Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Matt
Nominees: Cirie & Felicia
POV Players: Everyone
POV Winner: JAG
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: No more havenots
Lock your ranks in before midnight
The Situation: Cirie is the target now.
12:12pm Comic Bedroom – Cirie and Felicia.
Felicia – Jag is still thinking about it.. I said I am going to tell you what I told Matt, don’t sleep on Bowie Jane. Cirie – Oh so you did get to talk to Jag? Felicia – quick because then Bowie Jane came out so then we were all three sitting there. So then Bowie Jane went in and Matt sat up and I said so what are you thinking this week coming? And he said well I am not totally sure if I am going to use the veto. And so I said Jag, I am going to tell you what I told Matt, don’t sleep on Bowie Jane. Bowie Jane been hiding under the radar this whole game. I said I think you guys are underestimating Bowie Jane now. You think she will just give it to us and you’ll go to the end. I said don’t do that. She all of a sudden she’s won two HOH’s and I said she was right on your behind yesterday. I said next week whoever wins HOH .. I said if she were to happen to win HOH what is she doing because the veto person decides who stays or goes. And now you got to ask yourself what’s she going to do? Now I did ask Matt that, who is she closer too? Well I don’t know he said .. I am looking at how much time she’s been spending with Jag. I said absolutely, she’s sleeping up in that room. You guys need to think about what you’re doing and again I don’t know if they’re keeping me or you because no one is saying nothing. Cirie – I ain’t even talk to these suckers yet. She took Jag’s and her sheets… So I hope Matty Ice is paying attention to that sh*t! She pulling his sheets off.
12:40pm Backyard – Cirie and Felicia
Cirie – what did Jag say when you said it? Nothing. Felicia – they both just look at you. I said just remember two HOH’s, she put out Cam and she has never hit the block! Do NOT underestimate Bowie Jane! And if she happens to win HOH next week, one of you are going on the block. Cirie – MMMMmmmHHmmmm.. Which one though? Felicia – and who is she closest to? And who is going to win the veto? Better be thinking about that… and that top three she just might beat one of ya’ll. She might win the first round and gets to decide who sits next to her. Cirie – what did they say? Felicia – they just look at you stupid.. because I think they just haven’t resonated with all of this. Like don’t think that carrying Bowie Jane to the end is your easy out. And then again .. who is she closer to? Neither one of you know that now. Cirie – they don’t. Felicia – I think Matt all along thought it was him but now all of a sudden he is seeing her latching onto Jag. Well of course she is playing up to both of them because she wants to make sure they don’t put her a$$ out. But who is she going to pick?! I even asked her and she didn’t say nothing. Cirie – you asked her? Felicia – I sure did! Cirie – what did you say? Felicia – girl, you know me! I said if you win HOH next week, who are you putting on the block. She said you know that’s a hard decision. She said there is a lot to think about because really its the veto winner. She said both of them will probably be sitting there and pick each other. I said don’t be so sure about that. They know that each one of them is their worst competition. I said so which one of them are you actually close to? She said HHHmmm I hadn’t thought about that! Girl, she so stupid! Cirie – oh my god! No she ain’t stupid. Felicia – she never commits to nothing. NOTHING! NEVER! But I ain’t mad at her because I would do the same thing. She don’t feed me nothing, I don’t feed her nothing. Cirie – the fact that they keep running lets me know he ain’t going to use that veto. Maybe these few conversations can change his mind.
12:56pm HOH room – Jag and Matt.
They talk about finale. Jag – BRO I hope The Hitmen are there! Matt – We’re The Minute Men, they’re The Hitmen. Jag – that would be cool, we got to take a pic with The Hitmen. Derrick and Cory BRO! Matt – I know! We did what you guys did. Jag – yeah, that was a good season. We did exactly what they did. Me and you are The Minute men and then we have a third person who… for them it was Victoria and for us it is Bowie. Matt – The Hitmen played Victoria… We played Bowie.. Jag – like a fiddle! Matt – the minute men are clocked in. Jag – arguably we did really well recently. Matt – we made some bold a$$ moves. We made Bowie flip. Jag – that was crazy. She was not going to flip. Making Bowie flip was the turning point. Matt – and like the minute men wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the super power.
1:18pm Backyard – Matt and Cirie.
Cirie – what would Bowie do though? I know I would be going up but with who? Matt – That’s what I don’t know right?! I know that Jag is trying to get closer to Bowie a little bit. Cirie – I see that. Matt – non-stop 24/7. Cirie – I know. Was she always before because she used to always want to get close to you. Matt – I know. Cirie – she always told me that she trusted you. It sounds crazy but I really am rooting for you. Matt – thank you. I am rooting for you too. Cirie – I know but if it can’t be me. I really want it to be you to get here. Matt – thank you. Cirie – just don’t let them lead you the wrong way. Matt – just keep talking. Just keep talking to them. Cirie – I haven’t really even talked to Jag or Bowie. And especially since everything is supposed to stay the same, I don’t what him to think I am getting nervous. I’ll check in with them and you periodically. Matt leaves to suntan.
1:55pm – 2:55pm Suntanning.. Meanwhile Cirie and Felicia play pool. Bowie, Cirie and Felicia start playing a card game while sitting on the backyard couches. Bowie – this is the best thing that has happened to us getting cards! Felicia – this is something to do! Cirie – thank you to whoever’s idea that was .. this has changed my life! Bowie – we just need wine and then it’ll be fun. Matt joins them to play cards. They head up to the HOH room to play cards because its too windy outside.
3pm – 3:58pm HOH Room – Final Five card games. Felicia makes a meat, olive, pickles and relish board
4pm – 5:12pm Bullsh*t card game..
5:45pm HOH room – Jag, Cirie, Felicia, Matt and Bowie.
Bowie gets the camera. Cirie heads down stairs. Bowie – Matty Ice coolest guy in the house what is one thing on your bucket list? Matt – Bucket list is go sky diving in Hawaii with Reilly. You know what I’m saying?! Bowie – Sir Jag what is one thing on your bucket list? Jag – One thing on my bucket list is go on a hot air balloon ride in Hawaii with Reilly…….. and Matt of course!! Matt – its a triple date! Felicia heads down stairs. Bowie – Felicia’s was win big brother but don’t show the boys. Matt – okay, that means she’s got to go now.
5:55pm Kitchen – Cirie and Felicia.
Cirie – Girl I don’t think Matt appreciated that comment. He just went .. and Reilly.. and Matt went (hitting his fist in his hand). And then kind of chuckled. People don’t appreciate .. them jokes aren’t funny. Cirie – Jag is getting real arrogant. Even his comments, everything he says is now real openly different. Before we were playing he said “Shut up dumb a$$” to Matt. Felicia – I don’t like that “Dumb”. I don’t like that. Its too damn bad Matt didn’t win that veto. Cirie – Mmmmhmmm. Felicia – he would have brought one of us down and put Jag’s a$$ up on the block.
6:20pm Bedroom – Jag and Bowie.
Jag – if me and you f**k up this HOH.. Bowie – we’re losers.. absolute losers. Jag – I am evicting myself. Don’t even keep my anymore. Bowie – me too. Jag – give up on me immediately. Bowie – Felicia said to me .. you know the good thing about next week whoever wins veto comes down and will be the one voting. I said yeah that’s right. End of story. I said basically it just depends on who wins. Jag – that’s sad that we are standing in the way of her one bucket list item. Bowie – yeah. Jag – and I will do everything in my power to make sure she never achieves that bucket list item.
6:20pm – 6:56pm Matt, Jag and Bowie working out. The seagulls in the peanut gallery continue to squawk.
7:09pm Living room – Matt and Felicia
Felicia – Matty Ice, we’ve been watching them guys become very insulting towards you. Matt – they have? Felicia – Are you paying attention? Matt – yeah. Felicia – you ain’t paying attention to what they’re doing? Matt – what did they insult me on? Felicia – just comments, you got to be listening and watching to what they’re doing. Remember I said watch behaviour? Just watch behaviour, that’s all I’ll say. Matt – did they say anything about me without me? Felicia – just dumba$$.. I mean just little comments. Matt – well I can’t hear them that’s why I didn’t know that. Felicia – they’re insulting you. We hear them. Matt – I know, I know. Felicia – man I wish you had won that damn veto. Bowie Jane is showing who her allegiance is to. Matt – I know. Its obvious.
7:38pm Kitchen – Matt and Felicia.
Matt – we will need to talk at some point to plan for next week. Felicia – MMMmHmmm.. for real! He (Jag) is definitely going to carry her (Bowie) to the final. Matt – yeah. Felicia – and he may get his feelings hurt because people may say if he was goofy enough to bring her a$$ to the final, they may let her win. We got to have a strategy. I can win that damn HOH and you can win the veto. You watch, I feel it in my gut. Matt – underdogs.
8:12pm Kitchen – The house guests are making dinner.
8:36pm – 8:50pm Comic Bedroom – Felica and Cirie.
Big Brother gave them another bottle of wine. Bowie poured split it with everyone and now Felicia and Cirie are even more salty because they know Bowie and Jag had bottles of wine from their HOH baskets that they were saving. Cirie & Felicia think Bowie should have just given the one from BB to them and not taken any.
Felicia – I am amazed at how selfish she (Bowie) is. She has a whole bottle of wine and she makes us split a bottle. Cirie – and he took some of this wine.. why would you take some of this when you have a bottle of wine? Felicia – one bottle of wine each and you wouldn’t let us share a bottle. Cirie – the fact that they split one bottle of wine. Is crazy! Jag kept looking at me because I was trying to keep my face together. Why you looking? Because you know its foul. Felicia – Matt wasn’t down here to say no I don’t need nothing. Cirie – I thought they were saving it till we got the wine. Felicia – show who they are. Cirie – what are you going to do.. its their wine.
9:27pm HOH room – Jag, Matt and Bowie take selfies together.
10:16pm Kitchen – Jag and Cire.
Cirie – I know tomorrow you’re not using the veto. I know that’s the plan and that you’ve got me. I know you got me. Its not that I am trying to check you out. Jag – no, no, you wanted to chat. Cirie – I know you got me. I have no desire but to see you guys its been a thing for .. even if its not me or Matt. As long as you and Matt are there. I feel like Reilly put us together and I feel like .. I can’t even say like the three amigos.. but I love you guys. I know you know but I have no desire to do anything or come after .. I want to be with you guys. Jag – no I’ve never thought that. Cirie – I love you guys. Jag – I know. They hug. Jag – I love you.
10:56pm – 12am HOH room – Jag, Matt and Bowie share their wine. They start playing never have I ever.
12:45am Quad cam on Cirie and Felicia sleeping..

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“Matt â The Hitmen played Victoria⌠We played Bowie.. Jag â like a fiddle!”
Based on the above, I’m assuming that VETO will be used, and BFJ will be put up, and kicked out. HUMM.
No, Cody & Derrick took Victoria to final 3 & then tossed her out with her thinking she was final 2 They plan to take her to 3 and ditch her then. She has to win next week and put up both boys if she has any chance. Even then, she probably will be 2nd.
Incidentally, that season, Cody won final 2 & stupidly evicted Victoria. Derrick won 7-2. I can see this happening with Matt & Jag because they both have big egos & think no one would vote for anyone but them. Jag will win final 2, boot Bowie & lose to Matt.
I think Jag is sharpening that knife for Matt’s back and plans to take Bowie to final 2.Unless Jag is stupid enough to think he is the new Derrick.
Derrick didn’t take Cody. Cody took Derrick. Derrick played the whole house expertly. We don’t know who Derrick would have taken, only what he said he would have done.
Cirie will convince the jury to vote Matt for the win if the jury isn’t bitter enough over Jag already in a final 2 scenario with Matt vs Jag.
Bowie needs to pull out a veto win and show the boys who’s boss as winning HOH means nothing cept maybe a 3rd place finish for her if she’s in final 3 competing.
Unless she has been throwing all the physical comps this season ( which is a possibility) If so, we have a ballgame ;o)
Otherwise predictable if the boys win first two comps.
It doesn’t matter if she wins and puts them both up. Whoever wins veto has ALL the power and controls EVERYTHING next week. Now if she were to win veto, THEN she could do some damage, but there’s no way in Hell Bowie f’ing Jane has the guts to do that. I just don’t see her voting out either Jag or Matt, UNLESS Jag gets in her head and strongly encourages her to “cook” Matt.
I don’t see that happening either though. My guess is that if Jag is going to backstab Matt, it’ll happen during the final HOH, which he’d have to win of course, in order to do it.
there’s a lot of good arguments to do this, especially since jag and matt both seem genuinely content to go to final 2 with each other. cirie and felicia are so unlikely to win the critical comps next week and bowie actually has a shot at them. get cirie next week and one of the two of them is almost guaranteed to win in a final 3 with felicia.
Jag & Matt — how does it feel to be on BB25 known as one of the worst seasons ever by so many ? Your arrogance & conceit knows no bounds. Find comfort in knowing it’s just not you; this season is
Feeders who like to complain seem to say that ever season in the last few years.
This season is way better than some of the recent ones. And the HGs overall have been likable, although their worst flaws have gotten ugly at times.
Derrick’s season was a dull steamroll. Paul’s second season it was awful to watch him controlling the house week after week, I stopped watching some time after jury began. I also couldn’t stomach Tyler’s season for some reason I can’t recall, I stopped watching before Casey began her comp runs.
We have very different opinions on what is entertaining. To me, this is the most boring cast ever. Paul was an excellent villain who was very entertaining and I enjoyed watching him lose because of jury mismanagement. Derrick’s gameplay was masterful and entertaining. I thought that both Tyler and Casey were likable and entertaining.
Tyler’s season was one of those where the cool, hot, athletic houseguests banded together and steamrolled the rest of the house. Those seasons annoy me. That didn’t happen this season until the last few weeks.
IDK. Foutte I had athletic people on their side they just got played. Season 20 was one of the better seasons. Brett was so funny.
Brett was hilarious.
If I remember correctly, Foutte sometimes played themselves :D. They had a few athletic people, unlike Tyler’s group that were all athletic.
Totally agree! So boring. They need more twist in the game to shake things up like when they used to do Pandoraâs box. I feel like this season each week itâs obvious whatâs gonna happen thereâs no mystery or guessing anymore. They need to do something to break it up especially when itâs turning into this bunch of floaters. And they need a cast that was more interesting strategic passionate about playing bb people that are actually play the game and make moves like they really wanna win not just sit around the whole season.
The “narrative” seems to be losing steam. TBH, this is one of the better seasons in the past oh 5 seasons.
Wouldn’t it be funny if Matt saw Reilly on finale night? Only to find out she gained 20lbs as well and doesn’t look like the same person anymore either. They could meet again for the first time!
That would be very funny!
In looking at the picture of Matt in the sun on the lawn chair, I think that very few women would find his body disappointing.
One thing I know- They are NOT Cody & Derrick and never will have the moves they had.
I did not like Derrick. The way he treated the person he wanted out was horrid. He is not a role model he played a horrid game. Just awful. Why do people continue to admire his game play? He openly treated people like poop and made the other minions do the same. Just no
he was much more palatable than frankie. frankie was nails on chalkboard annoying. i wasn’t crazy about derrick. i found him cold, stiff, and a tad bland. while he was distant to his targets to the point of being rude, he wasn’t that much of a bully compared to players in other seasons or even some of the actions of players his own season. he did play a good game though.
I’m gaaaayyyyyyy, I’m gaaaaaayyyyyyy, yaaaaaaaay. Man, he was insufferable and still is riding lil sis’ coattails with his “talent”.
And we have him, partially, to blame for this stupid season. Seems like ages ago that those 3 broke into the BB house and started all that nonsense. It’s all Frankie’s and what’s there names, fault.
A pile of dog sh*t is more palatable than Frankie!
I donât get the Derrick love either. I wasnât a fan of Derrick or Cody.
There’s something in your name that provides some insight into your jealousy of Derrick.
its big brother not miss congeniality.
I want a surprise in the storyline with one of the remaining women winning HoH. They had to mention Derrick and Cody from the season that I hate the mostâŚ.
Ugh, that season sucked! The only good things about that season were : Christine (Freddy Kruger) getting booed, Donny winning AFP & Frankieâs face after he won it, Zachâs zing âŚ.. I remember the arrogance of Derrick telling Victoria:â shut up and just look prettyâ
I would like to see a second chance season or they bring back all stars, best players, except for the winners that have already won.
I love the Zack I wanted him to win that year
You guys or whatever pronoun you may desire need to go to your safe space and hug the teddy and rainbow blankie like there’s no tomorrow.
are you kidding? last season was already set up for a female poc to win. does it need to be rigged again? let the best player win this time as deserved.
Not near as good as the hitmen but still dominating this season well. I hope they stay loyal and go final 2. Yes I know people that like garbage players to win will not like this comment. But look on the bright side. You got your terrible winner last season.
yeah, jag and matt have actually played good games, and the narrative they have this season on paper isn’t bad. wrestling back and forth for power between them and jared, cam being a fly in the ointment. cory unfortunately failed to win the challenges necessary to keep the endgame interesting and ultimately its just the super weak games of blue, felicia, and bowie that really drag this season down, but jag and matt exploiting that isn’t a knock on them so much as their opponents (even if more competent players would have destroyed jatt like a month ago).
The fact many of the thin skinned here don’t like them, means they are playing a great game. Production is really trying hard to drag “Siri” to the finale, and it still may happen.
100% true. Most fans are more focused on who they want to win rather than appreciating good gameplay. So they try to come up with justifications in their minds when their favorites are getting rekt.
I agree it should be Matt and Jag in the end but I really think Jag is going to backstab Matt because he knows everyone likes Matt better and Matt has done enough comp-wise. I don’t think Jag wins over Matt and he knows it. For me, Bowie Jane at the end would be the worst case scenario. She always latched onto power and could not make a decision or process a thought of her own; so easily manipulated.
Normally I would agree but I think Matt and Jag have the best chance only against each other because aside from Cory and and Cam. I can see the rest of the jury voting bitter and not based on game. So they would be happy to hand the victory to anyone remaining in the game sitting next to Jag or Matt in the final. Well Jag for sure, maybe not Matt.
Bowieâs path to victory self destructed with her choosing to eliminate America over jag. I couldnât believe that she actually made that error. I donât know why you wouldnât want to take her to the final two. I do think that Jag deserves to win the game, but letâs face it, Matt is a more sympathetic character and didnât do the dirty work that Jag did, so I would assume that Matt will win this game. I donât think that he could explain his game but he will 100% get votes from Cerie and Felicia. Two votes out of 7 are huge!
I feel Blowie Jane might play Matt and Jag like a fiddle after this season is over, get her fingers all over their fretboards. Sheâs been eying them both and will probably make a move, unless they try to double team her first. Sheâs gonna have a lot to handle but with that choice of DJ name, BJ, sheâs probably use to handling to at a time. You know, songs that is. Whether jury house, or hotel, Matt and Jag will for sure put her on the rails.
If she wins the next HOH and gets one out, she has made a case for winning the game. I know that she has been a floater and turned on her greatest ally, while eliminating a non-factor player, it will look genius if she gets Jag and Matt. It would be hard to win against Cerie or Felicia but a case could be made for sure!
The only way she does that is by winning the Veto and having the balls to vote one of them out herself. Do you really think she has it within herself to do that based on what we’ve seen of her so far this season?
I don’t.
I’d point out that you are a boring perv with no life, but you’d confuse it for encouragement; pond scum
Let’s be honest. Big Brother as we know it is dead. Time to put a fork in it. I quit watching about 10 episodes ago. I just come in here to read the comments. The show we all loved is long gone. The people they have on this show have no clue how to play Big Brother. Watching unanimous votes every week is just flat out boring. I started watching this show back in season 6 and this year I just came to the conclusion it’s time to hang it up.
Agreed. The unanimous vote is by far the worst thing that has happened to the game. I drives me insane. I wish they would find a way to put an end to it.
I would love to see someone always throw in the one vote for the person not being evicted. Someone who no one would expect to do it! And, never spill the beans itâs them! It would possibly cause chaos in the house. It would drive some people crazy.
People should not be allowed to say who they are voting out. Maybe say where they are leaning but leave their votes anonymous. Imagine that.
I watch the Thursday night episodes with bated breath, hoping at least this time it will not be unanimous. Always disappointed.
I agree about it being boring and the cast that they choose boring thereâs too many floaters and not enough real big brother players like you said that really played the game but I donât want it to go away. I just wanted to get better I want to improve the show in the cast, but yes, this season has many in the past have been super boring. Thereâs no mystery of biting your nails on whoâs gonna win something itâs just like whatever you can tell. Itâs gonna happen every single week.
Sorry, but you are a slow learner. I haven’t watched a full season for 6 years. The “burn out” or “cook out” was the final straw to watching any episodes. The open racism and vile behaviour was a bridge to far and embraced by production….Real life stuff in the BB house and was intentional by loading 50% of the 13%.
the complexion of the BB game changed with George Floyd’s death 3 yrs ago.
Sadly you are correct.
I’m assuming it’s because Production calls the shots more & more each season, and the cast they pick is just plain BB clueless.
The early seasons were the best (1-11). Once they started the scripted diary rooms I started losing interest.
It has been dead since season 23. Fortunately this season is already better than 23 and 24.
aka Were these 5 always such assholes only now there’s not enough people to feed switch in order to to hide it? hmmm.
Considering the number of people and game relationships that were Haleena’d this season, it’s odd that people who have had lion’s share of focus… are so unlikeable as people at this point.
Minutemen backstab parade.
Minutemen double dipping.
Matt Cirie relationship, get Jag deal.
Felicia spilled
Bowie Hoh. Am/Fe nom. Matt veto. bye America
begging flashback coming.
Felicia happy
Matt smug.
Blue told 43 minutes ahead.
Jag plays victim.
Reilly flashback 1… I actually can’t look at her face.
Blue lies that Jared didn’t tell the secret.
Bowie thrown HOH.
America and Felicia told lies.
Matt veto. hates America, but will hear her out. he felt bad bullshit.
where’s the worthless stupid slutshame cheater accusations Matt spewed for 2 weeks? felt bad? gtfo.
America begs. Jag can’t look her in the eyes.
tells women they’ll win, this is what happens.
Cirie believes America
Matt vow to Cirie. Jag joins.
Record set straight flashback
Jag spills Felicia spilled. Matt lies. Matt D/R owns he said it.
Cirie lies.
Felicia day 72 flashback within a flashback.
Jag only trusts Matt and Bowie.
Matt reconsiders targeting Jag D/R
Boilerplate bullshit D/R.
Bowie is FINAL 3 to the bone.
Cirie needs to win.
Jag targeting Felicia. felicia target jag. matt target fe. cirie target jag and everyone as cover (tactical error)
FE HITS MATT. 2 left
round 5
Cirie realized Matt’s never turning on his master, good boy, fetch, roll over. WU / TONY FLASHBACK, SORRY.
Felicia thinks shit, thesehere final 4 boys ain’t targeting fbj, are they?
We’re loyal heroes we keep our word we’re winning
eyeroll, cutting bullshit with butter knives.
Bowie thinks smooth sailing.
I have to pawn someone Matt says. D’uh really? new here? derp.
Felicia asks if fbj is final 4. FELICIA’S GUT…
BARFBAGS can be found in the pocket on the back of the seat ahead of you.
Reilly flashack2.
Reilly letter. omfg vomit.
yeah, that’s why you were called rats. SURE.
Sideye… i can’t. this is going to be the post season manufactured relationship until Feb for bb press, isn’t it? look at season 24 prediction regarding prodolationships. think old hollywood studio ordered romances.
Cirie is guilt tripping. Hem haw.
Matt promises she’s safe.
Matt answers dumb as in mute no eye contact. Matt draws a line… at final 5.
Sideye. Our hero… as long as nobody ever needs help.
Reasons revealed privately.
I never understand what you are writing.
I usually love un autre momâs posts, but this one post was so long and cumbersome, I got lost. Full disclosure: I am a very poor reader, so I could be the problem.
Show recap.
ok , you try review/recapping reactions for the epidsodes real time. lol
I guess I’ve gotten sloppy in my shorthanding. sorry, I’ll try to be more clear.
I started doing recaps for parts of our community that watch feeds, not episodes, and wouldn’t know why there were comments of events from the episode storyline that didn’t match how things happened on feeds.
Perfect example:
Near the top I mention Haleena, a bbcan10 houseguest that was edited almost completely out of episodes until week 6, when they had to flashback to cover that she’d been part of the story. The season winner’s final 2 since day 3 was edited out of conversations and plans 100% of the time until week 6. Feed watchers and episodes only watchers had completely different takes on what was going on.
When episodes edit out bigger details of feed events to focus exclusively on production storyline (like Izzy this season, like the unreliables even being a thing, like Cam’s social game snafus, like America / Cory relationship), questions and debate would arise from feed watching and episode only watching members of our community, when technically both views were correct from differing frames of references.
My attempt has been to inform so that we see the differences between what happens in the episodes vs. what actually happened. They aren’t the same.
As a member here for at least 10yrs, Iâve gotten to know and love your posts. I appreciate you for recapping the episodes and love your personal takes. Iâve laughed out loud more times from you than anyone else. Donât ever change AN
I agree Another names posts are a lot of fun to read.
Sheâs recapping in a hilarious way. I always enjoy her wit.
Felicia is just a nasty person in general. She touches food without washing hands and carries food in her dirty ass robe and then wants to say how people are playing dirty against her. You my lady are gross. You talk smack about everyone and then get mad when things don’t go your way. Win something besides a luck shot HOH. Who gives a shit about her “1” jury vote? So tired of listening to her ugly ass.
Well, what else would you expect? Like seriously.
You forgot her farting, annoying laugh, tooth ejecting and discussion of her gross bodily issues.
She is too damn entertaining to watch. Gross, slob, bluh bluh, whatever. She is funny!
If Jag wins final 4 HOH:
Heh heh heh âŚ. it would be buh-bye Jagmeister
a “priceless” moment it would be
Can’t wait for Felicia when she reads all the comments on her gross Fester ass. She is such a hateful person.
And Fe is such a hypocrite! She says âG**damn & Jesusâ constantly. If not that, itâs âsh*tâ all the time. I cannot wait for her to watch the season back so she can see how disgusting and hypocritical she was. And also that she has been unpopular since day 1 and remains one of the least favorite HG.
I just think this season was full of way too many floaters, Tagalongs and gameless followers.
Like Cameron or not, he was the only strategizing aggressive player. He tried to play every angle possible I wouldâve loved to seeing him make it further so the show was actually interesting but all these people want to sit around and just vote out players that were aggressive in their strategizing and gameplay.
Too many people wait till the end to try to get solid in a way to be there.
I miss the days and they were more interesting episodes more suspense on whoâs gonna win people like Janelle and Dan that really made moves, I found this cast to just be boring but the cast havenât been very good in a while. I need to find people who really want to play the game.
But Iâll still love my brother. Iâ watch it every year regardless iâve been watching it almost 20 years now and I really like the big brother Canada. They have really fun competitions and entertaining drama. If you havenât seen it if you love red brother, youâll like big brother Canada you can find it on Paramount+
One more thing I donât want to see Matt or jag win. I hate when there is obvious outcomes for weeks, there no guessing. If Matt wants to win he needs to get jag out. Donât care if they worked to which is jag telling Matt what to do week after or that they are friends in the house.
This is shot at $750,000. Thatâs life changing. Do the right thing man and get jag out. If you go home with the money and youâre not living in the same house. Youâre not gonna be worried about jag but if he donât when heâll be going home with regrets.
And when they put a random survivor on there and her son thatâs an unfair advantage that the rest of us didnât have. But I do think it would be cool with it did more cross server but it had me survivor people in half big brother people. Iâve always wanted them to do crossover with Canada. They had a lot of cool cast members that I would love to see mixed with the American version. Sorry for the long post.
I agree with your comments but for one issue,Cam had a strategy?If betraying every alliance you join and being condescending to everyone is a strategy,it’s a bad one.
The hoh winners should share their wine with cirie and felcia. And shouldn’t drink from the bottle tonight and let cirie and felicia drink that one as well. Its not fair.
It should show Cirie and Felicia where they stand with their fake final four alliance
Maybe they should have won something to get their own bottle instead of depending on everyone else to share….kinda their mindset all season long of everyone else do their dirty work and bring them along.
This season towards the end has been boring, 10 minutes in and you already know how it’s going to end. This Matt and jag back and forth is terrible. Let Cerie or Felicia win something so they can shake up the house. When they pick names for the veto is so obvious you know from your couch who is going to play. I would like to see Matt make a big move and back door jag but no jag won the veto! Other seasons have been better!
better players are dominating. sorry if that isn’t exciting for you. you must of really liked the mess that last season was.
It’s Bowie’s fault, Bowie could have backdoor Jag during the double.
All Bowie had to do was scheme with Matt to use the veto.
Jag winning and making record is poor record to me when Jag is winning against floaters. Yes it a win but Jag already sent out the competitors and keep the two oldest persons in the game so Jag can beat them, (Coward) It would be so cool if Jag was winning and there was competition.
Bowie is obsessed with Jag. Hangs on his every word. She is going to ruin it for Matt, Cirie and Mama Fe.
I agree 100 percent.
Totally !
BJ is obsessed with whoever is giving her the most attention
Bowie made a solid move. She has a top 3 deal with them and is hoping to get picked by either Matt or Jag. If she had taken out Jag last week, she’d be on an island by herself right now.
Getting tired of Jatt and their: â Letâs GOOOOO!â
I know. That belongs to Kaycee Season 20. Very annoying.
So cocky! Wtf Jag. I hope ur mother is proud of the way your treating people now. So sad. Maybe next year BB will be great but this year is a real drag
Look at Felicia using Matt’s disability to her advantage. I don’t know if I admire her for using it to put some doubt in his head, wondering just what Jag and Bowie are saying that he can’t hear, or if I’m disgusted with her for putting those doubts in his head. Now he has 4 days to be worried about their scheming, knowing he can’t play this Thursday. He knows this HOH and veto will really determine what happens next week. Poor, suggestive Matt. Just what is he missing? Felicia actually does have a few brain cells left.
I do not like any of these people and wish there was some way none would win but of course, that’s not possible, short of an earthquake causing a crack in the earth that they all fall into.
So instead, I actually cannot wait to hear Cirie’s interviews where she spills it about the season. I’M sure contractually, she won’t be able to talk about what prod did but I bet she still will have lots of stuff to say. Usually, the cast claim to all be buddy-buddy after the show but Cirie, and Fe, for that matter, have very little in common with the rest. I don’t see her wanting to hang out with them later. I think she will talk frankly.
Ok, 3 posts in a row, but I need to point out that Matt talked about skydiving with Reilly in Hawaii. Jag jokes about going hot air ballooning with Reilly in Hawaii and the guys laugh about doing this. All this went on in front of Bowie but no one said anything about her joining them there. Can she not read the writing on the wall??? She is being used by them and then she is gone.
I think Jag is taking BJ to final two because everyone likes Matt better. We will see. Matt could be very screwed if he does not win Veto next week.
No updates until this afternoon. Stuck at my regular job this week.
What’s your regular job consist of?
I work in IT. Couldn’t get any more Mondays off to cover the site.
I bet you install a lot of adobe readers đ
Two twenty something men beating women in their 40’s 50’s and 60’s don’t make them comp beasts it’s more like elder abuse. This last week is going to be boring and predictable unless Matt grows a pair
Oh my god yes! I was so annoyed on Thursdayâs episode and Matt kept flexing and strutting around like some big strong guy who beat an army of competitors lol.. itâs like, ok Matt, congrats. Your outstanding Olympian prowess is finally getting to shine.. now that youâre up against the damn AARP, that is. I canât stand the big head he gets after making such unimportant decisions that do him are big moves *eyeroll*
Jag âWe did exactly what they [The Hitmen] did, for them it was Victoria & for us it is Bowie. Matt âWe played Bowie.â Jag âLike a fiddle!âPretty full of tem to equate themselves with the Hitmen. According to social media, very few if any, real players like the two of them and their gameplay
Perhaps production will step in if this plan of Jag/Bowie and Matt’s comse to fruition. I hope it was the alcohol talking but if not, how disappointing. For three these to gleefully plan and coordinate to mentally and physically harass Felicia ( Felicia ,who during a softer moment shared her story of being a victim of DV) is just awful! Yes all these HG these season have trashed each other, and they all have veered into lanes that were beyond nasty and beyond disrespectful( reminds me of other horrible seasons like Aaryn’s or Nicole being kept of the room. Every one of them has taken trash talking to far: example like America calling Felicia a c**t and saying an expletive about the Bible, just ugg. It is amazing what some folks will do or say to justify themselves and/or their actions.
Though it would be great if Bowie proved Jag and Matt wrong that she is no Victoria and took them both out. Realistically we all know that won’t happen. Bowie remains a mystery, she will follow anyone who won’t put her on the block, she doesnât care about jury management or taking third. She is with Jag. Bowie and Jag will most certainly take Matt out( sorry Matty Ice, you had good reads on folks to, but you didnât do anything when you noticed Bowie and Jag getting closer) If ever there was a year to not vote for anyone in the finale of BB this is it. But we all know Jag will win. Jag is a likable guy who let his wins go to his head. I would like to see him competing with stronger players like a Janelle or Cody comp wise anyways Congrats Jag but I think your win will land you in the pile of other winners that BB fans just want to forget about. AFP I think the Survivor fandom will come out and vote for Cirie in record number. Finally, fans we can do something about these comps, etc. let your voice be heard to CBS. They are listening more than you may know. Keep at it, don’t go to sleep and wake up next season with the same complaints about the new season. ” Seems like what bothers me, don’t bother you, I’m going to keep at it until it do.”- anonymous
We saw how Jag competes with stronger players, Jag was scared of Cam. Cam was a very good competitor, and that is one of the main reasons Jag wanted Cam gone.
CAM for AFP.
I hope we get a visit to the jury house on Tuesday. Blueâs & Americaâs arrivals would be interesting to see.
Blue made herself look like such a fool when she was evicted. She has a very high opinion of her fashion style, too bad she’s such an idiot when it came to reading the house, Blue was told on more than one occasion, you are next out the door.
What did she do, she ran back and told Jag & Matt every time someone tried to help her, make her see that Jag & Matt were playing her like a fool.
Blue’s issue, she will listen to a man over a woman every time, she thought that she was all of that, when in reality, she was jealous as hell of America.
I’m so glad I don’t have to listen to her fake, phony D/R sessions, or listen to her ghetto talk, thinking that made her sound like she was so wise, Blue was a complete Fool.
After 2 days of Jag, Matt and Bowie feeding off of each others’ worst character flaws…
they can all go suck a garbage bag full o’ dicks.
We were bullied? Bowie, ya, and you other two took part.
Matt and Jag were not bullied. EVER.
It’s an insult to anyone that ever actually has been bullied that these 2 shitheads are trying to use bullying as that as a) justification b) fan support through emotional manipulation.
Fuq both of them.
So here’s the basis of today’s rant. Cumulative, but the latest round was about 2 hours ago.
Matt’s whining self-justifications round 2000. Cory was a bitch, wearing girls clothes. America sucked at the game because she didn’t cook and clean. Douche.
Jag and Matt each saying they were subjected to bullying for weeks this season. WHEN?
It’s like these little muthafuqers think look how it worked out for Taylor. Anyone that remembers Matt’s Taylor commentary from week three… it’s a valid thought that they’re trying to pull a false bully card for fan support.
Jatt & FBJ have morphed into Paul, Josh, & ChristmasâŚ.. all assholes
After reading the above update, it still seems like Felicia and Cirie don’t understand how Final 4 and the Final 3 HOH process works. They seem all concerned about who Bowie would put up if she won F4 HOH, when it just doesn’t matter who she puts up. All that matters is who wins veto because that person will decide who ends up OTB, and who ends up picking who goes to F3. The only way that’s the HOH is if the HOH wins the veto, THEN they decide who sits in the NOM chairs and who votes. Any of the other 3 players win, that player will surely NOT be OTB, and will be the person voting, unless they are a complete moron.
They also said in the update or seemed to think whoever won the first part of the final HOH got to pick who goes to F2 with them. Hmmmmm, I wonder then why they bother to play the other 2 parts?
I swear these people drive me nutz not knowing the game they’re playing.
After ALL this BS with the remainders…it has GOT to be Cam for AFP! Make them take a second look at themselves
Socially Cam was an asshat.
Voting him AFP doesn’t make anyone take a second look at themselves, it only endorses their behavior because someone that socially perpepetuated the same crap in the house got rewarded.
Who do you think should be voted AFP?
Gonna be totally honest:
I don’t vote for it.
Because of Bbcan voting rules posted during bbcan6, I don’t even believe the votes are legit (the votes had captcha tests, but still said production maintains the right to remove votes during or after the voting period to guard against bot voting… in other words, we maintain the right to manipulate the vote).
That said, who did you enjoy most?
If your vote is based on axe grinding bias projection, whatev, but have the stones to own it.
If your vote is based on feed entertainment, whatev, but have the stones to own it.
If your vote is based on comps or d/r performance, whatev, but have the stones to own it.
Just own your vote, and own why you vote as you vote.
No skin off my teeth, everyone that votes should just own it without bs.
Well he/she is asking you, who did you enjoy most ?
Never chose a favorite, because I was too concerned with whether this was going to be a season 19 or a bbcan11 remake. I’m burnt out. First half of season was 19 redux, second half is doing the same crap bbcan11 did.
Cam, Hisam, Jared were Nopes. Realistically, Jag and Matt would be too if I even cared anymore. Izzy was also almost nope.
That means: not them.
We’re just gonna pretend Cirie’s / Survivor’s following isn’t double Big Brother? okay. Her fanbase determines the vote. Do I want a stuntcast winner of fave bonus money? No, because her signing fee would likely already dwarf the rest of the cast’s stipend.
So remove nopes and stuntcasts and ANYONE ELSE IS FINE WITH ME.