Jack “This game is going to be nuts once we make this move with Nick & Bella dude!”

Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household Winner – Nick
Nominations – Jessica Nicole and Cliff
Vote Intentions – Nick wants Nicole, 6shooters want Cliff
Power of Veto Players are Nick, Jackson, Jessica (picked Christie), Cliff, Kat
Power of Veto winner – KAT

Power of Veto Ceremony results – Kat uses Veto on Jess. Nicole is the replacement.

Powers in the game

Ovi – Nightmare (Dead unless he comes back?)
During the night, Ovi could secretly wake up the house and call a new Nomination Ceremony, with the Head of Household naming two new nominees. The original nominees would have immunity for the week. The power is able to be used for the first six Nominations.

Jack – Chaos
After chips have been drawn for a Veto player draw, Jack could force a re-draw for the players. This power could only be used once and is able to be used until there are six players left in the game.

Christie – Panic
At any of the next four Power of Veto Ceremonies, Christie can turn the Golden Power of Veto into the Diamond Power of Veto and allow the current veto holder pull someone off the nomination block, but instead of the Head of Household naming the replacement nominee, the veto holder names the replacement.

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8pm Camp Comeback room. Kat is laying with David. They talk about how theres nothing to do at times. David – it gets tough especially when there’s game talk happening and no one wants to talk to you. Kat – don’t people talk game with you? David – not really. Kat – if you get back, don’t tell anyone anything that I’ve told you because it would f**k me over. David – yeah, I’m not going to do you like that. I’ve got you. Kat – I don’t even want to put that out there that you won’t. You will. I just have a feeling you’ll be back. And whenever I get those feelings I’m usually right.

8:20pm All the house guests sit down to eat dinner. They all go around in a circle saying their greatest moment so far this season.

8:45pm Bedroom. Tommy, Christie and Jack.
Tommy – I am shocked! Christie – yeah, me too. Jack – that nothing happened today.. that means that tomorrow is just going to be that much longer. Christie – I really do wish there was a place you could go in this house where you could be alone and not have 10 people follow you. Jack – this game is going to be nuts once we make this move with Nick and Bella dude. Christie – was he pissed honestly? Was Michie (Jackson) pissed? Jack – no. Tommy – for what? Christie – because he talked to him and said that we really need to tell Kat and he said yeah whatever. We will tell her two minutes before the vote. I just don’t want him to be mad thinking it was me saying we have to tell her, we have to tell her. Tommy – no, four people wanted to and two didn’t. Jack – that’s exactly what I said. Tommy – and we have a whole other day to discuss more. Jack – their only thing was do we tell Kat and still have her vote towards Nicole. That way she has the heads up but also stays a mole. Tommy – yes! YES!

Christie – that’s what I think because we only need 6 (votes). Because I don’t care about exposing the 6, my biggest concern was losing Kat as an ally. But if she still wants to vote that way but feel like she is in on it. We have a reason to vote him out and we think that he is a threat to you too also. Jack – I just voiced it to Nick again that Cliff still scares me. Christie – that is the best option .. telling Kat but leaving it up to her.. saying you don’t have to vote with us. Tommy – good, I’m into that. Jack – and having Holly and Michie telling her as we lead up to the vote. Tommy – just say that it was a last minute decision. Christie – I was anxious about it today. I was like I know Kat isn’t the most valuable person in the world but she will be really mad and I was doing basic math in the storage room with Jack and if she did get mad at us and Ovi did come back it would be OVI, Kat, Jess, Nick, Bella, Sam against us 6. And if one of us wins HOH, then we have less votes and we can’t risk that. Tommy – it won’t go that way ..that’s worst case. Jack – Holly might tell her. Christie – that’s good. Tommy – I love that we’re not ever meeting up. Jack – this is really going to confuse people like Kat and Jess. Christie – if Ovi comes back are we going to make a house announcement that we know about his power and that we know about it as of yesterday? I feel like everyone should know that we know so that he can’t be surprise using it. Because if no one knows that he has it people will be like oh Ovi’s back lets keep him and oh he has this power maybe he’ll use it on us. Tommy – I think if Cliff is gone and Ovi is back he is going to need someone.. so we can just use him as a number. I would rather he comes back. David, I fear the unknown. Kemi is annoying and difficult. I would rather Ovi comes back and then we can use him as a number. Christie – I think that’s the worst thing because I evicted him so he is going to come after me. Tommy – he won’t hold it against you. And then get rid of him right after.. Cliff joins them.

9pm – 10pm Bedroom. Kat, Tommy, Sam, Jack, Christie, Nick and Bella. They talk about how Kemi said to Holly that she is going to be a B***h. Sam – it is true, on your last day.. why even care?! Christie – but she has the chance to battle back!! They continue chatting about random things.

10:08pm Bedroom. Jack is crying. Christie – oh no, why does this happen? Jack – I can’t talk about it.. I legally cannot. Christie – I know and I wish you can. Jack – I love you. I do. Tommy joins them. Jack – its just better for me to go to bed. I love both of you. Tommy – I’m sorry.

Jackson’s foot.

10:35pm – 10:40pm Storage room. Jackson and David.
David – if I get back in my biggest safety is the other side of the house. I feel like the house is going to come after me. I’m an easy target because of camp comeback. I might even be viewed as a strong competitor because I’ve been working out and sh*t, I don’t know. It wouldn’t even be good for me to be HOH unless I know who to target. But I don’t know exactly how the house is divided because everyone hangs out in one room and you kick us out that’s why Ovi wasn’t up there and I wasn’t up there. If something like that happens.. Just the other morning you were saying things were weird. Jackson – I will say this, I won’t talk this much game with you now about that but I will say if you come back into this game. I think you will see who the target is and it isn’t you. I’ll leave it at that for now. If I’m HOH you will see it isn’t you. You’ll see the writing on the wall. You will see it as a little bit of blind faith in you that you’re not the target. Hopefully it wouldn’t come back to bite me in the a$$. Jackson – you need to do your part and get back in this house. Do your do diligence and get back in here and I’ve got your back. I was the only one that stood by .. that I knew you were coming back.

11:25pm HOH room. Nick and Bella. Nick – I said I would like to see where this goes .. I said that in my blog too. I like you obviously and want to see where this will go. You’re amazing. You make me a better person. You’re good for me. Bella – no you are a good person. Nick – you make me a better person. How I can be myself around you. You make me feel comfortable and safe. You are the person I leaned on .. on day 3. I think that you being so supportive helps me so much in here. Nick and Bella tell each other that they love each other.

11:32pm Bedroom Christie, Analyse, Jackson and Holly. They talk about telling Kat moments before the vote about the plan to vote out Cliff and keep Nicole. Holly – Nick thinks he has Kat in his back pocket. Jackson – she (Kat) even said to me that he (Nick) thinks that he has me. He doesn’t. Literally all I have in this game is you and Holly. Christie – my biggest concern wasn’t about exposing the six .. to be honest its pretty obvious at this point. My concern was that she would feel so betrayed by us and then just turn on us. So her knowing but not voting is perfect. Jackson – we tell her that Nicole is staying however to maintain an even keel you need to vote for Cliff and that way it gives her a job and she is happy as a clam. And she feels like she is important. Christie – and so that she doesn’t get confused who she is voting for. When are you telling her? Jackson – after the lock down tomorrow.

12:20am Boat room. David and Kat. Kat tells Davi – that she isn’t nervous and knows he’s going to comeback. I’m excited for you and I’m excited for me because I get you back. She tells him he can’t get a kiss until he gets back in from camp comeback.

12:45am Nick and Bella. Nick explains how a double eviction works. Nick – if David comes into this game we literally should get to 5 because we’re going to get another vote on our side and another competitor that will make a move. The problem if he doesn’t have any kind of safety he is going to go home. There is literally nothing we’re going to be able to do about it either.. actually for him I might even consider taking a shot ..like in saving him.. flipping the vote. It depends who wins though like if it was Jack. That means he can’t compete the next week… then yeah I would because I wouldn’t be scared of Sis or Holly. Bella – but do you think camp comeback will be this week. Nick – yeah 100%! I think it will be.

1am Kitchen. Nicole and Sam. Sam – why don’t you pitch that you would make big moves if it came down the road. Nicole – if I stay tomorrow that’s by sign ..I’m on borrowed time, I am going to F-Sh*t up for as long as I’m here. And that’s the thing if I’m deemed untrustworthy by a lot of people.. Sam – you have to full send because there’s nothing to lose. Nicole – yeah. Sam – yeah you can’t even pretend to go with the majority at this point. Nicole – I should have talked to Nick today. Sam – don’t even bother. Sam – Kat would definitely be a risky HOH. But I just make a final two with her today called Cheetos. Nicole – I made a pinky promise to put

3am Jackson is up eating cereal..

3:25am All the house guests are sleeping..

7:26 am The Last Cliff notes

11:00 am Nicole has been campaigning to people

11:36 am HOH lockdown called


1:30 pm Feeds are back

Nicole going hard red

3:00 pm Dumping on makeup

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162 thoughts to “Jack “This game is going to be nuts once we make this move with Nick & Bella dude!””

  1. Anyone know what jack can’t talk about?

    Just watched tonight’s episode and almost barfed at Nick, Bella and Kat’s DR’s. All three of them are completely delusional about themselves. Kat about her looks and Nick and Bella about how hypocritical they are.

    Why does BB allow them to bully poor Nicole and then when she wants to talk about with them she gets bullied some more. This time with tommy and Kat watching. It also makes me mad when they don’t help her. Of course they’ll say it will ruin my game. Doesn’t human decency even cross peoples minds?

    1. Jack can’t talk about anything involving people that didn’t sign releases (family or friends or his ex). his hoh letter was from his dog sitter. so, i’m guessing nobody signed a release.

    2. I am absolutely disgusted at the bullying taking place this year. And at Big Brother for letting it happen and constantly loading the house with these types of people. What happened to a wide selection of houseguests with all age groups represented?
      As an employer I would seriously reconsider some of these guests as employees…when they see themselves after the show they should be thoroughly embarrassed by their behaviour

      1. It actually reminds me a lot of where I used to work. If you weren’t in you were out and it was usually the managers who caused the problems and played these mind games of pitting people against each other. It’s just human nature I guess when you are isolated with a group of people for long stretches of time to pick a common target and harass them for entertainment.

        1. There have been plenty of seasons without this kind of bullying. Last season I don’t remember their being anything like this year.

      2. People have lost their jobs before because of BB. Maybe several of them will not be going back to their jobs.

      3. I completely agree. Am no longer watching after last nights episode. Its looks like the White House. All the “beautiful” people are left and stick together. This show is horrible.

    3. I’m fairly confident Jack is referring to his ex, a long-lasting but recently broken relationship. She did not sign the agreement to be topic of discussion, and Jack clearly is still heartbroken over their parting. He’s an ass, so I’m sure she is much better off.

      1. Granny, I am sure you are completely correct. And I’m not feeling one ounce of empathy for Jack except for maybe because he might be feeling some real, honest, genuine feelings that he’s been able to swap aside but now has to deal with…NAH – let him cry in silence like so many of us do every day.

          1. It has been reported by multiple media outlets that he was arrested last year with multiple charges, one of them being domestic assault. Of course, none of us really know all the details or the reality of the situation. It’s just a hot topic right now since Michie is on BB. He is not the first to go into the house with an arrest record. He won’t be the last.

            1. all we really know is minimum 13 charges, one being dv. in addition we know the frat was suspended until 2023 with multiple issues as well (min 10 related to hazing, another 27 as breach of university policy, with more being alcohol related). because the timing of both is so close together there is speculation without confirmation that both are tied together. Nowhere near as informative as Jack’s dui arrests where the bac is listed.

        1. I don’t understand how anyone with an assault charge against him is even on the show!

          1. Just because a person is charged doesn’t mean they are guilty. Also there could be an explanation that satisfied the producers. In North Carolina, police threatened to charge a 16 year old kid with exploitation of a minor…for having a nude selfie (of himself) on his phone. They were trying to pressure him in relation to another crime he had knowledge of if I recall correctly.

    4. First rule for engaging with Bella, in any capacity at all: Remind yourself that there is no limit to how many ways she will find a way to betray you, sometimes seemingly, just for fun. Having made that mental note, if you still feel tempted, remind yourself of how stupid you’re going to feel for not following the first rule, when she does exactly what you already knew she would do and dances on your grave.

      1. That’s just it…her betrayals have been for no legitimate reason. They haven’t advanced her game play; if anything she’s proven herself to be utterly untrustworthy, mean spirited and generally unlikable. I sincerely hope we get to experience Bella’s reaction when she walks out of the house to a chorus of Boo’s.

        1. Once upon a time, you might have gotten your satisfaction. With the passage of time, TPTB have learned to vet the studio audience to ensure that everyone who exits the house gets a rousing cheer and a healthy round of applause.

          1. Liking because you are correct, but wish producers wouldn’t have made the change. Since BB16 when Christine came out to the boos. BB19 was the worst for making many players look almost angelic compared to how they truly were in the house…perhaps part of certain HG contracts?

          2. Or maybe they were all clapping on the DL for the evicted! ? I would happily clap knowing my intention is shear joy for Snitcharella’s (Bella) eviction or any other deserving bully, assclown, or ego maniac who walked out on stage.

        2. Once upon a time, you may have gotten your satisfaction. But TPTB have learned to vet the studio audience to ensure that everyone who exits the house gets a rousing cheer and a healthy round of applause.

        3. This is probably why she has a bad relationship with her Mom. Mom wants her to be a good, kind girl and BellaBeast say “F- you Mom – I’m doing my own thing” That’s not very wise. In BB she’s saying “F-you Everyone – I’m doing my own thing” and that is SERIOUSLY not wise. You go Girl!

      2. Another rule for talking with Bella: make sure you are never alone with her.

        I wonder if they are going to tell Kat. If they don’t they are making an enemy.

        1. @BBB!!! Good idea/rule if we were dealing with a different group of houseguests. Sadly, it doesn’t seem to do any good to have witnesses. Nobody speaks up, even when they witness Bella lying when she is confronted by her victims. She blathers on and on, defending her duplicity while witnesses sit quietly. (I see you , Tommy.)

        2. Please don’t tell Kat – let it be a true blindside to IsaNick so they can start to feel how the other outcasts have felt and we can see how they maintain their composure and integrity (NOT).

  2. so based on last night’s episode camp comeback will be a separate competition from the hoh. i think we’re getting “what the bleep” with how they’ve been showing them video of all the ceremonies.

    1. If the competition is a bunch of questions about what they’ve seen, how would they be able to do it if they haven’t seen them? We don’t know what the competition is, but Julie did tell them to pay attention to what they got to watch. Remember?

      1. I’m thinking it has to be on comps that all 4 will have watched or played in. So they know scenarios/questions.

  3. If this blindside goes as planned, we just need Fessie from last season to be there and yell, “Who flipped?!” He’s probably still confused about what happened all last year.

    1. lmao. I was just talking with my friend last night saying I want to see the same look on Bella and Nick’s faces that was on Foutte’s faces every time the vote went down last year. OH, please let it be.

        1. So if they flip and Bella gets HoH…could that be some fun times? Or will Bella fizzle and stick with the plan to eliminate those dire threats of Nicole, Jess, and the returning player?

          1. Sadly, I get the feeling we have yet to see the true path to perdition from this one.

            I hope I’m wrong, but Bella seems 1000% malevolent, and I’m pretty sure she loves herself just the way she is. ;/

            1. I still wouldn’t like Bella but if she targeted two folks within her larger group, it would at least give the outsiders something to work with for the next few weeks by keeping the targets on the folks steering the jalopy. You could end up with 3 loosely aligned groups.

            2. Agreed. I hope Bella’s current boyfriend/roommate kicks her butt out and her parents disown her for being a slutty slut on national TV!

            3. Bella is so in love with herself she doesn’t even realize the guy she gave up her live-in boyfriend for isn’t all that cool, sexy, physical or even intelligent…she’s just looking for whatever Bella wants, Bella gets. Bella gets a dud.

          2. best case scenario is bella targets six shooters. christie uses her power and nick goes home during bella’s hoh.

      1. He has mentioned that he has his degree and does contract with children (I think foster children and CPS cases). When he described it to Sam it sounded more like Big Brothers/Big SIsters…..but, I’m not sure to what extent he is actually a therapist or counselor. He has also mentioned wanting to go back to school to get his “license”

          1. If Nick was a “ therapist”, he would have recognized Bella’s personality disorders……he’s thinking with his little nick instead. Hella will not have any self awareness when she’s out of the house either; she’ll say that we (fans) are obnoxious and disgusting and that she has been nothing but kind and good in the house

            1. To be fair she hasn’t been kind but hasn’t been bad either. She is just young and gullible. Nichole is also young and gullible and obviously also has a crush on Nick. It I’d Jack, Holly, Jackson, and Sis who are lying. Nick and Bella are just too dumb to figure it out.

        1. He needs to find another line of work. He should not be counselling children or anyone with issues.

          1. Totally agree – Nick seems like he is more interested in people’s sexual behaviors than their emotional needs.

        2. @ Granny- At a minimum, he would need to have completed a graduate degree and ( in California, at least) three thousand (3,000) supervised clinical hours before he would even be eligible to sit for the licensing exam. If he is talking about going BACK TO SCHOOL “to get” his license, that sounds more like he may only have a Bachelors degree or less.

      2. Truth be told…if u get that degree…u can be employed for yourself and do tons of damage to countless people who come for help

    1. I don’t think he is a real therapist. He is probably a therapist engineer. Which means he cleans a therapist’s office.

  4. with cliff gone, if he doesnt come back…six shooters will have the target room to themselves…crucial for more/longer uninterrupted game chats

  5. i am surprised at nicoles lack of campaigning…shes very lucky to be staying after her overplaying, and could have even further luck with 3 of the 4 comebackers on her side…other than david, whoever comes back will see nicole as their #1

    1. So no hint that Nicole and Davis would work together? I’d hate to see them going against each other since there are really the only two I can fully stomach.

  6. nick and bella just said they love each other, not sure how serious that was, but its only 2 days away from them potentially on the block against each other…i cannot wait to see the reactions of snakebella to the blindside…nicole will be ecstatic

          1. BB15 had good amount of likable and unlikable people that season. This season there’s few likable.

            There was a lot of dynamite characters that season when you think about it.

              1. Spencer, Judd, Jessie, Howard, Kaitlin, Candice, Elissa was poison but great in a bikini.
                Amanda and mccrae were cringy but great for drama.

                I didn’t mind that season.

                  1. Whoever gets out the h8tefuls will certainly soar in popularity. Only good thing about last night’s episode is I will contine to watch this train wreck of a season and root for the underdogs like i’ve never rooted before! I really hope the “comeback kid” gets a buttload of safety, just like (ugh) Paul had in his second (gag) season.

                  2. I actually like Kemi, Nicole, Kat (in her own goofy way) and David if he could get back in the game. Everyone else – they suck wind.

    1. Hahaha! I thought, at first, you were talking about the ages they were acting then realized you were talking about season number! This group does act like a bunch of 15 year olds though.

  7. So Cliff still thinks he’s safe. Nicole still thinks she’s leaving.
    Kat directly asks Jackson if the fix is in. (reminder Holly and Kat talked about Kat voting out Cliff yesterday just to prove she’s not in anybody’s pocket).
    Jackson lies. (would anyone ever buy it if they blamed the flip on Kat? lol. just thinking Jozea scenarios).
    Jackson goes back to the 6, tells them about his convo with David. He lies. I don’t remember David saying he wanted to work with Jack and Jackson. He mentioned Jackson. I know that. Did i miss the Jack in there?
    Is Jackson planning his second hinky vote? Is it too soon for the Jackson and his harem to break away?
    i envisioned the break happening once camp was over, but could Jackson jump the gun?
    Conversely. could Crusty get a message from her magic bladder that Jackson is shafting them, and cause another hour long run through the house crying and screaming?

    1. ugh. okay. Sam and Nicole conversation could flip that vote back. He’s being nice and telling Nicole to campaign to the big dogs, not to Nick and Bella. He tells her she is leaving. He says he has a final 2 with Kat called cheetos. Nicole tells Sam that Kemi made her pinky promise to go after the Jacks. What are the chances he runs that back to everyone tomorrow? He wants Cliff to stay, not Nicole. He stopped spilling in his convo with Jack and Sis today when Jack said Cliff has said their name. Nicole hasn’t. Yeah. I see Sam running this info. Even though he believes Cliff will stay. I still see him running the info, because Sam hasn’t had a private conversation with anyone but Nick and Bella in two weeks.
      He’s now trying to figure out the root of the Jess has a power story, and why Kemi would say that. What was her motive. He hasn’t considered that he actually snowed Kemi completely that she could trust him with any info she thought she had. No plot. no scheme. Just an attempt at information sharing. That has been driving him insane. Imo, Nicole is saying too much.

      1. Nicole is talking way too much. I am sitting on pins and needles hoping she doesn’t talk her way right out of the game because if the Jacks get an inkling that she is coming after them, then it’s goodnight nurse.

        1. If Nicole is saved I hope she shuts her mouth down and just observes and see whom else is also observing and work on building that relationship. She needs to stop trying to fit in and appease and look for the other looking an in.

    2. okay. as the conversation goes on, Sam starts talking too much. He revealed Gr8ful and unde9able, what happened in the room to get Nicole in hot water, hinted at his five, told her that he knows he’s the bottom feeder of the group, told her who he would nominate (Jess/Cliff), but says the Jacks gotta go. He suggested Nicole try to flip Tommy and Christie. If he reveals her info, he’s left himself open to blowback. Would he give her so much information because nobody would believe her, so he can say what he wants, or is this a case of what he thinks is a done deal, so he can tall her anything? I’m perplexed because everything about Sam says he’ll kiss and tell. So why give her so much information? If Tommy and Christie do flip (as is currently the plan), does Sam think he actually accomplished something?

    3. I certainly hope Jackson is not foolish enough to cast a hinky vote tonight. Might screw them over big time. I always think what if enough of them decided to throw a hinky vote to keep the one they wanted out.

    1. There are no active cigarette smokers this season. Jack and Christie have both stated they will smoke socially. Michie used to dip tobacco, but he no longer does after swallowing a chunk in high school when almost caught by a teacher. Yesterday, Jack said he doesn’t use JUUL but he would just to help with all the tension in the house, and Christie added, “yeah, something”. Her preference is weed.

      Cigarette smoking killed my mom (emphysema)…grandma (lung cancer) and great-grandma (cancer of the esophagus).

          1. EXACTLY! Which is why I’m in favor of decriminalization…but against legalization. I think there are too many people who can’t handle it (in our country…as opposed to Canada and the Netherlands). But at the same time…people who choose to do it, should be allowed to, and not be criminals.

      1. What was the casting call? “Looking for assholes of any gender or age – just bring your baggage.”

  8. my morning look at social media tells me there is pleasure that the editing department included more reality in their edit than usual.
    Then i started seeing the ‘oh sure, they show the hate on nicole, but largely ignore the hate on kemi, david and ovi.’ I should have expected that to appear. I didn’t.
    I am going to need David to stop using that ‘r’ word (derogatory word for developmentally challenged). Five times is way more than enough. stop it.
    When you wake up wondering how many Jackson meals you missed overnight… he might have a tapeworm.
    No matter what happens tonight, I expect Jessica to make a shocked face and say i don’t know what’s going on at least twice.
    We’ve pretty much established that the house wants and expects David to return. They’ve assumed it as a given for a week.
    If he doesn’t, Jackson loses a number in his planned revolt, and Kat loses a showmance/fauxmance. Story line would suffer.
    Does it personally matter to me who goes tonight? No. Three are leaving. Does it personally matter to me who is evicted between Cliff and NIcole? At first glance, i have a preference. In terms of actual game development and strategic import… Nope. Doesn’t matter.

  9. I still just can’t. I am watching last nights show now and it sickens my heart to see how the house guest think. Really bad job of rounding out a good group of house guest this year. I am still not into the show like every summer for the past 20 years. I only read the comments now and fast forward through most of the show. It may get good with that group of 9 go at each other. Wow, just wow. My stomach is sick watching it.

    1. It’s an odd thing waiting for people you hate to turn on each other to make something finally entertaining. But that is big brother now due to terrible casting.

  10. You want to see a truly fun “blood-bath” of a season? CBS should fill the house with eight guys and eight girls. All 21-25. All pretty and full of themselves. I hate to say it, no people of color and no socially awkward people. This group is a great example. They don’t want David back. They voted Kemi out first chance. They want Cliff out. Nicole out. Michie shunned Kat, why? Because she is nearly 30. If you take out the obvious first four evictees, you will see a real mess of a show. This group of pretty people have been mean, spiteful, bullies, and completely narcissistic. A true example of pretty on the outside and ugly on the inside. I get that it’s a game. I love solid game play. But, poor Nicole looks like she is going to need real counselling after the show is over. Bella and Nick HAVE BEEN cruel to her while everyone else who knows the truth of what she said just lets her take the beating.

    1. You’re forgetting that Jackson’s new bed buddy and testical tickler is Holly… a 31 year old. He shunned Kat because she was too needy for him to handle, and he felt she would ruin his game.

      1. He did say, in a show edited clip, something like ‘besides, she’s nearly 30’. Like there is something wrong with that. No doubt she was being needy, but he did clearly say another part of the split was because of her age. I’ll give him credit for actually having the conversation with her. He wasn’t mean about it. He may be the most tolerable of the H8ful8.

        1. most tolerable, or best edited that has been given more warnings and helpful suggestions from the lap of mama grodner?

      2. Whether Jackson has admitted it or not, I think his main MO was to be the first BB player who has had sex with more than one other player. He knew the first week or so would not be on feeds so he used this time to get his groove on with Kat before the feeds so most BB viewers will not ever know this. Then he dumps Kat so he can hook up with Holly during feeds (which he has been successful). That will be his losing legacy. Nice job a**hole.

  11. Why isn’t there anyone to route for this year? I think they all suck equally. Maybe Nicole, maybe Cliff, maybe Sam. Thoughts?

  12. Would you rather season 22 be an All-Stars season (with fan vote or not) or another season of casting HGs who have only watched parts of a season or two in preparation for their casting?

    BBCan seems to get HGs from every province and there aren’t nearly as many as their are States, yet BB USA casts most of their “talent” out of California…yes, many have been born outside of Cali, yet most have relocated for an acting or modeling career and use BB as a platform.

    Why not cast mostly people who know the game and love every all over the States. No more “aspiring” actors and models, no more social media whores.

    1. Unfortunately, I think it will be hard to find 16 people who want to play the game and not for social media when everyone is about the best “gram”, Tide Pods Challenges and Licking Ice Cream. I mean look at Jackson, he’s all about saying he had sex in the BB House because “how many people can say they had sex in the BB House”.

      1. How many people can say they had sex on the 50 yard line at the UT Austin football stadium. Hook ’em horns! Take THAT Jackson! 😉 And p.s. Bella sucks!

      2. I really don’t think it would be that hard to find interesting, engaging people who want to play the game. Sure, not all will be super sexy but I don’t watch BB for who is better looking in ther swimsuit – I want to see game play.

    2. I agree, it’s more interesting when they are just regular folks and it shows their interactions/conversations about their lives etc., not just all the plotting and game talk. Need a good mix of both so you can really get to know someones personality and understand how they are playing their game, that’s what used to be interesting for me. Now it’s always just horrible people being disgusting human beings to the quieter/nice people. That was good TV when it happened out of the blue, not when that’s ALL you see!

  13. What the heck happened to Jackson’s foot? I know he twisted his ankle a week or so ago, but this looks like something new.

    1. If you look closely at his foot you will notice “teeth marks”,he had heard that there was no food in the pantry,so………………..!

    2. They’ll just keep wrapping it more and more until one day he’s in a body cast with a Christmascooter in hopes that viewers will feel badly and due to sympathy stop accurately judging him by his behavior.

  14. Poor Nicole. Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right. I’m afraid the six will chicken out in the end and keep Cliff (waste of space). If Nicole stays, she should try to become part of the hos before bros alliance (Holly, Kat, Sis).

      1. Jack is a walking talking bilboard for summer’s eve. guess that makes him summer’s evil.
        i’m still chicken and egging Jackson taking 3-5 showers a day and his showmance having possible crotch crickets.
        nick. the only children i’d send him to treat is the children of the corn.
        christie. magic bladder? what else do you have to say? she’s the less rational vanessa rousso. let that sink in.
        Tommy. gee doing the home alone shock face every time julie talks to him on an episode. nobody’s gonna figure that afp chasing crap out. biiiig eyeroll.
        bella. do i have to say more? beelzebella. just. no.
        still gonna need david to stop with the r-word. now. otherwise fine.
        sis…. still a pillowcase in my estimation.
        sam. there’s no need to tell nick and bella everything when you know neither can keep their mouth shut.
        kat. i wonder what kat is really like, because i keep thinking everything is for the camera except the bitchy comments about other women.
        The rest. are they still there? oh. well. they squeaky wheels are getting all the grease.

      2. I don’t even know what to call Jack. A douche has a purpose, a d*ick has a purpose, even an asshole has a purpose..what is Jack’s purpose?

    1. If there was an option to vote “0”, how would that affect the rankings?

      I see many HGs deserving a zero.

  15. Just to be clear….I check these updates everyday and watch the show. I haven’t watched the live feeds once this year or Big Brother After Dark so the below opinions are based on what I’ve see.

    First off…..Bella is a lot of things….but I do not think she is a bully. I think that word gets tossed around a lot lately, especially on this show. What they showed on last nights show and what I have read on here, YES – Bella looks like a Bitch and YES she was VERY rude to Nicole and YES she is very full of herself and a hateful person who likes to take low blows BUT I’m sorry, I just don’t think that based on what I saw, that she’s a bully.

    Next is Tommy – He is really starting to rub me the wrong way. He was in the HOH room yelling and jumping around with the rest of them and when Nicole tried to go it he was not having it either., but then he’s being all nice to Nicole and acts like what they just did to her was wrong. UGH…..I can’t stand when people do that.

    Lastly, I don’t want to see Nicole leave. I hope she gets to stay BUT I don’t thing she is strong enough to go after the top dogs. If she gets HOH, I see her putting up who the house wants. I hope I’m wrong, but I just don’t see it.

    Oh and one more thing – I can’t wait till Christie goes on the block. It’s going to be a good week that week…..

    1. Tommy is in there with the rest of the sh1tshooters most of the time . Nicole isn’t strong enough sad as it is to say. Maybe with someone solid on her side she might be.

      1. I agree, Nicole is not strong enough but I am hoping she is building her strength and is able to shake this game up.

  16. one of these weeks, we’re going to turn on the live eviction show and find out jessica has given everyone a 1970’s toni home perm. everyone looking up at the screen like roseanne roseannadanna.
    meanwhile, earlier today Jack looked like that guy that asks you to help find his lost dog, if you’ll only get in his van. he had candy, but jackson dropped by.

    1. question: last night did voldenick with hair plugs and bellatrix decide that the other couples had convinced nicole that they were bullying her? i’m not sure if that happened. i think it did… but it seems very odd in time and placement considering the blindside plot, so i thought perhaps it was my imagination.

    2. Jack now looks like Lawrence, Peter Gibbon’s next-door neighbor in Office Space. “I’ll tell you what I’d do now…two chicks at the same time, man.”

              1. consider this: what if this dj guy in the d/r that all the women in the house swoon for… is the same guy in the d/r that whackadoodledoosam thought was her boyfriend? 0__o

  17. I have a random question, have “we” OBB ever had a member or frequent commenter on the show either before or after?
    That being said I’m not sure anyone would come clean but I was just wondering.
    Can’t wait for tonight! ??

    1. I’m totally excited for tonight too, Lets go!

      BB12 Matt was a reader and commented after the season
      BB13 Adam was a reader and I think he mentioned us once

      Nobody other than those 2 has ever interacted with me other than asking me to take stuff down.

    1. They couldn’t allow it – Jackson would fend off anyone else, except for maybe Jack, to consume any sustenance with his square chin and entitled dominance!

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