
Agree except for eliminating physical challenges. If anything, eliminate the chance ones. Would like them to devise some new challenges or at least mix them up so HGs have no clue what it will be. Give incentives to not throw comps and make them compete to earn food. Punish them for singing or talking about production. If viewers are going to participate in some form of voting, make it mean something. Who cares about pool toys or breakfast treats.
Lastly, give them a pet to care for. BBAU brings in shelter dogs that later are found homes, BBUS can bring in an anteater.
I was thinking the same thing. I’m disgusted with the immature 20 and 30 year olds idiots on the show.
I agree for the most part although don’t mind the physical comps. I wish they would add comps that demand determination such as the torture cage from season 6. Everyone has a shot at that one, you just have to want it but it’s still a demanding comp.
If they eliminate the BotB then penalties for throwing comps will be pointless as the only comps would be HoH and PoV. Throw those and you are not guaranteed safety so that’s the risk you take.
With the BotB, other Hg’s can sabotage another’s game, like they did with Donny last year.
James playing the Bill Cosby card now, asking Production for chloroform to rape Meg since “there’s 0% chance” she’s ever going near him, great. BB has already taken away the alcohol blaming it for James repeated attacks and injuries to Meg. They’ve banned the chocolates too. You don’t need Chloroform, just watch the show. Puts me to sleep in less than 5 minutes.
In addition to playing dumb, playing Brokeback Mountain with Clay, playing welt and bruise Meg, playing King of Glory Hole, now he’s playing date rape druggie? Why don’t you just PLAY THE DAMN GAME JAMES? Thank god you’re a dying breed, playing it safe coasters like you are booorrring and bad strategy while recruits like Austwits steal the airtime and cash. He tried to play hero once, put up Clay instead of Vanessa and evicts Clay over a shirt and showmance jealousy. Now he sucks Austin harder than Liz, I’ll do whatever YOU want Austwits, I’m your pansy, patsy and resident pranky perv. Didn’t work for Frankie.
Is it hanging in jails too long makes him so creepy? Smartest thing to come out of Goblins mouth is they’re not voting for Vanessa to win, mean bitch. Why don’t you do something about it before Final 2? Jabbed thinks he’s helping his cause by crippling Meg with bruises, welts, and bashed eye? Not smart James. Chloroform yourself so JMAC & Steve can get on with the game.
James isn’t the only one who needs to get a grip.
Really James boring? i find hes the only entertainment i’ve seen this week. Why do you want Steve or Jmac to stay? So they keep throwing comps and help Austwins get to the end?
Turn on Roper Room if you wanna watch hide and seek, chocolate fights and dildos made of foil. For people watching game play, James throwing every comp, refusing to talk strategy it goes over my head, and jumping sides to join Austwits, not protecting his own alliance is ridiculous. Brass Tacks does what for him exactly? They won’t even share study answers for comps. Austin treats him like a dog and he takes it while they put Meg on the block, and doesn’t attempt to take to Becky. Steve or JMac. He decoded to go after America’s Fav sacrificing his own alliance. He’s annoying without mentioning his erections, favorite porns or his rough forplay with Meg & Julie.
I have a feeling i’m in the minority with this, but i’m happy there haven’t been twists every week. I prefer when the game is an example of ‘darwinist’ theory to ‘creationist’ answered prayers. That’s right, even when the ‘bad’ guys are winning, i’d rather watch strategy unfold and adapt to across the board changing variables than watch production throwing hail mary’s to tip the scale.
I’m still remembering the BBcan3 comments when i think about this. The number of twists in the last four weeks, and the benefit those twists were to one particular alliance over the other were a real sticking point to a lot of people. I wonder to myself about throwing in the twists a lot of commenters have been asking for. If production did throw those twists in to benefit a player to the final two, would that player be less deserving of the win? I mean, that player didn’t come up with a strategy and adapt to survive, they depended on a production curve ball to get to the end, so do they deserve the win, or does production deserve the win for shielding them from the natural progression of the game?
Personally, I think the house guests are stupid to keep Vanessa in the game. Not because of her personality, not because of her tantrums. She’s won two hoh’s and two povs. That’s a threat. I feel the same way about James. He’s won two hoh’s and two povs. Keeping people that can consistently win comps in the game isn’t smart gameplay for the other house guests if they want to get to the end of the game. The only players benefitting from keeping the strongest competitors in the game are the two albatrosses: Meg and Julia. Either one is a perfect drag along to the end of the game for a guarenteed win at this point.
In terms of the game this week, James will always go after the stronger physical threat in a situation. Less competition for him in the future comps. Austin will predominantly vote to send a male out of the game. He stated that as his strategy in week two or three, for similar reasons to James. The twins will vote against the person they like less. Vanessa will vote against the person most unwilling to play the Vanessa preferred strategic deals over social game. Meg will vote emotionally not strategically in most cases, unless told to do otherwise by James. If pattern holds and attitudes stay the same in the house it doesn’t look good for Jmac.
I agree to some point. I dont like twists but ive accepted them as part of the NEW Big brother ways. I HATE twists that the fans vote for. They always help out the underdogs no matter how shitty of a game they’ve played which is unfair to the people who have played a decent game all season. If they threw in a twist that COULD save the goblins I would want it be in an comp that everyone has a fair chance in winning. BBCAN casts really well but ruins it for me when production makes Canada pick jury member to come in (not even giving Peter a chance), Canada is HOH. (takes out the person sitting most comfortably) and lets Canada decide on who gets to play for 2 EXTRA VETOS! (had Sarah not won her veto and Brittany used 1 of hers on Sarah i would have felt differently about Sarah winning)
When the season started the gameplan was to have a takeover twist weekly. I was dubious about that. i thought that would quickly become production the invisible houseguest.
I accept that twists are going to happen. I still don’t like them. but i accept it.
I doubt i’ll ever be the type of fan that wants a twist to be revealed to save my chosen players. I’m too much of the mindset of adapt overcome and survive or fail and die in the game. If a houseguest can’t maneuver themselves through the game too bad so sad see you on finale night say hi to chenbot for me.
An underdog story comes to fruition when the downtrodden reaches deep and pulls themselves from the bottom to the top despite the odds whereas the epic anti hero is the almost promised one missing one characteristic that would otherwise make them unbeatable, but needs the hand of fate to reach in and adjust the scales of power to make up for the lacking characteristic that is causing their downfall in order for the anti hero to become the hero. I’d prefer to see the underdog to the epic anti-hero. (For this reason i agree that the bbcan3 coup d’etat power didn’t save sarah that week, because she’d already secured her own safety in that particular instance, it saved Godfrey, not Sarah’s game).
If exit interviews and jury house visits have shown anything, it’s that the returning houseguests should be going after pretty evident targets. Shelli will target Vanessa, secondary James depending on who has power because she believes Vanessa backstabbed her when Vanessa actually hotseated Becky, while James targeted her man-child (she’ll always gravitate towards targeting perceived personal wrongs). Jackie will target Vanessa then Austin depending on who has power (she’ll always gravitate goblin). Becky will target the twins and Austin then anyone else that doesn’t have power (she will always go big target and figures the Austwins need to be broken up). If their exit interviews are to be believed, cheer for whichever one you want, they’ll probably play for return and immunity for the first week back anyway.
James has actually only won 1 POV. He did win twice for the HOH.
thanks. my error. got his botb win with Jackie on week four confused with a veto.
So the Darwinist theory proves that Asstin is the Missing Link!
I read that the feedsters want the houseguest to have a hide and seek game. It would be funny if during the game one of them disappeared and was replaced by a jury member for 24 hours.
They already played it.
I’d find it hilarious is Asstin disappeared and just never came back.
Also don’t like BOB but if it come back losers should also be “have nots” for the week.
If BOB comes back BB is dead
If BOB comes back..The losing team should not be able to play for following HOH
Last night while I waited for BBAD to put me to sleep, I was listening to the usual inane chatter, and I could have SWORN I heard Meg say “Jaaaaammmmeeeesssaa” just like the twins do. Oh please dear God, don’t let her start talking like those 2 twits. I would have to stop watching – wait, I pretty much have already.
The dumb hurts even in your dreams
I heard it too, thought it was just me. But it wasn’t James – I heard her say Steeeeveuuuh. Shit, it’s contagious!
I’d want a game reset this week if they don’t redo the stupid relay game. This week’s HOH must not require a very complex build or they would have shut everything down already. What would really be fun is if for the HOH the competition the four jury members have a chance to displace four of the current HG’s. The four first out of competition would be in the jury. That would make them all scramble.
They need to pick from the thousands of people that apply..Right now they’re recruiting almost 2/3 of the HG’s..Liz/Julia being recruited from Bad Girls Club, shows their mentality, the females from that show are pretty vile, and sluitty There’s too many people that genuinely want to be on BB! Does anyone know where they got JMAC? I like him, but you can tell he’s never really seen the game too closely, cause he genuinely doesn’t know how to really play it.
Those are some pretty bad-assed NASTY girls on bad girls club, for sure!!
Jmac is actually a superman. Lied to the HGs about it to be able to play ignorant.
Damn spell check. Superfan not Superman.
They found the most mean whores out of millions in the whole world you have to give credit for that.
Austwit and twins better enjoy this week since next week they will be going on the block. I hope Johnny Mac or Becky returns and puts them up. Vanessa will turn on them in a couple weeks if she is still there or maybe not maybe she thinks she can beat them at the end.
I don’t think what James did of laying low last couple of weeks can be called float… He did it bc his alliance was been picked and getting not involved with all stuff going on helped their cause. Def not a floater who has the only one who when he could put on the block who he wanted and didn’t go with the crap of “I don’t want blood in my hands ” … Please this is BB , if you don’t want blood in your hands go play soft ball not Big Brother!!! Hope Meg pull off a miracle and win tomorrow, Jackie or Beckie to comeback and James/Jackie/Beckie wins next week and evict Vanessa and Liz this 2 weeks.. But hoping for a win from Meg is … A miracle …
Why is Meg still in the house. Say what you will about everyone but I think if they haven’t won any comps the twist should be that they are auto replaced with jury members that have.
I like Julia but she and Meg should be auto-booted.
Im so sick of you whiney ass people who say “I am going to quit watching” why post it every five mins? Just do it already. No one gives a fuck. Why do people keep posting this like someone gives a fuck if they stop watching? Which they are lying about anyway.
Why not post who you are?? If you don’t give a sh**t what others think..call it what it is…A RINKY DINK CIRCUS :)..
Why do people keep posting this?
Apparently to annoy the likes of you…& it worked…now I on the other hand, hate people who hate people who hate…it’s a wondrous cycle, isn’t it? One that we keep falling for…Now you enjoy the rest of the season…or step away from the comment section and be at peace.
It may be a good idea to step away from Big Brother until you’re able to not let it affect you. You may not like the outcome but the people are in the jury house for a reason: they’ve been outplayed.
I think Steve’s HOH was an epic failure but he did what he thought was safe for him.
How are Meg and James a floater? The power has been on one side so they should do what? They tried to get Vanessa put up and it was a no go.
I agree that Meg and James are not floaters. James won the first HOH of the season (the one that most players are too timid to win because they don’t want to make themselves a target that early) and when he won his second HOH he made a big move against Clay and Shelli (having to break a deal he made in front of the entire house to do it). He is a strong player saddled with weak allies. Which brings us to Meg. Weak player, more of a summer camper just hanging out and having fun. But she has never shifted loyalty from her group even as it dwindled, never “floatedback and forth with the power”. So she is not a floater (her and Julia are what I would call coattail riders; to some people that means floater but I subscribe to the other camp where floater is someone who constantly flip flops to whoever has power week to week).
By definition neither are floaters. I think that when people say floater they mean people that don’t win comps.
The floater goes to whomever is in power and aligns with them for the week.
Becky was a floater until she won HOH then she chose a side. Really she actually didn’t choose a side. She just didn’t like Vanessa
It’s rare that we see a player as honest and straight forward as Vanessa go so far in the game. I used to think someone couldn’t win Big Brother without at least telling SOME lies but if she pulls this off it will be historic. Dr. Will taught us how to lie and appear weak to win Big Brother. Let me tell you, Vanessa is showing us there is another way!
I’m sure Jeff appreciates Vanessa’s “honesty.”
I sincerely hope you’re being sarcastic. Vanessa is the only one who truly believes that Vanessa is playing an honest game. Smart? Yes. Strategic? Yes. Honest? Not so much. There is a big difference between beating people over the head with “I’m a straight shooter” comments and actually being a straight shooter. As we speak she is playing both Steve and JMac to see who will be more beneficial to keep for her game, while they both seem to think she is “shooting them straight”.
Please give these HG’s some ALCOHOL….this game has gotten so boring. so predictable yuck..
Dear Next HOH,
This is will be the perfect week to break up the Austin’s Angels Alliance. Put up Vanessa and Austin.If Austin wins veto, tell him if he uses on himself you will put up Liz to guarantee they have the votes to get out Van. If Liz wins and takes off Austin tell her you will put up Julia and do it if she does (this would make for great viewing). If Van wins veto put up Liz. The numbers are all there!
Bored McBorederson
Please let there be a comp that forces me to shave my stinky head and ponytail beard in order to save Liz or myself!!
I think it’s a privilege to get back in the house. So the person back in should not be given anymore help. If they stay, they stay. I want whomever is evicted to come back in. I’ve already forgotten the rest. Besides it would not be fair to the house guest who evicted them fair and square. I don’t care if they are evicted right away.
Fair and square! So getting people to agree to be pawns, then voting them out is fair and square? Throwing competitions is fair and square? Saying you’ll vote for someone then changing your mind is fair and square? My understanding of BB is fair and square is not required and highly discouraged.
He sucks. I would hate to have him as a dentist. First of all, all he would do is yell in your face. Secondly, his teeth are yellow! Like don’t be a dentist if you can’t keep your mouth clean. GROSS! Hope he goes home
Anonymous .. Tough day at work today? Troll harder .. You can’t . 300 pound Virgin, living with your mother ? Ease up bro. Everything will be ok sweety .
Is there anywhere to see last nites episode? Our cable provider dropped Sinclair Group and we no longer have CBS to watch the show. Wanted to watch the Zingbot slams so bad!
There wasn’t an episode last night. Zingbot is tonight.
Be good if Shelli comes back in and joins the goblins. No one would expect it and she has made no deals. She knows Austin and the twins need to be split up and that Vanessa has made all the calls. She could also pull Steve over to that side. But that is the only scenario where I want Shelli back in.
This is actually becoming boring. I am sick of the Austin and Liz porn. Julia and Meg really do nothing and are just there. Probably will be the final two. There needs to be something to make this more entertaining. Bold and Beautiful, please do not put Austin or his tramp in your soap opera. I have even stopped watching After Dark. Usually I can hang on with that until the final 4.
I almost didnt recognize Meg in that pool photo. She looks beautiful in that pic. The bangs need to go.
I am rooting for Meg,James,and John
The twins eye spacing is so far apart….they can actually watch football games in two different states in person. Left eye is in Minneapolis, right eye is in Green Bay.
The twins eye spacing is so far apart….they can see around both corners of a house at the same time.