“I’m done with that sh1t… If I win HOH I’m putting Cirie and Jared on the block”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Jared
Nominees: Corey and America
POV Players: Corey, Jared, America, Bowie, Jag, Cameron
POV Winner: Jag
Veto Ceremony: Veto was used on Corey. America and Cameron nominated
Havenots: ?

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The situation -> Veto will be used. Cameron will go up. Cameron VERY likely to go home.

9:35 am Jag and Matt
Jag gives Matt a debrief from his conversations last night with Felicia and MEME.
Jag says Felicia is “SUSS” about Jared and Cirie “The said there were people that told me straight up I had their votes. I was lied to”
Jag says Matt needs to talk to MEME “Personally I feel like Me, You, MEME, COrey, America We’re all burned by the same people”
Matt – yeah yeah yeah yeah .. I just don’t know what I can tell her. Maybe that’s why I haven’t talked to her I don’t want to f*** up the conversation
Jag – DOn’t tell 7 deadly sins Met again.
Jag says if things go good with MEME this week then “We don’t necessarily don’t have to throw it.”
Jag says If THey can get Felicia and MEME then they’ll have Bowie’s vote.
Jag adds that if they can secure MEME and Felicia’s votes “You straight up put them up..” (Cirie and Jared)
Jag – straight up put them up and we will have the numbers to get them out.
Matt – Okay
Jag – this week it’s about who we can trust.. WE need to expand beyond you, Me, Corey and America. If one of us wins it’s only three votes.
Jag – right now we trust Blue but I don’t trust she would vote Jared out
Matt – yeah
Jag – we need another person we can trust, Is that MEME, Bowie, Felicia I don’t know.
Jag – this week Chat with MEME, Bowie, Felicia, Corey and America
Jag – really chat with everyone
Matt – Chat with Cameron in case there’s a twist
Jag stresses they need to add one more person at least they can feel solid with.
Matt wonders if they can just put a pawn up to backdoor Jared.
Jag explains if they do something like Cirie and Bowie. Cirie gets houseguest choice picks Jared to play veto. He wins veto uses it on Cirie, “We just f***ed up the whole week”
Jag – now Bowie Jane has to go or Felicia.
Jag – we’re only gunning after two Jared and Cirie.
Jag says someone eventually will take a shot at them “The way that Cirie is running around saying for real for real is real… ”

9:45 am Felicia and MEME
Felicia – Cirie is out there with F**ing Bowie Jane now. It’s
Felicia – She’s out there lifting weights with Bowie jane at 9:30 in the morning. She wanted to get out there early before everybody else so she can talk to her. I told Corey and America you guys have to get close to Bowie Jane. We have to pull bowie jane that gives us 5 people.
Felicia – I honestly believe based on how those two guys are acting we can get Matt and Jag t push over and drop Cirie and Jared. They saw what they did last week. They already know they can’t be trusted.
Felicia says Cirie and Jared were going to be the reason for her demise and they were grinning at her all week.
Felicia – I’m done with that sh1t .. for what? I haven’t done nothing for either one of these fools. I’ve been in my head protecting them.
MEME – same.
Felicia – I don’t know how we’re going to do it but me, You, America, Corey, Bowie that’s five. There’s 5 on the other side. If I can get matt and Jag Blue, Cirie and Jared are going home.
Felicia- one of us has to win HOH this week. I’m going to go out there and shut that conversation down then I’m going to talk to Bowie Jane
Felicia says Cirie and Jared lied to her about the vote last week just like they lied to MEME during REd’s eviction.
Felicia – Cirie and Izzy were lying through their Teeth
Felicia – that might be what the hell they did on Survivor and that sh1t worked. This game is too long she said out there they don’t talk here they talk all day long.
MEME – MEME all day
Felicia- your lie will come to the surface and it done floated up.

Feeds flip. When we’re back Felicia is talking about being betrayed and what she will say in a conversation with (Bowie?).
Felicia – those two people slapped me to my face.. trust me in two weeks they’re coming after your a$$
Felicia – Bowie, Corey, America are the names they’re coming after.
Felicia – If I win HOH I’m putting Cirie and Jared on the block and they are going to look at me like I’m f***ing crazy and I’m going to say this is for the fact that the two people I trusted the most lied to my face.. Made me believe they are trying to help me and they are the ones throwing me under the bus.
Felicia – the rest of the house saved me not you two. I trusted them.. I would have never had done that to you
Felicia says her GUT was telling her that Cirie is working against her to sabotage her game and she didn’t know why “Three times I had felt that last week I got confirmation.. I knew I wasn’t crazy”
MEME starts going over all the lies over the last 3 weeks from Cirie, Jared, Izzy.
Felicia – Jared, you won’t be able to win this game. You’ve lied on everybody. To make up sh1t.
Felicia says she’s going to lift some weight outside “Figure out what else they MADE up about me.”
Felicia – I’m so pissed..

They hug

10:03 am Felicia starts working out with Bowie and Cirie

10:17 am Meme and America talking about all the Cirie, Jared, Izzy lies and how events went down on Thursday.
America – the fact that their lies almost worked is scary
MEME – scary

10:25 am Matt and Jared
Chatting about how they have the numbers to vote Cameron out this week.

10:30 am Felicia and Bowie
Felicia – I’ve had a lot of conversations this week, remember when I said I have MEME, Cirie and Jared?
Bowie – Yeah
Felicia – I found out that Cirie and Jared were the two campaigning the hardest for me to go. The argument upstairs (THursday before the show) Started jared got pissed at Corey because Corey was the one after some conversations were held with IZZY. He found out that she told a whole lot of stuff and Corey was the one that flipped and said we are keeping Felicia Because you guys (Cirie, Izzy, Jared) are the ones starting all the chaos.
Felicia- jared was mad at Corey because they had everyone convinced that I had to go. The WHOLE week they are telling me I had their vote no matter what.
Felicia – When I say I am disappointed I am so disappointed I have trusted Cirie and Jared like Family. To hear that they just got on board because the house had already decided they were keeping me. They didn’t want me to stay.
Felicia- Izzy was the one that would go gather all the information and bring it back to Cirie and then she would feed it to JAred. They wanted her to stay because she was the intel person. That is what got out, Izzy was the one that told them about the 7 deadly sins She was the one feeding the information to Corey no realizing Corey was telling.
Felicia – cirie and Jared are manipulating conversations it’s really hard to know who is doing what. I have totally trusted Cirie.
Bowie – they were lying through their teeth
Felicia says she’s trusting Matt and Jag more now.
Cirie joins them.

11:00 am Corey complaining that the backyard gets closed tomorrow at 7am.

11:10 am Feeds go down for Ceremony

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55 thoughts to ““I’m done with that sh1t… If I win HOH I’m putting Cirie and Jared on the block””

  1. Yes please. Anything just get those 2 out. But production will do everything in their power to keep Cirie and Jared in the game.

  2. Amazing that Jared and Cirie seem to exhibit no guilt about essentially cheating in the game. Character is always revealed in the end.

      1. The cheating is being a duo – being the only one with a family member. Cirie has a son act like he is with the other side of the house and then he feeds all the info to Cirie, which F’s up everyone else’s game. That is so completely uneven, it’s ridiculous. Imagine where we might be if either Jared or Cirie were on their own. They would be in the same boat as everyone else, trying to figure it out ON THEIR OWN. They might be gone or better off, who knows. But to me the duo twist is cheating the other house guests. I would not want to play on such an uneven playing field and would be very pissed if I learned that were the case. Glad folks are finally getting clued in.

        1. Everyone was envited to join the cast , including Cirie. She accepted the invite to win & make billions of dollars. There’s no reason for her to be accused of cheating blamed & hated for being on the same season as her son, she didn’tmake the rules. She’s just trying to make it to the end like everyone else, her way.

    1. That’s Cirie. She is great at stabbing everyone in the back with a big smile on her face. Everyone else wrongs her but she never wrongs anyone else. She never wins anything either. Never could stand her.

    2. So its only cheating when its HG you don’t like. But perfectly fair game when your fav’s win comps. You guys will reach high in the clouds to find any ridiculous excuse to dislike a house guest and act as if your decision about them is so righteous.

        1. No that’s not cheating when they created for it to happen. Did you consider it cheating when Rachel Reilly’s Sister was voted the M.V.P. and was able to nominate a 3rd HG for eviction in BB 15? Or the twin twist in BB 17 or how about when Dani and her father played together, Now all of sudden its considered cheating when its Jared and his Mom. Boy the bias are on high alert.

      1. Exactly everyone has lied but these people forget it’s a game and choose to single out cirie and jared for some reason smh Cory and America has lied more than everyone but him and America are “America’s Sweethearts” I guess

    3. ABSOLUTELY! Lying IS part of the game, but Cirie and Jared should at least seem a little remorseful for their blatant lies. AND Cirie should be a little more disappointed and annoyed at Jared for all his MESSY MESSY game play.

      1. Are Corey and America sorry for their lies? Blue who is riding on everyone’s coat tails? Everyone knows that Jared and Cirie are working together they just don’t know they are related.

      2. “ABSOLUTELY! Lying IS part of the game”
        How many people lie to your face in the real world “playing” the “game of life”? How do feel when you find out? Happy? Pissed? WHERE in the rules and regulations of BB states that contestants “must lie”??

  3. Cory is going to win Big Brother 25! Based on my calculations He’s in the best sport with everyone except Cirie and Jared working for him. With the whole house against them Cory only has one enemy to worry about. He doesn’t even have to votes to leave even if he’s on the block.

    1. Jag Matt Felicia don’t fully trust Cory. Not sure about Meme but Felicia does influence her.

      Fel Meme want to go far with Jag and Matt. It would be smart for them to all target Americory after Jared and Cerie are gone.

      Jag and Matt have the comp winning advantage. Americory will have an uphill battle, whichever of the showmance remains after the other is gone.

    2. cory maybe beats america and bowie, maybe meme too, but can he really get there with that final 2? too early to say. i think matt and jag are in better spots to accrue jury votes, though they also have targets on their backs that could prevent them getting that far, not that cory doesn’t have a target himself.

  4. I don’t understand why no one wants to work with Cam. He wins challenges and is also a great shield. If I am Cory/AMERICA or Matt/Jag I work with him. Those alone should to…Bowie, Meme, and Felicia. No idea what Bowie and meme are doing. If Cam leaves it will rotate Jared and Jag winning challenges….who else won anything? Felicia won stupid golf challenge.

    1. Because they are all followers and can’t think for themselves! I have never seen such a clueless group of people in all the seasons! It’s painful to watch and embarrassing! Can’t wait when Jag,Matt, Bowie, Meme and Cory are out of the house and they watch back the season they will all cringe and be so embarrassed I’m embarrassed for them! America’s favorite cam!

        1. Foute was dumb, but not as dumb as this bunch. They at least knew who their opponents were and who to try and get out. They also got severely screwed by the infamous “Hacker” comp which allowed the hacker to change the nominees and block one player from voting, which cost them a player during one of their HOH’s.

          They got their revenge in the end though as they ended up pretty much picking Kaycee as the winner that season (4-1 in jury votes) over Tyler. He received 3 of the 4 votes from his own alliance and thus lost to her 5-4.

    2. because he doesn’t talk game honestly with anyone (keeping his noms secret was a HUGE mistake) and they don’t really like hanging out with him all that much either.

    3. Because he cannot be trusted even a little bit. He turned on his first alliance before he had any good reason to turn. He talks down to everyone. He’s been creepy with at least two women in the house. He trusts the wrong people (Jared) even when he’s been smacked right in the face with evidence he’s wrong. When the entire rest of the house knows and you don’t, that’s, at the very least, a very bad read on the game. But from his perspective, he’s never wrong. He underestimates everyone else for the wrong reasons (America because female, Jag because turban). It’s hard to reason with him. All of this just makes him a chaos agent, and, since he can win comps, he needs to go so the real game players can play the real game. So I’m hoping he’s gone followed immediately by Jared and cirie so we an get down to the real bb season. I just wish all that went before had had a chance to play without the unfairness of cirie/Jared. Just makes this an asterisk season for me. And to think, if cirie had not been stuck in a kayak with Felicia last week and had maintained control of jared….

  5. I have been waiting for this to happen … for Felicia to finally turn on Cirie. It’s gonna be super fun and entertaining to watch this. I’m so glad Izzy got voted out, not just to break the whole thing apart but also so we can see the Cirie and Felicia showdown! The gig is up!! Let’s hope that production doesn’t screw this up!

  6. Notes and Reactions:
    The Cory’s / Meme’s alliance joke conversation was fun. The fact that it was everyone that Cory/Jag wanted as an alliance late Wednesday doesn’t escape notice.
    Felicia waking up and choosing violence is actually bad for everyone. She isn’t good at subterfuge. I wouldn’t want to be on the block with Felicia knowing too much.
    The dynamic Jag wants is not the dynamic Matt wants. Matt wants 2 sides. Jag wants universal harmony of 7 v 3.
    Meme, if she’s still bsb at heart, has enough info from Jag to tank everything.

    1. Meme and Cory should have actively worked together in the beginning instead of Meme just soaking information in (hence her venting sessions). Felicia will always be a curious factor in what has happened and what will happen in the House

  7. So it did t take jag to go back on his word with cam, only took a week to screw cam over, maybe his turban is on too tight and forgot that he made a deal. Cam could have easily taken that dirt bag out last week. I can’t stand scumbags like jag.

    1. i don’t see this as renegging on his deal so much as exploiting a loophole. jared’s the one putting him on the block, not jag. the deal was jag wouldn’t put him on the block.

      plus it’s big brother. as james huling best described it “you can bounce checks in the big brother house.”

      1. By using the veto it’s basically jag putting him up as he knows it’s Cameron going up. And it’s a dumb move by jag, now jag will be the next big target. Bad move.

    2. The deal was that if he won HOH he would not put up nor backdoor Cam, not that he would prevent anyone else from doing so. Personally I think in would be honorable if he left the noms the same, but I think he would really be screwing himself as literally everyone in the house wants Cam on the block.

    3. Dan Ghessling: If your thinking about
      backdooring me now. You will probably do it at a later point in time.

      Cam soldout the handful, then pondered backdooring Jag, after nominating Jag week 4. Where Jag was evicted because of cam
      nomination! This is more than enough justification that jag owes cam nothing as cam has been untrustworthy and proved that he saw Jag as expendable.

  8. If only Jag had a big pair, if he was not such a floater, the answer is right in front of his face. Cirie, Jared, Felicia etc… have all lied to him.

    If Jag was not such a Floater, he would not use the Veto. So what you upset Jared & Cirie, they have been telling you lies from day 1. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

    If Jag kept Cam safe this week, Cam would definitely have the balls to put Cirie & Jared on the Block if he won HOH in the Double Eviction. So what if Cirie & Jared are upset, they are both afraid that Cam will get them out, I do not really see America or Corey winning an HOH, after the wall Competition, I just knew Corey & America would do better.

    Matt nor Jag have the guts or balls to put Jared & Cirie up, they want someone else to do it, I think throwing the next HOH is stupid, why can’t Matt and Jag stop trying to play in the middle, take the lead, make a bold move, stop being FLOATERS.

    Keep Cam, upset Jared’s plans.

    Also, I do not believe if Felicia won HOH, she would put Jared & Cirie up, Felicia is doing a lot of talk, trying to act tough, I don’t trust Felicia, Jared or Cirie, I want all 3 of them gone.

  9. I would love to see Felicia pull some strings and keep Cam in the house.
    that would really tick baby thug off and get sweet revenge on Cirie.

  10. Watching Matt and Jag strategize is like watching dumb and dumber. You put Cirie and Jared both on the block and you at least have a shot to send one of them home. It isn’t that hard to figure out…geez.

  11. The way Cerie cheered glowingly when Jared won HOH, was way over the top in her pride and gushing warmth. Not within normal realm for an ally reaction, even with Jared and Cerie desperately in need of the win.

    I was actually embarrassed for her when watching bc it looked creepy if you don’t know that she’s his mom. As there was pure love there which would not be appropriate in a game relationship between them.

    Knowing the secret it was obviously a mother’s love for a child, but no one can break out of the trance to realize.

    I think Davonne would have noticed.

  12. I would love to see a good intense argument between Felicia and Cirie. That would make my day (and better make the episode)!

    1. Wouldn’t we all … but tptb would never allow it … screen would be changed faster than Jared could bust a condom

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