Jack “Are you feeling swole right now boss?” Ovi “A little bit.” Jack “D*uche!”

Big Brother Spoilers – Christie won the HOH, Nominated Cliff and Kathryn. Veto players were: Christie, Kathryn Cliff, Sam, Jack, Nicole. POV was Host was Tommy.  Sam wins the Power of Veto, it was called Food fight. Sam plans on using the Veto on Cliff. Christie plans on putting Kemi on the block as the replacement.  Ovi is the second choice. no idea when the Veto Ceremony is.

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5:40pm Kitchen. Sam and Jack. Ovi walks by and Jack asks – are you feeling swole right now boss? Ovi – a little bit. Jack – you look swole. Ovi – thank you! Ovi goes into the backyard and closes the door. Jack calls Ovi a d*uche. Sam – I told Christie that I keep looking at Kemi because I feel her staring at me a lot so I keep missing her eyes.. so I make sure I keep looking at her. I got got something out of the freezer and she asks me what I need. I just got what I needed. Jack – she can sense it .. I mean the whole house knows except for Jess. Sam – it blows my mind that Ovi or.. Jack – Nicole, Jess, Nicole, Kemi? Sam – Ovi, Jess, Nicole, Kemi .. I talk to them but not a lot .. nobody has once come to me and asked like what’s going on (with him using the veto or not). Aren’t they worried about what I’m going to do. Jack – they’re not gamers. Sam – I would want to know. Jack – I would too.

5:55pm Hammock. Kat and Jessica. Jess – have you talked to Sam? Kat – yeah we talked last night. He is using the veto on Cliff. So he is going to leave me on the block. So I am going to be a Mc-F**Kin Crazy! Jess – unless you were that close with him .. it wouldn’t make sense. Kat – yeah I know. He is one of the ones that I’m really not that close with. Its not like we don’t like each other we’re just not that close. There was a plan that he was going to take me off … and to replace another girl. I just hope that I don’t get voted out. Jess – is she going to put up another guy? Kat – no she is going to put up the same person (Kemi). She is going to put up the original plan. I don’t want to get to into it because I don’t want to think that this is a big elaborate plan to get me out. You know? Jess – yeah. Kat – all I can do is just keep being nice and having fun. I am trying to think of the votes that I would have.. I would have you, Holly and Jackson.. Jess – you would have Ovi. Kat – and I kind of want Cliff to get off because I know Cliff would vote for me .. so that’s five. I would probably for sure have Sam. I would probably have Tommy. I would think?!

6:20pm Backyard. Jess and Nicole. Jess – I don’t know what you’re supposed to do? Are you supposed to talk to Sam? You know? Or is Sam only supposed to talk to Christie? Nicole – I think you do what you deem appropriate. Jess – that’s the thing.. do you talk to Sam .. or if you don’t do they use the excuse well you never talked game. I have a feeling .. if they wanted Kat gone .. they would just leave the nominations the same because no one would vote out Cliff. Jess – it would look weird if Sam took off Kat because they aren’t close. But then I didn’t know Sam and Cliff were close either. Do the guys just have an agreement? I just wish Christie would be like girls are girls.. I don’t want to put another girl out. Nicole – its already Friday and we’re evicting Sunday .. so wouldn’t they give the person time .. you know what I mean? Jess – the only person that I know aren’t going to go up on the block are Sis and Holly.

6:30pm – 6:40pm Hammock. Analyse and Nick. Nick – my first impression of you was that you were a pretty girl. I first thought you wouldn’t do good. I looked at Jack later and I was like bro .. this girl is a f**king beast! And then I found out later that you were an athlete. Analyse – I didn’t even realize I brought my school shirts. Nick – I looked at Jack and I was like dude… we need to get something going and we need her in it ASAP! Analyse – aww.. I feel so special, thank you so muck. That means so much. Nick – why? Analyse – because everyone always underestimates me. Nick – you’re a really good person. I trust you a lot. Analyse – I trust you too. Sam joins them.

7pm – 7:25pm All the house guests sit down to eat burgers and pizza.

7:30pm HOH room. Christie and Bella. Bella is piercing her nose with the help of Christie. Bella – are you going to tell her (Kemi) before (putting her up as the replacement nominee). Christie – I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t even know if Sam is going to use it. We haven’t even spoken about it. I’m kind of just leaving it to the universe. If he does use it that’s what I’ll do. I just don’t want fighting.. not even fighting .. just tension.

7:45pm Bedroom. Kemi and Jack. Kemi – I had a conversation with Kat and Christie and Ovi. Ovi is cool but I don’t have much of a relationship with him. Going into the next HOH I don’t want to win because I don’t want to put anyone up. I would feel really bad putting someone up. I just wanted to talk to you because I don’t really know you. Jack – we can hang out and touch base. For me the game play I am playing is I want to stay low key and neutral across all boards.

11 thoughts to “Jack “Are you feeling swole right now boss?” Ovi “A little bit.” Jack “D*uche!””

    1. What does swole mean?
      To be swole is to be very muscular, to have a nice physique, or to have really well-defined muscles. Swole, as an adjective, can refer to a specific body part or the entire body, and it is generally used in a positive way.

      Swole may also be an alternative way to say swelled or swollen.

    1. Thanks for asking! I’ve been on vacation and had to catch up on everything today. Somehow I missed that whole Sis thing.

    2. Jackson is also referred to as Micky spelled Michy. Isabella is either Isa but mostly Bella. Kathryn is Kat. Jack is fake Aquaman but that may just be me. I think they joked around with other nicknames for some of the other folks but those weren’t serious.

  1. looked on twitter for a bit.
    they’re reaching.
    one commenter said they should keep kemi because kat might be good at mental comps.
    kat got confused by a shadow today.

      1. she thought she had blacked out because a shadow fell across her face.
        that’s a little too old wives tale ‘a turkey will drown if it looks up when it’s raining’ for me.

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