“I’m f****g interrogating the entire f*****g house”

Spoilers – Chris won the Head of Household and nominated Brooke/Hira as pawns. The Fake plan sold to the house was that Minh-Ly was going to be backdoored. The real plan was for Michael to be backdoored. Hira goes on to win the Power of Veto and will use it on himself giving Chris the opportunity to nominate Michael in his place. There was an soft attempt by Sue, Vanessa, and Kyle to flip the fake target Minh-Ly over to the real target column but Chris stood firm.

Power of Veto Ceremony – Hira used the veto. Chris nominated Michael.

11:09 am Carol and Chris
Carol going on about almost quitting yesterday. likens how she felt yesterday with how she felt when being diagnoses with kidney cancer. Talks about being on Keto and not having access to the food (Cheese) she needs. Says that production will help her out with it.

11:23 am Hira and Chris
Hira tells him he’s using the veto on himself
Chris – you cool with a BIG player going home this week. you Cool
Hira – Yeah 100% man I’m cool with it that’s what we’re here for making BIG MOVES
Chris says the entire house is behind him.
Hira – you don’t want to share?
Chris – It might .. it might stir things up I just want to make sure you are down
Hira – I’m down with a big player as long as it’s not me I’m good.. I’m off the block I’m good
Chris says Hira seems like a genuine guy but they had never really talked game before so that is why he put him on the block as a pawn. Hira was never his target. Adds that “it’s what the entire house wants”
They talk about long term deals. Hira says he hasn’t set anything up. Says he’s close to and has good relationships with Sue, Vanessa, Angie, Carol, Jamar, Sheldon, Kyle.

11:52 am Maddy and Minh chit chatting
Right after Maddy leaves the hot tub area.
Maddy – Ugh I hate being fake.. this is hard.

12:25 pm Carol, Minh-Ly and Vanessa
Talking about Kyle. Minh says she needs to get herself in a better position in this game and become more credible with people.
Minh-Ly says there’s no point putting Kyle on the block if people won’t vote him out, “He’s got them under his finger and I’m the b1tch”
Carol – there’s information out there that hasn’t been shared that will want people to get him out.
Minh – Chris would turn on me if I did that
Vanessa says there are people that would want Kyle out like Hira.
Carol mentions if Chris heard some things that Kyle said maybe he’ll want Kyle out also.
Minh – Kyle is intimidating
Carol agrees says he’ll either “kill you with kindness or intimidate you”
They agree Kyle is very fake. Brings up how he is with John Luke saying he hates him one minute then when JL is in the room he’s loving him.
They say that Chris and Kyle want the guys gone to keep the girls to themselves.
Minh says if she wins HOH she’ll be bringing everyone up for one on ones, “I’m fu***g interrogating the entire f**ing house”
Minh – If I’m happy with the conversation they can have a shot of Jamison. (she’s requested a shot of Jamison Irish whiskey for her HOH basket)
Minh – I feel like Kyle is on to me. I can sense it

Minh – do you think Sue and Jamar have a final 2?
Carol – maybe they talk a lot
Minh brings up how she likes Brooke on a personal level but not on a game level but someone this got out to Brooke. Vanessa points out that Brooke talks a lot with Kyle the other day.
Vanessa says that Micheal going doesn’t benefit her he’s not a threat to her he’s a threat to Kyle. She wishes it wasn’t a guy going this week but a girl.

1:30 pm Feeds are down for Power of Veto Ceremony
2:40 pm Feeds still down

3:35 pm Feeds back on no POV ceremony yet …
Sheldon and Kyle chatting about the upcoming POV ceremony. Kyle wants to talk to Chris to see what he will do because Maddy et al. Will go ballistic. “Initially they are going to be pissed”
Sheldon – what do we do after the POV ceremony is over and everyone is like what the f* just happened.
Kyle says he plans on going to the Have nots room.
Sheldon says for next week “Chris can’t compete. I’m really not scared of anybody”
Kyle – honestly
Kyle says if it’s skill competition the two of them can win.
The preference saying they aren’t being d1cks but they can tell with people working out that there are different levels of physical skill.
Sheldon – we have nessy (Vanessa)
Kyle – if it’s endurance we have Brooke. the smallest who wants this sh1t more than anything.
Sheldon – I told Brooke there’s a chance we can win out a little bit.
Kyle – having this room will make us having our meetings so much easier.

Micheal comes up and delivers some food for Kyle.
Kyle – you made this for me?
Mike – yeah
Kyle – Why
Mike – you have to eat.
Kyle – thanks buddy
Mike leaves.
They start talking about Jamar.
Sheldon says he’s Jamar’s number one ally “like hands down then it’s sue second. He likes Brooke he likes Hira he’s cool with us. He’s just angry he’s out the loop”
Kyle – I know now he’s skeptical of me.

Around 3:50 pm Minh-Ly was in the hot tub with Carol and Canessa and she told them Jamar is targeting Kyle if he wins HOH. Adds that they “french kissed” after he told her that. Also, Vanessa was the houseguest that won the fan meal. Apparently Kyle was annoyed that she won.

Feeds go down for Veto Ceremony I want to say “for sure this time” but who knows. Hira will use the veto on himself. Chris will nominate Michael in his place. Who gets evicted is very much up in the air right now.

4:23 pm Feeds come back .. LOL no idea when the Power of Veto ceremony is happening it’s today.

7:32 pm Feeds return

7:30 pm
Maddy crying “Apparently everyone in the house knew except for me”
Jamar – not everyone knew
Jamar – were you working with mike
Maddy – no
Jamar mentions that Chris mentioned there was a group and with her getting so upset it kinda confirms.
Maddy denies it says she’s upset because she was lied to.

Chris and John Luke
Chris – You probably feel blindsided
JL – I do
Chris says it is obvious that the four have a clique.
Chris – you saw how the pretty boys formed..
JL – does that look like the pretty boys out there
Chris – there was concerns that you four got numbers than take someone like me out
JL – I’m working with Mike and I feel good with Ria and Maddy
JL says he wanted Kyle and Chris in the house because they are all big targets.
Chris – I’m not going to lie your name was thrown around a bit
Jl – I would have liked a heads up, to be honest.
Chris – obviously you are part of a group
JL – we haven’t formed anything. You don’t think there are other groups in this house man
JL – there’s army’s out there. there’s a good 6 people on the other side you just drew a line in the sand I don’t think you’re on the right side man.
JL says Kyle and Sheldon will turn on him. “Miek and I have done nothing”
Chris- I’ve had more conversations with them

Chris – your name was thrown out to and I chose Micheal. everyone in the house knows you are working with Michael and everyone knows Maddy and Ria is working with you
Chris says it was 9-10 people that came to him said “you gotta knock them out”
JL tells him he’s not blaming Chris as the ring leader for this move.
Chris says more people wanted Mike nominated.

Mike and Sue
Mike calling Sue out. Says she had her mouth in a Pillow
Mike – why is this whole house unanimous WHy is Brooke telling me she found out moments before this
Sue – we just did
Mike – With Chris in the house he’s gunning after you guys. he’s getting the guys out because he thinks he can outcompete the girls.
Mike says whoever votes to keep him will have his loyalty.
Sue – you know I pushed for Minh I hate Minh

Mike, JL and Brooke
Mike wishes he would have been given a heads up.
They hug it out.
Brooke crying

Kyle is claiming he didn’t know
Kyle – you serious man.. you seriously think I know man.. I’m not going to freak out and have an argument here.
Kyle – yeah Chris and I talk your name never came out of his mouth not once not fricken once
Kyle – I talked to him at the pool table he said the plan is the plan Okay that was it.
Mike- how did Brooke hear about it moments before
Jamar – maybe Chris told her
Mike – Brooke says everyone knew
Maddy starts to cry “I don’t want you guys to get upset”
Kyle – I guarantee you I didn’t know and If I knew I would have told you
They hug it out

Kyle leaves. Maddy, Mike, Ria, and Jarmar remain
Jamar – Mike, Who would I know LAst week I was about to put the man up
Jamar – all last week I was saying put Chris and Minh up. I’m surprised he got backdoor and not me
Maddy leaves..
Ria says she asked Vanessa “When did you know. She said we found out right before”
Ria – I said who told you she said Sue and Brooke. I said who were you with were you alone. She said nothing.

Mike, Kyle and Ria
Counting votes, Maddy, Me, Ria, Jamar, Hira, JL
Ria – I think I have Angie
Ria to Kyle “You’re going to vote out Brooke”
Kyle – if we have the votes
Kyle – Here’s the thing we make sure we have the votes Ok. We’ll get the votes we’ll flip it back on him
Ria – then we all have a bigger target
Kyle – under no circumstances can we have Maddy flipping out like that
Ria – I’ll talk to her
Kyle – Chill out and we’ll be fine.

9:00 pm Maddy and Minh
Maddy says that Chris told her that the entire house wanted to backdoor Minh.
Maddy – I wanted to come and tell you but I was like ohh man I don’t know will the whole house hate me if I tell Minh.
Maddy – he (Chris) looked me in the eyes and said it’s 100% Minh
Minh – What did you say to me when you whsip[ered to Kyle and you guys started laughing
Maddy – they asked me what was your rhythm back .. I don’t remember
Minh – I’m not going to sit here and be fake with you. I was the scapegoat of the house It was easy to just bring up my name because I had an argument.
Minh says she heard Maddy going off “Ohh she’s so toxic why isn’t she going up”
Minh – How am I toxic
Maddy – when
Minh – I overheard that when you were in the HOH room yelling at Chris (Off feeds)
Minh – You want to keep people in this house that actually want to play…
Maddy – when you backdoor someone that I’m close to in the house.. He just came up to me and lied to me
Minh – Who’s toxic? I’m toxic?
Maddy – no just the environment he’s creating right now it’s a toxic environment.
Maddy – Chris you are getting blood on your hands the first week. You’re not going to win. There’s too many people angry at you.
Maddy – I don’t think it was a smart game move
Maddy goes on about how the Big power players like Sheldon and Mike will take out Chris now.
Minh – everybody was in an uproar
Maddy – Chris told everyone 100% Minh
Minh – so people were in on it with Chris than
Maddy says Brooke claims she found out two days ago.
Maddy – Chris is my number one target he’s Sketchy Chris.

9:25 pm Hira and Mike
Hira says he felt blindsided.
Mike about Chris “He’s not smart enough to think of that backdoor thing”
Kyle joins them. Hira leaves.
Kyle – Tell me what you are thinking .. if you feel like I f*ed you I’m sorry you feel that way I’m standing here telling you I didn’t I can get anyone you want to admit that.

Kyle goes about people in these now thinking he’s the mastermind of Chris’ plan. “I feel like I’m being attacked by everybody”
Mike says it’s not coming from him goes on about how much he respects and looks up to Kyle.
Mike goes on to explain that Chris names Brookes, Vanessa and Sue’s name and Kyle is very close to Vanessa so that is why people are thinking Kyle knew.

9:35 pm Angie and Chris
Chris – everyone’s lying that they didn’t know
Angie – did you tell everybody
Chris – I told everybody. Everybody knew. You see them lying. Watch and you’ll see who is the best liar
Angie – everyone is really bad at it
Chris – watch them.. you be my eyes and ears girl
Angie – just so you know Vanessa was really bad at lying
Chris – Vanessa is a sweetheart
Chris – Watch Kyle. I got you
Angie – I got you
Chris – Good girl .. love ya


Chris and Minh-Ly
Minh – You proved your loyalty if I win HOH I’ll prove my loyalty to you. Sit back and Chill
Chris – you need numbers by your side girl. I just dropped a BOMB
Minh – I know
Chris – and kept you safe. Exactly what I said I was going to do
Minh – and I respect that 100 000 percent
Minh – I just want to give you the 4 – 1 -1 on how I played this ok. Ria, Mike, Maddy came up to me and I was telling them I have no idea.
Chris – they’re all fishing for information
Minh – I’m telling them like Bro I was so paranoid I was going to go home this week I heard my name was being thrown around. I head that you guys didn’t like me and they’re like Chris was going one with his Eye Minh is going home I’m going to backdoor her
Minh says the four is calling Chris Sketchy and a F**** liar.
Minh – we have to get them all out and we will
Chris – everyone else has lied I consulted everyone.
Minh – everyone is keeping Brooke.. Mike is getting the f** out.
Chris – I need you to have me OKay
Minh – yeah.. I got you
Chris – Alright
Minh – I got you
Chris – no Drama with me. you can have drama with everyone else but with me I need to know you got my back OKay
Minh – I got it
Chris – I just f***ing legit everyone wanted you gone and I just f***ing NOPE .. Big Ass move week one the whole house is silent.

They hug

Minh – Where’s that wine
Chris – I don’t think I’m going to crack it open

Minh – Why ohh my god .. can I drink a glass, please
Chris – you can celebrate. I told you, girl.
Minh – thank you your loyalty means everything to me.
Minh goes on about how Chris made a BIG move this back door week one. Respect his name BIG MOVE season 8
Minh – This is no pu$$y season even though Nico self evicted this is no pu$$y season Backdoor.. okay serious can I have a glass (Minh rocks)

Chris – I really don’t want to a have a glass because of the look of it

Minh says Maddy, JL, Ria know they are done and are scrambling like roaches
Chris – there’s no other guy that would have pulled this off week one.
Chris – everyone out there was lying their faces off they all know. there was no surprise.
Minh – your smart Chris

Angie (I think it was angie) comes in for a second
Minh – fingers her “She’s such a f***ing brown noser”
Chris – don’t worry

Chris says he likes her because she’s the strongest female in the house.
Minh – I can lay low I can do the Drama

Minh gets her wine .. which is the win of the night

Minh – you know Chirs I really respect you.. you have balls…

Minh – Canada’s least favorite will be Canada’s favorite..
Chris – I am confident you are the strongest female competitor. I got your back Okay

Chris and Brooke
Chris – why are people lying
Chris – people lying at this point in the game it doesn’t make sense to me. If you see someone lying would you trust that person

11:22 pm Cheers

12 thoughts to ““I’m f****g interrogating the entire f*****g house””

    1. She will, but I actually think she’s the only one of the three that REALLY believes it is real. The other two are getting along to get along and keep the titanic ahead of them as a target, with the thought that if you go with crazy, their is less chance crazy will go crazy about you.

    If the backdoor is such a surprise, and if Michael thinks it’s Minh Ly going on the block as we are led to believe in the hot tub convo with JL last night… why was there the goodbye sounding talks with Maddie and later JL (with secrets reveal) by the top of stairs couches hours earlier?
    This has been annoying me. Is it that one is for the edits, and the other is the mask slipping? It just confused me.

  2. Three second feed leak during the third feed block showed a staff member poking at things in the disembodied head room. Guessing there was a tech difficulty or repair requirement for that five second clip of Hira pondering if he will use the veto.
    you know that’s an eyeroll.

  3. My pre live feeds picks were Kyle (interview with Ika sold me), Micheal (support your troops) and Hira (go dad power). Now that the feeds are on, Kyles a dick (on purpose or who he is? Probably out jury/pre jury), Hira is a ghost (free agent for a larger alliance and cut at jury) and Micheal is out pre jury.

    When was the last pre jury buy back? With 84 week, 12 evictions, 2 at the end, 14 people need to be gone, with a triple we get 14 people gone in 12 evictions, will Micheal get a chance back in the house or is he dead in the water. Hmmmmm….

    1. Comic book / Superhero theme.
      In the comics death isn’t permanent. Why would eviction be permanent?

      1. From being mad that he didn’t get the slop pass this week (after whining his way into the Wendy’s meal), to being mad that everyone else won’t fall on the sword for him, while letting him lie out of knowing about the backdoor, to complaining that there was alcohol consumption and he didn’t get any (he’s a have not without a slop pass… he wouldn’t be allowed anyway), it’s been a difficult day for anyone that likes Kyle not to admit he can be a bit of dick.

    B&W bedroom. Mike, Maddie, JL.
    Mike grabs his junk, scratches, shifts, grabs again, adjusts. adjusts. adjusts.
    JL grabs his own, then scratches his ear, shifts his hat, takes hat off, adjusts hair, puts hat on.
    what baseball signal are these 2 trying to send???? Sacrifice the runner???

    1. I’m still gagging at sundays episode where JL was in the shower and smelled his penis twice. Dude you’re on tv smell your dirty penis in the toilet

  5. why do mike and JL talk about nonsense while the rest of the house is strategizing and talking game.
    these dill weeds are talking “yah man dude bro, its like, the first week , like, wats going on dude man bro. why everyone getting crazy bro man dude. its just the first week .” get your heads screwed on . first week or not, someones gotta go. chris took the initiative. whether he’s friggin bonkers and off his rocker, irrelevant because he’s making moves. random ridiculous moves just to remove mike cos hes jealous of his relationship with maddy, (seen his choice in the ‘get to know chris’ bio thing, he said showmance over nomance) he wanted maddy and he was jealous of mike so he made this elaborate plan to backdoor him right away. but thats neither here nor there . makes no difference. he walked thru the door and started playing from the start. got everyone kissing his rump

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