Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. A new twist called CAMP COMEBACK allows the first four evicted houseguests stay in the house. They do not play in competitions or take part in ceremonies but one of them will be given the chance to come back in the house.
They got to see a commercial for the Power of Veto it will include a trip to Fiji. Jack has nominated Jessica & Kemi up. Jessica is the pawn and Kemi is the target. Power of Veto Players: Jessica, JAck, Kemi, JAckson, Sam, Bella.
Sam won the veto & the Fiji trip. He does not plan to use the veto.
JACK won the power – he can do a re-pick of veto players if he doesn’t like the first pick. He can use it all the way down to final 6.
7:40pm Bedroom. Christie and Sam. Christie – Last night Cliff asked him (Jack) what he would be doing for his birthday if he wasn’t in the house. He said he would just be hanging out with his dog. He said he doesn’t really have many friends. He just goes to work. Sam – I do see that, he’s a super cool guy. You really think he has no friends? Christie – I think he might be a villain in real life. I think he’s like a villain. Sam – and has no friends? Christie – he has crossfit buddies but he just hangs out with his dog and stays home. Maybe he’s been binge watching since season one the last 3 weeks. It was weird that his HOH letter was from a random guy at work. He was crying because it wasn’t from his ex-girlfriend / best friend who he hoped it would be from. No single family member signed a release. There were no pictures of anyone but his dog. I think he’s .. Big Brother switches the feeds.
7:40pm Hammock. Jackson – don’t give them anything they can’t air. Nick – the feeds can see it. Jack – the showers are cool. Nick – did you actually .. like?? No you didn’t.. you swear?! Jackson – he’s like Sam when it comes to this. Nick – because she said she only had ____ before she got here. It would have been a lot tougher for you then. If you did, I will love you forever. Jackson – wait was she a v!rgin? Nick – I just need a confirmation? Dude, you’re (Jackson) next. Jackson – who’s to say that didn’t happen. (Jackson and Kat had sex before the feeds started) Jack – POOOYYAWWWWW! CHHUUNNNN YEAUWWWW! Jackson – nah, I’m just kidding. Nick – man if I win HOH, its on like donkey kong! Jackson – I’m not saying that I wouldn’t want to but I know it wouldn’t happen. Nick – yeah but if Jack can make power moves so can you. Just flop it out. Nick – Dude I love you so much for that. Jack – I’m not confirming or denying that.
8pm – 8:15pm Nick to Bella – Can you put pants on because you look n@ked! Bella then goes kayaking in the pool.
8:20pm HOH bathroom. Jack tells Christie that he will end things with Analyse if it concerns her. Christie tells him she would never want him to end it and is excited to see where it goes. Jack – last night was more than I wanted and now I need to figure my sH*t out. Don’t judge me America. Christie – I want to go to final 3 with you.
Jack – The way it is looking if I make this decision this makes me making it to top 3 is a lot more difficult with you guys because it paints a bigger target on my back. You know I will do everything in my power to get you guys there. But I do want to win this game. This move will endanger my game especially within the first 20 days. Christie – right it just goes to show you have fast sh*t progresses. She is beautiful. Jack – that’s the thing I don’t connect with her the way I do with you. Christie – she is everything that is beautiful and I hate to say it but there’s not that much depth there. Everything that would be hard to resist in a girl .. she’s got. Take it day by day. Christie comments on how Jack thinks about his ex. Jack – I think about her every day. You know who you are. She is going to be pissed! Pissed! But what have you been doing the last few years?! Christie – is it worth it? Jack – its not worth 500,000. Christie – okay. Jack – I don’t think anything is. She was just supposed to lay with me last night. I wonder what she says about me?! Christie – I heard something. Jack – just as you anticipated. Jack – the man wears a bathing suit that’s tight.. Its not what you think America.. but it is. Last night happened and now I have to deal with it.
8:30pm HOH room. Jack to Christie. Jack – this stays between me and you. You know I won it. You know I won it. I am only telling you. You cannot tell anyone. I am trusting you. I am only telling you this because I want you to trust me. Its not as big as Ovi’s (power). So its the ability to switch the power of veto. So in a veto, if I don’t like the board (players picked) that’s picked I can say I have the chaos power .. re-pick. Christie – the board.. the players picked? Jack – so if I think I’m getting blindsided or if I want to blindside someone.. I can do a re-pick. Christie – ok, this is good for you to tell me because the girls talk in front of me as if I’m not your best friend. This is bigger than you think. Jack – but I would like to use it for you but I didn’t want anyone else in the group to use it. I will not tell Nick. I will not tell Tommy. Christie – I am the best person to tell because the girls they talk in front of me and when we’re not in power .. I will be your eyes and ears. Jack – I can use it all the way down to 6 people. I need you to trust me. We are going the distance. I did not tell Sis this. Christie – I haven’t gotten to play much but I am a f**king beast. Jack – you’re the only one that knows about the power.. you can not.. Christie – I will not. Jack – I am f**king riding high this week. I f**king murdered it (the power comp). Christie – like 18 seconds? Jack – like 12!
9:30pm – 10:05pm Dinner time.. all the house guests have dinner and sit around the table chatting.
10:35pm – 10:50pm Boat room. Bella, Nick, Christie, Sam, Nicole and Kemi chatting about their outside lives / childhood.
11pm – 11:45pm Bedroom. Kemi and Sam. Kemi – I am so sorry for the passing of your grandfather. And I’m sorry for having a game talk after. Sam – its okay. Kemi – from what I’ve heard Jack still wants me out. And me sitting up there on eviction night I am going to be the one going home. The way I see it.. Jack, Jackson, Holly, Sis are together and people pretty much want to align with them but everyone can’t align with Jack. And so Cliff is kind of aligned with him and so is Kat. So the way I see it.. as long as I am in the game I would never put you up. And I’m a number for you. I don’t know what your relationship is with Jess. Me out of the game and Jess still in the game is fueling Jacks game and not yours. My pitch for you is to do what’s best for your game. Sam – if I were to use the veto it would 100% be on you. But I have to weigh out if I used it, is it worth it. Kemi – if you did use it do you see anyone putting you up because you used it? Sam – I could see Michie doing it. Kemi – not to be annoying but you’ve been winning a lot of comps… if I were Michie, I would put you up. Sam – I don’t think so.
12:05am Backyard Hammock. Jack, Bella, Analyse, Tommy, Nick, Holly, Christie and Jackson. Jack – since we’re all together.. are we still voting Kemi out. They all agree they’re going to vote out Kemi.
12:07am Jess and Kat. Jess – she is boarder line irresponsible with her sh*t. She is savage. Kat – they can’t trust her.They know she has to go before jury. Jess – she is too much. Kat – I love her but she is too risky. The only people I would be worried about if they won HOH is Bella and Nick. Because Nick has straight up told me he would put me up as a pawn and I don’t want to be a pawn. Jess – they would be my first two people I would put up but at this point Bella knows I’m after her. Say a f**king prayer for me because I cannot be nice to her. Kat – you have to kill her with kindness. Jess – its so not in my character to be fake.
12:45am HOH Jack, Jackson and Chrstie. Jack – this game is ours guys!! Jackson high fives Jack.
1:43am Ovi and David. Ovi talks about how Sam making it to the final 2 is a scary thing because he is here for his family and to pay of the medical bills from his son when he was born. He has a lot of medical bills to pay off. David – yeah a story like that is.. Ovi – Sam in the final 2 is a scary thought. Ovi – I think you did very well today. And did well building some trust.David – Jack and Michie are the head of the team. I think Christie and Nick are part of that alliance too. Ovi – Christie, Nick, Holly and Nick? David – with Jack and Jackson. Ovi – I think today was a success for you.
3:45am All the house guests are sleeping..
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Unless they’re talking about Nichole — the, “is/was she a virgin” question is a big old no.
Are they talking about Kat? Michie’s first conquest.
Yes, they’re talking about Kat.
Is that true or are they being sarcastic? I find it hard to believe especially since she slept with him after just a few days of knowing him.
Is which part true?
About Kat being a virgin.
I’m not sure but I highly doubt it considering she was the instigator last night.
I thought they were talking about Sis and Jack. Not Kat and Jackson
Yes they were talking about Jack & Sis. But also talked about Jackson and Kat. Jackson and Holly. And Nick & Bella.
Did Jack and Sis do “it”. If so I may actually throw up.
Brace yourself, yes the did it last night..
And he wants nothing to do with her and wants to get in Christie’s pants. I’m heading to the bathroom to vomit. The Jacks are disgusting.
They’re banging all the time now.
I’m so grossed out. Sis is so young to have this follow her for the rest of her life. Someone (parents) should’ve had a tough talk with her before entering the house. It makes me sad for her.
It amazes me the ignorance of many of these houseguests every season. BB needs to sit these people down and explain that everything they do and say will be recorded and seen, even when the lights are out and everyone is “sleeping” and will be splashed on the internet. I feel sorry for Sis, but she only has herself to blame. She has been draping herself on a guy she doesn’t even like and who doesn’t even like her.
They are told every year. They are short sighted and horny.
I may be grossed out, but totally love getting the dirt! haha
SO Jack has no friends…maybe he can hang out with Paulie
This is just disgustingly pitiful. ?
Just made my first donation!! Thanks for all the updates 🙂
Thank you Staci! We really appreciate it. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the updates!
Thanks staci
I would love to donate but unfortunately I’m living on my very meager VA disability benefits.
No, problem. We appreciate you wanting to if you could.
i usually reserve my conspiracy theories about casting to bbcanada because it’s usually so rampant.
we all know the tommy christie connection. it’s right out there.
christie says she was friends with someone from casting. that’s okay. so she had an inside track to recruitment in the process.
rumor: holly and kat knew each other before being cast. i still find this credible. At some point it might actually bare out.
now we hear holly and jackson followed each other on instagram before being cast. as one of the only people on earth that doesn’t do instagram… is this significant? no really, i actually don’t know. but it’s another odd thing.
as far as my conspiracy theory rants go, i don’t think i went over the top. not like bbcan4… which was a clusterbomb of too many cast connections to be in any way coincidental. ( NOTE: extreme hyperbole ahead … if it were a bbcan season it would be more like: christie and tommy with nick being christie’s former therapist and working in the same school district as nicole who teaches sam’s kids. meanwhile holly and kat went on a bender once and spent the night with jack who once played football with jackson who used to date a girl that went to a party at ovi’s fraternity house with analyse before she dumped jackson to hook up with david. So it would be like the beginning of an episode of SOAP from the late 70’s… that would be the six degrees if it were a bbcan casting).
Okay. conspiracy theory beast is locked back up in it’s cage. Thanks for allowing the miniature rant.
You’re not the only one who doesn’t use instagram. The only social media site I use is Facebook.
Holy Ovi cookies! There are three of us!
This last episode just confirmed how big of dicks Jack and Michie are. How do women fall for assholes like Michie? It has always baffled my mind. Dicks like them get all the women they want just because they have those abs. Here I am a VERY respectful and extremely nice 55 year old man and yet I can’t even get a date. I’ve been told I’m too meek and need to be more forceful but I can’t not be myself. It really is true that nice guys finish last. I’m actually having a hard time watching this year because those 2 really do turn my stomach. That’s not me being figurative it really has made me physically sick to my stomach.
Also, isn’t Christie a lesbian?
Also Bella is a conniving bitch. She goes to the girls and creates an alliance than goes and exposed it. That is just someone I would never want to even be friends with.
a) how do women fall for them (J and J)? image over content. notice women might fall, but most seem to get right back up pretty quickly…
b) christie’s last relationship was with a woman.
c) Jess had been pushing female solidarity alliance to every woman since day two. bella consolidated the women’s alliance, the three others had already talked about forming a group but not naming it until they could get more women one day before. so bella joined, got them revved up by revealing that alliances existed in the house already and they weren’t in any of them. within the hour Jessica went to Kat (on the block at the time and still mancing with Jackson) and told her all about it. Kat told Jackson all before the day was over. Jess also hinted to one of Holly or Sis about it, who also told the boys. Bella told Nick (from that four more people knew). Before his talks with Kemi and Jess, Nick told Jack. THEN Bella told Jack after the noms had been talked to. The only people in the house who didn’t know about the women’s alliance before Jack won hoh were Ovi and David.
I’m with you on that one. And just to think Bella is at home watching the man she loves watch him talk about women the way he does and asking them if he could smell their vagina’s!! He is one of the most nastiest and ugliest guys I have ever watched on TV!! I would strongly recommend no kids be around this guy!!! I can’t believe that CBS hasn’t said anything to him about the inappropriate Way he is being!! Can’t wait to see him go!!
Don’t you mean Jack is a huge d*ck? Like super huge? Like the biggest *ick you’ve ever seen? Maybe use a different word after Simons previous blog entries…..
Sorry I don’t read all the comments and didn’t know Simon has a blog. I just needed a word I could get approved. But thanks for the help.
seems as if these “ladies” are the ones hangin all over the guys to get some D. the jacks are not forcing them to pull off their panties and sleep in their beds. it’s 2019 and ladies pursue men all the time. wasn’t Kat the one initiating that Jackson and she get in the same bed?
the only evidence that we have that Kat initiated it is Jackson telling people Kat initiated it. It started before feeds.
Which one was sneaking from bed to bed last week? Kat wasn’t getting out her bed to get into Jackson’s. After saying he had no interest in her or he only did it because it was big brother house or he couldn’t stand her… he’s sneaking into her bed.
I agree it takes two but why do I get the feeling Jackson would be quite happy if everyone believed that Kat lying in wait, incapacitated Jackson, and had her way with rubik’s cube?
I agree to a point. They still need to show some class on national tv. The guys need to also. For the guys it’s just a game of conquest. Michie is on his second conquest and Jack doesn’t even want to be with Sis he now wants to go back to Christie. It’s like a 70’s key party.
Why do they fall for Jack and Michie? The girls are young and naive. Parents didn’t do their jobs explaining how to avoid men like this. Maybe they don’t have a strong male father figure, so any attention is validating to them, even if it’s shitty attention. These women have low self esteem.
Holly’s not even young she’s 31
No offense, but Holly looks 41
Jets I know we are into August now and so much more has been going on. And I so agree with you that all this nasty ? stuff has been going on and just has gotten worse way worse!! It turns my stomach as well. And I was watching BBAD and jack and sis were playing with each other and I hope you know what I mean by that!! My husband and I were so grossed out by that. Sis may be young but she has to know millions are watching her. If that were my daughter and when she got home I would go back and make her watch the recordings and then tell her she was an embarrassment to us and all the family and friends!! That it made her look worse than she will ever imagine!!! I can’t wait till those people get out of the house and watch!! So many of them will be so embarrassed ? of them selfs. And it’s goung to be so funny when they find out that Christy and Tommy knew each other the whole time!! I wish I could be a fly on the wall!! And then not to mention Holly got Kat’s Sloppy seconds!! And how stupid she look following Jackson around like a puppy dog!! I bet there families are so embarrassed!! I know as a mother I would be!!
pretty good hero edit on jack on last night’s show. he looked semi-competent and not totally gross. i think it’s cause they severely tried to minimize how much he interacts with jackson, cuz i don’t think it’s possible to make jackson look good.
I don’t think can make either one look good but that’s just me.
Missed the episode but from the edit I saw on Wednesday looks like typical CBS shenanigans
The Kemi Sam conversation.
She’s making solid points in her argument.
Sam agrees with her points.
Sam is trying to get away clean from the conversation without giving info that could get him targeted.
Kemi isn’t picking up that almost EVERY person in the house has an alliance with Jack.
Sam can’t right out and SAY it. he’s hinting.
She is going to be so confused why he agrees with her but can’t do anything about it.
So… the consolation is she’s better for his game and Jess isn’t but oh well…
I think she realizes it but at the same time she needs that veto used on her or she’s gone. Kemi seems to be trying to get Sam to understand where he sits in relation to Jack. I doubt Sam will use it unless he realized he’ll be out pre-jury if people ignore the Jackholes and their harem.
I know Kemi is swimming up stream with this group of uuumm people but instead of throwing Jess under the bus like I saw on pop. How about explaining instead of a “women’s alliance” they were just ” trying to save Kat but you took Cliff off so we didn’t have to and Bella is for whatever reason throwing names like Jess and me out” maybe sell that Bella is a B!+ch to Sam so not only will he use the veto but maybe see if (they don’t vote her out but she feels the weight of her BS) he can get Jack to put Bella then work with whoever is on the block (even Jess) to get everyone that doesn’t trust Bella and ooppss she’s voted out.
And yes I know he’s with Nick and Bella but if you sell him the seed that you 2 were super close, she said “I was the only one she could trust but then threw me under the bus and for NO reason (As said everyone knew about this alliance LOOOONNNNGG before Bella showed her true cruelty) sold us 2 out. Imagine what she’d do to you Sam. Even if you take Jess off maybe think about having Jack put Bella up. She’ll do anything”
Geez don’t sell knowing it’s going no where Kemi isn’t dumb but sell out Bella like she sold you out then work with Jess and Nicole then add Kat (cause Jackson screwed her literally and figuratively) Sam who you’ve shown he’s on the bottom and the comeback person. Then as “Sis” sees what a jackoff Jack is new person to add (Holly is left on her own for messing up girl code, going to the dude that used your “friend” as a c*@dumpster until you said OK) and maybe Nick finally sees that Jack messed up “Sis” so you have to protect her. I’m out on Christine (one day hates Jack dictating her HOH then loving him again)
Now I’m thinking some of the houseguests have a brain away from the Jerks 🙁
let’s say for argument sake she throws bella under the bus to sam.
and let’s say for argument sake it works.
who does kemi have to work with after?
Bella if she stays? yeah… bella seems the forgiving sort. said no one. ever.
jess if she stays? giving kemi the plague eyed shadow treatment. pretty much useless strategically.
kat? kat’s still trying to get back in with jackson and holly. can’t be trusting that.
nicole? i love nicole but god love a duck she just made an alliance with a guy who isn’t in the game. and she’s being too jess is a victim to the house while kemi is on the block with her. Too easily swayed by any sob story and guilt.
nick and sam? nope. just sold out nick’s mance so nick will think he’s next. not happening.
christie? christie only loved kemi because the d/r told christie what the public would say about her if she nommed kemi. she’d happily vote her out as long as the race question isn’t pointed directly at her.
tommy? tommy loves everyone until they leave the room, or until the camera isn’t pointed at him.
cliff? um. oh great. the suck up that rats. just what everyone needs. she could have just kept bella.
holly and sis? yeah. right.
Selling out Bella might get Kemi off the block. It will also cement her as a loner nobody can or will work with because she isn’t trustworthy.
kemi’s game is in a schrodinger’s cat predicament. Nobody will tell her if it’s alive or dead because nobody’s willing to open the box.
I respectfully disagree. We’ve only seen these “people” for the most part. Jess, Nicole are not in play, Kemi. Kat and Ovi only because they’ve been Jacks targets but not a lot from them ….yet but they said Jess has come in second on the veto so that’s two out 3, she said she might have done better in the first HOH but just did the comeback challenge. Just because she’s big she can’t be counted out. Plus she’s seeing people’s colors show. Don’t underestimate a pissed Latina and you have to be nice to start, kinda what got Kemi in this mess. Be nice til you see the game really start. Nicole is smart and tiny, a lot of endurance challenges aren’t for the big guys. And she’s thinking ahead if Ovi is the one to come back, he has a power and now she has him. I think we have only seen the Kat that needs to be liked not the confident female with the right people behind her. It’s only been 3 weeks. If Kemi can ( and I believe she can) sell it right Sam will start pulling away from Nick and Bella. I don’t think Bella needs to forgive anyone she needs forgiveness she sold out her Bestie Kemi for no reason. So I don’t think Kemi needs to work with her. Now let’s say Ovi is out and David comes back. Maybe Ovi gives him Nicole’s info and all he’s observed. Now if she does it right Bella is out. I’m not sure who the 4th is right now. So I’m only going week by week…..HOH by HOH. You now have Kemi, Jess (might be sweet til she doesn’t need to be) Nicole, David, Sam and possibility Nick. I only say Sis because Jack is ready to dump her after he got it in. I never brought up Cliff, he’s not really there. Not because of age but because he talks so genuine with everybody that’s not that jacka$$es then tells the jacka$$es. And I like Tommy because he’s fun but I include him with the Jacks, Holly Christine and Sis (until Jack dumps her)
by strategically i meant that Jess has a horrible read on dynamics, she actually believed showmance minded female players would be pro women’s alliance? She still doesn’t believe there are any alliances in the house after being told? She told KAT about the women’s alliance while Kat was on the block and mancing with Jackson at the time. THAT is how the women’s alliance originally got outed. Kat ratted. When it comes to my strategic comment, Not a thought was given to her size or comp ability. Imo, Jessica is way too Pollyanna and her rose colored glasses are going to damage her allies games because she will talk them out of the obvious so that she doesn’t have to see it.
Bella has known for a week Kemi was going on the block. Everyone in the eight knows the pecking order. Can anyone say that Jack wasn’t going to nominate Kemi? No. Because he’s been saying it so much. Kemi knew she was going on the block. Bella is playing for Bella, and her process was when they go on the block Jess or Kemi are going to reveal the widows, putting Bella in jeopardy for NOT saying anything to her other alliance that is currently in power. While i’ve said since first night of feeds that i feel Bella will be one of the season rats (my prediction was Holly and Bella will be rats that night), I note not a person cared when she ratted out the house alliances to the Black Widows. She’s a rat but the outrage now? Rats are gonna rat. Either hate it every time a rat rats, or accept it as a rat is gonna rat and you can’t trust a rat because… gonna rat. If you hate rats because they rat you can’t be team Cliff, you can’t be team Nick or Sam, you can’t be team Christie, you can’t be team Tommy, you can’t be team Kat or Holly, or Sis or team Bella. They are all ratting each other at every opportunity.
I don’t think Sis is going to jump ship. NO. WAY. Jumping ship would mean she’d have to stop just leaning there, and actually play the game. Sis is a coaster. She’s going to just keep coasting with the majority so that she doesn’t have to think about it.
At present… Jess is still going next week with Kemi going this week. At least that is the determination of Jack.
Sis isn’t coasting, she’s putting in work, sweat equity, and taking a pounding regularly now.
I feel dirty now.
Now jack is just being annoying. He probably thinks that he’s being adorable or something-
It just comes off as fake. I can barely listen to him anymore.
It is fake. It’s fairly obvious he’s been informed that he has to clean up his image by the powers that be.
Jack is holding votes. come on now. a few days ago Jack was saying here’s the targets, and here’s who is going for the next three weeks. A day later he is holding gr8ful’s version of a kumbaya psa on aggressive and hurtful language? really?
heck, he just said on feed while i typed this: this is the last “nice” week and next week they can go back to ‘bitch you’re going up’.
A one week image fix.
He makes me sick. I’m finding it hard to even watch the feeds. If he stays in the house very much longer I may have to stop watching.
That whole virgin conversation was just cringe worthy. I’m beginning to really dislike Nick. I would love to see him up on the Block. – Just to see what Bella would do ?!
I’ve watched US BB since the beginning. Until this season I have never been literally nauseated by the cast. Maybe I’m just getting old. These kids just plain and simply seem like… well, like bad people. Just terrible human beings. I don’t know if I can stomach this anymore.
BB15 and BB16 cast’s were pretty bad at times. This Deluge of Showmances that are on the horizon in BB21 is nearing Kraken levels.
Is it a sign of the times that the guys seem to want to call off the showmance the morning after? Like an immediate gratification i got mine so go away?
I’m glad I’m not paying for the feeds. Reading the updates is painful enough. It would be intolerable to watch. So many words to describe this cast and none of them good. I hope CBS sees a huge drop in feed subscriptions and does a better job of casting. I’m still trying to figure out if this years cast is “that” bad or if last years cast was “that” good.
Last year’s cast was very like able with 3 exceptions.
Agree btw are you a Jets fan?
All my life. Went to my first game a Shea stadium in ‘72. Namath and Len Dawson were the starting QB’s.
The only person I really disliked last year was Angie the blockstar. This year I’m having a hard time finding someone I wouldn’t be perturbed about them winning. I guess right now Nicole, Kemi or maybe David if he makes it back. Sam doesn’t seem horrible all the time. So more than likely I’ll be perturbed by whoever wins this season because these guys won’t make it to the end.
I just have to ask…what does production gain from deliberately lying to their viewers? The feeds show us everything (ugly truth and all), so I don’t understand why they go to such drastic lengths to craft a false truth when we have all the information we need to discern what actually happened. Do they get a hard-on from pissing off their superfans? Do they just prefer creating a fairytale? Are they intentionally or subconsciously trying to sabotage the show?
I know that this has been going on forever, but it boggles my mind that they go through all the effort to cover up the problems instead of solving them.
Most viewers never see the feeds nor do they check the web sites for anything except maybe the nudes. So production can craft an image they want for advertisers and future casts.
I understand that, my point is what is the goal from doing this. There has to be a motive for them to be this belligerent when it comes to the edit. I personally think they are just dicks who want things done a certain way (casting a hero/villain/stereotype) before the season even stars. Rather than adapting to who the HG’s actually end up being in the house, they stick to the “roles” they’ve created beforehand and carry on with their narrative no matter what.
They don’t want people to see them as despicable. It’s a family friendly edit the throw out every year. Mostly it’s about making the show appeal to the most number of viewers to milk advertisers for big money.
In the end, it is a show, for entertainment, and the network isn’t going to ruin their show by stoking the passions and personal prejudices of triggered viewers. All these issues don’t seem to bother the HG nearly as much as it does hardcore feed watchers and TMZ devotees. BB has dealt with important issues in the past as they have presented themselves, but they aren’t going to shame any of their contestants on their national network show unless it is something particularly agregious.
Well. Christie kept that knowledge of Jack’s power all to herself for a whole 8 hours.
I think that’s a record for her. I hope she didn’t sprain something.
Will Tommy blab? magic 8 ball is telling me every indication is yes.
this morning:
sam/nick/christie talk about how there were three proposed or fake alliances allll named stage 5.
sam thinks he’s in the 9. i didn’t hit the wrong key. the NINE. who gonna tell him?
kemi and jackson talk. they’re going to need more bread, cus they’re both slathering on the parkay really thick (you know for sure that’s fake butter).
That’s the problem with such a large alliance is the side alliances. Chrustie will tell her #2 everything, just like everyone else has their #2. I’m confused why the Jack’s didn’t share information with each other? If it gets back to Jackson from not Jack he won the power it will cause distrust and could help to start fracturing the 8.
I think Jack sees Jackson/Holly/Kat as a major complication on both an emotional and gameplay level and is seeking some advantage or leverage when that crap hits the fan. Plus the power isn’t a major game changer.
Hope so, the clash of the Jacks could be interesting.
Let’s hope it does!
Veto wasn’t used