Jace – “there’s this little part of me just wants to fight every dude in this house”

POV Holder: Steve Next POV July 3rd
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony June 28th
HOH Winner Team 1: James HOH Winner Team 2: Jason
Nominations 1 : Steve, Jackie Nominations 2: Becky, Johnny mac
Battle of the Block Winner Becky and Johnny Mac Next HOH/ Next BOB July 2nd / ?
Original Nominations: Becky, Johnny, Steve, Jackie
Current Nominations: Jace, Jackie
Have Nots Austin, Da’Vonne, Liz, Vanessa

Big Brother 17 Alliance break down

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3:30pm Indoor lockdown
Day says they are having a prom tonight.
3:31pm Bathroom Meg and Shelli
Talking about Audrey shutting herself off to everyone else. Shelli says it’s still good for them all to approach her and tell her it’s just a game.
Meg – We all don’t play the game 24/7
Shelli says she told Audrey to just take the day off from the game she played it too fast too hard.

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3:41pm Jace and Audrey
Audrey – we can’t be seen together
Jace – why
Audrey explains that the word is they are trying to flip the bus.
Jace – You don’t want to flip the house
Audrey – I can’t campaign for you
JAce – I have a last minute plan, I have 7 people that might vote for me.. I have people .. they have agreed to meet..

Jace adds it’ll be in a secret place at 5am and she’ll come.
Audrey – I’m super onboard… If Clay is in it it’s not working
Jace – Dammit .. then I don’t have a plan.. f****
Audrey thought about pitching something to james she doesn’t know if it will work
Jace – I really am sorry for the mean things I said.
(At one point Jace says he was up until 9 figuring his plan out)
Asks again about Clay. Audrey says no. Jace says doesn’t have Becky and doesn’t think he can get her.

Audrey – Who told you about the song
Jace honestly doesn’t know
Audrey – I think I know who it was
Jace – I heard James hummming it
Jace brings up her alliance knew what she was playing since day 2.
Audrey asks why did Jeff want to blow up her game.
Jace doesn’t know.
Audrey – “So Jeff heard a rumour that I said Him and Meg were going to go against the group upstairs” (Group upstairs is James, Meg, Jackie, Clay, Shelli, Audrey, Jason)
Jace finds out that it was Clay feeding Audrey information about Jace. Jace says Clay’s been playing the whole time.
Audrey says everything Clay is trying to make her feel bad for spinning “All this stuff” he was part of it.
Jace leaves, Shelli comes in

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Audrey asks if Jeff was the one that start trying to exploit her
Shelli doesn’t know. Audrey goes on to tell her about what JAce said about Jeff. (Very hard to hear her talk let alone follow the madness)
Shelli – I have no idea .. I was not out there Audrey
Audrey adds that Jeff told Jace about the Song
Shelli – Are you serious
Audrey thinks Jeff started the rumour about him and Meg.
Shelli – What! Jeff made up a rumour about himself and Meg.. Audrey I’m so done.. I can’t… I can’t.. I Can’t even.. there’s so much he said she said I don’t even care to figure it out . I’m just ready for a new piece of Drama
Audrey – I Think Clay knew about all this

Audrey says not one thing is true that she’s being blamed on
She never told Clay Shelli didn’t trust him, she never started the girl alliance, she never mentioned the black alliance.
Shelli – You did tell me that Day didn’t trust me

Shelli says Audrey has told enough people that she didn’t trust DAY and Jason and somehow that got back to them. She is certain this is how it all started. DAY and Jason are now against Audrey because they knows Audrey’s after them.

Shelli says Clay’s distrust with Audrey didn’t start until yesterday.
Shelli – I’m nervous.. this house is full of alliances that are not aligned it’s really ridiculous

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4:30pm LIz and JAce
JAce you know I didn’t seal my fate they were planning to backdoor me day three.. you picked the wrong person to be friends with
Lzi – wow that’s horrible what tricks do you have up your sleeve
Liz is glad to get food tonight the slop has been rough
Austin says he’s waking them all up around 4 or 5 am to have a meeting it’s his last chance he’s not sure if it is going to work.
Jace is pissed most of the house were playing him since early in the game.
Jace – there’s this little part of me just wants to fight every dude in this house
Jace tells her why he was targeted.
Jace – James is a giant pu$$y he wasn’t man enough to go up against me.

Jace – All I would wish is if I got a chance to play in the veto I would have won
Liz are you going to blow up anybody else the alliance
Jace – oh ya
Liz – Good
Austin rolls in. Jace tells him that Audrey doesn’t think Clay will vote for him. He’s going to try and pull the meeting tonight he’s not going to give up.
Feeds cut when they comes back Jace is talking to Clay telling him there’s a meeting really late tonight. Stresses it’s going to be good for clay just hear him out.

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4:34pm Audrey and Vanessa
Audrey trying to find out if it was Jeff telling her things to turn her against Audrey.
Vanessa says talk to john he was in the room
Audrey – John won’t talk to me
Vanessa thinks Audrey’s game isn’t over says she can bounce back
Audrey – Multiple people have come to me and say they can’t been seen with me
Vanessa says things change on a dime in the house Audrey never did anything HORRIBLE.
Audrey is worried there’s going to be a repeat of last season because of of the hierarchy in the house.

Vanessa tells her to chill after the HOH the house will reshuffle. Does tells her to fight for the HOH she needs to win it.
Audrey feels like the house is understanding that her going hope next week is a easy week for everyone.
Audrey asks her if JAce stays will it help her.
Vanessa says it could be in her best interest Jace stays but she can’t stick her neck out there to save him.
Audrey asks if last seasons where this crazy.
Vanessa remembers crazy times with Devin and Zach, Says she never watched the live feeds she should ask Steve or Jason.
Audrey is worried people will nominate her and throw Battle of the block.
Vanessa says when people try that it fails 50 percent of the time.
Feeds flip..

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4:35pm Bedroom Jeff, James and Clay
Jeff – I don’t care two shits.. I bet you thought you were going all the way bro now you’re going home
JAce – I didn’t think I was going to get BAckdoored by someone I trusted
Jeff – Dude I wasn’t our friend in the game dude if you want to talk shit go talk shit to your friends that sold you out dude that’s not my problem
Jeff says he’s not going to trust anyone that Jace puts his loyalty in
Jace – I put loyalty with James dude you going to trust him
Jeff – Dude I never gave you any of my trust Dude.. dude… You’re coming after me aggressive dude.. dude.. I’m tired of your negativity brah..
Jace – I’m not being aggressive
Jeff – Sit in bed like a little b1tch and mope around dude
Jeff leaves.
Clay says it’s not worth getting riled up be the better man, “Those conversations go no where makes him angry makes you angry”

James asks JAce if he had a good experience while being here.
Jace says it sucks the people he put his trust in were lying to his face including James.

Jace – You did me dirty
James – I do agree with you
Jace- you screwed me over bro.. you got some of my friends against me.. I thought Clay was my friend but he was lying to my face the whole time.. Ive been looking like the doofus of America.

Jace – you better hope I don’t stay and you better hope I don’t get sequestered because if I stay you’re f****d .. The difference is I will be a man and put you on the block
James says that won’t be smart, “I might be 5’ 4” 150 but I come with a wrath “

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5:00pm Clay asks Shelli out to the prom
Shelli – how can I say no to that

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5:13pm Jeff and JohnnyMac

Jeff telling him that James is trustworthy
Jeff – The only person I don’t trust is Austin I dn’t trust him at all
JohnnyMac – we’re on the same page

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44 thoughts to “Jace – “there’s this little part of me just wants to fight every dude in this house””

    1. Audrey is giving BB ratings this season, because everyone is talking about the “1st transgender on BB”, either positively or negatively. And you know how Production manipulates the game in favor of who brings in the ratings. Good thing they didn’t get their way last season or Frankie would’ve won..

    2. Audrey’s edit tonight was alluding to her downfall that will probably come next week. They showed Jason and Da’Vonne both making comments about her playing too hard and made it seem like she was a bit too intense.

      But yeah, as of now it would still seem positive if you didn’t know what was to come.

    3. I wouldn’t say her waking up people in the middle of the night to form a random alliance is a golden edit… they are foreshadowing her demise.

    4. I think she got that good edit only for the episode that aired tonight because it wasnt till later in the week when her game started blowing up anyways so I feel pretty confident in us seeing her get roasted tomorrow

  1. I dont get why Jeff is so butt hurt by Austin. He is so against him even though he knows Clay was lying to him and going behind his back, Austin at least had the decency to come and tell Jeff that Clay told him what Austin just said. Jeff is a little b*tch that’s blinded by Clay and I really hope Austin realizes and evicts Jeff. I seriously dont get why everyone is so determined to get on Clay’s good side, whats so great about this dude?
    I really dont want Audrey to go anytime soon, she is pure entertainment, psychotic with her crazy eyes haha
    My ideal two HOH’s would be Audrey and Da’Vonne just because it would be so funny.

    1. I think Jeff has a bit of a man crush on Clay. Does anyone else find him a bit creepy in regards to the way he talks about and too the women? Something about him makes me think he’s a closet douche-bag. Not sure yet just a vibe I get.

  2. Da’Vonne slays on the episode tonight! And she’s so perspective of what is going on. She was the first person onto what Audrey was trying to do. Audrey was quick to turn on Day when she realized she wouldn’t be able to control her the way she could Clay/Shelli. I’m glad we finally got to learn what happened to cause the beef between Clay and Day. If Clay (and Shelli) were suppose to be in an alliance with Day, why would you ask Jeff (who was NOT in their alliance at the time) to spy on her, when he just said you can hear through the walls? They both could have just asked her what she was doing and I’m sure Day would have told them. The sad thing is that Day was obviously prepared to remain loyal to Audrey, Shelli, and Clay before she caught them doing her dirty.

    JohnnyMac cracked me up in the episode, talking about looking up people’s noses. “Boogers!” And we got a Jo’Vonne hug too?

    At least everyone spelled their words correctly this year lol. Steve’s proved he’s far from helpless, but he needs to gain some firm allies. If he stayed away from Audrey then people would probably try and work with him. Audrey is not someone you want to be associated with this week.

    James calling Audrey crazy in episode 3 had me rolling (oh James you have no idea). I just really don’t understand what she was trying to accomplish by bringing that many people into the fold (They only needed 7 votes to BD Jace). She could have still created animosity between Jeff and Austin/Clay without bringing Jeff into the HR. And why fill Shelli in? Audrey and Clay could have easily manipulated her into doing whatever they wanted. She didn’t need to know much at all. Jason was pissed. Audrey was waking people up at 5AM? WTF? Not shocking that Audrey’s being painted a “hero” of her alliance (for now).

    I feel bad for the people editing because, there has been so much going on that it’s hard to fit that into 45 mins of airtime.

    Kathy’s coming back? I hope she has a field day on some of these HG *cough* Audrey, Jeff, Jace *cough*

  3. Wow tomorrow kathy griffin is back for the bb takeover what. I wonder what is the takeover. If she is takeover that means zingbot could be back this week. Vanessa needs to leave I want johnny mac or steve to win the game period she needs to go asap her diary room sessions are boring, not as great as janelle, neda, bb3 danielle bb8 danielle, and bb12 brittney, bbcan3 sarah. Every great winner had a great diary room except for andy and that guy from bb9.

    1. Yes because production doesn’t interfere with diary room sessions at all…. Not to mention she didn’t even have a diary room session in this episode because she wasn’t part of anything. I think you are just scared Vanessa will beat out Steve and Johnny Mac. Vanessa is playing a pretty good game. Steve isn’t going to make it much farther. I admit Johnny Mac as of right now is in the perfect position.. he just listens to everyone and agrees so everyone trusts him right now. I am waiting to see what he does with the information before I decide if he is a great player or not.

      1. he won bob and I think he is a great player that people will underestimate but I think he is cool.

  4. The HGs can be divided into two groups, drama queens on speed and those who are too stunned to act.
    James is in the second group.

  5. Well that was a good exchange between Jeff and Jace. There’s some of that honesty he wanted. I will be very happy if Jace leaves tomrw night. Still in denial about everything and he thinks the main reason he’s leaving is bc of his threat factor. So arrogant

  6. Jace is so nasty what does not putting someone up initially have to do with being a man?? It’s just good gameplay?? Also, Audrey is so delusional it’s almost scary I truly think that bitch needs to get a psychiatrist she is repedaling the same lies… Literally pathological.

  7. (About Audrey) “Very hard to hear her talk let alone follow the madness” Simon I wonder if Audrey’s gameplay is anything like what Aerys II Targaryen must have been like, minus the fire of course. She also reminds me of Azula from Avatar the Last Airbender. Her target seems to change with the wind. First it’s Day, then Jason, next, Jeff, now Clay, no now Jeff. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone play the game like Audrey. She literally won’t stop. She’s 24/7. If she won maybe she’d put up Day and Jason with Jeff as a potential BD. I hope she doesn’t win though. I’m one to separate game players from their real selves (except for the bigots), but I can’t help but wonder if Audrey is this pathological in the real world. I think she really does believe she’s done nothing wrong.

    Jeff is so annoying I almost want him to get BD next week more than Audrey. And I don’t know why Vanessa is adamant about trying to use Audrey. I think it may come back to bite her in the a**. Audrey is still very much a dangerous (albeit wounded) player, and when you let your guard down with her, she won’t hesitate to strike. I would just play dumb with her, so just in case she won HOH I wasn’t on her radar. But Wide Eyes does bring the entertainment so I won’t hold my breath on her leaving next week. As long as JohnnyMac, Steve, Da’Vonne, and Jason can slide through week 2 alive I’ll be happy.

      1. Lol thanks OnlineBB Lover! I mean Audrey almost has no choice, but to wear those damn sunglasses. Every time she takes them off, those Wide Eyes be looking crazy as hell (she is literally always plotting something, Jason was like that b**ch has no soul in this game). Plus she wouldn’t be able to fake cry without sunglasses. Twitter is having so much fun with BB17. Between our wonderful site here thanks to Dawg and Simon, to the links they post to Twitter that lead to even more laughs, I am very content this season.

        I like Day’s nickname for Audrey too, Slithering.

  8. I really don’t think there is a twin switchout….they say find out who’s been playing with a twin….I don’t have feeds in Canada but a few days ago I said one of them looks like Hilary Swank …one of them is….being….
    BECKI AND SHELLI…..I think they are TWINS!!!
    CBS didn’t say identical…..and they said…again…find out who’s been playing with a twin. (not specifically switching in and out) they been together this whole time!

      1. I’ve seen their pics. They look pretty identical to me at Ieast. You could be right tho. But I have seen a few articles about liz being part of the twin twist. Idk let me know what you think.

  9. I dunno, they dropped hints at her craziness… I think they are going to start off slow. They cannot hide that huge confrontation they had, thats something major. But they showed the other houseguests commenting that she is nuts.

    No golden edit, because in the beginning she wasn’t crazy… it’s a slooow build. I predict next ep we will see more.

  10. When Liz’s sister is in the game then Jeff will pick one and won’t have to fight Austin for the attention.

  11. I think it’s too early for Zingbot. Although he has a lot of material to work with so far. “Jace, so sorry that you’re on the block but when you went streaking through the backyard you showed your fellow houseguests your SHORTCOMINGS. ZZZZZZZZZZZINNNNGGGGG!”

    And why do the black women who have kids always get called “Mama ____”? This year it’s Mama Day. Remember Jocasta/ “Mama J”? Shelly had kids but she wasn’t Mama anything.

  12. Now it all makes sense. Clay wants Da out because she has been on to his game play from the jump. I just hope she can get her emotions in check because she is definitely the most perseptive person in the house. Not only did she see clay for what he was but she caught on to Audrey just as fast. If she can pull it together she could go far in the game. She just needs to lay low next week if she doesn’t win hoh.

    1. Exactly. It’s rare that the show gives me any insight, but tonite’s cleared up why Day had a problem with Clay and Audrey (even before Audrey was blown up). Day was spot on.
      In other news, Austin had been a disappointment for me so far this season, but his DR sessions on the show are helping…I think I get his game more now. Still would like to see more out of him and if he’s going to play the game the way he is, I’d like to see him talking to the feedsters to clue us in.

  13. Hey, just started reading the updates, can’t seem to find out what exactly Audrey did to gain this rep. If it’s not too much trouble, would anyone be able to quickly explain?


    1. She basically was a paranoid sh** stirrer. She would hear something about someone that she thought would be a threat to her so she would spread lies about that person trying to get the house to go against them. She also would spread lies to pit alliance members (that she was a part of) against each other. She overreacted about any bit of info she got, which started making people uneasy. Also they noticed every bit of drama happening in the house was coming from her. The actual final straw was her and Da having it out over Da not supporting her when she was telling Jace that he was the bd plan from day 1 and everyone knew it. She was lying to Da telling her she always had her back and Van walked into the room and then confronted both of them about who started the rumor that Van was starting an all girl alliance. Both blamed the other person so Da called in her alliance members to back her up and prove Audrey was lying.

    2. Oh man where to begin. Basically she was really paranoid and went really hard from day one. Formed alliances with everybody and just had really bad and annoying gameplay in general. Since she is involved in everything, her name was mentioned a lot by everybody when gossiping. Basically she f#cked up

    3. Audrey has lied to all, over and over, now she has been found out by everyone talking and putting two and two together and she keeps on lying. That’s why she is in the doghouse. Hope this helped a little.

    4. Welcome to the site Marc!

      So basically Audrey initially wanted to form an alliance with Da’Vonne and Shelli to ensure a woman won this season. Then Da and Audrey decided to get close to the HOH’s Jason and James. They all decided to BD Jace. So They created a Alliance to have the numbers. After Da and Clay/Shelli’s beef happened (because they asked Jeff to spy on Da and Da heard this) Audrey began playing multiple sides within the HR alliance. She then went and brough Shelli, Jeff, and Jackie into the HR alliance (much to the chagrin of her alliance members).

      Here’s where things just get crazy. Audrey begins spreading a SEA of lies in the house by using the Telephone method so that she could blame the lies on the people who last heard them, and told them to someone else. She began scheming to turn multiple people against each other Day Vs. Clay/Shelli, Austin/Jace Vs. Jeff, etc, and made deals with practically the whole house so she could Float between the various factions. In esscence she played the ultimate Floater game (and a good strategy had she slowed down), in one week instead of the entire season.

      Finally Vanessa and Day caught Audrey red handed in a lie, and Day rallied the troops, and brought everyone in the Have Not Room to confront Audrey, and her game was basically blown to smithereens. The really crazy part is that instead of owning up to her lies Audrey kept lying. She isolated herself from the rest of the house trying to play the victim and garner sympathy, while still spreading rumors around the house. She’s literally tried to play an entire season in 1 week. Vanessa, Steve, and Shelli are the only people who semi trust her (I think).

      Because of Audrey the house is filled with paranoia, and very few people have been able to create any strong alliances besides Austin/Liz, Jason/Da’Vonne, Shelli/Clay, etc. Think of Audrey as a combination of Aerys II Targaryen (GoT) and Azula (AtLA) playing a game like Ronnie (BB11)/ Devin (BB 16)/Amanda (BB15).

      1. So, I know Audrey’s gameplay is very reckless (understatement) as I’ve read the comments. So, knowing she is in for a downfall, why does she have all of this hate? Lying is part of the game and if she continues to lie after being called out, it’s only going to hinder her chances at winning. Is this hate coming from the fact that Audrey screwed herself over, Audrey has an annoying personality, Audrey sucks at the game (she is good but she played so hard she screwed herself over), Audrey is transgender (I saw a crap ton of bigots on FB) or that production may use the fact that she is transgender and use executive meddling to get her to the end? I’m not trying to start anything as I am just confused. Could somebody please clear this up for me? Please note that I don’t check this site all the time so I might’ve missed a lot of controversial comments or whatever.

        1. I don’t hate Audrey (hate is a strong word reserved for bigots). I think it was really nasty of her to spread a rumor that Day was calling Becky racist though. I’m super excited and proud that Audrey is the first transgender HG. I also appreciate that she is being treated as a player instead of an identity. She’s disliked by most HG (for now) strictly because of her gameplay. I haven’t seen anyone say anything bad about her because she’s transgender. In fact most people have a hard time believing she was born male.

          As a fan I am a bit disappointed in her because she actually stood a chance of winning this game. If she had slowed down her gameplay, she would have easily been one of the best players I’ve seen in a while.

          Yes lying is a part of the game, and one I don’t have a problem with (when it isn’t over used). I do think she may have been getting some unfair advantages in the DR.

          But all in all she’s a provocative player who is entertaining to watch because you can’t predict what she’ll do next.

  14. Many it sucks jace is leaving, he has been campaign hard this week and on the first week more than any other season that I have seen. Last season it was quiet, the only good feeds was zach going off on devin and this probably is the best feeds also next week will be same drama. Alliance are not set in stone I am still confused who is with who. The only confirmed alliance is day and jason that is it. Becky is trying to be the lone wolf and also she reminds me of bb15 jessie on how see competes and game strategy. I wonder what johnny mac is thinking he is not any alliance but soon he will after the next hoh. It been too long since the last hoh and we have not gotten to the first eviction omg. It seems everyone is throwing the hoh to audrey because austin, vanessa, clay, shelli, steve, johnny mac, and jeff are not going to win it which is dumb especially with this bob.

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