“It means something to me it means something for my family.. but these f*ing people they just don’t care”

POV: FES Next POV: July 21st
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony July 23rd
HOH: Sam Next HOH: July 26th
Noms: Kaitlyn and Haleigh Rockstar Have Nots Scottie, Rachel, Bayeligh, Kaycee

Big Brother Spoilers Rockstar as of right now is getting evicted.

10:15am Storage room Angela and Kaycee

Kaycee – are we still on the same page..
Angela – yeah .. we’re just going to be really ambiguous not letting people know what we are doing
Angela – we’re all going to vote to Keep Kailtyn but right now JC is freaking out
A – he’s on a lot of bad terms with a lot of people becuase he’s been campaigning so hard against Kailtyn.. we have to make sure they don’t know what we are doing and JC think that the move is to vote Rockstar to stay so that he keesp his vortes to stay so Kaitlyn turns on all the people that voted her out
K – did Tyler say wha happened after he talked to Bayleigh
A – no
Angela says that JC pulled her into the hammock and said the only people that are voting to keep kaitlyn are kaycee, Rachel and Scottie..
A – he said it was going to be 7 to 3
A – I was like Ok thank for letting me know.. He’s freaking out..saying I’ve been behind every vote.. he literally thinks he’s been running the show..

10:26am ROCKSTAR and Sam
Rockstar I got here by a chance.. I got nominated on by a chance and if I get evicted maybe there’s a chance I come back
RS – so maybe the theme of this journey is chance.. so maybe that is enough
Sam – ok

Sam says if Rockstar leaves she will be sad.
Rs was going to ask Sam to say something during eviction but she doesn’t want her to now.
Sam is happy – I don’t want to do any of this I don’t want to nominate anybody, I don’t want to have to send anybody home so..
RS – I don’t want to go home… nobody wants to go home. I want to complete this process I want to at least make it to Jury and be part of the whole show..
RS – my kids want… the older two.. I mean… I came out here..
Sam interrupts.. Have you thought about if you go to Jury you have to be here the whole amount of time away from your kids and still not win.. and you are OK with that?

RS whispers to her about the money you make by being in Jury.. I think I year a 13 something.. (13 grand)
Sam – ohh, I didn’t know that was a thing
RS – you get paid for every week you are gone
Sam – Ok.. I didn’t know that.. well I knew that but I didn’t think of that
RS – it’s like a job.. a nice job

RS – If it doesn’t work out it doesn’t work out.. I’ll just go get 2 or 3 of them (Jobs)
RS – that’s what I normally do a bunch of different things that fit into a schedule..
Sam – I hope there’s not a tie.. I really f*ing hope.. If it’s a tie I’m doing dots (random)
RS – Sam that’s not taking it seriously
Sam – that’s fate dude… that’s fair. I hate having that much influence over two people’s lives
RS – You literally went down the line and picked me after JC after Haleigh..
Sam – you just said the whole thing is about Chance
RS – damn,…
Sam – you good good Karma
Rs – yeah
Sam – I hope it’s not a tie if it’s a tie I’m doing dots in a cup
RS – that’s sad to hear
Sam – what else should I do
RS – facts
Sam says game related facts kailtyn voted to keep her week 1 ROCKS didn’t. Personal facts they connect on a much deeper level than Sam and kaitlyn.
RS – I would have voted to keep you if you had said lets ride it out till the end
Sam – I never even spoke to Kailtyn and she kept me
RS says that Tyler and BRett told Kailtyn that Sam had a power and anybody that voted Sam out would be eligible to be nominated in their place.
Sam – I don’t want to spend the day like this… I want everybody to have a semi normal day
S – I might bake something later..
Sam leaves..

11:08am Bay and Haleigh
Haleigh says that if Fes votes against kailtyn she is targeting him
They talk about not being able to trust Kaitlyn .
Bayleigh says her 4 rules are
be impeccable with your word
don’t make assumptions
do your very best
never take it personal

Haleigh says a snake can be a snake they will tell you what you want to hear so they can get your vote.
Bay asks about Brett. haleigh says that Brett feels since both of them are coming after him it doesn’t matter.
H – he said there’s only one that can win a comp that can potentially take a shot at him..
bay – the five we have are pretty locked in.. but if there was a 6th person that would make it so much better.
Haleigh says if JC gets wind that something is wrong he’ll go with the majority.
Haleigh doesn’t want to get rid of Kailtyn and she comes back.
Bay – she still not beating Swaggy we have no idea what kinda splash that kid made.. (LOL, not a very big one.. they speculate that it’ll be America’s vote who comes back)
H – I still don’t know who those 2 flip votes where..
H – you don’t think it was JC?
Bayleigh doesn’t.

RS joins them “Can I vent”

RS – I hate how flippet Sam is about this whole thing.. It means something to me it means something for my family and she said
RS – what are you going to do if you go to jury and you don’t even you don’t even win..
Feeds cut..
When we come back RS is talking about the all girls alliance.
RS – I meant it to a certain point.. what matter to me that is what I wanted to show my daughters..
RS – but these f*ing people they just don’t care.. it’s just.. it’s frustrating me because I’ve done everything I said I was going to do
RS – I wasn’t in people ears, I didn’t make f*ing promises I didn’t keep, I didn’t make loyalties I couldn’t keep I didn’t even….
Haliegh called into the Diary room

bayleigh mentions to Rockstar that she told Sam she was going to keep her and she didn’t she voted to Keep Steve. Kailtyn voted to keep Sam
Bay – you know what I’m saying..
Feeds cut..

11:38am Rachel comments that Steve wore it like that once and production told him to take it off.

11:47am JC in heels

11:54am Haleigh and KAycee hugs (just a picture)

12:02pm RS and Kaycee
Kaycee tells her she’s voting with the majority, “I don’t understand why people think me and Rachel are a thing.. it’s really annoying”
RS – here is what I will ask.. It really matters.. I have 5 people
K – yeah
RS – there’s 5 other people.. and Sam told me she’s going to eenie meenie miney moe it
K – I love you and I care about you.. you deserve to be here.. both of you do
RS- my only request I’ve been tried and true and honest with my goals..
RS – my goals are beneficial to you I don’t have an alliance with any men..

12:15pm more Sam crafts

12:28pm HOH Sam and Bayleigh

Sam saying RS came to her this morning first thing and started in on her speech. Sam says it was like she was rehersing it so it would be good for TV. Bayleigh says the same thing happeend to her this morning in the saucer.

Sam – she wanted to make her an official goodbye nominations speech.. I just walked away it made me mad..

Sam didn’t understand the request..
Sam adds that RS followed her into the HOH room and old her never mind don’t do the speech.
Bayleigh – why would anybody want to do the speech.

Sam says she’s been hiding in her room since.

12:47pm NeuBRO (hard to hear)
They talk about having to win the HOH.
Brett – I feel like my name is in everyone’s f*ing mouth
Tyler – my names in Haleigh, Rockstar and Fes .. probably JC now
They are surprised that KAiltyn hasn’t blown up on JC.
Brett says Kaitlyn is like Christine from Season 16.
Brett – at least she’s not married.. I feel terrible
They comment on Sam being targeted by Kaitlyn now.

12:40pm JC and Fes

They talk about how Rockstar is losing it.

JC still wants to get kailtyn out says she’s stuck in Tyler’s head.
JC says that Rockstar is throwing people names under the bridge like water.

JC – I’m sticking to the plan and you stick to it too
JC – you need to grab that b1tch and tell her she needs to stop spreading so much sh1t (rockstar)
JC – she’s throwing our names around .. she’s f*ing paranoid.. she’s like a ghost..

1:02pm Angela and Kaycee
(going bacjk nad forth about what girl they want to keep.. ohh man here we go again)
Talking about their side has 3 strong girls and 2 guys..
Angela says the girls on their side are so much stronger than the other side.
KAycee says she feels bad about Rockstar she really wants to be here..

AS of 1:06pm these two are saying they now want to keep Rockstar..

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42 thoughts to ““It means something to me it means something for my family.. but these f*ing people they just don’t care””

    1. if it wasn’t for sam’s power, i would think they should boot kaitlyn, but because of sam’s power they should boot rockstar.

    2. I agree. It’ll be whoever annoyed them last. I think that’ll be RS. RS needs to chill, if she just would’ve been goofing around with everyone and going with the flow I think they would’ve kept her. The sob stories aren’t working. I think she’s a lost cause…. Who knows though, Kaitlyn can always go into a tailspin and give us some good tv

    3. It does suck some, but to be honest, I’d rather them flip back and forth constantly and come up with split votes each week, than the last few years where everyone locks in all the votes unanimously 3 days in advance and tells the HG that is leaving. That’s soooo boring.

    4. Geez, one second it’s Kaitlyn going home, the next second it’s Rockstar going home, the next second it’s a tie and Sam has to break it? Gosh i’m so confused right now.

  1. I really can’t stand Rockstar or Kaitlyn. And JC has become as annoying AF. Rockstar does not like men. Period. Kaitlyn uses men…and is completely fake in all things.
    JC thinks he’s the bees knees.
    Why do some house guests always do the sob story of needing the money” ? They’re lucky they get the opportunity to have a shot.
    BTW..I have made a donation and would like everyone to know that a site costs money and a hell of a lot of time . To give us info and clever witty bon mots 🙂
    Only time I will mention it. Because Simon and Dawg don’t actively ask. Which says so much about them/

      1. I can only imagine the time. And I know just having the site costs $$$$. I REALLY enjoy your updates enormously. And the comments are often so on point. Thumbs up for Grannie as well 🙂

    1. I’m thinking the contest will be fairly simple if you can stay calm and whoever is evicted should return.

  2. Right about now, I really wish Sam had used her freaking power on Winston… not that I was itching to keep him, but I can’t stand this house going back-and-forth based on the premise of the person potentially coming right back. Simon & Dawg could probably just copy/paste the conversations from the past two days for the next update and it would be accurate.

  3. I find both Kaitlyn and Rockstar annoying ay this point. Both are broken records. Rockstar killed it for herself by all the talk about a women’s alliance. She had to know that it would get back to the boys. Still, I feel for her because she need the money for her family.
    What I am most surprised with is my “former” # 1 Sam. She has been so callous since she took over HOH. First her nomination speech and now her annoyance at Rockstar wanting to plead her case. Really? She’s going to pick dots. She practically begged to be HOH and now she doesn’t want to do any of the duties that go along with it. Don’t ask for the job if you aren’t willing to do what comes with it. Many ppl have leapfrogged over her after this week for me.

    1. Perhaps Sam was only thinking about the alcohol that accompanies the HOH? It is evident that Sam has lived a “sheltered” life in the sense that she has strong feeling that there is a “right way” to be….as her judgements of late have been projections of her own limited beliefs.

      For one I can say I truly respect all the different ways to play Big Brother, some float, some flirt, some power trip over themselves…there is no “one” way to play this game. Sam does not get to decided what female empowerment is because even empowerment comes in so many different ways.

    2. Don’t forget, Sam has already promised to vote out Kaitlyn in the event of a tie. She isn’t about to tell RS this though.

    3. Join the discussion…I can’t stand Sam. I wish she would go back to being a robot or evicted. The “over the top mother hen” thing she is doing is awful. She is the worse HG!!

  4. I can’t stand looking at the grotesque mask of pain and martyrdom that is Rockstar. Please ease her pain and send her back to the bosom of her family. She’s not cut out for this at all.

  5. I would hate to see all girls at the end this season, hope that explodes “all girl alliance”. Also hope they don’t just vote for a girl no matter who is the f2

    1. rockstar is the only person i can see voting along gender lines in jury. the rest of the all girl alliance is just in it as it has the potential to protect them if they’re on the block with a guy and because most of their targets are male (though not the same men). it self-destructs the second the nominees aren’t scottie/jc/brett (and brett will only ever go up as a pawn) as faysal and tyler each have different female allies who want to work with them. and this implosion will happen sooner rather than later.

      1. That’s always been the problem in the “war of the sexes” that nobody wins because there’s too much enemy fraternization.

  6. Not sure what is up with the voting system. I voted up and it went up from 28 to 39, and once it went up about 6 votes, but yet down like 10 at the same time! Weird.

    1. I have noticed that too. I put it down to site activity. Does not update until you vote and it refreshes the vote tally with your vote and others.

  7. Hopefully they actually do vote out Kaitlyn. Even though she is a target, I don’t see anyone else putting her up anytime soon. Especially since she could blow up games on both sides if they did.. Rockstar would be an easy target next week..

  8. So Angie is still going on about how she needs the money more than others in the house…it’s half a million dollars and would help out anyone quite a bit. It’s like saying you were the most sheeplike last season.

  9. Brett says Kaitlyn is like Christine from Season 16. Brett – at least she’s not married.. I feel terrible. So is it true that Kaitlyn was giving him (Brett) a handie on the feeds a couple of days ago?

  10. At first I wanted to see Kaitlyn get the boot for the “Fatal Attraction”-esque craziness that would ensue upon her return against whichever game-boyfriends voted against her.

    Now I’m kinda excited about the prospect of JC’s little tyrant ass being mislead and blindsided by his ‘allies’.

    Either way, should continue to be good stuff.

  11. the dots in the cup thing Sam is proposing is a red herring. She doesn’t want to cast the deciding vote knowing about the chance of return. If forced…. there is no chance in hell that she would say kaitlin stays. It’s more of the ‘i don’t understand this whole thing just let me build a loom and make everyone a sweater out of dryer lint’ strategy.

      1. Her strategy is obviously ‘i’m not playing the game, i’m just your maid, can i make you some breakfast while i’m doing your laundry, aren’t you the prettiest little junebug i ever saw, you just tell me how to vote i hope everybody doesn’t hate me.’ while at the same time moving to bring her chosen non existant alliance closer to her. And just you wait. she’ll end up mcguyvering some contraption to go with the laundry yarn.

          1. in my opinion the worse house guest ever isn’t sam. she’s not the best. by far. she’s not the worst. by far. I really think if her nom speech had been aimed at nostradumbass alone, there wouldn’t be an issue. Everyone was already judging craycray and trying to tag family. wouldn’t have been the same outrage. just the act of putting haleigh on the block would have been enough for some of them to dislike, but they’d also say qween will stay type comments. It’s house guest alliance partisan outrage because the girl that flirts but doesn’t go all the way was lumped in with the one that most likely would.

  12. BBTime: 3:22 PM

    It’s true! Votes as of now:

    To evict Kaitlyn: Haleigh, Scottie, JC, Kaycee, Angela, Rachel, Brett, Bayleigh
    To evict Rockstar: Tyler
    Undetermined: Faysal

    Still more than 24 hours to eviction, though. Hold on, this ride is getting bumpy.

    1. I think you are buying into some of the fertilizer being “spread” around Granny, and then “misted” into the soil. My vote projection as of now:

      To evict Kaitlyn: Haleigh, Scottie, JC
      To evict Codlock: Tyler, kaycee, Angela, Rachel, Brett, Faysal (no way he evicts Kaitlyn after not using the veto on her)
      Undetermined: Bayleigh

      Once Bayleigh realizes the numbers, I thinks she falls in line and votes to evict RS as well, AND shares that info with Scottie, who also likely flips to evict RS.

      I think it will be an 8-2 vote to evict Rockfish, thus demoralizing her and destroying any chance she has at winning the battle back puzzle. Codfish goes home and Kaitlyn’s new targets are Haleigh and JC. In true bi-polar fashion, Fessy and Brett are absolved and totally forgiven of all prior sins against her.

  13. Just set my DVR to record BBAD tonight. Hopefully it will give me some insight into what is going to happen tomorrow. I don’t care who, I just want someone to leave for good after the challenge. Quite a few of them are getting on my nerves. JC is now added to the mix as well as Sam. JC is obnoxious and trying to be too controlling. He really believes that he has been running everything. Sam, why be HOH if you don’t take the responsibilities that go with it (as well as the pressures). Did she just want to be able to say she was HOH? By shirking her duties, she has NOT been HOH. Her cavalier attitude makes her the worst kind of player.

    1. You are looking through Rockslide’s goggles. Sam has already promised to vote out Kaitlyn in the event of a tie. Her job as HOH is done. She’s a lame duck.

      3:25pm Sam and Tyler

      Sam tells him she told Rockstar that she’s putting two dots in a cup but both dots will be the same colour both of them Kaitlyn .
      They laugh..
      Sam – it’s just a TV show..

  14. I think the puzzle will be to spell *SUN*..in 10 tries ! That way…Both RS and Kaitlyn are still in the house..and new lines are drawn. Those for and against who voted for whom.
    In a perfect world…double eviction this Thursday. RS and Kaitlyn GONE.
    But I know it won’t happen.
    To punish us…(not that we’ve done anything wrong…damn..we’re not even in the house..JC will be HOH and you’ve seen and heard NOTHING compared to what it will be like.
    I will need a 7 day *YATUS*.

  15. Please get Sam out next week!! I think she is the worse HG ever. I have to fast forward through her…. I just can’t.

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