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Catching up..
Dallas was evicted by a vote of 12-0 his pots and pans from last night didn’t work.
Neda won the HOH. She’s safe until Jury so should have no excuse to make a big move.
9:09pm Ika and Jackie
Ika says people are waiting for others to trickle out so they can be the last ones in the HOH to say something to Neda.
Ika- it’s crazy how comfortable Dillon and EMily are.. They don’t look worried at all
Ika – Something’s up
Jackei – I don’t feel comfortable.
Ika – nope.. She’s (neda) is sitting on Emily right now
Jackie wants to get to jury get to finale
Ika says she never made it to Jury her season she went out the following week.
9:14pm Cassandra and Ika storage room
Iak says she’s scared because Emily and Dillon are so comfortable.
Cassandr a- I don’t think she’ll put up 2 vets she wants Vets in Jury
ika thinks Neda will put people that respect and like her in Jury
Ika says Dillon knows Jon in real life so he’ll vote for her, “She trusts him”
Cass – think she’ll put 2 newbies up? think she’ll put me up?
Ika – I don’t know
Cass – I’m worried about Dre and Jackie..
Ika doesn’t think she’ll put 2 girls up but Jackie might go up
Ika doesn’t see Neda putting her up Cassadnra now claims she doesn’t see herself going up.
CAss – i’m surprised, why did she want it so bad..
Cassandra asks Ika to put a good word in for her.
CAss – f*** I knew all the answers.. I knew the tie breaker,.
Ika – Tomorrow’s nominations.. I’m going to bed
9:20pm Bathroom Kevin, Demetres and Ika
Kevin and Demetres are fist pounding. they say they have nothing to worry about this week and will go with whatever Neda wants. Ika and Kevin point out how nervous Jackie and Cassandra are.
9:22pm Storage room JAckie and CAssandra
Cassandra points out that EMily and Neda are best friends now. Wonders if the noms will be Dillon and Jackie.
Cassandra wishes they had won HOH “WE knew everything”
Jackie wonders if someone intentionally “Moved them” Feeds cut (HOw convenient)
9:25pm Ika and Neda bedroom
Neda’s sketchy this sketchy that..
Ika – why are we keeping EMily and Dillon around.. I don’t get it
Ika says if Neda puts two girls up on the block “It might look bad for you brand” (HUH)
Neda is leaning towards putting up Jakcie and Cassandra
Dre comes in
Neda says Dre is safe this week.
Neda – the house wants Jackie and Cassandra
Neda says Cassandra has made a final 2 with everyone in this house..
Emily and Bruno HOH
Emily says ?no name given? said she doesn’t like Ika and Sindy and that she’s going to put them up
Bruno warns her to watch out what she says around her.
Emily – I hope Neda puts her up.. I get to breath for a bit
Bruno – we killed it last week.. Killed it.. So good you’re still here.. I need you here..
9:45pm Kitchen Gary and Ika
Ika – Cassandra and JAckie are on going on the block
Gary – good
Ika adds that Neda make a deal with Dillon, Emily, Kevin, Bruno, Sindy are together
Gary – that’ a lot of people
Ika says that Neda, Kevin and Bruno is well protected in this house. Those 6 people are in something.
Gary – I dunno that’s a lot of people, First things first it’s not me
Ika – as a replacement.. I thought she said your name.. did she say Gary or Karen
Gary – as a replacement.
Gary – Neda is well protected. (No shit she’s got the power)
Ika – Dillon knows Jon in real life..
Gary – I wish I knew what it’s like to have a large group of people
Ika laughs says they do Dre, William, her and Gary
Ika – how are we going to win..
Gary – by playing it week to week.
10:00pm Gary and Karen
Gary says JAckie sketches Neda out “It’s a mini her”
Gary – I wonder who she wants out of the house.. Neda knows the game and she knows I’m a strong player. I know she’s keeping tabs that this is the second HOH I’m 1 away.
Gary says Risha was never given a chance. Gary says he met her thinks she would have really “Sexed it up”
Over the speakers jackie is called into the diary room.
Gary – she’s got to go next..
Karen says the french connection and Casandra is trouble
Gary says when Cassandra goes the french connection will be looking for “another mother”
Gary says William is “Confused” says he doesn’t know if he’s “Fem or Masc” “red or Blue” “Up or down”
10:23pm Neda and Dre Bathroom
Neda says Bruno and Kevin are not after Dre.
Neda says she was excited about Cassandra being in the game “Two Persian girls dominating”
Neda – do you agree with that decision Jackie and Her
Dre – I thin Jackie is really cool
Neda says she’s going to make it really clear that JAckie is not the target Cassandra is.
Neda lists off the people that want Cassandra out: Ika, Dre, William, Dillon, Emily, Gary
Neda – I can control Dillon to go after guys over you guys..
Dre is worried about Kevin and Bruno
Neda says everyone “you” talk to says Kevin and Bruno so she suggests they let everyone out take them out.
Neda – everyone has admitted to me tonight that she’s made a final deal with them
10:46pm Neda, Kevin and William
Neda tells William he’s safe this week. After Neda leaves kevin says to William neda told him he’s safe too.
11:12pm Ika and Dre
Ika fill Dre in that Neda has a deal with Dillon, Emily, Bruno, Kevin
Dre wants Dillon, Sindy, Emily, Kevin and Bruno gone.
They both want to keep Cassandra but would rather keep JAckie.
11:50pm HOH Neda and Emily
11:55pm HOh Dillon and Neda
12:12am CAssandra Ika and Demetres poolside
(CAssandra Ika and Demetres poolside)
1am Bathroom – Cass and Gary. Cass ā can I vent? Why is Neda Canadaās vote? One week, the next week she wins HOH. Why is she the favorite and not me? Gary ā everyone is a favorite. Cass ā why is she is she winning? Gary ā sheās not winning, sheās just in the future. Cass ā can we get to final 2, you and me? Gary ā yes. Cass – I didnāt get a letter. This is like the only competition I could have won. Gary ā there are so many competitions you can win. Cass ā that use my brain? Cass ā Lets make sure weāre not nominated. Gary ā lets not hustle though. You think we should hussle? I donāt want to talk to her (Neda) and make her feel like Iām begging her to not put me up. If youāre going to do it, do it. Iām not going to beg her. Cass ā what if she puts you and me up? She wouldnāt. Gary ā she wouldnāt dare. I donāt think she would put us up. Itās too early, she knows weāll attack her. If she puts us up, we will attack. Cass ā if you win, youāll take me off? Gary ā B***H If I win Iām taking myself off. Cass ā no if its just me up there. Sheās not going to put us up together. Gary ā of course. Duh! Cass ā I think it will be Karen and Jackie. Gary ā Karen and Jackie! Done! Thatās what the nominations are. Cass ā if you do talk to her .. your job is to push Jackie or Karen or anyone else but us.
1:30am All the house guests are sleeping.
Catching up here…would anyone be kind enough to give me the rundown on any alliances going on? Thanks a bunch!
The answer of that would fill the OBB databases.. There’s been so many BS alliances created it’s hard to put a finger on which ones are real.
There was a Vet alliance
Neda, Demetres, Sindy, Ika, Kevin, Bruno = alliance with no name
Neda, Ika and Sindy
Neda, Dillon, emily, Bruno, Kevin
Gary, Ika, French connection
French connection
Bruno and Kevin
Sindy, Kevin and Bruno
Cassandra and Gary
Dillon and Emily
aren’t you glad no one asked you to list current final two/three deals?
Cassandra’s alone, let alone the others would take forever.
also neda and ika have an alliance
gary and ika = pettyprincess
The big six person alliance- Demetres, Sindy, Bruno, Ika, Neda, and Kevin. I can see this alliance going far as long as Ika can keep her emotions in check because she is all over the place. One night she is sipping and spilling tea with Cassandra, the next night Cassandra is her target number one. Neda is trying to keep Ika calm and emotionless. Meanwhile Bruno has a working relationship with Emily and Dillon, and may use them to further his own (and Kevins?) game. Demetres has a crush on Ika, but I don’t think he is the type to let a showmance get in the way of his game. Ika does not seem open to it because, as she said, Sindy has a crush on Demetres.
French Connection- Dre and William. Tightest duo in the house, mostly due to the fact that they both speak french. Dre has a fantastic social game and is in good with everyone else. William has a language barrier that prevents him from making as many/strong connections, but everyone likes him and thinks he is adorable/harmless. William has a hardcore crush on Kevin. Although the house recognizes them as a strong pair, everyone likes them.
The outsiders, Dillon and Emily (and Dallas until recently). Dillon openly opposed the current HOH last week and was the primary target of the week until he won POV. Emily is his close ally. Bruno is making good connections with them. Dallas was with them until he thought it was best for his game to openly oppose Dillon.
The She-Wolf Gary. Gary has great social connections with everyone, but to paraphrase him “Dallas, Neda, Juno, Bruno, Emily, Long as it aint me, I don’t care.” Again, I am paraphrasing, but the quote was something like that. The only person to really mention his name is Ika, who keeps stating “Why is nobody going after Gary?” But then again Ika is all over the place, so she will probably end up getting close to him again.
People are sketched by Jackie and for good reason. Personally I think she wants the vets out more than anyone.
Karen’s gameplay is so bad that no one sees her as an immediate threat. But she has amazing one liners.
Dallas is more than likely the target this week. And as of right now, I believe the only reason he is going home is because of his connection to Cassandra.
Cassandra. The vets (minus Dallas) have targeted her. The six person alliance sees her as a threat because they believe she can muster an army and Gary is content if anyone but him leaves. Ika was close with her until the feeds went down today for like four hours and when they came back up Ika didn’t want anything to do with Cassandra.
In summary, it’s been an amazing week of feeds. If last weeks eviction proves anything it’s that the votes can still flip from Dallas to Emily.
This season sucks..Neda’s “Power” ummm ya that people couldn’t even vote for…don’t know how she or anyone else could have won that when everyone i know couldn’t vote! I have never seen a season where someone has guaranteed safety and is still able to play for HoH/POV..it’s actually ridiculous. I don’t generally think this show is rigged but cmon..it’s so bloody obvious!
I tried voting for Cassandra but couldn’t find the voting link anywhere.
I voted with no problem. I voted for Mark because he was a newbie and because he was targeted in the first week.
huh. i voted. multiple times. without any problem other than some of the captchas loading weirdly and needing to be refreshed.
How is it right that Neda gets safety AND can still compete in competitions? Not only does she not have to worry for 4 weeks but she can make moves without any threat of backlash or any worries of her nominees coming after her like every other HOH has. This is really frustrating.
It’s BBCAN I’m surprised they didn’t give her a “Gold Key” to final 2
Shhhh… don’t give them any ideas Simon ; ) She’ll probably find that key under her pillow the moment her ‘safe til jury’ expires.
The only thing worse than Neda winning HoH this week is her still having safety until Jury. Still can’t stand her and never will. She will be gone the week her safety is up, mark my words! Right now Gary is in a perfect position at the moment, because everyone is coming to him with info from every angle and all he has to be is the fly on the wall or the make-up consultant in the bathroom. No one is paying attention to him at the moment and it is working because he doesn’t win comps. But he will have to eventually to stay in the house. – And Bruno I just want to tape his hands together when he talks, with all his gestures. It drives me bat shit crazy just watching him !!!
Nooooo. Not Cassandra. Come on Ika, get in Neda’s ear.
I was OK with Dallas leaving. Poor Dilion is being crapped on.
Who does Neda have a final two with?
I do not understand why Mark was eliminated in the first week. Weird. He should stayed and Demetres sent home instead. Now Dallas is gone, too. Why don’t they send home the useless people first.
Hopefully Cass can survive this week! And if Neda somehow gets handed this season I will puke almost as much as I did last year when the brothers won…
I’m only giving thumbs up cause I thought last season was a train wreck too lol
Glad I wasn’t the only one.. I stopped watching before it started š
Putting up Cassandra is the weakest pettiest nom in the history of Big Brother. Especially when you have the golden ticket (being hoh without repercussions of somebody coming after you out the following week).
Nobody trusts Cassandra and she can’t win a competition, why go after her?
Weakest move in bb history
Thanks for the updates Simon/Dawg you save me from having to watch this nonsense.
You’re welcome. Losing Cassandra will suck I’ve become a fan of hers.
Simon I saw you mention you didnt watch much of season 4, and that Dawg pretty much covered the season, is that correct? If so you should watch it, its a pretty good season and Cass really shines in it with Tim, they are hilarious together. The way this season 5 has been setup with so many returners that came in already hating her has made things extremely difficult for her and it sucks to see her game virtually sabotaged from the start. Her personality is wasted with this particular group as there are so many boring personalities there and very few willing to engage in fun, hilarious banter she is known for.
it’s true that Season was mostly Dawgs. Maybe one day I’ll watch it.
agree but think Neda will put up 2 girls think its gonna be Cass and Jackie was hoping for Ika and Bruno
yup Jakcie and Cassandra going up. Sounds like Gary is the secondary target if Cassandra gets pulled down.
I like Cassandra, Sindy, Jackie and Gary.
These alliances are ridiculous! Hopefully Cass gets some good energy her way. Come on secret door! The show would be so boring without her.
This week its a house of fairly boring players vs Cass the most lively, entertaining, fun, hilarious player there so the season becoming a complete snoozefest is imminent…Unfortunately the season as a whole is suffering majorly…this season has been set up for 5 returners – neda and her veteran friends bruno, kevin, ika and cindy(not a very entertaining group to watch) to steamroll the season…production knew neda would be the one that got safety, there was never any doubt and getting safety for so long is a needless unfair twist which no player should have…neda & cass barely saying a word to each other is a major dissapointment…and they put in a bunch of weak newbies, decreasing the chance of any resistance to the vets meaning probably no back and forth battle, and the chance of this being the most predictable boring steamroll north american season all time is very high…entertainment factor on feeds is very mundane…from the vets dallas was entertaining but is now gone…even neda who was entertaining on feeds in season 2 is kinda boring me this time because jon is not there for her to have banter with, and gary just does makeup all day and ika is irritating to listen to, kevin and bruno and cindy try to be so chill that its enough to send me to sleep in 5 minutes…there are so many boring players this season who arent lively or energetic and the only person giving me anything to root for or fun/humorous personality is cass, but most of the house are doing everything they can to hate on her to a ridiculous extent and get her out…the season offered so much potential, but will almost certainly become a cool kids group steamroll borefest…production are to blame and i just hope this silly half/half season and poorly thought out safety twist and terrible overall casting with too many submissive/shy/boring players dont ruin the chances of there being more seasons in future…im not going to be watching any more of this season, its like watching paint dry…i really like cass but i just cant watch her suffer like this, even if she survives the week, her only true ally jackie will probably be gone and nobody else cares if she is there or not…the first 4 seasons i thoroughly enjoyed, but this season is just meh…there is no magic, and the thrill is gone
Neda – “I’m gonna make a big move by getting rid of the only person that nobody trust and is at the bottom.” Wow Neda, way to play a generic safe game. You don’t even need a safety advantage for that.
all these pre-game friendships and connections ruins the game. Now Neda has an Ā“unspokenĀ“agreement with Dilion because Jon knows him?? And the Vancouver alumni would never accept if Neda didnĀ“t work with Kevin. They would never live it down in their clique in real life. The immunity is so wrong on so many levels as well. The fact she can still compete as the rest is nuts! Am i the only one in the world not rooting for Neda?
When are people going to notice that Ika is literally in every single alliance? Like to the point where j have no clue which one she is actually with. She talks more than Cass lol I didn’t think that was possible. I love Cass btw so don’t stone me for saying that?
Wow the Cass lovers are hitting the comments hard. I like her and all but if it’s between Neda and her, I’m rooting Neda. She is the better player, Cass is the better performer, by that I mean she makes good tv and us good at getting herself out of sticky situations.
Cassandra is the worst. It’s a circle jerk on this site for her
I’ll agree her game is poop but she’s fun to watch cause damage through the house. Last week like 75% of the posts were Cassandra or Ika centered. That’s good entertainment
I don’t understand ..did everyone watch the same season two that I did. where they ever got Neda is this master at playing bb is beyond me. Jon won he was the better player. he won the comps keeping her there. adele played a better game than Neda and sabrina actually ruled the first half of the season. the only reason she is actually even remembered is that Jon backstabbed her by not taking her to final two and the fact he left his girlfriend for her, and became bb sweethearts. One thing i do notice this year is the alienation of the one that is going home..that is a season two trait they were the only rude assholes that were so blantant in doing that . I hope she does put up cass , cass wins immunity (i know they will have to take her dad here). Neda does not want to play with cass she is jealous of cass one can see that clearly …team cass and gary here