“I’m excited because I get to give a speech to my mom and say gastroparesis awareness month”

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Mark used the Power of Veto on himself. Josh nominated raven as the replacement. Elena, Jessica and Raven are on the block.

12:25pm Matt and Raven HOH
Raven – did you see Jessica’s face.. she’s not happy about that (pov)
Matt – you want to hear something fun.. guess who was walking laps with Kevin and Jason.. Cody
Raven – you should join them..

12:33pm HOH Raven, JOsh and Matt
Raven to Josh – You owe me..
Josh – I owe you..
Raven – you owe me
Josh – I wish I had won that Veto..

Josh – I felt uncomfortable saying your name (as replacement)
Raven – I’m excited because I get to give a speech to my mom and say gastroparesis awareness month

Matt – if Mark or Cody don’t win.. HOh they will go up .. we have to backdoor cody..
Josh – Mark is saying he’s not with Cody when I was in the yard they were yard together
Raven – they were s*king each other’s c**ks
raven laughs

Raven to Josh – can you do me a favour.. the next time that b1tch (jess) asks you for Gatorade say no .. oh my god josh you’re such a nice person..
raven – too nice .. next time be like no.. she’s very vindictive towards you and I hate it

Josh leaves..

12:52pm Kitchen Matt, Christmas with Josh in and out.
Matt and Christmas are talking about the pros of mark using the veto to take himself off the block.
Xmas says the pro is it shows Cody that mark is still aligned with him.
Matt is saying for mark’s game long term there was “not a single Pro with using the Veto” (ZOMG)
Christmas agrees.. “we went up as a pawn.”
Josh – f*ing bullsh1t I want to go off on him
Xmas – we’ll know who Cody thinks it more disposable between Elena and Raven

Wow dishes.. Who made muffins last night for Kevin’s birthday?

1:19pm Matt, Christmas and Raven
Christmas says that Jessica gave up 500K to save Cody’s game.
xmas says she pissed Cody off day 1 somehow.
Raven – we were having a conversation he said.. it really wouldn’t work out anyways because you can’t have kids
Matt – What! he said that to you.. I could kill that mother f*er oh my god dude.. what a piece of sh1t.. what a d1ck head..
Raven – but he said I know someone will accept that one day
Xmas – wow wow wow
Xmas wonders if Jessica knows about Cody’s desire to have a lot of kids.
Raven – they want to have 5 kids they already named them in a APSR
Christmas – whats his job because he doesn’t even have a working truck.. what has he done.. you know what I mean..
Xmas – sales.. what does that mean..
raven – he wants all boys..
Xmas – because he can control that he’ll get all girls..

1:39pm A baby starts crying
“Will someone shut that thing up”
No idea what is going on..

1:45pm Jessica and Elena
Jessica says her and Cody were having s$x when the baby started crying..
Jessica- we were Going at it..
Jessica – he goes I cant finish after that

2:15pm Paul, Alex and jason

Paul says Josh would be an idiot to not take out Jessica this week.
Paul – that’s not me trying to save Elena that’s me wanting jessica the f* outta this house
Jason – Jess has to go, I don’t give a f* i’m voting that b1tch outta here.
Paul – we have to split Cody and Jess up then take out Elena
Alex – Raven is being weird

Jason saying if he wins HOH he’ll put up Elena and Matt
Paul – perfect
Jason – backdoor cody
Paul – perfect

Paul – so Christmas thinks I’m trying to save Elena
Alex – yeah and Josh..
Paul – Christmas s a paranoid f*

Jason – Kevin asked me do you think you can fall in love
Alex – he asks really awkward questions..
Paul – he pretends to be older than he is..

Mark joins them..

2:24pm Josh and Christmas Head of Household
Christmas says Kevin does not Like Elena and he’s not seeing her as a threat.

Christmas list through the sounds they’ve heard. “Three baby cries, my head hurts, shut that baby up, 15-20 barks”

Josh – Raven and Matt rub me the wrong way
Josh – they offered really nicely and seemed very comfortable with going up and instantly when they go up
Josh – you offered..
JOsh – they were like hey you should take a jab at Cody
Xmas – there’s no need
Josh – How about you take a f*ing jab bro.. You do something
Xmas – how about you get on the f*ing radar
Josh – you say something..

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112 thoughts to ““I’m excited because I get to give a speech to my mom and say gastroparesis awareness month””

  1. Finally Raven gets to talk about her disease and possibly take some money to help her overcome it.

    What a great opportunity for her to do this, not something you see everyday on BB.. Most days the houseguests are only worried about themselves and not the plight of so many people.

    Raven you are Big Brothers Mother Teresa.

    So proud.

    1. Hilarious if you’re trolling, but if you’re being for real….yikes

    2. How odd, i have such a different take on this. Raven is unable to be a have-not b/c of her ‘disease’ as far as i’m concerned she shouldn’t have been allowed on the show. When they were doing the PB and J thing in the beginning no one was exempt. I’d assume they flipped to slop to avoid the peanut allergy thing. Raven shouldn’t have been chosen if she couldn’t handle the have-not requirements. And along those lines maybe i can see the food thing but why can’t she sleep in that room and take cold showers?

      1. She grabbed the Have-not exemption during a competition. I think it was conveniently made available for her (for all participants), and she was probably given the heads up that it would be available for her to claim.

    3. How amazing would it be if Raven gets voted out (if the house can be smart and change it up) that would be epic. Sadly, don’t think it will :(. She’s annoyingly af.

  2. Weaponize Cody… I’m not a fan of Jody in any way, buy fuck it Weaponize Cody.. Paul needs competition.

  3. Yes! I luv Raven, she’s so brave and beautiful. She’s my hero. Everybody should donate to her gofundme, God will pour out his blessings upon you. If you don’t luv Raven, God will cast you off into hell fire for all eternity. Plus, Raven’s family follows you on Instagram and Twitter when you donate, it’s the best feeling ever to be followed by an angel! Go Raven!

    1. I started to donate, but then I decided to send my money to Paul instead because I’m sure it’s what Raven (and the rest of the house except for Jody) would have wanted.

  4. Raven might want to take the opportunity and ask for the best medical doctors in the world to help properly diagnose all of her other mystery illnesses.

    1. You people have lost your mind. She is a bully and deserves to go home. He voice racks on my every nerve.

  5. Well this kind of reminds me when Kaitlin, Aaryn and Gina Marie were on the block together.

    But which girl here is Aaryn?

  6. Mark would have been stupid not to use the veto on himself. If he didn’t, he could have gone out the door instead

    1. Mark was selfish using the veto on himself, just like they all agreed Jessica was selfish to use the Halting Hex rather than allow herself or her only ally to go home. They were putting their own needs above those of the House (if you define the House as Paul). They should have been more unselfish…like Marcellus.

      Wonder how many of those criticizing them wouldn’t have used the veto or Halting Hex if they had been on the block? I’m guessing none.

  7. Raven – I’m excited because I get to give a speech to my mom and say gastroparesis awareness month

    Yes, and we are aware that you do not have it Raven

  8. RED ALERT i see kevein and jason trying to lure cody in. theres no point of that. if they dont do anything they are already guarantees themn top 5 and with jason and kevin together it means they need just one person like paul. but again the ppl on this show are simpletons. send that high class drink pouring escort back to LA so she can flaunt her fat * to guys that will pay her rent and bills. . that * should be ashamed. rascist *

    1. RED ALERT this snowflake (send that bottle rat jessica back to la to try and fish for a celebirty bf) has been triggered by a reality game show contestant.

    2. You should be ashamed of yourself for talking about someone you know nothing about. Let he without sin through the first stone… Idiot LoL

  9. So disappointed in Xmas. Way too self righteous.. it would be great to see her on the block beside Paul next week.

    1. combinations of people i’d like to see on the block next week: paul/alex, paul/raven, paul/xmas, or paul/josh …there may be a theme here.

  10. Woooooooow! If she does say that the HGs should vote her out solely because this is a game not a f*cking charity. gastroparesis is a CHRONIC condition, not terminal. They should’ve cast a medical professional, maybe then she would shut her damn annoying trailer trash pie hole.

    1. Do people not SEE the pace maker that appears as an outline on her stomach area? Like – not sure who started this conspiracy bs about her. I agree on some of the things – but this girl DOES have a terminal illness – reminder there….

      1. No one is saying she doesn’t have the disease. The problem is — she is saying it is terminal (LIE) She is saying once her pacemaker reaches a certain level, she has no options (LIE) She is saying she needs to raise $200,000 (the operation is only $40,000). She used the money raised to purchase her dance studios and a brand new car. … and lets not forget about all the wonderful vacations.

        Does she have the illness? Yes. Is it terminal, as she claims NO!! I don’t have a problem with raising awareness for an illness. I have a problem with someone scamming good hearted people out of their hard earned money by telling lies about said illness in order to reap financial gain alone. Go back and watch everything that she has told the other houseguests about this disease, then go do some research on the disease itself….you will see why people are so upset.

      1. Matt’s a hot dude. He could do waaaaay better than Raven. I can’t figure out what he sees in her….??? She cant possibility give that good of a bj.

  11. OMG Raven stop talking. You are not going to die. Does she think she is the only one who is sick in this world. She irritates the heck out of me. I sit here watching the live feeds all day. I have bone cancer lupus and fibromyalgia. I normally don’t tell people this. I don’t want or need pity. She makes me sick. Sicker than I am.GRRRRR

    1. She’s really a nasty girl. She said the most vile things about both Jessica and Cody. And now Josh owes her? She’s done NOTHING. The dialog between her and Josh shows her being a catty, nasty girl. “can you do me a favour.. the next time that b1tch (jess) asks you for Gatorade say no .. oh my god josh you’re such a nice person – too nice .. next time be like No. she’s very vindictive towards you and I hate it” Seriously? Someone needs a GoFundMe for Charm School!

      1. The biggest joke is that her mom has sent her (Raven) to debutant school. Im which she was to learn how to be a lady. I’m not sure that it really worked!

    2. So sorry to hear that. I know you said you don’t want sympathy but just know ppl out there care. And this stranger just said a prayer for you and your loved ones.

    3. I think that is what rubs so many people the wrong way. Someone who is truly struggling each day like you are, could never stand the riggors of living in the BB House – the physical requirements and the stress on your mind and body. It’s just a little icky. Blessings to you, and I will also pray God’s healing touch on you and the strength you need day to day. (I really mean it – my chosen name is done in jest, since we all are a little judgy to be ripping the houseguests left and right.)

  12. Xmas, Raven, & Matt can go pound sand. If Jody wants 5 kids it’s their business. Kevin is the father of at least 7 kids and he’s a stay at home father (LOL). All those gossipy witches, I cannot stand them. Gossipy witches are the worst.

  13. Sometimes I can believe that crap that comes out of Matts mouth like how Mark using the veto was a terrible move for marks game LOL. And he wants raven to win, he might as well forfeit so she can win. There is definitely nothing in his head upstairs, clearly only the downstairs head. Since he’s banging a “dying” girl almost every night. Hope they’re using protection, she probably 6 a bunch of guys since she can’t get knocked up and her days are apparently numbered.

  14. I hope somehow Josh is able to get everyone to vote Elena out. I think Cody will get depressed without Jessica and he will became super boring…

    I don`t see anyone standing up and going after Paul.

    Worst season ever.

  15. Big brother is annoying anymore why is everyone friends and saying shit like the house wants this that.. How does no-one see Paul and raven as threats the second she mentioned her “disease” she gone as sson as pual lost his tempt he gone survior still has that mentality when did bb lose that.. if paul wins I’ll be pissed. Bb:OTT way more entertaining

  16. I am really starting to NOT like Christmas……What is her problem with Jess and Cody anyways??? Is it because Cody put her up week 1? Come on, get over it already…….It seems like her and Jess have had some pretty nice/friendly conversations but then she talk such shit behind her back.

    And Matt and Raven, I mean REALLY……I can’t even….

    My wish right now is for the house to flip upside down and vote out Raven…..That would be awesome. I bet she doesn’t even pack her bags…..

    1. We can only hope her “Speech” will piss a few off, and caught in the moment they vote her Trailer Trash A$$ out………………Oh please BB Wizard, grant us this one wish!!!!

  17. Paul’s minions are the most genuinely stupid group this show has ever seen. They all want Paul in the end knowing he is GOING TO WIN and now b*tching like a bunch of pussies about how bad of a game move it is to use the veto to SAVE YOURSELF. I badly want someone to take a crutch from Xmas and knock some brains (or lack there of) out of those idiotic heads.

  18. House guests please vote Raven out!!!! Can’t stand her and Matt, worried one or both will make it to finals!

  19. Hey guys, at 1:19pm in the convo between Raven, Xmas and Matt, you missed Raven’s claim that Cody tried to kiss her earlier in the season and she turned him down. I just watched the clip and it made me sick.

    1. I sorta remember way back at the very beginning, someone brought up that Cody was flirting with Raven when they first entered the house before they started filming. Supposedly Raven wasn’t interested and he then turned to Jessica. Can’t remember who it was talking about this.

  20. The Sh*t that spews from Raven’s mouth is embarrassing . She acts like she isn’t bothered being on the block but you can tell she is starting to crack already. I hope Cody wins HoH next Week and puts her up on the block for a 2nd Week and see how she reacts 2 weeks in a row – We might see her Stomach pace maker malfunction !!!
    And the only thing Matt could Hurt is a cereal Bowl.

    1. Raven appears to have a lot of oral discussions with Matt’s p@nis, and Matt’s fingers periodically appear to be trying to find Raven’s mystery diseases in her v@gina.

  21. I don’t loathe Raven as much as everyone else does but she continues to make it harder for me to feel bad for her. I do believe she’s got GP but her nonstop “woe is me” mentality and continual projection of it being a terminal disease (there have been GP deaths but its mostly a chronic condition) turns the whole ordeal into pure mockery, which is easily the worst part of all this.

    Homegirl’s got a lot of growing up to do, and I hope she won’t let this experience break her. Lord knows she won’t be ready for what’s waiting for her once the show’s over.

    1. You are so right about Raven! I think she has no clue how much Raven hate there is. I think she still sees herself as completely loved by everyone. Thing is, the only ones i the house who aren’t questioning her include Paul and Matt. So sad!

      I find Matt and Raven disgusting for all their adult activities when other people are in the room, not to mention watching live on the Feeds. At least Jessica and Cody hide their sexual encounters. I haven’t seen them in action at all. Then again, I don’t look for it. Maybe they have been and I just haven’t noticed.

      I would rather Elena stay and Raven get evicted. If not, I’m still hopeful Josh’s original plan works out because I don’t want Jess evicted just yet. She’s been playing the game, and I’d like to see what else she can do.

      I’m not a fan of any of these HG’s but I do respect the HG’s that actually play the game.

  22. Jessica thinks the baby crying noise was to call out her and Cody having sex in the back room. This is Jessica’s World. She’s just letting us live in it. What a tramp!

  23. Why is no one talking about Kevins criminal past? If BB put me in a house with a criminal I would be pissed.

  24. Big brother should let us vote off a cast member.I know who I would be voting for (Raven). Sorry I’m just not joking the Raven pity party. Paul is actually playing the game, big brother just made it easier for him seeing how they cast people with an pitiful low IQ score.

    Kevin for the win!!!

  25. If production is hoping to get this cast to play the game, they are going to have to show them crayon drawn pictures, numbered, and speak very slowly…………….and then it still won’t be a sure thing that they understood it.

    1. Somebody tried to play the game once by taking out the biggest threat, but then Production squashed him by giving his target 3 weeks protection without telling anybody and then he became the whole house’s enemy. Everybody learned their lesson about trying to play the game and are just trying to not make waves and play it safe.

  26. I would bet if Alex knew the truth about her ears she would flip the house to vote Raven out…….and I must not forget the coke! I would really love to see Raven get booted out. This would mess the house up.

    1. As much as I cannot stand the deplorables in this house, it would be much easier to watch everyone if Raven and Matt were gone. Paul and i HATE Paul but the little Charles Manson is playing these people and probably secretly laughs at how stupid they all are. I like Cody and Jessica and I think they are genuinely in love with each other. Cody acts very similar to alot of friends who are ex and current military so I dont find his demeanor off putting at all. Kevin and Jason are so funny together and I hope it comes to the end with Kevin Jason or Mark who I think is a very sweet person. So basically I cannot stand Raven and Matt. He could touch his beard out of the house and Raven ….go back to the park that you came from

  27. Jessica thinks the baby crying was to call her and Cody out for having sex in the back room. She loves it. This is Jessica’s World. She’s just letting us live in it. What a nasty girl!

  28. jess and Cody having sex in the house and bragging about it is disgusting. The outside world is waiting for her.

    1. No one really cares, they are two people that had sex on BB….yawn. Maybe you need something else to fantasize over in life?

      1. He’s just frustrated!

        Not only is his Jody “spank bank account” overdrawn, he’s also gotten Carpel Tunnel Syndrome in both wrists from typing idiotic comments, 24/7, about “how disgusting” he THINKS Jody’s sex life is!

  29. Paul: “Kevin tries to act older than he is” Umm the dude is 55. Would you like him to act like you and lie about how great your life is and that you have done everything on earth at 24. Yet the truth is you live with your mommy swinging from her apron string. You want your blankie Paula?

    1. Jessica and Cody on Big brother show fu#king all day and night likes it’s some porn show!! Give some effin respect and wait until you get out of TV game.

  30. I wonder if the baby crying was the camera operator making fun/ taking jabs at Fraudven. Lol one would hope They went rogue! #EvictFraudven!
    You would think she would stop with the pathological lying but nope! Now Cody wanted her! Lmao Matt and Cody wanted Jess the minute she walked through that door. Production needs to step up and get rid of Fraudven. All Hoelena would need to do to get the votes is say the truth about Borlex cat ears and soda and how it was Fraudven.

  31. If Raven was as ill as she pretends to be,CBS would never clear her medically to participate in this grueling and stressful 10 week reality game. I imagine diet and hygiene would be important aspects in keeping her healthy, IF she were chronically ill. KEVIN FOR THE WIN

  32. Christmas has to be careful who she’s saying what to. She’s going to be on Paul’s radar soon if she’s actually saying Paul is trying to save Elena. Just watch, next week Christmas will be the back up option if Cody manages to win safety or POV.

    I just want to see some of Paul’s minions turn on him. I don’t particularly care for Cody or Jess, but I’m just sick of Paul being the puppet master and everyone else just following what he does.

    I’m glad Josh is starting to realize people were using him to bully Cody & Jess. I just wish he’d have the guts to call out the next person that tells him to do something undercut.

  33. the last person who didnt use veto on themselves when on the block, got voted out!!!! WAY back in Season 3.
    And Julie slapped him upside the head!

    These people are dumb!

  34. come on guys get rid of raven kevin and Jason dump you beards (alex and xmas) and team with jody and Marlena.

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