1:35am The twins come in to talk to Becky. They tell her congrats. They talk about how she got the 5k and Never Not pass. Becky says I love you guys and not one of you three will touch the block this week. In return then we have double eviction coming up and if you can keep me safe. Liz says obviously we love you. If either one of us win HOH neither one of us would put you up. Becky tells them that Shelli and Steve are going up. Shelli will be emotional. Its going to be hard to put her up so please just be kind and supportive. Then we will see who wins POV and I will be open to who will go up. On Monday I will leave it up to you guys to decide what is best for your game. Liz asks how was your talk with Shelli? Becky says it was good. It was a bit emotional. We talked about the week and it help put her on the block. Liz says she is excited to see Shelli without Clay. The twins hug and leave.
1:45am – 1:55am Steve is next to talk to Becky. Becky asks who is your target? Steve says if you had to guess you would probably be right. Becky says okay, that person is on my radar. Becky says that she will be a sitting duck next week. I can’t do something too bold. Like I could not go after the twins and Austin because then I have two of them coming after me. Becky tells Steve that he is good but will sleep on it. Steve asks do you have a target in mind? Becky says yes. I have a specific target in mind and a backdoor plan. Steve asks you need pawns. Becky says yes. I am considering putting you up as a pawn. I am considering Johnny Mac as well. I would be sure to put you up next to a big fish. Steve asks should I expect to go up tomorrow? Becky says yes, its between you and Johnny Mac. Becky says like I said I’m going after a big fish. I already have 3 votes this week. Jackie, Meg and James. I want the veto to be won very badly this week! So go out and f**king win it!! I would rather you look super scared. Steve says you want me to mask your real target. Got it! Can I ask who I will sit next to? Becky says she is going to hold off on saying. Steve says I’m nervous tonight and then I hate you tomorrow. Nighty Night you bit*h! See now I’m practising!
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2am – 3:45am Steve and James play a game of chess. They then head down to the kitchen to chat. Steve talks about how he lost it the other day after the half way party because of realizing he made it to jury. Steve says he’s getting home sick. Steve tells James about how he will be recognized after the show. Steve says that guys have won more big brother then girls.. that’s just a fact. They continue talking about random things. Becky joins them. They talk about the confrontation James had with Clay earlier. Steve says you can say what ever words you want as long as they’re not threats of physical violence. James says Clay and I go really close. Steve says I think you’re only limited in words in saying.. I don’t want to say because I don’t want it to be taken out of context. They continue talking about random things and then head to bed.

4:25am Steve is the only house gusts up wondering around the house. Steve whispers to himself that he would have the votes if he was sitting next to Shelli. This folks is why you throw comps to look like a weak competitor. I hope she doesn’t go after Austin because she is going to have enemies!!! If she’s the first one to go after a freaks and geeks member… I am f**king pissed at Vanessa for saying that.. that was such a stupid stupid move. Steve heads to bed.
4:30am All the house guests are now sleeping.
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Becky, wtf??? Why are you telling Shelli the plan?!?
The plan was to tell Shelli the plan. With Johnny Mac as the backdoor. They want her to know she isn’t the target – the only thing that changed was that Becky spoke to Shelli last night, instead of today.
They planned to tell Shelli all along.
Now as to why Becky spoke so much about Vanessa.. that’s a whole other story.
BUT – now Becky knows that Shelli knows – and can guage her level of cooperation. She asked Shelli not to tell Vanessa. It’s a good test of trust. If Vanessa knows, then everyone will know even with Clay gone, Shelli can’t be trusted. But if she keeps her yap shut, then she might be welcome to work with James, Becky, and Meg.
Which will insulate her from Austin and the twins, when the voting comes down.
Shelli has proven already that she can’t be trusted. No need to test her trust again. Tell her she is being nominated, but there is no need to tell her who the real target is.
Let’s face it. Becky didn’t talk to Shelli about Vanessa because she has a master plan to manipulate and test her. She told her because she had diarrhea of the mouth. Becky might be athletic, but she is not good at this game. Her day will come. She may take out Vanessa, but that doesn’t make her a good player.
I don’t think Becky thought it through that much, I think she was talking to Shelli and got caught up on the moment and just blabbed about backfiring Vanessa out without wanting to tell Shelli the whole plan. Shelli is probably the worst person she could have told. Not only does Becky obviously have trouble keeping secrets, but she is pretty bad at this game.
Vanessa says obviously you know how good I am at sticking to my word. I will get blood on my hands and do whatever it take to keep my word.
I hope they all remember how good she is at keeping her word!
I do give cred to Becky for telling Vanessa “I’m done with deals”
First Jackie,now Becky telling that viper bully Van to go shove her deals up her green beanie because they are a joke! Hell yes-reality check Van, your alliance may be stupid to your ploys but we got your card & are about to pull that card & expose your hand that was so over played-karma at its finest. Game over! Can’t wait to watch Van ” scamper” & watch her lose her mind!
Kind of hope Shelli leaks it to Vanessa so Becky doesn’t try to work with her. They need to finish the job and make sure she gets out too. Don’t let her snake her way back in.
I think without Clay, and her support, Shelli might be easier to watch. Especially if Vanessa goes home. Then she’s going to have to either work with the outsiders, or work with Austin and the twins.
Becky seems to have calmed her down, so maybe she’ll feel grateful to her (Becky) for keeping her (Shelli) Safe.
Then again, maybe she wants to castrate James. I guess it can go either way; but i’ll say i find Shelli a lot more interesting without the Ken doll hanging around.
Dang! Who knew Becky was such a BAD F’IN ASS!!!!
Well I was on board with Beckys plan until she told everyone about itโฆlet’s see how Vanessa wiggles out of this one now.
It’s not looking good for Vanessa right now. But, she does have Austin and the twins to possibly win the POV and leave noms the same. But if Van is on the block, she’s pretty certain to go home. She could get out of it though. Weirder things have happened in the BB house.
Well, her first trick was to run to Austin and lie about what Becky said to her. I am sure there are more tricks ahead this week.
Not a big fan of the backdoor plan. Wish she would’ve just thrown Vanessa and Shelli on the block together and let them fight it out for veto. That way if Vanessa wins veto (which she might very well do since she knows she’s in jeopardy this week and will fight hard) she could only save herself. Now she can win veto and save Shelli and the whole plan is toast. It is certainly fun to watch though.
I’m not sure about this backdoor plan. Becky is depending on Autism and the twins voting Vanessa out. As Shelli pointed out to Becky, they don’t always work. If she really wants Vanessa out, she should put V up with Liz. There’s 10 HG’s left and 6 get to play for Veto. So V, Autism, and twins have a good chance at one or more could play for veto, and if they won it and if Shelli and Steve are on the block, they would not use it. Goodbye Steve. With Liz on the block you neutralize the Autism twins, If one wins veto and takes Liz down you put up A or J. With V and one of them up you split the S5 votes and have a good chance of evicting V, If not the Autism twins are weakened.
That’s not true, Becky has the votes and she knows it: James, Meg, Jackie, & John
She only needs four and she’ll be the tiebreaker as the HOH.
I think she Becky has Steve’s vote too
I totally agree with you. I’m a Vanessa fan so happy that Becky hasn’t figured out what you just said … which btw is the Jmac plan.
Hard to believe XTC thinks it’s funny to use Autism as a “put down”. NOT COOL!
if on purpose, I agree, completely not cool. But when I saw it the first thing I thought of was auto-correct mishap. Not trying to make excuses for that post, my son has autism, but just trying to be open-minded.
Don’t go throwing me under the bus.
This is about the 100th + time XTC has called Austin Autism. About a week or two ago someone else threw me under the bus, and I’m still not to blame.
I know this because Tyler knows this. I caught XTC misspell his name as Austism in a post so I know it’s not my fault.
As long as Vanessa doesn’t win Veto, this plan will work. Four votes – Jackie, James, Meg, and JMac… versus the Twins, Austing, and Shelli or Steve… and Beckie will have to be deciding vote ๐
Bet money pov will be mental and Van is a beast at mental. If she’s picked the plan will most likely go out the door. Also Van now knows what Becky is planning. Bad mistake on beckys part. Will be interesting to see what “plan” vanessa comes up with.
Totally agree with your voting strategy, except, they’re expecting the double eviction this week. She doesn’t want to risk making Austin or the twins mad and having 3 people gunning for her.
The worst result in this situation is a tie.
JMac, James, Meg and Jackie vote Vanessa/Shelli.
Twins, Austin and whoever’s still in V/Shelli vote Steve.
Becky casts the vote to get out Shelli/Vanessa.
Whoever is gone is gone. Whoever remains goes back to Austin and the Twins. Austin and the Twins give her a pass because she didn’t put them up. Her alliance gives her a pass cause they need her, her only enemy is whoever pulled themself off the block Shelli or V.
End result = one enemy, versus putting Austing/Twins up and leaving 2 or potentially 3 enemies in the game.
I think she should put up Shelli and Vanessa front door. Because if Vanessa wins POV she takes herself off, but if she is not nominated if she wins POV she can take shelli off. Then her and Shelli will be safe. That would be a wasted HOH. At least if u put them both up there is a chance to get one of them out.
It’s like Vanessa’s convoluted plans are contagious. Why this elaborate ruse? You don’t trust Shelli or Vanessa then put them on the block and watch how fast they try to cannibalize each other. At this stage, it’s better to just throw up your target. Worst case scenario with her on the block and she wins veto, you aim for another of her crew.
Not ENTIRELY true. If Vanessa wins POV and take Shelli off, that will just guarantee either Austin or the twins go up as replacement. She won’t use it. If she does it’ll totally burn all her bridges. Austin will NOT let her use it or she’ll create 3 instant enemies.
No, Vanessa will take Shelli off because they will be fully expecting Jmac to be going up in place of Shelli. So, in all probability, we should be looking for a Jmac/Steve on the block in the end!!
Actually, Becky will be the surprised one if Vanessa takes Shelli off block. Her plan will have backfired because they expect her to put up Jmac.
I’m not at all confident that Beckys plan will work. She practically told the whole house. If Vanessa plays for veto, wins and takes Shelli off the block they both end up safe, then what? I doubt Shelli is going to keep this from Vanessa. I think Becky should have left Shelli in the dark and maybe put Vanessa up along side of her. I hope her plan works because I’d love to see Vanessa gone.
No, it’s smart to tell Shelli now, so that when she “saves” her ass, Shelli will not go against Becky. But Damn! Vanessa KNOWS she is the BD plan!!!! That crazy ass, medicated freak of nature can smell blood in water!!! Love how she said, oh well, I still have the votes. Wow! What kind of lawyer-gambler math are you doing?
The way you talk about Vanessa is disgusting, “freak of nature”? She’s just a person who overstrategizes and overworries. She is still a nice person who’s just trying to play a game (although too hard, I agree). All these low blows people are posting and the houseguests calling her crazy and a b*tch and other worse names are just vile. Middle schoolers.
Nasty Nessy is a crazy, vile, paranoid, nasty face making bitch!
So is your mom. And she also did a piss poor job at raising you lol
Nasty Nessy is my mom….thanks for agreeing with what i said above!
Vanessa always assumes she’s the back door plan – every week, without fail. This week is no different. She will act like she is, and try to cry her way out of every situation, while trying to push the blame for everything onto someone else (as Jmac said yesterday).
The only difference is, this week she actually IS the back door plan. But she is, because of her paranoia each week. Eventually it had to catch up to her.
And notice how we’re all going on about it? Just yesterday i personally, was screaming for Shelli to be gone. Now i’m almost unconcerned about Shelli.
Also, when Becky “saves” Shelli, that might get Shelli working with the other group. It’s either that or Austin and the twins, and Austin is not much longer for this game. Shelli could replace Austin with the twins. If only to go after James.
But it would be wiser for Shelli to align with the others, despite her anger at James, at this point.
Whatever, as long as Vanessa goes – if only for Simon and Dawg’s sake.
Hmmm I watch the feeds daily and I don’t think Van has ever TRULY felt like she was the bd plan. Not for the last few weeks anyways. And I don’t care what you say, she DEFINITELY knows now after talking to Becky. All becky did was give a very manipulative HG a heads up for the week. Not smart. She should’ve just played along with Vanessa and tried to keep her calm. Becky is already the house rat anyways, what would it hurt to simply agree with Van about the alliances? All she had to do was tell the others what was said. Instead she gave Vanessa a chance by giving her the heads up.
Becky thinks she has it all figured out. Vanessa “switches groups”. OMG these people STILL don’t see 6th sense?! What in the world would it take?? Do we need to pay a plane to send them a message? Good Lord….
Please stop using my name to post.
I have absolutely no idea how or why it put that as my name. I don’t even enter a “name”.
WTF? Why is Becky telling Shelli the plan? Watch Vanessa scurring around Audrey style now making up lies and tearing the house to shreds. Stupid move Becky. Stupid move.
With Vanessa’s manic and paranoid gameplay, does anyone else wonder how in the holy hell did she win 4 million playing poker?
No. Big brother is no where near the same game as poker lol
Poker doesn’t require a lot of human manipulation or interaction. You try to get a read on how people play strong hands versus weak and try to hide the strength of yours. You run the scenarios of what they could have with what’s on the table, which explains Vanessa’s endless talks. They have a busted flush or they getting a straight? They only play about 15% of the hands in any case.
Google Tony G vs Vanessa R. It shows a video of Vanessa winning a game of poker. She is calm and quiet in the video. The guy ran his mouth, and she was calm and handled herself like a pro is supposed to.
I love it, Becky forms her master plan and Vanessa figures it out after one conversation. She has no idea who she’s messing with.
whats vanessa gonna do with the information she got? she’s already in an alliance with everyone in the house, so thats out the window. the only thing that can save vanessa is VETO, and she cant really guarantee herself winning it, especially if she’s not picked for the veto comp.
i dont see the problem with becky telling everyone who she’s with at this point, they(becky, james, jackie and meg) were already targets to begin with and they know this. its not a shock to anyone but the people who want to be shocked by it. this might be the very first BB open alliance that makes it to the end(Not very likely).
Vanes didn’t figure out shit – she is just paranoid and every WEEK assumes she is a back door.
This week, it just happens to be true. Vanes knows she fucked up the Jason thing – then kept fucking up this past week too.
There is no great master figuring out the plan based on one convo. Just a realization of where she stands in the house due to her behavior
She compared what Becky said to her with what she said to Austin and concluded that she was the backdoor target. Becky still thinks Vanessa has no idea.
im all on board with getting rid of vanessa but why in the hell is becky telling everyone the plan and why is she telling them she’s in a group with meg, james and jackie?
lol wtf she is so stupid when it comes to Big Brother. smh
I am shocked that everyone seems to be ignoring the 3 headed monster in the twins and Austin. Helllloooo? That’s THREE people in ONE. And Becky is scared to go after them? Oh brother. They are going to make it to the end with this is the style of play. And I would HATE to see Austin make it to the end. I wouldn’t mind Julia, but Austin? No thank you.
Agree, agree. Why is she not making a deal with the rest of the house to keep her safe during double eviction, in exchange for taking out Austin or one of the twins? This whole get Vanessa out maneuver is strictly personal, and paves the road for Austin and the twins to a majority vote in the next couple weeks.
This is soooo FUNNY!
Vanessa ince again making deals:
“I would like to make some kind of deal individually.
Becky: I am done with deals and alliances. I donโt even want to hear the words again in my life!! Its not my style! BOOM! lol
Vanessa has/had so many alliances hahaha.
1. Sixthsense
2. Freaks and geeks
3. Dark moon
4. The generals
5. Vanessa/Clelli
6. Vanessa Austwins
7) Sleeper Cell
Don’t forget Van/Steve
And also the purple monkey alliance.lol
It’s hysterical how Becky shut that shit down with the quickness when Van tries a last ditch effort to resort to the “Generals”. When Becky was all about it, Van gave her a half assed assurance regarding that alliance & now she wants to go all in hahaha! Seriously Van,sit down you over played your hand! Get her Becky!
Vanessa’s favorite words:
1. I didn’t do anything
2. I’m good at sticking to my word
3. Blood on my hands
4. I respect you for that!
5. Who is your target?
6. Who is your target next week?
7. Let’s make a deal
8. Let’s make each other safe
9. What can I offer you?
10. Seriously? Youre going to go up there and throw my name under the bus like seriously? I would never do that to you *cries* thats it i’m done
At the end of the day.
That was BeastCowboy’s favorite line.
And Van says it at least 20 times a day
Oh my, the lies. She’s melting….she’s melting.
And when those 101 clichรฉs don’t work she’s uses
1. I’m tired
2. They scrambled my brain
3.I’m on my period
4.No one lies to me (I’m the only one who gets a pass)
5. I got blood on my hands saving you
6. i heard someone is putting you up
7. I need more disinfectant spray
8. Spew rant with googly eyes
9. My 54 alliances will save me
10. I goofed and threw you under bus
11.I “slipped” and outed the alliance
Doth thou protest too much. Vanessa never really listens to anyone, has no intention to work as a team, does not respect anyone, doesn’t own her cray cray but humiliates everyone else.
Poker players who talk too much lose. She might have found a game she can’t talk her way out of because it requires building some genuine trust with someone not threats intimidation and double speak deception. Likability, warmth, predictability real security are qualities lacking in her game. I used to admire Vanessa’s game then we got to know her better. Even her sobbing over missing her girlfriend was a manipulation, she’s no dummy, she’s playing a cold reptile masquerade.
Own it like it for what it really is, it’s your vote. Not everyone has to like it. Some like to watch pythons devour live animals, for some it turns the stomach. Whether Becky makes the right moves or not, get ready for the feeding frenzy, Vanessa Shelli will show their true stripes or scales!
I don’t like back door plans either. I would nominate Vanessa with Steve, and have Austin or one of the twins as a back door option just in case.
Nahhhh I wouldn’t be too worried about Shelli. She feels alone after Clay left. I think Shelli is probably gonna try and chill out and not make herself noticed this week. If Vanessa finds out by chance she will probably freak out again, run her mouth and give people even more of a reason to target her. It seems there are 4 groups going on sorta. James, Jackie, Meg, then Van, Shelli, and formally Clay, Austin and the twinsuhhhhh, and Steve Becky and Jmac. The shifts in power have been very interesting this season. Not to shabby, not bad at all.
Looking forward to seeing Shelli’s game play without her “little brother Clay”.
Cut to 3 months from now Meg, James, Jackie and Becky finish watching all the episodes from this season.
James: “So did Vanessa and them guys have a six person alliance?”
Meg: No, why would you even think that?
Jackie: I don’t think so.
Becky: There’s no way they could have hidden that from us.
lol. My favorite post today.
Vanessa already knows she is the backdoor plan she doesnt need Shelli to tell her. You can’t read Vanessa saying “I am the backdoor plan”.
Becky is as Vanessa said a horrible game player.
Lmmfao at you all when Nessa is still in the house next week. Enjoy your misguided excitement haters.
Will be a fun week watching Becky get herself one step closer to being back at the mall folding clothes.
Your delusions are both humorous and sad. Bless your heart.
Becky has the right TRAIN of thought in wanting to put up Vanessa. I certainly hope that the train has left the station for Van and that she is evicted next week. If Becky doesn’t strike now against Van and Shell, she’ll be railroaded by them eventually. Becky was a beast at the HOH comp, she must’ve really trained for it!
Vanessa is the Amanda of this season. PSYCHO!!! And Becky it’s not a secret if you tell everybody about the backdoor plan. Why haven’t anyone considered splitting up the twins?
I’m surprised Vanessa is naive enough to think she has votes if the she is ( and she is ) the backdoor target. Man I hope she goes home this week!
Things backfired last week and I have a feeling things will backfire this week.
Vanessa saved The Twin twist, Austin, and Shelli. Also, she has been giving Steve more confidence in himself. Lots of people owe her. Should be interesting how it all plays out.
Pawn?! She doesn’t have the freaking numbers to use pawns! Put your two biggest targets up or else the pawn will go home!
I’m going to have a stroke…
Lol seriously Becky and/or Meg were the worst case scenarios for hoh this week. So stupid! Uggghhh
James, is a US Army Vet and a prison guard in Wichita Fall, TX.
Becky says Iโm sorry I f**king hate Vanessa! She is the one and only person I want to see leave this game
Steve is just so blah. He is a weirdo who needs to go. Just a random a-hole who is happy to be hanging out with cool kids.
If they have any chance of winning, they need to stick to this plan. Slowly tear them down.
So Steve is going home Thursday.
Some of them should have very little faith that people that don’t really have that deep of a connection with really wants to work with them in the game at this point. Like in the case of Becky with the twins, I get she is trying to have some sort assurance of protection. But who is to say anyone will keep their word in the house at this point and with how the season has gone. It’s too late in the game for that and that’s on reason James didn’t even leave the option open to put up Vanessa and Shelli up as a duo, thinking he had some glimmer of hope to try to work with Vanessa and the house even after what Audrey said about a big alliance seems evident.
I hope Becky’s plan goes through especially after she beasted out that comp.But I have my doubts. I’ve always kind of liked a couple of things about her ,but she’s missing that edge I wish she had. She only really has it when she really dislikes someone or something they did. She seems to be a person who doesn’t like certain principles she believes being crossed .But she’s leaving too much wiggle room and seem to be underestimating both Shelli and Vanessa. She’s not fearless enough to put Shelli and Vanessa up with an option to put one of the twins up as a back up. I want to see what happens in the next day or two. Right now, with Clay gone, Shelly star may rise even higher than before esp. if they get out Vanessa. I always thought maybe she would have been more likable without dragging him around with her claws in him.They both had entitled attitudes as one and he was being a straight up immature lazy ass. But individually, I can see Shelly integrating herself back in and being hard to get rid of with some of them having such a high school mentality in how they view their role in he social in there.
If Becky pulls off Shelli and puts Vanessa as a replacement Here are the votes
Shelli-Votes For Vanessa to stay
Austin + Twins =Vanessa to stay
James ,Meg, Jackie Johnny Mac =Vote for Steve to stay
Becky breaks the tie and votes out Vanessa
Either way its a 4 way vote so even if Vanessa wins it another 6 th sense alliance member will go up…. (Austin and twins possibly )
this is shaping up to be a hilarious week with lots of crying both in the house and in the fan sites
Best lines from this update that has me lmfao:
“Steve says Iโm nervous tonight and then I hate you tomorrow. Nighty Night you bit*h! See now Iโm practising!”
I fear for Steve!!
IMHO I believe Becky is SAYING what she will do, but has another plan that she is not telling anyone!
Becky says Iโm sorry I f**king hate Vanessa! She is the one and only person I want to see leave this game
Now THAT works just fine !!!! Stay on that path Becky !!
I hope Shelli takes this life line and rises from the ashes. I’d still like to see Shelli, Becky, and JohnMac in an alliance together. They can throw Steve in for a F4.
Just please get rid of James, Meg, and Van.
“Steve whispers to himself that he would have the votes if he was sitting next to Shelli. This folks is why you throw comps to look like a weak competitor.”
Oh Steve! And we thought your argument over the past few weeks — saving Austin, then Shelli — was to keep the bigger targets in the house?
But I do agree that he should have the votes against Shelli or Vanessa.
The numbers are dropping so it’s time to start removing the big threats. Plus Steve wanted some left for him to put on the block for a final speech boost.
I mean you don’t want to say your biggest move was beating Meg in a comp…
I sure hope this plan works. My mind is so worn out by all of this back and forth sh!*. I feel like I’ve been in a competition.
Kind of impressed that Vanessa knows that she’s about to get backdoored, without anyone telling her. But the true test comes on whether she can wiggle her way out here.
If Becky really wants to accomplish anything, she should just straight up nominate both Shelli and Vanessa at the same time. Steve and Shelli is very risky. If any of the twins or Vanessa win, they can keep the nominations the same.
I am really confuse where Steve stand… Is he Johnny mac side?(thumbs up) or Vanessa side?(thumbs down)
Honestly it doesn’t matter if Vanessa figures it out and starts running around trying to twist everyone’s thoughts. She’s done way too much lying, flip flopping and just talking in general. Everyone has her figured out at this point and realize she is too much of a wild card to keep or depend on her word…. Unless she wins veto she’s done .
another HOH that doesnt see the bigger picture. SHELLI AND VANESSA ARE TOGETHER, if vanessa wins POV and saves shelli, SHE CANT BE NOMINATED. who are they going to target next? it cant be one of the twins or austin because they will stay due to van alliance. such a waste. here we go again taking out a floater instead of an actual target, how incompetent. SHELLI AND VAN NEED TO GO UP TOGETHER.
Thank you Simon and Dawg. I gave in last night and bought the live feeds through your site. I appreciate the hard work.
Once Shelli goes on the block she is going to run to Vanessa and tell her everything Becky told her. Vanessa will freak out of course and go crazy trying to get Becky to target someone else maybe even Shelli.
Why is everyone sacred of the twins seriously? Who cares if Austin and Julia are coming after that person, they can’t even win shit so get out Liz or Austin ugh! One of them is going to win Big brother 17 if they don’t get them out ASAP!
For sure Austin isn’t winning anything. I’m kinda surprised how bad he is at comps actually. BUT the twins arent too bad. I could see them winning one. But Austin NO. lol
And that’s been my point: Why in the world aren’t the threesome being dissected? They were worried about Clay and Shelli duo but are ok with a threesome staying in? lol So stupid.
I don’t know how stupid of a move it is really. Becky isn’t dumb enough to put one of her votes up on the block this week (Jmac, James, Jackie, Meg). So she has the votes regardless to control who goes. Telling Shelli the plan gives her enough reason to vote her out if she spills the beans and doesn’t get pulled of the block. Even if Steve does end up going home, it’s a still a hit to the 6 even of Becky doesn’t realize it. I see Becky being smarter then James in that if Vanessa does with the veto and pull shelli off, and Austwin will have I go up in her place to void losing one of her own numbers.
It is not the most graceful plan, no denying it. But I have a feeling Beast Mode Becky with manage to keep all the power this week. If she pulls Steve and puts up Vanessa all on her own, I will be die hard Becky all the way to the end. The best players this season have only just started playing. And the ones who played early are taking the most heat. I have issues with the rat game, more so when it’s a floater ratting and not someone with a solid alliance like Vanessa. But remember folks, Becky like binged on BB hardcore before coming in her. I see a patchwork blanket of different strategies coming from this girl and so far it seems to be working for her.
Everyone seems pretty mixed on this, but I like Jackie. She might not be the best player but I don’t know there is just something about her personality that I can’t help but love. Maybe it’s because she seems to be actually enjoying herself at the same time as she’s playing the game. The two don’t usually go hand in hand, but is rather one or the other.
I’m not sure that Becky should have sd so much a to Vanessa to Shelli it may come back to bite her the butt. If Vanessa win pov she could use it on Shelli and they both will be safe. Her only chance would’ve to plant a seed of doubt with Vanessa that Shelli is playing both sides. Vanessa paranoid as azz may not use the veto on Shelli bcz she will come up with a 1000 scenarios. Vanessa looks like she having a mental meltdown!
It doesn’t matter…worst case, the votes will be tie and Becky will vote out who she wants. She will not put up James, Meg, Jackie or John, no even if Van saved Shelly she will put up Austin or one of the twins. The vote ends up a tie. Becky and her side is sitting pretty this week.
Becky is way too full of herself. She’s very conceited … She thinks she is the smartest person in the house. She constantly talks about herself and her accomplishments. She will get in her own way of this game. She talks about Vanessa being in everyone’s game when in fact that is what Becky has done. She takes way too much for granite.
And the fact is, she thinks she has everyone pegged, but yet cant even see a large alliance right in front of her face! It’s so annoying. No wonder shes been laying low, and playing the rat. She has ONE conversation with Van, and Van knows immediately wants happening! Becky is just bad at this game.
Exactly. This HOH will make her big ego BIGGER. She can say hateful things about Vanessa but underestimates her strategic game play. She’s much more interested in her attempt to look clever and crafty in this game than playing with discretion and humility. Which she desperately lacks.
Think of the large alliance as a train. She didn’t see that coming either.
“Vanessa says obviously you know how good I am at sticking to my word.” LOL was vanessa really serious when she told becky this?
steve has got to be the stupidest BB player ever if he throws the veto thinking he has the votes to stay, even stupider than meg. one thing is good, seems like the entire house is mad at vanessa, FINALLY.
it seemed they were going to vote out shelly last week but they didn’t even manage 1 vote
there will be alot of big talk but in the end nothing much will happen
well clay was going to self evict anyway, he threaten to physically hit james, and he kept telling everyone to vote his ass out, this isnt the same situation. once veto is played or not, it will determine who will leave. the possibility of a tie vote is very very high this time around, so HOH will have control. and steve/shelli/vanessa all want to play the game, unlike clay.
Hey Simon, I was wondering why in the grid of 16 BB HG photos, you don’t include Jace?
Who’s Jace?
No other spots to include him… Big Brother did the same thing with Jace’s photo on the memory wall.
I have a feeling Becky’s BD plan will backfire – it’s too risky to have only Shelli OR Vanessa on the block, too many variables working in S & V’s favor and against the HG’s that need them gone!
I don’t have feeds so I miss a lot, hope it’s an interesting week none the less.
Side note – Shelli was wearing her competition runners (along with all the other HG’s except for James and Clay last night). Her smugness and fake tears sickens me…
My favorite players: James & Jackie
My least favorite players: Shelli, Vanessa, & Liz
van is allin time to dig in win the veto and its bye bye to becky no clue should have kept her mouth shut now van knows shes the target and shelie will tell van bad move becky
When the feeds left off yesterday, it seemed like Jackie, Becky, JMac, and prob Meg were all going to vote to evict Shelli (despite Clay asking otherwise). What happened at the last second that made them vote to evict Clay? Does anyone know???? Was James pissed?
Just a reminder to everyone: If you are able, donate to Simon and Dawg. They do a great job!!! I’ve relied on them for years, ahd hopefully years to come. Thanks
van didnt win 4 million being stupid she has to much info this will blow up in beckys face allin
What’s wrong with Becky??I think she’s got running of the mouth disease…First she should of NEVER confided in Shelli. Second She should put up Liz and Shelli with a backdoor of VanessA. If the nominations stand without the veto used, it would be jackie, james, johnymac, meg, voting out shelli, and austin, julia, liz, vanessa voting out steve so the deciding vote would be Becky, and I don’t know how she’d go with that. Come on Becky don’t you know you got to break the twins up…they’re all gunning for your side of the HOUSE!!!
I hope Vanessa leaves this week!! But what if she comes back ugh!
This is gonna blow up right in Becky’s face, just like that train did. Becky puts up Shelli/Steve and just watch Liz or Julia or even Austin or Vanessa get the POV. Vanessa stays in the game. This is a train wreck waiting to happen !!
At this rate its going to be Vanessa & Shelli in the Final 2.
Becky is playing this all wrong. Stop telling EVERYONE the plan and stop trusting Shelli who you know is up Vanessa’s knit hat. There are still too many variables and loose canons for her to try to backdoor Vanessa. You can’t trust Austin and the twits (not a typo) and if either Shelli or Vanessa win the Veto you need a brand new plan. Put them both up or put Shelli up with someone like Liz (like James should have done last week) so you have more control over the possible scenarios.
Since Vanessa figured out that she might be the backdoor target, wouldn’t that look bad on Shelli because Becky might think that Shelli spilled the beans to Vanessa? Ugh.
although it frustrates me that Becky completely ignored the plan and opened her big mouth….
I think it could be a good thing. if Shelli is taken off the block, they can put up a twin. I still believe the best move this week is to somehow remove a twin/Austin from the house. the more weeks they go allowing a solid group of 3 to vote together….you are handing them the game…
Simon or Dawg,
Thank you so much for everything you do. I watch the live feeds but it still hard to really understand what is happening. I like how you summarize everything.
I do have a question though, Do you have a timestamp for when Clay and JMac were very first talking before everything blew up.
Thank you
They talked at 1:50pm camera 1 & 2 yesterday
These morons have not figured this game out at all. Becky is one in a long line of HOH’s to get HOHitis. You are not a dictator as HOH, you still need the house to vote out your target, contrary to what Jackie might think. If the play is either Shelli or Van, put them both up. If either wins POV, put up Liz. Worst case scenario you break up the BIG 3 person voting block of the twins and Austin. I can’t believe that no one is even targeting that group of three. At least you can get another member of the 6th Sense out of the house. The fact that James Jackie and Sweet Meg have not figured that out is mind boggling.
BTW I think Van just made a final 2 deal with herself. That should cover all her bases.
Thanks Simon and Dawg!!! Great site
Exactly!! I still crack up every time I think of Jackie saying “everyone has to do what James says”! Lol what? He no longer had a bit of power. Drive me crazy! And stop trying to Backdoor! Just put two people up that you wouldn’t mind see go home and pull up another if one of them gets taken down. Jeesh!!!
Simon and/or Dawg, any thoughts on the 3:35AM leak from the DR about James being America’s Player ?
WHOA! Thanks for letting us know about it!! I didn’t hear that last night!? I just flashed back .. that’s crazy! It sounds like they’re bring back america’s player.. interesting!!
July 7 3:35am – James “What!? America’s Player Card!” Production “Congratulations”
Becky’s plan is too risky. There are a lot of things that she can’t control. Just put Vanessa and Shelli up. If Austwins win POV, they won’t use it because they wouldn’t want to risk one of them going up. That way, if Vanessa wins POV, she still has Shelli on the block. The drama would be incredible with the two of them on the block front door style.
What I don’t get is why she would swear James, Jackie, JMac and Meg to secrecy about her plan and then tell Steve and Shelli about the plan. I like that at least she told Vanessa not to tell Shelli she is going up against Steve and told Shelli not to tell Vanessa she is the backdoor option. I think Vanessa has figured it out anyways.
I knew that Vanessa was going to get herself into trouble with her need to control everything and stir up confusion. She made it really obvious that she wanted to keep Shelli in the house, with all of her pointless drama she made herself a target and didn’t change the outcome. Clay still would have begged to be sent home, Shelli would still be in the house, and she wouldn’t have pissed of JMac and James. Now she is the biggest target because she just couldn’t chill out and let things play out without trying to control everything. Nothing she did made any difference to the outcome. She was so scared of DE, which didn’t happen, and it all might have cost her the game. I knew this would happen sooner or later, never imagined Becky would be the one to try and take her down. Now we will see how Vanessa plays when she is in danger and not in power or manipulating the power.
Shelie is one of the strongest players both socially and competitively yet someone always seems to be a bigger target. That is how she will end up winning this game. I think Becky sees this and wants to ride her coat tails. Becky told her the plan to see if she can be trusted and if she can watch Becky hang on her. As far as Vannessa goes she has ruined her game with her emotions and paranoia. She believes your either with her or against her there is no in between.
Becky should put up both Vanessa and Shelli on the block to start with, then if one of them gets taken oFf the block with a veto, put up one of the Autism trio on the block as a pawn. This would ensure that the remaining person (Van or Shelli) would be evicted with almost a unanimous decision.
If Becky doesn’t do this her week as HOH will be a waste and I have a warning for her:
I watched a really awkward conversation with Shelli and the twins/Austin. I think Steve was there too. Shelli was telling everyone about how Clay looks exactly like her brother, her brothers are so hot, Clay has the same gestures and quirks, he is so adorable, I love him. The reaction from the twins was kind of like my own reaction: shock and ewwwwwww. I can’t believe she hasn’t picked up on how creepy it is that she is attracted to someone that reminds her of her brother, she really shouldn’t be admitting it on the live feeds, because it is icky. I was calling them the Lannister twins before I knew Clay looked like Shelli’s twin brother. Now I just can’t shake the comparison. At least we don’t have to watch Clay anymore. He was real douche last night, he pretty much called Meg a ho on tv. Even Julie was shocked.
Simon and/or Dawg, so SORRY I forgot to say THANK YOU for all your updates! THANK YOU!!!!
You’re welcome ๐ ๐
I can see Austin and the twins making it far. Austin has changed his game since Vanessa almost put him up and judas was outed. Both sides have other targets and everyone sees them as 3 votes. Liz might get used as a pawn for Austin and Julia’s votes but I’m seeing one of those 3 in final 4 if not better. They are laying low now and making no enemies. Everyone wants them on their side. They can just sit back and let the 2 sides fight it out. Everyone thinks they will vote the same in jury so no one wants to be the one that sends them to jury. I like jmac and Jackie better than jmac and Becky. I see Jackie being much smarter than Becky if she could just win I would love to see how Jackie handles a solo HOH.
I thought last week was awesome, but this week could potentially be one of those moments , that you have at a restaurant when you have just eaten and are completely full, but then they show you the desert menu and you suddenly have room for that three layer chocolate cake…. This week is that desert!!!
The funniest part about Clay leaving is that he probably would have won that HOH if they didn’t vote him out and the 6 would have been safe. LOL
isnt it ironic?
It’s true Vanessa has gone from brilliant strategist to batsh*t crazy, But if she does leave, I’ll probably forget about checking the feeds. Why watch Meg, Jackie and JMac sleep all day while the Austwins whine and work out. Becky is a super rat, but rats do win BB
I still believe good bye Steve.
She could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence with those things.
Becky has a good plan since Vanessa is the main competition. However,Too many things can go wrong.
And by the Two-Headed Dragon I mean Shelli and Vanessa. Come on, how many lives does the orange tan face have and I’m tired of Vanessa’s musical numbers. Perhaps that’s why she’s not a billionaire by playing poker and only made around 4 million. She plays the same game over and over so it can work on new people but eventually people catch on. And not to mention her behavior after a minute of not being control. She does not handle stress or pressure very well. I hope she goes, let her be the end to her own demise.
They both got carried away and took a bigger bite than they could chew the moment they sent Jason home. They didn’t know how to hold back their power trips ultimately did this to themselves. Shelli saving Audrey so long and Vanessa making fake deals left and right and of course they gave themselves away with the final blow of Jason.
Good Riddance!
I hope neither win POV and if a pawn is up, the pawn goes down and Vanessa goes up.
Only made millions?? Lol wtf? Gosh Vanessa sucks at life.
I have a question. If Vanessa wins veto and pulls Shelli off, can Becky put Vanessa on the block?
It’s not surprising that Becky’s thought is backdoor. It’s what she wanted to do when she was co-HOH with shelli. Becky wanted to backdoor Audrey for insinuating that Becky was racist. The only problem is that this is the stage of the game where things can go haywire. This is the point where pawns can go home. Let’s say Austin or twins or Vanessa play in pov. let’s say one of them wins and chooses to leave the noms the same. Then you’ve got two decoys on the block and your plan is ruined.
God my brain is so much more ruthless than these people. Me personally if I was HoH this week and Vanessa was my target I would have flat out put up the twins and use Austin’s feelings against all three of them to get what I wanted. Like last week to insure Shelli went home I would have used the veto and put up Liz so I was guaranteed the votes I needed.
Easy steps:
1) Fill in James, Johnny Mac,Jackie and Meg that Vanessa is the target and you are putting up both twins to force some hands…. and lock in those votes to be used to evict Vanessa and say that I am using those locked in votes to pressure Austin and the twins to NOT use Vanessa as the Houseguest choice because if they do, it is just going to send one of the sisters home…. because if she wins it and saves a twin the other is going that week. the 4 votes are locked in and I will do it. (Honestly the way the game is going what do you have to loose with a little heartlessness.)
2) Pull Austin and the twins into the HoH to make a deal. If Vanessa comes up with them “Vanessa we can talk later I just need to talk to Austin and the twins if you don’t mind. I will fill you in on it all later.” then point out to the twins what the deal is. I am nominating both twins the veto will be used to save a twin and Vanessa will go up as the replacement nominee. If one of them gets Houseguest choice chose Austin because if they pick Vanessa and she wins PoV then I will replace a twin with Austin and a twin will go home and as far as I am feeling knowing what I have just told you it is like saying that you are OK with your sister to go home to save Vanessa, I have (4) votes locked in that is a tie, I will choose to evict one of the sisters in that situation and I do not believe that is the case. You do not tell Vanessa because if she knows and I find out, and I will because people in this house can not shut up… a twin go’s home. This is just business do not tempt things just to save Vanessa’s game because one of you will pay the price…. Have a nice night.
3) Nominate the twins
4) Have the PoV used to save a twin
5) Say goodbye to Vanessa or a twin if they call my bluff.
Doing what Becky is doing leaves too many holes to not guarantee what she wants. If you want Vanessa out or to take a Big Dog like Shelli out… you need to play it like a Bg Dog… It’s not personal just business.