Jackson “Put it on my headstone.. Day 30 Nick & Bella go on the block.”

Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household Winner – ?

Power of Veto Ceremony results – Kat uses Veto on Jess. Nicole is the replacement.

Powers in the game

Ovi – Nightmare (Dead unless he comes back?)
During the night, Ovi could secretly wake up the house and call a new Nomination Ceremony, with the Head of Household naming two new nominees. The original nominees would have immunity for the week. The power is able to be used for the first six Nominations.

Jack – Chaos
After chips have been drawn for a Veto player draw, Jack could force a re-draw for the players. This power could only be used once and is able to be used until there are six players left in the game.

Christie – Panic
At any of the next four Power of Veto Ceremonies, Christie can turn the Golden Power of Veto into the Diamond Power of Veto and allow the current veto holder pull someone off the nomination block, but instead of the Head of Household naming the replacement nominee, the veto holder names the replacement.

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8pm Boat room. Tommy, Jackson, Holly and Jack.
Jack – I already put the target on my back by what I did. I’m the guy that’s going to go up. Jackson – I came in here to back you up. Jack – I know and you did. But you don’t need to put a bigger target on your back. At this point if they win, I’m the one that goes up on the block with Sis or.. Holly – he still hates me. Jack – but its not going to happen, we’re going to win HOH. Jackson – put it on my headstone.. Day 30 Nick & Bella go on the block. I am so sick and tired of playing buddy buddy and fake in this house. I am going to draw a line in the sand if no one else will. I am kick starting this horse. HOlly – we are .. be a little fake for a while. Jackson – I am so sick of this! I am ready to play big brother and kick them out the door. Holly – we’re planning .. this is how you play. Jack – the ultimate play was to get them separate and the chance to get them against Sam and to tell Sam that he came to us knowing that Nick was reckless. This is your shot. Tommy – can we just talk to Nick and tell him that he needs to separate from Bella? We planted that seed. I said to him flat out .. I think having a showmance is fine if you have a romantic connection .. great… but the minute people feel like you’re playing as one that’s when you become targets. Jackson – I also need to talk to Jess because she is freaking out. Asking why did you not tell me Mich? I said why should I tell you when no disrespect we had the numbers and your vote didn’t matter ..why would I want you looked as a target in Nick and Bella’s eye. And she said why would you want to be a target? And I said I would rather it be me than you. Honestly if you’re looked as a target next to me, they are probably going to come after you. I want you in this game and that’s why I did it. I am just saying .. I’m putting Nick and Bella up ..I’m sorry.

Jack – I didn’t think we would have this much time in between HOH. Jackson – I know we’re just sitting here with our d*cks in our hands. Holly – I feel like they did this on purpose. Jackson – if I win I’m putting up Nick and Bella and if they come off we are putting up Sam. Jack – I have the same plan. Jackson – if anyone has a problem with it ..tough sh*t, its my move. I don’t care what Christie says I am putting them up. Jack – everyone was saying its okay, its okay.. that’s why I flipped out. Jackson – why are we pussyfooting around these three… why are we still scared of them?! Holly – because we haven’t played the HOH yet! Jackson – fake, fake, fake, fake!!! Holly – do you know what game you’re playing? Jackson – that’s not how I operate! I hate it! Jack – you (Nick) f**king went out of the way .. you said my name. You said Holly’s name. You said Sis’s name. But then I saw Christie and Tom… I was like this isn’t that right time. Holly – we can’t say the you told Kat this, you told Kat that.. the whole f**king reason we didn’t have Kat vote with us is so she could continue to be the mole. Jack – I didn’t say Kat .. you (Jackson) did. You can’t put Kat out there. Holly – You can’t blow Kat’s cover that’s the whole f**king reason we didn’t .like I wanted to strangle you. Jackson – it makes it look like I don’t trust Kat. Holly – yeah but I want them to trust her. Jack – I did say Holly and Sis because that’s what Tom said .. but I didn’t bury Tom. But I shouldn’t have blown up .. I should have kept my mouth f**king shut and let them all hash it out. By me blowing up .. if Bella wins HOH I am going on the block. But that’s it .. that’s the risk I take .. I wasn’t going to be fake for another second and then I realized I had to be .. but that’s the risk I take.

Outside the HOH room. Christie and Sam. Sam – I told her (Nicole) to only campaign to you and Tommy. Christie – I told her to go campaign to you. Sam – I already did the campaigning. This is why, I trusted you and Tommy so much so that when you go campaign to them if their votes switched they’re definitely going to come and tell me and it will be my job to go tell Nick and Bella. And that’s what I was waiting on all morning… and nothing happened. Nicole must have failed ..it must have not worked .. the votes flipped and I am sitting there like. I was like I really want to go tell someone because I’m proud of this achievement. Christie – well you did do it but it backfired. Sam – It sucked! It sucked! Christie – what you are going to have to try and do is that somebody didn’t vote to throw a wrench and to try and make strife between them. Sam – I’m not mad. I’m disappointed. I am playing my own game… I am only here to fix my own pool. If you had come to me and tell me about all this I would have done the same thing but it would have created a ripple .. but at least I would have known we’re alright.

Tommy and Jess. Tommy – what we should have done is come together as a group and decided what we wanted to do as a house .. but we got selfish and stupid and protected what we thought were our games.. and I am sorry. It was not right. I am sorry. It has nothing to do with you. You are so good. You should have been included. Jess – I just feel bad because I asked.. I asked what we were doing. Tommy – this is today that this happened. If this would have happened before today .. I would have told you. Jess – I just feel bad because I would have wanted to save her (Nicole). Tommy – and tell her that. We were worried about having him and Ovi in the game together. We spoke about that last night. They’re a scary duo. This ensures the can’t be in here together. Ovi and Cliff never separated. They scare me. I think he can go all the way with this. We should have included you but we were worried that it would get back to Nick and blow up in our faces. I should have found time to pull you aside. Jess – Bella doesn’t seem that happy at all. Tommy – it was a lack of trust. I see Nick, Bella and Sam .. and to me that is a scary inseparable trio. That scares me! Jess – so basically what you just did was you gave Cliff to them.. Tommy – I know. Cliff joins them and Tommy asks him if he wants to talk.

Cliff and Tommy.
Tommy – Cliff I am so sorry and you know I am always upfront with you. This was completely, completely game and not personal at all. I love you so much. I really do. Cliff – you know what we’re tight. I don’t have any problems with you. Its a game. Tommy – I know you know exactly why that happened. Cliff – sort of. This word got around that I was going after couples. That wasn’t the case. Tommy – its not only that. And Christie and I are not a couple. Cliff – and I know that .. you just got lumped together. Tommy – It was that you and Ovi were a scary duo. We all think that he had the power and he was going around a lot. And I know you keep saying that you don’t want to get dragged down by other people and that’s kind of what keeps happening. I am sorry but be was going around talking a lot. Cliff – he thought it was getting back in was a social component. Tommy – and it was not. Cliff – If I won HOH right now .. the last thing I want to do is put y’all up because all that does is make me a target with all of you. Tommy – we have heard that you would make big moves. Cliff – don’t believe anyone that said that. I am not about making big moves .. my idea has always been to just survive until the eight of you target yourselves. I am in this for the longer term. I knew Nicole was going around campaigning. Tommy – she campaigned smart and I promise you this happened today. Cliff – and part of this was my fault.. I was overheard talking and some of it was misunderstood or somethings were said that we’re completely true. If I won HOH tonight and Nicole had gone home my targets would have been Jess and Kat because they don’t have alliances with anyone else. And that’s what Nicole did wrong .. you can’t create divisions from outside because y’all will just pull together. Tommy – you deserve to be here and I am so glad you’re here. Cliff – I don’t take offense with it but its like a chess match. I still don’t mind working with you. I don’t even know if its possible but just keep that in mind. I am a loyal guy. I hated having to distance myself from Nicole but she screwed up her game. And Ovi, I just felt bad for the guy. He and Nicole both over played the game. Tommy – I think we should just play HOH and then talk.

Nick and Jack. Jack – its not that I don’t trust you. Nick – but you’re scared because I’m with Bella. Jack nods. Nick – Bro that sucks for me… I was just telling Sis when Kemi tried to ruin us before that we were tighter than ever and ever since then I’ve been scared that you don’t trust me anymore. Jack – yeah, same thing. Nick – but I do. I literally trust you with anything. Jack – day 1 .. it was right there. Nick p- I felt like I pulled away from you when you said that because I was like ah.. he doesn’t trust me anymore. But I need you to trust me with sh*t and not think that I am going to go back and tell anyone else. I am a loyal player. I want you to believe that. I make my own decisions. I guess I need to separate myself from her a bit. Jack – but I am not going to tell you what you can and can’t do. Nick – I don’t want to feel like its me versus you. I hate that. Jack – she games hard. Nick – I game hard too. Jack – but you’re good.

Bedroom. Tommy and Nicole.
Tommy – Just trust me and stay quiet for a bit. It did not feel right for you to go down for something you didn’t do. Nicole – Its so sh*tty because I was so convinced that I was dead. I was convinced the whole house was mad at me. Tommy – but you see that he was in power so we couldn’t say. I want you to f**king win HOH. We want you to win HOH. We love you and trust you. Nicole starts crying. Tommy – we just have to play it cool. Nicole – that I can do .. I’ve learned my lesson.

Boat room. Cliff and Sis. Cliff denies saying that he was going to target Sis and Jack. Sis asks if she can go get Christie to clarify. Sis goes and gets Christie and tells her that Cliff is still denying it. They talk to Cliff. Cliff – Sis and I were talking and it gets back to what you overheard and that I was planning to target Sis and Jack. Christie – yeah it wasn’t specifically just Sis and Jack. You had said there were big threats in the house and they were in the form of couples and you listed the couples. Cliff – says sure to each of the things Christie says. Christie – you listed the 6 names. Nick and Bella, Jack & Sis, Holly & Michie and me & Tommy. Cliff – I sure that I said that somewhere down the line we would have to break up the couples but I would not do that now. All that would do is get one out and the other 7 would be coming after me.

Tommy and Bella. Tommy – I’m sorry this got all f**ked up. Bella – it just sucks. Tommy – I will do my best to make it up to you. I am sorry. I mean it. I really do. And the proof will be in what happens next. Bella – it just really sucks. They head to the bedroom to talk. Bella – one thing that is rubbing me the wrong way .. I feel like it was a group decision but Christie was leading it. Tommy – she is the most vocal .. every single person in the alliance felt the same way. Bella – in my mind it just sucks because I was just trying to be there for Kemi. Tommy – even though you say you were coming back and telling us everything that Kemi said .. there were still things that just didn’t add up. And I am being upfront with you because I f**king love you. Bella – I will just say that Sam knew about Gr8ful. .. and that pulled him it to ask about Undeniable and am I safe, am I safe. I was like you know Nick and I would never put you up.

Bella, Sam, Jack and Tommy.
Tommy – I am convinced that Cliff is way more dangerous than Nicole is. He came back from banishment. He just came back again. I think.. either him or Ovi has this power. I think that Ovi still had it but I didn’t want him and Ovi in here together. Bella – it just doesn’t make sense to me why people are afraid of Cliff. Tommy – look what he is doing. My gut tells me that he is much more of a threat than he is. I think we can get her out at any time. Sam and Jack leave. Tommy – I should have come to you and tried to push a group thing. Bella – I just wish we had our backs more …if it really was a problem that I was talking to other people. If people had talked to me sooner I maybe could have explained myself.

9:05pm Big Brother switches the feeds to the kitty pound for the HOH competition to start…

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32 thoughts to “Jackson “Put it on my headstone.. Day 30 Nick & Bella go on the block.””

    1. He is the biggest douche, I pray someone likable (with the smarts to go in guns blazing) wins HoH. I’m ready for a Gr8ful meltdown. Please, for the love of god, don’t let Jess win, she just sucks. Come on Nicole, Cliff, or Sam!

      1. i fear sam will be talked into putting up cliff and nicole. nicole and cliff are ideal to win, but anyone but jess, sam, bella, or kat puts up either jack/jackson or nick/bella.

      2. Cliff better do the right thing. I swear if he puts up Nicole, Sam, Kat, or Jess, I’m going to lose it. I would love him to put up Jack/Jackson or Nick/Bella or even Christie- the drama would be amazing and oh so glorious. Oh no, I just saw Cliff dance, my eyes, my poor eyes

        1. i would like to see jack/jackson on the block to see if christie will use her power to help them out. something tells me….not! lol

        2. Cliff can be too easily manipulated. The only one who might do it is Nicole but I fear she can be talked out of it. I think if bella doesn’t win her and nick are going up. The likelihood of the jackoffs going up is slim. Even Bella and nick after being betrayed are still team jackpot. Morons! Where do they find these people?

  1. OMG, Cliff wins come back? That is crazy AF! The last thing I thought would happen! This just might get interesting!

  2. Tommy covered his tracks so well… He kept all his stories straight.
    AFP= Nicole or Cliff ( not because they played a great game but they are both good people.)

  3. Big Brother is a HOT MESS ON WHEELS this season!! I really like Christie at first but she’s got those crazy eyes and I have a feeling we will be seeing more meltdowns then before.

    Nick and Bella are being painted as villains on social media but having Bella in the game ensures good drama and twist and turns, they were told lies about Nicole and I think being in that pressure cooker, they trusted their alliance members too much!

    Would love to see Bella apologize to Nicole though, maybe they can team up and it will be an epic battle vs the six shooters.

    Who’s ready for another Christie paranoid meltdown. She’s craaaaaaaazy!!!!

    1. I think Bella has proved OVER & over that she’s not to be trusted…..I’m good if she’s otb with idiot Nick

    2. Bella lacks the self-awareness that it takes to even realize that she needs to apologize to Nicole. I’m 100% sure that in Bella’s mind right now she thinks Nicole owes her an apology.

      1. Agree completely. Bella feels totally justified of her treatment of Nicole. It’s awesome watching her realize that her alliance does not have her back and that she and Nick are targets. Love it.

    3. If Nicole Bella Sam nick and cliff teamed up in secret (which is impossible) that would be exciting. No one would except Nicole and Bella and nick to work together. I mean stupid Bella and nick still don’t see Nicole was right even after the Vote flip. The jackoff group could literally tell them aliens made them change the vote and they would buy it.

  4. Wow Cliff just won fucking HOH!

    Now if only he makes a big move and puts up Jack/Jackson..

    They voted him out so fuck them!

    The only fear would be that they would win the Veto and Christy would make it the Diamond POV and either Nicole/Bella/Sam/Nick would instead go home..

    I just don’t want him to play it safe. If her power has to be flushed this week then so be it but if doesn’t put up any combo of the 6 then he is a real dingbat!

  5. Isn’t Tommy just a little suckass when he talks to Bella? He is all about telling people just what he thinks they want to hear regardless of whether it’s true or not…as long as he can cover his a$$. Then Bella says she was just trying to be there for Kemi? What a load of crap! How does she think people even believe anything that comes out of her mouth? I can’t wait until she is gone. She is the person that I most dislike in the house. She is horrible…I feel sorry for people on the outside that become her friends because she will $hit all over them. Yeah, with friends like her, you don’t need enemies!

    1. But if he makes it to the end, the jury members will remember Tommy was nice to them while Jack, Christie or whatever Alpha makes it to the end (aka 1st time Paul/Tyler) was “mean” and Tommy will get their vote. Bitter juries have been the trend and instead of rewarding solid game play (again, 1st time Paul & Tyler) they reward the people who didn’t make them feel stupid.

  6. I keep waiting for BB to reveal it intentionally cast the worse players in history. Like they gave these people a test which they all failed:

    Q: If someone tells you your alliance is plotting against you, you should:

    A. Play it cool and see if you can confirm the statement
    B. Go ask your alliance, and believe what they say

    Q: The optimal number for an alliance is?

    A. 4
    B. 6
    C. 16

  7. Tommy sure was doing a lot of buffing last night (one on one), he just might take it to the end with his talking and comforting all.

  8. Cliff really needs to stop talking. His words will purposely be misconstrued by crazy Christie and flamed up by conniving Tommy.

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