Jackie – It’s scary Meg is going up , Jeff – She already knows .. They’re not dumb

POV Holder: JohnnyMac Next POV ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 6th
HOH Winner Team 1: Becky HOH Winner Team 2: Shelli
Nominations 1 : Steve, Jason Nominations 2: Day, JohnnyMac
Battle of the Block Winner Steve & Jason Next HOH/ Next BOB July 9th / ?
Original Nominations: Day, JohnnyMac
Current Nominations: ?, ?
Have Nots Steve, Jason, James and Meg

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7:37pm Jeff and Shelli

Shelli – did you cut your hair… it’s so pretty
Clay – if you like it i’ll keep it
Shelli says she’s uncomfortable working out in the backyard with everyone watching. She use to working out in her home and doing cardio at the gym.
Clay starts telling her about HIIT cardio and how she probably wants to do that.

Shelli says the workout Jace did was great “I loved it… it’s exactly what I do.. then he did circuits I don’t like circuits ”

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7:53pm Jeff and Jackie
Jeff saying he should have worn sunscreen he got a sunburn
Jackie says she still has his basketball shorts from when they were on Amazing race, “I wore them.. I almost brought them”
Jeff says Meg already knows she’s going up. So does jason and James, ‘They’re not dumb”
Jeff saying that Shelli thinks Jason and James are still in the dark about Meg going up. Jackie is worried about Meg being nominated says it’s scary that meg is going up
Jeff isn’t worried Meg is safe

Jeff shows how much seen he’s gotten.

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8:13pm Audrey, Day, Meg, Jason, Jackie.
Backyard JAson joking that they picked this year’s cast at gold’s gym, Him James and Meg were the only ones who went through th4e casting process.
Meg says she likes spin classes. Jason saw a “Spin Vine before”
(Meg continues to say how much she misses going out having drinks)

Audrey – I wish we could build something
Audrey and jason leave.. Meg and Day left alone. (Most likely the nominees)

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Jeff doing a workout says he’s never done this before. Austin says he’s doing great you can’t tell at all he’s new to the movement.

JohnnyMAc and Vanessa are working out off to the side.
Not following the conversation but JohnnyMac jokingly saying he only wears a bra when he’s getting weird

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8:39pm Becky has tight back muscles.. Austin helps her relax them. Says she needs to passively relax them if she actively relax them it will get worse. Becky and Austin say Jeff wore the sexiest shirt when working out.

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8:46pm Audrey and Clay
ASking who her replacement nomination is, ‘It’s not me”. Clay says she (Shelli) would never do that to you
Audrey – I’m going to win HOH and this house is going to freak out.
Asks her what would Clay want to happen if Austin side wins HOH.

Audrey – Austin is really worried you guys are putting him up
Audrey warns if they put up Austin there’s a good chance Da can flip the vote and get him out.
CLay – I know that ..
Clay doesn’t give her any information.

Audrey grabs her medication walks to the kitchen asks Jason if he wants some “Boobs.. Boob Pills”

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Dude Brah… Dude.. Dude Brah

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9:10pm Jeff and Austin
They start trying to figure out who America’s player is. Jeff seems convinced there is because America isn’t voting for have nots food.
Austin points out the single vote to JAce was Audrey and she’s most likely America’s player. Jeff agrees “Why would she makes up that many rumours”
Jeff says he’s got Meg and Jason.
Austin – what about Jackie
Jeff – Jackie is really tight with BEcky
Austin has been getting closer to Becky
They agree Becky is a beast in competitions.

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9:24pm Bunch of the guys playing pool.. Jeff doing a lot of thej talking saying mostly Dude and Bro…
Jeff saying when you do weird sh1t some girls are pretty receptive..
Jeff – Austin is your life outside a lot like Mama’s boy
Austin says he doesn’t smoke weed

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9:28pm sad

9:45pm Jeff, Da, Jason, Meg, and JAmes Backyard.
(just to highlight the type of conversations going on tonight)
Jeff – Dude Constructions is Dude I have a lot of respect to those guys they’re badasses..
Jeff – Dude the guys that make a lot of money and didn’t go to college.. They worked at the power plant.
James – or the oil fields
James – I just want to keep the crazy aways when I get out I’ll have a fanbase of a million. (He’s joking)
Jeff laughs says if he wasn’t on the show he would follow James.

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10:13pm Liz and Steve have been play fighting

Steve – this is not fair.. I’m not allowed to hit you

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10:28pm Backyard Jeff, Jason, Day, Meg and clay

They talk about Steve being fine on Slop it’s not bothering him as much as it’s bothering the rest of the have nots.

10:39pm JEff breaks the elliptical machine. (Later fixes it)
James comes back from the toilet says he went in right after Jackie “She blew it up”
James adds he “Blew” it up right after Jackie did.

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10:48pm James and Da
Da asks him “How’s it looking”
James says it’s not looking good. Nobody is talking about it almost like the decision has already been made. James doens’t know who is going up he doesn’t think they will tell him because they knew he would tell Day.
James reassures Day he will vote for her.

Da hopes they put Audrey up because then she has a chance. She says if they can get Audrey out the three of them will “Run the house”
Da says there’s only two people she’s given her loyalty to. It’s Jason and James. She knows they are fighting for her and she would fight for them to.
James is worried the house doesn’t like Jason as much. He’s worried If Day goes Jason would be close behind.
Day thinks Jason will be lost and they will try and pull Jason in.

Da – It sucks… It sucks so bad
James – I know

11:10pm Backyard, JohnnyMac, Jason, Da, Jeff, Meg and James
James – I may not look good but I make I make good suff.

11:12pm Austin and LIz
Comparing notes. Austin says James is his number one target calls rude to women, inconsiderate of people sleeping “He’s the worst”

11:13am hammock Shelli and VAnessa
Vanessa says she never talks strategy with Audrey. Shelli says sometimes Audrey would talk game to her but Shelli has her mind made up. VAnessa warns that Audrey will use whatever she can against you later.
11:29pm Jackie and Becky Join them

11:48pm Feasting on all the eggs Austin has made

11:57pm Hammock Shelli and Vanessa
Shelli says she’s been trying to avoid Audrey’s game talking.
Vanessa and Shelli agree it was mob mentality that took over when people were attacking Audrey.
Shelli – Blew over really fast
They agree they cannot name one thing that Audrey did wrong. They both think the whole things was exaggerated and mean to Audrey.
VAnessa says Audrey is in a desperate position but is still dangerous.
Shelli brings up Clay cluing in on how Audrey tries to extract information from people.
They can only think of Audrey making up the girls alliance. They agree that wasn’t so bad.

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12:09Am Bathroom Da, James and Jeff

Da – I don’t mind leaving.. but to leave before her (Audrey) after all the sh1t she did that’s a hard pill to swallow
James – hard pill to swallow
Da – It’s like she never did anything
Jeff – You know we’re all on the same page
12:14am Jeff and James in the bathroom. Jeff is thinking it’s Audrey that has been spreading they meet late at tnight.
Jeff – She’s back to her old ways
They head into the have not to tell Meg (whose sleeping)
Jeff explains to her that Liz commented today while at the pool table that she was going to hang out with the “night Owls” meaning Jeff, Jason, James and Meg.

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21 thoughts to “Jackie – It’s scary Meg is going up , Jeff – She already knows .. They’re not dumb”

  1. Johnny Mac pulling away in the poll ???? Hell Yea!!!

    The one thing I love about the shows is we get to see the DR sessions and clearly Johnny Mac knows what he is doing. He has an awesome personality and is playing a solid first couple weeks.

    Team #IncognitoDentist Johnny MAC !!!!!

  2. After the extremely fast schedule of Thurs night/Friday to get all the comps in, the house has been treading water the last few days, but as soon as the veto ceremony happens and the telephone appears in the house, things are going to get crazy again.

    I can’t wait to see how they all make wild guesses at what the ringing phone means…and the paranoia that will follow:)

    1. Becky gave away a little secret when she said that when production said she had to have clothes without logos, she told them she didn’t have the money to buy new clothes so they helped her out. Sun 7/5 11:43pm on flashback. As soon as she said it, they went to fish.

      I love how production is always trying to keep their personal deals with HG’s a secret, but we inevitably find out:)

    1. I like Steve, but Austin…..he is a gossip and follower of Frick and Frack who have to go downstairs to live with the minions next week. Austin would not put Frick and Frack on the block, or Audrey. I wish Big Brother would buy Austin some shirts that button up.

      1. I agree. I really want to like Austin but then he opens his mouth about game to everyone. The most annoying part is him hurting Van’s game. He keeps telling everyone him and Van are close.. why??? Even Shelli has kept her relationship with Van pretty quiet except for with Clay.

  3. Can someone tell me how this season is compared to other seasons so far? And how BBCan3 was compared to first 2 seasons

    1. This season is off to a great start compared to the last few BBUS seasons. BBCAN3 was the WORST BBCAN season so far. It was blatantly rigged and we all knew who was gonna win a long time ago. It was very poorly scripted as well.

      1. It’s kind of hard to rate this season when it’s only been 2 weeks, but it is starting out better than any other BBUS since season 14. The best BBCAN season was season 2. That season makes my top 10 list of best BB seasons of all time. Season 3 there was an awesome cast but there was too much manipulation and too many game ending twists, but the comps and tasks are more fun than BBUS which has way too much down time between competitions, noms and eviction. It sucks when the viewers and production have that much influence in the game. At least there are no returning HG this season.

  4. This is why Shelli – Is my least favorite player! – The fact that she can sit there and openly say that she doesn’t believe Audrey hasn’t done anything wrong over anyone else after she was called out for it by Jace first and then by Mama Day and Jason goes to show you how clueless she really is!!! Really?! I’ve seen goldfish smarter than that! Can’t wait for her ass to be on the block and out the door!

    1. Technically Audrey really hasn’t done anything wrong. She was playing the game (terribly) but was still playing. She planted seeds about people to cause rifts and get everyone not to trust each other.. how is that so wrong that she deserves to be out casted from everyone?? Jason and Day and the others in their clique talk a lot more meanly about the other hgs that Audrey. Yes I completely understand why no one wants to talk game with her but that doesn’t mean you have to shun her altogether. I think that is the point Shelli and Van were getting out. What has she done that was that bad? They were talking about on a personal level.

      1. i’m going to leave right and wrong out of this. Audrey got caught in multiple lies. if you’re going to lie in big brother, don’t get caught. she lied too much, and made lies that were actually not beneficial to her game, but just lies for the sake of lying.
        result: Audrey isolated herself. sure, people didn’t want to be aligned with her anymore, and people didn’t want to talk with her, because she twisted every conversation into a lie. they didn’t tell Audrey to go lie in bed and act the victim to soak up sympathy from the weak minded. that was all Audrey. she intentionally played that card.
        why feel sympathetic for somebody that played week one horribly and got caught playing horribly? why feel sympathetic for somebody that isolates themselves in order to manipulate sympathy?
        sure, Audrey is good at manipulation and twisting tall tales. but she’s been outed for it. she practically dared da’vonne to call a house meeting about her lies, and then cried poor me when da’vone gave her what she asked for. the true test here: did she apologize to the people she lied about? no. instead she whined that other people were setting her up.
        she can’t be forgiven if she refuses to apologize and be repentant. therefore she doesn’t deserve sympathy. where was her ’empirical evidence’ when she tossed out the racist card?
        she had none. no sympathy.

  5. Vanessa she´s (Audrey) try hurt you game badly and you think what happen are “exaggerated and mean” this pills you take damage your “genius” brain. YOU´RE IN THE DARK LOOL

  6. Hi Simon/Dawg,
    Signed up for the live feeds through your site. Love the work you do on the site. You guys are the best!

  7. I usually don’t have this happen with Big Brother, but, I don’t dislike anyone yet… more apathy. There are a few that I like. There are also a group of players that have merged into one blah person and even though they do not look like each other at all (except the twins)… I have a horrible time following them because it is like they are same person for me… Shell, Becky, Liz and Meg… it’s weird they are just all the same woman to me. I find it hard to follow them because there is nothing distinctive for me.
    I like Jason, but I do wish they would just cast a masculine gay man not because I am a believer in the whole stupidity we have in the gay community about masculine vs. feminine and casting more effeminate men as unattractive or weaker (completely incorrect I know some hot guys with a little sugar in their tank. and I know some effeminate men I would really not want to miss off because they can fight.). I just wish we could have a hay man that wrks out and isn’t that bubbly love child of Judy Garland on meth and Alexis Colby Warrington Colby Dexter Carrington Dexter… for gay people also the hottest guy that is gay we have had was Will Wilkie… I know some great gay men that have auditioned for Big Brother with great vibrant personalities that make men like Clay, Drew and Cody look like Mojo the Rat face Boy…. yet there seems to be a Big Brother rule that says the real hot guys must be straight. That being said Jason is soon much better that Frankie Grande… so much better.

    I like Da’Vonne… quite frankly I would rather have Da’Vonne stay because she really is more interesting than Meg. She needs some good advise on how to play.
    I like Vanessa… I think she is very savvy but she really is playing a Derrick game… that might get old eventually… not her game but how clueless other people will be about it.

    Out of the guys next to Jason my favorite guy is Austin. I know he is making some mistakes… but I think his biggest problem is all on the outside. He is actually the most witty and respectful of the guys.

    Steve I hate to say this as much as I love Steve… I know not to close because he has first Jury member written all over him.

    Jeff and James are douche bags. I had hope for James but he really is icky. I also think him and Jeff are scumbags and not trustworthy the good new is these two will stab each other in the back and it will be bras gone bad. Clay… have you ever been on a date that was extremely hot but they were so boring your penis fell asleep… That is what Clay is for me. Date over time to ask for the check (yawn)

    Jackie… she really isn’t a Victoria. Quite honestly her and Johnny Mac are doing the same thing. They are faking it until the time is right and the Jury starts. They are actually really good at this game than the people that think they are running the house. They are in the exact position for a good week 2 player. Marathon players.

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