Head of Household Winner – Jackson
Have note are:
Nominations are: Jess and Chrsitie
Power of Veto Players are:
Power of Veto holder:
Power of Veto Ceremony:
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5pm The house guests are in the kitchen making food, chatting and playing backgammon. Tommy is scurrying around on the kitchen floor. Holly – I still really have no idea why Zingbot called him an attention wh*re. Christie – yeah, he’s definitely not on Broadway.
They’re having an exciting backgammon tournament.
6:35pm Jess is going around the house looking for good “Hide the Veto” spots. She checks pillows in the boat room. Jess – I know you see me big brother I’m just checking out some spaces.
6:39pm HOH room. Holly and Nicole.
Holly – I think today went really well. I was really worried about Jess’s reaction and I haven’t even talked to Michie since they spoke so.. Nicole – I know Michie broke it to Christie and he broke it to Jess. Did he tell them that he also broke it to other people? I wasn’t sure if I should be like .. I know or surprised. I didn’t think about it till Christie was like well I’m going on the block again. And my reaction was like oh sh*t! So I didn’t know how to react. It was something we should have spoken about earlier. Holly – that was dumb. I think that Christie knew that Cliff knew.. because she said something that eluded to that. Jackson joins them. Holly – question when you talked to Christie and Jess did you elude that other people knew they were going up? Jackson – no. I told Christie that I ran it by Cliff and Cliff know that I told her that. Nicole – so I can play stupid? Jackson – yeah. Holly – she took it really well. Jackson – It took some .. I mean I was .. its was delicate! I was coasting a fine line in that conversation. That was tricky. I did not think she was going to take it as well as she did. Holly – good. Did she cry? Jackson – kind of started to. She was eluding to Cliff being a bigger threat to my game. Which tells me if she would have won HOH she would have gone after Cliff and who is going to sit next to Cliff? Me or Tommy. Holly – I think she would have most likely nom’d Cliff and Tommy. Jackson – that right there made me know I was making the right decision. My goal is to protect the final four. That is where my loyalty lies. So anyone coming after this four is a threat to my game. Its a threat to y’all, its a threat to me. So as much as Jess might not be going after me directly.. by going after Cliff or going after you.. if y’alls names are in anyone’s heads .. that’s a threat to my game. Holly – every single vote counts. If Jess goes, its going to be Christie going to Tommy. I’ve put her up twice. We have had a hand at sending out three of her friends. We have literally shot every tire that they’re driving on. I would rather go up against Christie and Tommy than Christie and Jess.
6:45pm Bedroom. Christie and Jess.
Christie – I am so f**king over being on the block. I am so f**king over feeling like sh*t for a month. And it sucks now because I am sitting next to you which is obviously on purpose because we would have been a vote for each other so obviously one of us are going. No matter who comes off one of us are leaving. The way that I see it, even if one of us come off and I win the veto .. who are they going to put up? Its two votes to go out. We’re both mental threats … I mean I am sure he would prefer it to be me because I was his initial target from two weeks ago. I doubt I’m not his target anymore but even if I won the veto he isn’t going to want us both to stay. It gets f**king annoying. Even if two votes .. lets vote to keep you .. lets break a tie. They’re amazing at this game. They’re going to steam roll to the end. He is playing a good game. I can’t even be mad at him. He is making moves and winning comps. I can’t even hate on him. Its like no one has a chance. Jess – even though he said he didn’t want me to be blindsided ..I still feel like I am. Christie – I am pretty sure the four of them are working together. I am pretty sure. I am not even going to campaign. I didn’t think he would put you up. I think they’re working together. Why other reason would he not split them up?!
7:16pm Bedroom. Christie, Tommy and Jess.
Jess is crying. I’ve fought since day f**king 1! Its a sense of feeling unwanted. Like trying to prove myself over and over and over again and like me getting picked last on the playground. I’ve never had an alliance from people that have had final 3’s, and 2’s and 8’s . I’ve had fake alliances. Me in this game is has been me competing for myself. Against myself. I have been honest and true. Me in this game has been an after thought. No one even asked me to be in an alliance. I was looked as the expendable one. He we are on day 72 and it triggers me again. Cliff joins them. Christie gives her a pep talk. We’re in final 7, this is big! Jess agrees. I don’t want to keep on feeling the emotions.
9:17pm – 10:25pm Big Brother gives the house guests alcohol.
The house guests are chatting about random things.
10:30pm – 12am Bathroom. Nicole and Jess.
Jess – Its LIKE.. I understand that people LIKE should LIKE feel LIKE in LIKE I don’t know LIKE I’ve never had that personal relationship with LIKE with Nick. Nicole – why are you sad?! Jess – I just feel LIKE I don’t know I just .. I feel LIKE I love who I am and then LIKE that thought of feeling played by people that I care about. Nicole – do you think I am one of those people? Jess – I do .. and I love you so much. Nicole – why do you feel that way? Jess – I don’t know its just the half information you’ve given me. And everyone else just saying sh*t and me not knowing what’s going on. Nicole – if you want to ask me anything… Jess continues to cry. I need to figure it out and piece it together. In the beginning it was all like not being honest and he’s telling me you’re good .. you’re straight. And I love what you stand for.. and I don’t believe him. Nicole – yeah I didn’t believe him either. Jess – I don’t want you to think that I distrust you. I want you to win this. I think that Michie doesn’t want any more blood on his hands. Jess continues to reminisce about past events of the season.
10:45pm – 12am Bedroom. Holly, Christie and Tommy.
Holly is complaining about how she isn’t relevant or known for anything other than for being in a relationship with the 24 year old pompous douchbag. We literally knew each other for 23 days before I even kissed him but it doesn’t look like that on TV. Like I am literally so f**king conservative outside of here. I am not the girl that you bring home from the bar .. and maybe like ..maybe that is what he is used to? Like cool, its not me at all! Tommy – no I think that’s what he loves about you. Holly – no but like the bro talk?! F**King cool it! Christie – no but that has nothing to do with you .. it is just that he is young. Holly – I know and then I hear him telling one of his douchy-a$$ frat boy stories. But I am also like I was 24 once.. and I did that too. I’ve done a lot since then. And I cannot fault him .. at all. Christie – but I get your frustration like who the hell wants to hear about it all the time. Over it! Holly – Like I f**king don’t! Clearly America doesn’t.. so shut the f**k up! Stop! And stop dragging me into your douchy-ness! Okay that was harsh but still! Cliff joins them. Holly talks about doing organized “Hot Takes” interviews with the house guests. It will give me some worth.
12:30 am an early night.
9:02 am FEEDS LIT already
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Alcohol and tears…. it aint pretty.
But sometimes quite entertaining….
What more could ya ask for…lol. :p
He should have put up Tommy and Christie. With Tommy as the pawn. He could have explained to Tommy he cannot risk taking Christie down. Huge risk keeping Tommy off the block and hoping he does not win the veto. Risks are dangerous at this point if the game. Gotta be smart with each move and win you get. He’s pretty much giving Tommy and Christie a ride to final 2.
Nothing changes. If Christie comes down Cliff goes up Jess still goes home.
That’s the plan.
Stupid. Stupid get Christie or tommy Jessica is a stooge
Going by that line of thinking, if you keep overlooking Jess, she’ll float to the end. She may even win another hoh and put Jackson out. May as well keep Christie and Tommy as long as you can use them.
When he got the hoh by telling Tommy he was safe and wouldn’t touch the block… he hemmed himself in. He hasn’t told his alliance or Holly he did it. But if he bounced a check now… his hero edit would suffer. Seriously, they’ve become so concerned about their image, that they can’t even bounce checks or use semantics to replacement a nom. Except Crustie…. who could write her checks on rubber bands at this point because she thinks she’s america’s villain. What are they gonna do… hate her more? Seriously… is it possible to hate her more at this point? A mediocre player given a lot more credit, and a lot more hate for her game because her personality is like nails on a chalkboard? I’m one of those people that can’t stand her personality, but I’ve never had a problem with her game, because i never considered it more than average in a regular big brother scale. What’s scary: i respect her game more than i respect Tommy’s. Actually, I respect her more than I respect Tommy. She’s fukakta in the head, but authentic about it. he’s slimy entrails, and plays a cowardly game. I mean… throwing the HOH partly because he can’t stand the idea of losing another jury vote? We KNOW that’s why he did it.
Absolutely…Christie’s game is more respectable than Tommy’s. That is saying A LOT!
He even said to Tommy , you could use the veto on her. He didn’t ask him not to.
While they talk about getting alcohol and if big brother would want them to do a veto hung over…. I remember the hoh comp after a booze night in bbcan. The one where the sarcastic girl ran into the kitchen, puked in the sink, then grabbed a left over slice of pizza and a bucket before rejoining the other house guests in the comp. bbus would never.
What season was that? There was so many great puking stories outta BBCAN, especially in the early seasons. I remember during season 1-3 where they got full-on mickey’s and 26ers.. plus all those beers. I’m surprised they didn’t run into any trouble
I belive she was talking about liv in season 6.
Ahh I missed Season 6.
Yes, it was Olivia lol. You really need to watch that HOH comp Simon. They were all hungover, half drunk, looked terrible. And the first one out is the guy who didn’t have a drink so he would be okay for the comp. LOL
Is there a way to watch bbcan inthe US?
need a VPN into Canada use something like HMA https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/how-to-watch-the-big-brother-canada-3-live-feeds-worldwide/
The feeds are free
Ok thanks I’ll give it a shot. When does it air?
I watched seasons 1-4, I think…on youtube
Omg you have to! Its the best season in Canada after 4
Abd is better than a lot of some of the us seasons
I feel like the Canadians and Aussies on BB, embrace their drinking more than us Americans. We’re too concerned with how that’s going to make us look on tv. Very lame!
I don’t think the censors are as complicated as the US ones. Sometimes the rules the censors will enforce are a bit wonky. So the line is very fuzzy and sometimes quite crooked so “family friendly” shows tend to be cautious.
You’re right…per usual lol! Remember that season, I forget what number…with Natalie, the barista from Oregon? They had a couple boozie nights in the hot tub.
During season 1 and especially 2 they took pride in showing the drunken antics. Then the network moved them from the Slice programming (less restrictive) to the Global programming (much more restricted in terms of censorship). Once that move was made, feeds were blocked for all alcohol parties, but came back on for the hang overs. I miss the slice days. Having a task where you specifically got house 2 guests drunk, and giving the house a prize if nobody could figure out they were sloshed? Now it’s hey we got booze… feeds down for nine hours, return to everyone looking like death took a holiday in their mouth.
Crusty needs to swap info with Cliff………..once Cliff learns he not Tommytunes will be the potential replacement nom he may show his hand and team with Crusty to take out the proven biggest threats Jackjaw/Beth next eviction(double?) ………if any of the other 4 Crusty/Cliff/Nicole/Tommy can win something that is lol.
cliff has already volunteered to be the replacement.
He still volunteered. Who cares why. lol.
Jack jaw already told cliff that and he is cool with it because he knows he has nicole and holly vote. Then jackjaw breaks tie in cliff”s favor. I don’t like him but he is sincere with that final (cliff nicole holly and himself). That is the final four he wants and is loyal too.
Cool I have missed a lot lately…….it feels refreshing lol….
Your break was?
With the number of posts you’d think I’m still watching BB21 but I mostly fast forward it. I’ve caught up to over a dozen series. My latest is CITY ON A HILL, another slow burn, but right I’m starting DARK CRYSTAL on Netflix and then CARNIVAL ROW, on Amazon Prime.
That’s about 30 hours which I can go back and forth which luckily since I work from home I’m able able to multitask.
Reintroduction of the Dark Crystal after almost 40 years? It was a very interesting movie. I liked it as a kid.
Yes, the series THE DARK CRYSTAL is 10 episodes. I didn’t know the movie was 40 years old.
It was in the early 80’s, though that doesn’t sound too long ago until you start counting…
Jackson already told him he was the replacement nominee
Y’all really did Jess dirty with the Likes, that took me out LOL
Sadly…she doesn’t realize that she does herself dirty.
Holly was silently fuming in the kitchen when Jackson went into fratboy mode shotgunning the beers.
I’m guessing he’s going to hear about it later tonight, lol. She’s very wary about the whole image thing and is convinced that’s why America doesn’t like him, and her by association
Of course she’s image conscious. She always has been. Jackson has whispered to her the content of every one of his d/r dressing downs, and every one of his d/r visits to help him craft and shape a new image. She’s been a willing participant in helping him do that so she wouldn’t be guilty by association. She’s complained more than once about production creating false narratives to make him look worse to America, when in all good conscience… most of the episode only viewers would NEVER have thought he was a douchebag until his Zing because his edit has been sooooooo fictionally good. Any small slip in the mask that production has been putting on the turd to make it look like gold makes her hypersensitive because let’s face it… she’s on the show for her image.
Last night he said before he went out to the bars he’d drink a fifth, but he doesn’t have a problem. He also says something always happens when he’s out and he’s usually the instigator. We’ve all seen that type.
Jacka$$ really showed his (im)maturity frat boy class when he shotgunned two beers. Unlike Cliff who knew there was a limited amount of beer so acted like an adult and slowly drank his.
Looking at Holly while this was going on sorta tells me that they won’t be a couple after the game is over. He’s not just 7 years younger in age but more than that in maturity. Without all the makeup, she’s a good looking lady with a great body.
And seriously has a brain. Sometimes sugar is hard to resist
Honestly, Jack brought out the worst in Jackson and MAYbe Sis (she may just be a mean girl; she doesn’t strike me as having had to work for much in her life). He’s only 24 and perhaps has remembered his manners and his raising, but he’s 24 years old; the more Holly tries to control their every word and action, the less likable she is. It’s not that I don’t like her, but being genuine is usually more likable – when Tommy isn’t amped up and has normal conversations, he’s likable.
I agree with your take on each of these peeps u mentioned. Sis has been a difficult one for me…because many times, especially the CBS episodes…she seemed very sweet and likeable. But then I saw some downright nasty times that I didn’t see in the other girls…to that extent. And many of the nasty times weren’t even where you could relate or at least understand the person being so toxic.
Wow Holly what came over you girl. Sit down and have another drink.
Jess you haven’t done shit over 72 days. Get out of the bed and the kitchen. Put down your makeup and mascara and go talk to people and you might find out what’s going on in the house.
Nicole great job diffusing what could have been a huge blow up by Jess. Your smarts and kindness are heads and tails above everyone else. I just wish you could win a comp.
you saw that as kIndness. I saw that as game. Nicole realized that Jess saw Nicole had ditched her and backstabbed her, and was trying to fix it because Nicole is afraid of conflict.
Maybe a little of both but mostly kindness.
I wish Nicole could win……or maybe somebody likablenot from this cast……how about ALAN the alien.
That might be Jessica’s biggest problem, her inability to communicate coherently. She hems and haws and seems unable to form complete thoughts, much less complete sentences. It makes her just as inscrutable as someone who is deliberately trying to fool everybody. Who’s going to make plans or strategize or make small talk with someone like that? She, like Nicole has trouble compartmentalizing her empathy which causes her (Jess) to play emotionally rather than rationally. BBAD started tonight with Jess pouring her heart out (in tiny, slow, increments) to Nicole and after about 10 minutes of that the HG were given alcohol.
The problem is her vocabulary only contains one word “LIKE “.
She’s so clueless, and I can’t get through her scenes on After Dark; that’s a big fast forward.
Nicole must be a good teacher considering how well she handles Jessica’s childishness.
She’s in her element…it’s probably how she’s able to not strangle Christie when she’s bawling too. Just pictures them as toddlers and moves on.
I lost a little respect for Nicole last night when she said she thought she was a good educator–when they play musical chairs and one kid loses–It’s OK–everybody wins!!! That’s the problem with kids today–everyone is a winner–and no one can handle being a loser!! That’s not the way the world works and you are starting them off not knowing how to handle a loss or failure
I believe she works with special needs kids, so that buys her a whole lot of respect in my book.
I can’t believe these idiots actually think Christie would have put up Cliff and Tommy if she had won HOH.
They were talking about jess..no!?
What? This master tactician and his meemaw really think Christie would put up Tommy?
The only person who could beat Michie in a physical comp walked out the door. Jess is truly clueless.
I’m thinking Tommy could give him a run for his money too.
True…he has demonstrated a decent level of athleticism.
Tommy has thrown every last physical comp… Tommy could slaughter all of them but he does not want to look like a threat. Those other guys were never the biggest physical threat it was always Tommy, he also has the best social game…worst tactician is his flaw.
Buzzard breath needed that outburst about Watermelon-heads doucheness to divert the viewers from her swooping in talons first and snatching the Watermelon-head from his Mama’s patch…….sorry that sounds sexual somehow…….if the old Buzzard is worried about “optics” that ship has sailed (with its cargo of delicious melons aboard).
“I would rather go up against Christie and Tommy than Christie and Jess.” – Jackson
Oh, good grief.
What in the wide world of sports is he talking about?? Have I missed something??
Has Jess all of a sudden become a comp beast with manipulative power & influence over the other house guests??
Oh no, wait, that’s right… that’s Tommy you’re talking about!
I’m sorry, I just have to say it… Jackson is a freaking mo-ron.
Regardless if he’s won a lot of challenges in this game, if he doesn’t have the instincts, insight or a shred of intuition to realize exactly how dangerous Christie & Tommy are together (OR apart!) then he DEFINITELY doesn’t deserve to win.
He’s gonna have a meltdown of epic proportions when he watches the show back & realizes that he had the game won, money in hand, but he chose to sabotage himself out of $500,000 instead.
I guess it hasn’t help his game either that he has his mommy Beth constantly whispering the exact opposite of what he should do in his ear every day (with little gems like “I think Christie would have nominated Cliff and Tommy”).
Ugh, Jackson had one job… send Christie home on his last HOH. ONE. FREAKING. JOB!
His family must be absolutely losing their shit watching him make all the wrong moves & not being able to do a damn thing about it.
Jackson is so concerned about a woman winning HOH and taking out a man (because he considers HIMSELF the ONLY alpha male) while he has NEVER once in the game considered nominating or targeting a male in the game. Go back to the early weeks. Even then, when he would talk about winning HOH and making a big move… that big move was a woman out the door.
“What in the Wide World of Sports” is the funniest thing I have ever heard. You made me spit my morning juice & I had to change shirts. Thank you very much, I will say that forevermore!
Jess is crying – “I’ve fought since day f**king one”.
Challenge –
Finish this sentence…
“the only thing that Jess has fought this season is________.”
Not be included in the 8, the 9, the 6, the 5, the 3, and the 2 groups! So sad.
…the truth.
“the only thing that Jess has fought this season is________.”
Very politically incorrect…but very funny!
To be ready with her make up for live shows
I’d rather not finish that sentence…don’t wanna be called a pompous douchebag hahaha
Her like inability to like communicate quickly and effectively. Like, uhhhmmmm liiiiiike understand like how to play big brother.
Advanced warning: Thinking this is another insomnia night… and skull is already buzzing loud enough i can feel it in my teeth, so this might be a bit of a mean rant. Thank you for your patience and understanding before i write horrid things about people I don’t know.
Holly needs to suck it up. She’s put all of her eggs in the Jackson basket to the detriment of every ally she’s had in the game. She should put on her big girl panties (preferably over the abomination that is the flesh colored tights her ass is presently consuming) and realize in for a penny in for a pound. She doesn’t seem to mind that she’s been hiding in his shadow without being a target due to his pompous nature… so maybe she should just shaddup. She tied her game to him, she needs to go with it now, because nobody else is going to shield her.
While we’re on the topic of shaddup. Hey Jessica: at some point staring blankly off in to space + talking so slowly that nobody cares what the point of the sentence is, because people stop listening after the fist minute and a half when you’ve only said five words besides “like” + complaining that nobody includes you after you’ve blabbed everything anyone has told you in the past = gonna to bite you in the ass. deal with it. We get it. Your are the easiest person to drag to the end for a win. We know. They don’t. You will never convince them. Just noticing now that the people that were gung ho to align with you as HOH pulled a Houdini as soon as your HOH ended is bad game sense. They did. Cliff and Nicole sucked as allies to Jessica. Deal with it. Jessica was an idiot to Nicole when she got intel. Also deal with it.
While we’re STILL on the topic of shaddup. Christie. vow of silence. for the love of god. vow of silence. and stick your fist in Tommy’s mouth while you’re at it ‘cus that foghorn of suck is getting on my last nerve. Or just stick your fist in his face repeatedly because man he is ticking me off just by making that fake sympathetic face. Dang, what a grovelling cowardly game playing pile of glitter (the herpes of the craft world) he is. nama-frickin-ste…. now with jazz hands. eyeroll.
Jackson is asleep. probably dreaming about eating watermelon. Mark your calendars. I’m not saying anything mean about the scumbucket tonight. I know. I’m as shocked as anyone. Really. I usually have perma hate-on for him. I don’t mind he’s asleep at all.
Game assessment:
Grodner’s game is on point. She has all the puppets dancing to her ridiculous sheet music. People even like Jackson now. just like she told him they would if he sold his soul to her. Grow up. that’s exactly what happened. And that’s not ragging on him. That’s ripping on her.
Best position in the game right now belongs to Nicole. Because frankly, if anyone wins the double hoh, nobody is saying lets take out my little pony while there’s feral dogs left in the game. They’d even take out grampa walton before they’d evict a smurf.
Worst position in the game going into the double? Hate to tell you Beth, but you better win that HOH or you’re going out the door. Anyone that thinks that Jackson and Holly’s double dipping isn’t going to come out this week? Bull. It’s already seeping. For the gravitas of storyline it makes sense that during a double Jackson and Holly get blocked, Jackson heroically wins the veto and watches his showmance bite it. Don’t worry. he’ll get even more watermelons to make up for the loss. and win the next hoh. If I were a storyline editor… that’s what I’d do.
Gee. I spread it around tonight and didn’t just focus on one person to really despise for an entire late night post.
I call that progress.
Prediction: for this season, and the way vetoes have worked out in the past: Cliff, Nicole or Holly win veto. Highest odds between Cliff or Holly. Because as this season goes…. Nicole will be the host. lol.
Okay. I feel bad for most of that above comment. Sorry everyone.
Hahahaha I thought it was funny because Ive shared many of rants on here at the frustrations I’ve had since my guilty pleasure summer show dove into the mouth of hell.
Rants are always very much welcome
Thank you Simon and Dawg
You have no idea how hard I laughed when I saw your apology for part of that comment haha :p
You had me at advanced warning!
Nicole is now ‘Wax Paper’ Friend – Translucent & no longer forth coming with information
“I don’t make deals. I know nothing. Nobody asks me to join. Who makes alliances the first few weeks? You didn’t tell me (fill in the blank).
Jessica is trying to guilt Nicole into revealing secrets she can use to stay.
Good For You, Nicole!! Don’t get Burned Twice
Jess is a mental threat? I think the universe is no longer speaking to Christie.
They need to build an ark the place is going flood from the tears.
Bring them in 2s, no make it 3s, oh wait, was it 4s, hell wasn’t it a 6, plus a 1 then an 8, and wait it a false number 9, oh that’s soccer er football, futball, and sadly Jess it’s true, no one has ever included you. Do your false eye lashes double as a floatation device? Is that too mean?
Well Crusty has released the beast. Cliff, I guess your goose is cooked. Crusty wants you gone. Sadly, I think it’ll happen.
I guess this might be chaos, not the fun kind of BB chaos but Jess, AND, Crusty chaos. *** shudder ***
Yiah yiah yiah only a few weeks to go with this boring garbage of disgusting people. Worst season ever!!!
David or Ovi for AFP!!!!!
I had to go back and listen to it twice but Crusty said Holly has a clothing line for the homeless……I’m confused how does that work?
Well come on. You know the biggest problem the homeless face is how to look good while dumpster diving for dinner.
that’s sarcasm.
Incredulous, it’s like a little drama. Holly takes Kat’s sloppy seconds. A man who might, if given a Sofie’s choice had to choose between say a watermelon and her, he might choose the watermelon, (with a carved into hole into it))
Now, after boredom has driven them to do nothing but have sex, and Jackson constantly probably peeing from all that watermelon he ate she’s having a conflict on perception of her character?
Oh Holly, what are you going to do? You and Jackson have pushed the limits the season’s condom budget. Will you try celibacy? Nah, tomorrow’s another day. A new watermelon for him. They’ll stretch the condom budget further cause we all getting F-d too.
Do we want Jess to win Veto so something interesting happens or do we just want to get rid of Jess now and be done with it?
Kinda hoping Jess wins the veto so Christie goes. But listening to Jess slow speak is like nails on a chalkboard also.
Ummmmmmm I think it’s time for all this pretend strategizing and incoherent blather to end….and just send Jess out already! P.S.– contrary to the red underline under “strategizing,” that is how you spell the word. I tried it with an “s” just in case…but nope. lol
Send Jess home please, can’t stand watching or listening to her. Also, does anybody else think that Michie’s watermelon fixation is bizarre? I mean, the guy is seriously deranged when it comes to food. When he was eating every hour in the beginning, and cooking everything in sight it was so weird. Then came the watermelons. Production probably talked to him and offered him something to satisfy his eating urges and they came up with watermelon. Seems to have a serious addiction to it now. Oh well, there are worse addictions I guess.
For sure it’s bizarre. And funny. Like you said…there are worse addictions lol
I hope Jess wins the veto so Christie gets the boot. The Christie/Tommy combo is a lot more dangerous that Jess.
I agree at the moment…for a second week in a row…I’m flip-flopping every 30 mins on who I want out more.
Well Simon I hate to say it but I want jess to win veto. Christie is already telling Jess no matter what one of them is going so why does Jess have to be the one to go n roll over n play dead for her? Jess wins then Christie goes. No one has Jess’ back at the moment. It’s better when someone I can’t stand for non game play, gets a brain and starts to fight instead of listening to others. (Shame Jess wont admit shes been snowed by the Christie train).
When Nicole was trying to tell Jess about Christie n Bella she left Nicole in the dust. Nicole still told her that this is the third maybe 4th alliance u r not a part of. The only way Jess becomes a redeeming part of BB cast is if she can win herself back in the game and push for threats to go and finish off the boys. Other than that, she has wasted a summer looking like a scared lap dog that did one big move that nobody remembers or gives her credit for.
They give her points for being a “mental comp beast” but give her zero credit for being the only one who put up real targets
When you’re right…you’re right lol :p At least for now…I want Christie gone more. But even if I do flip back to wanting Jess out more…I wholeheartedly agree with your statement asking why Jess has to be the one to roll over.
It would be interesting if Jess won but I just want her gone. Then I’m hoping Christie goes in the double eviction.
Never thought I’d say this, but go Jess
Simon, I’m surprised you haven’t come to the conclusion that Cliff or Tommy should win veto.
Cliff so that he can’t be replacement nominee.
Tommy so that Cliff HAS to be the replacement nominee.
Oh come on! We all know Jess would just use it on her bestie Christie
That’s funny…and she’s just clueless enough to do it!
I want Christy to win veto. The show needs her.
I needed this comic relief this AM lol..Jess “I’ve been fighting since day f’in 4.” LMAO She like is so like ridiculous and like I legit like am ready for like her to be like out this like week. Like! And I’m sorry….but I’m an adult. And if I’m locked in a house with the likes of Christie, Jess, etc…and am only given 2 beers…I am either shotgunning those beers or not drinking at all. And in conclusion…remember that Christie has said to us that she wants Jess as her final 2, and seeing as Jess would be her best chance, as well as anyone else’s best chance, to win this game…she’s the easy layup and it’s a good thing she’s probably leaving.
I’m just over all of it. I’ll say this
I’m over listening to Jackson talk about the crap he does. We were all young or are but who drinks a fifth before drinking more? Who drinks 3 beers when there are only 8 and even Nicole had one which tells me she’s not a mixed drink girl but a beer drinker. He’s so upset that he was called a pompous douchebag that so far ever houseguest booted has sang his praises but he’s the one talking.
I’m over trying to like Jessica cause I’m latina, wanted to root for another latina and she is a little like me in that I like to choose my words so sometimes I will talk and try to get the right word but DAMN, with the likes and pace even I’m dying inside. And she says things that tell me she’s watched the show, i.e. PB&J before slop, some players she’s talked about pre season 20 ( I heard they don’t give you tapes anymore or only 1 season) Tommy hasn’t really played he just knows when to suck up and when to shut up. That could be partly playing but then as sweet and loveable as Nicole is you can say she’s playing Tommys way but 10 times less over the top. Cliff was doing great, cutting deals when he had to that’s the game but getting out Bella, volunteering as a pawn, there are just things you don’t do. And finally getting rid of that owl. I don’t get Holly at all, she says all the time she’s conservative but let’s sleep with the guy not only on live feeds but that already slept with another girl. Then he breaks up with her over sex and tells her to not joke about him unless she wants him to say things ya conservative youngin. And don’t get me started on the pants that are always in her butt or the nude looking ones. Nicole is conservative not you Holly. And I’m sorry it’s just sad that we all think well at least Christie is playing. Yes she’s playing but if that’s what passes for a BB game now it’s just sad. Plus everyone going to jury has become her BFF, uuumm they talk in jury. I think they’ll all ask who really is your BFF just curious. Plus her chewing is driving me crazy
Sorry for all the ands I ramble when I’m mad or bugged sorry
I don’t understand Jacksons logic. He seems to know Christie is the big overall threat, but he always seems to be happy taking out her minions..uuuhh, how about go after her already before she takes you out? Jess is a waste of HOH
Because he’s playin chess, not checkers….and he likes to gamble
Ok, so what’s this chess strategy?
I was j/p…because he always says those 2 things. lol But yea, he knows that she’s only going after men and that everyone wants to take her to the final because she’s so beatable…and like BBfan said….they would rather lose to someone who played hard.
They keep saying they would rather lose to the best than someone ‘who hasn’t done a lot in the game’. (Paraphrased)
Being associated with reality TV seems to be Hollys forte. She was dating The Bachelor, Luke Pell before and after his season, and just parted ways with him before going on BB. Also appearing in his country music video:
I’ll be criticized for saying this but Luke Pell is 34 years old now. I’m guessing he was about 32 when the video was made. If Holly is 31 years old now, or am I wrong? Why, I’m so sorry, does she look about 10 years older than Luke Pell when he’s about 3 years older than she is in reality? Ouch.
I’m bracing myself for the hate. I’m sure I’m going to get for saying. Honestly when the video starts I thought the guy was about 25.
Maybe she can do a video with a watermelon next
Going on now…she finally got picked! lol Cliff, Nicole and Tommy were picked to play. Holly is the only one sitting out.
Jessica is really trying to sell that buyer’s remorse about getting rid of Jack instead of Jackson, eh? Gee, she was the first to board the let’s make apologies for Jackson’s behavior train long before her HOH. Her excuse now of Jack had a more evil looking appearance… wait. whu?
Gee. Maybe she needs to sit back and realize her best friend Kat and Kat’s best friend Holly were waaaay up her butt the moment that Jess won HOH to ensure that Jackson was just a pawn. Where was Holly once the veto meeting was over and the vote already decided that week? Ghost. She got played. And she’s been thinking she made lifelong allies on her HOH? Yeah…NO.
Nicole is already going to Holly to suggest keeping Jess because Nicole can’t stand the idea that somebody will think she played dirty. Yes, Jessica screwed Nicole over the last time Nicole gave Jess info. Given. But from Jess’ perspective Nicole has joined ANOTHER alliance that kicked Jess to the curb. It’s not unwarranted, but it is valid.
As the house searches for Hide and go veto spots, with Holly being the only nonparticapant (wait, Nicole is playing in her first veto since week one????) part of me hopes that it is Not Hide and go veto… or any individually timed or themed comp. I HATE INDIVIDUAL COMPS.
They are, imo, ALWAYS rigged. Which houseguest will have a bandana or their hair down covering their ears so that you can’t see the earwig? Which house guest will walk into the house, change direction mid search in the last 30 seconds of their turn run straight to the place where the last veto is hiding… except the winner’s… and mysteriously find it? I can’t be the only one that has noticed that happen in past seasons. It’s not possible nobody else has noticed.
Me… i’d maybe slice a cut into the side of a watermelon, stick my veto in and turn the watermelon. maybe. but I’d also go into the house with the mission of pulling a Gallagher on every melon i could find. Just to throw Jackson off his game.
Actually. If i were playing, and not very good, I’d run in every time, check if my veto was still hidden. then i’d hopefully find a veto, and put mine where the one I found was, knowing that at least one person wouldn’t be looking in that spot. With each subsequent turn i’d move my veto to the spot where I found one. To guarantee that at least one person wouldn’t be looking in that place. Then after a couple of rounds, i’d check if my original spot was searched, and if it had been, move my veto back to that spot. IS THAT ALLOWED?
Not allowed
well damn. in the fishtank with the veto it is then. Oh wait. probably not allowed either. fine. put it in the upstairs d/r hallway? wait… not allowed either? Dear Lord. can i just tape it to Jessica’s back? ain’t no way she’d find it.