Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Quinn
Nominees: Kimo, Rubina and Angela
POV Players: Quinn, Rubina, Angela, Kimo, Joe, Leah
POV Winner: Leah
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: Kimo, Makensy
Midnight Rock room getting ready for bed.
12:07 am Makensy and T’kor
MJ – I dn’t know whats going on
T – yeah
MJ – I dn’t know where I stand next week
T – yeah
MJ – So I don’t know
T – yeah
MJ – I”m still scared aand blessed for this week
T – mmmmhmmmmmm
MJ – I got to come down
T – yeah
MJ – I need to figure out what game I want to play who I want to play with
T – mmmhmmm
Mj – what goins on what’s not going on
T – Mmmmmm
MJ – you know, So
T – yeah
MJ – make me nervous
T – MMMmhmmmmmm, Yeah… I feel the same. I don’t know what’s going on
MJ – how are you feeling?
(T’kor doesn’t answer)
MJ – I guess game wise I mean obviously like you were closely associated..
T – mmmmhmmmm
M – how are you feel with that whole situation and with him going home
T – I mean
MJ – try to figure out this next 1/2 of you game.
T – Yeah .. I mean with Tucker going home.. Honestly
MJ – I heard that it was going to be me, You and Chelsie on the block. If he won… I was like that’s crazy
T – yeah.. .MMmhmmmm… with him going home I was not hurt by it I honestly feel like people made the best decision for their game.
MJ – yeah
T – So I’m like totally and completely understanding of it. I just don’t know what’s next
MJ – it’s hard
T – yeah
Kimo joins them to use the toilet.
Feeds flip to HOH.
12:09 am Leah, Rubina and Quinn
Chit chat about his pictures…
12:20 am T’kor and Kimo
T’kor – Quinn says Rubina is the one that would go home so I don’t know
K – I know .. But I don’t know if i…. You know
T – Yeah, Where is Rubina here stuff is right there?
K – Upstairs in the HOH. Quinn mentioned a slumber party
T – apparently the Slumber party is tomorrow. mmmmhmmmmm
K – ohh
T – mmmmmhmmmmm tomorrow night
T – so … yeah…. Where there is a will there is a way
K – Absolutely
T – I’m realizing associating ourselves with Tucker Kinda Backfired on us LARGE (putting him on the freaking block backfired)
K – Yeah
T – But… we just have to remind people we’re not Tucker. Whatever they are feeling Tucker did that not US
K – I think it’s mainly Quinn that feels all those things
T – Yeah I don’t know.. My gut is telling me something
K – what’s it telling you
T – I don’t know yet. I know there’s a way out of this I do.
K – my guts telling me that it’s between Rubina and I that go.
T’kor Sighs
K – I could be wrong
T – lets not even make that an option
K – It won’t be, The exciting and scary part having to fight for my life through the remainder..
K – maybe we should meet with Quinn tonight and talk to him. I think time’s of the essence.. He might have something temporarily we can work with then as soon as we get the chance to
T – yeah … I mean I’m down..
They start whispering … Talking about Chelsie being a Businesswoman with a good heart.
Tkor mentions Makensy telling her she voted with them last week to get Tucker out but there’s no alliance there. T’kor Believes her.
Kimo thinks Makensy trusts T’kor even though she out her on the block.
T’kor says she didn’t put Makensy up because she didn’t like her she put her up because she felt mackeny had a good chance to win “her story in this game is the strongest”.
T – “The more I get to know Makensy the more I like her”
T – Makensy hasn’t hurt me in this game. She hasn’t hurt most people if anyone. I think that being part of the majority collective alliance really shielded us from actually being able to make our own decisions. Saving rubina unforntelaty led to the house thinking it was a FLIP and we were going with the other side.
T – that is not what I actually wanted to do.
T’kor and Kimo say they don’t regret saving Rubina.
T – I don’t regret associating with Tucker I just feel like we had made it more clear we weren’t choosing Tucker.
T’kor – Quinn is starting to realize that Joe is someone he can’t save in the game.
Joe joins them.
1:00 am Chit chat in the HOH room
1:25 am Kimo and Quinn
Quinn says Angela is draining the energy of the house.
Quinn – I just don’t want her last memories here to be so painful. I would not have made my speech.. I thought I was being funny but she was deeply impacted by it so. I thought I made it clear I was kidding.
Q – how have you been doing? I know that have not is ridiculous
K – It’s f***ing me up.. It’s the natural paranoia that get you in here..
K – I wanted to talk to you about.. I was telling T we should talk but she’s not feeling well right now. Where’s your head at with everything
K – I’m nervous that there are other things Happening.. Nervous
Q – It’s a very precarious situation.. Other people are emerging as targets that were not..
Q – that’s good
K – wait Am i a target?
Q – no.. well KINDA it’s like not this week and not next week and probably not the week after that. (LOL)
Q – that’s if specific people won HOH. LIke.. Dude yeah.. like..
K – who should I be concerned about?
Q – no one specifically.. it’s just like the numbers.. it’s not being on the wrong side of the vote. I heard today like Kimo had a final 2 with Tucker. I was like I don’t know if that’s true.
K – that’s not true, Who said that Oh MY GOD
Q – people are assuming because you were impacted so deeply by Tucker going.
Quinn says Tucker tried to make a final 2 with Cam and he did make one with Joe.
K – he DID make one with Cam.
Q – then he put him on the block though.
Quinn – I wanted to do me, You, Joe, T’kor so it would be us four relooking at each other and being like we have to be on this that’s not enough. Numbers..
K – 5 is safer.
Quinn tells him he needs Kimo in the HOH with him hanging out and pushing that being a have not has got him down not that Tucker is gone.
Quinn adds it’s makesny and Cam he needs to work on. “Cam doesn’t dislike you but we need people that are advocating for you to stay”
Kimo says the only person he doesn’t connect with is Makesny.
Quinn – you need to prioritize that if she wins HOH or something like that
Quinn now saying that no one has come to him yet about Flipping the idea that Angela is the target.
Q – If Angela wins the Ai arena I am confident that it will be Rubina in front of you. Which really sucks.
K – we have a 70% chance of winning either of us.
Q – when she gets out there it’s instant panic (Angela)
Q – Rubina is a free agent but I put her on the block twice and I voted Tucker out.
Kimo – in conversation with her she’s actually really likes you. I actually don’t think she’ll put you up
Q – I’ll talk to Joe tomorrow and be like BRO… he keeps saying shitty player shitty player.. Don’t forget those are our friends.
K – I know
Q – I’m worried people are talking about what he said he said to Angela and they were put off by it. That in conjunction with my observations whenever he talks about Matt. Like dude people are going to start getting pissed at him.
3:30 am Zzzzzzz
Not having flashback sucks. It makes composing these night posts infinitely harder.
I’m also finding video quality of the feeds to be horsesh1t. Amazing they are taking such a step back with this.
I’m amazed at Angela’s hold over these people. She’s won two HOHs, been taken off the block, and worked hard to destroy the game of everyone who’s helped her all while being mean-spirited, vengeful and lazy. Why is she given a pass?
Why is she given a pass? CBS plant is why.
She’s certainly appeared in a lot of CBS content. Price is Right. Dr. Phil TWICE.
CBS thinks we’re stupid.
Don’t you know that every reality show needs some drama to be interesting? A social game with only nice people isn’t fun. If the participants aren’t even eliminating Angela, what can be done?
she doesnt have an hold on a single one, they are just using her as a goat.
even the alliance she was in (the tanks) was one she forced herself in, cause she was listening to them. so they added joe but didnt want both of them.
and this week the HG siriously thinking they had enoght of her.
Except Leah who says Angela is a jury vote for her. Severe eye rolling progress
This week, it would have been much more fun if there had been a Split House Double Eviction with two teams: A (Quinn, Leah, Makensy, Joseph, Angela) and B (Cam, Chelsie, T’kor, Kimo, Rubina). This week is just too boring.
we would have the same noms with an addition of joe/mj.
unless kimo/rubina are the hoh in the second group and then its an easy cam vote off.
My idea would have been better than this week’s. Look at the show right now. A waste of a week has started. Who’s watching besides the die-hard fans?
Leah is drunk with the power of the POV.She wants to have one on ones with the whole house. WTF