JAG WON The VETO!! “Matt you’re not going on the block, what the f**k are you talking about?!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Jag
Nominees: America and Blue
POV Players: Blue, America, Jag, Matt, Felicia, Bowie
POV Winner: Jag
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: ?

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation: Blue is main target

2:26pm The live feeds return from being blocked for the veto competition.

JAG WON the Power Of VETO!!!

They’re all sitting around the living room couches talking about the veto competition. Jag has the veto around his neck. The competition had to past house BB25 house guests and matching them up with past events of the season.

America leaves to go into the bedroom alone. America – Matt you’re not going to sit on the block .. what the f**k are you talking about?! Cirie and Felicia walk past. America – we tried.

In the kitchen – Bowie Jane to Matt – that was good! Matt – MMmmmHHmmmm.

2:55pm Comic Bedroom – Cirie, Matt, Jag, Bowie and Felicia.
Jag – now I can say that I don’t think there is going to be the slip n slide. Felicia – they won’t do it for the double eviction because it has to be fast. Jag – It might be after the double. Bowie joins them.

3:05pm HOH room – Jag and Matt.
Matt – that’s so fire BRO! Jag – you’re good. You’re good! Jag – Matt, there’s an update… Mama Fe came to me right before the veto. You know how me and her were up here? And we were the last ones down. She came up here and told me that Cirie told Blue that I was targeting her so Cirie sold us out. Cirie straight up went to Blue and said you’re the real target and she said to Blue.. if you don’t win this veto you’ll be going home this week. And so Mama Fe just told me that this is what she said and I tired to calm down Cirie .. no that’s not what’s happening, no they’re trying to get out America. And in my heart I was like bless your soul Mama Fe .. because she told things that Blue isn’t the target right? I didn’t say anything. Matt – I thought the whole time that Mama Fe was going to be the one telling Blue. Jag – no, Cirie went to Blue to cover her a$$ probably and then Mama Fe was like I don’t know why she is doing this like she is getting real paranoid. That is all true. I told Cirie I am targeting Blue. Why would Felicia go out of her way to come to me and say that Cirie told Blue. That would be a wild thing for her to guess because that’s all accurate. That all happened right before the veto so she was like Blue is playing with a fire under her a$$. I was like f**k dude, I am going to have to fight for my life too then. She also said don’t tell anyone. Matt – I am glad you won dude! I did so f**king bad. Jag – timed competitions are my thing. SO essentially what this means for me .. we can’t trust Cirie. Don’t give her any information. I am not going to target Cirie this week. Its just good to know that we can’t trust her she is trying to use Blue. She is trying to build trust with Blue so that if she stays she goes after us.

3:15pm Bowie and America playing bumper pool.

3:50pm – 4:24pm HOH room – Matt and Jag.
Jag – the question now.. okay two things… America just assumed that Bowie knows that she is not the target .. which is weird because I told America to pretend like you are the target to everyone. Like everyone! So I am sort of like .. Dawg?! Why are you .. Bowie Jane better be the only person that she is acting like that around. Because if she is acting like that around Felicia, Blue or Cirie. Here is my other thing.. Blue keeps saying she wants to get to final five and then we go after each other. Here is what that means.. If she wins HOH next week she already made it to final five..so it doesn’t matter anymore. She is going to take a shot at us. Matt – I know. Jag – Blue has to go. Here is the other thing we have to make sure Bowie Jane is with us obviously. Here is what I am worried about. Felicia wanted to talk to me .. she also .. something happened with Bowie Jane. I am not sure what. Felicia came to me and Bowie in the scary room and said I need to talk to both of you. She was like after the veto. And then she just came up here before and told me about Cirie. She was saying something about Bowie Jane. I don’t know what happened with Bowie Jane. Cirie said something to Bowie Jane and it hurts Felicia’s game. Here is what I am worried about .. right now Felicia is on the anti-Cirie train. She said you got to win this veto and maybe you should reconsider who you’re going after. Which means keep America and get rid of Cirie. If Felicia is on an anti-Cirie train I don’t want her to go to Bowie and talk with her and be like I thought I could trust Cirie but obviously I just trust Matt and Jag. Me, Cirie, Matt and Jag were going to have a four but Cirie just keeps being paranoid, I don’t trust that anymore. So should we pretty much tell or hint at Bowie Jane that they’ve been floating the idea of a four and we’re kind of like ahhh.. okay. For me, I don’t trust Cirie. Right now Felicia is putting more trust in us than Cirie is. I would rather have Felicia on my side than Cirie. Cirie f**Ked us up. Matt – I know. Everyone talks so much. Jag – I know. No easy weeks. We just have to win out the rest of the season. Matt – I just need to get an HOH. The chances are going to get easier.

4:35pm – 4:40pm Storage Room – Felicia and Matt.
Felicia – for whatever reason Cirie thinks Jag is lying about the final four. She doesn’t trust it. Matt – oh really! Felicia – she doesn’t. Matt – oh wow. Felicia – I think she feels that Jag has become the new Cameron and we got to get Jag out. Matt – because he’s getting wins. Felicia – There is no way to really do it unless you get the whole house to say vote out Jag .. and I know that’s who you’re aligned with. I have been trying to tell her to shut it down. Matt – she’s getting nervous. Felicia – she is getting nervous. So she is trying to get everyone on board to get him out. So this morning she went to Bowie Jane about something I said about an all girls alliance. I left that alone. After the nomination ceremony she told Blue if you don’t win veto, they’re going to take you out. The target isn’t America, its you. Matt – yeah she’s getting nervous. Felicia – the reason why I said something is because everyone always thinks its me. I just want you guys to know I trust the final four. I know Jag is a fantastic player. Matt – its good he won the veto.

5pm – 5:20pm Cooking dinner, Matt & America playing chess, Bowie laying down.

5:50pm – 6pm Exercise Room – Felicia and Cirie
Felicia – Everyone thinks they need to be talking to someone. Cirie – I don’t, f**k that! I am okay with not doing any of it. Felicia – its just exhausting! He’s just won an HOH and a damn veto. Cirie – he’s won everything.. and if these fools don’t see it.. that his a$$ needs to go.. Felicia – girl I don’t think they’re going to do it. He can’t play whatever the HOH is. If Bowie Jane wins she ain’t putting him up. If Matt wins, he ain’t putting him up. Cirie – so its up to me, you and America. Felicia – America ain’t gonna play. Cirie – why won’t she …she still going to be here. Felicia – you really think they’re going to send home Blue? Cirie – I don’t know. I just don’t see.. like if its me? and then you put my a$$ right back on the block? Felicia – why would he put you on the block. Cirie – not me, I mean her (Bowie). Felicia – I think he is trying to manage the jury. Why do you think I ended up on the block four F**King weeks in a row? So they didn’t have to piss another person off. Cirie – We’ll see when it happens.. and when he asks to flip the vote,.. if asks to flip the vote I am cursing a B***h out. Because she is feeling it already in her gut. And when he asks to flip the vote I am going to say Felicia sh*t the f**k up. And I am going to say it just like that too. Felicia – okay. Cirie – there is no reason why she should be on the block. NONE! Especially since she ain’t a part of our five. I think Blue is a better competitor. And I think she will take the shot. America will take the shot. And Matt .. just want to do whatever Jag says.

6:15pm Dinner time…

6:22pm Kitchen – Jag and Matt.
Jag – So Felicia talked to you? Matt – yeah she pulled me in the storage room and she said that Cirie is being paranoid. She said that Cirie is nervous and thinks that me, you and Bowie have a final 3. Jag – oh SH*T! Matt – I was like dude, what the f**k! Jag – I am telling you .. Cirie is trippin! Matt – it makes sense because she realizes that we made an alliance with her and Bowie. She is going to want to save Blue I think. But no matter what me, you and Bowie can vote out Blue. Jag – yup!

6:50pm Bathroom – Jag and Matt.
Matt – the thing is if Cirie really did say that .. wouldn’t Blue be acting weird right now? Wouldn’t she be more obviously upset? Knowing Blue she is not really good at hiding things. I think she would be upset knowing she’s f**Ked. Jag – no because she has to pretend. She is good at hiding things. Matt – she is. Jag – Cirie definitely said that. There is no way Felicia would make it up out of no where. Jag – we have to tell Bowie. We have to talk to America and be like obviously we’re going to save her this week but that we want to be in a final 3 or 4 with her.

7:05pm Cirie and America playing

8:17pm HOH room – Jag listening to his HOH music and studying days/events of the season. Meanwhile – Bowie and Matt are in the backyard talking about his hearing disability.

8:26pm HOH room – Jag and Felicia.
Felicia – for whatever reason where Cirie has gotten into a paranoia where she doesn’t believe we have a real final four. Jag – Cirie is saying that? Starting today.. this started happening? That’s what I didn’t catch fully. Felicia – I think one because you put up Blue. And she is like why would he go to the trouble of Blue gets a veto, takes herself down. He pulls you down and then turn around the next week and put her on the block even as a pawn. And I said he said he didn’t want to get his hands dirty with nobody else. I said he didn’t put us up why should we care? She felt that if you didn’t put up Bowie Jane, then your real target was Blue. I am not sure why she thinks that. So she thinks you have a final 3 with Matt and Bowie. I just keep telling her Cirie calm down. I said because Blue has already been up, she’s a good a competitor. He figured if he didn’t win, she would and then she is still safe anyway. Jag – exactly, Blue took second today. Felicia – I don’t know what has made her so uneasy. I said between now and Thursday they’re going to flip the vote to vote out Blue and keep America. I said I don’t think so but that’s what she thinks. Felicia – you can’t asker her. Jag – yeah you can’t ask her because it jeopardizes both our games. Felicia – I said lets just stay calm. Jag – at this point in the game you just need people that you can rock with which is why I appreciate you. You are showing me all of that what I am trying to show you too. Just like you rock with me and you tell me this stuff that you didn’t need to and I see that. Mama Fe is someone that I am fully rocking with and she is fully rocking with me. And we know that .. and the fact that we know that makes this so much easier. Obviously people are going to say certain things in the house whatever it is. Felicia – people start making up anything. Jag – how did that go with Bowie Jane. Felicia – it went well. I am just keeping you in the loop. They hug and Felicia leaves.

9:12pm – 9:43pm Comic Bedroom – Felicia and Bowie studying the days/events of the season. Meanwhile – Jag, and America are playing pool. America tells Jag that her and Cory’s alliance name was pound town (like chill town). Jag – that’s actually hella funny. I’m gonna take her to pound town. Is that for real? America – we thought of it last week. So lets cut the sh*t whats you and Matt’s name? Also pound town? Pound town the sequel. Jag – I don’t even know the dude Matt to be honest. I have never had an issue with you other than .. you’re the mouth .. and why? America – because I’m stupid. It feels like I am just the worst player ever and it sucks. Jag – no you’re not. Now after talking with you I don’t believe that you were trying to target me or that you were going to pull the trigger. At the time I thought maybe you are and maybe you are trying to weaponize other people. But still I am not targeting you. I don’t want to target you. I don’t want that to be a thing we do because that is a short game for us. Who is the next person that gets cooked. America – I would think its me or Bowie.

9:52pm – 10:36pm HOH room – Bowie and Jag.
Jag – I was just checking in with America outside. She was saying next week if she wins we’ll be good.. do I believe that? I want to .. like I actually want to.. I don’t know if I do. Either way if she wins I am hoping she actually stays true to what she is saying to me. Bowie – I believe it more coming out of her mouth than Blue. Jag – absolutely. Yeah. BB switches the feed. Jag – I gave her my word that she (America) is not the target and that she will be safe. She also gave me her word that if I keep her safe that she won’t put us up. People might start getting sus about us three.. which is what it is. Bowie – I think I am always going to be a third replacement anyways because I am the next one on the strong player list. Jag – if me and Matt are put on the block and none of us three win the veto.. that would still be fine because we would still have the votes. What we want to avoid is two of us on the block. Matt joins them. Jag – Obviously this is the squad that I trust the most because I know when we talk about something, I know its not going to go anywhere. Cirie sold us out to Blue. She went to Blue and said that she was the target this week. Essentially she said you better fight for your life for this veto otherwise you’re going home this week. Felicia knows this. Bowie – how does she know? Jag – Cirie mentioned to Felicia. Felicia is obviously under the impression that Blue is not the target. Felicia was like dude you’re being paranoid ..and that if it gets back to us.. it might hurt Felicia’s game. Because I had specifically asked Felicia to reassure Blue that she is not the target. Felicia and Cirie has been hinting that they want to work with me and Matt. But for me if someone tells me, I’m going to tell ya’ll. Ideally Blue goes this week and America goes next week. There are two people that we need to be solid with Felicia and America. The one thing that is keeping Cirie safe is that she is not winning any comps. If she was winning comps she would be out the door so fast.

11:12pm HOH room – Matt and Jag.
Jag – I’ll make that deal with her (America) that she is safe with me next week, which is from five to four. I’ll just make that where there is something that she gets out of it. Like if I keep Jag safe this week, he gave me his word that he will keep me safe the following week. Which will be true if she survives because I won’t take a shot at her… you will, Bowie will, Felicia will, Cirie will. Not me, I never did. Matt – yeah, okay I hope she buys it.

11:40pm All the house guests are sleeping..

6:25 am zzzzzz

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Simon & I could use some Kraken to survive the last few weeks listening to these jokers!
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62 thoughts to “JAG WON The VETO!! “Matt you’re not going on the block, what the f**k are you talking about?!””

    1. I actually think he should have lost this one because winning this puts win a bad position. He is doing over complicated talk again and he’s doing the “I don’t trust Cirie. I won’t target her” frustrating talk again

      1. he needs to win out comps. it’s pretty much his only path to victory. the second he loses a comp, the rest of the houseguests are foaming at the mouth about voting him out.

    1. I am tired of this season being so tiresome. Jag is running the show and the baboons go along. Shows you how freekin’ stupid they are, no need to wonder why this season is a snoozefest with all that stupid runnin’ around.

    2. I pretty much expected a boring comp beast dominated game to develop once Izzy got evicted…the game actually stayed a little more interesting longer than I expected.

  1. Does that make 7 wins for Jag? Dayum…. If he’s not taken out in the dbl….he’s gonna win

    1. During the DE, if anyone other than America wins HOH, do you think they would nominate Jag?(Cirie, Felicia, Bowie, Matt) Maybe Felicia. So here’s hoping that America will pull off her first win, like her shomance did when he won HOH and evicted Jared, during the 1st DE.
      I can’t wait to see the video footage of Cameron seeing Cory as the second HG to enter the jury. I wonder what their talks will be about? Will they put it together that Cirie and Jared are related. Like if Cory says to Cameron, like he did to America early in the season, “Jared & Cirie have the same face”. Cory also asked Cirie a lot of questions about her time on survivor and her kids.
      I know everyone keeps saying production wants Cirie to win, but how can they predict how the jury will vote? Who between Jag, Matt, America, Felicia, and Bowie could Cirie sit next to and for sure get enough Jury votes to win. Cam was a comp beast, and a poor social player, Cirie is a social beast and a poor competitor. Shouldn’t players vote for the HG who played the best “overall” game as the winner?
      If the HGs can pull this eviction off, this will be the first blindside of the season. I can’t wait to see Miss KittyKitty Purr’s face when Julie says, “With a vote of 2-0, Blue you’re evicted from the Big Brother house”. Now that should be worth watching live!

        1. Yep I meant 4-0. Thanks! Because there are 7 HGs left and 3 don’t vote. It’s anybody’s game if they can evict Jag during the DE. It’s been interesting to see how Bowie Jane & Jag have tanked in the popularity polls and Cam continues to be #1 on this site and America #1 on Jokers. And Cirie remains in the middle. I cannot wait for Blue & Felicia to find out how unpopular they are. I don’t see how Matt remains so popular? Bowie Jane moved up in the polls when she became HOH and quickly fell after she backdoored Cam and has become one of the most unpopular HGs. I’m so sick of hearing her say “Right, right, right”. She and Matt neither one act like they can think for themselves.

      1. They have to all know that Jared is the son of Cerie. Isn’t it a little sus how protective they have openly been of each other, without any explanation (that I am aware of)? The night that Jared was evicted should have given it away.

        With that said, Cerie’s fan boys who refuse to entertain the idea of getting rid of each other are going to feel so stupid if she is in the final two as they will all vote for her, even over Jag, who has been keeping his destiny in his own hands, unlike many others that rely on the plans being what they told they were going to be. America and Cory really screwed up by tossing so many challenges. Idk if Matt has been tossing or not, but him too! He has been too reliant on kissing up to whoever has power. If he wins the game, it would be silly.

    1. Weak excuse. Everyone has an equal chance. The only comps that favor others are the ones that favor lighter individuals for endurance because it has nothing to do with will and strength and everyone to do with gravity. True or False is also a luck crapshoot that anyone can win. Any others it is an equal playing field where the most deserving person earns it. Stop being mad.

      1. If it’s a physical comp then it’s not an equal chance?? I mean a 60 something overweight woman isn’t equal to kids half her age…

        1. Yet she chose to be on a show known to have physical competitions. She has more life experience than the others, which can be a plus in game play.

          Matt is deaf, should everyone have to wear noise-cancelling head phones every competition? Then again he has won gold medals in the deaf olympics, so should they only allow deaf Olympians to play?

          Cirie already had a fan base, so when America voted, that was an obvious advantage. Plus she did not have to compete the first night. The others came in after those competitions and she was already in the house.

          How about Jarod secretly having his mother in the house?

          Some people are outgoing and make friends easily, others are shy. Some comps are easier for short people. Some are easier for tall people. Some require more thought, which is unfair to idiots. Some people are natural born liars and backstabbers, so they have a huge advantage in BB.

          Few things in life are fair or equal. BB is no different.

        1. your 3 likes and 17 dislikes say otherwise. anyways what about all the people who say: “I can do anything a man can” ? This is equality at it’s finest. Go cry in a corner Karen.

      2. While I do agree that SOMETIMES they all get an equal chance, I would like to see how they’re accommodating Matt during certain comps where listening is important. While Im sure they’re doing things behind the scenes to accommodate, I’d just like to see it sometimes. I feel like it will help show a more inclusive environment to the audience.. but at this point ain’t nothing gonna help this dumpster fire of a season.

        1. I’ve wondered that myself, Where’s granny?!. When Julie reads a question during a competition and houseguests have to answer TRUE or FALSE, is the question being shown on a screen in front of him? Can all houseguests see that screen? TV viewers might like to see the process.

    2. The physical competitions are iconic…BB comics, OTEV (which i definitely believe they adjusted b/c i don’t remember anyone being able to get up there without the rope). If you are going to have a problem with the competitions which you KNOW they are going to do….do not apply!

      1. Yes I agree! The problem is the game rewards those who win appropriately but do not PUNISH those who lose enough. Only one can win each comp and at the beginning of the season the losers may number in the middle teens, so you in relation to ODDS, you are more likely to lose the comp, AND not go home, as there are so many competitors. It pays to lose, or suck at comps, odds are, you wont go home, or won’t win. BUT UF YOU PUNISH THEM WITH EVERY LOSS, THEY MAY BE MORE INCLINED TO OKAY TO WIN!!! Everyone on slop. The first four to lose this week are ineligible for veto. Or the last two can’t play in the HoH next week. They would stop throwing shit and start playing to win. Not playing to blend in and be the grey man in the room.

  2. Why does Jag keep telling everyone to throw a comp, damn it, just play the game and stop all of the throw a comp to this person, or that person.

    Do these people pay attention, Jag talks, talks, talks, tells you to throw the comp to someone, then the next thing you know, Jag wins the Competition.

    Jag is a control freak, and these idiots better wake up and start playing their own game. Stop letting Jag go on and on, telling everyone what to do. the way it is going now, Jag’s going to be sitting at Final 2.

    The Double is coming up, everyone better play like their life depends on it. They need to get rid of Jag, as long as Jag is in the house, it looks like nobody but Jag wins HOH.

    Matt does not seem to be able to win a comp to save his life. How is Matt going to win HOH on Thursday during the Double, to keep him and Jag safe.

  3. No need to watch BB until Thursday. Donate to the site instead.

    Hoping the double eviction breaks up the Jatt.

  4. Blue will look like such a fool when she is evicted. I am looking forward to Blue walking out of the house, send her butt to Jury.

    The way it stands as of now, Jag is responsible for everyone who has been evicted and sent to the Jury House.

    Jag has Back stabbed Cam, Cory and Blue if she is evicted Thursday night.

    I’m no fan of Jag, he is playing the hell out of these people in the house, so far, what can anyone say to the people in Jury, as to why they should win the game if they are Final 2 sitting next to Jag ?

    I’m hoping Jag is evicted during the Double Eviction, Jag is way to comfortable. These idiots, Jag is their leader, they are not able to win a damn thing.

    1. He can say: “ If you really are a true fan of BB, the road to winning can be very bumpy; in the true sense, BB is a game of lying, backstabbing, manipulation & betrayal at times; it’s never been personal for me , if you truly respect the game, respect that I deserve to win”. ******after all that BS, the bitter jury votes Cirie the win******

      1. Cameron and Cory are big fans of the show, so I don’t think they’ll be bitter jurors. They’ll respect the moves. Felicia probably will too. I can see Blue and America being bitter. Who knows about Bowie, haha.

        1. felicia has stated weekly since week 8 the hoh responsible for her eviction loses her vote.
          Cam will judge by comps, cory by social strategy… the way each one played (a common jury judgement tool: who played most like me but got to final 2).

        2. I don’t feel not giving your vote to win the game to a person that back stabbed you is being bitter. In past seasons of bb some jurors were bitter maybe because they were blindsided, but it wasn’t any shock or suprise it was coming. Jag is playing all sides of the house and back stabbing them one by one. I’d give my vote to the couch over jag if i was in jury…

  5. Wow Jag is going to potentially tie Michael just one season after his crazy new Veto record.

    He might break it too.

  6. Jag deserves to win this game and it will be a shame if he doesn’t. If he’s evicted during the double, it will be anyone’s game to win.

    1. Jag was evicted once and production saved him. No one deserves to win. Jag’s Jury Management is horrible. He has backstabbed the two Jury members so far and will continue to do so because of his multiple alliances.

    2. But technically, he was already evicted. Wonder how that will play to jury, especially if he is with Matt, who saved him?

  7. If Cirie makes it to the end, she now has: Cameron, Cory and Blue’s vote over Matt or Jag. But LOL Felicia won’t let Cirie’s strategy play out – Felicia wants fourth place and wants Cirie out before her.

  8. Mama C figured out Jags master plan and the minute Blu told Felecia she would be a replacement she went straight to Jag and Matt and sold Mama C out. If Jag and Matt believe she’s spiraling out of control they are just as stupid as I thought. Felicia is a fool to believe in Jags final four. Those women should keep America and take Jag out during the double. But Jag has them all misted and will most likely put Cirie on the block now that he knows she’s on to her

  9. I do not know why everyone thinks that Cirie is going to go to the end and win. If anyone is set up to win this it is Jag. I mean come on. … If she did get to the end., she has nothing to show for it other than her social game period.

    1. A vote against Jag is a vote for whoever sits in the second seat. If Jag takes Cirie, She could win. Her position as the weakest player is solid. Remember Josh.

  10. So many people that can’t win at anything. Matt is not too bright. Bowie is only worried about her hair and eye make up. Cirie and Fel, useless….maybe cooking. Blew is annoying and needs all that make up. America wanted a showmance, period. Jag has zero competition now that Cam is gone.

  11. If they want a final 4 with jag,matt,bowie and america then take america off the block and put up fecelia and still vote out blue

  12. What the crazy bag of cats is doing:
    a) remember the seed Cory planted; everyone likes / trusts Cirie more than Fe.
    b) remember, Blue told Fe that if Blue won veto, Fe was renom.
    c) remember Fe has had a rivalry with Ci since week 4 (back when Fe / Me decided Ci was too close to Iz).

    Fe thinks she’s getting herself a rung above Cirie on the ladder.
    She thinks she’s proving loyalty to the boys.
    She thinks she’s helping Cirie within the final 4, but getting herself final 3 in the process.
    She thinks Matt read a Bible without combusting and Jag looked at her, therefore they are telling the truth.

  13. Felicia has turned into quite the snitch, she has thrown Cirie under the bus, backed up and rolled over her again. Felicia is pissed and jealous that everyone seems to like Cirie more than her, Felicia has been jealous of Cirie for a long time.

    I still think Jag will keep Cirie over Felicia? Bowie runs and snitches, reports to Jag who’s talking with who. Felicia is now running and reporting to Jag, but smiling and chilling with Cirie, Matt tells jag everything, Jag is in a good spot.

    I wonder if Jag will tell Cirie that Felicia has been talking crap, and throwing Cirie under the Bus? Felicia will never be liked more than Cirie, Felicia’s not as smooth as Cirie, and it’s really annoying Felicia, Both of them suck from a game standpoint.

    Cirie, Felicia, America, and maybe Blue want Jag out, but they can’t win Shit!! Neither can Matt, It’s going to be interesting seeing who wins HOH during the double ? If Matt loses to the women, that’s going to show just how lousy Matt is at competitions. That will be funny

    Jag is going to freak out if America wins HOH.

    1. I think you may be right about the jealousy with Felicia….. I think hearing that she (Felicia) might be a replacement nom put her granny pants in a bunch & needed to throw Cirie utb….. as for myself, I’m kinda enjoying the backstabbing right now, otherwise, boredom…. Now, if Cirie gets wind of this, a granny showdown could occur & that’ll be some good reality TV

      1. Felicia’s jealous of Cirie because HG’s prefer chatting with her. Felicia & Bowie haven’t shown any skills but both expect to be with Jag/Matt in the end. As much as I wanted to root for Matt, he turned out to be a disappointment. He’s Jag’s lackey. Blue is an egotist and lacks insight. I hope she watches the show back and sees how badly Jared treated her. America won’t make it much further unless she wins something. That leaves Jag the comp beast. He’ll win if he’s in the F2 and the jury isn’t bitter. This is my least favorite BB season. I really don’t care who wins. It’d be more interesting if they would put a camera in the jury house.

        1. I love the camera in the jury house idea. That’s something they should do every year anyway. Unless there is something in the contract with the houseguests that production won’t do that.

      2. Mama Fe is a joke. Telling Jag not to tell anyone, It is going to get right back to Cirie. Jag already told Matt and Bowie. Did Mama Fe forget Jag told everyone about the invisible HOH? Jag don’t know how to keep a secret. Cirie is right. Jag, Matt, Mama Fe and Cirie are 4.
        Mama Fe forgot about Bowie. Mama Fe you would be number 5 so no need to throw Cirie under the bus it would be better to throw Bowie if you want the fourth spot.

  14. Matt and Jag show continues. Should have voted out Cirie and kept cam, should have voted out america and kept Cory. Stupid is as stupid does this season. DEI will win the day just as production intends. I’m surprised the heterosexual white males made it as far as they have/did.

    1. Competition wise, is Cory a better choice than America? A mental game I think Cory has a chance. Physical no – Jatt got him beat. Thought America stood a chance physical but here we are. Either one of those two are an equal threat because showmance.

      Maybe Cory gone is better because America is less threat than Blue as we’re seeing right now.

      1. I’m talking from the standpoint of the rest of the house getting Jatt evicted. They’ve stupidly picked off the last two that could have done that.

  15. FYI. All Cirie said to Blue was “Wouldn’t it be nice if you won the veto”. She didn’t explicitly tell Blue that she was the target

  16. In looking at the pictures along with the text, I noticed particularly the one of Jag and Matt preparing food or fixing their plates of food. Jag really needs to have his hair pulled back or in his turban. Matt’s hair is kind of bound by his hat, but Jag’s hair…ugh around food.

    Issues I’m having (a list)
    A) night one comp 4 malfunction. prodo chose the loser.
    Cirie didn’t have to compete for safety.
    B) 50 per cent + of vetoes have been ind. time or questionable. 7/13
    C) Ind. time or questionable HOH comps: 3 (wtf)
    D) 3 non-eviction votes.
    E) that week 2 nether region twist that was… useless? gave safety to Jared and Jag…what else did it do?
    F) viewer vote with a stuntcast hg. guess who got the most votes.
    G) HOH’s replaying 2 weeks running: 2.

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