Jackson “We can talk about what you would do if you win” Cliff “You’ve got my handshake on what I would do.”

Head of Household Winner: Nicole
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8pm Kitchen. Cliff and Jackson.
Jackson – I know where you are more likely leaning. Cliff – yeah, you know. Jackson – she (Nicole) is going to finale night. Cliff – MMMmhhhmmm.. and she had so much fear of that. Jackson – I know. Cliff – I had to just keep telling her they are going to keep their word. They’re honest. And thank you. Jackson – 100%! I knew she was going to fall. But I think her pride was like I can’t just fall off first. Cliff – I know. We will talk about other stuff later. Jackson – I don’t know what will happen after the veto. I’ve voiced things and that was ever before my fate was in y’all hands. Cliff – I know. Jackson – we can talk more about what you would do if you won. Cliff – I think you would know what I would do. You’ve got my handshake on what I would do. Because it wouldn’t seem fair otherwise if you didn’t stay. If we make it to final 3, then we duke it out there and its best man.. but until then I won’t screw you over. There were commitments made and I am honoring those. Jackson – likewise.

Kitchen. Cliff and Nicole.
Cliff – I have given a commitment that I am going to final 3 but I am not sending him home if I was to win the veto. Nicole – okay, that’s fine. Cliff – its him, me and you. Nicole – that’s fine. Cliff – I don’t want him thinking that I could turn around and flip or something.. so he goes with me and you. Nicole – okay. Cliff – we fight it out there. Nicole – okay, lets do it. This was proof enough.. and yeah like Wow! Yeah! Okay. I have a lot of trust issues Cliff and I wasn’t expecting that to be honored. Cliff – I looked him in the eye and I knew it was going to be honored. Nicole – that’s what I say in this game I go with my gut and my gut didn’t know… and I sensed that your gut was valid. Cliff – I think that I would be amazed if there was a surprise to it. He and I will talk in a little bit. May the best man or woman win.

8:06pm Bathroom. Jackson, Cliff and Holly.
Jackson apologizes for losing his cool earlier. I just feel bad because I didn’t want it to look like I was being a Nick. Nicole – the fact that you were just sitting there drinking .. Jackson – I love you all. I really do love y’all! Cliff- we sat down right after in the kitchen and Nicole said I a not buying it he is not acting the way he would if he was really mad. Jackson – and I was trying my best not to let myself spew. Especially when he (Tommy) said that I don’t deserve the money.

8:15pm Jackson and Cliff. Jackson – we all do whatever we have to in this game .. we fight but I don’t want to fight against you. If I am fighting for my a$$ in this game. Cliff – if y’all were going to screw me you would have. ANd I knew you wouldn’t. Jackson – we all do what ever we have to in this game. I will fight but I don’t want to fight against invoice.

9:36pm – 10pm Nicole, Cliff and Jackson chat about how close finale Night it. Holly is in the living room doing her makeup. Bathroom. Jackson and Cliff. Jackson – if I lost to anyone in the house it would be ok. If I lost to you, I would be honored. Cliff – you know where I am headed … I would love to see you and me up there in the final.

10:08pm Bedroom. Nicole and Cliff.
Cliff – I locked in and they’re promising to take me, that means that I have to take him. Nicole – okay. Cliff – I maybe could have held out but I was just so worried about it, I went in and did it. Nicole – that’s good, that was smart. Cliff – it was me only which means if I win I will probably honor it and take him. But it would be me taking him to the final 3 as opposed to Holly. Nicole – okay. Cliff – I am kind of .. on that. Nicole – I would say maybe cross the bridge when it comes. Cliff – I would probably do it, I would probably take him. You don’t have that agreement. If I won the veto, I would take him and send Holly home. Nicole – I didn’t make any agreement. Cliff – I was specific saying this is me only. And I did it just to guarantee a final 3. Are you okay with that? Nicole – yeah, its fine. Cliff – I just feel bad I did it without checking with you. Nicole – its okay. I assume down the line if he wins he would probably take you but that’s okay. Cliff – maybe. I don’t know. I just want to make sure you’re okay with it. Nicole – yeah its fine. I am just so grateful to be in the final 3. Cliff – I feel like I was in a rush and maybe I shouldn’t have committed to it. Nicole – I think its fine.

10:43pm Nicole gets his HOH room. They all head in to look at her HOH photos. They check out her HOH basket and then she reads the letter from her sister. They all hug about making final four. Nicole – Noms are tomorrow. Holly jokingly asks should I campaign?!

12:20am Bathroom. Jackson and Cliff talk about the stress and struggles of the living in the house.

1:56am Bedroom. Cliff heads to bed and talks to the cameras.
Cliff – Tommy is gone. Holly is still here. We bounced back and forth multiple times Nicole and I. There are probably people out there saying how wishy washy we are and maybe that’s true but it was us trying to make the best decision based on the information that we were given and that information kept changing. I don’t know if Tommy was telling the truth or not. I suspect that something was said and it was blown up into even more than it was so there might be some blame on either side. I don’t know. I trusted Nicole’s intuition to some degree but I also saw some of the looks from Michie and Holly and in the end its not that I won’t break agreements in this game if necessary for my game but there are different rules in here versus real life and I would do some devious things as needed but I would not do it lightly. And if Holly agreeing to throw an HOH and Michie agreeing that Nicole and I go to the final 3 with him .. those guarantees negated any advantage going with Tommy might have offered. I’ve sat down with that initial agreement and extended it to the point that Michie is agreeing me final 2 if he wins in the final 3 position. Nicole is guaranteeing me final 2 as well. I am taking Nicole to final 2 .. with that in mind if I make it to final 3 .. I should then be able to make it to final 2. Which means I get to argue my case in front of the jury. If its Michie and myself how I do in front of the jury.. I don’t know. There are some upset people. I may not have a chance but I think I could convince people. That is worst case. Going with Nicole, she has some victories that would make her have a strong argument but I think I could argue against her as well. There are no guarantees. The fact that I haven’t won more competition but I am looking like final 2 .. call it a win in my book. And Tommy, I love Tommy. I respect him as a player and as a man. Was he running a lot of attacks and targeting me .. probably. Water under the bridge. He is not here. Regardless I sure as hell don’t think he will be voting for Michie to win. Or Christie. Sis? Nicole? Kat? Jessica? I don’t know. I see some possibilities but all I want is my chance to argue my case in front of the jury. Crazy night! And I hope I made the right choice. I didn’t want to sway Nicole too much. In the end I think she was differing to me .. that is scary when making the wrong choice could hurt my game and hers. Holly dropped off and now Nicole is final 3. I am proud of her.

2:30am Cliff goes to sleep.

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340 thoughts to “Jackson “We can talk about what you would do if you win” Cliff “You’ve got my handshake on what I would do.””

  1. just watched the episode, confirmed my hatred for michie. I hope nicole evicts his conniving ass out. My heart breaks for tommy.

    1. Jackson may be the Devil but right now he’s killing it……he owns weak a$$ Cliff’s soul but maybe our heroine Nicole will escape his evil clutches…….stay tuned.

    2. Unfortunately, it looks like Michie is guaranteed top 3. Nicole is HOH and therefore won’t be voting. And if Michie is next to Holly, it sounds like Cliff keeps Michie. and if Michie sits next to Cliff, I’m sure Holly keeps Michie too. So Michie will be top 3 regardless.

        1. If Nicole wins the veto, she picks who votes. Then it’s back to Cliff deciding…or maybe Holly…so Jackson is safe.

            1. Only the person not on the block votes, 1 vote. If Nicole wins veto, whoever she leaves off the block is the sole vote.

      1. Cliff was starting to regret the handshake in the sense he did it to soon. Nicole and him will discuss if it comes to it. Obviously for us viewers “get rid of Jackson”. I just really want Cliff/Nicole F2 and I think Nicole would win, but $50,000 ain’t to shabby. Right now all 4 are in “extra money”

        1. I don’t really want cliff in final 2, I don’t think he deserves any money, really. But, I know nicole will have to take him if she wants to win. that is, if she wins final HOH. I’m not sure who would win between cliff/michie. If the jury is bitter enough, they might just vote against michie (even tho he deserves it over cliff). It’s just michies’ personality is a huge deterrent. He might just be another ‘Paul’, who loses no matter who he is against. I don’t think holly/michie really thought that nicole/cliff would do anything. They probably expected they would be the ones who ran it from final5. Why holly would throw this HOH was just stupid. She should have known cliff/nicole would put her up. Why take the chance of being evicted, makes no sense. She deserves to go just for that.

    3. Tommy lied more than another other HG in there. Ask his own allies.

      It’s part of the game. Sucks for Tommy, but live by the sword, die by the sword.

      This lie could be better than the one Kevin and Natalie made up about Russell and Michelle — because whereas Tommy was liked by his fellow HGs and had the gift of gab, Russell was considered untrustworthy and Michelle was introverted and stumbled over her words. Believing that lie cost Jeff his game. Will the same be true of Cliff and Nicole?

    4. Even if Nicole wins Veto, she can’t vote. Cliff casts the sole vote and he wants to keep Jackson to ensure both people would take him to F2

      1. Yeah, she’s hooped. Cliff’s an ass. No respect. Doesn’t he get it he would have a better advantage to say he voted out a big threat?

        1. Ciiff is an ass, you are right. He didn’t have to make a deal with Jackson, he and Nicole had the power. But he wanted Tommy out for his own game. Hope it bites him in the you know what. Anyone but Cliff for the win. Even Jackson at this point. ugh

      2. If Miche makes the final 2, as odious as he is, he deserves to win.

        In this Cliff is delusional. Hopefully, Nicole can enlighten him.

    5. I sincerely hope now that Jackson and Holly screw Cliff and Nicole over royally. I don’t want Michie or Holly to win really but if it means they beat the other two then I’m for it. Stupid, stupid game play.

      1. Unfortunately, I think they will vote for jackson cuz the jury won’t be bitter it will be on game play. Most of the jurors have said to julie if jackson is final 2 they will vote for him. Nicole and cliff just screwed themselves big time n its looking like jackson is going to win it all…

        Jurors will be more pissed at nicole and cliff having multiple oppurtunities to take out holly/jackson and not doing it! So Jackson is more than likely winning this season….

        1. I don’t know how anyone thinks she should win,She has done nothing the whole game.Everyone feels sorry for her but she did not play the best game,Jackson did and should win.

    6. That is how you play big brother,Jackson didn’t do anything that Tommy,Christie and Jack did to him,When they saidche knew holly and kat before the show,And all the time Tommy and Christie were the ones that knew each other.That was ok?

          1. No need for a poll. NO. He already said on Wednesday night it’s time to play dirty. If they are going to break a handshake, i can shake their hand and stab them in the back. Cliff is toast.

              1. Go back and watch what jackson said to Holly on Wednesday night. In his eyes all bets are off. All deals are over. In his eyes the thought they even listened to Tommy’s campaign, and the thought they even considered going against his wishes is an unpardonable sin. He’ll pray for them. eyeroll.

            1. He only promised if Holly gets voted out he will pick Cliff and vice versa. This is common and obvious knowledge.

          1. I think Rachel’s win was one of the more blatant signs of Production meddling. Actually, I think it was that season that really opened my eyes to it. Before I was kinda on the fence about all the conspiracies but after BB13 no way.

      1. I don’t know about. Her all time favorite BB player is Paul…and we all remember who was sitting next to him in F2.

      2. Worse than Andy?? I don’t know if I’d go that far.

        Jackson certainly has played the hell out of this game and could be a contender for a future all-star season. However, I don’t think this jury will truly appreciate the good game play and allow him to win. I don’t see Jackson doing better than second place.

      3. Um…what? Outside of Hayden, Ian, Derrick, and maybe Kaycee last year, every winner since Dan’s epic win in season 10 was less deserving than Nicole would be if she made final 2.

        1. What has Nicole done? She’s a floater getting the production push right now. She just got played like a sucker by Michie this week as the latest example of he garbage game.

          1. Again, we’re using terms incorrectly. She had an alliance, she was not a floater. A floater is not someone who is in the minority or doesn’t win comps. A floater is someone who literally floats back and forth between alliances. If anything, you could argue that Cliff is a floater, the way he keeps sucking up to whoever is in power.

            Nicole has won big comps recently, and will have to win out in order to make Final 2. It’s a conditional statement. IF she makes it to final two, she WOULD HAVE a better resume than many winners.

            1. So you’re saying she’s less than your definition of floater because she wasn’t relevant enough to float any where. She’s more of a house plant.

              Nicole’s comp “wins” are a result of few people in the house/production.

              1. If the definition of floater is waiting until the end to win comps, then about 90% of big brother winners are floaters.

          2. You know if Nicole gets to F2 she has Jessicas vote and probably Christie too. They will only vote on vagina vs penis.

          3. Nicole was a floater first half of game, she didnt even get to play in a veto for along time and she played low like most ppl do sit back and watched ppl seeing who was with who, granite its weak in the eyes of big brother players and to fans but she really didnt need to cuz she wasnt being targeted so why put urself in that spot,

            kaycee did same thing last year and reved it up 2nd half winning 4 or 5 vetoes, 1 or 2 final hoh’s all the way to the end for the win. Nicole has now won 2 hoh’s and 2 vetoes which is pretty good more than holly and cliff just under jackson with 3 hoh’s…. So if nicole wins pov and final hoh that cld give her solid credit for credibility eith jury but if jackson sits next to her in f2 i think Jackson wins! Only time will tell wether keeping holly will screw nicole in which she n cliff only have themselves to blame for keeping this dynamic duo to long in the game and sending tommy to jury….

      4. Nicole is a Kraken special. A complete farce put on by production to appease the tenderfoots who love her for being boring, out of touch floater the whole game.

        Michie just made the move of the season and he’s going to get screwed over by production for Nicole. That was some Dr.Will/Dan G level game play. Even Tommy knew he got got and respected Michie for it.

        1. Jackson broke the house rules doing it its called using dr for strategy so technically it doesnt count as big game move since its totally against house rules!!! Production just let it go as usual for there golden boy jackson who they have meddled for the entire game so know facts b4 speaking nonsense!!

      5. i don’t think she wins unless jackson somehow doesn’t make it to F3 , but just curious…who are your top 5 worst BB winners of all time & why?

    1. How could you say cliff is trash!!!!!!! He is one of if not the oldest big brother players to get this far! I don’t agree with every decision he’s made but for fucks sake he hasn’t given up once!

      1. Cliff’s rat game is annoying. He’s thrown Nicole under the bus. Run over her. Picked her up. Told her she’s ok. Then backed the bus up over her. If backing the bus over his grandma was necessary, he’d tell Nicole, “Tell my granny, it won’t hurt when the bus runs over her.” While he shakesJackson’s hand with some kind of new kind of deal. Then he’ll check to see if he needs gas for the bus while talking to the cameras. Cause hell do anything to get to final 2.

  2. Cliff is a snake and I hope Jackson wins the veto and sends him out. After all Nicole has done for him and he wants to shut her out of final 2. Disgusting!

  3. Whoever voted for Cliff as one of their top three for America’s favorite player better take their votes back. The way he is throwing Nicoel under the bus when she has saved his butt makes me sick. Here is hoping Holly wins veto and evict Cliff. Better still how about Jackson wins and shows Cliff who he is really supporting. (and it is not him)

    1. You mean just like how Nicole was doing the same thing when she thought Tommy was staying? I have no problem with it, that’s the game. Then Michie convinced her to vote Tommy out. She’s just not smart.

          1. Or.
            Jackson convinced Cliff. Before the lie. Before the house meeting. with a fake final 2 proposal.
            At which point, Nicole had no choice because split vote cements her the outsider.
            So, in order to make Nicole right with it, Cliff brokered a new deal. Holly offered the same deal as Tommy.
            She offered to Throw HOH, and If she couldn’t win veto and evict Jackson, to throw veto as well.
            The situation was never Jackson snowed stupid Nicole. The situation is Cliff puckered up to Jackson uhhh-gain, and Nicole was stuck with lemonade.

    1. Cliff could convince Jackson that Holly would get votes from, Tommy, Sis, Christy, Jess – and Cliff, if Jackson evicts him. Time for Cliff to turn it on

    2. did he not say in the DR, “regardless of the outcome of the vote (eviction last night) he was going after cliff & nicole?” i think he is feeding cliff a bunch of BS.

      1. If that’s true then why tell Holly to throw the HOH. Jackson last night was really crying about Tommy, he had some remorse over the blow up. Holly zilch.

        1. saw that too. thought it was legit. he tried to fight off the tears. didn’t wanna have to resort to that tactic to save holly.

          1. The tears and didn’t want to resort crap happened right after he left d/r (so right after a stop being so giddy about being a douche, show some remorse for the next episode order), the tears stopped for hoh reveal. he leaves hoh reveal, gets another d/r call. not emotional at all. comes out of d/r still not emotional and goes back to being teary for the cameras because they didn’t get all of the human response they required the first time. Don’t fall for the teary for the episode crap. look at the giddy before being called to the d/r stuff. that’s the real guy right there.

            1. sounds about right. i’m buyin’ what you’re sellin’. imo, you are a reputable obb commenter. i had just tuned in when that happened.

              sidenote. i’m also buying the idea that some of the posts here possess inflated up & down votes. i’m thinkin’ they hate-posted, got a lot of down votes, hated that, which prompted them to upvote their own posts multiple times. enough to raise suspicion.

              not surprised. this is the internet after all. seen it done on various websites. youtube’s one of them.

              1. I stopped paying heed to up and down votes in 17 when i stated that we don’t know if Vanessa ever tried to own her game in d/r, we only know the parts of d/r that d/r showed us because it’s not a confessional, it’s a produced stroyline device. After the down votes to that, i just stopped giving a shit about whether or not anyone liked or hated on an up down scale, and chose only to respond to people that actually commented to me if i happened to see the comment (and had something to say).

    3. This drives me crazy! The only deal make is if Holly and Jackson are on the block Cliff will vote Holly out and Jackson will take Cliff to F2. Jackson already knows Cliff will take Nicole if he has to choose.

    1. It’s about lying about and to Tommy. Seems genuine, he be a sociopath if he didn’t feel some regret about that move, even if it was a smart game move.

      1. It is nothing but game, crocodile tears, CYA. After week one Jackson suddenly stopped saying “Let’s take some souls”.

      2. Funny how he only had crocodile tears after coming out of dr… Hmmm cld this be production once again telling him to change how hes acting and play up he feels horrible to deceive viewers like they have all season long… That is a big HELL YES! Jackson is heartless, egotistical douche bag!!!

      3. If it didn’t happen right after a d/r call, i’d almost believe genuine. it was a complete 180 from his attitude before that d/r call. i’m calling crap.

        1. Downside is the HoH has no say in who goes this round unless Nicole wins veto then she picks who decides but they pick. Jackson and Nicole are in the final 3.

  4. Oh, these two…the mental gymnastics of blaming Cliff/Nicole for Jackson attacking Tommy…”if only they would have stayed true to their word”. The they-made-me-do-it argument is pathetic.
    Is Nicole’s HOH room going to be Rainbow Bright and My Little Pony’s Themed? Good lord, the girl is 24 going on 12.
    Really? They gave her a onesie? Ugh.

    1. To clarify, my down vote was for your second opinion about Nicole. As far as Michie not taking ownership of his cowardly villainous act against Tommy, that’s a huge thumbs up for me (despite the fact that Tommy’s love-fest was like fingernails on a chalkboard)–pathetic, indeed.

  5. I miss the old big brothers when the jurors would come with dvds to watch of their evictions, comps etc. when entering the jury house. When did they stop doing that?

    1. Quick recap of what’s going on in the jury house…. Jack is boning Sis/Kat while Chrusty and Tommy are crying in the corner. Jess is wandering through the house trying to find the HOH room or chasing butterflies outside.

  6. Here’s why it’s total B.S. that once again jackson has gotten away with breaking the rules like he has all season.

    So Jax used production for strategy and that is totally against the rules and in the past every person who has done that has been hit with nit allowed to use production with strategy over loud speaker and called into the dr and told they have to go out and tell them they used production for strategy and its not true but not jackson when he lied and said he got called in the dr to talk abt tommy and the deal…. (total lie)

    Just another example that the rules dont apply to there golden boy pompous douchebag jack @ss!!!

    I get that Big Brother is a reality tv show that is highly production influenced based on ratings for a storyline to come out the way they want it too but fans are tired of seeing one person get highly favorable outcomes braking almost every rule why others get hit left n right for stupid stuff…

    Tired of the jackson show and hope nicole wins veto and gets rid of the pompous douchebag!!!

    1. What rules has he broken?? Why is it he can’t strategize, or lie, but everyone else can?

      He’s played a very good game whether you like him or not. I’m not getting the Jackson hate. I’m not getting why he is being portrayed as a bad person it seems his only crime is being a straight white man.

        1. True. I don’t remember anyone complaining about Enzo making F3, after he “cheated” on slop by hiding food in his penguin suit.

      1. Jackson used dr in his lie to nicole and cliff about tommy ( the big game move lie) which is against bb house rules and production almost every time has called houseguests out for doing it in the past seasons and made them tell the house guests they were lying using production for strategy which is not allowed!!! Jackson did this and got away with it, no ding by production because they want him to win it all!!! It’s complete and utter b.s

      2. He can’t use dr to do it! Which is exactly what he did when telling nicole and cliff that dr called him in to talk abt tommy and the deal….

      3. Nobody mentioned race, sexuality, or gender, but go off. And Jackson is a douche by any measure. Stop being petty.

    2. It doesn’t matter if Nicole wins veto. Cliff (assuming Nicole puts Holly and Jackson on the block) will be the only one voting).

              1. production decided not to call pass interference on the rams last year, which led to the saints being evicted, which led to a boring final 2. 😉

    3. Nonsense. I swear every year someone cries about nonexistent cheating.

      Jackson has done really well, odd that offends you to the point that you feel the need to write an essay about it lol. I didn’t like him for the longest either, but I give credit where it’s due. He’s turned it around and that’s all that matters.

      1. I think it was the Jack rubbing off. Listening to Ovi in his interview with Elena and going back and watching an episode or two, Jack was the rude obnoxious one and I think it rubbed off on Jackson.

        1. There was no “rubbing off on Jackson”. Either he knows right from wrong or he doesn’t. It comes too easily to him so he’s a douche outside of the house too. He’s only playing up some regret to the cameras because he knows he is being perceived poorly. Easy way to prevent that…..don’t act like a douche…then you won’t be seen as one.

            1. Don’t get me wrong I still think he’s a pompous douchebag. I just think Jack was way worse and wore off on him until he either realized it or the powers to be told him. I’m going with the latter.

            2. I’m going to say, even if i disagree with you on some things, i respect your opinion. please know that.
              BUT That was so close to boys will be boys bullshit. No. He does not get a pass by anyone trying to deflect it on someone else that wasn’t even in the room for some of the disgusting crap that came out of his mouth. Nope. He is an adult. He is old enough to know better. If he can’t act or do better, he has to accept the consequences for his words and deeds. There’s not going to be any boys will be boys and just following orders justifications here. Nope. Don’t even.

        2. Jackson is a follower. He did what Jack. IMO if Jackson were to have a new circle of friends, he would change. In just 80 something days he had changed, for the good.

        1. Seriously. I’m pretty sure I read that on this site, and people who regularly comment here are pretending they never heard about it. But regardless, Jackson is a douche, always and forever, and that’s something he got no help with.

      2. I totally agree, I wasn’t a fan at first but he’s really shown he’s a good player and even a good person who has a heart. We didn’t get to see that at first.

        1. Not true. I think it was Boogie that lost a secret power for revealing it existed.
          Was it Jen? that got a penalty vote for eating in Dick’s season?
          Audrey. They doped her up, sent her to be a vegetable in have not, and then penalty voted the unconscious for not attending veto meeting.
          Matt ate 5 boxes of cereal and got a penalty vote.
          in bbcan season 1: Emmet was disqualified from multiple comps, and lost an hoh due to helping his showmance in comps.
          Punishments happen. But only at the whim of production.
          example: again bbcan: season2 Adel admitted to openly cheating in a comp he won. It was obvious in the episode edit he was cheating (that’s how much he cheated, they couldn’t disguise it) and he still got to keep the win.

  7. I think Cliff has screwed the pooch on this one. Does he really think Jackson will keep him over his stool buddy ? I’m hoping to see Nicole in final two but it’s looking like the stool buddies will occupy those two seats.

    1. You have to ask yourself why is everybody rooting for the person that least deserves winning BB?

      Nicole was just a pawn in most of the game that Cliff pulled the strings on. Strategists like Jackson who had to put his neck out there week in and week out did the dirty work, and Cliff on his side of the house guiding folks in the direction he wanted them to vote. I see them as much more deserving.

          1. And this is why Big Brother is different than Survivor. You root for people like Michie/Tyler/Paul if they are on Survivor due to the physical, mental and social constructs of that game requiring ruthless focus. On Big Brother, you root for people like Nicole and Kaycee because they are ruthlessly committed to their humanity.

            Strategically, Michie has played the best game out of all of them — if he was playing Survivor. But it’s Big Brother. Nicole is the captain now.

      1. Who single-handedly caused the disintegration of the largest alliance in the house?? It was a HUGE undertaking, and Nicole strategized it beautifully.

      2. Jackson is a strategist? He targeted Jessica, Christie, and Analyse, who have like 3 comp wins between the three of them. Let’s get real.

  8. I like Cliff he seems like a genuinely good person and not a terrible player. But if he gets 500 or even 50k it will be a travesty since he was already evicted.

    1. Cliff is in the game – fair and square – by the rules that were announced at the beginning of the game. I give him a lot of credit for fighting his way back and remaining in the game while being an outsider to the early power group players who were dominating. Like Michie says – it’s chess, not checkers…

  9. So Holly made final 4 hooray for the entitled princess….,now can she go out 4th like she promised…….or just throw away her massive makeup supply and she’ll self evict.

    1. The way things are going even though Nicole won HOH perhaps Jackson is already finding a loophole to find a way to send her out?

  10. Cliff is delusional. He is acting like Michie is the boss. No, you are supposed to be on an even playing field, why is he cow-towing, probably because he was bullied in his life so is giving into the bully. What an A$s. What exactly does Cliff think Michie saved him from. Michie did have him on the block were it not for Nicole removing him.

    1. Cliff knows that he(Cliff) is unlikely to win the final hoh, so he’s trying to make sure the likely winner takes him. He isn’t cow-towing to anyone, he’s trying to make it to final two.

  11. Cliff is a total snake and is not going to win!!! Only
    person cliff beats is holly and he just made a deal with jax to take him f3 if he wins pov… What an idiot!!! Why in the world wld u take jax to f3!!! Just so cliff can get a f3…

    Have u lost ur damn mind???

  12. The way that Cliff was throwing Nicole under the bus to Jackson & Holly, saying that voting out Holly/keeping Tommy was all Nicole’s idea, but he was NEVER on board, has made him really hard to like (especially since Nicole has never said a single negative thing about Cliff… ever).
    Just now Cliff told Jackson that he’d take him to the final 2, but 5 minutes later he told Nicole the same thing.
    Doesn’t he realize that all of these shady antics are going to tarnish his “America’s favorite Dad”/AFP image that he’s been wh0ring & pandering all season?

    1. Maybe just maybe Cliff is playing Jackjaw and if he or Nicole win veto they will send him out. Even Cliff realizes the easier road is Holly not Jackjaw.

  13. Cliff irritates me. I think I dislike him more than I disliked the Christie/Tommy connection fiasco. He reeks of desperation.

    1. It’s ageism. If he was Dans age everyone would think he’s a great strategist. He’s not auditioning to be your grandpa, he’s playing big brother.

  14. Jackson in the bathroom timed his fake he’s so sorry cry perfectly. It’s all about how he looks to the public. I saw him look at the camera. I saw how he waited to cry until bbad was on… he’s awful… and fake.

    1. Yeah we are being treated to Jackjaw’s Master Acting Class inside the HOH Actors Studio…..lucky us Holly’s next……

  15. OK, so Cliff will has honored his commitment and now he’s throwing Nicole under the bus? If he has integrity, he would go with Nicole.

  16. Does anybody know what happened during the house meeting that was conveniently blocked by a$$hole CBS?……..anyone?

    1. The twink cried a lot because the guy with the jaw was on a massive roid rage… The others sat and did nothing like usual.

    2. Tommy was also yelling at Holly, shaming her because she is always talking about her integrity but she was an accomplice to Jackson’s lie. She just sat there like a dummy looking guilty.

  17. Lovely so snake Cliff know wants him in Jax in f2…. Unbelievable how desperate cliff is right now…

    Cliff what happened to ur f2 with nicole and u having her back…

  18. Watermelon head is crying for an Emmy. Please let Cliff win the Veto. Holly and Jackson are just the lowest of the low

  19. Wait, what???? Cliff and Nicole are going to evict Holly and take Jackson to Final 3??? Am I reading that right? Do they have a death wish????

    1. Thats all Cliff, not Nicole. He is still riding her coattails while trying to take credit and make deals for himself.

    2. No, Cliff is. Her getting HOH was orchestrated for this reason. She is powerless & Cliff is Miche’s puppet. Holly will be sent home by Cliff. then Miche wins.

    3. Idiot Cliff made this deal with Jackson thinking he was covering all his bases. This BS deal with Jackson is that they would keep each other if they won POV & he also implied to Jackson that they take each other to F2. After a DR session and the guilt finally seeping in a bit Cliff realized how shitty he would look to Nicole if it came out he had a F2 deal with both her/Jackson & the deal to evict Tommy was only made to help Cliff ensure his F2 chair. At that point he went back to Jackson & said I have to take Nicole to F2 if I get the choice. The laugh meter is on high b/c Jackson not only isn’t planning on taking Cliff to F2 if he wins POV this week he’s also going to evict him. (Ditto for Holly who Cliff ALSO tried to ensure would vote out Jackson if she won POV).

      AND —- while all of this is going on Nicole is NOT very happy with Cliff for making the handshake deal to keep Jackson to F3 (if Cliff wins POV) Notably the F4 POV is typically date/puzzle based which leans toward Nic/Cliff winning. Nicole however, picked at a minor loop hole in that if SHE wins POV it still should be HER CHOICE who she wants to leave. She smartly figured out the ONLY thing Cliff seems to value is hand shakes so she made him shake her hand that if SHE does in fact win POV that Cliff will evict who SHE TELLS HIM TO (i.e. Jackson).

      Again, typically the F4 POV is a date/puzzle based comp where the players are either doing something like boxing (hitting the correct number of days an event occurred) or they are larger puzzles where the hamsters are lining up two events with an intersecting point on the puzzle. In both instances Nicole & Cliff would be best suited to win and also these comps would NOT be timed separately (rather everyone all at once). The thing which may shift this however is this season has been very different in terms of timing. For example the F4 hamster is usually evicted early in the week so the Final 3 can begin their competitions but that’s b/c at this stage we’re usually just five days away from the finale (not 12).

      I still keep wondering if they are going to re-do F4 especially if things came out that Michie/Holly WERE lying and also had ZERO intentions of keeping Cliff. At that stage seeing them re-do F4 with everyone furious at each other would be entertaining. It sure didn’t make sense to see that HOH comp this week instead of a before/after or date related comp so maybe they still have that in store. I guess we’ll find out in the next day or so b/c the POV should get played today (& usually the F4 hamster would be leaving Sunday, Mon or Tues) but with 12 days still to play it’s likely this will be a full week unless a re-do is implemented.

      The irony for me would be if a re-do happens b/c Holly would must likely win that spinning comp HOH (if it was the same) & then Nicole/Cliff would be FIRED UP to win the POV date comp to take out Jackson even more so than at least one of them (Cliff) is now. And of course, we can just hear it now – anyone who thinks Jackson has master classed this season will feel he got robbed if it’s a re-do and anyone who feels he was baby spooned the season by TPTB will be mad if he’s evicted & then somehow gets yet another shot to stay.

      About mid season I was seriously contemplating turfing this season. Sam & Kat were two of the few players I liked and Christie had become one of my least favorites EVER. Although the season still suffered rough patches and won’t come close to contending for best ever the turn around at least made it palatable and the fact we’re at F4 with so many questions still to be resolved is a far cry from where I thought this season was headed about 6 weeks ago.

  20. Warning foil hat moment………Maybe I’m wrong but I feel something will happen like Cliff mysteriously winning a Veto to send Jackjaw out to ensure a “happy ending” to this $hitbag season. Can you imagine if they have Mr. Controversial as their winner (and the fallout)…..I doubt they let it happen after all they control your TV set lol.

    1. Why would Cliff send out Jackson (final 2 deal)? Keeping Jackson means in his opinion he has final 2 deals with both other members of final 3. Cliff is hoping enough people hate Jackson that he can squeak a win over him. He’s a buffoon.

        1. It falls when you consider what happens if Jackson or Holly (yeah. right) win veto. Neither keeps Cliff. Believing that Jackson will cut Holly is what makes him a buffoon.

    2. Even if he’s in the final 2 (which he won’t) he won’t have the votes to win. Sis and Jess is not voting for him to win. Christie, Kat and Tommy are not big fans of his. Nick is closer to Nicole. Jack and Holly would probably be his only vote. Cliff or Nicole would vote for each other.

      1. Jess would vote for him. she’s that special. She was the women’s empowerment guru that knocked women and made excuses for men.
        Kat will vote however she thinks will get her the most attention after the season. and maybe an appearance on another program.

  21. Can anyone clarify what deals were made for Tommy’s eviction?
    Holly agreed to throw the HOH in exchange for Nicole’s vote?
    Cliff agreed to evict Holly over Jackson in exchange for what?Jackson doing the same?
    Seems stupid for Nicole to set that plan in motion only to pull out at the last minute.
    All that trouble for nothing but it was entertaining.Though she did ensure her spot in final 3.

  22. Ready for the down thumbs…
    Got to give it to Jackson. He knows how to guilt Cliff into a deal. The deal was they get to the final 4 and the best man wins while they battle it out NOT make a final 3 deal. Good on u Jackson
    Cliff = 0% chance of winning the money (stop shaking people’s hands !!!!l)
    Holly = Sitting duck (or is that sitting buzzard?) She wont get a clue n try to make a deal with a girl cause shes going for girl power. The only way to redeem any face is if she wins to get her “boo” out.(unlikely) or deal with Nicole.
    Nicole = If she wins veto, has the only chance in the BB house to “possibly” (and I use that loosely) become a quiet storm n take Jacskon out
    Jackson = the guy that got his game hat on and is for sure in final 3 and if makes it has best chance of winning.
    What BB drama will the universe cook up? Jackson goes off again? Holly drinks again? Nicole stops riding with Cliff (or cliff gets off her coat tails) and she makes a decision?
    Now if Jackson wins veto, Then what about the handshake??? He sends Holly home?
    I suppose it’s better to like or dislike a player but at this point Cliff is in my BB hall of stupid a$$ deals.
    I see u Jackson! (Uhhgg)

    1. The only chance I can see for Holly is if she turns on Miche & reveals all he has done. She alone knows he lied about Tommy. She knows he plans to turn on Cliff. Only problem is, she saw how he acted yesterday when Tommy tried to stand up for himself. She has also been on the receiving end of Miche’s wrath. I bet she doesn’t have the courage.

    1. No they dont. They both would be terrible winners same goes for holly. Jackson will win the veto and then evict cliff and then the showmance will be f2. If holly and jackson do get there it will be the 1st time a showmance gets to f2 and thats all jackson. Open your eyes people jackson is one of the best players ever.

  23. I’m sorry I want Nicole to win but after Thursday’s eviction episode it’s just hard to root for anyone. I wonder why Nicole can believe Jackson so easily. Is it Cliff? I don’t understand what I’m missing that she can’t see that Cliff, and Jackson seemingly only will cover for one another.

    I will probably be wrong and I’m sure many will disagree with my assessment of the situation. I’m just sorry I’m a not a big SURVIVOR Fan to say, “Well yeah, that’s coming up!” This season of BB was such a let down for me. I had a few weeks of ups, and many downs. I saw, and mostly read things that were very hard.

    People are infallible. I know no one is perfect. I’m certainly not. This year was not easy watching BB. Many would say stop watching it. I did to some extent. I kept up online thanks to this site but it’s sad that this season was hindered by bad casting, and many other problems that could possibly get BB cancelled because ratings have slipped. I know it’s just a reality show in the guise of a game show but it is/was my guilty pleasure.

    1. Nicole confirmed what I have said on here for weeks….”it’s hard for me to believe that people who look like you would want to do anything for someone like me”….she acts like the nerdy kid at school who the “cool kids” finally give some attention to. I know I’ll get thumbs down on this one, but it’s true. Jackson pays even the littlest bit of attention to her and she believes anything he says. I feel bad for her. When she watches what he did to Tommy and how she so easily believed it, I think she is going to be heart broken, especially when he ends up winning the whole thing.

      1. Should she be angry and hurt over how Jackson played the game…or should she be angry and hurt over how Cliff played the game? She’s allowed herself to be directly used by Cliff, not Jackson.

        1. I think for Nicole she will be angry and hurt by that one situation. When she watches back and sees that’s tommy was telling the truth and Jackson was outright lying…and she bought it. She will be angry. It’s what she has preached all season.

          As for Jackson’s gameplay…I don’t respect it. When you have your mom causing an issue on the outside because of your jacka$$ behavior. The favoritism from production. How can anyone who loves the game respect that gameplay.

          Cliff I haven’t respected all season. Nicole will see that too. He’s been a snake since day one. Another one they should’ve gotten out. Nicole unfortunately is relishing in the attention that she so desperately wants, so she is blinded. When she gets out, I think she will be angry at the person she was at the end. How easy she was conned. It’s a game, I get it, but what they did to Tommy, I think both Cliff and Nicole will have a hard time getting over.

          1. The question is will Tommy have a hard time getting over what HE did to Nicole? (at least the majority of the season & the whole “bully” thing).

        2. I think she should be angry and hurt over how SHE played the game. For a super fan she doesn’t seem to understand that lying is a part of Big Brother. She needs to stand up for herself……

      2. She reminds me of the mousy girl who believes the jock actually likes her when in reality, he’s just showing his friends he can get her to “put out.”

      3. She will get over the Jackson betrayal the Cliff betrayal will sting…no holiday cards after all! But knowing how Nicole is she will forgive everyone and just be happy for the experience!

      4. I hear what you are saying – but let’s look at this practically. Nicole has TRIED repeatedly to get buy-in from those around her. Unfortunately, she either found herself on the outside of large alliances or when she did make allies they either were Alpha Dogs (Nick) who refused to listen to anyone but themselves, egoists (Cliff) whose priority was ALWAYS to position himself first even if it meant hurting his #1 ally to do so or disillusionals (Jess) players who logic did NOTHING to help sway.

        Think back over the past few weeks – let’s start with Kat/Cliff on the block – even in that scenario Nicole was willing to keep Kat (so don’t tell me she wasn’t at least a bit cognizant of Cliff’s game selfish game style). With each of Nick, Jess, Tommy she always pushed for others to “listen” to the logic of why another person should be evicted.

        Some will say well – Nicole isn’t a great player b/c she couldn’t influence anyone to make the moves she wanted. But, in this season I don’t think it’s quite so cut & dry. For example – Holly wanted Christie gone before Sis but she couldn’t influence her own showmance to keep Sis so why should we expect Nicole (who many under estimated all season to begin with) to be able to pull it off.

        I do think we’ll see the wrath of Nicole this week if either H/N win & evict Cliff and/or if Cliff gives her a hard time to boot Jackson b/c the time has come where she needs to say “look asshole, I let you blame me all season for your moves to stay safe & get to that F2 chair & never once used it against you, but your ass was leaving this week even with all those stupid fake deals you made so smarten up, let your actions match your words for a frigging change and vote out Jackson. He lied to us – we lied to him whoopee – it’s BB – so pad your resume and let’s go win this game.

    2. Its tv. They have to have assholes on the show or the show would never get ratings. I couldnt imagine having 16 nicoles on the show that would make for bad tv and ratings. Players like jackson is what sells

        1. This will be an unpopular opinion… I agree they filled the house with too many assholes this year, but was that a compensation for not having enough assholes last year? BB21 is not anywhere near my favorite season, but I do find it more entertaining than BB20. That was a total snore fest.

        2. Id rather have 16 assholes and zero floaters. All competiters. Id love to see an alstar season with 8 guys and 8 girls who actually play the game right…lie cheat backstab make shit up etc etc. Every year i see a nicole and im hoping they all go out right away.

          1. What I do not like is when they bring some of their pets back and give them another shot (with a ton of production assistance, and even that didn’t help Paul).

            I would not at all be surprised if Crusty didn’t come back next season, along with some short Italian guy with a large mustache, who can high kick and has never met her before. Or Tommy come back and oddly enough four “complete strangers” who do a Rockettes number behind him if he wins something.

          2. I want to see a season or hard-ass first responders. They deserve it because they are the real hero’s. No more cupcakes or ass kissers.

    3. I used to live for the Summer of BB but no more. Now I watch because there’s so little that’s not a rerun during the Summer. I am a Survivor fan. Glad I’ll have that to enjoy. Although I get disgusted with some of the participants, I enjoy it to the end, except for the violent challenges.

    4. It was a painful season…only if cliff lost camp come back and Ovi or even Kemi came back instead, we would have hopefully had Sam Nicole and O/K alliance and a better season

  24. If Jackson can somehow convince Cliff to take him to final 2 and then wins the game, I will be so impressed. That will cement him as a great player. I don’t love the guy, but this has been one of the strongest middle and end games in a while. Combine that with let’s say Tyler’s pre jury gameplay and you’ve got one of the strongest players of all time.

    1. If Cliff/Nicole win veto I still think Miche will go…..Cliff is weak but he and Nicole know the easier path is Holly…..they voiced this many times going thru scenarios…..but you gotta win Veto.

  25. I’m waiting for another Big Brother wedding in the backyard. But instead of Cliff walking down the aisle to meet Jackson, Cliff will crawl to him panting happily. Can someone tell me why such a groveling fool is placing second in the America’s Favorite Player poll?

    1. Exactly…when Cliff pandered to the “populars,” when they were laughing at him behind his back, instead of playing bb and getting rid of Christy on his Hoh…he sealed his fate as the pansy p*ssy weasel that he is…no respect for him at all! His comic was accurate a vermin!

  26. Like they didn’t made enough mistakes,
    Now they wanna take Jackson to final 3 over holly
    Can you stop voting for them to afp???

  27. All of the people are playing the game. Real fans can support without tearing others down. How pompous of some here to insult cast members rudely. Pot meet kettle.

    1. They are playing a game or a role in the game we see them as characters in the game we are allowed to comment on their game characters. We do not know them as people In The real world! Comments are Toward the bb character. As they always say it’s a game it’s big brother as such we are commenting on the game persona! It’s really not personal come on it’s summer fun and someone is winning a lot of money playing a silly game! Life is too serious enough let’s not take bb so seriously!

  28. Woke up this morning 4AM and had an E-Mail waiting saying that Nicole had won HOH with 4 remaining HG and she had also won HOH during double eviction and I needed to catch up, so I did. I have not watched or read anything about BB21 for 3,4 weeks.
    Here’s my take. My first episode of BB21 was I was rooting for Nicole and Cliff. Cliff not only of age but one in the same environment as myself, engineer in the oil/chemical field. But over the season, and especially reading the last couple weeks of Cliff’s tactics, I can no longer root for someone that has said over and over him and Nicole are a team, yet makes choices and decisions and conversations which may not be Nicole’s wishes or game moves. Rather he discusses his (and he isn’t even HOH) with Mitchie his choices and moves for a final 3, and uses his commitment to Mitch as a crutch on what he would do. Every time I read these Cliff, Mitch conversations, it’s Cliff throwing Nicole under the bus. Sorry to say I have in my years of working as an Engineer for Amoco and later BP, one take-a-way I see in Cliff, is one of a “brown noser” that will step over anyone for promotions, rather then earn them.
    Hope Cliff gets a chance to meet Julia on the eviction chair.

  29. Well that was fun and while it was clearly a strategic victory for the evil Jackson, for me Cliff was the true winner of that round: he finally revealed to most people what some of us have known for a long time. Way to go Rotund One!

    The loser? Nicole. Not because she was duped by the evil Jackson, because she continually allows herself to be fooled and used by Cliff.

    I do believe Nicole still has a fair shot at winning but I also don’t believe her resume is anywhere near as impressive as most want to believe. Yes, the sweet, shy seemingly innocent geeky girl rose from the bottom the final four…but no one else is left and she was never a major threat.

    As far as game play, what has she really done? How many comps has she won outside of the ones Cliff and Holly threw to her? Not exactly Kaycee material. Beyond that, she’s blindly allowed Cliff to use her every step of the way. That said, she still has three things going for her: tonight Cliff just handed her AFP, a jury of dysfunctional people and she’s not Jackson. The later two being why Cliff will slit her throat in a second. He’s the biggest threat between her and the win.

    I do expect Nicole’s stock and accolades will take a meteoric rise now, not because of her game play but she’s now clearly the sole remaining anti-Jackson player. Tommy can now comfortably high kick back into the lower levels of the pack.

  30. I gave it a thumbs up DESPITE your egregious omission…a little something from New Jersey. He was a HG in last night’s episode.

    (loved it anyway)

    1. Love it!

      Please, please, please BB gods, have a camera following Tommy around…and maybe a medic. I want to see what happens when he tells Crusty that he blew their secret and probably her influence with the jury.

  31. Like Jackson or not (and I personally don’t), the dude just pulled off the most impressive move of the season. Pinot Noir was more or less out the door and he single-handedly turned it around.

  32. Cliff’s a snake. The guy is a total P.O.S. for backstabbing Nicole like that by agreeing to take Jackass’son to final 2. Unbelievable, this guy. That last pic of him smiling in bed makes me sick. Nicole is honestly the only reason why this season wasn’t a total shit show.

      1. i watched BBAD Wed night and Cliff was up there telling Jackson that Nicole wanted Jackson out and he didn’t. It made me think Cliffs next move was to get the sex stool to complete the relationship with those two. Can someone tell me WHY CLIFF WANTS JACKSON IN THE GAME? what am i missing here?

        1. Yup…well, except maybe the Cliff was Jackson at one time. Maybe a short, pudgy, dateless and desperate version.

          Are you watching what’s going on with your ranking matrix?

    1. She never had a decent shot to get things started. Anyone she had a chance to work with took everything to the cool kids table and ratted her out to try to get in with them. She couldn’t win the HoH, only got picked for 2 vetoes before everyone plays in them although her second was at 7 so she only had a 14% chance of not getting picked. She couldn’t figure out how to get her social game up and running and now she’s stuck in a final 3 she has no control over.

  33. Jackson on the feeds last night, trying to justify what he did to Tommy was laughable. Trying to do damage control of his image, once again. POS

    1. The acting by Jackson last night SMH. If they give out Razzies for the worst acting in movies, I can’t decide what was worse, getting ready for the hate, Jackson, now did he pull out a nose hair to cry, crying over Tommy being so good, or Holly feigning empathy over Jackson as she tried to comfort him over his pain?

      Over his pain. What? Jackson’s pain? His heart aches? Because he lied and probably verbally, and mentally abused beyond a game a person for money? The preview of that house meeting looks horrible. I’m going to be downvoted for sure but i had a discussion with friends and we just couldn’t talk. We were not even fans of Tommy.

      The subject turned weird. We talked about the zombie apocalypse. At first we wanted to find out who’d we want to take with us if we survived. After seeing Thursday’s episode, we decided we wanted to be zombies.

      Give Jackson a Golden Watermelon for his performance. Holly as runner up gets nothing.

      Hate me. I get it. I’m so over these people.

  34. I know this wont happen. But I would like to see Holly win the veto and send Jackson home. She should even know she has no chance against jackson in final 2. But if she has a brain of her own, she takes Jackson out and that at least gives her some cred with the jury. That she got out the biggest player in the game. Only chance she has of winning. But that being said, at this point I have to root for Nicole. She has made a big turnaround since double eviction night. I believe Nicole will win over anyone besides maybe Jackson. And Jackson will win over everyone. Only chance I see Cliff winning is if he took Holly to final 2. Holly and Cliff actually have the best chance of winning if they took each other. Nicole or Jackson would beat both of them in the jury vote. So in my opinion, the best thing for them is to both break their final 2 deal and take the other if they can. I don’t want to see either win. But it is their best option.

  35. I wish that CBS would do an “After the Final Eviction” show…like they do on the Bachelor/Bachelorette, so we can see the houseguests reaction to what they watched back from the season.

  36. Here’s the best thing for Nicole to do. She listens to her gut and feelings and while voting out Tommy last night she looked especially upset. So far when Cliff has been talking to her (or I should say…at her) she has short clipped answers. I absolutely abhor Cliff, have the whole show. Nicole has made it this far not so much because of Cliff, but in spite of Cliff. He has admitted to going behind her back and making deals FOR HIM for F2. I don’t believe she’s that stupid to not be thinking maybe she should put Cliff on the block. And lets be honest here, she should. Put him up against Melonhead and unless there’s a miracle POV win, he will be gone. He while talking to feeders said he wondered if playing so close to a villian makes him look bad…sorry Cliff…that ship sailed a long time ago…most viewers just really don’t like you. So she puts Cliff up, her, melonhead or sex stool win the Veto and take melonhead down…out goes Cliff. She has a good shot at the F3 comps, sex stools luck with those has fizzled (no I DONT believe she threw the HOH and if you think I’m wrong think back to one of sex stools HOH’s and melonhead admitted he threw it to her) so she can probably beat her and make F2. Then she has a chance with the Jury. I guess you can tell I just want that sneaky snarky a**hole Cliff out of there.

  37. I am still in shock that Holly had the audacity to “inspire” young girls in her speech last night. REALLY?! At this point, just quit while you’re behind…or, rather: YOUR BEHIND.

    1. Agreed 100 times! She was exactly the opposite of inspiration for young girls. She can’t be that delusional. Spread your legs sit on stools to give bj’s, talk about your many many health and mental issues. Your dependency on a male and ass kissing to stay in his good graces. Now…..should I even begin on her plastic surgeries before 30 years. The amount of thick makeup, fake lips, fake hair, push up bra and need for all attention to be on her. She wasn’t the only one but she sure was not even close to an inspiration. Jackson’s Mom is screaming go away. Thanks for letting me rant.

  38. Simon / Dawg Thanks for all the work you put into this site every year. I just wanted to make sure I am remembering correctly. The winner of the POV is the only person who votes this week. Right?

    1. Nicole is final 3 no matter what she does in the veto.
      Cliff wins veto he gets to vote who to evict either Michie or Holly
      Holly wins veto she gets to vote who to evict either Michie or Cliff
      Michie wins veto he gets to vote who to evict either Cliff or Holly
      Nicole wins veto the person not on the block gets to vote who to evict.

  39. Wow Nicole . . I think you made a $500,000 mistake . . by keeping Holly . ..wait till you get home and watch the Feeds and see how Michie was bare face lying about it all !!!!!! You were mad that people were making a Fool of you . . . and Michie played you and Cliff like a violin. And you are both CRAZY to take him to Final 3 !!!! My Gosh Cliff . .get some balls here . . do you really think Michei would keep his word to you . . he is here for the money, not for friendship . .and he has already proven he will lie to your face to get there !

    1. Jackson will win based on gameplay and there won’t be enough bitter jury members to vote against him . I am annoyed enough with Cliff that I hope Jackson wins POV and sends Cliff out of the house

      1. Kemi nailed it in a tweet an hour ago, “If you’re upset about what Jackson did last night you’re watching the wrong show.”

    2. “do you really think Michei would keep his word to you . . he is here for the money, not for friendship . .and he has already proven he will lie to your face to get there !”

      Show me a single player who went into that house for friendship and I’ll show you a loser.

  40. I still can’t believe the amount of people condoning Jackson’s behavior as good game play. It’s scary really. I hope Holly wins power of veto and puts Jackson up, and sends him out! I don’t like Holly, but she’s the only one who would do it.

    1. Tommy isn’t innocent. He made a big deal about Kat knowing holly and used it to evict her. I don’t remember him protecting Nicole when everyone was bullying her. He was doing whatever jack and Christie told him to do. It’s karma to me that he was put in the hot seat before he left.

  41. A lot of random thoughts going on here…

    It’s amazing to me how pissed I am about how they screwed Nicole (and Tommy) and yet I can see Michie’s lie as a brilliant move. I want to say that he crossed a line, but it’s BB, go BIG or go home. I didn’t like it at all, but I cant deny that it worked.

    I’m a little disappointed that it seems like Nicole fell for it. How could she forget Nichie’s lie ABOUT HER and the rogue vote?

    Even if Nicole hadn’t fallen for Michie’s lie, she wouldn’t have been able to do a darn thing about it. If she couldn’t get Cliff on board with voting out Holly, what could she do? If she is the only one to vote out Holly, Jackson breaks the tie. Potentially she pisses off Cliff and loses her last hope for someone to take her to final 2.

    As mad as I am at Cliff, the deal that was made did get Nicole HOH and guarantee her final 3. Had the deal not been made, Nicole could have lost HOH and ended up being the next to go. I don’t think Cliff every really wanted to vote out Tommy, so I’m not even entertaining that scenario at this point. Keeping Tommy was better for Nicole’s game-not Cliff’s. So, at least he did make sure she got to final 3 in screwing her game.

    What was up with Cliff’s hesitation during the vote? Just a theory, but do you think he was considering voting out Holly to make it look like Nicole backed out of the deal? It was just very weird.

    I know a lot of people see Tommy as fake and I won’t disagree, but I did feel bad for him. Especially when he was trying to get Holly to admit the truth. He seems to have respect for Michie making the move, but I wonder what he feels about Holly.

    Long story short, I’m pissed, but I still want to see what happens in the end.

    1. Cliff’s a moron. They owned Tommy and should’ve kept him. It was a three on 1 and Jackson was toast in that scenario. Cliffs is the definition of mucking up a wet dream.

  42. Does anyone know what Jackson was referring to last night when he was telling Holly to stop talking so they don’t get in to “trouble” again?

  43. So everyone plays for veto. Assuming Holly and Michie go up as discussed, here’s how it goes in order of likely outcome:

    Michie wins veto: Takes himself down. Cliff goes up. Cliff is evicted — Yeah Buddy said he would reign terror regardless of outcome on Thursday and now knows Cliff would consider going back on his word if needed. It is better for Holly to go out at #3 for Michie — lock vote for him to win. Let’s play Big Brother.

    Nicole wins veto: Noms near lock to stay the same (see Cliff below for how it plays out). But I do not think Nicole is 100% cool with Michie in F3 (her best scenario is Holly and Cliff, with Cliff F2 so girl power vote not split) — if Cliff keeps talking about his handshake with Michie, I could absolutely see Nicole’s Gut considering taking Holly down and putting up Cliff if he will not agree to vote Michie out (knowing that means Cliff intends to take Michie to F2). Holly would evict Cliff and Nicole would grit her teeth but be okay with it. Biggest Michael Corleone move in BB history — hand Nicole the title.

    Holly wins veto: Takes herself down. Cliff goes up. Cliff is evicted. Sex stool stays warm until finale night.

    Cliff wins veto: Obviously noms stay the same and Cliff makes F3. SKD143. Cliff wrings his hands until Thursday AM, talks to Nicole a lot without saying anything, prays for strength to make the right decision and constantly talks to Sharon like she is dead. I think Cliff ultimately boots Michie, rationalizing that taking out the beast is the cherry on the top of his resume. And he will blame it on Nicole (which will lose him Michie’s vote).

    So….the handshake deal between Michie and Cliff is meaningless, unless Nicole thinks it is real. If Nicole wins the veto, Fredo agrees to evict the person she wants out. If he waffles, he sleeps with cut to fishes.

    Given Michie’s comp dominance, Cliff has greatest odds to be evicted next. Holly greatest odds to join Nicole in F3, but has a remote chance to win. It is Nicole and Michie’s game with Nicole now clear front runner.

    1. “Cut to fishes” 😀 Brilliant rundown. I would only add I’d like to slap the “Let’s play Big Brother” right though Michie’s lying teeth.

      1. Thank you. I love you and respect you and your game…..after all, it is chess, not checkers….

        And on a separate note, I still can’t decide if Michie looks more like a Mii my kid once made for the Wii or a live version of a character from the classic claymation show “Davey and Goliath”…..

  44. I don’t have feeds but am thinking of things taken out of this season. Did they do HOH updates to the twitterverse? Did they do HOH selfies? Out of the house field trip? Concert? This yr hardly any shots of them sitting around the outside or working out or jogging…Not complaining.

  45. Okay. I’m about to take off the kid gloves and rant a little. you’ve been forewarned.

    I’m pretty much up to date after zonking out and being asleep for the last 13 or 14 hours. Sadly, I might be missing a large chunk of end of season, it’s still up in the air. Maybe not so sadly for those that think my comments are the ramblings of a tool.

    Assessing given the information that they had:
    was evicting Tommy the right move for Nicole? No.
    was evicting Tommy the right move for Cliff? sort of maybe but can’t say yes. He did the Cliff thing to do. I haven’t agreed with the Cliff thing to do all season. I don’t respect Cliff.

    Strategic Errors in game plan:
    a) I know what my question to Jackson is in final 2 and I’m Tommy. make him admit he lied. Screw with his image. b) Nicole deferred. That is a season long theme. Nicole defers to others and refuses to push for the benefit of her own game. c) Cliff is a buffoon to think the guy that just put that much effort into arguing for Holly to stay a day ago is going to say well now you can leave honeybunch. That’s illogical. d) why bother looking for strategic errors in Holly’s game, she hasn’t even been riding a coat tail to get to the end. She’s been riding something else.

    Congratulations you made final four. Now what?
    Hey Nicole: Holly followed your agreement. She threw. Now you are either in final three with a showmance or the guy that has been throwing you under the bus for four weeks (grow tf up, that’s exactly what he’s been doing and she knows it) and the guy whose d he has been sucking while using you as a speedbump. Congratulations, you are now the metaphorical sex stool to either pair of the remainder of the final 3. Let’s hope you get out of it less contaminated than the actual stools.
    Hey Cliff: you just sold your soul and your dignity. Look back in the future and realize that sliming your way across the ground sucking up to Jackson because he’s you 25 years ago just means you don’t have enough self awareness to realize what a jerk you were 25 years ago. The fact that you even for a second truly think Jackson is going to win veto, cut his d*ckwarmer, and take Cliff the sympathetic fool to final 2? Go make a deal with jury. Does Holly keep him over bullwinkle and the carcass it’s attached to? No. Does Jackson keep him over Bullwinkle’s human holster? No. Better go suck up to Grod there Cliff.
    Hey Jackson: good move on a game level. Now please shut tf up about how honorable you are and how hard done by you’ve been, because the good move i just commended you on, like every other good move you’ve made isn’t the heroic move, it’s the dirty asshat move. I dislike him. I hate that he has had a platinum edit this season. I hate that he has openly talked about production giving him hints and suggestions and image fixes this season. He’d be a good game player without it. I’d dislike him still, but wouldn’t be so angry about it. Production is trash for polishing a turd. He’d have been good at the game without their help. Their help pisses me off more than his actual personality would. He talks about their help and hints. On feeds. argue with me. The receipts are well documented.
    Hey Holly: like, put down the makeup brush, and like dismount your meat shield for like a second. Role model for young girls? shut tf up. Like the rest of the season, your apologist shorts and tights consuming ass was kept around because you are gameless unless that game is shower stall biological fluid receptacle bingo. Cry your fake I’m very conservative morals tears all you want. you went on a reality program, became sloppy seconds and had sex on camera, and did nothing to add to the entertainment value unless you are entertained by, in most cases night vision sex with a human watermelon. great role model. for that non existent young girl that dreams of entering the sex trade. It’s not slut shaming. It’s a fact.
    So, now if I do end up missing the end of the season if things end up less up in the air, at least i’ve directly said exactly what I think without even trying to be nice.

    End of rant. Nothing to see here.

    1. ANOTHER NAME you are so right about Michie and his “platinum” edits! Only reason Michie actually had clips to give him the platinum edit is because he and Holly had been in power for so long. When they weren’t in power Michie’s true colors always came out…pouty ass narcissist! I gotta give it to him for actually playing the game and lying about Tommy BUT stop already playing it up for the cameras with the crying and how much you love Tommy and didn’t want to hurt him! As much as I can’t stand Michie I’d actually give him a slow hand clap if he would just say ha,ha got your ass Tommy!

      1. He was called into d/r at the end of week one. told to alter his behavior told public perception of him. The entire cast was instructed to yell out feedsfeedsfeeds any time the subject matter was going to a bad optics place. he was pulled into d/r week 2, told no really, alter your behavior. week three he was allowed to cheat as a have not and told again to alter his behavior being given suggestions on how to alter said behavior. after day 43’s long long feed cut after hoh, jackson was given a private room in order to keep from interacting with the others so that he could be invisible for hours, in order to alter his behavior with cams being blocked from that room unless other house guests were in there. He’s spoken of the d/r calling him in and giving him suggestions on how to alter his behavior. multiple times. They pandered to him. look at the watermelons. look at the day they were out of watermelons and he complained loudly they’d better go get him one now. within the hour there were watermelons in the supply room. Name ONE other time that production has refilled a food request on demand on a non refill day. Any season. I’ll wait. Forever. cus it’s never happened. The same people that have withheld medications in some seasons are running out and picking up watermelons for some petulant child. Come on. Oh wait. his reaction to field trip. Everyone lauded his reaction to the field trip without paying heed to him later saying he was taken into d/r and told what was going to happen before the field trip was announced in order to prepare him, and given some suggestions (gee, could one of those have been shake the egg to break the yolk and it rolls straighter? oh come now.) for the comp. The entire season is one image fix after another for him.

  46. The one person I currently think doesn’t have a shot at winning this whole thing is Holly — so…Holly is going to win.

  47. Cliff & Nicole just kissed their bid for the grand prize away. Idiots!! If jackson wins veto and takes himself off the block, Nicole replaces him with Cliff and Jackson has the one & only vote to evict. DUUUUHHHH!!

    1. And it will be all Cliff’s own fault because he was afraid he couldn’t beat Tommy at final three. That’s the problem with Cliff’s logic: he has to GET to final three in order to be afraid of who he can beat in final three HOH.

  48. Holly “throwing” the HOH to Nicole just so cliff can take Jackson to final 3 is one of the worst game moves I’ve ever seen !!!

  49. Final 2,Jackson and Nicole. Due to resentment and bitterness in the jury,the vote will be split and the advantage will go to the one that has the fairest of play. Christie, and now Tommy have an ax to grind with Jackson for his lies and their influence will weigh heavily on the jury and its decision.You can believe that Christie is highly incensed and will explode when Tommy shows up at jury house.In her mind,she did everything possible by her sacrifices to keep Tommy in the game,now it is payback time.Advantage- Nicole !

    1. Well if Crusty wants to payback anyone she needs to start with Tommy. If it hadn’t been for his loud mouth he would probably still be there.

      1. Simon can you tell me why Cliff does the weird chest rub snap when he wins? Is that a thing? Am I the only weirdo noticing? If so I’m wondering what that says about me…

        1. It is a loose interpretation of something Johnny Manziel, former QB for Texas A&M, used to do when he scored a touchdown.

    1. Look for his families videos regarding Nicole…before they thought she had the power to save Tom Thumb.

  50. It’s so dishearting to know Holly and Jackson might go to final 2. Come on please let Nicole or Cliff win this veto. Cliff and Nicole should want Jackson out not Holly. He’s harder to beat later. I really hope Cliff isn’t serious in picking Jackson to stay over Holly if Cliff wins veto! Jackson will win that last HOH hands down. Haha Jackson and Holly are not going to last as a couple the only reason he’s friendly with Cliff is so he will pick him over Holly if it comes down to that lol

    1. I don’t think they should let anyone just win. These players should win on their own merits of playing the game, not based on their “virtuous” personalities.

  51. I don’t like that Cliff is going behind Nicole’s back and making deals. She needs to go to Holly and tell her that Jackson is making deals to get her out and take Cliff to final 2. It would be way easier for Nicole to win over Holly. So maybe if Holly sees Jackson’s true colors she’ll gun for the veto, win it and vote out Jackson. They all have a better shot at winning without him there.

  52. My memory sucks but I don’t remember the last time a final 3 or 4 team members flipped on their teammates at this point in the game the way Nicole and Cliff did. If my memory serves me correctly, the teams usually ride it out to the end before they turn on each other. I think that is why Jackson and Holly were so surprised at the potential flip. So I blame this mess on Nicole and Cliff. They just overthought the scenarios and made the wrong decision on all fronts. It’s still anyone game.

    1. bbcanada 5? ika/dem cut the two french players they had been working with until earlier that day and kept karen and the mma fighter heavy breather they weren’t in an alliance with during the triple eviction. 7th and 6th place.
      bb16. they kept victoria over their allies repeatedly.
      bb17. vanessa cut austin instead of austin over steve. at 4.

    2. Happens all the time – and fwiw – Holly/Jackson implied to Sis she was safe but flipped on her for Christie’s deal. Ditto for Nick with them over Christie so it’s not like H/J haven’t repeatedly made their own maneuvers.

      Up until this past week Nicole is literally the only player who always worked with the people she was aligned with (to her own detriment at times – see telling Jess about the F6 alliance).

      What we need to remember is everyone of the hamsters is trying to hold fast to an alliance but at the same time keep their options open. Although Jackson’s preference was to keep Cliff/Nicole he still “implied” to Tommy/Christie they were the duo Holly & he were working with. Holly would’ve been all too happy for Tommy to win F5 POV to cut Cliff loose as another example.

      So while it’s true each of the hamsters double down on their main alliance they ALL still try to ensure safety in case “that alliance” doesn’t win.

  53. I’m still rooting for Nicole but she really screwed up. She had no qualms about betraying the alliance. She thought it was the best game move for her and was proud. Everybody knows you have to break up showmances, good or bad it was a bold justifiable game move. To back down from her gut reaction and let Jackson bulldoze and hoodwink her into keeping Holly was probably the 500 thousand dollar mistake they all talk about.

    1. Again —- without Cliff voting the same as her it made no flipping difference what she wanted. It was CLEAR all week that Cliff wanted to keep Holly b/c he had delusions he was a F3 with Holly/Michie & F2 with Michie b/c of how hard he worked to bury Nicole as always being the one he had to convince to do what “they/he” wanted.

      Part of the reason Cliff is losing his shit now is he knows deep down in his gut that Jackson/Holly have ZERO intention on keeping him if they pick (which is what both shook & agreed to). AND, part of him is also (IMHO) beginning to feel a bit shady for how he treated Nicole given how gung ho she is about getting them BOTH to the end.

      Ultimately, the ONLY way Nicole could’ve kept Tommy was to threaten Cliff & that’s not something you want to be doing at this stage in the game. The reason Holly promised to throw F4 HOH and POV was as a counter to Tommy’s offer —- BUT also b/c Cliff pushed for it as he’s jumping all over trying to guarantee himself a F2 chair regardless of who is picking & his over playing is making him look super sloppy and far less like the chill Dad he did most of the season. I guess $500k will do that to a person when they are so close to recognizing that dream.

  54. Did anyone happen to see the feeds when Tommy was disrespecting a stripper giving him a lap dance and saying how gross it was and stinky–now they call it Scottish?? They cut the feed to Cliff as soon as he said it–That’s a cut to all women–degrading to all Scottish folks–it was a really rude thing to say–I hope it gets out and he gets hammered for it!!!!! He should NOT be Americas fav!!!

  55. Here is what some of the BB veterans are saying:

    Tyler Crispen: One question: Will twitter actually explode or shut down when Jackson wins or hows that gonna work?

    Rachel Riley: OMG that clip with Tommy crying I can’t…TOMMY FOR AFP…we love you Tommy. (OMG? OMG…just go away Rachel.)

    Andy Herren: Ugh I just re-watched the clip of the fight we are going to see on Sunday and it made me kinda sad. I know Jackson is playing well but it is still kinda gross and not fun to watch. He f&#king sucks. (So Andy, how about when your boy was ganging up with other despicables and bullying Nicole? You were pretty quiet…and you f#%king suck.)

    Swaggy C: WOW SHE DID IT. IDC WHO GOES HOME. CLIFF, JACKSON OR HOLLY. MY GIRL FINAL 3. GANG GANG!!! (Uh, Swags…it was given to her…by Holly no less. Gang Gang!!!)

    Kemi: If you’re upset about what Jackson did last night you’re watching the wrong show

    EvelDick: One of the greatest moves/lies ever told in BB. The move should be applauded, it was gold. And I hate Jackson, but credit where credit is due……I am so sick of Cliff and his bullshit at this point

    Josh Martinez: Jackson deserves the win at this point

    And if you’re feeling bad for poor Tommy last night, I watched an interesting video while I was getting these quotes. It’s of when the gang of 8 went after Nicole, bullying her way beyond belief. Besides Crusty leading the charge (my god, she’s a human pelican…just how big can that mouth expand?) you will see Tommy jumping around, pumping his fists and hooting it up while they trash Nicole.

    Just a little something to keep in mind when you think back on his sad (sniffle, sniffle) departure.

    1. I appreciate your own opinion or the opinion of any other viewer as much or in most cases more than any former house guest. To me, their opinions hold less weight because they have a vested interest in commenting in order to hold on to their fifteen minutes longer… while each of us is commenting with nothing to gain.

  56. Guess I was wrong about J wanting H to be evicted last night.

    Can you even imagine if J&H are F2??
    Jackson would make his case to the jury siting all the comp wins, the deals and HG manipulations…
    (camera now to Holly) Holly holds up the ‘stool’ and comments: Do I need to say more?

    I know Nicole is guaranteed F3 and I am hoping she gets to make her case in F2 on finale night.

    1. The Rotund One is one step ahead of you…and everyone else. Apparently the only way he’ll “allow” Holly to play in the POV is if she promises him safety should she win.

      Put some BBQ sauce on that pig and serve it up…

  57. Clearly there are varying opinions on who was more important in the Cliff – Nicole alliance. And I respect everyone’s views. Anyone who has read my posts won’t be surprised I feel Nicole was the more valuable of the pair and not just because she won the DE HOH & the F5 POV.

    In terms of those believing Nicole (& Cliff) got played by Michie I’m not of the same mindset. Here’s why ———————

    Nicole is well aware of the attachment between Jackson/Cliff (she’s seen it all along). She noted as much last week when she told the live feeders she “would need to WORK on Cliff” to get him to come to her way of thinking. Let’s remember ONE MAJOR FACTOR here – unless Nicole could get Cliff to buy in 100% to keep Tommy it DIDN’T MATTER A SQUAT WHAT SHE WANTED B/C the vote had to be 2-0 or else Jackson broke the tie. Looking back over the past few weeks it was Cliff who worked out the F4 deal with Jackson/Holly (NOT NICOLE) she was only included as Cliff’s plus 1.

    Cliff’s strongest relationships were were Nicole, Jackson and CHRISTIE (and we all know how quickly she would’ve cut his throat if she had the shot). It was clear by how surprised Christie was by Nicole nominating her & taking her out that she was buying what Cliff was selling. That is to say the SAME spiel Nick constantly spouted about Nicole – i.e. I have her wrapped. In truth, Nicole has always had her own mind – hence why she told Jess about that alliance of 6.

    Nicole’s strongest alliances were with Kat, Cliff, Nick and YES Jackson. She’s been able to maneuver that relationship and when we hear Jackson talk of his disdain for C/N it’s NOT directed at Nicole – it’s directed at Cliff (why?) b/c Jackson knows Cliff is posturing for his own position and BLAMING everything on Nicole – whereas Nicole only ever speaks her truth to them – even admitting to always wanting to hear everyone out from a game perspective.

    My point is, if Nicole doesn’t win DE it could just as easily have been Cliff leaving (or Jackson) since Tommy was 2nd in the comp. Ditto for the POV last week b/c if Nic doesn’t win BB Comics don’t think Tommy would’ve sent Holly to jury over Cliff! The main point I’m trying to make here is Cliff may well be Nicole’s closest ally HOWEVER she’s well aware of his side dealings & protection of his own game first. The fact she’s already questioning why Cliff made the POV deal tells you that. Hence, why she said to Cliff – ‘Well you made him a promise if YOU win POV – but I did NOT make that promise.

    If you run through the hamsters the one who had people wanting to protect them MORE than any other individual is NICOLE – that takes talent and IMHO it comes partially via her ability to communicate her truth. Michie can’t be mad at her for considering what he himself did with Christie/Sis & Christie/Nick – Right? Whereas Cliff only comes across as someone who pushes the mandate for his own best positioning in the house which is precisely what he’s still doing.

    As for Michie’s lie – KUDO’s for playing the game – that’s what you’re supposed to do. If you can do it without a lie of that depth all the better but I can’t fault him for doing what was necessary.

    Moving forward, with the POV to be played I wouldn’t bank of it being written in stone the F3 include Nicole/Jackson no matter what. And, that’s b/c once again there are secrets to be spilled.

    1. Michie has lied to Holly that he doesn’t know who would leave if Nic/Cliff decide (he believes he is cemented in F3)
    2. Holly knows the TRUTH about Tommy & Michie’s lie so if Nic/Cliff make the decision do we not envision a moment where she tells Nicole the truth? And then in turn Nicole tells her that Cliff/Jackson made a deal?
    3. That in turn will lead to Holly telling Nicole that Jackson had NO INTENTION of keeping Cliff if he won POV
    4. If Cliff then learns that information it frees him from obligation to keep Jackson (should he be the deciding vote).
    5. It’s also highly likely Cliff’s pinning Nicole as the “problem” throughout all these votes will get divulged by Holly. Given Nicole’s personality she’ll forgive — but make a point of using this information to get what SHE WANTS this time.

    Although TPTB seem intent on getting Jackson to the F3 I still wouldn’t bank on that being a given b/c of the above factors. In addition, while Nicole has acquiesced repeatedly to vote in concert with Cliff I also wouldn’t assume she’ll quietly roll over & say fine again should SHE win the POV, especially if the above information is spilled.

    Let’s just say, I won’t be surprised if Nicole wins F4 POV – talks to Holly & then sits down Cliff to say – I understand you wanted to guarantee your F2 chair either beside myself or Michie. BUT — knowing now that you were toast if I (or you) didn’t win the POV you need to stop doing what’s best for YOUR game and do what’s best for OUR GAME. Which would be sending Jackson to jury so that we can win parts 1 and 2 of the Finale and take each other to F2. Holly will have a shot at endurance (equal to Nicole) whereas Jackson would must assuredly win that comp.

    Nicole needs to say: ‘CLIFF – YOU OWE ME THIS VOTE – I’ve not wanted to vote out any of Nick, Jess or Tommy but did it b/c it was BETTER for YOU!~ but now (especially knowing the truth) it’s time we work as the alliance we are & do what’s best for BOTH of us which is bringing Holly to F3″.

    That’s my two cents anyway – it could all be a moot point & TPTB may have this rigged to ensure it’s Jackson/Nicole are F3 (not sure who they want or if they care is the third) but I’ll cross my fingers and stick with my belief Nicole is best suited to win F4 POV to allow for this order of events to at least be broached.

    Fwiw, if Cliff ends up making the lone vote & goes against Nicole & then Michie ends up selecting who sits beside him in F2 I also won’t be surprised if Michie elects to take Nicole instead of Cliff given the choice simply b/c I honestly do think he’s developed a brotherly/sisterly affection for her & would prefer to see her win $$ (although I’m not sure he recognizes she could beat him easier than Cliff).

    Also of note: —– just seconds ago- Cliff is panicking (after a trip to the DR) & wants to talk to Jackson to CONFIRM their agreement – which tells me he’s already questioning his decision/choice!~ (or that he wants to confirm Michie is ‘AS COMMITTED” to taking him which we all know he is NOT).

    1. See my comments from earlier — 1000% in line. I can see a scenario where Nicole could cut Cliff loose.

      One add on — Michie would take Nicole to F2 over Cliff because: 1) she has been loyal and 2) he respects her game over his (he is clearly peeved by the empty handshake deals).

  58. lol these nicole hater’s coming out of the woodwork so angry is funny AF. keep ‘em comin’. XD lotsa new names i’m seein’ here that weren’t posting earlier in the season amirite? what triggered them?

    i seriously wanna know, ‘cause jackson/christy/cliff haters have been posting here early & often.

    have fun!!! 😉

  59. Mean girl Holly is making another appearance leveling her attacks at Nicole. She’s mad at Nicole for being too cocky saying “she might have won that last comp” while Holly is CERTAIN that was her comp to win. (LMFAO).

    The reality is Holly doesn’t not like to get her way whether it be who is voted out, how things run in the house, how Jackson caters to her etc, etc, etc. I don’t personally dislike Holly, but let’s be real this is the same girl who last week told Jackson I didn’t even want to win that comp & then later said OMG I didn’t realize I could go on the block. Or the same girl who discussed with Jackson whether they should honor the F4 deal they made with Cliff/Nicole (but then was furious Nicole would have the same thought process over keeping the SAME PERSON — Tommy).

    Hey that’s BB for you – hypocrisy reigns supreme – logical reasoning for why “you” make a decision is the same rational for trashing another ‘hamster” for using the same thought process.

    I think Holly is a tad bit jealous of the Jackson/Nicole bro/sis friendship which has developed and in truth (deep down – where it resonates) when you factor in Nicole is actually the one delivering on Holly’s mandated “female empowerment” message I guess it’s somewhat understandable why Holly suddenly is striking out at her.

    The other throw away here – is look how each of these hamsters responds to stress. Tommy and now Holly are just learning about the stress of being OTB and being unsafe after spending the majority of their seasons behind protective shields. The fact Holly immediately elects to go for the low blows shows she stoops to protective mean girl mode when in danger. She also did that with Jackson when she felt mad/threatened in the relationship.

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