Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Quinn
Nominees: Kimo, Rubina and Angela Joe
POV Players: Quinn, Rubina, Angela, Kimo, Joe, Leah
POV Winner: Leah
Veto Ceremony: Leah Used the veto on Angela. Quinn nominated Joe.
Havenots: Kimo, Makensy
7:28pm The live feeds return from being blocked for their labour day party.
By the Pool – Makensy and Chelsie
Chelsie – Dude, I’m so glad things turned out the way that they did. Let me just be honest. Makensy – me too. Chelsie – Its just if he wasn’t acting the way that he did all snobby and it would be different. Makensy – I feel like.. It sounds horrible, but I feel like next week, even if Kimo was here, I feel like we can convince him to put all boys up. Chelsie – Yeah. Makensy – or even one girl and we can have each other’s back when voting. And I think if Joseph was still here, he would put up Joseph and Quinn. Chelsie – 1 million percent. Makensy – so I am not too too nervous. Chelsie – Me, you or Cam have to win HOH. Makensy – yeah even Leah. Chelsie – I’m fine with that.
8:15pm Bathroom – Cam and Joseph
Cam – have you talked to Chelsie and them? Joseph – No, I’ll talk to them later. Have you talked to them? Cam – yeah I talked to them a little bit and you’re not someone they want to send home. Joseph – okay, cool. Sick! That’s good to hear. I’ll talk to Chelsie and Makensy later. Cam – yeah. Joseph – yeah I talked to some people and they were saying it would be yeah .. I’m just nervous. Cam – It just depends on who wins AI arena. If you win AI arena then its easy. Joseph – I figure I have you, Leah, Chelsie. I think maybe Angela would maybe vote for me. Cam – cool. Joseph – Yeah, super worried, but you just never know. Cam – Yeah, that’s the thing about being a block is like yeah, it’s.. Joseph – I trust you, Leah and Chelsea. Yeah. So. And Makensy has always good to me. I never lied to her. So.. Cam – yeah. Joseph – And also, I know that, like everyone knows that they’re free.. I’m kind of a lone wolf at this point. You know what I’m saying? So it’s like.. Cam – yeah, I think.. Joseph – I don’t think it benefits anybody. Cam – I think if you just play it cool the rest of these two days. Just campaign like not like super hard, but like this campaign like casually. Joseph – No, yeah, exactly. I’m not going to freak out. I’m not going to throw anyone under the bus like that doesn’t help me and straight like Quinn, I’m not mad at him either you know what I mean. Cam – And then that’s the thing like Quinn. He did not want to pick you up. Joseph – I know, dude, I know that kid loves me. I know dude! It’s like I know he ain’t got no beef with me. It’s like what happened with y’all I’m on the wrong side of the vote like what else is he supposed to do you know what I mean and he didn’t put me up initially. I know he didn’t want that to happen. I know he didn’t want that. I don’t think Leah knew that I would necessarily go up because she knows me and him are boys you know what I mean. So she probably thought like I don’t know who she thought would go up. I hope that they both know I’m not mad at them like I don’t know. I’m not coming for their heads like at all.Cam – I don’t think Leah thinks that you’re mad at her. I feel I mean from every conversation that I’ve had with Leah, like she likes you a lot. Joseph – No, I know. Yeah. And I told her that today. I was like, look, I love you like nothing’s gonna change that nothing about this game or nothing’s gonna you know what I’m saying like and I know that you’re not intending for me to go home. I know that’s not what you want. You just don’t want Angela go home and maybe she thought that like if Angela was on the block that she would definitely go home which is probably the case was with someone like me have a better chance of staying. So and then she can kind of have both you know what I mean I understand that perspective you know I’m not mad at her and I’ve hidden stuff for her, you didn’t know about the collective, you know what I’m saying you didn’t know I had a final two with Tucker, it was like you don’t owe me anything you know what I mean so but I got a lot of love for both of them so you know what I mean. I’m not a tit-for-tat for the type of person at all. I’m always going to do it’s most logical to me and to me the most logical thing would be to help the people who vote for me to stay and who help to like go through me to stay like that and me would be the best thing to do you know what I mean instead of having vendettas over stupid shit you know?
Cam – I don’t think it changes as much in the house but you know they had to do what was good for Joseph – and I know that you’re cool with Chelsie and Makensy so if you just put in a good word for me do you know? Cam – And I’ve already been doing that. Joseph – I appreciate you dude you know I’ve had your back. I’m not going to freak out because I know that those other two have crossed people in ways that I haven’t so it’s like we’re not tripping you know? Cam – yeah.

8:47pm Backyard – Joseph talking to himself.
Joseph – Yes, I am alone. F**k man, this sucks. This sucks. I got screwed over by two people I trust and they can’t get their f**king story straight.
8:50pm Big Brother gave them stuff to make smores
8:55pm HOH room – Quinn and Joseph
Quinn – I wonder if sending Kimo home is the better option. Like what people’s thoughts are. I don’t know what’s more realistic for people to jump on top of. I feel like Rubina is a better player. And that’s why the reason it would be harder to send her home. Joseph – Oh, that’s interesting. I would think the opposite. Quinn – right? I feel like she’s trying to cook things up with people like she’s trying and so people might appreciate that versus Kimo self isolating. Joseph – I haven’t talked to them (Chelsie & Makensy) like, individually, but I talked to Cam. He talked to Chelsea and Makensy, and they seem like they were down. So I don’t know if you’ve talked to Chelsea or Makensy. Quinn – I definitely said that I wanted to keep you. Joseph – yeah you know, I’m still good with her (Leah), but it does hurt, you know what I mean? I’m not gonna lie, cuz I genuinely did have her back a lot. Cam joins them. Quinn – what would you want? If it was Rubina versus Kimo. Cam – I would say the house would probably go Kimo, today but you know how the house changes. Joseph leaves the HOH room. Cam – I think he should be good. I think Chelsie and Makensy will vote to keep him. How was Leah? Quinn – yeah we had a good conversation. She feels like she’s been left out of everything. Cam -that makes sense. Quinn – and she’s talking about how she would want at least 1 person in that she knows would voet for her to win. Cam – Yeah I understand that. Quinn – I would still work with Leah. Cam – I still trust Leah. I have always been a fan of Leah. She is due for an HOH. And she is very smart. I would love to be in something with her. Especially being something with her than be against her. Quinn – absolutely. Cam – I just know that she was kind of scared to talk to you. What are you thinking alliance-wise? Quinn – I mean I really trust you, I trust Chelsie and Chelsie trust Tkor. Cam – Who would you say? Quinn – Chelsie, you, me, Makensy, Leah and Tkor are like the six priorities that I want to work with.
Bedroom – Joseph and Chelsie
Chelsie – go ahead and fight your butt off in that arena and I’ll check back in with you when I have more conversations tomorrow. I genuinely have not had like thorough conversations with people so I’m going to go I’m going to go where the house is going and today with the party and all that stuff nobody has talked in the games so tomorrow there’ll be a lot of conversation and even Wednesday but I’ll definitely commit to check in again with you and to see and to give you a heads up of where the house is going or or what I sense but right now I don’t have anything for you but I don’t have anything against you so I appreciate you.
9:15pm Bedroom – Joseph and Tkor
Joseph – Do you mind if I talk to you? Tkor – Oh yeah, of course. Joseph – So I know you’re close to both of them, but I feel like we’ve also been close. You know what I’m saying? I feel like I’ve tried to always have your back. You know what I’m saying? Not that I expect or anything from you, but I just want to know where your head was at? Tkor – Where my head is at? My head is in disarray because you know, you three are all three people that I trust. You’re all people I want to go far in this game. So it’s definitely difficult but I think what I plan to do is just to have more conversations with people in the house kind of see where their heads are at because ultimately I think that all of you are good for me, you know. Joseph – So I think you know that I’m loyal. You know what I’m saying? And I’ve tried to always have your back not to expect anything in return you know what I mean? I understand you are in a difficult position but I will continue to do that and between you and me at this point I don’t really feel like I have that many people you know what I’m saying I feel a little bit like anybody who votes keep me you know what I’m saying and you know that’s all I can really offer you know I would never put you on the block or to jeopardize your game. You know, I love you and I respect your decision no matter what you do but I just want you to know I just want your vote. Tkor – I love you immensely.
Bedroom Joseph talks to Angela.
Angela – you were one of the people outside watching me and cheering me on until late hours of the night and I totally I remember that so yeah I mean I would love to have your vote. Joseph – but I understand you gotta weigh your options. Angela – Can I know where you stand as far as with Quinn right now because I do recall our conversation you said to me don’t even mention me being as a pawn and if I ever go up as a pawn I don’t care who it is like I’m coming after you if you put me up. Joseph – absolutely, can I trust that if you, don’t tell anyone else. Angela – I won’t, I promise I won’t tell. Joseph – I don’t feel super good about him (Quinn) right now just between you and me. Angela – did he tell you he was going to do it. Joseph – he let me know that it was a possibility but he did try to get her not to use it because I’m not sure how to feel about it you know I’m saying he’s obviously not going to be one of my number one people anymore you know what I mean? Please keep that quiet. Don’t tell anyone. Angela – I won’t. Joseph – but yeah that’s how I feel at this point because I feel like I have tried to have his back in this game but I also understand it’s a difficult position.
10:10pm Bathroom – Chelsie, Rubina, Leah, Cam, Tkor, Makensy
They’re all chatting about random things while Cam is rubbing Makensy’s shoulder / back.
10:25pm Backyard – Quinn, Leah and Joseph
Quinn – Everyone keeps asking if we talk. if we talked and so I don’t think they suspected us three are as close as we are and I keep telling everyone like yeah, we had a good conversation. We just need to make sure that he (Joseph) stays and I think we can pull that off. Leah – I think so too. Quinn – I think that’s in everyone’s best benefit and like if they can’t see that.. Leah – I’ll see where everyone’s head is at. Joseph – I’ve been telling people is that I feel like I’m alone.
10:49pm Bathroom – Rubina and Tkor
Tkor talking to Rubina about Cam and Makensy getting close / Cam rubbing on Makensy. Tkor – I get the he’s (Cam) in the wrong but also doesn’t Makensy know that Chelsie likes him? Rubina – I don’t know.
11:10pm Backyard – Joseph talking to the camera.
Joseph – Oh well! Cool time. Good experience. Time of my life. Made it more than half way for you. Nothing to shake your head about. So still going to fight so I can do my best to get the votes. It’s still going to do my best in the eye arena. But this is it for me. And I’m happy with the game I’ve played and its not my swan songs certainly I’m going to try my best and to get the votes and do everything. But I’m also going to try to soak it all in and just appreciate I’m so lucky to have been on one of my favorite f**king shows ever you know how many people get to say that they were on big brother. You know what I mean? I was so scared I would be the first person voted out and you know I did pretty good. You know I made a lot of mistakes and I have some regrets but also a lot of things like in the background and appreciate you know. So it’s really, really, really, really cool and I’m just grateful that I was one of 16 people picked me in this house and play the craziest freaking game man and it’s made me stronger and it’s made me reflect on myself and think about parts of myself that I don’t really like and try to remedy those but also look at parts myself that other people see that they really do like and know that I’m cool enough good enough whatever to be around anybody you know. Yeah, I just really grateful to be here. No matter what happens.
11:30pm – 12am Backyard – Leah and Joseph
Leah – I just like feel really bad like going against like both of your wishes kind of like I was just trying to do what’s best in my opinion and for some reason I just like truly didn’t believe that you were going to be renom and like now I feel worse because you are but like at the same time. I think that like it’s going to work out and stuff. It’s just it’s just not obviously it’s just not what I wanted like it’s not the plan that I had in like either way I was like damned if I do a damned if I don’t kind of situation and it just makes me feel like shit. It sucks and I don’t like it. It hurts me and it kills me but I wanna know how you feel and like know that like it’s still like nothing has changed in my eyes like I don’t know why I think of that part more like I should have thought about that more I mean. Joseph – you know I’m hurt you know what I mean but I know that you’re not against me you know what I mean and I’ve hurt you before you know what I mean so.. Leah – Yeah, but that’s not an excuse. I don’t know I don’t get why that was the plan like I don’t I don’t understand.
Joseph – I’m really scared. I’m really scared. Leah – I know but I don’t think it’ll be. I mean like I told you like I will always have your back. I stand on that I would not have done that and like I know in a way it feels like I did indirectly and I’m terribly sorry for that but that’s not the choice that I would have made. So I don’t want to be punished for that and I know you would never but like it’s just the fact of like he must not have been seeing the bigger picture like maybe he was just frazzled and didn’t know what to do but like it just doesn’t make sense.
Joseph – I don’t even know how to feel about him (Quinn). Be honest with you. Leah – I know and that’s kind of, that’s why I take my own advice and did my own thing even though it’s really scary and even though I was told the whole house would flip on me and hate me and blah blah blah guess what I was fed that first week it’s not going to work again. I can freaking fight for myself that’s why I didn’t need you know Daddy Tucker to save my life like and it’s not a dig at you but like Tucker didn’t like playing this game with me because he couldn’t control me. Like I’m not afraid of that. Joseph – no I’m proud of you. Leah – Thank you. And obviously me and Angela are gonna exist as one vote especially this week because she feels like she owes me that.
Joseph – it’s ridiculous it’s like it’s stupid why did he put me on what a fucking wuss. It’s like you want to pick skills out of a bag?
How about you be a you know what and pick somebody who isn’t me. How about you put on your big boy pants and fucking pick somebody who is closer to Rubina.
12:10am Backyard – Angela, Kimo and Tkor
Angela complaining about her husband – He needs to change his clothes more than every couple days. He’ll go to bed and something. And I’ve been doing that in here too. I’ll go to bed and wear it for like half a day. Kimo – I mean, but we’re in here. Angela – you know, but he doesn’t really work outside of the house. So that’s kind of what he does. But I want more effort. Yes, more effort and the shaving is a big one for me. So I want him to shave and haircuts. Haircuts, please. For the love of God, go get a haircut at least once a month. He doesn’t have a lot of hair but what he does have, it grows. And I just want to be sought after. I mean, I’m a young woman. Still, I still feel that way. Kimo – Yes. Angela – I mean, you know, I love all the fun songs. I’m up with the times. I still feel like I’m sexy. Kimo – Yes. Angela – And I want to be sexed. Yes. So I’m telling you right now guys, it’s very long fucking! Big Brother switches the feeds.
12:20am – 12:30am HOH room – Leah and Quinn.
Leah – I feel pretty good. Quinn – I’m happy for you. I’m happy to hear it. Leah – are you? Quinn – I really wanted Angela out. Leah – I know. Quinn – I feel like no matter what happens next week you will be like .. I told you. Don’t high five me yet, high five me next week. Leah – I think he (Joseph) does have the numbers although I haven’t talked to anyone. Quinn – Cam, Angela .. Are you voting for him to stay? Leah – if you want me to. I planned to if that’s the plan, I would. Quinn – I want you to vote who you want to vote of course. Leah – I can get Angela to vote either way.
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So Cam and Quinn aren’t turning on Leah? They not only understand her Veto move but now want to bring her in an alliance?
Are these people just willingly acting stupid?! Are they okay with just keeping her around and let her get to the end just because?!
It amazes me how stubborn everyone is about keeping Leah off the block:
Chelsie HOH – keeps Makensy and Leah off the block due to America’s Veto (perfectly reasonable for her)
Cedric HOH – chooses Makensy as renom to flush America’s Veto rather than renom Leah and force Makensy to either keep her power or use it to save a friend and show her cards
Angela HOH (Quinn Deepfake HOH) – chooses Cedric as volunteer nom rather than make Leah the 3rd nom to make things easier (but Cedric gets blindsided)
Tucker HOH – Leah not a target (perfectly reasonable for him)
T’kor HOH – accepts Tucker volunteer nom rather than make Leah the 3rd nom. And then renoms Angela over Leah (and loses Tucker)
Quinn HOH – puts Rubina, Kimo, and Angela OTB (perfectly reasonable). Then Leah wins and uses Veto on Angela, and Quinn renoms Joseph over T’kor. Leah acts coy and dumb about her conversations with Quinn beforehand. And he has no intention of targeting Leah in the future (Simp!).
The event is coming, ah-oh, ayy
It’s growing stronger, ah-oh, ayy
That tick, that tick, tick bomb
That tick, that tick, tick bomb
No one can dare to touch it (no one, I mean)
Right now inside me (su-su-su-supernova)
What are the chances that Joseph wins the AI Arena and Rubina goes home to Tucker?
She is prob going if kimo wins as well.
(And he won 1 before. )
I really want chelsea to get joe out !
Im waiting for the girls to bond.
Dont chelsea and mj knows joe would target them? Kimo and ru would target queen, posibly leah now.
Anyway, ru didnt win but did really good at the last time at the arena vs mackanzie, i think she is very likely to take that win.
If Leah is picking people based on jury votes, it would be in her best interest to keep Joseph no matter what.
Joseph’s strongest connection in the house is Leah and I think she prefers his company over Quinn because he’s not trying to force a showmance between them.
Rubina and Kimo are unlikely to be reliable jury votes for Leah, so evicting one of them is her best move.
That was very cruel of Leah. She didn’t have to crush Joseph. She’s giving off mean girl vibes.
Why does the virgin get to lay claim on Cam?
Like, you know what I mean, mmmmmhmmmm……ad infinitum.
Every time I see Leah, Quinn and Joseph talking together it feels like I’m watching an episode of The Big Bang Theory!
? so Joe is Sheldon? hey,hey. only in his dreams!
Quinn with shorter hair and josepb would look like Napoleon Dynamite and Pedro.
Speaking of which, Leah’s elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top — darn elevator !
I actually thought the dumb blonde routine faded away many years ago. I guess Leah didn’t get the memo.
this has to be the WORST season ever……where do they go to find this many losers?
I want to see more BB surprises….remember when they had to earn their food for the week by playing games!
Dear Grod:
Where do you go to find this many losers ?
From, a bazillion of us
Hopefully the jury will only be 3 people this year : Leah, Joseph & Ainsley with the final two being Cam & McKensey.
Soooo…. no one’s gonna speak on the fact that Angela told the world her husband doesn’t change his clothes unless coerced?
I can’t imagine being in a relationship where you call your partner out on a show like this about something you want him to change. So hurtful and so strange
She wants attention bad. Her daughter didn’t talk to her dad for 5 years while living in the same house. Angela went behind his back when he took the daughter’s phone away and gave it back to her. I would be ashamed to have her as a mom and how her husband hasn’t left her is crazy.
Well she IS hip, young & sexy LOL (bless her heart)
She is not a nice person. No respect for others or herself. She does have to go home at some point. That’s stuff you share with your girlfriends you sexy thing. Just stfu
Or your therapist. Who I’d feel really, really sorry for.
Unbelievable…..he may not be waiting for her when she goes homes.
Sounds like he’s clinically depressed. I wonder why.
“Angela complaining about her husband – He needs to change his clothes more than every couple days. He’ll go to bed and something. And I’ve been doing that in here too. I’ll go to bed and wear it for like half a day. Kimo – I mean, but we’re in here. Angela – you know, but he doesn’t really work outside of the house. So that’s kind of what he does. But I want more effort. Yes, more effort and the shaving is a big one for me. So I want him to shave and haircuts. Haircuts, please. For the love of God, go get a haircut at least once a month. He doesn’t have a lot of hair but what he does have, it grows. And I just want to be sought after. I mean, I’m a young woman. Still, I still feel that way.” ~RUN MR ANGELA! RUN!~ actually sounds like the poor man suffers from depression with that *ahem* in his life
Now that I’ve heard Leah say Prodo was pushing for her to save Angela, I can’t get past the rest of the week being fruit of the poisonous tree. It’s making analysis more difficult and it’s making believability more difficult.
Oh well.
So we’ve got a plant that should be good to about 5th place. That plant happens to be a nope. Wonderful. eyeroll.
Joseph v Kimo v Rubina.
Rubina should be pushing female solidarity. Now that we realize Leah has a two vote block that is important because the voters are 5 women to 2 men.
Kimo… has NO game relationship with ANY of the voters except T’kor really and it’s week 7. sideye. No really… what does he have to campaign on?
Joseph is annoying, has an ego streak that doesn’t match his abilities socially or in comps or strategy. He’s going to depend on Leah? Look at the week. Oh that should be just fine (head tilted to the side with an eyeroll).
Original theory was get out one of the trio. Second theory was get rid of Joseph because he’s an asshat. Third theory was get rid of Kimo.
Who feels strongly?
Leah wants Kimo out, but only Quinn knows that. There’s only one male voter at present, so she can’t use Leahgame to get control the vote.
T’kor feels strongly that if her trio isn’t allowed free range without threat that it’s not fair. clicks tongue. Had about enough of this one. So T’kor wants Joseph out because anything else would be a personal insult to T’kor. Again… up to here with this chick.
If Leah had left noms the same Kimo most likely would have been evicted if he stays on the block, Joseph now likely saves Kimo from eviction unless the Chelsie Cam Mak voting block vote strategically in their best interest. Other than being a jury vote for Tkor Kimo offers nothing to anyone in that house.
yeah, kimo was always the strategically best vote, but dealing with angela sucks so bad as viewer, i have to imagine it being even worse as a houseguest.
Observation of behavior tells me Leah now believes her veto use has potentially made her Queen of the Underdogs. Mind you the underdogs were the underlings to the last Dictator.
So the army that Leah believes she has amassed for herself is Angela, T’kor and Rubina and simp2 Joseph.
She was pushing simp1 Quinn to ratify with Cam Mak and Chelsie. While being the new el capitain of the underside… she’d have membership with the other side as well.
Kimo. Angela. Joseph.
Angela is not a team player because Angela is Angela.
Joseph is not trusted by any team because Joseph slithers and won’t contribute, only reap benefit of any group.
Kimo…. every revolution needs a martyr. Fact the martyr has thrown her name for 5 weeks… gee.
The other impediment: Leah’s comp win comes in a puzzle comp against… joseph kimo rubina and angela. Angela’s comp wins? How many more of those comps are there now that they’ve reached jury. Her army has comp wins yes… but all the comp wins are in the same style of comp meaning of the 3 comp types they are covered in ONE. Leah is their most well rounded? The rest… Leah is no Tucker, how does she plan to carry that many people?
If the men are going to be stupid and believe it when she giggles and says I forgot… it’s totally on the men.
Maybe they all need toilet tents and Matt’s voice instructing them. ewww.
From looking at the voting it doesn’t look as though there is too many.fans excited about seeing a mean girls alliance and what.makes Angela think we all want to imagine her having sex….uuuuggghhhhhh….please stop..and if you want your husband to take a shower, cut his hair and change his clothes just cry and tell him it’s your dream to have a real husband who is clean and shaven that wants to have sex with her…ohhh God your poor husband must be so proud as if you hadn’t done enough already to your kids, family and job now you throw your husband under the bus on national television. Who in the hell would trust this woman at this point……
Are Cam and Malensky really getting close? Lol haha the house who cares if Chelsie likes him what these people met 7 weeks ago.
Wait, wait…the giant toddler thinks she’s young and sexy????? Well, now I’m thoroughly traumatized! The delusion in this house is beyond belief!
So they are going hand Angela the money, take her to the end? My family watches this and don’t know I read the blogs so if I say I don’t want to watch anymore they will know. But I can’t stand Angela and for production this year to keep protecting her just sickens me. Nobody can vote her out so one by one they will all walk out the door and she will stay! It’s not the show it used to be even with the cookout I started disliking the show. H well I guess being a bully does get you somewhere!
If you want to see a show like the old days, go watch the old programs. Stop whining and living in the past; let’s live in the present.
Quinn might be a nice person, but he’s a HORRIBLE big brother player. He’s that mix of superfan that wants to copy his heroes and bad judgement.
Leah is Alyson without putting out.
T’kor is prejudicial bias and self righteousness crocheted into a do nothing but whine and judge style game. I’d be able to have a coffee with her as long as it was a REALLY big coffee and she was buying so that I didn’t say anything… otherwise I’d feel the need to speak and she’d cry. I’d still say something who am I kidding. By next week she’ll dislike Leah again who are you kidding thinking otherwise for even a moment.
Makensy got herself into a perfect position by mistake… but feeling part of a trio has her now painted as a man stealing hussy because point one person above and her entire white devil slant on strategy.
Joseph… why bother.
Cam… buy socks.
Angela… I couldn’t give 2 shits because let’s face it she’s just there because Grod added a new feature: Kooky Karenism as a pay for play plant.
Everyone is still too stuck on this love island bullshit theme that prodo is going for. It’s inhibiting strategic game as much as the entire premise of AI Arena has inhibited free will in the game.
The men… are… did they cast men who haven’t EVER had a female friend before? I mean none of them speak female. At ALL. wow. It’s sad. Lesson one: pauses mean as much as words. Lesson two: giggling and playing dumb… is giggling at you for being dumb. Lesson three: facial expression and posture means as much as words. There you gaggle of doofuses (doofii???) now smarten up or go.
T’kor Kimo and Rubina are seen as a trio. Chelsie Cam and Mak are seen as a triangle. The difference? Judgement.
Kimo has an agenda to get Tucker, this early morning still night hours talking with Rubina and T’kor about “trips” the “four” will take. (Well five since T’kor will be bringing her Jahbari the only man who can tolerate T’kor’s annoying fake sounding accent) Rubina over and over saying “things wont work out with Tucker but we will definitely still be friends” tropes made Kimo perk up. Kimo not wanting to be the fifth spoke in a wheel wants Tucker. I was half listening as they prattled on about public kissing as Kimo thinks he can change Tucker’s mind and swing him his way. I’ve have seen it in his eyes as he drooled about Tucker’s body when Rubina said she really is reserved in public and T’kor kept saying “Yeah but Tucker’s body…” Kimo started panting and laugh his crazy cackle to cover about him thinking about Tucker
Tucker reminds me of Zach Rance, so Kimo has a shot.
I’m thinking I liked it better back in the days when the POV winner “respected the HOH’s wishes” and left the noms the same.
respecting the hoh’s wishes has always been bullsh*t. they make the noms, that’s it. if eliminating their target works for your game, do that. if not, vote out the other person. it’s always insane to me how often players do what the hoh wants when the hoh can’t even compete for hoh the following week so the risk of retaliation is significantly lessened.
By that logic, there doesn’t need to be a POV, haha. It’s because there is a POV that another strategy can be formed, and the game becomes more diverse. If a majority alliance keeps monopolizing the HOH, then the POV will be crucial.
Quinn is a weird player. How can he want to vote Kimo out and still want to work with Tkor? What did Kimo do to him to go from his top three to wanting out? None of it makes any sense.
kimo spilled pretty much all of quinn’s game to tucker (and for no good reason) so it’s logical that quinn feels betrayed by that. t’kor didn’t do anything that directly harmed quinn or push kimo to being that open to tucker. t’kor’s not done anything to make quinn not want to work with her, but he is underestimating her closeness to kimo.
Kimo told Tucker about Quinn’s deep fake power. Kimo orchestrated the voting out of Cedric. Kimo told everyone about The Collective and The Pentagon. Kimo has been throwing Quinn under the bus ever since he realized he was in love with Tucker. But yeah, Quinn isn’t a good player.
Are you watching the show? Kimo exposed Quinn not once(exposed Quinn Upgrade power to Tucker without telling Quinn or T’kor) not twice(exposed all Quinn’s alliances and game play to Tucker that Tucker stole Quinn’s gameplay saying to the house that Quinn is a liar) but three times(not giving Quinn a heads up about switching the vote to get Cedric out exposing and destroying the alliance pentagon which gave The Visionaries the majority vote)! Kimo deserves to be on the block and his crying as to why because he “protected” Quinn is about the same protection of sunscreen given in a nuclear blast zone. No protection at all. Kimo destroyed the alliance that Kimo, Quinn and T’kor made from the beginning (The Visionaries). I said this post before but after reading your comment I posted again.
OMG. This is worse than watching paint dry. Bunch of boring nobody wannabies. I miss the old BB with arguments, fussing, calling out and sneaky play.
This “We love everybody” version sucks! They are all so fake. Recruiters, y’all blew it.
Then please send your support to Angela. She is the perfect customized troublemaker for reality shows.
In post interviews Tucker has walked back his in house accusations regarding Leah making racist comments.
So…. he lied?
Did he think she was getting screen time and every second of that screen time should have been his? That’s my question. His timing for making the claims was during a fan vote, and right after an incident that we have since learned involved Tucker himself…. so… scapegoating? Is that what that was?
Go ahead and like him if you like him…. I don’t think I respect him.
tucker’s plan all along seems to be make a big enough stink to get invited to challengers, traitors, etc. i think he pulled it off.
My thoughts exactly! MTV will snatch him up to be on the Challenge
Hmmm…. Chelsey now saying to T’kor( no surprise to me per comments I have made about Chelsey’s excellent social skills in this gar) she hopes Joe goes . If Joseph doesn’t win AI he is a goner because T’kor wants it and Chelsey can make it happen. Chelsey has MJ and Cam right where she wants them,( MJ and Cam are better at comps )she doesn’t need Joseph, Rubina or Kimo really but T’kor does so T’kor is happy, Chelsey’s remains shielded by
T’kor and with that comes votes from Kimo and Rubina. That’s why Chelsey is on a path to a win. Chelsey enough with the petty cam talks. It’s clear you like Cam , it’s clear he knows to stay on your good side, but Cam is into Leah. It’s clear you are jealous of anyone ( cough, MJ) who flirts with him. Chelsey , I think Cam likes you but not your behavior ( right or wrong) about his hygiene. The good news is Cam isn’t as easily misted by Leah as performative Quinn is and Joseph are. As long as Chelsey is on a clear path to final 4, 3, or 2 she has Cam’s loyalty. Leah’s not a problem, Chelsey has clocked her.
It’s been a slow Tuesday.
Angela so far – In 2013, she participated in CBS’ reality show titled ‘Let’s Make a Deal,’ where she won $20,000.
In 2019, Angela appeared on CBS’ ‘The Price is Right,’ a game show where contestants estimate the cost of items to win money and rewards. She guessed $550 for a coffee and tea-making set but was incorrect.
In 2021, Angela and her family appeared in an episode of the television documentary series ‘House Calls with Dr. Phil’ to work through family issues, particularly the strained relationship between her husband and daughter, who had not spoken in years. Dr. Phil helped them reconnect by guiding them through an escape room challenge.
Murray works as a realtor at Utah’s Elite Realtors. In 2022, she started working as a realtor sales associate.
Angela being a participant in BBHOUSE26 was MILDLY criticized for calling her co-contestant Matt Hardeman ‘crazy eyes’ Lisa Weintraub ‘twit’ and imitating her walk during a bullying rant. Plus bullying on school grounds of a family member and pimping out her daughter to Cedric, Tucker, Cam(end piece of bread).
Based on The Big Brother 26 Production manipulation, it will have her win 750,000!
Jacka$$ Pikk comments keep the thumbs to yourself Angela is garbage and doesn’t deserve to win!
The women’s alliance T’kor and Rubina want is contingent on the other women keeping Kimo.
As much as every season of bb likes to paint the gay guy as a token member of the girl’s group…. they are men.
So if the women vote out Kimo… is the group dead?
The entire alliance doesn’t work for either T’kor or Rubina in reality because they both just had the POC preference to win discussion. The hierarchy to them is POC, Women, POC women. HALF the alliance is white… and T’kor has already stated the alliance would fracture on color lines at 6. WHY? No really. WHY would it break up that way? Because T’kor ONLY wants to work with POC meaning the alliance doesn’t work to begin with.
So the alliance is only there as an attempt to keep Kimo, and the moment Kimo stays, it’s back to the same old same old bullshit. Gotcha.
Suddenly I don’t want a woman’s alliance… just because T’kor only wants it to save Kimo.
Not sorry.
Game talks as far as I’ve heard Today.
A waste land.
Angela Leah talked of supporting each other. Angela is upset with Joseph for his talk to her and for manipulating her not to trust people (Makensy noted). Angela says her every vote will go where Leah wants her to vote.
Chelsie is playing in T’kor’s face. Saying she wants a women alliance and wants to go far with the girls. Chels and Mak had decided to create a back up for themselves with this women alliance so that they had the Tucker voters AND the women for next week. Chelsie likes T’kor and wants her jury vote…. but she’d stab her in a second for her game. T,kor believed her.
T’kor and Rubina talked official alliance by tomorrow with the women and getting the women to agree to save Kimo if it is Joseph v Kimo. They want Leah to name the group. They i guess but not really but if they have to want Angela there too.
The backup plan is everyone POC and Quinn together. Quinn first out when they hit 6 or 5.
Joseph is campaigning. To Mak he says he wants to work with her, and he knows she doesn’t play a lying game because god fearing woman. He says the trio are a trio, he’s solo, and a trio is more dangerous.
Quinn had a bath in what looked like the bbcan6 have not room moat.