Head of Household Winner: Nicole
Nominations are: Jackson & Holly
Power of Veto holder: Jackson
Power of Veto Ceremony:
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8pm Living room. Holly and Jackson.
Jackson to Holly – I fought to f**king hard to get here and to sit there and dangle half a million dollars over me like a little carrot. You’ll going to lose our votes. You’re going to lose this game if you don’t … F**King. I am so f**king pissed! Holly – He is trying everything that he can. He tried strong arming and dealing. And when that didn’t work he tried talking about our strengths and when that didn’t work.. he tried threats. None of which are respectable moves. That’s not okay. Jackson – I’m going to light this house on fire with my speech. Holly – ditto. Jackson – I am so f**king mad! I would never tell someone or threaten someone that has busted their a$$ and worked their a$$ off in this game… you will lose half a million if you don’t take me. Holly – I know, its not fair. Jackson – respect of the game.. my f**king a$$! Respect the game. Respect the game! Its not respect of the game! Actions speak louder than words .. your words tell me that you would keep me safe .. that you would always be there for me. Your actions last week showed me otherwise. My actions showed that I’ve been HOH three f**king times and could have put any of y’all up and got any of y’all sent home. MY actions show that I have been loyal! And my actions show that I deserve to f**king be there on finale night… not my words. Your words have gotten you here. What have your actions done!? Almost going against me and Holly!? Bullsh*T! I’m not going to sit there and have someone threaten me! You sealed the deal BUD! ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME!?!?
Holly – I’m proud of you. Jackson – That’s a low blow! You don’t take half a million dollars away from my family especially when I fought to be here! When I am taking someone that’s been loyal to me. Over my own damn family, that’s f**king bullsh*T! OH I AM SO F**KING MAD! I AM SO F**KING LIVID! I COULD BLOW A F**KING GASKET! That could single handedly send me over the edge. Holly – I know I’m sorry. Jackson – It makes me sick to my stomach. Holly – You get a second chance to say something. You know his tactic.
8:12pm – 9pm Nicole Holly and Jackson. Holly starts cooking dinner. Jackson moves to the kitchen as well and starts ranting. Jackson – Threatening me and strong arming me into a corner to take him and if not that will cost me half a million dollars. And that is just the big brother I did not want to play. Its not what I wanted this final four to be. I didn’t want us to have to make deals to get here. We had one deal and one handshake and we shook on it five weeks ago and that is the big brother I wanted to play. Then we compete and then the other three of the four go and then two out of the three go. And this is bullsh*t! And I would never threaten somebody for money that could affect their lives or their families lives. To do something or take me farther in this game that would benefit myself. And to hear that come from his mouth .. someone that preaches so much .. about do what is best for your game to hear him jeopardize money that could change my families lives .. to change my parents live, and then people that I care about the most. The whole reason why I am here .. to hear him threaten me with that and jeopardize it away from me if I don’t do what he wants is NOT the big brother I came here to play! Nicole – I hear what you’re saying but in his head, to play devils advocate he is in a spot where his is jeopardized. We’re all in the same spot. Jackson – yup, I would just never sit there and threaten someone but that’s just me. I didn’t sit there and threaten y’all if y’all didn’t take Holly… then I will not vote for you if you’re in the final two. I didn’t threaten anyone in this game to lose my jury vote. I want people to play what is best for their game and I will do my best to let that benefit my game as well but if it doesn’t I am not going to threaten someone with it and I am not going to push them into a corner. And pretty much say its either me or you’re losing half a million if you’re there… pick one! That’s just my personal opinion. Nicole – no I hear what you’re saying. Jackson – but everyone is entitled to their opinion. Nicole – that’s the funny thing about this game there are different opinions and different ways of looking at it. There is no way of knowing what type of jurors people will be. Jackson – nope .. it just contradicts everything he said about being a bitter juror but that is whatever and neither here nor there. And I know he wants his family there and I know he wants to even just make it to third and I am doing my best to make sure that happens and that is all I am saying. Makes me question .. but I’m still going to do it. Different strokes. Nicole – my advice is look at it from every different angle and do what is best for you. Jackson – I am. Hearing those words come out of his mouth sealed the deal for me. I will not have anyone threaten me or push me into a corner or bully me into making a decision ever in live. I’ve had it happen before and I have never let it happen again. It is very, very disheartening that he took it to that level and I am very disappointed in him.
9pm Storage room. Nicole talking to the cameras.
Nicole – I don’t mean to laugh. That’s mean .. I really don’t but Michie has done those things. He has strong armed people. He has threatened people. He has told people about his financial situation. He complained to me about his financial situation in the hopes that I would take him to final two. He is the biggest disher-outter but not taker. He is a big baby! It is funny! It is so funny. He looks for excuses and reasons and justification as to why he is doing things. So that he looks like the martyr and the one that is bullied and the one that is backed into a corner. I am over it .. so over it!
9:50pm Bedroom. Nicole and Cliff.
Cliff – is he pissed? Nicole – yes. Cliff – good let him stomp around. Nicole – I will be damned if I let someone bully me and strong arm me. And that is not the type of game I want to play. I would never expect that from Cliff… how dare he!? Dangle 500K in front of my face like a little carrot. Cliff – right. Nicole – jury management is a part of this game. He’s like he made it personal. Cliff – Whatever, I told him I would do whatever it takes to stay in this game. He lied to me and if I need to threaten with a little jury vote in exchange .. then so be it. I doubt he will change his mind. Nicole – he is holding his sh*t together because he wants to flip out on you .. and it is coming! Cliff – I don’t care. I will just smile and say okay Michie!
9:52pm Cliff to the cameras in the other bedroom. Cliff – so isnt’ that interesting. Apparently Michie is very upset that I told him he would not be receiving my vote in jury if he lies, breaks a promise and boots me out of the house. BOOOO HOOOO HOOOO! Whatever .. what are you going to do!? You’re already booting me out of the house you A$$! And I will have 6 days to talk to the jury and let them know what I think about you. I did not dangle 500K like a carrot! Mutually assured destruction .. you want to boot me out of the house, I will boot you out of the 500K prize. We can both play the game Michie. You lied to me so that you could boot me out of the house and keep your showmance girlfriend. If you don’t want to honor deals, why should I vote to give you the money?! We will see what happens tonight or tomorrow. Breaking your promise leads to repercussions.
10pm – 10:47pm Holly, Jackson and Cliff sit down to eat dinner. Nicole comes out of the diary room and sits at the table to chat and eat.
11:30pm Nicole and Holly doing their nails at the kitchen table..
12:25am Holly and Nicole are drying their nails. Jackson is playing solitaire.
12:33am – 12:43am Bedroom. Jackson and Holly. Jackson – Half a million dollars. Its been on my mind for months and I am going to make a decision that is potentially going to jeopardize it. They’re offering me a guaranteed seat at final 2. Offering that they will swing the jury against me if I don’t take them. Will they keep it, I don’t know. Would they keep it, couldn’t tell you. Will they swing a jury against me? I don’t know but its a chance I am willing to take because I am not going against you. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified. This decision regardless of which way it went would cost me 500K.
Cliff and Nicole are sorry pieces of dog feces. Nicole is one of the tattletale / gossip girls who try to start shit. She is even 2 faced to herself. Some real mental issues there. Cliff is just a very sore loser who has embarrassed his family and friends. Nicole will have to continue living with mom and dad as she will not find a job if people watch what a nasty hateful person she is…. a teacher? Really?
I don’t know what show you’ve been watching but Nicole is opposite of a mean girl and nasty hateful person just seems way off base.. I think all the final BB HG show signs of mental stress at this stage of the game. I think you would agree this game brings out the worst in human nature.
bro this is so wrong. you cant attack someones personal life. you dont know them. can’t make assumptions because unfortunately thats what creates divisions in real life. attack the game, not the person.
Lmao. People have been attacking Jackson and Holly’s personal life all season.
I know that some people expressed some mild concerns over their taste in furniture, but go personal? No way.
What Cliff said to Jackson is a game move. This is not personal or bullying but a game move. You say and do what is needed to get to 500k. Jackson is mad at himself he knows Holly isn’t good for his game. He is worried about what america is going to think of him if he cut Holly lose. Sleeping and fighting with Holly the whole season put him in a difficult spot this is hurting his game. Cliff destroyed his own game. Holly should have more respect for herself..kids are watching the show and live feed..we all see the stool in and out the shower..they only thinking of themselves..and they know kids are watching the show as well as adults. Nicole is playing the game to win..dirt will come out sooner are later if you want the 500k or 50k. It’s a dirty game and viewers and HGs know..you will get your hands dirty in this game. Jackson is playing a good game and deserves to win the 500k. I am not a fan of Jackson or Holly. I would love for Nicole to win the next HOH and take Holly to F2. I want Nicole to win the 500k. Nicole taking out Jackson will give her a solid win. Bye Cliff bye!
It was not a game move… he was talking to America and saying all of the things he is going to do. He said he will turn the jury against Jackson…. that he and Nicole would vote for Holly. No game just a sore loser. Wanting to hide stuff on his way out…. what is the game move that? At least Christie saw all as game moves…. and said Jackson deserves to win… Cliff won one hoh early…. nothing since. Nicole was given her hohs… one by Cliff ( double eviction) and Holly gave her the last one because they forced her to. Jackson always says do what is good for your own game… including voting. Nicole and Cliff wanted free rides to final 3. They were “allowing” Holly to play for veto as long as she took cliff. Nicole try’s to tell Cliff she could have shaved 2 minutes here and there off her time to beat Jackson… then why didn’t she. Jackson had a rough go at it and still won. Vote for people who have truly earned a spot at the end…. not ones who were given a free ride.
Make no mistake…production definitely gave that Veto to the Jacka$$. I will never believe that Nicole didn’t win that.
Gee that Jackson is a swell guy after all…….sorry I had it all wrong.
I hope when jackson votes Cliff out tonight he pops his shirt, snaps his fingers and says SKD 143.
Please don’t put that image out there.
Take Orwell into the DR with the stool?
You guys are just being naughty now.
I like it….but I still want to see Cliff get beaned with Orwell as he steps through the door.
I love the sanctimonious hypocrisy.
I think your taking it all a bit too emotionally its a game. Cliff is grasping at straws to try to stay in the game, holly n jackson did the same thing last week so holly wld stay… Im not saying i agree with the way Cliff went about it, or is acting but its just like the way Jackson acted and is still acting.
They are all so close to the end and its emotions on overdrive…
Lets not be mean or nasty trying to get our point across it’s a game that we love to watch and I get its hard to root for ppl when they act like this…
Can’t wait for part 1 of Hoh and I really hope Jackson doesnt throw part 1 to Holly that wld be stupid at this point of the game… Go for the win and go head to head with part 2 hoh winner… Give it ur all with No regrets!!!
As much as I dislike Jackson, the situation that they are now in is all on Cliff. It still boggles my mind that he would ever think that Jackson would pick anyone over Holly
Curt you’re so way of base it’s ridiculous. I highly doubt you’ve watched a single episode. Nicole is the sweetest of all the houseguests this year. As far as living arrangements I don’t know what that has to do with the show but as a fellow New Yorker I can tell you it’s not uncommon for single women in the region to live at home until they’re married. I don’t think she has anything to be ashamed of!
I have watched every episode and live feeds. I am sorry but Nicole has been a lazy floater causing problems all season. She is not sweet. Oh….Was that mean? Common on. she is not stupid. She played her game. Lazy and pairing up with stronger players so she did not have to make any enemies or decisions. Going back on her word, flipping her votes, and then Oh….Was that mean? YES.
What problems did Nicole create? I actually think she has created the fewest.
Nicole created all of the drama last week. Instead of just honoring the final 4 they had she tried to get Cliff to vote Holly out. She just did not want to compete against Jackson. She wanted Tommy to do it. They were all couples in that house… yet she keeps going on about the showman right. She has done nothing but stir the pot running back and forth between Cliff and Jackson saying what the other has said. Making Holly throw the Hoh and expecting to throw the veto. List goes on… but she never said do what is best for your game.. only Jackson has done that. Did she go on the block to ensure the safety her alliance like Jackson did in like week 4? Hey.. people are going to like who they like. I liked Cliff until he started his rants and nasty stuff. Granted some of that was due to Nicole saying Jackson said this and that… she delivered the message with a nastiness added in of her own… she is a great person who has played such a great game and won so many comps… yea, Nicole deserves to win
great post ICAM! cliff and nicole CONVENIENTLY forget THEY are the ones who decided to LIE and break the final four deal. So Cliff can shut up any time now about being lied to by Michie. Nicole I am just so OVER!!! She has turned into a hypocrite and liar. What Cliff and Nicole tried to pull on Holly was OUTRAGEOUS! Yes we give your “PERMISSION” to now go play the veto but you HAVE to use it and protect not your #1 your boyfriend but CLIFF! GMAB!!!
I was downright giddy when Michie won that veto! I hope he wins this and the jury doesn’t give in to Cliff trying to sour them on Michie.
Was that mean NO! That was not in the least bit mean, rude or bullyish(I know, I just like to make my mark on the English language) but to answer your question no not mean. Rambling, unfactual(yeah I know this ones bad) and uninspired but it’s your opinion and I respect it even if it’s stupid. I’m sorry that WAS mean! Ha Ha.
Hardly… do you watch after dark? Nicole did nothing but cry early on and did not make any huge game moves. She kept trying to attach herself to actual people playing the game. Voting the way the house wants you to vote is not a talent. Winning the game is not about being sweet. It is about winning comps, keeping your alliance safe. She talks like a hard ass to the cameras and tells Holly about Jackson’s reasons not mattering…. she actually even pays herself on the back for winning comps that were thrown to her. She is lucky Holly threw or she would be the one leaving. She never tells Jackson stuff to his face but stabs at him from the dark. She goes to Cliff and instigates bad feelings between Cliff and Jackson.. It is scary how she talks to herself and will even be happy she is being evil. Sorry you cannot see it. I did not like Jackson but I do respect his game better. At least he has told people to do what is best for their games. Nicole and Cliff will never say that. In fact, it is “I expect you to do what is good for our game…” sad
I agree Nicole hid in the RV the first half of the game with Jess.
Curt: I get that we are rooting for our favorite HG to win and that’s all part of fans being fans So why when I read your posts about your hate for Nicole it feels so personal and vile?
I hope you can relax and enjoy the finale – make some popcorn…
You don’t have clue! I guess you also think Jackson is a great guy.
I never thought Jackson was a great guy. He has played mostly honest. He has told people to play and vote what is best for their game. He has in fact won the most comps and vetos than anybody. He did bring some dead weight with him until the end… like him? No think he played the best game? Yes
Wow are you watching the same show?
Cliff and Nicole are playing Michie’s game and now they all look bad! However, it’s time that someone finally strong arm Michie and chase him to the corner!!! And Cliff and Nicole are doing a great job!!!!! Fantastic! Nicole is very smart! How she can grasp everything is really amazing. And guess what? – Michie feels it!!!!!!! That’s why he is upset!! He sees that the way he played the game with Tommy and now Cliff will cost him the votes! Or Kat! And those are not bitter jurors – Big Brother or not, what he did to Tommy was really hard to watch. I say, go Nicole, get him! I hope Nicole will retaliate with what she’s been saying to the camera after Michie gives his lousy speech about loyalty and threats. Michie, you are just the same!!!!!
Nicole did not get them this far in the game… nor did Cliff. Cliff and Nicole’s only game was to attach to someone who was playing a game. I do not like Jackson but he has put himself in position to win… no one else can say that
Wow Curt of everything you’ve said this is the dumbest. They’re going into final 3 they are ALL in a position to win dumb a$$
Come on now. Nicole is not all that stuff you are spewing. THAT would be Jackson.
Wow,Easy killer, that’s a lot of really strong emotions coming from you, and your calling Nicole nasty and hateful?
wait so jackson’s mad bc cliff said michie will be losing 500k not taking him? that’s not a threat at all. how will cliffs one jury vote deprive him of 500k? it is true though, jackson will win big brother sitting next to cliff. Nicole is giving him a run for his money. Holly will get the bitter jury votes if she’s in final 2 with him. Bro needs to chill out and process this. He is only thinking about holly now. 500k is on the line, he’s gotta get his head in the game and vote holly out to win.
Just go ahead and take out Cliff and send My Little Pony after him. He and Holly can make their pitches, one of them will win, some heads will explode and the same people who will “never watch big brother again” will decided to “never watch big brother again”…again…or until next year.
the jury will vote for holly tho. people are mad at jackson. jackson should take cliff bc his resume is weaker than nicole and holly. jackson will be guaranteed the win
Shaggy I don’t mean to make assumptions but I’m starting to believe your upset with Cliff for some reason….is it just me;)
What’s with this colored font it’s got me seeing red.
* Swaggy (sorry lol)
Upset with Cliff?
Oh hell no…I think he’s the perfect poster child for you folks.
That makes him prime entertainment.
“Oh hell no…I think he’s the perfect poster child for you folks.”
What’s that about?
Swaggie has just really loved Jackson and Holly the whole season. Probably is a voyeur and thats how he/she gets off. Also loves to call everyone names but them…Nicole= my little pony?
ROFLMAO…nope, but I have really loved how they are so able to spin some people up.
As for My Little Pony, I’m sorry, I have a cousin names “NicHole” and that’s how she spells My Little Pony.
And no sane people, I am not calling My Little Pony NicHole, simply referring to a common spelling that someone else (cough, cough) used to like giving her before Nicole became their anti-Jackson hope.
Oh yes, I do remember…and that she didn’t really like My Little Pony until later, when she transformed into an anti-Jackson. That’s when she suddenly jumped from being NicHole to being Nicole…the excuse was that they have a cousin named NicHole and that’s how they spell it.
And which is why I posted that.
Here comes the hate train against anyone who dares bring some impartiality into comments. I know you’ll go for a low blow at me…but I really feel like you’ve been the biggest name-caller I’ve ever seen. I’m not a Holly fan but you have gone after her at SUCH a nasty level that you’d think she had stolen your bf or something.
Now that’s money! ha ha ha – good one, JR…
You will never hear me say I will “never watch that show again “. You just never know.
Jackson has played the best game. Cliff is being a sore loser and has threatened to sway jury votes against Jackson. Holly and Jackson were going to be true to the final four agreement. Nicole and Cliff were the ones who caused the Tommy drama and created the river of denile . He also said Nicole would vote for Holly. Nicole was sitting with Holly and Cliff saying she’d rather not hear Jackson’s reasons for vote no Cliff out… she is being so 2 faced… praising Holly for giving the Hoh… REAL fans vote for people who impacted the game most, not floaters and not losers like Cliff and Nicole. I liked both of them until they started this childish crap and ranting and raving. Nicole… just dillusional
jackson for sure has the best game out of them, but he shouldn’t risk taking holly or nicole with all the bitter jury members
Nicole later explained to cliff why she said she was tired of hearing jackson say the same thing over and over was becuz Jackson was playing it up for America to get their approval and like him and she was tired of him doing that not that she didnt respect the move, or get it cuz she did. Yes she still wanted Cliff to stay but she has said over and over in dr’s that she knew jackson wld not keep his deal with cliff why wld he when he n holly were each others #1’s….
Jackson is constantly looking to see where camera is and play it up, well edited on the show.
Finding it really hard why people cannot see this. He was going to take them to final four. Nicole and cliff went back on their word and he (jackson) had to fight tooth and nail (lying, also part of good game play) to keep her safe. That was not he first choice but had to because Nicole wanted to break the agreement. Jackson deserves this win more than anyone that will be standing next to him. Its really that simple if you actually watched the show
Do you understand why Nicole wanted to break the deal? It is because she knew she would be number 4 in the 4 person alliance because Jackson was more loyal to Holly and Cliff than he was to her. Cliff had said he was loyal to jackson and Nicole. Holly was loyal to Jackson and would take Cliff as well… Nicole wanted to break the deal to give herself better odds to get further in the game. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. She wasnt the one who came up with the final four deal. Cliff was. Cliff has been making deals and telling her about them afterwards all along. The fact of the matter is…. They stuck to the final 4 deal. They didnt break the deal. They considered it… but they didnt break it.
Here we go again…
Kind of like standing in the middle of a lane on the interstate trying to read the bumper sticker on the semi coming at you doing 70mph. Some people believe it’s not sporting to get out of the lane before the truck arrives.
“He didn’t wait for the truck, he didn’t wait for the truck!”
“Real players” can vote for whichever member of the final 2 they want to win. “Real players” realize throughout the game that they will need the most jury votes on finale night, so don’t be a complete A-hole all summer. Jury votes are part of Big Brother, ask Paul. In fact, ask Paul twice!
So true! Ask Paul twice! Lol that was hilarious!
Jackson has a bit of Paulitis! Thought because of who he was he would drag someone to the end and win no matter what.
Paul failed to realize that jury management is key to winning the game. He had no clue Josh was managing the hell out of the jury by the good bye messages, crying saying he was sorry n loved them and he had no choice to vote them out because he swore to be loyal to Paul n Christmas. (When everyone thought they were working with Paul). He didnt blame them or say mean things on their way out and Paul was harsh in many of his good byes.
How is Jackson working the jury? Other than getting rid of his old alliance and yelling at people, it remains to be seen.
If Jackson makes final 2 could he lose because of the poor social and jury management aspect?
It’s certainly a possibility!
Well the potential beauty of Jackson losing to a bitter jury in F2 is if the jury gives the big check to Holly…while the other two from their F4 are sitting in the cheap seats.
I still think Paul got robbed the first season he played.
Completely agree! I actually liked him the first season.
I’m finding Tyler’s questions about this jury interesting and can’t wait to see how that plays out. His take on them is that they’re very concerned over how they’re being perceived by the public, and also about potentially being considered bitter jurors.
I wonder if being perceived as a bitter juror impacts their marketability in the BB “celebrity” events?
Amen! Jury management is a part of the game! A huge part! And it was Paul’s downfall for sure!
You don’t think it was because he was such an ahole?
I guess maybe thats not it since Josh won and he was just as bad as Paul.
Agree, Cliff is a poor loser and one that should be grateful it was BB and not Survivor show he is on. Everyone of the contestants has agreed and said BB is a game, but the final results of the game is 1/2 million dollars. To get through a game played as such, one must no only win the weekly obstacles put up, but also strategize to keep playing. Making promises, alliances, and understanding they may have to break away from them is and has been part of BB since its conception. But since watching BB since its beginning and only missing BB19 episodes toward the end and part of this season because of the contestants, I don’t ever believe I can remember anyone as bitter and threatening as Cliff has done if not kept in game. Also his threatening of removing some cards from the deck, etc. It’s what bully’s do.
Cliff is a poor loser and should have known, realized that once down to 4, one of them would have to go out and it comes to strategy on who is best and who you want to be along side. Nicole and Cliff have always said they would be final 2, not a Nicole or Cliff and Mitch.
I think Cliff’s actions will disappoint many by his actions, threats, which show a poor loser. I would have had more respect for Cliff if he hadn’t made the threats, and or hiding cards talks.
Honestly, I was a Cliff supporter from day one, to win the 1/2 million or be AF player. But his actions has me now rooting the complete opposite and hope the door kicks him on the way out of the house as he is evicted. Sorry Cliff, you earned it, all by yourself to be a loser and a bully.
It’s been said to you before what show are you watching. C/N are doing the same thing that Mellon head did last week and multiple weeks, it has always been his way or highway. Nicole is spot on, Mellon head can dish it but can’t take it when it’s used on him. He has been a crybaby this entire season and is productions pet.
He basically said production helped him with the mental part of the veto. He didn’t understand the question and they kept telling him until it clicked. Unless they did the same for the others , it’s not fair he won. I’m not surprised though Jackson has been productions pet all season.
Yes, heaven forbid that production would want a contestant, any contestant, to understand the rules of a game. I’m sure Jackson is the only one there ever did that for.
But I do agree, it’s a shame that Jackson lost time in that comp while getting the directs straight. Imagine his time if he’d understood them right off.
Note to production, now that the locomotive is building up a full head of steam, make sure it knows the directions BEFORE it leaves the station…and stand back.
Rewatched the competition.
The rule was read the statement and knock down the heads of the people the statement describes.
The statement said DID NOT particcipate…
Michie started knocking down the houseguests that did participate and production corrected Jacksom on the misinterpretation of the statement.
If it was a true or false question and they said Nicole did not participate-the answer would be false. Production should not stop in and say, DID NOT DID NOT so that Michie gets the answer correct.
You and Evel Dick may see it as helping a houseguest understand the rules, but I see it as production giving Michie the correct snswer.
Well if you rewatched the competition you heard Jackson’s narrative and he pretty much knew the answers right away.
So where in the rewatching of the competition do you see it as production giving him the answers?
He said that he didn’t understand and they kept telling him , did not , did not. I see that as helping him unless they did the same for the others and no one else spoke up and said they got help. He should have had to figure it out on his own. I can’t get behind him winning for this very reason. All season he has been able to break rules with no penalty. I just don’t like it. Maybe Nicole could have won if he had to stop and figure it out on his own and it would be a very different game right now.
And production was on the grassy knoll. You folks really do cling to the slightest things.
I don’t like being called you people. I like debating and talking about the game but using phrases like “ you people “ isn’t cool. You could take a page out of Jackson’s book and just say “ y’all”. I may be the only one that’s bothered by this. I’m not trying to argue , just saying
So basically you have no idea if they had to explain instructions more than once to other players? No reason to call one player out when you really don’t know if the same occurred with anyone else. They edited all of the houseguest attempts at this veto…..
The questions were easy, what was difficult was the slingshot. Stands to reason Jackson would easily beat them at that. He’s a lot stronger and more physically fit than the remaining players. It’s really not a stretch lol
I would think that it was in the rule book stating that it was OK for contestants to get clarification for questions asked during comps.
The funniest thing I’ve seen all season is when Nicole went into the storage room and talked to the cameras about how Jackson is a big disher but not a taker.
She is spot on about him trying to make himself look like a martyr.
People can say all they want that Nicole has not played a good game but I don’t think that’s true at all. Out of all the houseguests this season, she has had the best insights on the other players. Her gut instincts have been right most of the time. Her only downfall has been not going with her gut.
I agree that Jackson has played a good game. But he is one of the most hypocritical people I have ever seen on this show.
And Holly, what the heck? Jackson is basically telling her how pissed he is that Cliff might vote for her. And she seems fine with that. So she’s happy to give Jackson 500,000? What is she thinking?
I hope there is some way Nicole can pull off a win. Even though Jackson has won comps, I just can’t get behind him winning. If he wasn’t such an a** trying to act like he’s a good guy, I might feel differently. But his attitude and entitlement just rub me the wrong way.
I admire the way Nicole has conducted herself, and the who she comes across, as a person. On the contrary, Jackson has been slow torture to witness, especially the self-righteous conflicts with Holly – all the concerns of how he is being perceived. Holly has been mentally pummelled into submission: agree with whatever Jackson says and she’ll be okay: can we say “Stockholm Syndrome”? Jackson dragging in the shower stool pre-sex, juxtaposed with him then later on his knees, thanking God and Mama in prayer… this guy is one of the top ten most entitled, and yes pompous douchebags, to endure throughout a reality show… and I’ve watched a ton of reality TV in the past decade.
Kind of tough to sell without winning comps…. or having a game other than attach to someone who does. She said it herself… the winner should be one who has won comps and played game well… she did not
This is not correct.
Holly and Miche had deals with Christie and Tommy as well as Cliff and Nicole. They both talked about this (it aired on one of the episodes).
LIke most bullies, Miche cannot sense his own hypocrisy. He has sex with Holly and then falls to his knees and prays.
I detest it: Nicole and Cliff are playing the same game and making an argument. The idea that somehow they are doing something inappropriate is laughable.
“I detest it: Nicole and Cliff are playing the same game….”
Yet so many people, including themselves, seem to have lost sight of that.
You mean the guy who snuck food in the shower DAILY while being a have not?
Hi Jackson’s mom!
Jackson has played a good game, not great. He and Cliff are both playing the “my family” needs the money card. Well, most families could use the money. Cliff, if you’re selfish enough to put you families financial security at risk to play a game, that’s on you dude. At least Jackson doesn’t have a family to support. Holly has poor taste in men, that’s her only fault here. I’d be okay if Holly or Nicole won. Neither are comp beasts but have treated everyone with dignity and respect (aka jury management).
That’s not a smart move. He loses to both Nicole and Cliff. Jury would say HOW DUMB IS THAT? YOU VOTED OUT YOUR OWN GIRLFRIEND? Nicole and Cliff could say they played a brilliant move if that worked on Jackson.
She’s not his girlfriend, just a summer fling. Not even the whole summer, since he also banged Kat this summer. Everyone sitting in jury knows it.
Hey, maybe he should use that in his jury speech; I “banged” two in the house. With this jury, oh hell yes!
This is Jackson, so it may very well happen.
Don’t be such a gloomy Gus…maybe Cliff will confess what he was up to with Orwell.
Folks, you don’t honestly believe Orwell was hiding just to be funny do you?
Holly doesn’t.
“Best friend” who will travel with him “once per year” going forward; I think Jackson’s having a lawyer draw up the fbuddy contract.
Bro is a physio. Holly should stay clear after show. He has very bad mental issues with not always being right and not winning. One min. He’s being so kind then the next he has the look of a deranged person, that’s always trying to make himself look good and has forgotten he’s shown his true colors and not pretty ones at that.i would be afraid of being in this house or this group because of him. He and Holly both have the same “I know but” additued where if someone corrects them they say I know that but and begins to show them they have an answer to everything that keeps them from looking stupid or wrong. Which they both have done very well doing this game. Scary. I don’t like Nick. Whining to get a complement all the time either your a bad ass or your a woe is me. Pick a lane Nico.Do respect the way she sees through Jackson’s BS but she should have stood her ground and told Cliff we’re keeping Tommy, cause then it would be a good show. And Cliff would have had a shot maybe, but still for a suppose to be smart could be a mensa member, he sure isn’t smart about tangling his lines, I haven’t figured out why he feels so much intitedment in these game, and everyone needs the money but one of Jackson’s big saying from being was he’s not there for the money, he wants the win and the confetti, really and now you want everone to believe your in the game for your family. And the oh mommy stuff and crying. Well if the tears are real, he really has a lot of diff. Personalities in there. It’s really something that needs to be addressed, because that lecture he gave Holly in the HOH room after she called him out in living room was scary and psychotic. Anyway sure wish they would have gotten rid of him sooner or at least kept Tommy in stead of the whining always sick with some kind of illness,mostly the rubber back bone prob. But anyway I’m not interested in who wins at all. This was the Jackson & Holly show this yr.and the worst cast I have ever watch, boring and whiny. I prob. Will ck in next yr to see if any better if not prob. Going to find something else to watch from now on. You All be nice , I know you think I wasn’t but just watch back over it and see what I’m saying. If I had to pick a winner from it all, would prob. Be The trucker. Just because he could be home with his family more and he has little ones. Night y’all lol can’t wait for Survivor ?
i agree with so much of this tbh
He is not “only thinking about Holly now”, he is only thinking about himself as I suspect he has done his entire life. He just thought it would be easier to win if he was sitting next to Holly.
I thought Holly was finally “getting it” when Michie was getting angrier with her by the second–ordering her to “throw it NOW!” as she dared to play the veto. Who did THAT benefit?? Holly knew Michie had already said he would NOT be honoring ANY deal he made with N/C. Why oh why did Holly not stay up there? She has already shown us she is desperate to hold onto the dysfunction they’re passing off as a relationship; she could not afford to incur his wrath and lose his “love.”
That’s not what Cliff said.
He said if Jackson votes him out, Jackson won’t get Cliff’s vote, and Cliff will campaign against Jackson in the jury. And if Jackson were to send Nicole afterward, that’s two votes lost — and he’d need 5 of the 7 remaining votes, by the way, good luck getting Nick’s.
I appreciate the campaign, but threatening jury votes is always a weak move.
Good luck getting Tommy & Christie too.
Tommy & Christie are MUCH closer to Holly than Jackson is… and that’s not even including that lie he told about Tommy.
Don’t forget Jess. She may be lost in all other aspects of the game (and life?), but she is nothing if not adamant about her gender bias.
It’s true prob. Go for a woman but if she held a grudge that long against Jack about belittling her because of her water bottle in the fridge she will be voting personal I think. I still don’t think Jack knew why she wanted him out so bad.he was a d..k for acting and talking like that to her over a bottle in the fridge. Could gave been said nicer and in ALOT less words. See y’all next yr.
I can’t stand Jack and Christie and don’t care for Tommy. But I believe the 3 of them will vote on who they believe played the best game. I don’t believe those 3 will be bitter. I might be wrong. I may not agree with who each of them decide played the best…but I do think those 3 love this game and will vote solely based on who played the best game. Jess will be clueless and possibly bitter. Kat is a wildcard…I think she will vote for Holly, but if it’s Michie or Nicole…I can’t tell if she will vote Nicole because she hates Michie or if she will decide just on gameplay. Nick will vote for Michie or Nicole, imo. If it’s the 2 of them, I don’t know who he’ll vote for. Cliff will be bitter and vote for Nicole or Holly.
The definition of voting for best game is the big issue, and why Jackson was nervousing last night.
loose Angelou quote: people will forget what you said, forget what you did, but always remember how you made them feel. That’s jury management folks. It’s part of the game.
True…no doubt he’s nervous. But most of the HG’s did say that he was very respectful to them and gentlemanly…even though we remember times when he wasn’t. I don’t remember Sis ever commenting about it. But I do remember Jess, Christie, Tommy, Nick, Jack, even Kat…all comment about good qualities of him.
In the house before the evictions. Before the after interviews with Julie. They had plenty to say.
Sis felt betrayed for being the not a pawn anymore. Jess thought the decision was a bad game move.
Christie? don’t know ‘cus double, but her statements the night before encouraging everyone to get rid of Jackson? I’m not sure. Her feelings after Tommy tells her what they had to say about her: she’ll go universe is telling me to go petty. If she follows her personality we saw she’ll then move to justify. Tommy? When he yelled out in the fight you don’t deserve the money, that’s more telling to me than the Tommy makes a happy face as soon as he’s evicted play for afp response interview. Kat votes Holly over Jackson for her image in my opinion. I didn’t buy her post eviction interviews saying she’d have targeted Jackson. It doesn’t match her game, but now that she’s traveled that road, does she renege?
Fortunately we all “know” this his Mr. Manners “act” is a product of “production helping him to clean up his imagine”, but the important thing is, none of the other house guests know that. Maybe he’ll continue to fool them…but I do believe his effort to get his friends in production to bring Cliff’s family out for the finale may have been a tad over the top…no one believed he could actually feel bad for Cliff.
Unfortunately Cliff went off script and screwed that up.
True but I’m afraid by the way they both acted with Julie that they both said they thought that was a great game move so who nknows you know how you think you have it figured then the jury all start saying owe I’m voting for great game moves etc. So who knows. See ya next yr. ?
he needs to get his “head” out of Holly is a better assessment – if he wants to win the game
yeah, i agree. it’s kinda weird but i do think michie’s best final 2 is cliff. but he can still win against holly and nicole. it comes down to how sincerely he can apologize to tommy and cliff (i think tommy may vote for him regardless and cliff won’t, but he needs the apology to win nick and christie).
Oh, so now Jackson has control to get Cliff’s family there? How? Oh forgot, his buddies in Production. I know Cliff is irritating as hell. But Jackson is a big hypocrite. He has done all those things he is mad at Cliff for. You ever notice how upset Jackson gets when someone suggests he might not win the money? He needs to remember last year, Tyler lost because he took Kasey to the end, and Tyler derserved to win. This whole Jury this year has supposedly been about people’s word and trust. (Exception of Christie always swearing on her sister’s life), lol.
You do realize that being final 3 Jackson knows they will fly his family out for the show? Did you stop to think that perhaps all Jackson has done is ask production if they would fly Cliff’s family out instead of his own?
Dang, some of you folks will grasp onto anything, even a possible act of compassion.
Great now you’ve given production an idea for a another Golden Edit story line of Jackson’s endless and selfless love for his fellow houseguests. Expect it as a full segment before he votes Cliff’s ass out Thursday lol. The Great Grod approves 😉
That is an excellent suggestion there franks!
Perhaps Michie has offered to pay for the tickets to the Finale for Cliff’s family out of his $10,000 luxury comp win? For all you hatters out there, I would say that that is a pretty stand up thing to do if that is what Michie is trying to do. Given that Michie said I can’t say too much, I’m betting this is what is going on behind the scenes.
I think the show flies the final 3’s families in and pays for everything, to make sure that the winners family is there for the finale night. That’s the assumption I’ve made from their conversations in the house anyway.
Yes. That was part of Cliff’s effort to guilt Jackson; telling him that unless he made F3 and his wife got the free tickets she couldn’t afford to fly out for the show. Simply sounds like Jackson, who is F3, was asking if production would fly Cliff’s family out instead of his own. Which may sound like an attempted act of kindness to most people.
i’m sorry but legohead would NEVER giv his fam tkts 2 cliff, i would luv 2 c receipts, was it only on liv feed? can i get a link? i can’t believe that knowing mitchy,if that’s what he is saying, he is lying, unless production confirms it, its a lie,it would also b stupid thing 2 do!
“lego head” lol!!!
Yep CBS is cheap but it will make for good tv finale night to have both guys families there…..I really want to see their reactions.
Oh yeah, we all know Jackson is a Prince Among Men. I hope he gets everything he deserves, by that I mean everything he fears.
Hopefully they won’t fly Cloffs family oit “just because” since Cliff aka “Mr. Petroleum Engineer” has lied about cashing in his 401k and pretending like his family is too broke to afford a plane ticket.
At this point, I doubt Sharon even wants to show up.
Cliff is just creeping me out more and more everyday starting with the night he was pretending he was dancing his wife to the pathetic crap that is spewing out of his mouth right now.
CBS should just put three people in the audience with paper bags over their heads and thank Cliff’s family for coming.
Seriously?!?! Cliff is creeping you out? I think that’s a little much, a lot of people thought him “dancing” with his wife was really sweet. Fine, you don’t like him as a player but Cliff has not been the only one making deals, the hate some people have for him blows my mind.
“… the hate some people have for him blows my mind.”
You’re avoiding a lot of threads aren’t you.
They wouldn’t fly anyone out if they are going to jury house because they would be able to talk to them and that’s not allowed so don’t think that’s going to happen either
Totally agree Stephanie!
Hang in there Tommy (yuck), you just might get that AFP check yet. Nicole is working for you.
Mean while, vote for Kat!
Oh c’mon this is finally f-g great. They’ve poked the bear just like I said a few days ago with GREED. He’s going crazy ranting and raving being all pompous and doucebagie(yes I’m inventing words) needs his mommy to cry on but only has grandma and grandma could careless that he doesn’t even take into account that she or um um um um oh yeah Nicole could win. He’s a 2 year old having a tantrum. This is fantastic. This is what a New Yorker does. I loved Nicole laughing at the camera. Now they just need to take that knife and turn it and turn it and turn it some more and let’s see how much mamas milk baby jack needs.
jets,jets… i luv it 2!! finally some real drama hopefully!!!
It’s sad that Holly doesn’t even seem to realize that he never once considered that she could possibly win. And its like she never even considered being anything but his sidekick. I wanna scream “GET SOME SELF RESPECT WOMAN” but it’s much too late for that.
Sometimes I find it hard to believe that you’re a grown ass man lol
Who? If you’re talking to me you have no clue what a grown up man is. If it’s Swaggie there might be some truth to that but then again he’s only a brow.
Sam, I hope you’re watching OBB! You are very close to overtaking Nicole in the rankings here. Give her a little more screen time and you’ll pass her up. You’re at 3.35, she’s dropped to 3.4 with plenty of time to take it a lot further.
Kat, you’re hanging in there also. You still have a shot at passing My Little Pony.
If only you two had more screen time to play to the AFP voters.
I haven’t been a Jackson fan at all, but he is the only one now that deserves to win. I use to be a fan of Cliff, but honestly he is an idiot. Expecting him to take him to final 2, but he wouldn’t reciprocate? Also a super dumb move to evict tommy. I don’t feel sorry for him at all.
Katie, I totally agree. Cliff has got to have gone stir crazy! He’s talking as though he’s in charge. I don’t know what color the sky is in his world, but he’s in for a reality check.
I’m thinking is sky has a brown tint…
…and maybe a heavy, musty odor.
Cliff is a sore loser he did it to himself. 1 he shouldn’t have evicted Tommy 2 he shouldn’t have believed that Jackson would ever pick him over Holly 3 he shouldn’t have told Jackson he wouldn’t take him to final 2 even though this was the case. It was like cliff lost his mind the past couple weeks. I’m no Jackson fan but please Cliff stop leave with some dignity you think the other players in jury didn’t want to win of course they did go vote and don’t be bitter!
Okay. No what aboutism. No equivalencies real or false. I want a booze delivery. NOW.
I want the puppets to dance and entertain me.
Give me tantrums. Give me cursing. Give me laughter. Give me more tantrums. Let’s get this show on the road, and stop with the boring nobody does anything and Cliff talks to the cameras for 5 hours straight crap. Please. I muted him with cause.
Just stop with the fricken word bully. I’m feeling bullied by the use of the word bully on this show (that’s aimed at the house guests, everyone stand down).
Hold that jury vote for ransom. If you’re going out, go out petty. Better than waiting by the door or singing kumby-fricken-ya all night while everyone says no, I love YOU more. gawwwwd. That crap has to die a slow painful death.
Am I holding it against Cliff for trying to stay by any means? NO. Am I holding it against him for not doing it better? Well, yeah.
Am I holding it against Nicole for trying not to go to final three with a showmance? NO. Am I holding it against her for thinking even 1% it could happen? Well, yeah.
Am I holding it against Beth for smiling after finding out she could get votes in jury? NO. Am I holding it against her for thinking everyone should line up at the door and crying bully? Well, yeah.
Am I holding it against Jackson for being mad? NO. Am I holding it against Jackson for acting like he wouldn’t do the same or worse if the roles were reversed? Well, yeah.
Do I actually care? Only if they don’t entertain me. and I say again: booze delivery. NOW. please.
Another name..YOU are the best! Yessssss!!!
Yes another name!
Entertain the hell out of us.
Bring on the drinks.
Uh folks…wouldn’t that be some of that “production interference” everyone complains about?
Production interference would be if they poisoned three glasses.
Ah…selective interference outrage. Got it!
Did I infer whose glass wouldn’t be poisoned or have you implied?
Shall I leave a typo, so you can go for the easy low jab? You know I would.
Point out selectively picking out a phrase from a meant to be fun, post and then using it not to debate or question but enflame? Really? The post was meant in jest. Calm the right-fighting. We’re too similar in the flip side of a coin fashion for it to be productive. Or funny.
I take all your posts as being in jest.
They aren’t?
Dear Swaggie,
It’s not you. It’s not me. It’s us. We just don’t work anymore. We’re too similar and will never convince each other to change our opinion, because neither of us wants to change. We’ve stopped entertaining the others, we’re just tedious now.
I hope you understand.
Ahem….(sorry…clearing my throat) yall are quite similar in some ways 😮 (compliment :p)
That’s all we need is booze for the HG. So we can watch Jackson go on a rampage like Kong with irritable bowel syndrome! No thank you.
Yup – the DRAMA is what I always crave & that was a delightful post – Another Name, just to keep it season related I think “I love you more” lol
Im just gonna start off by saying I see it from both sides and yes its a game for 500,000 dollars; ppl break deals all the time, and lie its Big Brother and both sides have broke deals. Jackson/holly has done the same thing cliff /nicole has done! Cliff ur game is over, accept it and just go to jury already….
Nicole, Jackson, Holly u have 3 Hoh’s left just go out there play ur best, kick butt and leave it all on the floor. May the best woman or man win!
Accept it? F**k that. If I’m playing for half a mil I ain’t accepting anything. I’m fighting tooth and nail until my name is called. If I have to demean myself in the process then so be it. They’re playing a game and are on the home stretch. Now is the time to whip the horse hard and see if he’s got an extra few furloughs and don’t accept shit.
That’s good and well to talk all tough like that now…but you’ll be the first crying bully, hothead, milk-mommy (I think that was one of them you used) when he responds. I mean even now…some are saying…whoa…Holly better get away…he’s got anger issues. I mean c’mon people….he hasn’t even done anything back to Cliff. All he’s done is go and vent to Holly.
True story lol
JR I didn’t say anything about bullying. I was talking about the comment about accepting your beat and walking out the door. I just believe in a game like this you fight to the end. Poking the bear and getting him to over react by telling him that you’re not going to vote for him is a hell of a long way from being a bully. The idea is to get him to see the truth and maybe realize he’s been the bully and doesn’t have the votes. That little sideshow with Tommy last week won’t sit well with some jurors.
I’d rather everyone on big brother fight to the last second as Julie tells them to vote.
Even if it’s dirty. Even if it’s never going to happen.
The people that accept it and wait by the door have always ticked me off.
A poor fight is better than no fight.
Yes i like that too! I wld never give up till the last second, I wld like to see cliff poke the bear a cpl more times but hes too busy trying to find hiding spots for orwell that he isnt even doing much talking to jackson to get to him. I think cliffs playing the waiting game letting jackson think abt those jury votes but its not helping his case to stay. He needs to work on how he help jackson by keeping him in the game…. That if Holly stays she cld win against jackson altho unless its bitter jury we all know its not happening… Think Cliff, think kerp planting seeds of doubt to jackson of him winning it all if ur in jury…. I just want Nicole to go out win the 2 Hoh’s she needs and send Jackhole to jury!!!
I’m really tired of reading everyone demeaning Cliff and Nicole for doing WHATEVER it takes to keep Cliff. People getting mad at Nicole because she just started fighting this week, are you all forgetting the big Nick/Bella slug fest when they ganged up on her. A little secret Bella didn’t make as far as jury, Nick is in jury and Nicole is inFINAL THREE. How you get there isn’t as important as getting there. Now Cliff has his back against the wall and he is doing every and anything he can to survive. Nicole has harnessed her inner New Yorker and has started playing a little dirty. SO F-ING WHAT.
Jets, I totally agree. I think what some people comment about, including me, is that don’t be a hypocrite and laugh when you are doing it but cry when it’s being done to you. Everyone do it and everyone accept that it’s done…period.
Whoever is in the final three this season is just as bad as season 19’s final three, imho.
It’s just that when it’s on the other foot for the first time it feels gooooood. Also, you can see Nicole is feeling a “little” guilty about it but give the girl her due she’s having some fun at Jackson’s expense.
Every time you mention the New Yorker thing it’s comic gold. Like no one else in the country sticks up for themselves. Gtfo Bwuhahaha you’re false bravado is killing me and I’d wager I’m not the only one.
Don’t care
To be real. How else do you try to get the showmance dom to cut the showmance sub if you are on the block with the sub , and the dom is the only vote? You look for a personality flaw to exploit. Jackson’s flaw is ego. He’s been talking about cashing that check so much this season, the option he’s put on the table is to threaten nsf.
Greed baby
Jackson may have done some those things to a degree, but what has Nicole done besides hiding behind Cliff for most of the game. Not a whole hell of a lot. As much as I dislike Cliff he deserves to be in final 3 over Nicole. I know my memory is bad but don’t remember Jackson threatening anyone. And so what if he talked about his financial situation, I don’t feel he was using that as a manipulating tool. People have always talked about financial situations in the house. Cliff started talking about that before Jackson. I also think Jackson took a lot of “dishing-out” when the 6 turned on him. Jackson was not the perfect player but at least he did something.. And no, I don’t love or like him for that matter, I just think he deserves to win because he played a better game.
there was a great u tube link earlier maybe from yesterday? i think from wolfwoman? it showed mr sweetness bullying multiple people, it showed the real jackson! plz take a look sherry, the truth will set u free!
I already watched this stuff and have no interest in watching this crap again. I already said I didn’t agree with most of his actions but he had the whole house against him and managed to save himself by winning. No one saved him and the only reason he didn’t get voted instead of Jack is because Jackson was seen as the lesser threat. So please everyone stop your damn preaching. I am so sick of hearing about the PC generation crying about bullying non-stop. We all grew up with it, this is nothing new. These were all adults in the house and if they felt Jackson was bulling them they should have fought back. It’s called standing up for yourself. I guarantee this would have stopped the bullying immediately. There, I feel much better now. I feel like the truth just set me free.
Bullying is NOT PC!
He won more comps. is that necessarily the best game? Yes and no according to juries on many seasons. Some years it’s social, some it’s comps, some it’s alliance voting lines, some it’s jury management. Each has been a basis for a win. Some years it’s varying amounts of each.
Jackson’s strong arming and intimidation were mostly week one to four. He and Jack together and separately were over the top jerks to everyone they wanted targeted before jury. Seriously. They got joy out of just how malicious they could be. They’d laugh together later about what they would say and do. They would tag team others telling them how they were going to vote, and tell others what order they would be leaving in, like it was a pre-made list. A post image fix soft strong arm? “Nicole owes me and she’s not grateful enough we saved her”,(to stick it to Nick, not for her). Goes to Nicole and tells her she owes him. Later says she owes him 2. because Christie convinced Holly not to nominate and evict Nicole for not being grateful enough(no really, not grateful enough was the reason).
in terms of the six: they didn’t turn on Jackson, Jackson declared the alliance dead. He told Jack that Sis and Tommy were closer to Christie so they couldn’t be trusted and all three were out. The night before eviction on Beth’s first HOH. If he’d said Christie is out and left it there… recoverable. Then came Jackson telling the pre-existing relationship secret (that was a big stupid error especially when Beth didn’t know about it). The new alliance would be Jackson, Holly, Kat, Cliff (the southern alliance that had already been slipped in the house) and Jack added on. and maybe Nick or Nicole if they needed numbers. Jackson is the architect of the 6 fall.
His i’m shunned time in the have not room? Oh. that was an act. That was production aiding a house guest by giving them a place to sink out of notice for a week to get the target off of him act. His later justification “Sis and Tommy didn’t come to make me feel better?” He said they were out of the alliance and targets, and they should check on him and make him feel better? Why? So the whole had to fight back from the bottom justification started with him breaking his alliance, then hiding out with production’s help to get the target off of his back, then coming back and complaining that the people that he ditched didn’t come running to console him.
I think he’ll win. He has comp wins. I don’t like him, or respect him. I don’t like his lack of ownership and revisionist history to his game. I detest the production aid. He’ll 90% win.
Yes, when the 6 turned on him they had the numbers and weight behind them. He dug in his heels and turned that around.
Given the opinion that some seem to have of him, and his past performance, I’m not sure they’re thinking through this “waving a red flag in front of him” tactic.
“Yes, when the 6 turned on him they had the numbers and weight behind them. He dug in his heels and turned that around.”
Swaggie you crack me up by your refusal to ever see Jackson made mistakes or was a hypocrite (like they ALL were). You are ignoring the fact Jackson was the one who BLEW UP the 6S? He wanted Tommy/Christie & Sis CUT out & when Jack said no Jackson went ballistic. He SMARTLY jumped to working with Cliff/Nicole/Nick to reposition. BUT please recognize the 6S alliance blew up b/c of Jackson not anyone else.
He’s STILL talking about how they weren’t loyal (the 6S) but he’s really talking about Jack not doing what he wanted. The truth is Jackson was the one who wasn’t loyal (and I’m not saying he didn’t have reasons based on Christie – I’m just stating facts). If we spin what Jackson said to Jack the equivalent would’ve been Jack saying I don’t trust Holly, your buddy Cliff or Kat I want them all cut & you come work with me & my CLOSEST allies Christie/Tommy/Sis.
Just like Jack declined so too would’ve Jackson – in fact that’s what he did he decided to shift direction & then he & Holly lucked out b/c one of the non 6S (Jess) won HOH & POV with Jackson staying b/c the house viewed Jack as a bigger threat (as did Jess –& this season the HOH dictated evictions – except on Cliff’s HOH b/c he saw a way to improve his position instead of his ALLIES position). But Jackson could’ve just as easily been the one to leave if Cliff didn’t feel his ties were stronger with Michie/Holly & subsequently Christie/Tommy if Jack left.
My point is Jackson’s demand was unreasonable & proved he was playing the game (to that point) with “do as I say & what’s best for me or else”. And in truth, he kind of continued to play that way b/c from that point forward he had the votes via Nicole/Cliff/Holly to help him get his way.
NONE of the F4 reacted well when they were forced to go against what was best for them – of the 4 – Nicole & Holly were the ones to acquiesce to losing allies the most. You can call that dumb/weak game play OR we can recognize they didn’t have the allies in hand who would shift to align with their way of thinking.
To that end, the two biggest actions this season which dictated how the game currently stands was Cliff’s refusal to put one of the 6S on the block AND also IMO had Holly/Nicole nurtured their relationship earlier – that may have led to Kat staying instead of Cliff but Jess blew that up before it could come to fruition b/c Cliff/Jackson were adamant Kat had to go.
Just imagine if Nicole had not been called to the DR immediately after telling Jess about the new proposed six alliance of [Christie/current HOH Tommy/Sis/Nick/Cliff (who was OTB) & Nicole] & they had been able to talk to Holly/Jackson to shift the votes in Kat’s favor b/c they had the votes to do it (Jess/Nicole/Holly/Jackson vs. Christie/Sis/Nick) — how different this game could’ve been b/c CLIFF would’ve been the player leaving.
In hindsight (depending on who wins) I bet Holly/Nicole will look back to Kat’s eviction & recognize how different the game would’ve been had they voted out Cliff instead. The fact Nicole considered that option just by telling Jess speaks to her looking at ALL her options. Unfortunately, Jess & Kat elected to browbeat Nicole with personal attacks saying her parents & students would be disappointed by her & YES that conveniently timed call to the DR.
I’ll re-iterate Jackson has played the best game of those remaining but each in the F4 made moves which affected how the game got to this point. Likewise, EACH of the F4 made mistakes, were selfish, were hypocritical & none of them were saints. This past week Cliff spiraled but in truth it was in character for him to only think of himself (he’s been doing THAT all season), just like Jackson has but his comp prowess prevailed. And in their own way both Holly & Nicole are also playing to their best interest which included tying themselves to a bigger threat. It may not be as sexy but it’s still a way to propel yourself forward and since two of the F3 players will be Holly/Nicole it’s hard not to say they made the right moves for themselves.
Historically accurate. I agree.
Why thank you…I can understand why you feel that way.
Prime example of Jackson on tonights episode which looked like Nicole had one error and had beat him, he was so hot-headed he went into dr and punched the chair and swore had a temper tantrum cuz he thought he lost! What’s new he has done this almost all season and production has had to call him in to check himself more times than can count and yet he still acts like nobody can say anything or question him cuz he already thinks he has won the game!!!
Yes!! Jackson is like a child. When he doesn’t get his way or something doesn’t go how he wants it, he throws a tantrum. If I was in the jury and saw what I see as a viewer of the show, no way could I vote for someone like Jackson to win that much money. If he wins that, I see him going down the path of a previous winner who ended up in jail after winning.
If Nicole or even Holly win, I hope they get a restraining order against Jackson along with the check
Also a prime example of someone expressing disappointment in themselves for possibly having lost a comp that will send him home. On that issue…having been a competitor for most of my life…I can relate. And that was WITHOUT a half mil on the line. I’m not saying that’s the way everyone should act. I’m just saying it’s a bit over dramatic to call that hot-headed or a temper tantrum. Maybe it is. And maybe so many of us have been hot-headed and thrown temper tantrums throughout our lives.
Bingo…we have a son who tried out for the Olympics twice. The more this season progressed the more I saw that Jackson was sometimes “playing” the game and sometimes “competing” in a contest. Many of the emotions and intensity that Jackson goes through are symptomatic of a competitor, nothing more.
That wasn’t anywhere near what I would call a temper tantrum.
he wants his mama!!!
Cliff’s game play is horrible ow that he has to play. Nicole made the mistake of listening to a person that had no clue when her gut said otherwise. She is still kicking herself for leaving a strong showmance in tact. Not the worst game play in BB history but bad nonetheless.
While I would like to see Nicole win, she has made it hard. Wonder if she will regret saddling up with Cliff once she watches the tapes? If he would have listened to her more, there is a chance it could have gone completely different.
She should of kept jess. Even jess as clueless as she was wouldn’t want to keep a showmance
But – if Cliff wouldn’t vote with her what was she supposed to do? Sure she could’ve had a tantrum but Cliff wasn’t moving. She still could’ve voted to save Tommy but Cliff was NEVER going to keep him & he leveraged his vote to gain what he thought (once again) would move HIM higher. Throw HOH, throw POV or if you play & win keep ME (all to his benefit).
Nicole spent an entire week working Cliff to keep Tommy (she also tried to get him to keep Nick instead of CHRISTIE!). What Cliff did was play along like he was considering her option but instead he kept Jackson in the loop painting Nicole as the traitor & when push came to shove he got Holly to offer up the same deals Tommy was & more (so HE would get to F2).
Karma is intervening now & Cliff will exit (as he should) but there wasn’t anything Nicole could do other than make her life miserable in house & be in a position where even Cliff would turn on her (worse than he’d been doing all season).
I think what is being missed here is Cliff only ever did what he wanted always with deals attached to improve HIS position. His self interest & arrogance is fully on display this week to solidify that being fact. After weeks of him never listening to her or shifting there wasn’t any option but to vote in tandem.
All season Nicole has been the one to relate to the person in the down position (even prior to jury) and be kind. She’s been able to like people on a personal level & separate game from personal. With Cliff he represented a F2 option and a fatherly figure. Given Nicole’s grasp of the game it’s hard to believe she isn’t cognizant of him ALWAYS playing to his own self interest. Does she know he’s been as shady about her as he has – NOPE – she probably will learn that this week especially if she can manage to win one of the first two comps as Jackson will spill to her how Cliff constantly blamed her or threw her UTB. I think she’ll be disappointed, but just as she has all season she’ll forgive – recognize it’s game & move forward.
I have never missed a season of Big Brother, and I can honestly say I’ve seen em lie & scheme & pull all kinds of dramatics…..but I don’t recall anyone ever holding not only their jury vote but their partners jury vote as well as hostage. I would think that’s right up there with bribing them with money. It just seems wrong. Like against the rule wrong. If this game shows people’s true colors then Jackson has impressed me the most in and Cliff never impressed me much but I’m ready for him to get the boot like NOW. Nichole can be smart & funny but she has a definite mean girl streak that I do not like. Holly is the opposite of what she says she wants to viewed as….. an independent woman playing her own game. But she has been there working by his side supporting her man, just like he has supported her. Jackson for the win!!
Jury votes are part of the game, and any jury member not voting for who you want to win is not against the rules.
It’s a tactic. Julie always says the jurors are still playing the game. Let them play.
Cliff is a bad person. That’s all I have to say. He’s trying to make it personal. Cliff get over it. Your game sucked.
Wonder if he whines like this in real life and threatens co-workers that are vying for “his” promotions? Nothing but a chubby grown-up cry baby when things don’t go his way.
… is it just my screen that has all the comments in red?
another name: nope. My screen is also displaying red writing.
Thank you for once again taking the time to type out what I’m thinking but too lazy to write. It’s been a common thing this season. Thanks 😉
Jury management is more than leaving a complimentary goodbye message. It was silly, but Nicole bonding with jurors before they left was good jury management. Holly? oh i love you so much to everyone she targeted or voted to evict the night before the vote. Usually with a justification blaming someone else.
If Jackson wants to cling to ‘everybody said they’d vote game’ he needs to realize that social management within the game is part of game. Jury management is part of game. If you are good at both, chances of bitter jury decreases.
His handling of Sis? How are you going to get the respect of an entitled pillowcase when you told her she was a pawn, told her you never said she was a pawn, then told her she’s leaving and it’s her fault? That goodbye message better have come with dick pics or you in trouble. The way he handled her was a game move. He chose how to treat her. she isnt’ going to think game, she didn’t know what the game was outside of HOH shower. She’s going to think i never said i’d vote for you to win.
Jess? By the time the rest of the jury gets through with telling Jess what actually happened for the entire time she was there, think she’s still going to be in Jackson’s corner? I don’t know. She’s going to think it was a stupid game move to evict her. That’s how she thought in the game, and that’s what she thought of how to play the game.
Tommy is going to tell Christie everything Jackson and Holly said about her. And tell everyone else what the two said about them as well. Bank on it. Because of Jackson’s game move. If Tommy is voting game, he’s voting game the way he perceived he was playing it himself. That’s the Tommy thing to do.
Kat has that pre-existing relationship with Holly. d’oh. And can’t be mad at Nicole anymore knowing she almost had her vote until the ‘your students and family will hate you’ stuff on eviction morning, but hey Jackson was in a final three with her and voted her out. As a game move. I’ve got a grimace face there.
Jack. Always listened to and sought out Tommy’s thoughts more than Jackson’s. yeeeeesh.
Nick: now that Christie’s gone, is he team Jackson? Or is he trying to get in with the cool kids in jury?
Social game and jury management are as much game moves as comp wins. If they vote game and he loses is it bitter, or is it his social game towards people on the block and subsequent jury management was inferior?
It’s a valid thought when someone says ‘they said they’d vote game.’
It might be the Kraken.
Its red from the blood being shed from Cliffs threats and bleeding over
Are all the anti-Jackson’s seeing red?
Must be a prelude of things to come.
Another if it’s your eyes I have the same issue maybe too much kraken lol
Just you. Mines green.
Just kidding.
A lot of screens will return to red again soon enough.
Cliff was Jessica level cringe on the show tonight. I like Cliff, I think most of what everyone calls pandering for AFP is just him trying to stay sane and communicate to his wife. His high opinion of his abilities and his not getting his wife’s feedback is leading to his insanity. She probably keeps him grounded. That being said, it was hard to be in his corner tonight. Wow, he’s lost it.
Nicole was a little cringe-y too. Her asking “is that bad?! I’m i evil?” Is really getting annoying.
Also, this is the first season that I really don’t care much about seeing the jury house. They are all so annoying, I don’t care to hear what they think, what they have been doing, anything. I’ll watch it just in case there was some big fight or something, but I have a feeling it’s just going to be Christie saying “how can they leave Jackson in there?!” Over and over.
Dwingling Patience
One of my last nerves is dying a painful death.
“This is not how I Wanted the last week to be.” -(variations), quoth Jackson.
2 Words -> Contingency Plans
While ‘your plans’ aren’t unfolding perfectly; your expected actions/reactions deviate from your calculations ANGERS you, your constant complaining exasperates me!
You are pushing Jessica’s ‘like, like, like’ speech pattern to 2nd place on the BB21 List of Things I Need to Bleach from My Brain.
True but don’t look now, Rose seems to have decided to go down with Jack.
(And for you sexually frustrated viewers, that just means sink herself along with her ride or die and has nothing whatsoever to do with Jackson, Holly or stools.)
I haven’t liked Cliff’s or Michie’s game play lately but I think it is hilarious to see Cliff and Nicole pushing Jackson’s buttons, tormenting him about how he’s being portrayed “on national television”, and how he will be portrayed in the jury house. Jackson has had it all his way for more than a month (if not all summer) and it is funny watching his fears and tics being exposed, his bullying and threats and hypocrisy and underhanded behavior out there for everyone to see. Cliff really botched his own game, but given the situation he’s in I don’t have any problem at all with him poking the bear. I’d like to see Jackson blow a gasket because Cliff and Nicole are really getting under his skin and you can see he’s like one of those giant pimples he loves so much, all angry and ugly and ready to pop.
Cliff- you better take me but I dont have to take you? Nicole – go ahead, take Cliff over me. I dont mind. His family is more important.
Jackson is such an entitled baby. The money isn’t anybody’s until CBS signs the check. Nobody is taking anything from him. And he’s big mad that Cliff and Nicole are making deals? That’s the game.
When Jack was interviewed upon leaving he told Julie Jackson hasn’t even turned it on yet. And he was right.
When Jackson was told or overheard Sis saying what can they do they haven’t won vetoes they haven’t won HOH that was all it took.
He his a competition beast and Holly has been pretty strong too.
They have worked as a team strategized together and ruled the house. They deserve to be where they are.
When he realized his rock was headed home he panicked but then found a big brother way to save her. Can’t fault him for that move.
As for what happened with Tommy that was not needed. But Cliff and Nicole set that in motion and could have shut it down way before live show time. Cliff either needed to go one way or the other and be decisive not wishy washy.
I wish somehow it could have been Tommy instead of Nicole that could be in the final 3 with Jackson and Holly
If I was Jackson I would just stay close to Holly all this past week and not even offer to let cliff campaign, but I suppose that would have made for a boring show and live feeds.
Cliff has no one to blame at this
Point but himself. So take
Your owl and go home. Go be snarky in the jury if you must but I doubt you are respected enough by who is there to make a difference. Tommy may have beat you to that anyways
If only Cliff had taken a few showers with Jackson this whole ugly situation might have been avoided.
If only Cliff had taken a few showers with Tommy he would have agreed with Nicole to keep him.
why is cliff trying to find a place to hide the owl???
He went cuckoo
Who cares. It doesn’t matter who he is sitting next to IF he makes it to Final 2, He is going to lose. He WILL tjho be making more money when the show ends. CBS will put that piece of eye candy on everything they can and pay him a butt load of money to do it. He & Holly will be on The Amazing Race and the CBS soaps.
Hope not. Just can’t anymore with him.
In front of everyone, I’d like to see Jackson tell Nicole that Cliff promised to take him to final two and vote her out to see if Cliff will own up to it and see what he has to say about it
As would I.
So Long.
Nicole is going to win the game on Wednesday. I check the fortune teller, my visions and my 99% predictions to come up with this conclusion.
WHEN NICOLE WINS I want everyone to say “Houka is right I never should have doubted him”
Until then see you guys next year.
Houka, who would ever doubt your predictions. Jackson will be gone F4…oops, F3 for sure…
Maybe it’s time to find a new fortune teller.
I think the one from Big is still on the pier. Start running.
You didn’t remind him to bring some change! You’re just toying with him now.
These last two weeks are too long, especially with these folks. I hate all the indignation. Geeze Louise it’s a game. There are lies deceits ratting and backstabbing. Sad thing this year is that there seems to be rage. We get rage all day now. The producers need to rethink how these last two weeks play out. Shorten it. I don’t want to see these people anymore and I am pretty sure they don’t want to see each other!! Desperation becoming ugly and jackson’s anger issues. Sorry big guy I don’t feel your paim. He is very scary and if he wins we will all know that an angry young man won. I don’t expect good to come from this season. What a mess.
If Cliff was a more dynamic player, he would know that the only way to get Michie to even consider keeping him is to finesse the conversation and try to get his guard down that way. Going straight at him making deals, threats, serving ultimatums, guilt trips and hiding owls is why he is going home this week. All Michie is doing is just digging in his heels and rationalizing his decision. You want to beat a strong player, you need to play a more nuanced game.
Secretly I think Cliff is enjoying all of this as it is giving him the most screen time and attention that he has seen all year. But the last two weeks have definitely torpedoed his chances to not only win BB, but the AFP consolation prize as well. In the end, he will just be known as that weird old guy contestant from BB21 — maybe some appearances in Texas for the next 6 months, but that is it.
Yep. There’s a very old saying, you don’t pull the lion’s tail just to hear it roar.
Shower with dogs and you’ll get fleas.
An excellent analogy. Flea bite may be annoying but lion bites often prove to be fatal…which is why the prudent person would never pull one’s tail.
Or crabs
Check with your pharmacy. I’m sure they can recommend something.
Or splinters if in HOH shower.
and maybe, they want to hear the lion roar. maybe that is the plan now… to make him angry and show his not so likable self instead of hiding behind the fake cover up production has instructed him to play out. his true self is not likable. maybe they want Holly to see it as well.
Yes, “Hold muh beer, watch this” is always a great prelude to something entertaining.
First gotta say not fond of the pinkish font, hard to read.
Now Jackson on another of his rages about the gall of some people to try and play the game against him, he thinks he’s the only one that should play game, make deals, lie and cheat (by the way CBS…good edit AGAIN of Jackson last night). Same old same old…”I get to play this way, nobody else does!” Has to take Holly to F2 now because nobody took his hints about being ok to vote her out, and now stuck with her “so he doesnt look bad”.
While the Buzzard sets there encouraging him on and being a meek little mouse so SHE doesnt face his rage. Reminds me of BTK’s wife, any woman that dated Bundy, etc, as they found out what “that man o” mine was really like”. Says she will throw out a speech too…ummm about what? Being in the mean girl club but lets not talk about that? About literally riding your way to the end with Jackson and the sex stool (and throwing your “bestie” out of the house with the bath water), but lets not talk about that. About winning 2 HOH’s, one from week 5 when you hung onto some ropes and (Sis almost beat you) wanted Nick out but that didnt work, but lets not talk about that. And then week 9 with Tommy almost beating you and wanting Nick out, but lets not talk about that. It was Jacksons HOH he went out on, but lets not talk about that.
BB Facebook page outcomes last night. 98.9% want Holly out and dont think she even deserves F4 let alone F3. 97.9% dont want Jackson to win, and 99.9% just want them to end the season tomorrow instead of next week. Lots hate this season.
What Nicole said in the storage room? Spot on!
Ya, I did not buy his tears, or lack there of, at all.
“I made it to final three, wimper wimper. We made it to final three Hols, wimper wimper.”
I did not buy it at all. He is still trying to grease the AFP wheels with the audience, and the way production is editing him, they are doing everything they can to paint him as a wonderful person.
Sorry for the red font. Something went screwy this morning . Should all be fixed now
I liked the red font . . easier to read for me at least!
Roses are red
Cliff is blue
Nicole is toast
And Holly is too
I was wondering 🙂 I think foolishly Cliff actually believed Dickson when he agreed to a final 2 with him weeks ago. Y’all remember that’s why Cliff was so against the Tommy save bc he knew Michie would be pissed at him. I think they were talking final 2 before they all agreed to final 4. (Could be wrong don’t freak out) I remember Holly with him in the hammock saying he didn’t have a final 2 with anyone.
Both Cliif and Nicole have lost me as a fan. All I have left is my Kat votes for AFP and I doubt she is going to be top three.
The finale should be interesting. I’m shocked but I think I want jackson to win.
Welcome to the dark side lol. :p I didn’t start rooting for him til right around the field trip. I still don’t think he’s an exemplary human being…think he’s def been a douchebag at several points during the first few weeks…but I think the hate was extreme and the level of hate was unjustified. I felt like some people were acting like this was the first time we’ve ever seen someone be a jerk sometimes. Any like I had for Cliff is out the window. Not a Hollyfan…but also didn’t get the level of hate directed at her either. And I do like Nicole. I think many posters have gotten too emotionally invested in this game that they got too blinded by their hate. After reading some comments today…it’s for sure on both sides. All sides just need to chillax and let these peeps duke it out.
P.S. This is not meant as a lecture…just expressing my thoughts.
My biggest problem is Jackson did get help from production during the veto. He did not understand how to play or what he was doing then they helped him. You can find that all over the net now. Also Nicole is just trying to save cliff at any cost because she feels guilty. Thats what Im seeing on live feeds. She hasn’t even come close to the $hit that Jackson has done or even Cliff. She shouldn’t feel guilty about Cliff he did this to himself. I think she will see some of that when she gets out.
Yes, heaven forbid a contestant, any contestant, is actually allowed to know how to compete in a competition…how unfair is that.
We don’t even know whether anyone else received assistance with the instructions either; we know about this one because the contestant mentioned it.
Something tells me, had this been Nicole, we’d not be hearing the usual litany of complaints.
That was the mental part of the competition was to figure it out. So yes that meant he didn’t have to do that part SO yes God forbid or even Production should have.
The mental part was to figure out “who” they were talking about and if you rewatch it, he pretty much knew that right off the bat in every case.
The instructions part was about which you knock down, those who did or those who did not.
I agree JR_TX_RI. I don’t want to hangout with Jackson either put he has played a better game than the other three all together.
Hey JR just shut the f-k up. Jk say what you want it’s a free world. Unless you’re in North Korea?
Dude, shhhhhhh! He IS Kim Jong-il. You really don’t want to make him angry.
lol. Yea…Nk, China, Iran, among others
Joey, What have they done in last several days, especially Nicole, to lose you as a fan? Please be specific.
And Cliff will be paying for that this evening. Seeing him get evicted tonight will be just as much fun as seeing Laurel get evicted on last nights Challenge on MTV.
red rum.
Watermelon font? How dare you play favorites then take it back just like Cliff……
As much as I can’t STAND Cliff, you can’t be mad for someone pulling out all the stops to do what they can to win BB. I wish he had the balls sooner when he had power way.
Ok Jackson, you played a hell of a game thus far but your are sitting pretty! Just shut the hell up n vote Cliff out!
Everyone else when they left the house pulled the SAME move, so why is he disgusted at Cliff?
When Jess was on the block, she pulled the whole “I will vote to give the money to Jackson if u get rid of me”
When Christie was on the block “Jackson will get my vote if u dont keep me”
That’s jury management right??
Ohhhh only if its Against Jackson is jury management not fair.
Stop being mad Jackson cause Cliff struck a cord by almost playing BB at the end when it’s too late.
You’re absolutely right. But at the same time…it’s only human to view it negatively when you’re the target. But…you’re absolutely right. Michie has been the absolute worst at jury management. He’s just banking on the fact that with the exception of the beginning, when he and Jack were a 2-headed douche monster behind everyone’s back, he has been respectful and treated people well.
I don’t remember a season where there is such a flip in opinion on the houseguests near the end. Seems like everyone on the board this week is really devastated that each houseguest is pulling out all the stops.
I guess I am a floater in the middle, I don’t think Jackson is as bad as everyone let’s on (pretty much a low life though, just not as bad as everyone says) and I don’t see what Nicole and Cliff are doing is so wrong. What other cards are they playing with? It is their only play except to just quit. That wouldn’t be any fun at all.
Anyway, very odd end of the season.
You are going to get a lot of thumbs downs, but not from me. Which means I am now going to get thumbs downs. I am used to it.
IMHO, as bad as these people have been, no one can TRUTHFULLY say that Jackson, Cliff, Nicole, and Holly (to a much lesser extent) have not at least played the game. I hated what Jackson did to Tommy. But, IT WORKED. We can beat him up about it. Even Tommy applauded the game play.
Cliff is being despicable the last couple of days. But, like you said, its all he’s got at this point.
It may be cringe-worthy this season. But, at least Jackson and Cliff are duking it out like a couple of heavyweights.
Now, are they boring 23 hours a day. HELL YA. But they are playing a version of BB.
I agree, Cliff is now despicable. I can understand fighting to stay, but Cliff went above fair play and acceptance when he threatened Mitch with a “if you don’t keep me I’ll make sure you don’t win by telling everything to the jury”. That makes Cliff despicable and a poor loser. I use to give Nicole and Cliff a high 5,Now I can go no higher then giving Cliff a 1 in vote. If there was a minus number, I would give it to him. A grown family man threatening if I can’t win I’ll see you don’t either attitude, despicable.
I think the constant flip of opinion on cast members is because the cast overall is so bad. No one is really a favorite, they are just liked relative to who else is left. Christie’s strong annoying personality was throwing shade on everyone else’s annoying personalities.
That gave me pause to think…what would the season have been like had they gotten Jackson out early? With the large side of that alliance intact, it’s doubtful Cliff and Nicole would have survived the final purge of the “bottom dwellers”.
These temper outbursts of Jackson are not for the camera….this guy is unhinged in the outside world.
Very scary…….I’m not going to say “run for your life Holly” cause this creep is dumping her once the show
Is over!
Hang in there Simon and Dawg it’s almost over…..
I have been thinking that Nicole should be trying to pit Holly &Michie against each other. We’ve seen in the past that it really doesn’t take much for him to lose his patience &strike out at her. However, maybe what Cliff is doing is better. Look how freaked out Michie is. He’s pretty much out of control. He knows he can’t control Cliff in the jury & is starting to realize he probably doesn’t have the votes without him or Nicole. He may just have to sacrifice Holly to get one more vote for him. I can see it backfiring though also. This rage against Cliff will be put on Nicole once Cliff is gone. He knows he can bully her. He’s done it many times in the game. He will have her so shook up she’ll be a wreck for the competitions. Any way it goes, I don’t see him getting any better than 2nd with unfortunately Holly winning. Dang!
I think Nicole deserves more credit. She has shown she can be a fiesty little fighter and I think she could beat Jackson in a word showdown
Have to disagree. Never saw her *have* a real word showdown with anyone but the camera.
Okay, we’ve got two approved talking points for her if she makes jury…
1) She made it through without having sex, and 2) she really told off a camera.
How can anyone dare to compete with that?
Perhaps she already started — last night she was joking around & hanging out with Holly saying she hopes not to be an awkward 3rd wheel all week.
Personally, I felt all week Nicole was just doing what TPTB were asking of her (to play up keeping Cliff & helping him strategize how to stay). That seemed to be punctuated by her laughing in the storage room saying Jackson has played a stellar game but his inability to recognize his own hypocrisy was cracking her up (and it was kind of funny).
As soon as it was cemented Cliff was leaving Nicole shifted into painting nails & dancing with Holly AND asking her to keep the option open of taking her to F2. Odds are this week Nicole will continue to play up why they should take each other to F2. I might have missed it but I didn’t see Holly tell Jackson that Nicole said that & I’m not certain she will. Holly has to know if she tells Jackson he might say something to Nicole which would jeopardize Nicole taking her to F2.
The big question will be whether Holly will recognize her chances are probably better (jury will be impressed) if she is the one to cut Jackson after a season of being viewed as his +1 instead of as her own player.
What Nicole needs to tell Holly – is I’d vote for Jackson & I’m sure Cliff will calm down and vote that way too even against me. The message needs to be delivered kindly – matter of fact – i.e. Jackson played the best game not as a threat. She needs to sell harder than she has all season why they need to take each other to F2. THAT may also get Holly thinking it’s better if I throw the comps b/c they are both taking me.
I like seeing fired up Nicole, then she has to put up with those 2 for almost a week! I think she can still pull some magic in those last HOHs. Jackson with his integrity forgot about the big lie he did regarding Tommy and how distraught Tommy was (and I wasn’t a Tommy fan). Holly is always a “whatever” who just cooks, puts on make up and takes “showers”. Cliff made a few mistakes but he still has the passion and made it further than anyone expected, he didn’t do the “threat” until last resort. I think Tommy is already letting the jury know the low blow Jackson did in his lie.
I don’t like Jackson or how he plays the game. He manipulate’s people to get his way and lies to make everyone look bad. I think Holly looks much older than Jackson and I do not think they make a great couple. I think that Jackson and Holly should have been gone along time ago. And for the Production crew to help Jackson (or anyone else) was wrong. I now believe as many others do that this was rigged and I don’t know if I will ever watch big brother again. We have a big party on Sunday nights ( for the last several years) where a lot of family members gather at my house and watch big brother, but after this we will no longer be doing this. So Sad for everyone who was suckered into this show,,,,,,,,Now I hope it goes BYE BYE
Lighten up michelle. You said he manipulates people and lies to get his way. Omg…ITS BIG BROTHER!!! that’s what makes it interesting, that’s the game…I don’t need to watch 16 Cliffs making deals and “honoring” them..Boring!!! Its ok to not like michie as a person but he’s playing the game how i ts supposed to be..if you’re the superfan you make yourself out to be, you’d know some of the best BB players were the same way..
Looks like Cliffie is having second thoughts and fumbling for reverse on the Howgmobile. Telling the camera he doesn’t want to be a bitter juror, and he still may vote for Jackson because he’s played a great game…this was all just a tactic. Well Cliffster, I’ve no doubt there are some who will believe that…who will believe anything. The problem I’m having is it sure doesn’t seem to reconcile with your monologue over the past couple of days.
Now, a little friendly word of advise. Since you decided to go down this road, I recommend you think very, very strongly before casting your vote. Do you vote anyone but Jackson and keep your few remaining fans happy, or do you try to salvage a little bit of your hemorrhoid cream…oops, I mean integrity and vote for Jackson? Yes, that would probably work with the casual TV viewers who wouldn’t have seen your monologues…but dude, you will catch holy living hell from the anti-Jacksons.
Maybe when it comes your turn to vote, your best bet would be to clutch your chest, fall on the floor and start yelling, “This is the big one, SKD143….”
[Note from Grodner to production: gardarnit, who is the lame brain who told him he was making a complete a$$ of himself?]
And with Cliff the gifts just keep on coming…if he had gone F2 with Jackson he believes he (the Cliffster) would have swayed the jury and won.
Did production slip something in his coffee to get Grodner off their a$$?
Is this the first time they have waited to do the final Veto meeting until tonight’s live show? I just don’t remember them doing it this way in the past. Are they holding back the Veto meeting because it is the ONLY drama left in the house??
Simon – You deserve a raise! This season, especially the last couple of weeks, has been excruciating. I cannot remember a season where in the last few weeks, though they can always be fairly boring with fewer characters in the house, where in the last few weeks that you have had to struggle to put together even ONE substanative post a day. Years past I still seem to remember at least two posts per day throughout the season. These people are BORING!!!!!
What’s more is that, was it Jackson who said, they believe they have had one of the best casts of house guests ever. Seriously???
I can’t say with 100 percent assurity it was the ONLY time but I can’t ever remember them having a full week at this point. Thinking back to when the jury started being sequestered BB has pretty much always had the F4 evictee leave in a special early eviction.
Typically on the F5 eviction Thursday the F4 hamsters end the show playing for HOH with nominations Fri (& I think POV too or Sat latest) then a special eviction occurs days earlier. For example F5 eviction in BB 20 occurred on a Thursday as per usual (Day 87) & Angela left four days later on a Monday (Day 91). What I can’t remember is whether Angela’s eviction was taped & actually occurred earlier (like Sunday). Then the F3 begin part 1 of the final HOH and typically play part 2 the next day. The hamsters usually have a few days prior to the finale (Wednesday).
This year for the first time I can ever recall F4 lasted the entire week so what “should” happen is they’ll play part 1 of the HOH later tonight & should complete part 2 either Friday or Saturday.
Holly is loving this….Yes Michie, explode, get angry, send Cliff to jury so everyone will vote for me and not you!!! She sees $$$$ now.
It’s in our human nature to be vengeful sometimes. Cliff is feeling betrayed by Michie, so naturally he wants to make Michie feel miserable by “poking the bear” …and it seems to be working.
Michie needs professional help. Anger management would be a good start.
I watched big brother from season 1 up to about 5 yrs ago. I sure picked a good one to come back too lol
Here are my jury vote predictions. Seems like if Cliff/Nicole are bitter, Holly wins, otherwise Jackson wins.
Cliff – Bitter?
Nicole – Bitter?
Nick – J (vote on gameplay)
Tommy – J (vote on gameplay)
Jack – J (bro)
Sis – H (hates Jackson more)
Kat – H (she knows Holly lol)
Jess – H (girl power!!)
Christie – J (vote on gameplay)
If holly ends up winning $500k because of a “bitter jury” I think this season will solidify me never watching big brother again.
Cliff — take note: In BB 14 Ian said to Boogie “I dont want to write checks that I cant cash”. To which Boogie replied “This is Big Brother…. You can bounce checks”.
Holly: …cha-ching !
Holly’s brain: …Cha-Ching !
I hope someone makes it very clear to Cliff that his abysmal end game, unbelievably hypocritical mentality and child like behavior cost him AFP and $25,000.
I wonder what kind of woman Sharon is?
Jackson ranting about how he would never threaten, lie or strong arm or take the chance at 500 thousand away from anyone is laughable. Isn’t that EXACTLY what he did to Tommy??? Lied and took the chance of 500,000 away from him so he could save his girlfriend??? He is such a hypocrite. He talks about how disappointed he is in Cliff yet he sees NOTHING wrong with what he has done to people in the house. Oh and the fact that he automatically assumes he will the money if he is up there?! Lol
He deserves to go out at 3.
Every single one of the houseguests that has left this game has lost their chance at 500k…
Not his gf—his Veronica. Always the plan maybe? Horrible cast this year. Try to Be better next season. Maybe pick some folks who don’t need therapy meds or want to increase their social media numbers. Many will have to just shut theirs down
He doesn’t see it as hypocritical b/c he feels entitled to the money, as if he’s played the most honorable and best game. He doesn’t think he’s robbed Tommy or others of their chance b/c he doesn’t believe that they deserve the win. Jackson seems to thinks that destiny has decided this is his game to win. His thinking is narcissistic. He has no self-awareness that Holly doesn’t need to hear his outrage about a potentially bitter jury, that she should be worrying about her own chances with jury at this point….he’s talking to her as if they both have the same final goal of crowning him the winner.
I would love if he is final 2 and Julie said for eating as a have not, you now get a penalty vote. But we know he is the reason they stopped have nots this season and he didn’t get punished for “cheating” as a have not.
Goooooooo Nicole!!!!! She is so smart! I hope she wins!
You’re delusional lol
Totally agree! She’s very good at reading people and situations. The only problem is that her emotions sometimes get in the way. She doesn’t play personal, but guilt makes her second guess herself.
Jackson keeps having all these conversations with Holly about HIS $500,000 and acting like he basically has already won. Does she know she’s allowed to win? Not that she’s done anything, but I can’t believe she is acting like she wants him to win instead of her. Very strange that she has zero strategy at this point and seems like zero plans to do anything but hide behind Jackson. There is a cash prize, not just instagram followers.
I agree with you.. I keep hearing him say when “I win” …. Like a fool she sits there quietly and is handing him the check.. I think it is funny, how he says he just wants to be friends afterwards, he even told her to jump off on the HOH, and when he won the veto- she says “I love you” to him.. Little does she know IF his ass wins he is cutting the cord! But IF her ass wins- he will milk this bull crap relationship so she spends it on him!
And all those that said he is acting like Paul.. Read his Bio.. Paul was his favorite! I truly hope he falls the same way Paul did! Jury management is the most important..
Uh…you do know that Paul is also Nicole’s favorite?
Who’s Holly’s?
Cliff was manifesting the crap out of “we’re final 3” lol so sad like what are they 5 year olds but he promised to take me-really, delusional much?
I am enjoying Nicole’s accurate read of Jackson’s antics. She has got him pegged so when/if he turns his rage onto her next at least she can brace herself and stay focused. I feel Nicole’s chance for F2 are good – abiet they would be better with Cliff staying but that’s not happening. Jackson has been a beast in the comps and fingers crossed that with his weight gain and mental state he will not be at 100%.
I don’t wish anyone ill will but Jackson needs to not only taste his own medicine but he needs to swallow it.
CBS is backing Jerkwad for something. Could it be Survivor,or Amazing Race or their new show”We Be Bullies”?
It’s called, Jaded. I heard you’re the host.
So its alright for Boss Hog and Nicole to strong arm Jackson and give an ultimatum but when he says no they threaten not to vote for him. Wtf. What did they think would happen. Once they got to final 4? Are they that delusional to think we would not take Holly? If Holly won HOH would they expect her to put Jackson on the block? If Cliff tells the jury why he is not voting for J, they should respond by asking, Did you really think he would take you over Holly? You dumbass
First came…The Vampire Diaries…
Then there was…The Vagina Monologues…
Now there is…I Suck, An A$$hole Talks……and talks, and talks, and talks
The complete 22 CD collection of Clifford Hawg’s Big Brother 21 Monologues.
You’re really emotional, like you were one of Michie’s cementhead frat bros or something. Nobody loves him as much as you do, except ‘Mommy”….
Why Ovi, I’m shocked, shocked I tell you; but not really surprised. I’ve been having a great time. You’re the one posting all doomy and gloomy. Laugh a little…I’m sure going to. Try not to let it distress you too much, your misery should be over soon enough.
In regards to Brother Almightious Jackson (oh crap…did I just accidently reveal his secret fraternity name?….hang on….okay, I checked with production and they said it’s cool). In regards to the player otherwise known as Jackson, no I don’t love him, yes, I do believe he’s the best player left, BUT YES, I do love how his mere existence seems to drive some people stark raving bonkers.
Jackson Michie should be punished for breaking “have not rule” and sneaking food.
That’s why he only gets two watermelons a day.
And repeated watermelon eating comps.
There’s only one watermelon eating comp planned, that will be the last of the final three challenges.
The problem I have with Cliffs tactics is he prided himself on being a stand up guy and not dirty tactics..but now he knows he’s out so he’s threatening with jury votes..you’re a putz cliff, go home..this is big brother, anyone that thinks michie hasn’t played the best game and Did what he had to do is Clueless, he had much bigger target on him then Cliff or nicole..why take cliff, he has no enemies in jury, same with nicole…he would be stupid to keep Cliff regardless of his showmance with holly…if we had a season of 16 Cliff’s, it would be awful, with all these pre determined “deals”..bye Cliff..and by no means d o I like michie..I can separate personal feelings with who played best game
I am sick of Jackson thinking he is better than EVERYONE else. He needs to look up “Narcissist” when he gets out.
How does Holly feel when he is ranting about himself ALL the time.
I was reminded of this a couple of minutes ago:
Remember the last time part one of the final HOH was on feeds?
We got to watch Vanessa get dipped in goo and smacked against a wall repeatedly.
Good times.
Anyone else think it’s funny that Cliff was calling Jackson an A$$ one minute….goes in to the diary room last night for a LONG time and then this morning is pontificating saying that Michie hasn’t lost his vote just yet. I smell production interfering again to make sure Michie wins.
D/r is d/r. In every way. Some Jackson fans will say oh no, they haven’t done anything in the house to influence the game for Jackson’s benefit or change his personality for the sake of edit (even if Jackson mentions it on feeds) and say crazy conspiracy, we’re capable of making up our own minds (even after he states he’s been coached to alter his behavior). Exact same ones that said Production manipulated Jackson to keep Christie (i wholeheartedly agree), will never admit d/r has helped Jackson with anything.
It’s part of fan culture.
Just like I believe for weeks, a house guest would disappear into d/r for over an hour on Wednesday nights (while other d/r calls were ten to twenty minutes) and low and behold they’d win the next comp. The disappearance is noted on feeds by other house guests. the people in question didn’t have increased d/r the next episode, so what was happening? Just like people in the house repeatedly stated that they were given hints and clues for comps, or comps with questions were edited from the number of questions that actually answered to the questions big brother chose to use or Kat’s infamous so I won the comp but I don’t get the veto statement.
I don’t see them ordering Cliff to change his stance. I see them suggesting to Cliff how it would be viewed by fans, and saying so… what are your thoughts? Just think about it fanboy, mull it over, and get back to us.
Uh guys…if production wanted to “make sure Michie wins”, why would they waste time stopping Cliffie from making a complete fool of himself? Why would they even waste time with anyone in the house where people are counting minutes of DR sessions anyway?
Wouldn’t it be a whole lot simpler to just go to the jury house and talk to the jurors there about voting to “make sure Michie wins”? Easy, no door watchers…heck, they could even do some collective bargaining. Heck, I’m betting a couple of guaranteed appearances at some BB “celebrity” events would buy just about every vote in the jury house.
Freakin Awesome. Is Cliff bitter? Oh Yeah, but he did what needed to be done. Jacky boy was getting to comfortable, he needed to get shaken up. If anything, he better worry more about Tommy influencing the jury. If anything, Cliff is just the cherry on top of the cake. Jury management is part of the game, that’s why they have the HGs decide. Jacky boy has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. If it’s a bitter jury, then he didn’t do it right. End of story.
Two weeks ago I was so pulling for Cliff and Nicole. I have done a 180. Talking about choking under pressure. He is a guy I don’t want in my foxhole when we come under fire.
I do like how some folks are preparing for the worst-case scenario. Posting about how if Jackson loses it was because of poor jury management, all while making the case that if he wins it will be because of production influence of the jury.
Now there’s an endeavor worthy of a Cliffie.
Jackson is a bully. Worst year!
So Simon and Dawg. What are you going to do with all your free time next summer if Michie wins and everyone then “quits watching big brother”?
If I might suggest, The Great British Baking Show. It is far more sedate and genteel…although I will admit, it’s very apparent that the judges gave that bitch Sheila some “help” grading her Tsoureki- Greek Easter Bread. There is just no way her dough had proven sufficiently.
Probably move to Canada…oh wait! lol
Feelings about the deal. So one person was over a barrel and forced to make a deal that did nothing for their future game in order to avoid eviction. Man that sucks.
Let’s take our reactions when it was the Christie deal, change the name to Holly or Jackson, and repost them to see if the opnion is still universal.
I’d fail. Straight up fail. It’s the same thing though.
I just don’t get why everyone is so pro DICKson, he cheated, production helped him on many occasions. How is that deserving. I hope Cliff does sway the jury! Clearly DICKson completely forgot about the Juarez’s. When Cliff reminded him he has flipped out. This could play two ways I would like. DICKson blindsides his mattress. Or he proclaims he is doing the righteous and keeps Holy and she wins the 500K. Oh how I can dream lol
I see that you like DICK