“If You’re mad in here .. not a good look, people need to lighten up. It’s a game!”

Big Brother Spoilers – The Veto will be played today. Ricky and Natalie are on the block. LOLO, Natalie and Ricky are not taking being broken up well..
LOLO wasn’t picked for the Power of Veto. Everyone else was..

Tom Wins the Power of Veto

Houseguests are woken up early this morning..

8:28am Tom and Natalie in the Kitchen
Tom – good luck today.. I hope you win it
natalie – thank you
Tom – just want to let you know on the record what changed my decision .. it was because somebody else was so upset about being on the block so I had to change it.. (LOLO)
Natalie – no worries..
Tom – that’s all.. I hope you win
Natalie – THanks you

Tamar joins them.. Tom says the veto is today..

8:35am Tom in the kitchen
Ricky walks by
Tom – good morning Ricky.. what do you think the event is?
Ricky – YEAH
Tom – YEAH?
Ricky – YEAH
Ricky walks into the bathroom
Tom laughs “cool man”

8:36am Natalie, Tamar and LOCO
Natalie going over what Tom told her in the Kitchen.
LOLO says Tom was talking about her
natalie- yeah of course
LOLO – he’s trying to pit us against each other now

LOLO about Tom – Doesn’t matter he can do whatever it is he wants.. He’s a terrible F8ing human being
Feeds cut… .

When we’re back
Tamar – ARE YOU SERIOUS… at this stage of the game why would you want to backdoor someone for what
Natalie – that was my conversation with him basically he would keep me safe and keep me off the block but if somebody won and I would be up so backdoor.. Him telling me that is like RETARDED..
Production tells her to move her microphone higher
Natalie – good you didn’t get that word.. (LOL)

LOLO is saying none of them will want to talk to Tom after this.
Natalie – he doesn’t care..
“I don’t think he came here to make friends” (kato?)
Ricky comes in ..
Natalie fills him in on her conversation with Tom earlier..

LOLO – This mother f*er talked to me about training for the Olympics and not having health insurance that’s a different mother f*ing story
LOLO – CBS F* you for letting somebody do that.. that’s someone’s mother f*ing dream
Tamar – LOLO
LOLO – I don’t give a f* that’s ,….
And the feeds flip..
You can vaguely hear LOLO in the background “That’s f*ed up I don’t have health Insurance” (Coming from a Canadian I agree that is f*ed up )
LOLO – you mother f*ing piece of sh1t that’s my f*ing life… that’s f*ed up
LOLO mentions something about Kandi going around saying she doesn’t need the money .. “that’s f*ed up”
LOLO – I wasn’t upset about going on the block I was upset about having no health insurance …
LOLO – I came on the show for that reason.. and they want…
When the feeds come back LOLO is talking about medical bills than says she knows if she doesn’t win that “god will provide”

8:50am Feeds are back.. Tom alone in the living room
Tom – in this event the HOH has to go get groceries in a real grocery store …
Tom going through made up events…
Tom walks up to Kandi tells her about everyone being pissed at him
Kandi – everybody is waiting for the veto
Tom – Ricky .. they’re just MAD..
Kandi – when you and Kato were on the block you kept separate to yourself to
Tom – I was talking to everybody.. they’re not talking to me.. It’s not that I haven’t been trying to talk to them
Tom – I think it really is like … not a good look.. if You’re mad in here.. not a good look like people need to lighten up. It’s a game! only 1 person can win in that theory they should be mad at everybody
Kandi laughs
Tom – everybody wants to win and everybody… there’s just one winner.. doesn’t make sense to have three people mad..
Kandi – that’s true
Tom – they should be mad at each other too only one of them will win people need to lighten up and have fun.. only makes me want to fight harder so it’s backfiring strategicaly.. getting all mad and angry at me.. makes me try harder in the competitions that’s why I’m winning them I wouldn’t normally be winning this stuff..

9:41am Feeds back POV players have been picked. LOLO wasn’t picked for the Power of Veto. Everyone else was..

11:11am Either sleeping, Chit chat.. or bashing..

11:40am Dina and Kandi
Dina – Tom goes to me I’ll be very angry if you don’t vote the way he wants.. he goes .. Ricky will go to his side.. don’t tell him I said that.. That’s a threat like what is that..
Dina – he goes You know you can’t keep up with me if you don’t vote him out..
Dina – that shocked me.. what do we do.. I don’t care about the game nobody threatens me..

2:46pm Feeds are back.. Toms won the Veto!

4:10pm Tom and Kandi playing pool
Tom asks Kandi if anyone other than them and Dina will come out of their room tonight.
Kandi – it’s only 4 o’clock they may be taking naps.
Tom – I’m still thinking about using the veto
Kandi – and do what
Tom – put up somebody so I can guarantee to get rid of Ricky
Kandi – OH MY GOD.. that’s not a good idea..
Tom – I don’t want Natalie to go I want Ricky to go. That’s a real thing I will probably use the veto unless I feel totally confident.
Tom – I’m going to tell them they are a pawn
Kandi – I’m telling you now it’ll bite you in the arse
Tom – I’m telling you now I can’t deal with it anymore
Kandi – you are letting your emotions control you
Tom – he is controlling the moves of the entire other side of the house
Kandi – why do you believe that
Tom – they crowd around him like the ZEN master of the game
Kandi – no
Tom – trust me.. I am very perceptive..
Tom- I think you are not going to do what I want you to do.. I’m going to have to do something else to get my goal accomplished
Kandi – you trippin
Tom – You seem to have very strong feelings about this
Tom – there’s some people in here you would not vote to evict
Kandi sighs.. – Oh my god.. that doesn’t mean they won’t .. that’s the part you are missing.
Tom – I can have them vote with me
Kandi – you’re not thinking
Tom – Dina will vote with me and I’ll be the tie breaker..
Kandi doesn’t sounds like she thinks Tom can get these votes unless that’s what people want.
Kandi says she doesn’t like where the conversation is going because it’s starting to sound like “Threats”
Tom – I’ve been getting emotionally targeted for like 3 weeks
Kandi – we’re about to be outta here in 1 week
Tom – I want to enjoy my last week here.. I would rather be gone than suffer one more week in this environment. (With Ricky)
Tom says he would rather lose than have to spend another day with someone (ricky) staring at him all day
Kandi – you’re not even around each other
Tom – you know man.. it’s not cool..

Tom – Help me Kandi
Tom says he’s going to talk to Natalie and LOLO
Kandi – People don’t like threats tom
Tom – I’m not threatening anyone.. It’s a game it’s unfair for people to use that word we’re playing that game.. it’s been used before it’s not fair..
Tom – I’ve don a lot in this game I’ve won a lot of things I’m asking for a favour that’s all.
Tom – I’ve won more stuff that all three of them combined..
Kandi – Ok Buddy
Tom – I have I’ve won 4 they’ve won 3 ..
Kandi – you can’t compete for HOH.. me and Dina can.. we have a better chance of beating Ricky tan Natalie..
Tom – Ricky will win next week and I’m outta here
Kandi – Either one of them win you gone (Nat/LOLO)
Tom – I can convince Nat and LOLO to work with us
Kandi shakes her head..
Kandi – you are over estimating your ability to influence..
Tom – I don’t want to put you in a awkward position but you have a choice to. We can work with LOO, Natalie and Dina get to final 4
Kandi – there you go with the threats.. (WTF)
Kandi – who has been supportive of you since the beginning..
Tom – Nat, LOLO me you and Dina..
Kandi – I am not agreeing to that you know good and well me and Tamar are cool .. like don’t do that
Tom – it’s an option..
Kandi back to calling what Tom is doing threatening Tom keeps telling her to stop using that word
Tom – it’s a unfair word to use.. I’m looking at all the moves.. I’m talking about every option..
Tom lists all the options.. “I look through all the moves I count where the votes are and I ask people to vote the way I would like them to vote”
Tom – I try to get them to look at what I am trying to do as HOH..
Tom – it would be the best thing for you and Tamar.. (get Ricky out)
Tom – I will be super stoked that you helped me everyone is trying to knock somebody out.. you can’t say one person is threatening another.. Are we playing pool or are we threatening each other it’s a game..

6:00pm Between feed outage we can see Tom dancing in the HOH room wearing all his HOH key and Veto necklace.


97 thoughts to ““If You’re mad in here .. not a good look, people need to lighten up. It’s a game!””

    1. I really think Lolo is very aggressive, they need to backdoor her ass! She’s mad Tom is not playing for her, does she understand this is Big Brother and stop being such a baby!

    2. If an Olympian doesn’t have a sponsor to help with medical needs he/she is stupid. Her whinny pleas are just B.S. and an affront to those who are truly suffering. No pity for you.

    3. If Lolo was still a top flight Olympic contender, she would be training at the Olympic training facility with team USA, and have access to all manner of coaches, trainers and DOCTORS. By 2020 she will be 38 years old and well past her prime competition wise. She may still be able to qualify for team USA, but I’d say that was a long shot. But given her stature, her ability, the fact that Olympians are no longer amateurs, if she is still competitive, she could be making a good living on the pro circuit and pay for her own insurance, not to mention her looks should be a magnet for potential sponsors. Maybe the fact she “burns so hot” works against her in acquiring those sponsors? I don’t know. What I do know is that Big Brother is not a charity event where the most needy contestant is declared the winner. And being that they are all “celebrities”, I doubt any of them do their primary shopping at Goodwill.

      1. Trust me, Lolo track career has been finished for a long time..thats why she got into bobsled like years ago..shes still training but she is nowhere near world class level, she wont even come close to making US team. Always liked her, but I heard she was a headcase and being on here is proving it! Gotta admit, I dont like her nearly as much now. Btw, wtf is with these people saying tom is threatening? Hes talking strategy! Ricky is a complete jack ass

  1. They are being childish by taking out their aggression on Tom or using him as The Designated Scapegoat. It does motivate him to try harder. The chickens are coming home to roost now because they betrayed the alliance they had with him. I used to like Nolo but now it’s funny watching Nolo and Ricky implode. Although Tom is a Canuck and probably does feel bad that an Olympian can’t even get health insurance or afford to buy expensive cuts of meat that people like Taymar take for granted. The US spends billions in foreign aid and trillions on WMD and can’t even help Olympians with health insurance?

    1. I can’t afford healh insurance either and I am a 60 year non- Olympian.Don’t qualify for subsidies and make too much for Medicaid. Lol.Too bad that liberals; aided by the press;iGNORE us!

      1. I’m close to the same boat. When we can afford the the health insurance, it’s only with a 6k deductible. And that is through an employer. Join the club Lolo.

          1. LOLO can get health insurance. She just doesn’t seem to think she should pay for it like everyone else does. She’s used to people sponsoring things for her. Lots of olympians get jobs during the time they aren’t training. I don’t understand why she thinks things should be handed to her, but not others. Everyone is equally important.
            Simon – We pay $2300 a month and there are no subsidies. You have no idea how lucky you are. Our vet moved here from Canada and she was SHOCKED at health insurance costs. Your health care system would never fly here though – they would call is socialism instead of seeing a solution that has been shown to work. (Bring on the downvotes)

            1. I have a great idea for Lolo, her anger, her reputation, and her health insurance quandary. Go to a retreat, a psychiatrist, or anger management. Get that attitude and temper under control. Write a book; promote that thing along with your new outlook and self control in life. Boom. You’re on Dr. Phil, Jimmy Fallon. There’s your health insurance!

          2. 1,200 premium per month with 80 percent coverage and 7,500 deductable…..AND that is without preexisting conditions which would make it even more per month.The “un-Affordable Care Act ” was a LIE that bleeding hearts did not see because your press REFUSE to tell the the truth. Any reasonable person should have had concerns siince Pelosi bragged about not reading it.I do not like hoe Lolo is acting but now I get it. It is a daily worry about health ad I yearn to get Medicare in a few years.

            1. Lolo is worth over 1.5 million dollars she can afford health insurance but she thinks it should be free to her. She is a very angry person and even the bobsled team did not want her back. She is just a spoiled brat that needs to learn a lesson. Do not feel sorry for her bs about health care.

            2. The ACA wasn’t a lie. The plan is fundamentally sound and worked successfully in Massachusetts. The reason the ACA did not achieve its purposes is because the GOP pulled out all the stops ensure that it was NOT a success. They simply would not let it, or Obama, succeed so they could use the failure as red meat for the base. Plan seems to have worked.

              1. I could not even get Obamacare because of a preexisting condition. ACA was not very affordable either unless you got a cheaper plan that doesn’t cover anything. The preexisting condition was a back injury btw which is not life threatening but I needed surgery. This was also when Obama was in office!

                1. We couldn’t get insurance *until* the ACA (which some people chose to call Obamacare.) Ten years ago I had a small cancer that was caught early and not life threatening. I suddenly had a pre-existing condition, even though I am healthier than my contemporaries and couldn’t get insurance. That was the whole point of the ACA – to make sure that everyone was insured and not turned away. If you couldn’t get insurance, then maybe you weren’t looking in the right place? The problem is with the insurance companies, and both parties fighting over the whole thing, and now that the legs have been cut out of the program, insurance rates (and the number of uninsured people) will just continue to rise. Taking away the program, with absolutely nothing in place to help American citizens, is wrong – no matter which party you affiliate with.

              2. And the sun rises from the West, right? You must really believe people are honestly that stupid to take your comments seriously. On second thought, nevermind.

              1. Medicare is NOT a free ride; educate yourself. We’ve been paying into it since we were 16 years old. My husband still works full time, pays out of pocket for Medicare Complete ($250/mo) and they STILL take taxes out of his paycheck for Medicare. He’s paid into it now for over 50 years. NOT a free ride. That’s Medicaid.

            3. Who are the progressive numbskulls downvoting the reality of your comments? Must be Occasional Cortex Cortez with a trigger finger.

              1. As someone looking in from another country AOC seems like the start to a real counter balance to the corporatists. A positive for the American people.

          3. I agree, Lolo can buy health insurance. I worked in my twenties and bought health insurance and ever since college, it’s offered through work. I pay, but it’s not crazy. I’m in the US and have a family of four. We all have different experiences. I wish we could have Canada’s healthcare system, but that’s not going to happen.

            1. Canada’s healthcare system is not the treat you all think it is. They tell you if they want you to have a surgery. If they don’t, you have no other option. My friend lives there and needed a specialist. It took her 6 months to get in. She was in terrible pain that whole time.

      2. Politics are such a complex issue in the states I have really hope you guys get a progressive leader next time around. Health care for profit is such a weird concept to me being a Canuck and working in the health care field up here I don’t think I could ever understand what goes on down to our south.

    2. Hard to feel sorry for her really. My husband has always made good money and finally qualified for Medicare Complete, best insurance he’s had in years. I’m younger and very expensive. Sometimes you have to prioritize a cheaper smart phone, use coupons, not but the newest biggest TV or drive your paid for car a little longer. $1200/month premium for me, $2000/deductible that I meet about June. And no health care savings account in PA. Takes forever to get approved for something; insurance companies determine my health needs, not doctors. Maybe you can no longer afford your hobby, Lolo.

      1. Hey Lolo, get a JOB!! Work full time. With her experience she could be a coach. Or she could teach single women how to never get a mate. She has a shitty personality and too much botox. She complains about no health insurance so I guess frozen face gets botox for free.

      1. She told him to put up his targets. Ricky is his 1st target, Natalie is his 2nd target. This way if one of them wins veto and takes themself off, the other one will go. He actually wants Lolo in the final four as he knows she needs the money more than the others. Lolo does not comprehend and misconstrued everything Tom says to her.

        Now they are thinking it is fixed because Lolo is the only one not playing for Veto.

    1. i think she convinced Tom that if he nominated Ricky and Loco, and Nem won veto, she’d save Ricky. Because Tom, for some stupid reason, wants to save Loco, he had to change his plan or she’d end up evicted.

  2. With endorsements salary and fees, a cursory search estimates Loco’s net worth at over 1.5 million. If that is correct, how much concern am i supposed to have that a millionaire hasn’t gone out and gotten health insurance?

    1. I feel like she keeps YELLING about the lack of insurance to make sure that everyone hears it, so they will feel sorry for her (like Tom does) and vote for her if she makes it to the end. That’s not the way a *real* winner goes about winning! It’s outwit, outplay, outlast…oh, er, wrong show. (yet it totally fits?)

      1. When each celebrity has an incentive signing fee to show up day one to perform, and that fee is purportedly 100k for a 29 day season, I don’t think I really want to hear about the financial need big brother telethon angle.

        1. lol. i think we’re in agreement. of course, Ryan’s estimated net worth is four times Lolo’s. but she’s already assured the signing fee, which is more than enough to get just about any insurance she wants. If net worth were the standard for who deserves to win, Jonathan who has amassed 1/5th of the estimated worth Lolo has, wouldn’t have been the first evicted.

    2. Eeeeeexactly! Loco has no insurance because she chooses not to spend her money on that because, a) She is relatively young, in good shape and healthy as a horse, and b) When training with Team USA she has access to many trainers and team doctors for whatever she may need. Like many young people (although she’s not as young as most who do it), they simply roll the dice that they are young and healthy and won’t need the catastrophic cost help that comes with a dire sickness or injury. In Loco’s case, an injury while training with Team USA or competing for same, would most likely be covered by Team insurance or Team doctors, although I am not 100% sure of that. It just makes sense the team would cover it’s players, like an NFL or MLB team covers it’s players for injuries suffered OTJ.

      1. last season was 200k. according to two articles i read, this year it was only 100. the first prize this season for cbb is also cut in half.

  3. Welcome to the USA Lolo. A LOT of us don’t have health insurance and most that do, can’t afford to use it. She’s just showing how immature she is. Hopefully Tom has figured out that she isn’t able to keep her mouth shut and absolutely cannot be trusted.

      1. Also, I don’t know if they are aware it expired. I could have missed that as I haven’t seen any of them talk about it now. Perhaps someone should insinuate it’s still in play if they haven’t been told already.

    1. Yeeeeeaaaaah . Loco’s gay. That’s where her aggression and crazy comes from. And no I don’t mean all lesbians are aggressive. I am being specific about her. Serious closet case. 36 year old Virgin….? Gimme a break. Is she “supposedly” religious? Predictable and typical and finally, just sad…

          1. She needs to get her a set of major league snorks installed, like Natalie has. That way she will look more her age and less like a little girl.

            Just funnin’, as Tom says.

          2. Same; I had no idea she was over 30. Definitely less excuse to be such a jerk. And not have health insurance.

          1. She is absolutely gay. Just watch the way she carries herself. She even sits like a guy. If she was straight, she would have had implants a long time ago. They don’t have to be huge and she certainly can afford them.

            1. Not a Loco fan at all, and certainly don’t know what her sexual orientation is, but as far as the implants go – she’s a hurdler as well as bob sledder… implants wouldn’t make any sense. She needs to be aerodynamic!

  4. Here’s hoping Ricky wins veto, takes himself down, and Lolo goes up. Would love to see her and Natalie campaigning against each other.

  5. LOCO DIDN’T GET PICKED!!!! WOO HOO!!!! The three headed monster will be down to two heads!!! One poor sport down…

  6. Last night Ricky said something (this is not a direct quote) about how he was on the show because he used to be seen as a competitor and now he wants to be seen as a healer. Lol I don’t think that’s how people are seeing you Ricky!
    It’s a shame too – like many of you I thought i was going to love Ricky, Natalie and Lolo, and dislike Kato and Tom. Instead I’ve been pulling for Kato and Tom and I really dislike the other three

      1. unless Tom decides it would be good tv to use the veto, thinking it would get him back in good graces with Lolo and Nem, and that everyone would vote out Ricky anyway, and everything goes wrong. Somebody chain him to Kandi before he thinks of this himself.

  7. From one believer to another, Lolo, JUST – SHUT- UP! God gives so much grace to us and we are in NO position to proclaim who is a “mf’ing bad person”. You lose! Your testimony, your future endorsements, potential sponsors, your dignity. Just STOP!

    1. Can’t agree more! It boggles the mind that Lolo speaks to corporations regarding being a good team player! She’s flushed that opportunity away as well.

  8. Not sure why lots of people are not liking Nat. She has been cool under pressure…hasn’t been personal.
    Tom is so busy playing to his *image* to America…I don’t really know what he’s like. Kato did show some of his true colours..pretty angry guy.
    Lolo is awful.
    Ditto Ricky.
    Dina is just….0
    Tamar …doing what she feels she must because of future possible events through Kandi. (business)
    Kandi…playing a good game even though she hasn’t won anything.

    I’m still hoping nat for the win.

  9. Why would Tom keep Lolo, Nat, and Ricky? They let everyone know they are working together, which means you will be broken up. These people don’t know how to keep an alliance a secret and Lolo is the one that blows hers up every one of them. Lolo “Why target us and not Dina or Kandi?” Umm they aren’t working with anyone and you are and Tom knows it. Lolo also must not be aware that on CBB, the evicted house guest get to go home and watch what is going on in the house unlike BB they go to jury and have no clue what is going on in the house. Not sure Jon, Ryan, and Joey will vote for Lolo if she makes it to final 2 with her outburst.

    1. You’re joking, right? Natalie has been right there with the Tom bashing and even mentioned wanting to “punch him in the face” she even said he was acting “ retarded.” Sorry, but she is a mean sore loser like the other two…. have lost all respect for the Snakes’R’ Us trio…….. and attention seeking Tamar too

      1. Calm down…Not sure what you thought you read, but I never said Natalie was innocent. Just because I only talked about Lolo doesn’t mean Natalie and Ricky are nice. I was just saying that the 3 of them are crazy to wonder why Tom would put them up. And Lolo was talking the other night about being back stage to make sure Tom doesn’t win. The trio is done…I’m glad 1 of them is going.

  10. YAY TOM!!! And once again, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but TOM NEEDS TO LISTEN TO KANDI!!!! She is absolutely right about needing to get Natalie out first! Although I get that he’s totally under Toms skin and acting like a complete jerk, Ricky hasn’t done much of anything competition wise. Come on Kandi, work your magic again… be the Tom Whisperer!

  11. I couldnt hear the conversation very well last night, but gathered that Natalie was seriously bad-mouthing Kandi to Tamar. Tamar seemed to be buying into it. Does anyone know the status of their relationship now? Has Tamar told Kandi what Natalie told her??

  12. To the houseguests that say Kandi doesn’t know the game, it may have been true that she didn’t know it going in (like most of the celebrities), but I think she’s caught on pretty quick. She has been thinking logically and is trying desperately to keep Tom on the right path! She’s right, Tom is thinking emotionally about Ricky. Natalie is the biggest threat of those three. Get her out and Loco won’t know what to do. And I say this as someone who watches RHOA and honestly can’t stand Kandi!!! No matter what, it warms my heart that one of the three are going home!!!!

  13. Can someone in production please take Kandi’s black lipstick and Dina’s sparkly eyeshadow? It’s all very disturbing.

  14. Ummmmm when did they start allowing cards in the house or did I miss something? I’m confused maybe they’ve always been in there but I don’t recall that.

    1. I’ve noticed several perks in CBB that aren’t allowed in the regular BB house. The cards, nicer decor with individual beds, better food. I’m sure the stationary swimming pool/hot tub was specifically to get Ryan. Nice indoor gym and pool table, better food, no jury house. Whatever deal the Mooch made to stay less than a week, he may be this season’s real winner.

  15. I know one thing, if Tom doesn’t win the POV tonight and Kandi or Dina doesn’t win The HOH tonight, he is going home during the Double Eviction.

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