Head of Household Winner: Jackson
Nominations are: Tommy, Cliff Holly
Power of Veto Players are:
Power of Veto holder: Nicole
Power of Veto Ceremony: Nicole uses the veto on Cliff. Holly is the replacement.
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8pm HOH room. Jackson and Holly.
Holly – I really did not see this coming. I really, really did not anticipate these two people.. Jackson – burning us. Holly – burning me .. I mean us but me. Jackson – just because I won HOH .. if it was the other way around they would have no problem doing it to me. Holly – and the irony to this.. the whole reason we wanted to work with them is because they’re honest and trustworthy and straight forward… and we wanted to work with people that we respect. And the people that we respect are wanting to backdoor me on your HOH! Is there any faith left in humanity?! I don’t know! I don’t know! And Nicole was so upset by Kat and Jess and the comments they made about her making her family proud and she was so thrown off by that and I don’t even want to say it but .. I wouldn’t actually say this to her but.. Jackson – no, I know what you’re about to say… don’t even finish it. Holly – but these are the kind of things that ..like if I did that.. If I made that kind of game move .. would my parents be thrilled?! I am thinking not! Jackson – how do people work like this .. I have been unwavering-ly faithful to them. This is the fourth week we could have put them up. Holly – I know they wouldn’t even be here. Holly – mean while Tommy has been targeting Cliff this entire game .. and he is about to turn around and take him to final four. I am not even mad, I am just disappointed. I thought they were better than tat. Holly – I am not every optimistic.
Bathroom. Cliff and Nicole.
Nicole – its not the fact that its Holly .. its the fact that they’re still a duo. Cliff – I know .. and its the other side of that duo and the strength. Nicole – yeah. Cliff – as horrible as this is we could be the last surviving duo in this game.
9:30pm – 10:05pm, Kitcken. The house guests are eating dinner.
10:45pm Cliff and Jackson chess game. Tommy watches in silence…
11:05pm HOH room. Jackson and Holly.
Holly tells Jackson about how she talked to Nicole. Holly says that Nicole is worried about if Holly stays and even if she doesn’t win the HOH and wins safety ..then she assumed that Cliff or her goes home. Holly tells Jackson how she told Nicole that she is assuming how it would go. Michie and I are playing different games .. a lot more than people realize. Holly – you gave Nicole this room. Jackson – f**king Backstreet Boys! I f**king hate the Backstreet Boys! Holly – you got Backstreet Boys, you gave Nicole this room! Jackson – we had a final four. Holly – And granted you would have done that regardless out of the kindness of our hear. The fact that you would have done that regardless and then they turn around and stab you in the back!? Sucks! I don’t know if you should try talking to them. Jackson – I will talk to them in the morning. If I win the veto I am going to pick Tim and Cliff. F**k wanting to sit next to them in the final 2 if its not you. If it wasn’t you, I would rather sit next to Cliff. But now f**k it, if I win he is going to get vote to evict. Holly – aren’t they worried that I am going to go to jury house? And try to swing the votes as much as I possibly can? Because how good does it look to everyone .. yeah I made a final four with Cliff and Nicole and then they backdoored me during Michie’s HOH. It doesn’t ..people play different games but they’re going to lose heaps of respect. Jackson – its not a good look. Holly – would he do this to his own daughter. Jackson – I’m not bringing family into it.
11:16am Havenot room. Jackson and Cliff.
Jackson – I know this is a game .. it just kind of hurts. From the moment Holly and I shook your hands we have been full swing. And Holly and I have had four weeks of HOH’s with a lot of people offering deals and things to potentially go after y’all. We have got above and beyond to be unwaveringly loyal to you. I would be lying to you if I said I don’t think you could beat me. I think I would lose to you. And I knew that going into a final four with you was a huge risk but when I shook y’alls hands, I meant it. I am very confused as to you being the game player with you keeping him over Holly. When we shook hands I thought it meant something. Cliff – it does ..and it did. It kills me when I am talking to Nicole and trying to figure this out .. and also knowing that I am potentially breaking a deal that I made in good faith and full intent. Part of me says I will do what is best for my game and part that says that’s not how I want to play this game. I think if I keep Holly I am just about guaranteed final 3 with you and Holly. But then I am the third wheel. If you win, you take me out, if she wins she takes me out. From the other direction it makes it much more where it becomes a duo versus duo situation. Tommy is going to take Nicole. If Nicole has the choice she would take me. And if I win, I would take her. If you win I am hoping you would take me. I don’t know but suddenly I am not a 3rd wheel in a two person alliance. Jackson – you came here to win and as much as I am a duo with Holly.. I know that we both can’t win. Cliff – that is the same with me and Nicole. Cliff – I’ve got to talk to her. Jackson – Holly means the world to me but on a game level if it is my choice, I think that you and Nicole deserve to be in the final 3. And that is as much as I can say. Cliff – and that is enough.. that’s what I need a little sweetener to sway some opinions. Jackson – that’s been my opinion but I didn’t want to have to voice it as explicitly not only to you but to them (live feeders) because that is not a good look. But I came here to win and I will do what I have to. If I lose I would much rather it be to you and Nicole. Cliff – thank you. Jackson – let me know if y’all want to talk later.
Havenot room. Cliff and Nicole.
Nicole – do we take out a huge threat in Tommy and go with our final four? Or do we get out the last remaining duo? And gun for the POV with the assumption that if Tommy won it neither of us go home. You and I might have a better chance at beating Holly. Tommy might have a better shot a taking out Michie. Or are we selling ourselves short. Cliff – there is no agreement beyond the final 4.. we obviously wouldn’t tell him that. Cliff tells Nicole how Cliff would rather lose to her or him over Holly. Nicole – is he really going to be the guy that sends out his girl that he’s been with all summer.. I highly doubt that.
Tommy joins them. Tommy – if I was watching this at home I would be like there is no taking this guy (Michie) down. He is an animal. If you keep me, he can’t play HOH next week and I can help you take him down.
2:08am Bathroom. Jackson and Cliff.
Cliff – I don’t know for certain what set her off. All she kept saying was I am tired of the bullsh*t. Jackson – I don’t blame her. I think it has to do with what Tommy told you and her feeling like she’s been played a little bit. And it might work out to your advantage. Jackson – I don’t want the double sided sh*t. Cliff – I know and that’s what she’s tired of. I am too but I get it .. its a game. Jackson – is she mad at me? Cliff – no. its the information not the messenger. Jackson – I don’t blame her. I am going to go in here. We will talk in the morning.
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I have to remind myself sometimes that I don’t like these people.
I don’t like Holly. I don’t like Tommy.
so why do I care? Is it that I dislike Jackson more and want him to not have his way? That may very well be it.
Is it that there have been multiple… and I mean more than half of the finalists that were showmancers, and still people stupidly keep mances in the house? maybe.
Is it that drama would be increased if they broke the mance? maybe.
Is it because that damn stool could finally be retired? maybe.
I’m going to remind myself that as individual players, I don’t care for either Holly or Tommy. I’m still going to dislike Jackson more than any of them (sorry, the entire he who must be obeyed crap added to the image fix and edit fix… nope. not biting).
Okay. I was hoping there’d be a decision tonight on who would go, since I’m most likely going to miss the eviction episode again. Latest physio sessions are taking it out of me. To be expected now that we’ve moved from range of motion and flexibility into strengthening.
As a game thought: did they fill the house with stupid people? The constant listening at doorways thing. Should have known that would happen when they added windowless doors to bedrooms this season, and removed the frosted glass door to install a windowless door this season to what is now the boat room. It’s as if they wanted a season of eavesdropping, and these fools still fall for it.
Not going to go moral about people eavesdropping and using it, it’s a game. Going to question the intelligence of the houseguests that know eavesdropping is occuring, and still pick the easiest to eavesdrop rooms for their convos. Want to have a secret convo? do it in the bathroom. Do it in the living room. quietly. like you’re just hanging out. 90% of this season is information from someone listening at a door. And these people still fall for it. Every time. Ah, sometimes I miss the days when I was actually nice and supportive in posts instead of always being the nutjob with an axe to grind (no, really. once upon a time i wrote nice things about people playing big brother, even jumping to the defense of some… imagine).
Thanks for indulging my rambling so late at night / early in the morning. Yet another anxiety crisis averted.
as of my last look: Not looking good for Tommy anymore. Who knows, Cliff and Nicole went to sleep in the RV room saying they’ decide in the morning.
I love it when they listen thru doors lol
It’s the fact that they know people listen through doors. They’ve known since cliffnotes was exposed. Jackson has told N/C he listens at doors. And still…
Wish Nicole listened to her gut and called a house meeting, they even talked pots and pans to get everyone up, but she chickened out she didn’t want to go from quiet girl to bat sh*t crazy girl. Go for it Nicole speak up get to the bottom of it! Jackson has the absolute worst character he is a horrible human trust your gut don’t fall for his bs America told you he was a pompous douchebag America sent him on the field trip…we are trying to tell you Jackson is the evil one!
The worst? Lmao
It amazes me that people don’t see how bad Jackson is as a person
I agree. He was showing his true self until the DR told him how he was being perceived. I saw the video of him calling David the N word and that was it for me. I’m not falling for his pretend Mr. nice guy. Fingers crossed he doesn’t win. It will be worse than when Andy won
Stop spreading that stupid lie. First, it was Jack who was the one who”appeared” said the actual word. Secondly….it was NOT said. CBS and Newsweek conducted an investigation and determined the N word was never used. They’ve called out people for using that word b4. They’re not all in on a cover-up. The word was not used and I’m so tired of seeing people use this in their side pocket to attack someone. You can hate him all you want, but don’t keep spreading this lie….use some other legitimate reason of why people dislike him.
When no one on here seems to have proof for anything they say it’s pretty funny when someone goes around being hypocritical asking for it. Don’t worry most on here are just a bunch of liars who seem to think your opinion is fact anyway but you’re just such a big player in the “nay say” and “name game” that oh boy when someone says something you don’t like you have to jump in telling them the “real truth”. STOP CALLING PEOPLE LIARS WHEN YOU DO THE SAME.
Sorry simon and dawg I’m here every season and still love this site but the people on here are too much, this was a great season you all just have too much hate in you to see it.
I actually don’t have hate in me and usually just spout my opinions on here. I don’t call people out for hating whoever they hate…it’s only when someone is running with a lie, wrapped up as a fact. So unless you can give even ONE example of a LIE that I’ve peddled then move on. And please give one example of me calling someone on here a liar other than this one issue, which I’m sorry if it hurts your cause, is a lie.
I have replied to you several times but it hasn’t shown up. I don’t think it’s a lie when I play it over and over and hear Jackson’s voice call David a racial slur. Say what you want but do not call me a liar.
just because you say it doesn’t make it true. That’s what I’m running with. You still don’t seem to understand that though because in your head anything you say is true and can’t possibly be a lie. It’s easy to shout out show me an example because its a petty way of arguing without having to do any actual work. I’m glad the thumbs up prove my point that people on here now think this is a popularity opinion forum. Anyone goes against the masses and they get a thumbs down while they lift your big head off the ground. This should be about strategy and I have been peddling that thought this whole season but all you guys want to do is call out and nitpick things people you don’t like are doing and saying and then defend the people you do like. Its hypocritical and you need to understand that.
The hyper-fans get very emotionally invested…to the point where reality show contestant’s families will receive death threats.
So far this year (that I know of) Nick’s employers have been bombarded with demands they fire him and supposedly Crusty’s boutique has received a lot of (fabricated) negative reviews online. Granted, these people open themselves up to this sort of thing going on these shows (sure in Nick’s case I can see the point and Crusty was brilliant enough to actually give out the name of her business on the feeds) but damn!
Ugh I really hate hearing this. As much as I disliked Christie she never did anything that should warrant people messing with her life outside of the show.
Other than shitmas leave the BB players alone!
People on here trashed her all season for nothing you really believe what was said didn’t matter and didn’t ruin her in some people’s eyes. This day and age a person’s reputation is ruined by a single persons perception but no one on here seems to care about that. Happy to see someone defending her now but damage was already done
I usually stick to this. If you are on the live feeds I’ll say whatever. Once you are off the feeds I forget who you are.
the problem is does everyone else watching and reading feel the same way you do? if they did that’s great but we all know that’s not true.
No one is forced to come on these reality shows as far as I know. If these people can make the conscious decision to abandon their jobs, their parents basements and everything else to live in an aquarium for a few months, they should know that they are going to be under a microscope and that many of the viewers are literally crazy.
Did people trash Crusty? Sure…right along with everyone else on the show. But at the same time, Crusty did a admirable job at manifesting much of it onto herself. And she didn’t get near the treatment Holly is getting right now.
As I said, people better be ready for that when they come on these shows.
That doesn’t mean there isn’t a line that shouldn’t be crossed, and the lies about the use of the “n word” should be one of them. Taking your emotional involvement and outrage outside the medium to go after someone’s job, their business and/or even threaten the lives of their families is beyond the beyond.
Did you bother to watch the 2 feeds where the n-word was said twice?Be informed before you call people liars,it’s a reflection on you.
please explain, your post confused me?
I’ve no doubt a whole battery of lawyers for the show and the network watched it, investigated it and questioned everyone who could have actually heard what was said. Given the political climate today, I’m satisfied that they did their job and that some highly emotionally invested people will continue to hear what they want to hear.
That is their problem.
Maybe you should think who sets the line a person shouldn’t cross. To most people its different. whereas you are okay with people saying nasty things about people they don’t even know. I’m not okay with that. You see you call her Crusty vs her real name yet shes not even in the game anymore how do you warrant calling her that after shes gone when you say a person gets themselves in it when they got on the show. Also if you really think everyone else was trashed the same as her you should go back and read some things people on here say. All season I’ve gone to the comments and read almost nothing but hate for her.
Perhaps another site would be more to your liking…….one without people’s opinions maybe?
a little dramatic don’t you think? first of all i agree with simon about messing with house guests lives outside the show, but to claim christie’s reputation is being ruined by people on this site is a little far fetched. how many people do you really think visit this site (sorry simon and dawg nothing disrespectful) to make such an impact? the majority of folk is like simon and once house guests are off live feeds, they are quickly forgotten about. making statements as such is careless in itself, please bring one house guest in the past 20 seasons that have had their reputations ruined by what is said on this site!
HAHA no worries. This site is a fraction of a fraction of the fanbase. We’re essentially invisible to the greater BBcommunity
I don’t hate the guy but don’t tell me I didn’t see it because I did. He is trying to fix his image and apparently it’s working on some people.
Since you’re so quick to basically call me a liar I went and listened to the video repeatedly and it sure sounds like he’s calling David the N word. He may want to clear that up when he gets out. I can’t find anything about an investigation proving he didn’t. I’ve watched Big Brother since season one and there are always blow hards like Jackson but what I don’t want to hear when I watch is any type of racial slurs. Believe it don’t believe it I don’t really care , maybe you should go take another listen. It’s not hard to find.
A lot of people “hear what they want to hear”. While I am not a fan of production, or even the network, I’m confident that in this day and age they made a very thorough review of the supposed incident and if it had been true, would have taken corrective action.
Unfortunately there are a lot of people out there who don’t want to hear it so they can keep defending what they believe.It’s a sad reflection on our society.
Yes, this is sad indeed.
People say the n word to each other everyday where I live. They say it in both derogatory and also affectionate tones. It all depends on what they are talking about. I don’t use that term myself because I don’t want to get my ass kicked. But those same people can say anything to me they want. It’s all about respect and tolerance – either you have or don’t. It amazes me how many people don’t have any tolerance at all, especially when they don’t agree with your point of view. People only want to hear and comprehend what they want to hear, everything else is just noise.
Cam 1 and Cam 2 11:23 am July 4th.Anyone can listen to it with their own ears.If they choose not to hear it, it says something about them.
Totally agree! Out of all them left, I can’t stand jackson, and holly is a second as mean n nasty….
Like we couldn’t tell that from your name…
I hope Nicole calls that “house meeting” while they are all in the HOH lockdown……………..no one can escape the chaos! I SO want to see J and H called out!!!
Nicole just called house meeting after Tommy told her/Cliff that Jackson lied about what he said.
They cut the feeds when this happened so we don’t know what’s happening….
I hope rain hell falls upon them. Opens their eyes to se that everyone is lying. ‘Evil’ Nicole stick to your guns. Remember your plan. You can see the end of the road. Please don’t be blinded.
I’m not Tommy’s biggest supporter but he’s probably your best bet in this situation. Cliff will sell you out and dust the dirt off his shoulders like swatting a fly. Rooting for you Nicole. I know you can’t hear but after you come out maybe you’ll read some posts knowing people were on your side.
I don’t think the HGs are allowed to talk game during HOH lockdowns. However, the feeds were blocked for about 30-45 minutes this morning before the cats/dogs showed up, so perhaps they had that house meeting after all. Wouldn’t be surprised if we see some footage on tonight’s live show.
surely to be spun any way production desires, because unlike day 43, nobody has leaked the fotage on youtube.
Only evil thing i seeis your post.
is that to me? i think i like the thought of being considered evil. It’s completely something i’d never be called in real life, but i think i like it.
For the first time this season I think the question of who to evict is difficult. I see both sides. I’m surprised Nicole isn’t under the covers crying at the stress of the decision. There is really no way to know how it will shake down.
Watching Holly’s campaigns to Cliff/Nicole was cruel and unusual punishment and should be punishable by the Geneva convention.
like holly like says like so many times like I thought jess got back into the house like no fooling
Ummm…I don’t know, ya, anyway, that’s Holly’s campaign oh and I just want one more week! She wants one more week the way she gave Sam one more week and Nick one more week when they pleaded to her on her Hoh
Agree! Watching Holly’s campaigning was brutal… She shld of just said evict me now i deserve it but i dont want to pack cuz i have loads n loads of crap…
The fake crying was awful enough, but she didn’t even make a point of why she’s better for their game then tommy!! “If I go out this way I’ll never get over it!! I just know me and I’ll NEVER get over it!” Before her campaign I was actually thinking it was a difficult decision lol
I miss Christy
This ‘loyalty’ crap is to much.
You make one.
If Cliff convinces Nicole to keep Holly hes screwed himself. Neither Holly or Michie will keep him over Nicole. Tommy would vote out Michie over Cliff or Nicole. In both scenarios the biggest wrench is Michie winning POV.
Lets break it down: doesnt matter who wins HOH
tommy stays and michie wins pov = prob cliff gone
Holly stays and michie wins pov = prob cliff gone
If tommy stays and he wins pov he takes out michie
If holly stays and wins hoh and neither nicole or cliff win then cliff is gone
Percentages and strategy tell you to keep tommy
I think it’s not that clear cut. I think you’re completely disregarding the question of ‘What happens when we get to Final 3?” If they get rid of Tommy (the much better player, by the way) then they have a very good shot of taking Holly to Final 3.
Remember, this is chestnut checkers.
Does holly even deserve f3??? NO, put her out of her misery and lets let good competitors play this out to the end not coat tailers who didnt even play there own game!
If they get rid of Tommy and keep Holly, only one of them will be around for Final 3, most likely Nicole. And unless she wins the Final HOH she will finish 3rd because Jackson and Holly are taking each other. THAT is why they need to evict Holly tonight and keep Tommy, and THEN let the chips fall where they may.
hahaha Chestnut checkers! LOL
It’s easier than that…The question is who takes who to final 3.
Would Jackson take Cliff/Nicole to final 3 over Holly?…no
Would Holly take Cliff/Nicole to final 3 over Jackson?…no
Would Tommy take Cliff/Nicole to final 3 over Jackson?…probably… because Jackson wins if he is in final 2.
I never thought I would be rooting for Tommy in this game. They need to keep him. Rat Cliff needs to shut up. Nicole trust your instincts. Talk to Tommy and find out Jackson was lying. VOTE HOLLY OUT. They will not take you to 3. Jackson will pick Cliff. SMH
The thing is even if Nicole sticks to her guns and votes Holly out, if Cliff votes Tommy out then Michie is the deciding vote as HOH and he’ll vote to keep Holly…so it all hinges on Cliff….sigh
Totally agree double D!
If they keep Tommy then Tommy & Christie will be sitting on the beach laughing their a**es off at how they just managed to get these ppl to fall for the oldest con in the books….the Staten Island Hustle. Tommy/Christie = born hustlers. Daaammmnn.
So it’s better that the Douche bag and the buzzard sit on the beach?
That’s ignorant its one vote! Christie isnt swaying the entire jury. She may have persuaded sis but that’s abt it…. Even cliff and nicole know its no big deal that christie and tommy know each other…
“Lets break it down: doesnt matter who wins HOH
tommy stays and michie wins pov = prob cliff gone”
Disagree – Michie may be pissed, but he’s got to know he’s got a better chance of beating Cliff & Nicole in F2 than Tommy. Michie evicts Tommy.
The rest is determined by who wins HOH and is safe and who’s up for elimination.
I agree Tommy evicts Michie
Either Cliff or Nicole evicts Michie
If Holly stays Michie evicts Cliff or Nicole if Holly is on the block
If Holly stays and is HOH Michie evicts Cliff
If Holly wins veto, who are we kidding here. Holly is NOT going to win this veto.
So if Tommy stays and throws HOH, it’s likely that both Cliff and Nicole make it to F3
If Tommy wins HOH and Michie wins Veto, your F3 is Tommy Michie and Nicole
If Tommy wins HOH and anybody BUT Michie wins Veto, your F3 is Tommy Cliff and Nicole
Same holds true for a Nicole HOH and Cliff HOH – Michie evicts Tommy, Everybody else evicts Michie
Clearly it is better for Nicole and Cliff to keep Tommy and rinse Holly tonight.
Holly saying that her parents would be disappointed in her is she broke a deal…… um holly how do you think they feel about watching you have sex all over the house for the last 2 months on national TV?? I’m sure they are just beaming with pride
Not only that. Both Holly and Jackson GUARANTEED Sis that she was the pawn against Christie, then they flipped.
Not only to Sis’ detriment but to everyone else who wanted Chewy’s ass out of the house!
Let’s see *deal breaking* vs *stool breaking* close call for the parents!
Hahahaha hilarious
If Christie’s sister shows up to the finale in a wheelchair, with a neck brace, 2 swollen ankles and a black eye Christie will probably blame the universe instead of all the swearing shes done on her.
I’m more interested to see if Tommy’s aunt shows up.
I kind of hope Tommy’s aunt shows up and does a little high kicking of her own.
Nicole please just send Holly to jury, it looks better on your resume that you sent her out on Jackson’s HOH (that would be brutal and a boost for jury votes). The whole honesty and honoring deals is stupid, this is BB!!!!! Holly and Jackson are so entitled and have no self awareness. I feel bad for Holly because as soon as the game is over so it will be the relationship with Jackson, you’ve been a great stress reliever but that’s all. Next week either Jackson/Tommy go to jury, win win for all.
If this were Survivor, I would be totally with you. But Big Brother is played differently and honesty, clean game play, and social connections tend to be valued more by the jury than smart game moves.
What is interesting is that now that Tommy has come clean and told them all about his knowing Christie prior to coming into the house, it will likely be his biggest liability with the jury on finale night because he kept this secret all season. So while a few days ago he was the biggest threat to win the whole thing because he told everyone he loves them with a high leg lift, I don’t see him as big a lock as he was now (funny that the remaining HGs are not slaughtering him on this tho).
More interesting: Nicole’s single minded willingness to look Holly in the eye and say “no funny business” one day and then push Cliff to vote her out makes me think she will quickly turn on him at this point.
Nicole now front runner: wins against Holly, and Cliff. Michie long game could pose a problem. Tommy her biggest threat.
Tommy: wins against Michie and Holly. Cliff would be close, and Nicole would probably win.
Cliff: wins against Holly. Will be close with Michie and Tommy. I think Nicole beats him based on late stage play.
Michie: wins against Holly and maybe Cliff. Tommy and Nicole beat him.
Holly: can only win against Michie or possibly Cliff. Tommy and Nicole beat her.
Despite the relationship issues, I do think MIchie and Holly take each other to the end if given the opportunity — no scenario they don’t and makes sense strategically. Cliff and Nicole are showing they could turn on each other if needed. Unlikely both of them make it to finale night, even if Holly goes. And despite what he says, Tommy will not target Michie if he stays — he knows he wins against him.
Best move for Cliff and Nicole right now: don’t worry about Holly/Michie going to final 3 as you have a chance to win against either, boot Tommy, hope you win the veto and then decide whether to keep one another or boot Michie. Nicole could cut Cliff loose. Cliff would likely keep her and let the final 3 comp decide. Holly should not go this week.
1 hundo P, I think Holly takes Michie to final 3 and 2. BUT…I think he wants her to stay so bad because he needs Tommy out. I don’t believe that Michie thinks Holly is a better competitor than him. I also don’t think he thinks he would win against her. Therefore, I actually believe him when he says he would go with Cliff and Nicole to final 3. The only way he doesn’t…is if Holly wins HOH. In that case I still think he takes Cliff/Nicole to F2. And if Tommy stays tonight…I don’t believe he targets Michie next week. He has a decent relationship with him…but most importantly…he knows he wins in all scenarios, but Michie is his easiest in F2. And lastly…I do think Cliff/Nicole take each other to F2 for one reason and that’s that they’re afraid gr8ful would coalesce and vote together. I don’t think that’s necessarily true…but I think Cliff/Nicole may be concerned about that.
“1 hundo P, I think Holly takes Michie to final 3” You’re a poet 😉
HA! “I was a poet and didn’t even know it.” Where’s the Ministry of Truth Secretary??!! :p
What part of almost ever house guest leaving saying if jackson is in f2 they are voting for him and he deserves to win if they dont get him out did u miss! Jackson will get Jack, kat, nick, jess, christie, holly, jackson wins in this scenerio hands down except against tommy! If its jackson vs nicole or cliff he smokes them n im sorry ur dead wrong on bitter jury vs jackson its not happening hence why they need to get him out next week!!!
Hold on you’re suggesting keeping holly this week then if nicole wins veto next week she would boot cliff because she beats holly and michiein jury votes? That would keep michie holly and nicole in final 3. Both michie and holly take each other. Nicole would have to win the final hoh to even have a chance. Why stack the odds against yourself. Take holly out this week and if Tommy throws hoh her and cliff both likely make final 3 as Jackson knows he can’t beat Tommy in jury and Tommy wants Jackson out as well after Jackson’s gameplay last night (which was great by the way, Legitimately phenomenal gameplay). If the final 3 is nicole cliff and Tommy nicole is guaranteed to be final 2. If it’s jackson cliff nicole then obviously nicole takes herself and cliff takes her Jackson likely takes cliff. If it’s holly Jackson nicole only way she gets there is final hoh winner. The better gameplay for nicole is voting out holly. I think cliff would benefit if Tommy gets voted out
I agree. She breaks up the power couple AND on Jackson’s HOH !!! Major points in jury. If Nicole wins a few more contests she could pull out the win.
HoH, Veto, HoH parts 1,2,3. Those are the comps left so she’s in a pickle. We’ll see how it plays out.
Totally agree!!! Get rid of holly and lets play. Ig brother not hugs n kisses n love you’s….
Send Tommy packing!!!
It’s not a bad move keeping Tommy. But it’s not a good one, either.
The risk is that they would be the only remaining duo. And yet they assume Tommy and Jackson would take each other out. I don’t think that would happen.
It’s easier for a single to make F2 with two other singles in the house than it is with a duo. It’s simple math. Thirty-three percent chance against a duo — only you winning F3 HOH gets you there. Higher against two singles because you would take yourself, and both of the remaining HGs have more than a zero percent chance of taking you to the end. (If two duos make the F4, there’s much more certainty, although Jackson might be honest about cutting Holly next week. Who knows.)
I don’t know how they’re missing this. Cliff has been Tommy’s target for a month. Tommy’s word that he’ll work to get rid of Jackson means about as much as the handshake F4 deal Cliff and Nicole made.
At this point in whatever N & C decide, aren’t Mickie & Holly going to promise them anything and blindside them now?? That was my take on their convo last night.
I’m not sure…because I really think Michie will go with Cliff or Nicole….most likely Nicole. And that’s the scenario I’m hoping for anyway.
Jackson is done with n/c because they Questioned And considered keeping Tommy which now given him justification to do whatever he wants in his mind anyway
First all the “we shook hands” Holly this is a game of lies and backstabbing. All Cliff needs to do is tell her what Mellon head has be saying for the last two days and sit back and watch the fireworks she would self evict. Mellon head of course would do what he has all season deny deny deny.
Very True Tex,
Just roll those tapes of convos of him saying Jack was his number 1 and how he’s ready to get out there n move on.
Jackson is trying to act like he is mad n all into to Holly when the last 3 days he’s been saying everything that contradicts that and trash her to her face and behind her back
His acting is not even that good.
Cliff just needs to stop talking n let Jackson put his foot in his mouth
omgosh, the clothes etc Holly brought and never wore. Would of saved her a lot of time and trouble just wearing her ‘pink naked ‘ look from the start…I’m going to have my eyes professionally washed out when this is all over.
I realize she has a fantastic body but those pink things make her look disgusting. I hope she is mortified when she sees it for herself.
Fantastic body? Who? High Pockets and saggy butt? She definitely needs to get those cheeks lifted up out of her shoes!
Either way, he loses the sheath for his poker.
This season seems to have sapped everyone’s sense of humor.
“Holly means the world to me but on a game level if it is my choice, I think that you and Nicole deserve to be in the final 3. And that is as much as I can say.” Please throw me into that briar patch Mr Howg.
If Huff and Fluff had a lick of sense they would send Tommy high kicking out the door to do his Macaulay Culkin routine and tell Julie how much he loves her. Jackson’s done everything possible to let them know he wants F3 with them (and with a comfortable jury vote from Holly in his back pocket).
The odds of either Huff or Fluff taking HoH over Holly are very high; Holly is way off her game. At that point in time they put up Holly and Jackson. If Jackson wins veto Cliff can climb up his rear (Hey partner, our plan is working…now if you can just take care of my little anchor so that I don’t get blood on my hands), they send Holly to jury.
If Jackson doesn’t win veto, he goes home and they’re sitting F3 with Holly.
Of course the alternative is to trust Tommy, who they know doesn’t just have a secret advantage (unless Holly blows that up…doubtful) and/or at a minimum has a very good social game with everyone on jury except Holly (now). Yep, that would pass as brilliant this season.
Don’t know how Cliff kept a straight face when Jackson said this.
Easy…he keeps a straight face whenever he’s talking himself. It’s second nature to him.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m no Tommy fan BUT I was blown away that Jackson bold face lied about Tommy and they believe it! I get you have to lie in BB but just making up a complete lie about him was messed up. I was kinda rooting for him along with Nicole up until he did that. I really hope she calls this house meeting today and he gets caught. That would be the smartest move for her. No more guilt and it assures that Tommy goes hard for Jackson. How he went from admitting it was a great game move to potentially throwing away his game (no allies) is beyond me. He’s just butthurt they didn’t want to hand him the game by paving his way to F2.
What bold faced lie?
It was a dramatic night, Jackson was listening when Nicole Tommy and Cliff were talking and so he used the information he heard to say that Tommy Has a secret deal with Jackson and he revealed some of the information he heard to make it seem legit but they shouldn’t have listen to his bullshit and Nicole wanted call a house meeting but Nicole chickened out. Jackson basically told them that Tommy’s working with him and he is two timing them. Basically Jackson is a spoiled pompous douche bag who will do anything to get his way he is using Cliff and Nicole’s morals against them because he has none so he can do evil things and expects Nicole and Cliff to honor a deal he would never honor. When Tommy tried to come down and talk to Nicole he basically hung out there and wouldn’t let Tommy in the room…Another week forcing Nicole to decide fates and game decisions stressing her out to benefit others
Yup. I was watching the feeds all last night and I saw this happen too. Jackson used info he heard, while snooping on Tommy’s campaign in the Have Not room , to make it sound legit to Cliff/Nicole. Tommy NEVER told Jackson he would throw the HOH to Cliff/Nicole. Jackson only knows that because he snooped and got away with it. Jackson’s got Cliff wrapped around his finger and he’s using Cliff to get Nicole on board with what Jackson wants…and it really seems to have made a dent. Hopefully this house meeting production isn’t letting us see right now will straighten this all up, and Nicole will go with her original plan of keeping Tommy.
Thanks, it’s good to know someone else sees it the same way I saw it last night! C/n were talking about what good tv a house meeting would have been! The writing is on the wall when Nicole say she wants a house meeting to get to the bottom of the BS and Jackson’s like no no wait till the morning (so he can get a story straight with Holly) but Tom is yeah let’s do a meeting right now when she tells him about it in the morning so the person who wants to hide and deny is the person who’s lying!
I should say hide and distract and prevent Nicole from getting to the bottom of it is the one lying (Jackson)
Totally sounds like douchebag jackson and him thinking that they owe him to take him f3 as if its the jackson show and nobody else deserves to win but him… He has been a train wreck this entire season and deserves to sit his pompous @ss in jury and think abt it all…
Yes…Someone PLEASE do tell!!
What was the lie? I must have missed it.
How is that dirty at all? Nicole and Cliff are the ones that lied first so lying back to the people that betrayed you after you CARRIED them the past month is not dirty at all. Actually couldn’t be any less dirty lol He played it perfectly and if it works it is even more reason why he deserves to win
Well, when it’s done by a player you like it’s “good game play”, when it’s done by a player you don’t like it’s “dirty lies”…and there is no shortage of excuses to justify either.
VERY true. I find myself doing that all the time. So and so is playing dirty. So and so is playing honest and fair. It’s mostly based on who we like and dislike. I do try my best to be fair and recognize when Christie or Tommy made a good play, but it was always hard for me to admit. I happen to think Michie’s play last night was brilliant. I would even say that regardless of whether I like him or not. I was not rooting for Dan at the time of his funeral. But that funeral was brilliant!
Exactly. I love the “he’s evil” comment too. Over dramatic much, cray?
Well, what can I say it has been a painful season to get through have to create my own drama
I’m hoping Nicole stays with her gut. If not they are screwed. And when they play back the show at home, she will be so upset.
Cliff got up at least 5-6 times checking the doors to see if anyone was listening when they were talking so WHY are they so easy to believe Jackson’s story about Tommy telling him he would throw the HOH. C’mon Cliff? seriously? I SO hope that Nicole calls this meeting.
I think the lie is the one Jackson said about Tommy playing both sides. Jackson listened in to the conversation they ha between Cliff, Nicole, Tommy and the plan to not win HOH. He then talked to Tommy.
He then I believe told Cliff Tommy promised the same so was playing both sides. Jackson then told Holly what he did. Holly was telling Jackson she liked Tommy but Jackson kept telling what to say because they wanted to have a house meeting.
Jackson is disgusting. IMO This proves there is no way he’d take anyone other than Holly winning POV. I’m so over them. I just started watching past two episodes. If they keep Holly. I’ll stop again and read online.
I was rooting for Nicole. But rat Cliff is taking her down the sewer because he can’t think for himself with his head up someone’s behind.
What was the lie he told about tommy???
Holly is entitled sit the heck down stop trying to say loyalty this is Big Brother! I think I forgot how nasty Holly could be I’m not even sure Jackson is that upset other than losing an Allie since he can’t play in the next HOH. If Jackson does stay and make it to final 2 he should take Nicole if Holly’s not there he has the best shot against her….honestly if it’s a bitter jury Jackson’s not winning anyway
The delusion is strong with Skeletor Sexstool. I think Crusty wore off on her. Her and Watermelon Head are so freaking entitled it’s not funny. Just a week ago (after the fake handshake) Watermelon and SS was in DR plotting for the C/T C/N to take each other out, yet they are butt hurt that C/N might be wanting to take a shot at them? IT’S JUST NOT RIGHT!!!! BOO HOO WAAAAAH! I can’t remember a season where I have called so many players names (except Pauls…he was another entitled douchebag). I generally pick who I do and don’t like within the first 2 weeks. So far the only one that has stayed consistent for me is Nicole. https://youtu.be/QD9q7_WAM10
Nicole: there was an alliance of 8 & nobody gave a crap about me. There an alliance of 6 & nobody gave a crap about me
The only person who has been with me since day 1 is me
Beth: me too
– bitch this is enough. you have not been alone in that house for 1 single day.
She was until Jackson got bored with Kat on day 3.
I call a couple people nicknames and get lambasted like I’m worst person in the world. Hahahaha
I support you. Thank you for having a sense of humor and understanding if you go on a reality TV show and do ridiculous things people will satirize, or parody what you do, or say. You made my day.
Just like posting something on the internet? ?
The biggest mistake these people make is telling each other who they are working with. A backdoor means you DON’T tell them what you are doing.
The fact that Cliff is so gullible that he believes EVERYTHING Michie tells him is beyond frustrating. I can’t wait for them to watch this back and see what he has done all season.
Not sure why everyone thinks Nicole is this great player all of a sudden. Her edit in last nights episode was nauseating. Other than telling the HOH I’ll vote for whomever you want she has literally did nothing all season. NOTHING A few weeks ago she was on the same level as Sis. One good week does not make up for 3 months of doing nothing. She won a competition with 6 and 5 people left. whoopity dooooo.
Especially if Jackson’s antic from last night work and Holly stays, I don’t see how anyone could think he doesn’t deserve to win
Bingo! The best thing Nicole had going for her was her lack of exposure, underdog status and the perception that she was reading the other players games. Ah, that sweet young girl…I’ll cheer for her.
Now that she’s had some exposure, that blows that.
I don’t think the support for Nicole is because of comp wins. She is the underdog who dodged eviction all season without the support or protection of an alliance. Once in power she was able to make moves and play strategic and solidify her partnership with Cliff. And it doesn’t hurt that she has a big heart and is authentic. She is not the one using dirty tricks to play this game – that Oscar goes to Jackson.
Dirty tricks or is he just actually playing the game…ya know something you have to do when your a strong competitor that wins competitions and has had a huge target on his back the entire game.
When I think of Nicoles game I think of how she let Bella walk all over her, after which no one would even strategize with her for weeks. Yea Bella was really nasty that was obvious, but ya gotta stand up for yourself.
Nicole is an incredibly sweet person, that is obvious. One of the very few good people in the house this year. But Nicole the Big Brother player is one just one small step above Fessi and Victoria in my book.
I will say this though. If she can run the gauntlet, knock out Jackson and win a few more competitions then she will move up a lot.
Nicole did stand up for herself with bella. Bella walked away like a child before nicole could even talk but she still got to say her piece. Believe that
Nicole was just recently picked to play in her first veto comp all season as well. She hasnt had the opportunity to play and win like others have. Once she got that opportunity she won and she won big.
No Wrong Nicole has had a good handle on understanding the game All her allies got picked off by the strong alliances in the beginning and they used her as a scapegoat she actually has a very good understanding of the game and people she just doesn’t have anyone to work with the whole time clueless Cliff is her only ally
What are you talking about? I do agree she has has a good understanding of the game…but she was not a scapegoat. She worked with the girls in the beginning…then she worked with Nick, but he kept her at arms length and only filtered what he wanted her to hear. But she allowed for that and believed it. Then Nick leaves….and she has Cliff. He too is doing a little of what Nick was doing, in that he is working the game with others and only relaying back what he thinks she needs to hear. I like her. I think she’s sweet as peach pie, and I think she’s winning comps now and she’s in the running in my book. But she is still going to have to do some “strategery” lol, on her own to lift her up on to being a winner.
I think because the rest are very hard to cheer for… I guess we feel if Nicole can pull this out and win it all we cld live with it vs any of the rest of them since this season has been to predictable and boring….
Had a rant all set up about likability and the lack of it this season .. But… I’ll take a positive twist
What I like about the houseguests left in the game
Jackson – He eats watermelons and has inspired me to eat more. I never knew how much I loved them.
Tommy – He’s a nice bloke (too bad it’s all fake but if you don’t know it is he’s just a nice bloke)
Nicole – She got rid of Christie, doesn’t want to be an Instagram influencer (crazy I know) and is generally a regular person which in BB is unicorn rare
Holly – Was a role model for young girls all around the world 😉
Cliff – Never gave OBB a shoutout thus not associating our site with him.. thank you, Cliff.
Sooooo true about Tommy. He’s very likable, I’ve said that all along, as long as you don’t think too hard about it and question his authenticity. And same about watermelons. I always liked them…but I’m in a “loving” them phase right now. I mean, not like 1 a day or anything…but still. And agreed about Cliff. Shame on him; I give OBB shout-outs on twitter whenever I can lol. :p
It’s odd Tommy with his overacting is like nails on a chalkboard. Tommy, with Christie was like a chorus of cats wailing. Tommy without Christie is toned down. The overacting, well he’s not throwing it to the second balcony.
It makes me wonder what kind of HG he’d had been had he gone into the BB alone. Who’d he have played the game with.
I myself can root for him more. Now that the secret is out, I’m not as upset about it. I still want Nicole to win. Unfortunately with Jackson’s duplicitous actions I doubt that will happen.
What could have been but Cliff trusts the watermelon king too much with his rat game instead of Nicole’s instinct.
hahaha “a chorus of cats wailing.” He’s only toned down because like he said, he’s the 5th person in a 4 person alliance. I also wonder how he would have been w/out Christie. I want Michie or Nicole…and as each day goes by, it seems like we’re getting closer to that being a very real possibility.
you can vote me down all you want here i won’t be offended but every time Jackson talks he sounds very intelligent like the guy just isn’t a watermelon head. He can articulate his points very clearly and concise. I have to give it to the guy he was a target since day one and he still has a good a shot as any of them to win it. It’s pretty hard to survive being target #1 or 2 and make it through to the final four. I see him praying, is that a recent thing or did he just do that once the crisis mgt team got a hold of him?
I agree with you Jackson is a formidable player. I want to see him in the final 2.
Expect your poll to go even wonkier with that comment.
I’m beginning to think that many of Cliff and Nicole’s latest fans are unreconciled Crustinites working out their anger for their loss and against the arch-villain Jackson; their adoration will swing to whomever can promise them some sort of retribution.
Somewhere the reality (sort of) game show morphed into Game of Thrones and their Dani (Nicole) is making John Snow (high kick, high kick….I love you) her hand; and they’re expecting great things.
I don’t know about EVERRRRY time he talks…haha…but I generally agree that he is far more articulate and knowledgeable than people think he is.
He’s articulate and condescending. Jackson can talk talk talk but he is a terrible listener. He already knows it all… makes me sick. He also doesnt practice what he preaches. So, talk is talk… but jackson is full of more than watermelon.
A target since day one? He had first week immunity, and when he convinced himself he was a target needing first week immunity… everyone was wanting to work with him not target him.
Yes target, as he and Jack were the two alpha males in the house from day 1. Everyone either wanted to work with them or take them out, Jackson managed to maneuver all the game play from day 1. He didn’t sit in the corner like Nicole and Cliff and let all the numbers dwindle then become important because all the bigger targets were taken out. I actually don’t like guy and I want Nicole to win but he played he best game from day 1. Tommy played the second best game (from who is left in the house) from day 1, Tommy was in the middle of everything on most days. Then Cliff and Nicole. Look all of them deserve to be where they are but I got to tip my hat to Jackson, he worked all sides from day 1.
He’s had a lot of interaction with the DR and a lot of that interaction wasn’t for sound bites.
An alternative title for this season could be the idiot’s guide to using stools.
Jackson’s biggest strategy this season has been to hump it and dump it…we are in the dump it phase.
I gave ya a thumbs up just cause it made me laugh. But I really do think he wanted to keep Kat and would have kept her as long as possible.
The problem was either Holly or Kat wasn’t interested in being the third person in the shower.
In my opinion, both Kat and Holy are beautiful women. But, Kat being more vocal and outgoing, seemingly someone who wouldn’t take crap from anyone, made it easy for Douche to move on to Holy who seems to have security issues and would be much more submissive. And Douche is definitely a dom.
If Holy leaves tonight, Douche will have to get reacquainted with Ms Palm and her five sisters.
I have to give kudos to Tommy. It was amazing how he played himself up as some sort of victim in the Crusty relationship; he was forced into it. He had them all teary eyed and feeling bad for him; I love you, I love you, I’m sorry, I love you. Hell, I almost choked up….just gag reflex.
Now I’m hoping Tommy makes it to F2, preferably with someone who will attempt to bring his secret relationship with Crusty up in the final jury. I would love to see Tommy try to play the victim of a forced relationship with Crusty…in front of Crusty. And all while silently mouthing to her, “I love you, I love you”.
So…the fish for AFP!
Uggg I know. Difficult to watch….but if he does pull it off, it will look great on finale night, because it was very good gameplay. But still not hoping for him in F2. lol
So true. I’m finding the hyper-fans a lot more entertaining than the house guests.
He’s leaving LOL
They have to vote Holly out. What Jackson has done, lying about Tommy playing both sides only proves he cannot be trusted. There is no way he will take out Holly.
Jackson has sealed either Nicole’s, or Cliff’s jury seat if they decide to keep Holly. I wanted to say Buzzarda. But some people in here are so sensitive.
OMG! Someone told a lie in the BB house? They can’t be trusted!
Come on at this point of game if they can’t tell Jackson is lying Cliff, and Nicole deserve to lose. Holly being all self righteous about being possibly voted out was flippant. How high and mighty of her. Had she been the queen of the HOH castle for so long because she had never been nominated before? Geez
Lies, and deceit is what BB is about I get it but Nicole, and Cliff should know better and as I stated how convenient it comes out of Jackson’s mouth at such a moment just before Thursday’s eviction and he prevent a house meeting. Levels of evil?
It’s like snake venom. Get bitten by a garden snake, or rattler?
“Come on at this point of game if they can’t tell Jackson is lying …”
Possibly because they’re all lying? Maybe they’re having a difficult time sorting the lies of others out from their own lies.
Hence all ur hate for christie and tommy keeping there secret that u said wasnt fair…. Isnt that the Pot calling the kettle black… only when it suites what u want i guess… ur a total hypocrite!!!
I cannot stand Holly and her holier than thou sanctimony.
Did she just question if it’s possible to have faith in humanity, just because Nicole is actually giving herself the best chance to win??
Oh and I love how she’s laying the guilt trip on THICK to Nicole saying if she goes back on her word & keeps Tommy, that Nicole’s mother won’t be proud of her anymore & Nicole’s students won’t look up to her anymore.
The hypocrisy is REAL with this b!tch.
Then in the next breath, Holly & Jackson are devising this evil plot to manipulate Nicole & lie about Tommy; based strictly on what Jackson overheard when he was eavesdropping on them (good grief, didn’t these people learn to whisper when Christie overheard Cliff narrating his master plan for the cameras??).
That’s what’s called being a total hypocrite Beth, and guess what? If it’s good for the goose to be dishonest, you can be damn well sure it’s good for the gander too (that’s YOU!).
As the deviously deceptive Mike Malin once said “This is the big brother house, you can bounce checks”.
The only thing standing in the way of that money for anyone still there is Michie! It seems the only reasonable option is disarm him by getting out holly! That’s one less person fighting on his behalf in veto. Leaving Michie alone to bring in the veto win, which he may very well do, but the odds are better 3-1 than 2-2.
late last night/early morning feeds Jackson goes and tells cliff and Nicole that tommy approached him and said I’m offering to throw hoh, gun for the veto to take u out, but really I want to send cliff home bc Nicole is beatable and go to the end w u Michie” !
Now this is NOT true, tommy never told Michie that. Michie was listening to them talk and just repeatedly it verbatim to cliff and Nicole to scare them from keeping tommy. This of course sketched cliff and Nicole out even more, now causing them to doubt Tommy!! This sets Nicole off and she gets mad, thinking she’s being played by tommy, the actor! they are planning a house meeting for today! Cliff Says if tommy denies this when confronted then we know tommy can’t be trusted bc there’s no way Michie would know all that Info unless tommy himself told him. Oh cliff U know better than anyone the bb walls are thin and when a ear is pressed intently listening, info can be obtained without coming directly from someone’s mouth. It happen to u in the boat room when Christie heard u talking to the feeds exposing ur game play. I have supported u from the beginning cliff but ur odds against Michie in the finals are not first place! No ones are! Dismantle him as much as possible.
Jackson lying to cliff and Nicole but at the same time scolding them for daring to go against the king and queen! Jackson U promised sis she wasn’t going anywhere and sent her home bc things change in BB. And u did what was best for ur game Right?? So it should be for all. Nicole for the win!!!
Yes yes yes get rid of the dead weight that is holly and lets play big brother already! Will be a sick game move if they get rid of Holly!!! Fans want to see her go on her showmance’s Hoh….lmbo…
Lol, yes Holly and Michie are a duo, but aren’t Cliff and Nicole as well? Weren’t Tommy and Christy? These people can be soooo dumb!
I really haven’t been watching much of feeds or After Dark because of the obvious. I realize I may miss some things or misinterpret what I’ve read. I’m going to comment anyway just because I can. Lol!
I seem to remember a conversation Jackson had with someone, I believe it was Nick, where he said just because you didn’t shake on it doesn’t mean you didn’t make a deal. Saying you’re going to do something or not do something is the same as giving your word. Now a handshake means everything! J&H made a deal with both C&N and J&H. They celebrated having a deal with both, assuming they were sitting pretty.
Zingbot should have zinged them both for being a team of pompous entitled douches aka hypocrites! There are too many reasons to list why.
Cliff, as usual, is playing all sides, trying to keep his bases covered. He thinks he can win sitting next to Nicole. I know it’s part of the game but it really annoys me the way Cliff manages to throw Nicole under the bus in such sneaky ways. I know it’s probably because Nicole is the only one left in the house that I like. Cliff is putting the burden/blame on Nicole to keep faith with Jackson. BTW, didn’t Jackson tell Tommy that he thought he would win if he made it to final 3? Granted, at the time he was sure Tommy was walking out the door. Do J&H really think people believe they each are playing their own game?
— CAUTION: I’m now going to repeat myself and paste something I posted a couple of days ago. I’m prepared for all of the thumbs down!
— Okay, this is just me thinking out loud. I really don’t have a clue which decision is best. Most everyone has brought up some really good points with solid reasons. I go back and forth.
If Nicole can express herself to jury the way she does alone in a room with the camera, I think she has a shot at winning. These days, I think it’s hard to tell how the jury will vote. The ridiculous blow up at the start of this season resulted in the crazy 8 targeting Nicole, declaring her a big threat. She handled that BS better than most. She hung in there by sucking it up. Nicole went from being targeted by a huge alliance (albeit a crummy one) to someone considered a non-threat.
Nicole vs. Tommy
I don’t know if big mouth Christie went to jury and blabbed about knowing Tommy. If so, how did they take it? She kind of made a big deal over Kat/Holly relationship. She didn’t even tell Jack. If Christie didn’t tell, I’m pretty sure Holly will. The every one loves Tommy vote may not necessarily be locked in.
Nicole vs. Jackson
Even with a bitter jury, it would be hard not to vote for someone with so many comp wins. However, if Nicole can represent herself well in front of the jury, showing how she managed to maneuver throughout the season to stay in the game, building relationships with people, (Including those that bullied her. Maybe they feel like a$$holes now.) She’s the lovable underdog, coming from behind, winning comps when it counted the most. She has a great story and would give jurors a great excuse not to vote for Jackson.
Nicole vs. Cliff
There are people in the jury who love Cliff and think he is the father figure taking care of Nicole. I think maybe there are a few that may have some resentment towards him. Once again, if Nicole can communicate her thoughts/strategy to jury as well as she has been to cameras/us, she just might win. She now has the comp wins and her loyalty to her final 2, Cliff. Hopefully, they will be able to see she did have gameplay which includes working with people who will protect your back. (She also had Nick as a shield. He was probably more solid than Cliff in that department!) She wasn’t just riding Cliff’s coattail. Cliff has a final 2 with her and Jackson. Jackson may be more unhappy with him.
If you are reading this, kudos to you for hanging in there!
Morning feed update – As of 10:20 am they are keeping Holly.
Yeah sucks. Now I just hope Nicole can pull out the HOH and her or cliff the veto and then get rid of those two backstabbing, snooping, lying a-holes
Whos the backstabbers. Tommy yes he has been..nicole and cliff not yet but maybe..jackson/holly who have they backstabbed in this game.
I agree with you Moe. Yesterday Nicole pulled a Kristy and said their final 4 was only good for 1 week and it expired. She also said that she has protected Jackson and Holly from the block but this goes both ways. To me this situation is odd because Nicole said on Sunday there would be no “wonky vote” coming from her this week. I didn’t respect this move from Kristy and don’t respect from Nicole now. I know this is Big Brother but they have been working together for weeks and I would prefer those as the final 4. It is anyone’s game at that point with these 4 but Tommy staying could change all of that. Just my opinion.
I just want jackson to win as he is the only one that truely deserves it. Nicole wins 2 comps and now its gone to her head and she thinks she is better then everyone now and shes gone from sweet to evil. But in my mind there all floaters but jackson and holly.
Couldn’t have said it better Moe, thought I was the only one to see this on this site.
I dont think you can call Nicole a floater. No one would work with her from the other other side until the other side turned on themselves. I believe I remember a conversation from the other side that went something like this “outside of this house we would never even talk to someone like her”, I think it was either Sis or Jack but, that was the mind set of the a holes who Jackson and Holly were truly aligned with until they had to float to the “other side”. If you are going to call someone a floater, you have to include Jackson and Holly in that because they were not willing to work with Nicole from the beginning. Holly wouldnt be there right now in my opinion if it werent for Jackson winning so she’s just riding his coat tails and if you want to be mad at someone about the wishy washy decision changes about Tommy, you should probably be mad at Production instead of Nicole because Production has been gearing this entire game with free bonus “gifts” for both Tommy and Christie all season. They also screw with their minds in the DR office and jackson has never been penalized for breaking the have not rule about eating.. that used to give them automatic votes towards eviction or cost them in some way… they didnt even mention it and just let him do it. Cliff has been throwing Nicole under the bus since back when he was overheard talking to the camera about their alliance and it was never Nicoles plan to go into a final four with Jackson and Holly. She has said over and over again that she didnt think voting out Nick and voting out Jess was in her best interest but Cliff convinced her it was. Its in CLIFFS BEST INTEREST TO KEEP HOLLY. Its not in Nicoles. Nicole has to win hoh and veto or cliff win veto in order for Nicole to make it to final 3. Cliff has an easier road with Holly because Cliff has made sure to let Mickie and Holly know it hasnt been his idea to keep Tommy, its been Nicoles so that they would be mad at her and target her over him if Holly stayed. Cliff is guaranteed a final 3 … Nicole is screwed. Tommy would guarantee Nicole a final 3 over Cliff. They came into this game as individuals with the goal of winning 500k … not to make new friends. AT this point in the game… after the way Jackson, Holly, Tommy and Cliff have played… its called karma if Nicole sticks it to them . They have all taken part in the back stabbing and mean talk against her and if not personally then by association by being in the room and not correcting it. Team Nicole. I dont care who she takes to the final 2, I just want her sitting in one of those spots!
Agree 100%!
I couldn’t agree more!
Butter Mom I agree 100%. Jackson flat out lied tonight to keep Holly and the take out Nicole Cliff has a BIG mouth and three Nicole under the bus to protect his game. Now the HOH challenge is endurance Bye bye Nicole and Cliff Holly can stay up there forever. She did it at one of the HIH’s against Sis. If they had kept Tommy he would have thrown it to Nicole and Cliff. I hope Nicole will see how Cliff threw her under the bus to Jackson. It was Nicole’s Veto win that saved Cliff’s ass and then he throws her under the bus and says to her I have to think about whether to keep Tommy or not. As her friend who saved his ass he should have gone with whatever she wanted to do period.
It doesn’t matter how many competitions one wins, but when. Jackson has squandered all of his chances to get rid of actual threats. He played a personal game, not a strategic one. Nicole missed an opportunity to break up Jackson and Holly when she didn’t nominate either of them in the double eviction. It’s silly to work with a showmance this late in the game. I hope she redeems herself.
Right now Jackson completely made up Tommy also working with them and lied to Cliff, and Nicole and prevented house meeting last night so he could Holly what he did so he could tell her what to say. Is that a back stab or a front stab?
They should be pin cushions with that just to keep Holly.
Wouldn’t it be ironic if after all of Jackson’s scheming/lying this week just to keep Beth, that she ends up being the one to either send him home or she wins over him?
Jackson would learn a whole new intensity to the word regret.
He made up a lie about tommy who is on the other side so thats not a backstab. He can only backstab the other 3 not tommy.
You are correct, but this wouldn’t have happened if Nicole and Cliff hadn’t flipped in the first place. Jackson was trying to save Holly because he knew it would have been 3-to-1 against him. He also knew it would blow up in his face if it didn’t work. I’m sure Nicole and Cliff would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed, and I wouldn’t have blamed them. I don’t get why it is ok for some people to play the game but others are wrong for doing the same. Root for who you want but don’t get mad at the other side for trying to save themselves – whoever they may be. I hope Jackson pulls it off because it might be fun to watch and he didn’t start this.
He told bold faced lies last night. Planned them out, told Holly & went in and relayed them to Cliff & Nicole
Don’t they all? I thought thats what they were supposed to do. Or is only one side of the house allowed to do that?
Jackson’s not really upset. He knows that he doesn’t need her to win and, I think, a little relieved that he doesn’t have to do anything against her. He also understands gameplay. Holly gets all bent out of shape if anyone ever says anything about her when she’s trashed everyone in the house. Cliff & Nicole are loyal but not stupid. If they keep Holly, they may be able to beat her since Jackson doesn’t play but that doesn’t mean he will go home if nominated. They know for sure, if Jackson gets HOH, both of them will go up so they have to protect themselves. How could anyone know, 4 weeks ago, how this would shake out so it’s difficult to stay loyal through the end. Nicole could have put them up at the double but she didn’t.
But, I don’t want Tommy to win because he’ll win with all of his alliance members, including bulldozer Christie, so he can’t go to final 2 with Cliff and Nicole. I would rather Jackson win than Tommy, who has basically denounced every move he’s mad3 as Christie’s fault, so what has he done to deserve to win?
Moe…better question is…who haven’t they?
Who have they backstabbed. They were backstabbed by there origonal group and the only other group they were with was cliff and nicole which they havent backstabbed.
Moe…gr8etful which they screwed up with the lies and backstabbing, 6 shooters same, then they concentrated on having sex and encouraging arguments with falsehoods…so yeh like I said…who havent they
Someone is a little jelly. Full moon?
Are you watching the same show? I guess you are just picking up what Jackson puts down
At the rate Cliff/Nicole are going…they will win HOH and POV and vote out Holly!! SMH
Part of me is glad that they are keeping Holly though for Nicole’s game only. Cliff is snake (scratch that, he’s a rat) in any case – totally sidling up to Jackson and making it seem like this conundrum is solely sitting on Nicole’s shoulders – not the first time he’s run over her with the bus, backed up and done it again. Nicole is the one that has spent the entire season saying she’s a straight shooter only to turn now? Holly, although she has no room to judge, is right. It wouldn’t sit well. Yes, it’s a game and people lie, manipulate and backstab but you will take a hit for turning on your own game. You can’t jump from angel to snake and remain unscathed. If I were Nicole, I would take the gamble, keep Holly and just go balls to the wall for HOH and POV.
Edit: I agree with other posters, Cliff is a rat. Jackson is the snake. Snake eats the rat.
Why can people not simply see this as a game move? Clearly Nicole and Cliff would be better off, as far as probability of both of them getting to F3 is concerned with getting rid of Holly NOW. Everybody is OK with getting her out next week (or Jackson) if one of them wins veto, so why is one week earlier such a big deal? Besides the point, Michie and Holly have only “protected” C&N when it was in M&H’s best interest to do so, have put Cliff on the block more than once (and evicted him) and considered strongly putting Nicole up and evicting her earlier in the game! They have lied to them on multiple occasions, and withheld information on others, none of which a true loyal alliance member does to another loyal member.
It’s nut cutting time on the Big Brother ranch and nearly time to pass out the dough! It is time to do what is best for your OWN game, and not for somebody else’s. Anybody who doesn’t like that can suck a few eggs on their way to the jury house. And when she gets there and starts whining about it, she may be surprised at the reaction she gets from her predecessors, who I suspect may admire the move and why it was made! Poor Ol’ Cliff shading Nicole as the one who is championing the move may regret it, when he finds out the majority of the jury thinks it is not only a BOLD move but maybe one of the best moves to be made in the house all season!
Exactly! Jackson and Holly are full of themselves. If Jackson and Holly switched rolls with Cliff and Nicole, making Cliff the competition beast, the two would be considering the exact same move! After veto comp, didn’t Jackson tell Holly that given the circumstance, it would be a good move?
BTW, at this point in the game, the fact that Holly is still trying to convince people that she is playing her own game is just pathetic.
Nicole did the exact same thing with tommy. Nicole and cliff will take each other, but tommy would take Nicole over cliff and Jackson without holly would take cliff over Nicole. They are allowed to work together but still look out for themselves first!
Cliff is looking for a jury vote. Nicole is not thinking about jury votes.
Need some west coast help please
I just published the recap post. They’re about to vote.
What’s funny to me: at this point they aren’t even really interested in finding out what is actually going on.
Biggest clue: house meeting? oh, I mean okay, but let’s just sleep on it and if you still want to, we have it in the morning.
That was a red flag.
House meetings are never good.
HOH will be on the feeds tonight

Simon – what do you think is causing the feeds to be down? Production wants more viewers tonight? a suspenseful show? or are they filming family video reveals? what is your speculation?
I honestly am not sure now. Nicole just called house meeting after Tommy told her and cliff that Michie lied about what he said. I can’t stand Michie. They cut the feeds and now I’m not sure what’s going on but I really hope Nicole and Cliff use their brains and get rid of Holly. If they are saying let’s take our chance and just try to win the hoh and veto then why not still take Tommy. Breaking up that disgusting showmance is the safest thing to do.
Holly nastu always picking her up with nasty ass and pants she wears lol
Sorry – I missed it – what was the lie Michie told?
I hope C&N regain their game strategy and go with original plan to evict Holly. They should know that Michie’s temperament is such that N&C have betrayed him and any loyalty is null and void. Even if they keep Holly, Michie said because it was even a consideration that means the deal is dead. Michie said to Cliff last night that he is here to win and will do anything to get there. Wake up Cliff – this guy is going to steamroll his way to the $500K and if you persuade Nicole to change her vote then you have just damaged her chances of F3. (Unless she wins HOH)
The damn deal is dead after tonight anyway. It was a Final 4 deal and then fight it out. Why not end it on a BANG and send Michie’s partner home to weaken him, plus keep a strong competitor in the house to hopefully help take him out?
The lie – Michie told Nicole and Cliff that Tommy had offered to throw the veto (?) to him if it was a tie and Michie broke it in his direction (I think). Michie overheard Tommy offering to throw the HOH to Cliff and Nicole as an incentive for them to keep him in the game. Michie was trying to “prove” that Tommy was playing both sides, but Tommy did not make the offer to Michie (Michie can’t play in the HOH this week).
That maybe the biggest mistake and stupidest thing Jackson has done. Did he not think that N/C would talk to T about it. This is not a smart game move when you’re trying to save your shower whatever non-female young girl example wannabe.
He listened at the door to camp comeback while tommy nicole cliff discussed tommy’s throw hoh agreement. he then went into camp comeback room with tommy after nicole cliff left. didn’t say anything. came out and told cliff that tommy had made the same offer to him using what he overheard as if tommy had said it to jackson.
I totally agree, Nicole and Cliff are both sunk if they keep Holly, this is their only chance to get rid of Michie and Holly! Holy should go this week and then Michie can’t play in the HOH, so whoever wins can put him up and just PRAY he doesn’t win the Veto! If he doesn’t, he’s out! Having said that though, I really want Nicole in the F2 so even if they kept Holly it sounds like Michie/Holly plan to get rid of Cliff for their perceived betrayal by him so that would still leave Nicole in the game and F3….and you never know, she might just pull out another win! I guess either way it doesn’t matter, but would really boost her resume to break up the duo and would give her another check mark when arguing why she deserves to win if she did get to F2.
No, Nicole will win HOH
Too funny!
Still plenty of time for them to flip again, although I image Poppa Howg is going to do his best to keep My Little Pony calm.
We’ll just have to wait and see whether Jackson’s “lying” or Tommy’s “good game play” will win out in the end.
So did Jackson really lie and make that up or was he telling Nicole the truth?
Yes, he made the entire lie about Tommy up in order to manipulate Nicole into keeping Holly. This was after he was eavesdropping on them last night & overheard their plan to get rid of Holly & keep Tommy.
On a side note…
Why hasn’t anybody learned how to WHISPER in that house, especially after Cliff got busted by Christy giving one of his Cliff-notes to the camera???
Jackson is lying…He told Holly “if they want to play dirty, so will I” and explained to Holly he overheard Tommy’s deal he made to Cliff and Nicole. He was eavesdropping..Then Michie lied and twisted it to Cliff and Nicole. That is what started Nicole crying.
Yes what was the lie about Tommy, what did Jackson say?
What happend? Whatt did Jackson said??
Isn’t that just for TV?
Expect the unexpected.
Holly is less of a HOH threat than Tommy. It makes sense.
It also means Nicole has not broken her word (I like Nicole though she has shown signs of creeping HOH/POC itis lately.)
Hey Simon, think their trying to boost their ratings for tonight’s show by not showing the feeds? I think so.
It’s a big mistake that nicole and cliff will soon regret! The jury will not be impressed mussing two shots to get one of them out (jax/holly) this is only good for cliff n jackson not nicole or holly….Wow can’t believe they caved to the b.s guilt trip…. gutless and none deserve to win… Nicole u just gave up 500k for what n u will look back on this and regret this move the rest of ur life….. I was rooting for nicole to win it all but now i dont care this season blows!!! Sam for AFP!!!!
After all if the drama that went down last night, Jackson and Holly are NEVER going to trust Cliff & Nicole again, even if they do decide to keep Holly.
Their only option now is sticking to their guns and voting Holly out.
I’m tellin ya…if Michie wins comps and gets to decide who to bring…he is not bringing Holly.
Well, I just saw that Jackson’s manipulation worked.
He got in Nicole’s head and planted seeds of doubt about Tommy, so now Cliff and Nicole have just decided to evict Tommy.
They believe that Tommy and Jackson would take each other to the end.
Timeline of last night that led us here:
Beth campaigns to Nicole for over an hour, N still on board with evicting her. N asks to go to DR right after Beth campaigned. Meanwhile Cliff is being schmozed by Jackson. Then Beth campaigns to Cliff poorly. N starts to stress clean. Cliff called to d/r. After coming out Cliff is getting another round of Jackson talk. Final 2 Jackson / Cliff is on the table. Jackson called to d/r. N talks to Tommy for 2 mins. N goes to talk to Cliff, says Timmy acting sketchy. N called to d/r. N comes out no longer fullly on board with keeping Tommy. Cliff now slightly pushing for Holly. N and Cliff go talk to Tommy. Jackson listens in. Jackson tells C/N everything he overheard as if Tommy told him directly. N spirals. House meeting is threatened. Jackson worries his lie will be exposed. N/C are now more keep Holly before sleep.
This roughly encapsulates the timeline from episode time to 2 am bbtime.
As of this morning: C and N don’t seem all that interested in even finding out what is going on, although they have multiple questions. They are more on the Holly bus.
Tommy is talking to N/c now. with Holly listening at the door. Another house meeting is called. Holly lies says Jackson is in d/r while he is loudly making noise in the kitchen. and fish.
That is basically what happened so why thumbs down the chain of events?
Simon i see you said hoh will be on live feeds tonight….aren’t they always?
no, only special occasions do we get to see the HOH play out on the feeds.
Almost sounds like production pretty muchs knows who is going to be evicted and that it will cause interest in this HoH.
Hmmmmmm, that doesn’t sound good for Tom Thumb but with production it’s hard to tell. They might actually think a lot of people will be interested in watching an HoH where Tommy deliberately does nothing, while Cliff carefully monitors My Little Pony’s progress to make sure he doesn’t accidentally win (Tommy, you know I love you but she’s gonna cut you.) and Nicole believes she actually won…again.
So it must be a endurance since it will go over to the live feeds because the show will be live tonight
That will be a lot easier for Cliff to throw to My Little Pony.
I thought Blockstar’s daughter’s birthday had already passed…
We’ve been waiting for this confrontation/house meeting and they block the feeds???? What the actual F@ck BB!!!!!!
It’s BB21 expect the worst.
They are bringing back the battle of the block?!
This is exactly why I no longer get the feeds. They block all the interesting parts & allow us to watch the crap. If I wanted to watch someone make origami frogs or color eggs, I’d invite my grandchildren.
Cliff caught Holly eavesdropping on them in RV. Nicole has called a house meeting – Tommy said he has nothing to hide and then of course fish.
Should be interesting!
This should be good.
I’m not sure what Nicole expects to gain from a house meeting. How is she going to know who is lying the most this time (or as the hyper-fans would say, who is lying and who is make a good game play). The answer might well be… her Poppa Hawg.
He’s been playing it close to both Jackson and Tommy, and I fully expect both of them to call on him to support them and make reference to their conversations. It will be difficult for him to weasel out of that without revealing his hand to one or the other…or both…or all three if Nicole decides to question what he’s been up to.
This comment made me so happy . Yes ! dont just buy all that lies!
Please belive Tommy !
He Is honest .
You can kick him out for being a threat. Not for being dis honest.
I’m glad for the fish, I was beginning to worry about them.
Thanks for the update! Shld be interesting to see what they decided on… hope holly gets to steppin to jury… Nicole trust ur gut, think abt it they dont trust u guys anymore and are coming for u if holly stays or goes!!!
This is such bs that they block the feeds during the house meeting. Boing boring season and when something might happen cbs blocks it. Getting worse and worse every year!!!!
Do not despair…I’m confident we’ve yet to see just how far this season and production can sink.
They will probably use the footage tonight in the live show.
You mean they’ll use what they WANT us to see in the live show.
I suppose they feel more of who will get more votes from jury.
Tommy tried to make a pinky swear when Nicole was the “last” to know about the Chommy connection? He said a reason he told was because he was afraid Jolly would use it first against him. So why tell Jolly first if u swore with Nicole?
Now normally I wouldn’t care if they hand shook or spit swapped, all is fair in love and BB BUT this season has been overwhelming fake love, loyalty and keeping noms the same when everyone is lying and pointing the finger to the only one that was telling the truth, Nicole.
Ok if u lie. so what own it!
If you r a douchebag, own it and stop caring about image Jackson.
America likes a douchy subject to love or hate. We just can’t stand all the fakeness. As far a fake, Tommy baked and ate that fake cake!
As many of u said here, Tommy would get the votes to win so maybe hgs r feeling better chances at the end if they are up against Jackson
2 duos this far? This is going to be interesting
Now if Tommy really has game, he will flip it back if not, then how good was his “game play”?
I just crossed the bridge into New Jersey,saw a huge new sign,” New Jersey,I love you”,signed “Tommy”,high kick ,high kick. I guess this statement is much more believable when you tell it to everyone and mean it so sincerely.
Nah, the first real sign you’ve crossed into Jersey is the smell – like you just crapped your pants.
Philly Girl ; )
Jackson is THE perfect example of a malignant covert narcissist. Please learn from his behavior.
Okay, While they are on fish and puppies, I can’t predict by d/r activity who will win tonight’s hoh.
Damn. Nobody disappeared for over an hour last night that I noticed. Everyone had multiple d/r calls. I can understand the one each for goodbye messages. There was a lot more activity than expected involving d/r yesterday.
Chances are during lockdown Nicole will get her house meeting. Jackson will have convinced himself his lies are true having had the night to focus (believing the lie is always the first step in selling the lie). Tommy will have no defense because it didn’t happen. Holly will lie badly, and Nicole and Cliff won’t notice. Although technically they aren’t supposed to talk game during lockdown… when has a silly thing like the rules ever bothered some of these people?
Will the episode show that the vote flip from Tommy to Holly was due to, in Jackson’s words ‘playing dirty’ or will they go another route? That’s my question. They could easily show the vote flip being a result of Tommy exposing his secret to Cliff and Nicole without having to tamper with the Jackson honorable guy edit. Would they do that? Uh… they’ve done things like that all season when it comes to portraying Jackson well. Episoders that don’t read updates must have been confused as heck by his zing.
The extra information Jackson had on Christie and Tommy: where did that come from? Having watched the convo… he was saying stuff that is most likely true, but I don’t remember Tommy saying. Where did that come from?
My last bit of hmmmm that’s odd: Jackson moved to L.A. on Feb. 1 (he said that yesterday when before we were led to believe he had JUST moved to L.A. right before the season began… like that month). He moved in with Holly’s friend. so he was in her friend’s circle for five months, they’ve spoken about sharing multiple friends. We still not even willing to entertain the possibility that two people that previously followed each other on social media, whose ex she knows, while he’s living with one of her friends for 5 months before sequester for the program, haven’t met? It doesn’t smell kosher to me. At all. It has been a question in my head the more and more they discuss things. Just getting louder knowing that the show was originally saying there could be more relationships exposed. Not another relationship exposed (Kat and Holly) but more relationships plural. With the twist causing so much distress and anger to viewers it quickly went the way of the BBtakeover of season 17, and was dropped without fanfare. Naw… at this point I’m willing to say there is something incredibly fishy.
This smells like the bbcan 7 thing where the winner, a hockey player, knew the one girl that made out with his exgf at parties, and the former professional hockey player that had been in the same league and the same team at one point as him was also in the house. These are the weird Kassssssssssssssting decisons that get discussed on bbcan feeds that have made me such a conspiracy nut.
That REALLY explains Jack repeating, over and over again, that the THREE of them knew each other coming into the house, not just Kat and Holly. WOW! What a nifty nugget that really shoots a hole in concept of “unscripted” reality TV. A couple hundred million people in this country and Tommy and Christie are practically family. Are we supposed to believe that CBS had no clue of that nugget? If so, who are the yahoos that vet these houseguests? Not the first time I have challenged the competency of the production crew. After this many seasons, they still have DR leaks. REALLY??
I had forgotten the takeover bit from season 17. I think the reason they dropped it was because it was supposed to add drama since season 16 was so incredibly boring. The cast was already pretty dramatic though so the takeovers weren’t doing much and not getting used so they dropped them.
They dropped it because the fans of the show thought it was stupid. They thought a bunch of sub d-listers coming on tv to pull stupid activities not game related in order to fill time in episodes was a joke.
The production team felt it was getting a horrible response and pulled it. Just like my view of the real world relationships twist. We’ve heard Holly and Kat speak about their relationship on feeds as FAR more than the d/r show edit. Why? because by week 4/5 when they wanted to reveal it to get more tv time: producers had received weeks of complaints about the illegitimacy of the season with real world relationships. They down played it in d/r so that fans wouldn’t be outraged much more.
“The extra information Jackson had on Christie and Tommy: where did that come from? Having watched the convo… he was saying stuff that is most likely true, but I don’t remember Tommy saying. Where did that come from?”
The extra info Jackson had came from Tommy’s convo with them in the HOH last Saturday before the veto. We saw the beginning of Tommy telling them, then the feeds were blocked for 30-45 minutes while he told them a bunch more. After that Tommy was yelled at by production and told not to talk about it in so much detail. How do I know this? This morning when Cliff asked Tommy why does Jackson know more, he straight up told Cliff/Nicole that he got yelled at for saying too much. Why is he not allowed to talk about it? My guess is because Tommy’s aunt (Christie’s ex) did not give consent of some sort. Same reason the feeds get blocked when Jackson starts talking about an ex of his that is accusing him of something terrible.
Thank you HerpDerp. that wasn’t an accusation, I watched the convo in HOH. I actually didn’t know where the info came from. Thanks for your clarification.
`Couldn’t agree with you more. Cliff knew or shall we say “suspected” Tommy and Christy as a duo. By “chance” Christie just so happens to be walking by to hear. Cliff also hears in the backyard of Chommy connection yet he STILL does nothing?
Then the something that Jackson says he knows about Tommy?
Now that u mention it about who Jackson lives with, the other night on the feeds Holly was talking about not being like Jacksons ex and all she knew about her. She was getting pissed that he kept saying she was like his ex. I am sure there were other connections but seemingly only wanted certain ones that leveraged “good tv” (having quite the opposite effect)
What happened to the days when they cast people like Monica and Chicken George?
Simon. Feeds have been down for awhile. Tommy talking with Nicole and Cliff in RV, Cliff said H/J said “stuff was a lot deeper then Tommy is telling them” Nicole said “Thats it! House meeting!” and Tommy said “lets do this, I have nothing to hide”, while Beth was snooping at the RV door listening in. Maybe a last minute fight that will be shown tonight? Would rather see that than the stupid egg hunt etc.
When Holly stopped them from having the house meeting by saying jackson was in d/r when he could be heard in the kitchen, I was what the deuce.
Is production keeping the feeds off longer than the usual 45 minute tech rehearsal before feeds return? yes. have they taken them all out to ‘practice’ tonight’s hoh? probably. They’re never shocked. They always get a practice situation where rules are explained for the comp in full. They don’t find out about the comp rules when Julie explains them on the episode. They’ve usually been given some sort of practice or explanation either 24 hours before the comp, or during tech rehearsals. They are encouraged to act surprised.
That’s a little nugget that doesn’t effect contractual obligation I was able to get from my shall remain nameless former co-worker still acquaintance from a previous season.
Well that and they want drama so keeping some of the action off feeds helps.
Nicole just called the house meeting after Tommy told her/Cliff that Jackson lied about what he said.
They cut the feeds when this happened so we don’t know what’s going on.
The feeds have been down for almost two and a half hours now.
It’s a small thing, but I find it annoying when “backdoor” is incorrectly used. Holly, if evicted, would not be getting backdoored. She had just as much of a chance to win the POV as Nicole did. Backdoor is when you don’t get to play in POV, get replacement nom’d, and evicted.
Yup. In season 5 when Nakomis came up with the plot to get rid of Jase, that was the definition created for the first backdoor. renom a strong player after they didn’t get a chance to play in veto, and evict them.
I agree, it’s been driving me nuts when Holly says it!
Need some help from you guys. I’ve been reading through the threads and of course this is the year I decided to skip the live feeds. I would like to better understand the events around this ‘lie’ Jackson told last night. All of a sudden I read that Holly is staying. I would really appreciate it if someone could outline the who/what details of last night after POP TV ended and this AM. Only the part that changed the direction of today’s eviction. Thank You in advance!
Just read above. It’s all there.
I think it’s anybody’s guess who Nicole and Cliff will keep. The feeds went down after Tommy called out Jackson to Cliff and Nicole for lying about what Tommy said (Jackson did lie). Then Holly was pitching her case without Jackson in the room to Cliff and Nicole and darn if it didn’t switch to fish right when Holly was either going to back up Jackson’s lie or slide her way around it. If the lie comes out, then Cliff and Holly don’t have to worry about breaking their deal. Jackson might have sealed Holly’s fate with the lie.
you heard holly’s campaign. how well is she going to be able to pull of the lie that jackson has constructed? not enough people in the house to deflect. she’s better at denial than thinking on her feet.
Cliff will win this season.
How shameful of Nicole (according to Holly) how ungrateful Nicole is after Jackson made such a sacrifice in requesting the Back Street Boys…its the absolute betrayal! She owes him the game now!
Sooo… this is hilarious:
While Jackson (last night) went to listen at the have not door (2 separate times) while T, N & C were talking? Cliff kept checking for eavesdropping each time AFTER Jackson skedaddled back to the HOH.
Then same scenario with Holey eavesdropping in the RV this morning.
Cliff’s intuitive timing belt is sagging so bad.
And each time I wanted those doors to come flying open with Super Hogg arms. *snort*
‘Cause sometimes people just really need a high five.
In the face.
With a door.
*snrk* *snrk*
Nicole get rid of Holly. Don’t be stupid.
Just prior to the big eviction I thought I’d drop a few lines here re: Holly.
One area of the game Holly managed well EARLY was making sure she was well positioned and protected. She had her Michie shield, her multiple alliances and her F2 partnership with Kat.
Where she really messed up (and I felt this for a while) was by not reinforcing and adapting as hamsters were sent to jury. Once the F4 deal (even prior to the handshake) was solidified Holly should have put in yeoman’s work with Nicole. If she had – this entire week’s drama would’ve been a moot point. She could’ve told Nicole – look I don’t have a F2 with Michie but I do know he made one with Jack AND that he promised Cliff to take him to the end. I don’t have “exact phrasing” but they have a deal where if it was us 4 I know Michie has made Cliff feel he has his back over yours.
Holly should’ve said I’m fine if you want Cliff as your priority #1 but with this four-some shouldn’t we as the females (who aren’t viewed as capable) be working more closely with each other to have each other’s backs once F4 hits? Like if we reach F4 intact then perhaps you & I should re-evaluate who is best for us to take further in the game & whether you & I should look at being F2. Let’s discuss it b/c I don’t want to just get to F4 & then you & I get ousted by the guys.
IF — Holly had put in that work & nurtured her relationship with Nicole this entire week’s drama might’ve been avoided. Unfortunately, Holly got caught up in the comfort shield of Jackson, winning & thinking Tommy would also take her to F3. She miscalculated.
What she also should’ve done during the lead up to F4 as well as during this week is she should’ve suggested to Nicole her best bet at a chance of winning would be if she was the one who sent him to jury (or at least opened that for discussion). She also should’ve said I’ll throw HOH & even POV if you want to ensure she got to F3. Yes that’s a BIG risk for Holly but it’s not like she is likely to win any date comps anyway. Then at least she could gun for the endurance F3 part 1 HOH and try to earn her own way to a F2 chair.
As it stands I still think keeping Holly is the right move (based on her lack of date knowledge vs. Tommy & being an easy competitor to beat in the F3). What we don’t know is how angry Cliff/Nicole will be with Michie telling blatant lies about Tommy & whether that will end in Holly’s demise as she gets punished for his last minute attempt to throw Cliff/Nicole off voting Holly out.
Annoying we missed it all on the feeds – but oh well, guess we’ll get the “edited” version tonight.
I’m kind of hoping of a double whammy Nicole win this week for both HOH & POV so she controls her own fate & who gets sent to jury.
Also of note: Cliff’s double-talk may also come up in the house meeting b/c he’s pushed his OWN agenda pretty hard core with Michie for a while & always pushes off the “uncertainty” on Nicole. I wonder how she’ll respond to learning Cliff did that or if it will matter.
Based on all the back & forth I still kind of think C/N end up sticking with Holly b/c that seems to be what the Powers That Be want to happen.
We’ll know in less than an hour.
Aaaannnnd…they’re off.
Twelve minutes in and The Rotund One has thrown My Little Pony under the bus twice already, and Tommy Tunes has thrown his new alliance under the bus once.
Damn that lying Jackson!
I had a friend that lives in Tennessee look in to jackson arrest . He lives in Franklin TN but went to U of T, which is in Knoxville. He was arrested when 22 before his 23rd birthday and was 24 right at start of BB. There was also problems with him at school. I wish the truth would come out. I well hope Nicole trust her gut or her and Cliff will reallykick themselves.
But the truth might just kill all the innuendo.
We already know that he was in charge of the pledges to his fraternity in his final year of UT he mentioned that on feeds. We already know his chapter was suspended due to events that happened in that year. He mentioned it early into feeds in the bathroom. Looking up fraternity database informs what the issues were that caused the chapter to be suspended (24 seperate issues categorized). Multiple misuses of information, intimidation, providing alcohol to minors, and hazing (10 instances), with multiple breach of conduct and breach of university policy charges. I am not making an accusation. I am not saying Jackson did these things. I am saying the fraternity was suspended for these things that occurred in his final year.