Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Lisa, Angela, Kenny
POV Players: Lisa, Kenny, Angela, Brooklyn, Chelsie and Joe
POV Winner: Kenny
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: Rubina, Leah, Makensy and Lisa
4:30pm – 4:55pm Upper Level Backyard – Tucker and Lisa.
Tucker questions Lisa about how he knows she has the power app. Lise continues to deny having it. Tucker – I’m just telling you what I’ve observed. It came out of your mouth. I’m super observant. This is all my observations in my eyes. This is all my observations. I’m very good at reading people and that’s what I feel. You said You better be careful about the people that power ups and then you’ve done that again. You’ve kind of sold yourself twice. Lisa – this is crazy. I promise you I didn’t vote yes. I voted no. Tucker – and I everyone knows you voted yes.
Tucker – Either one and we’re not going to be in something. Lisa – Do you only want to work with someone who has a power up? Because I
don’t know who has the power up. Tucker – No, but I know you do. I want to work for someone who’s strong in this game. You’re a great competitor and… Lisa – I don’t. Tucker – Everything has to be transparent. 100%. Lisa – I don’t have the power app. Tucker – I don’t believe you. I love it. You’ve been the only one reminding people about the power ups. You were very confident and you were on the block and you were very comfortable with Matt. He wouldn’t have the numbers unless he knew you had a power or he thought the same thing as me.
Tucker – I’m very well versed in this game and I’m playing the dumb so if you want to make it to the end sleep on this and talk to me.
Lisa – with you and that sounds fantastic. Tucker – I’m not going to get into with anybody unless it’s fully truthful. Lisa – I think everything for the past two weeks has put me in a really crappy position because I didn’t choose to be here. Tucker – I mean this part of your game you put yourself there. No one no one put you anywhere but everyone’s got to be responsible for themselves in here. I’ve done what I had to do to win the veto. The veto was fair and square. Tucker – I know that. I’m just saying your actions are speaking a lot louder than you’re wearing something. You’re the person to remind the house about the power ups.
Tucker – I love you as a person but this is a professional conversation not a personal conversation and we haven’t had a chance to really talk shop and we haven’t since the first day. Lisa – Ok so what do you need for me and how do you want to move forward and also what is your ulterior intentions of this aside from trying to assess it all? Tucker – I’m trying to suss it out and that’s what I’ve been doing.
Lisa – I don’t have the power. Tucker – you close your eyes every time you say you don’t have it. Just sleep on it and we’ll talk tomorrow. I think you’re a a pilates yoga instructor or something like that and you’re not a chef. Lisa – and this is the funniest narrative about me. Tucker – The shifting is the most transient. You didn’t know how to make pepper more coarse or not. Lisa – I’m laughing at this narrative. It’s so funny. It’s fine. Tucker – Drink your water and calm yourself down. I’m just saying if you want to if you want someone that knows what’s going on, I’m here. I don’t think this conversation’s over. I think it is for now. And if we want to sleep on it we’ll sleep on it. Lisa – But I don’t have a clearer thing of I said everything I’ve needed to say and you’ve said the same stuff and we’re going in circles so there’s no need to keep it going. How do you move forward? Tucker – I keep observing and doing what I’m doing and floating until I need somebody to be on my team. Lisa – I’ve studied human behavior in psychology for over 10 years. Tucker – I know. That’s cool. I’ve studied with the C. I. A. Studies to go undercover. I know how people cover things up. I know how to read people’s body movements. I know their shadow movements and I know a lot more about that than I think you do. I hope we can reconvene tomorrow. Lisa – It’s been going in circles. It doesn’t need to go more. Tucker – You’re getting emotional. Lisa – I’m getting emotional. Tucker – Lets just nip it in the butt and go from there.
5:20pm Upper Level Backyard – Leah and Chelsie
Leah – Cam is just like that probably with everyone and every girl. Chelsie – I don’t even know he gives you more energy than other girls. Leah – I can tell he likes me for sure I mean like it’s obvious he does a bad job hiding it. Even today they were oh like what’s whatever he’s off the charts. He (Cam) needs to go do something with himself because today they’re like what is your thing or whatever and I’m wearing a whole athletics thing and he was like oh I like athletic wear ..slender necks and he’s like you just get behind and I’m like I got to leave! I got to go!
5:27pm Backyard – Kenny and Angela
Angela – I left a mark and wasn’t intentional. Kenny – You got a big player out. Angela – I got a huge player out. I got here. I keep trying to think of all the positive things.. I made it to Big Brother. They saw something in me and said yes. And then I got here and I won the first HOH and I think I won their hearts initially by being myself and then. I got out with the help of the house a huge threat in the game. Took out a potential which was ended up being a couples alliance there, you know. Showmance, if you will. So that’s kind of cool and that I was threatening to a 20 something year old 25 I’m twice his age that’s incredible! Incredible! Kenny – So just play the rest of the game with calm cool and collective. Angela – I promise.
5:34pm Unicorn Bedroom – Quinn and Lisa
Lisa – I don’t have the power app okay but I am hearing that and I don’t know if it’s one person or the whole house or multiple can you clear this up? I don’t have the power app. okay! I don’t have the power app but it is a narrative that’s going around. Quinn – that is going around yes but it’s okay another fire to put out. Lisa – I don’t have the power app and I’m laughing and looking away not because I’m lying but because it’s so fucking funny.
6:10pm – 6:30pm Havenot Room – Tucker and Lisa
Lisa – I’ll have a follow up conversation with you tomorrow. My brain works a little differently, so I need like a little bit. Tucker – I wanted to tell you where I was. What I was sussed out. What I was the not the fun-est date that I’ve ever been on. Lisa – Me either was not. Tucker – I didn’t like it. It came out different but it was still you know, that’s just all my interpretations of people’s people’s actions. And again, how you said it. This is a professional conversation, not personal. Tucker – I could have worked it better. Lisa – and just always remember that with me. I’m very much a people person and I don’t want anyone to be too.. I know it’s a game and you’re not playing a game of there’s a very different game that you’re playing than someone else is playing so I know what’s game. Tucker – I have a lot of questions. That’s what I was saying. That was my interpretation, because I’ve been paying attention to everybody the whole time. So I haven’t seen you act fidgety like that, you know? So that’s just me. But it’s like, not because of you or what you’re saying. What’s been said has been said. They’re told dinner is starting so they agree to talk again later. They hug and leave the room.

6:34pm The house guests all cheers to Joseph and wish him a happy birthday.
Brooklyn – Alright, everyone. So cheers to our new sweet friend. Joseph. Thank you for being a incredible house guest the past. What is it? 13 days. You’re not even your family and friends and brother and parents are so proud of you. We know that they’re watching you with big hearts and I am so grateful. And I know everyone else is that we are able to celebrate our da of birth. So cheers to Jose h. We love you.
Joseph – I’m really weird. So I appreciate you guys showing me so much love and accepting me for who I am. I wasn’t sure how it was gonna go in this House. You know what I mean? You know, a lot of insecurities and things like that. And you guys have just. Been really cool. And I missed my family a lot here, but I just love you guys a lot. And thank you for making this experience really cool for me.

7pm Bathroom – Leah and Rubina.
Rubina – its obvious that you and Cam have like a (attraction). Leah – I just don’t.. I just don’t know. I don’t know I feel like he’s just like that. Like he’s just like that kind of guy. A campus like that kind of guy. If I was in here like and there was any kind of girl he was attracted to he would just like do the girl. It’s just
messy and I don’t want him messing up my game. Rubina – I understand but also I don’t know. We’re in this house a long time bitch so… That’s all I’ll say. Leah – I know. Rubina – cam is just a very beautiful. Leah – he is precious creature. Leah – Yeah I’m not sure. I’m just like testing the waters trying to get to know everyone and like I don’t want like it to seem like I’m trying to get to know some people more than the others. Rubina – that’s smart. Leah – but sometimes it’s hard and last night he was like looking at me like he wanted to devour me.
7:15pm Backyard – Kenny talking to the cameras
Kenny – Yeah, hanging around. Everyone is just celebrating Joe’s birthday. Good old Joe. Who’s running the house America? What is going on behind the scenes? No one’s really talking game with me. I’m friendly with everybody in the house. So I think nobody is talking game. No one wants to join forces with sweet Kenny K and I’m okay with that because I’m used to working alone. I’m used to just being the lone wolf going into places by myself. It’s going to be interesting to watch his back and hear all the conversations that went on. I’m not going to hear all of them, but ones at least were aired. That’d be pretty cool. Curious if my wife is home yelling at the TV, telling me to open my eyes and see what’s going on around me. But kind of hard to do when most of the time is spent missing your family. Besides Brooklyn, no one really knows what it’s like to miss their kids. But she seems to be holding it together pretty good. She’s a pretty strong woman. She is crushing it. But in that department, not me though. I’m not crushing it. I’m pretty emotional but I’m trying to do this game for a long time. And my wish came true. You know those times they tell you. Be careful what you wish for. It just might happen. I live that occasionally. I mean, living that at least two or three times a day and then I snap out of it.
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I am confused by everyone thinking Lisa has one of the powers. Quinn told multiple people about his power, MaKensy told multiple people about her power and they retold others, isn’t there overlap? At this point someone should have been told who possess both powers, I can’t keep track of which HGs have been told.
Only Angela and Kimo know he has the power.
Somehow Angela hasn’t spilled.
MJ suspected Quinn. Brooklin suspected Quinn in a conversation with Chelsie, but they agreed if Quinn had it it’s good for them.
Kimo is the first person to KNOW who has BOTH powers. I don’r remember anyone telling Quinn yet that MJ has a power…. but i think he knows too.
MJ told Leah, Chelsie. Chelsie told Ced, Cam, Brook. MJ admitted to Cam Ced. Later admitted to Brook Tucker.
Tucker told everyone not on the list already except Angela and Kenney.
So Kimo can keep a secret, I’m surprised he didn’t tell T-Kor.
Kimo only reveals what is good for Kimo’s game to T’Kor, and nobody seems to have picked up on it.
So, there’s 15 people left in the house, and based on what you just said 13 of them know that Makensy has one of the powers. The 2 that don’t know are Angela and Kenny.
Only 3 out of 15 know Quinn has the other one (Quinn, Angela and Kimo).
Quinn and Kimo are the only 2 that knows who has both powers, and Kenny is the only one that doesn’t know who has either of the 2 powers (nobody’s telling Kenny anything).
I’m not trying to re-write what you just wrote (although it may seem that I am), I’m just trying to kind of clarify it a bit, for my own understanding.
I still feel kind of bad for Lisa, with everybody accusing her of having it, she knows she doesn’t and denies it, but nobody believes her. I guess they will if she loses the AI comp and doesn’t use it. Surely they know if she had it, she would have used it to save herself and therefore she must not have it.
I’m not sure if Lisa knows since… it’s Lisa.
When someone offers to go on the block, vote them out.
I think that would be hilarious! Both of Grods 2 pretty boys getting voted out in the first 2 weeks? I don’t think that’s ever happened before!
How condescending Tucker is, yuck!
I just read or heard that because all the bb fans want Angela out so much, everyone is sick of her bullying, big brother is going to cut the feeds every time she has a melt down, every time she goes after someone by isn’t going to show it. Less screen time for her
So another African-American alliance. Well 4 out of 5. And to label Kyle a racist for thinking there might be one in the house. Seems hypocritical to me.
Monte and Terrance, both said what happened to Kyle, was utter bull and not racist at all. It was move to save taylors game by Michael trying save his sub alliance. Fact that there was a twist in the first place would have meant Taylor would have been evicted. She still would have been voted out of the house and returned to the game. Without a quit OR Camp comeback type of second chance twist, Taylor is the First boot. Julie: “ Unusual first eviction”. Taylor was the only person her season to be handed a second life advantage yet she is somehow best player of that season when she solely stays from a twist. Just wild. I can’t put up Jasmine, well you know her identity. Ironically enough from that logic gave Taylor the dubious honor of having the worst hoh ever by a winner.
I absolutely agree. At that point of the game for Kyle, there are so many possibilities for who is with who and what alliances there are. He was just suggesting one of many possibilities of groups of people together. Just because ONE idea of who was in an alliance just happened to be all people of color, people jumped down his throat and thought it was racism. It wasn’t. The year before there actually was a group of people of color that won!! Why is it so hard to believe that could happen again?!? He was just thinking of maybe it could happen again. It was disgusting how they treated him.
Why do they all vote with the majority? I get you don’t want to make waves with the house but when it’s at the beginning and there is so many people there it’s anybody’s guess who votes for who. Do your own thing.
Reason for week one voting:
Nobody was voting to support Angela’s decision or take her side.
There were key people that spread misinformation or opinion in the house to tank Matt, and he didn’t need the tanking because he was very conceited, and very bad at game talk and strategy and campaigning. Lethal bad at all three. Add to that he announced he was a physical comp threat to EVERYONE and thought the winner of bb was who wins the most comps…. and he made himself a threat to social gamers AND other physical gamers.
While not disagreeing with what you said about Matt, in the end he was a typical physical jock type player who was a threat to everyone’s game (which you also said), and I think that was why he was ultimately voted out.
I think what we saw was the coming together of three mini alliances to vote him out and get rid of that threat. Those were….
The Core plus one (Chelsie, Cedric, Cam and T’Kor) – 2 votes
The Geeks (Quinn, Joseph and Kimo) – 3 votes
The Women’s alliance (Brooklyn and Rubina) – 2 votes
The Jealous Guy (Tucker) – 1 vote
The only one that really needs explaining is Tucker and you talked about that last week, when you said he was jealous of Matt’s relationship with Makensy, and how he wanted to be the “hot guy” in the house, or something to that effect.
Obviously Makensy and Leah were close friends with Matt and voted him to stay, and nobody has yet explained Lisa’s vote for him, although Chelsie has tried to paint her with that same brush. I’m not sure how true or not that is.
All of this “vote with the house” crap is, to me, just that. I think these groups all voted on their own self interest, not so much “with the house”, although it ended up being the majority because they all voted the same way. They all did it though to protect their own groups, and not so much to protect “the house”, at least that’s the way I see it.
I just don’t think there’s a good solid “big” alliance yet in that house.
WIth Tucker Matt, the supposition he might want to be the hot guy was less important than Tucker wants to be the pied piper, and for some reason peple were listening to Matt…. and the comps Tucker thinks are “his comps” had Matt as his biggest competition.
REAL TIME What Sunday Episode Edit is saying to me:
Lisa is getting the eviction edit within about 2 minutes including gotcha spot in the post eviction panning around the house. Not a 100% but all indicators.
Tucker is getting the grodboy edit very quickly. Think the voice of the house narrator role in d/r. Remember Paul d/r in 19? THAT. I feel as time goes by he will get more and more of his game in the d/r voice.
Angela for the first 7 minutes so far is getting golden edit for someone whose behavior has cost feed viewers way over 9 hours of feed cuts in 4 days. whether it’s to protect longterm season plan or her real world reputation is irrelevant, it’s what is happening.
True or false animal videos. Angela is only concerned with…. MU and Leah. She’s suspected EVERYONE of backstabbing her between Sunday and Thursday but ooookay.
Still avoiding the Lisa conflict. Didn’t happen.
Everyone survives question 1. Chels wants to throw.
8 people out on q 2. How many threw? who knows. Cedric and Kenney out q 3 Kimo out q 4.
T’kor later says she threw but d/r is opposite. Kimo d/r excuses as a mistake what he called throwing later.
yeah… I see what they’re doing with the edit. We don’t know the extent of Angela’s antics. T’kor’s d/r is 100 percent opposite of what she tells her allies. it’s a choice.
Chelsie fails to throw. Later says because of Leah on feeds after saying she’s safe with everyone in the house in d/r so doesn’t need to win. Hmmm. i’m sus. This edit is going to be bullshit this week and we had enough feed cuts that we won’t know the extent of the shenanigans we’re seeing and what is real vs storyline.
Chelsie saying she’ll clean up the blood from last week…. she was using gossip as a knife last week to help MAKE the blood.
EDIT acting like Chelsie didn’t have a target. This is 100% false. If there was a number possible over 100 per cent…. THAT. NO POWER FLUSH TALK?
One on Ones. Tucker: after Lisa. Introduction of Tucker hates Lisa. Well actually it’s Introduction to Tucker who they hid from week one edit almost completely.
Introduction of Lisa is Too Much. NARRATED BY TUCKER. Yeah…. she’s getting the eviction edit for sure for this episode…. but not showing she was always the target to Chelsie. hmmm. Why? Bbcan6 edit style flashback…. oh that’s not good for feed watchers. They’re going to be testing feeders patience with the edit choices….
Usually skip the filler but I have a point. Part of the convos that were cut yesterday was Kimo backstory convo now shown with Chelsie (is this to craft an image?). Kimo coming out story. So why was the story cut when it was Joseph asking Last night? Hmmm. That’s…. i see what they’re doing… it IS bbcan6 editing choices and feedcuts syndrome… pray for feed watchers.
Introduction of the CCC Core, leads to the Pentagon Introduction. Over half way through week 2 episode 1. Quinn and Brook brought in… Brook cognizant she’s number 5 of 5. THIS IS QUINN’S REAL ALLIANCE D/R…. not really just in edit.
Pre Nom talks:
ANGELA PARANOIA. Angela trying to keep off the block. Skipping she practically volunteered by paranoid assumption.
MJ CHELSIE MEET: Power Introduction. Smart or dumb….. everyone knows now.
Pentagon Meet together all 5 for the second time ever. Quinn not exposing upgrade, edit not exposing Kimo knows but hey they showed Angela knows last week.
Group decides the noms options. easy: Ang, Kenney (volunteers ostensibly) and Lisa.
Hard: MJ and Leah.
Not showing Cedric and MJ took turns LIVING in Chelsie’s ass before noms. They. Did.
NOT ENOUGH TIME LEFT TO SHOW THE PAWN SITUATION THAT ALMOST HAPPENED. Just… skipping it. Cam volunteered to pawn. It WAS a THING that ALMOST happened.
Kenney did NOT volunteer. Angela didn’t practically volunteer. Cam didn’t volunteer as a pawn.
NOT A GOOD THING. We’re about to get edits so crafted that we’ll be seeing a 100% different feed than edit REALLLLLY soon.
One thing we know for sure. Chelsie is a liar. She had plenty of opportunities to throw that comp and she just didn’t. For her to say she “won by accident” is just a damn lie. Pretty sure probably 5 or 6 of the ones who missed the second question did so on purpose, and were actually throwing. When 8 out of 14 miss on a T-F question (50% chance of guessing it right with absolutely zero knowledge of the question), you pretty much know that’s true.
There were what, 3 or 4 more questions after that? She could easily have intentionally missed any one of those, but she didn’t. She didn’t win by accident. She won because she was trying to win, and that’s a good thing! I don’t understand why she would lie and say she wasn’t.
Her edit in the episode was NOT who she is on feeds.
That’s really concerning.
She won by mistake? no.
She had no targets? no.
She wants to clean up all the messy? no. she needs the messy to have a mob target.
The edit is pushing she’s the moral player not the strategic player.
I don’t blame HER. She didn’t edit the mess.
Chelsie said she would have thrown it if Leah wasn’t neck to neck with her and poised to win it. if Chelsie wasn’t comfortable with Leah winning.
I don’t buy that. She also said she guessed the answers.
She says A LOT of things that don’t pass the smell test.
Having watched a LOT of seasons in the last few years…
Sorry USBB fans…. you’re now getting the bbcan treatment.
I mean…
The episode edits are telling you that the feeds are wrong, essentially… and the feeds are being cut so much just to create enough ‘you don’t see everything on feeds’ plausible deniability that Grod and her flying monkeys can make sure that their predetermined story arc is followed while at the SAME time covering their assets behavior just enough that they aren’t forced to CHANGE that predetermined arc.
It’s WORSE than the shift to Digital Dailies. They were free.
If the edit continues to follow the parallel universe style of bbcan 6 where the edit is totally bogus fiction compared to the feeds…. I very well might tap out at week 5.
Dear Grod,
Hide the man behind the curtain, because right now it’s hard NOT to pay attention when he’s mooning us.