Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Tkor
Nominees: Tucker, Makensy, Cam Angela
POV Players: Cam, Tkor, Makensy, Tucker, Joseph and Angela
POV Winner: Cam
Veto Ceremony:Angela is the renom
Havenots: No havenots this week
6pm HOH room – Tkor and Chelsie clean and tidy up the HOH room. Tkor – I think this looks fantastic. Rubbina – This looks so good. Tkor – now we just have to make sure no one comes in here.
6:45pm Tucker being called to answer more BB AI Assist questions.

7:18pm Living Room – BB AI Instigator Chelsie “Man, am I glad it was Angela who tried to get Tucker kicked out of this house. She’s my number one target. She’ll definitely be going home this week. She doesn’t stand a chance in the Al arena against Makensy and Tucker.”
7:20pm Living Room – The house guests are sitting around and chatting about the AI messages.
Angela – It’s just a game. Yeah, I’m not upset by that. It is what it is. It’s just a game. I am having a bad day. I am having bad days. I am intimidated and scared to go and do that. I know I’d be going home. Chelsie – I didn’t say that. You don’t know that. Angela – It’s a game. I still very much think Tucker’s amazing and I love him and
it’s okay. It’s just a game and paranoia gets to you. Tucker – I love you too. Leah – Let’s have a good night.
Angela – they’re taking bits and pieces of everything that we’ve said and splicing it and she’s got it all wrong. She’s just causing and stirring up stuff up and it’s okay I think it does make sense because when I did this thing and got this punishment and said that Ainsley’s busy doing something else so she’s probably just trying to stir the game up.
Leah – I am sorry Chelsie, that was ridiculous. I thought mine was bad.
7:35pm HOH room – Rubina and Tkor
Tkor – How do you feel about Angela’s reaction? Rubina – That was weird. It was weird. It’s like too chill. Not her normal. Tkor – It’s not her normal cadence. It seems very fake. Rubina – Yeah, I agree. Tkor – and the fact that its not even true, she is manifesting again. For me, I feel like a big reason why it’s been hard to trust Angela in the game is because I can never tell if she’s being genuine or not. She was trying to reform a relationship with him, but she was also talking about getting him out earnestly I mean, that’s crazy, too. The thing is, yes, if next competition is a
physical competition, Angela doesn’t have as much of a chance of winning and Makensy does.
Tkor – Just please come together and make a decision because I don’t want to break no ties. Rubina – that’s your one request. Tkor – It would be beneficial to everyone’s game but I won’t say Angela does make me more nervous than Makensy does. Rubina – I’m confused because I thought you wanted him to be gone. Tkor – I thought you wanted Mckenzie gone this week. Tkor – I mean, that was my original plan, but you know.
7:56pm Kitchen – The house guests are sitting around chatting / making dinner.
8:05pm The girls are getting ready to have a girls night up in the HOH room. HOH Room – Leah and Chelsie:
Leah – I’ll kill whoever trying to ruin your day. I swear to. Chelsia I don’t know what it is. Leah – Maybe I can’t use the K word in here, but I won’t. I won’t be nice. Chelsie – It’s somebody, I don’t know if its Ainsley. I keep going back and forth sometimes. Leah – because I thought she was malfunctioning towards the end. And then it doesn’t make sense now. Chelsie – It doesn’t. Leah – but I think it’s what they want us to think.
8:15pm – 9pm The girls night starts.. Tkor says a cheers “I just want to say that every single one of you have made this a very memorable experience. You know, as Beyonce says, who around the world”
They talk about who each of them thinks back home is missing them the most. The girl talk continues with lots of talks about girl power and feelings..
Makensy – expressing your emotions about something could be taken the
wrong way. There’s fear behind having power you know. There is fear behind expressing just emotion towards somebody or something and then there’s the hurt of losing somebody because their personal relationship to you and you feel like you can’t now go to anybody and talk that way everybody has something in this house you know and so it’s just a lot.
Leah – I couldn’t be happier to be surrounded by such amazing women. I really thought that the reason why they kept asking me the question of like what I wanted and I literally you guys will see when you watch this back. Like I want to work with women I don’t care. I like that’s what I want to do and I know that that’s not been the case like and I know we’ve all been accused of that but like I still like I care about each one of you individually as people as a person even when I speak with any of you it’s only to you like I don’t see any of you as just someone’s wife or just someone’s anything someone’s girlfriend someone’s whatever blah blah blah show man’s freaking anything I at someone’s like you know even teacher or anything like you guys are all you to me and you’re a friend of mine and I care about you all deeply and Im grateful but it’s been a trophy. I’m proud of all of you individually. Seriously. And I think all of you know that, you know, on a one on one basis.
9:35pm Kitchen – Tucker and Cam are cleaning. Meanwhile up in the HOH room – The girls continue to talk about how their feelings have feelings. They watch the spy TV and comment on how they guys are bored and just cleaning. Angela – I think we should stay up here as long as possible so the guys clean the whole house.
9:58pm HOH room – Leah and Angela
Leah tells Angela that she is always there for her if she needs someone to talk to or if she is having a hard time in the house. Angela – I’m gonna win on Thursday and literally and I’m gonna stay here to protect you and me.
Angela – I have not told a single person in this house. They’ve told me they want a final two with me but I have never told a single person this house that I want to find out to with them I want that with you Leah. Leah – I thought we already had that. Angela – I love you. Leah – I love you
10:12pm HOH room – The girls are now doing their nails.
10:23pm – 10:35pm Unicorn Bedroom – Quinn and Joseph
Quinn – It kind of feels like whatever Tucker wants goes. Joseph – that’s a good thing if he likes you. Quinn – f**k you. Joseph – I mean, you’re getting on his good side. Quinn – but it’s just like, it’s annoying because when trying to save Leah, Tkor was like, I would like to but since she had that alliance with the Angela, she was like, I can’t because she can’t go against this alliance. Joseph – are you going to try and win next week? Quinn – I would like to because I don’t know what Chelsie would do. I don’t know what Cam would do. Tucker comes into the room. Tucker – you guys j*rking each other off? Quinn – yeah, boys straight u di*ks out. They talk about how they think the 3 noms will be over after this week.
The house guests are hanging out having a good time. Leah arm wrestles Quinn.
11:10pm The BB AI Instigator Cam – “You guys are welcome for stopping Tuckers winning Streak. He’s really just a pipsqueak. My favorite type of ice cream is orange sherbet covered in red fish gummies dipped in peanut butter.” In the middle of it Tucker jumps and yells you f**king nerd!
12:08am – 12:30am The house guests are doing a bunch off cheers. All the house guests head to bedroom that Tucker is in to do a cheer but end up giving him a hung. Tucker is missing his dog.
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Seems T’Kor still can’t make up her mind who her target is..Like her, most house guest are in survival mode. Hanging out. Bor zzzzzzzzzzzz ing.
Once this week is over, one of my main targets would be Kimo.
Even though he hasn’t won any comps since the first A.I. Comp, he’s shown himself to be a great social player without raising his threat level. He was also the one who was adamant about blindsiding Cedric the night before his eviction. T’kor was holding back and acting cautious all the way up to the vote.
If Kimo is evicted, T’kor will become even more indecisive and would struggle owning her moves in the game for the sake of not wanting everyone to hate her. This would make her a weak Final 2 candidate compared to someone who owns their game without shame or guilt.
Once Kimo leaves, Tkor will bond more with Rubina and Chelsie. She’s already been spending a lot of time alone with just Rubina.
Like my last comment I would starve in that house because I don’t care how salty Leah’s Booger cheese is I won’t eat it!
Can someone please just evict love island Singles bar Castaway?
She came to play big brother.
What is her strategy?
How does she plan to win?
All she knows and all she talks about is her mfing gaslight romance.
COMPLETE waste of a spot on big brother.
A 35 year old woman has spent the last 2 days talking about her boy troubles and her sex life….
Her idea of talking game is talking about her man.
Strong independent woman or memory foam mattress?
A showmance woman is talking about a girlliance… to keep her man safe.
A showmance meatshield woman is WHY women alliances fail.
Her basis for voting this week: what does my man want? Who said something about my showmance?
Don’t define me by my showmance? Then shut the fuq up about your stupid showmance.
She has 24 hours to make a strictly GAME related strategy comment that isn’t parroting Tucker or stated as a showmance based comment. If there isn’t one I’m noping. Enough is Enough.
I’m guessing the “Love Island Singles Bar Castaway” is Rub-in-a?
We can no longer see gameplay like Rachel Reilly’s?
Wasn’t it bad enough when it WAS Rachel Reilly? Why ever do that to ourselves again?
why would we want to? overly reliant on comp wins and production shenanigans with horrible read of house allegiances and no understanding of the definition of the word floater.
The Mistfits are already teetering on the edge.
Tucker doesn’t trust Quinn again…
so Kimo doesn’t trust Quinn again.
Rubina doesn’t trust Quinn but wants to (she says to T’kor… she’s lying, Tucker has spoiken).
T’kor says Quinn will take out Tucker when the time is right.
Rubina says she wants to be the one to take out Tucker….. and she didn’t burst into flames with that obvious lie.
T’kor… if you believe that Kimo and Rubina just so happen to start to distrust Quinn again on the same night Tucker said he didn’t trust Quinn WHILE YOU WERE PRESENT…
You are the biggest idiot on earth.
Joseph is telling everyone a shot has to be taken at T’kor, Kimo and Rubina. By someone else not him.
Tucker is saying everyone has to take a shot at Quinn and Leah.
Chelsie wants to nom Joseph and Kimo to get Tucker I THINK.
Cam, Leah…. who knows.
Quinn? Not sure. Sorry. I am not sure.
Funny comment… I wonder if production has given up and gone home leaving it to Julie to keep the show alive, along with and a few volunteers to keep them fed and construction crew for comps.
No… this week is very much in the season plan.
Tucker was hidden from episode edit week one in case he came off poorly to the fanbase. See what happened with Cam last season week one to know what I’m saying.
Then they introduce Tucker week 2 as the chaos agent that so many “take back the game” bb watchers will hoot and hollar support. AI Arena has helped with that greatly becuase the only comp wins matter people are clamoring for him now too.
Now give him 2 episode focus spots and a miss my dog and a showmance to cram him down everyone’s throats. EVERY single edit trope prodo uses to try to get fan demographics to like a houseguest… there’s Tucker.
Does this mean winner edit? Not necessarily… but it does feel a bit season 21 edit vs feeds mixed with a bit of bbcan 11 digidump vs. edit. So maybe or maybe trojan horse like season 20 and bbcan 12.
I’ve written similarly about how and why prodo is crafting their edit concerning Angela. In an interview Brooklyn mentioned the day 5 Angela situation (that led to so many feedcuts) and that Angela’s behavior stemming from that was insupportable on a human level. So… we’ve been missing A LOT with these feedcuts. Her edit is being sanitized so much that it’s becoming gross. And yet… if you watch d/r calls and house voting discussions right after those d/r calls… you HAVE to question. What is being asked in d/r.
says Quinn flaps his yap by accident and it makes him side eye.
He says this to Mak and Leah.
He says this to Mak and Leah while he is laying out his entire game to them, telling them he can throw comps because he’s in no peril, telling them all the ratfinking he’s done, and pretty much laying out the entire alliance that Cam and Leah discussed last night.
Yes, he leaves out a lot of Tucker detail, of course.
He’s outing a lot….
to Leah (who already knew a lot of it from Joseph previously) and Mak…. the REAL instigator this week.
Remember the middlemen alliance last season: the ballers is the middlemen.
The way I see it, by Thursday Mak will be up shit creek if she doesn’t win AI Arena.
I’m at about 60 % right now with that.
The only people who know who the Ballers were are Cam, Chelsie and Tucker… who has forgotten the alliance name I think he suggested.
Cam was a member. Chelsie was told by Cam and Cedric.
Quinn… I don’t remember if he was in the room when Ced and Cam told Chelsie.
I think it was revealed to Quinn when the Pentagon had a meeting to confront him about having the upgrade and the plan to expose it.
What did Angela do to try and get Tucker kicked out of the house?
try to get him voted out. She tried to gather votes against Tucker.
Struggling to hear whispers as they take mics off, cover the mics and move necklaces over them speed whispering but the cutlery scrapping plates and bowls volume up to 1000000decibles. BBHOUSE26 production live feed team sux pikk!!
OMG Kemo’s chewing makes me sick. What a pig
Todya, as the Godot trio discuss who to evict this week, I have come to the conclusion that their reasons are irrelevant. They debate between Mak and Angela…. but they are just coming up with justifications for doing what they know Tucker wants.
Get real.
That’s what is going on.
They say they are thinking game…. no they are thinking Tucker wants Angela to stay so Angela should stay.
Lemmings are cast to be lemmings…. and there is no POC on the block to soapbox to save. Oh shush. If the HOH is playing a game based on POC cause we HAVE to mention it.
Let’s remember why they flipped to keep Rubina: they liked her more. It wasn’t game. It was who they liked more.
Let’s remember why they wanted to flip to keep Chelseie over Cam: T’kor doesn’t want the other black woman to leave, she likes her more.
Now they are trying to say they have to make this decsion based on game because they like Mak more. This tells you a lot. It tells you they are justifying because… they know what Tucker wants and at least 2 of them think that if Tucker goes they can’t win… yeah, this entire decision is based on how to please Tucker.
Last night Rubina decided she no longer wants a women’s alliance. Uh, of course not.
Chelsie is, in my opinion, taking too long to set up a possible Tucker eviction this week. Leaving it up to the last 2 minutes after AI without the conversations to put it in heads? That is waaay too dangerous.
T’kor doesn’t have her ideal alliance because T’kor has been too passive during her HOH.
It doesn’t help that Kimo is so far up Tucker’s ass that Rubina sniffed him when she smelled Tucker’s butt. It doesn’t help that Rubina won’t be in an alliance without Tucker.
The Mist fits is the closesst they got… and it’s only real when Tucker likes Quinn… and Tucker isn’t in the Mist fits. Think about that.
I have decided I really want to see how the Godots react when 2 of them are on the block.
They are playing for their Glorious leader not themselves. Let’s see what happens when they are on the block and Glorious leader has to pick between them.
In case anyone is wondering:
T’kor said her survivor friend Xander got her in contact with a former bb houseguest for some hints on how to play.
Cursory searches are telling me that person is Joseph from bb24.
Just my hunch… but when she said she was friends with a survivor player, one of the people that revealed it was Xander also put out there that Xander is friends with Joseph.
What Leah did with Joseph’s tmi of the past couple days:
went to Tucker and got his trust by being anti-Quinn knowing Tucker is back to anti-Quinn, and that Tucker calls the shots for most of the house.
It worked and Boy is Kimo pissed that Tucker wants them to work with Leah now. KIMO’S ENTIRE GAME BOILS DOWN TO PLEASE TUCKER AND A ONE SIDED RIVALRY WITH LEAH. What happens when the two sides of his game are no longer same wavelength. He pouts. Huge. Until Tucker says fine we won’t bring her in (he’ll still try to shoehorn her in).
Leah has been putting in work and nobody realizes. She’s pep talking Rubina about her relationship because game… what game where Rubina is concerned. She’s gone to Tucker and sucked up with hate talk…. if you go along with Tucker’s tantrums and agree Tucker loves you. She’s still got Joseph wrapped. She’s now f2 with Angela (that’s a dicey play…. Angela destroys everyone that is nice to her).
She knows Kimo has a weird thing against her now.
She thinks she has Cam, Quinn, Joseph and now Tucker pulling for her.
Will she capitalize… no. Let’s be real. She will not capitalize because she’s a let me coast player just trying not to capsize.
Mak tells Chelsie and Cam that Tucker has asked her to throw AI Arena.
If she’s that stupid…
Do I really think the season focus and the season plant are in danger? I wish.
Who is the other nom… showmance girl no showmance so no story at all.
Chances Mak leaves are up to 90%.
Just to be an asshole,
I’d engineer a split vote this week to make T’kor cast the deciding vote.
I said just to be an asshole.
At this point the only people as of today who aren’t running to Tucker with info true or false are Chelsea Cam Quinn and Angela. Tucker basically to MJ the only way they both can stay is to throw it. He also told T Kor she’ll probably have to break a tie. Most talks between Chelsea and Cam are camera switched to someone else.
Since Cam Cedric and Brooklyn were put on the block due to a fellow POC as people like to say here the POC theory’s hold as much water in my opinion as Tuckers. So depending on who wins AI a Tucker eviction may already be in the works. If the opportunity arises they would be stupid for not taking it.
Brooklyn was put on the block by Tucker.
Cedric was put on the block by Quinn.
Cam was put on the block by Tucker, and later put on the block by T’kor because he knew he was being evicted over Chelsie and T’kor confirmed it. Of the noms, he was the one that T’kor cried about putting up.
6 Avenue vs. Pentagon. That’s not what it really was. It was all flip on Collective because they liked Rubina…. not some big alliance showdown.
Friend ZZZZ within 6 Avenue…. becasue Kimo and Rubina are sooooo up Tucker’s ass.
T”kor wins HOH…. wants Chelsie safe. Quinn in visionaries safe.
Mak Leah Cam odd men out.
Tucker offers pawn status.
T’kor wants Tucker to win veto and keep noms the same.
Tucker is a Grodboy on the Tucker show and he’s AI Instigator,
his first AI was a selfishly thoughtless error just so he can get off with his condom holster.
Will there be a blow up again?
mmhmmm. sideye.
T’kor doesn’t care who goes between Cam and Mak she wants Tucker to stay he’s just a pawn.
Cam gets a d/r
Mak gets gonna compete d/r.
Tucker gets why me, i volunteered why me?
Cam knows he needs to win veto and rebuild his game.
Angela eats. The Charcuterie shit again.
Mak told so few people in the house…. no there isn’t.
Mak d/r gonna compete. about that.
Lady and tramp pickle scene.
Cam Leah on the block. Cam’s only focus is getting himself off….
Cam was going home last week.
Leah thinks renom potential is her.
Tucker upset he volunteered and she took him up on it.
T’kor doesn’t want to renom. He’s safe if he’s on block after AI this week.
REMEMBER: THE TUCKER NOM WAS KIMO’S IDEA ORIGINALLY. Then he was mad that T’kor did it because Tucker was pouting.
Ass rolling and twerking lessons.
Quinn and Leah…. she hates him for protecting her but let’s do a flirtmance segment.
Leah’s d/r sounds like she’s doing a proof of life video. Friendzone.
Mak upset she’s the nom again. Chelsie focused on Tucker losing veto promises Mak to use veto on her… she’d save Cam.
T’kor, Cam, Mak, Tucker, Cam chooses JOSEPH (pissing Chelsie off), Angela. HOST Kimo.
Angela will save Tucker with veto, doesn’t know the plan this week and she’s in the alliance.
Cam confronted by Chelsie. Cam thinks he can win comps. Remember… Tucker threw to Joseph because of the final 2 deal that is fake…. to lower his target level and it makes no sense when I write it… so wtf thought he got to pick the replacement through pouting???? or saying threw because he lost?
Quinn excited. Tucker gets gonna win D/R…. see bolded thought above.
played in rounds. Highest value knocked down wins. The cut outs are REALLY close to slingshot compared to past years. Think about the late teens early 20’s versions.
Easier to control if they switch orders in the rounds. watch for that it’s a Shenanigan… we’ll see.
Round 1: T: 38 M: 39 J: 0 A: 18 Tuc: 13 C: 33. JOSEPH OUT veto.
Round 2: T: 7 M: 44. A: 0 Tuc: 22 C: 3. ANGELA OUT. gives J the mattrix.
Round 3: Tuc: 43 Cam: 47. T: 24 M: 0 MAK OUT. Keeps Hawaii trip.
NOTE THE ORDER CHANGE after 2 rounds. That’s on purpose by prodo.
Round 4: C: 0. T: 0 Tuc: 11. SHOOT OFF: C: 46 T: 20. T’KOR gives A the eradication.
Round 5: Tuc: 0. C: 12. Tucker gives T’kor the money.
Cam wins veto. Cam gives Tucker AI Assist.
TInfoil: who would want T’kor in any of the punishments considering her agoraphobic game play? I mean… if you want to focus on certain people who gets that screentime? not kitty boo-boo, that’s for sure.
T’kor thinks bloody hands now. um. All her over-alliancing leaves her with Leah…. OR.
AN HOUR OF THE TUCKER AND ANGELA SHOW A CBS SPECIAL…. This is how you manipulate casuals… only obviously.
Leah is an option. There aren’t SLIM PICKINGS. Over alliancing makes it look so, but somebody should have called out that shit. There are 11 HOUSEGUESTS, not 5.
At 2 minutes into hour 2 we now focus on Angela and Tucker.
TUCKER SPOTLIGHT 1: 10 minutes of fluff.
AI INSTIGATOR: Rubina deepfake. So Tucker is being nice. Awards Angela as best Butt roller. ANGELA: keep rolling that butt for hubbie.
Mak thinks it’s Angela.
AI ASSIST PUNISHMENT for even MORE screentime.
How tall is a Giraffe… oh Makensy…
Kimo Deepfake AI: Paint target on Leah… he wanted her to be renom.
ANGELA’S PUNISHMENT Radiation Eradication. 8 minutes of fluff.
12 hours to move 1000 balls. Roughly 8 miles. Goop and Shower.
Compared to the soccer challenge in 16… that caused actual injury… is this that bad? no.
Mak walks with Angela. Some called that game not kindness. That never made sense. NOTE WHO WASN’T THERE. It MAY be important soon. Tucker wasn’t there.
Joseph Mattrix punishment. 4 minutes of fluff.
Matt Deepfake AI. Will spend a day with Matt in the Mattrix.
Have not room. Matt talks a lot. Probably only the times they clipped it.
AI Tucker deepfake: Quinn and Chelsie not to be trusted. T’kor put him on the block.
Chelsie season 25 Meme’s about this. The edit is becoming 25 Meme when it was samotozed downlow winner edit for week 1-4. Weird.
Angela is back to prime suspect as Instigator.
Tucker tells Angela she’s deep fake to the house. Tucker loyal to Angela….
Tucker has room for Angela, even over Rubina.
ASIDE: Would you believe him? Knowing his connections to Joseph, to Rubina, To the 6 avenue… knowing he told Angela to get close to Leah, and Leah to get close to Angela…..and he’s been ignoring you? And 6 avenue isn’t meeting anymore with Angela.
ANGELA D/R: Tucker is a liar and an actor. I have to turn on Tucker.
Joseph check in. rhymes with Matt one minute.
ANGELA FLIPS TO LEAH, MAK, QUINN… Quinn and Mak can’t trust Angela, she’s put targets on BOTH of them
Quinn runs to HOH for a VISIONARIES MEETING 2. DECISION HOUR 25,419… undecided.
Bussing Angela. Kimo won’t talk to Leah in game, so doesn’t know what she would do.
Wellll…. now Kimo is conflicted. Strategic decison?
ASIDE: T’kor doesn’t want 6 Avenue remember
Quinn should tell Tucker about Angela so he isn’t to blame…. he’ll still blame Quinn for everything.
Tucker says he does so much for people. Oh get real. Everything is to own them.
What happens if someone he thinks owes him says no to him? that tells you everything.
Check in 3 with Joseph. one minute.
CONFRONTATION: I’m your only friend, why come after me? Only I, glorious leader, am here for you, you must trust me, you are my second place easy win. I’ll even ditch Rubina for you. For all you showmance lovers, please NOTE that to show the reality that Rubina is not Tucker’s endgame. She’s a tool because he’s horny.
THE DECISION HOUR 163, 037… still undecided.
T’kor says lesser of two evils. Tucker pushes Angela safe. Pushes Leah needs to be renom. I’m your pawn you owe me is basically what Tucker says.
She owes me. I’ll be so hurt if Angela is renom, to Kimo.
Joseph exits Have not room. So he masturbated to Matt’s voice? mmmhmmm.
T’kor d/r is nonsense.
Mak wants to win AI.
Tucker thinks it’s a one way street and T’kor owed him.
Angela wants to win AI.
Mak lighting the match that got Angela going.
Mak making Rubina distrust Tucker.
Joseph further making Rubina feel like shit.
Mak also telling T’kor and Kimo about Angela confirming what Quinn said.
Tucker bussing Mak instead of Quinn about who told him the Angela Flip Tea.
They skip that Freindzzzz agreed on an Angela renom. Tucker wants to confront before a decision.
Angela calling people out during the feed block.
Tucker had 4 pouty tantrum meltdowns this week.