3am Backyard – Jace tells Audrey I am sorry for all the fights we had. Audrey says I don’t hold you responsible for it. Jace says tonight I blew everything up. Did you hear about that? Jace tells her about how he called everyone out. I know I’m a dead man walking. Audrey says I have something that I think could flip Becky but I don’t know how to prove it. Audrey asks did you or did you not mention the backdoor plan for Jason. He said that you came outside and approached Jeff about it. Jace says its not true. It was never my plan. Audrey says I think it was James. Jace says it was. Audrey asks what about the song? I heard you said it was me. Jace says I actually did say that to defer. I will fix that for you to help your game. Audrey says I think I know who it was. Jace says I will never tell you. I’m not throwing anyone under the bus. Audrey tells Jace that you know those things we do (goodbye messages) I did mine right after we… Jace says so its mean. That’s okay. Audrey tells Jace that Steve is on board. Jace says that’s because I scared him. Audrey says no its not he realizes who he wants to play with.
In the living room – Clay is talking to Shelli and James about how he horrible feels about the way Jace and Audrey have been treated. Jace comes and apologizes to Shelli and says that it wasn’t a personal attack against her. He tells her that he loves her and she’s a great person. Jace then heads outside and tells Jason that it wasn’t a personal attack against him either. Jason says there are loyal people in this house. Jason says that there were a lot of people that had Audrey’s back and she ran them through the mud .. Clay included and that’s why he feels like that.

3:20am – 3:30am Up in the HOH room – James tells Jeff and Meg that he thinks that all the anger has calmed down in the house and now the mood has now changed to remorse. Meg asks remorse? She was just escorted up here to take a shower. I’m sorry but I’ve never seen someone isolate themselves so much. James says that Clay feels like sh*t because Jace told him that this was his dream to come be here on big brother. And Clay was part of backdooring him. Right now Clay is really upset. Meg asks where is Clay!? James says talking to Jace. Meg says I’m going to not, I’m going to not! Jace just finished saying we’re all horrible people! This is all of our dreams to be here. James says that Clay thinks Jace deserves to be here over him. Jeff says that Clay is mad and upset with himself because he made two separate alliances. He should have never done that. Meg says Audrey isn’t a horrible person either ..she just played the game wrong!!! That’s all that it is. Jeff says you can just forget about our little 8 and start thinking about who we can trust. The alliance is broken up. When it gets restructured it has to be a secret. James tells Meg and Jeff I want to work with you two. Meg and Jeff agree. James asks who else are you thinking? James says maybe not Day. Meg and Jeff agree. James says then maybe not Jason either because of how close they are. James says right now its hard to recruit. Meg says right now with Audrey being the next out we have the whole week to figure it out. James says its hard because we might bring in another mole. Meg says I would choose Jackie over Becky. Becky I feel would turn around and knife me in the back. Jeff says I really want to work with Jason. James asks Jeff have you heard anyone else target me other than Austin. Jeff says just Austin. They talk about Aryn Gries and her making racist comments. Meg asks so who are we talking about working with. You, me, possibly Jason, Jeff, possibly Liz and Rockstar (Johnny Mac). Meg says Johnny would be down. He likes me. Jeff says he likes me too. Jeff says if not Liz then maybe Jackie. James says maybe Liz and Jackie. Jeff says I want to say Austin but I don’t know. James and Meg say they don’t trust him. James says I already know he is targeting me. If he wins I know I’m going up. Meg says I think we should just all stay low and let some of the crazies take out the crazies. Jeff asks why would Jace say that out of everyone’s name why is my name the one that he’s heard being thrown under the bus the most. Meg says you came in here knowing you were a target.
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3:50am – 4:15am Shelli tells Clay this is just a game. Just be cognisant of how you speak to people. Clay says I do have love for her as a person. Shelli says when you talk to people just remember how you were raised. Clay says someone came to me 3 months ago and asked if I wanted to be on Big Brother and I said sure. This has been his (Jace’s) dream. Shelli and Clay start talking about their lives outside the house. Jeff and Meg come into the bedroom and get into bed.
4:15am – 4:40am Jason whispers to Meg. I was trying to put a little good Karma Jace’s way. Her (Audrey) only question was did Becky make a racist comment because she is trying to use that as her only leverage against me and Day. And what Becky said was an example of what Aryn had said in her season and not even a real comment. Jason says of the few things I could hear Clay and Shelli whispering about over the last hour was something with Becky’s name. Meg asks Audrey and Shelli? Jason says no Clay and Shelli. Meg says I want to talk with you later .. gamewise. Jason says okay. Jason says I am going to lay out with Becky tomorrow because I’m not going to have these little f**kers running around trying to make something that is nothing. Jason asks where the f**k did they find these people.
Jeff tells Clay that the people from that original 8 are all trying to jump ship.Jeff says you can’t be 75% with us and 25% with them. It’s all or nothing. Jeff says we want numbers .. it can’t just be me, you, shelli. We need at least 5. They say Meg and Jackie too. Jeff asks what if we got Jason but no Day. Clay says I think its good to have Jason but I don’t think we can get him without Day. Jeff says we just need to lay low right now. Clay says I don’t think Jason can just jump ship. Jeff says Meg is working on Jason right now.
4:40am All the house guests are asleep..
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Jace is such a huge baby, yes I get being mad you are out of the game week one, but dude come on grow a pair, stop throwing tantrums, man up and go out like an adult!
I really dislike people like Jace. You can see that kind of attitude in his eyes even when he’s in a good mood. Very uncomfortable type of person to be around.
I have an idea for a twist. One week two of the people nominated from the previous week should become the HOHs
I would like to see a Twist where the person nominated acted like an adult.
How about next season the Have Not room has Jace’s “music” streaming 24 / 7.
This is probably the worst group of contestants inthe history of BB. Can we bring back the option where America picks who goes on the block and who gets eliminated?
America never picked who went on the block. That was season 1. Each houseguest nominated two people and whoever had the top two highest number of votes were nominated. It was a boring season, and it was about American favoritism. The guy with one leg won because of course, he got sympathy votes.
Ok then have the HOH nominate 1 person of their choice, and let America pick the 2nd person to nominate. Then let the house vote to decide who goes home. That way the HOH will have a say in the matter, and America will too.
BBCAN does this, canada votes up the nominations, canada votes out a nominee. they have also done the pubic voting, where they have to show their votes to the nominees, and other HGs. which is irrelevant when most BBs just do a house vote anyway.
the only thing that will make this BB interesting is a flip the vote, and not go with the house. and no, it is not too early to do this, HGs, at this point, lots of people in the house. 2 people among many who are not BB people, like Jeff, Jackie, and apparenlty Clay,. which is not surprising, whenever you see someone has a modeling page or info, like mr. vermont & danielle from Ian’s season, you know they were handpicked, not applicants.
the best thing i would say about BBCAN3 was that the cast was picked out of fans, superfans, etc, not modeling pages for their looks.
Audrey has completely lost her freaking mind! Now she’s implying Day said Becky’s a racist? And then crocodile tears begin NOT falling. Hahahahahaha. I can’t with her anymore. I just can’t. “I’ve had a really strong feeling about things.” You mean you’ve been getting hints from the “fairies” (DR)?
And the gif of all the HG scrambling after eavesdropping on James and Audrey is hilarious! Everyone in that house is so done with her. https://twitter.com/IAmTeamVegas/status/616166392061038592?autoplay=true
Jace seems to be sipping on whatever Kool-Aid Audrey got her hands on. From his not so academy award winning speech to Steve, to blowing up on the people sitting outside (not like any of them seemed to care). I noticed he decided to blow up when Day wasn’t around, because after what she did to Audrey I think he knows better. And no Jace, this is setting up to be one of the best seasons of BBUS.
Did he really say Becky’s not a racist because she plays basketball? Haha haha haha too funny. Becky is not a racist. Her comments were taken out of context
No, a couple of them said she has dated black basketball players, so they don’t buy that she’s racist.
Yeah James is just… simple? I guess that’s a good word for that, but I couldn’t stop laughing when he said she’s not racist because she plays basketball and has dated Black guys.
Yeah I thought that Becky was making a comment about GinaMarie from season 15, but I may be wrong.
I don’t mind a person like Audrey in the house because you must have one or two people who lie and manipulate to no end. It always comes back to bite them in the ass, so no worry, she won’t win. But at least it makes for some BB excitement if we can point and go… wow, that person is nuts. It’s good BB drama.
She’s definitely good for the drama (and ratings), and I agree that I don’t think she stands a chance of winning anymore. But she’s gone to a whole other level of just nasty gameplay by trying to suggest Day was implying Becky was a racist. Playing dirty can be funny when people like Dr. Will do it, but Dr. Will never stooped to playing nasty like Amanda, Aaryn, GM, etc. I don’t mind lying, but Audrey takes it to the extreme. Jason tried to have a one on one with her and she tried to turn it around on him. She loves playing the victim when she’s the one isolating herself for sympathy.
that might have been the shortest revolution ever. didn’t even make it to a house meeting
Jace is a sore loser.
Hopefully, some new twist will replace BOTB on Thursday and we will see Da’ win HoH.
Jace is certifiably insane. I am not even joking. From the 5 days of feeds we have seen, it is clear that he is a VERY insecure man who needs to grow up and who needs emotional help. He needs to act self righteous or act like a “bro” to cover up his insecurities. I was easily the one who wanted him to stay for drama reasons, but I can’t anymore. If he really sold off all of his shit to be on the show, he needs to handle that. All jokes aside, he needs to be on suicide watch after the season is done. He needs religion and therapy.
Audrey is almost just as bad.
Jace is one enormous asshole and a complete moron !!!!
What high morals? Jace knows what morals are? Since when? Is it morality that leads you to verbally beat someone like Steve into the ground? What a cry baby! Hasn’t he ever seen this show, crybabies get kicked to the curb.
Jace is a little pathetic punk kid and after his little bully meeting with Steve he is dead to me. Weak little people assault those they know won’t retaliate. This is a game and Jace shows his true character outside the house when he wouldn’t stop with Steve who you could on his face obviously was scared by being verbally assaulted. It’s a game yes but when you see someone actually scared you apologize and back off.
Please don’t start the “this is worst cast season of Big Brother ever crap” Jace said this so now it’s your cue to jump that bandwagon and ruin the season for yourself? Gtfo then.
Vanessa- I like her but she needs to stop telling everyone “I’m really loyal” if you really are you don’t have to say it for yourself others will say it for you. She could win if she takes over and runs the right 3 or four people.
Steve- Hope this kid goes far. He is a little follow the leader for me but one of the ones to root for.
James- A wana be “cool kid” and will be gone in a few weeks. Lies too much thinking he is bettering his position in the house. Also is creepy as…it’s no wonder he doesn’t get much in the real world the way he approaches and creeps women. And the “I’m really clean person at home..I’m just dirty in here” Yeah right. U can totally tell his house is a disaster.
Jeff- Some of the same as James but with a ally in Jackie and only slightly smarter than James which isn’t saying much. Has zero chance to win the whole thing.
Becky- Too surface level only. There has to be more there. I want to like her but it’s hard because I feel there’s a possibility there isn’t much other than the big fake boobs.
Liz- She wants so bad just to find someone to ride to the end. Nice body…but is too clicky and is a follower not a leader.
Audrey- Could have been good at this game but she became obsessed with being center of the attention and still wants that so has no chance of winning.
Johnny- Like Steve he is easy to root for but also is following a little too much for my taste but maybe this is part of his master plan. I have high hopes for him and hope to get a grasp on whether he is a great player as well as likeable.
Austin- Almost lost me early on with “we are the cool kids and gona get kicked out for it” and “there is a lot of nerds in here” He could go far but needs to stop trying to be in everyones alliance so he thinks he is always safe. This will backfire when he gets several weeks in.
Meg- Trying to be everyone’s friend. Too fake perky and the “I know you all hate me and gona vote me out” while laughing crap has to stop. She thinks if she keeps everyone thinking she isn’t a threat she can win that way. Wrong.
Da’ vonne- I like her but she is too moody and needs to let certain things go and not wana confront every little thing. Manipulate people to do your fights for you.
Shelli- Acts 22 at 33. Seems to have half a brain but she can’t figure out if she wants to win or just look cute and have showmance with Clay. Pick one fast Shelli or you will be out soon wondering why you didn’t do more.
Clay- Generally a good kid. Raised right but isn’t all that smart and has no clue how to play this game. He is another one that could latch on to one person like his twin from last season did with Derrick. Clay could go far but zero chance of winning it all.
Jackie- Nice backside. Wow. I think she and Jeff are closer outside the house and decided to play it down because they knew they would be targets if everyone knew they were a couple. Jackie could slide far but I think once Jeff is gone more of her game will come out. She waiting to see how he does and then decide when she wants to strike. She has a brain but hasn’t had to use yet.
“Jason asks where is Day because she would have snatched his wig!”
This is why I love Jason.
I really wanted to like James, but he has done nothing to shore up his place in the house. The one thing that you have to be clear about when you are HOH is that as soon as veto is over you have no power, and therefore you can be in danger next week. James should have tried to smooth things over with anyone that might be pissed about being put on the block, used as a pawn, etc. James hasn’t done much to placate Steve which is a mistake. He is in trouble if Audrey, Steve or Austin win HOH.
Week 2 HOH comp is usually a quiz, like majority rules or questions about who said what in their applications. Those are always crap shoots and anyone can win. That’s why it’s bad game to be scrambling to get numbers to evict Audrey next week. They haven’t thought about what happens if Audrey wins HOH. Audrey played way to fast and hard way too early. She reminds me of Sabrina BBCA2, it worked for Sabrina because she actually did have a strong core alliance and she did stay loyal to them while forming fake alliances with everyone else and reporting back to her core group. It blew up on her though (epic fun on the feeds) and the only reason she made it to the end is because they all knew she could not win. Audrey’s only hope is to win HOH. If that happens, then all of these multiple fake alliances in the house mean nothing and the cockroaches will scatter into new alliances. I don’t see anyone plotting a plan for what will happen if she does win HOH. Jace isn’t even gone yet and they are behaving as if Audrey going home next week is a done deal. I don’t like Audrey and hope she goes soon, but it would shake everything to the core if she becomes HOH.
Jace is an even bigger douche than Jayce BB5. Won’t miss him a bit. Even Austin sees that Jace has to go.
My early pick is Vanessa, she was awesome yesterday, she provoked the Day/Audrey scene and came out looking like the honest innocent victim. Love it! Also loving the potential for Day to go off and make fun TV.
Way off the radar award goes to Johnny Mac and Meg. Nobody is even thinking about targetting them and nobody sees them as threats.
Jackie and Jeff: I was prepared to hate them, but I don’t. Jeff played some great game early in the week, but now he is playing too hard and too fast, didn’t he see how that worked out for Audrey? Jackie will be on the block a lot because she is kind of irrelevant, but so far she has played smart. She took being the pawn with grace and composure and just let Jace sink himself while she avoided the spotlight.
And Audrey plays the race card. Now she’s really at the bottom if she’s gonna pull this kind of shit as a last resort.
And…what…Jace what? After all the crap he’s been spouting he says he’s taking the high road because he has morals? You should have thought about it several days ago you hypocritical meathead!
Good-bye Jace I am not sorry to see you go! But only if you could take Audrey with you! Drama Drama and it’s only week 1. All these people are playing too hard for week 1. Johnny Mac seems to be the smartest player saying nothing going under the radar. These people have a hard time keeping there months shut even though every 2 seconds someone is calling someone else out for saying something! I am starting to think they don’t understand the game even through they all claim to be super fans…this is Big Brother not Let’s be friends and hold hands!
off subject, but every year the house gets dirtier. Didn’t they used to make them clean?
For a long time I think BB is too soft on the HG. They should be made to clean the house as punishment for causing fish and not cleaning up after themselves. In early seasons they had to work together to unlock the hot tub and earn toasters, irons, gym equipment. I wish they would bring that back. I also hate the have not thing. Bring back the group food comps, those were fun.
Austin is so annoying. They had a great group that could have worked all sides of the house with Clay, Shelli, Vanessa, and Austin but he had to try and bring Jeff in, which messed everything up. I understand that they need numbers but you don’t need all the numbers to be in an alliance together. Large alliances never work and they don’t need 7 people in an alliance. You just need to have a few people you trust and then be able to manipulate others to vote your way. Why don’t they understand this??? Also Austin is terrible at reading people. He claims to know he had Audrey figured out but he didn’t! The only reason he got into the loop was because of Vanessa’s observations. Jeff is just as bad but I hope Jeff sinks his own ship.
I’m enjoying this year’s cast over the last few seasons. Like many HATE BotB. Makes people stupid. I work at a middle school and am trying hard to see the difference between some of these people and our students. Lots of drama and too many loose lips. Great for us, stupid for them.
Audrey started this whole blow-up ball rolling by starting an argument with Jace and telling him about the backdoor plan. Since then it’s been argument after argument. My guess is she did it to try to draw attention away from herself because too many people were catching on to her lies and munipulations. That blew up in her face yet she still doesn’t know when to calm down and let things blow over. Advice: once you find yourself in a hole of your own making, stop digging.