“If you don’t try and win this HOH I’m going to pop you in the head.” Nat to James

POV Holder: Victor POV Competition Aug 13th
POV Used NO POV Ceremony Aug 15th
HOH Victor Next HOH Aug 11th
Original Nomi1nations: Paulie AND Corey
After POV Nominations: Paulie AND Corey
Have Nots Michelle AND Nicole

Watch the next week of the feeds for FREE – 1 week Trial!

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8:00pm Bathroom Paulie and Natalie
Paulie says real talk he does care about Zakiyah but “when she talks about how she drinks and parties.. When she got territorial, Jealous and Catty “
Paulie – these are red flags.. And the spitefulness..

Natalie brings up Zakiyah telling her that she slept with Paulie after the blow up because of game.
Paulie – She literally tried to fricken bang me in bed.. Hands down the pants all that stuff..
Natalie – OHhhh (Shocked)
Paulie – She always asked me to kiss.. How does that relate to caring about you.. Not on camera.. (but he’ll have sex with her on camera.. 5 times)
Paulie – I’m not going to make out with you and kiss you on the lips.. My family told me not to I’m not going to do it

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8:05pm Paul, James, Corey and Nicole
Paul is telling them Paulie is still going..

They talk about how Paulie is campaigning
Paul says he’s only heard bits and pieces..
Nicole – he wants us to open our plane tickets
Paul – you are high you are on drugs..
James – this is the last one..
Nicole – they might change it .. why take the risk. .
Nicoe – The family comments
Corey – Aunt dying of Cancer..
Paul – I love the guy but gamewise.. I close my book

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Nicole says Corey is pretty cute
Nicole – I didn’t think you were super cute from meeting you I’ve grown to hin you’re super cute.
Corey – likewise..
Corey asks James – We good
James- yeah

8:20pm Paulie is now with them. They talk about Zakiyah being a talented actress. Paulie says he was the the only guy that was fooled by Zakiyah. Natalie says she was fooled Zakiyah.
Paulie goes on about getting into fights and backing his boys on the team up if they get in trouble.. Feeds cut to the london room Michelle, Paul and Victor talking about them being on schedule with the number of players they have so they doubt there will be a returning player and doubt the tickets will get extended.

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8:33pm London room Natalie, Paulie, Michelle and Victor
Michelle mentions that natalie was in the bathroom for a long time.
Natalie says on her end it was closure with Paulie. For him it was a little bit of campaigning.
Paul to Victor – talk sh1t tomorrow to shake them up (Nic/Corey)
Paul to Michelle – talk sh1t do your thing
He wants them to rattle Nicole and Corey before the HOH. Tells them Corey and Nicole are out for blood.

Victor teases Paulie’s campaigning efforts telling them he won’t put any of them on the block.. Victor says who’s paulie going to put up this pot.. (See image)
Natalie- he says he only has 2 more weeks in him.
Paul jokes that they are keeping paulie to take out Victor because he’s too scared.

Paulie – I count him say ‘you know what I mean’ 63 times
Michelle says paulie says f*** every second word.
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Victor shows how he curls into ball when Paulie talks.. “I disappear into a hole”

Natalie is saying she’s leaving the house with a smile.. Victor says when he left he met Julie with a smile.
9:00pm James joins the London room crew..
James says they think Natalie will vote the way he says.
Natalie is pissed she says she’s voted her own way. She said there was many times her and James argued about the votes.
James says Corey is a little worried..
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9:12pm Natalie and James Cam 3-4 London room
Natalie – If you don’t try and win this HOH i’m going to pop you in the head.. Pop him in the head America..
Natalie – that is why I don’t try and get very affection with you I know my feelings for you emotionally are strong I don’t want physical feelings for you liek that.. Obviously I do have physical feelings for you I’m avoiding that Aspect because that’s not healthy in this game.
James- what’s all this back rub stuff you be talking about , that’s physical
Natalie says she would never sleep with anybody in the house, “That’s weird”
James- super weird..
James – I could wake up in a bed and you could poop on me I wouldn’t be judgmental
Natalie says if they give it a try and it doesn’t work out she still wants to be friends with him. Feeds cut..
Natalie – If I go home next week I had the best time with you, You really made me trust men in general. You really made this game enjoyable you made me feel really protected and it was nice.
Nat – it was nice to feel that way when the whole house was sitting on my. There was times I felt alone. Nobody would talk to me in the house, You always talked to me protected me.
Paul joins them.. They talk about giving Natalie the HOH.

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9:38pm London room
Victor playing with the eagle puppet.. (Hilarious)
Everyone laughing

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9:39pm Paulie and Corey
Paulie – I might sign with Cody’s agencies and do what I do
Paulie – ok the jokes done (Victor with the eagle)
COrey – I know.. Oh my god…
Paulie – the thing about life man the thing about scorpios we always end up on top ..
Paulie starts talking about Cody and Meet and Greets..
Paulie says he’s going to request a sleep aid.

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9:53pm Natalie and Corey
Corey is asking her who she’s voting for.
Natalie says he’s always respected her and she’s always respected him.
Corey says it’s him, Nicole, James and her hooking up and moving forward, “we can kill it tomorrow”
Nat – I need to win a comp

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Paul doing a puppet show.. Roasting each houseguest. (it’s awesome)
Paul as Baldwin doing Glenn – who wants some pasta tonight..
Paul as Baldwin doing Jozea – GIrl.. she’s a snake girl.. in the hammock all day.. James.. mastermind.. Michelle don’t worry about Michelle I got her.. Victor is a bromance.. I got a eagle tattooed on my a$$.. Corey is gay.. my gaydar is GGGGGrrrrrrrrr

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10:27pm Paul does roasts everyone (Flashback and watch this it’s very funny)
Glenn – hey guys they call be penny G from the Bronx.. like Penguin G
Jozeas – Snake.. I watched your season.. all she does is sneak.. Gay gay gay gay.. when i’m around Corey my gaydar is wwoooooooooooo he’s gay I know he’s gay..
When he does Frank all he does is farts..

After Paul is done the roast.. Victor does a puppet show.

11:15pm Puppet shows over.. mass chit chat in the living room..

11:35pm Paulie, Michelle, Paul, Victor, Corey
Listening to PAulie talk about gambling.. he says if they go to Vegas he’ll put his entire stipend on black and if he wins he’ll play the craps table if he loses, ‘Oh well no more gambling for a week”

11:50pm Paulie, James and Natalie London room
Paulie – Thanks for hearing me out all week.. well for the past couple days. so.. you guys can let me know in the morning what you decide.
Paulie – I’m fine either way I’ve accepted both options, it’s honestly what’s best for your game I respect your decisions
jame s- alright man
Natalie – thanks Paulie
Natalie – I feel bad James.. my goodbye message wasn’t nice
Jam es- yeah I know i figured it wouldn’t be.. it’s all good thought.. it’s how you feel.

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11:54pm Paulie and Michelle Safari room
Paulie says keep him here to take a shot at Vic. it’s all he got at this point.
Paulie – the only thing I have is competitions.. I take a shot if I miss I lose the veto go home
Mciehlel – it’s a good point a good pitch.. where is everyone else’s head’s at.. no one’s talked about it I dunnno if it’s set or what.
Paulie – I dunno everybody said they will consider it and talk about it.
Paulie – use me as a weapons I’ll do what I have to do, Win the HOH send him home then I’m open for the following week.
Michelle – right

Corey comes by with the beers..

WEEK 4 – August 14th to August 19th

This winner automatically becomes Co-HOH, sharing all HOH perks and responsibilities for the duration of the week, including choosing 1 of the 2 nominees.

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54 thoughts to ““If you don’t try and win this HOH I’m going to pop you in the head.” Nat to James”

  1. I hope they make Paulie bake a pie right before the show starts tomorrow, so he’ll have to wave the flag when he gets evicted.

    1. Don’t worry Nat, we see right through you andJames is falling right into your trap. Natalie’s acts all innocent but in reality, she talks crap behind people’s back, she’s whiny, and annoying. And when Bronte left, she totally abandoned Bridgette and just sat back and watched the other girls bully her. All because she didn’t want to have a target on her back. Wow what a friend.

      1. Nat came for the money not a friend. She just met Bronte and Bridgette… not like she known them for years and this is a game and a rule book was given. A man for himself… only one can win the half million dollars.

      2. Ummm, did you happen to catch the show last week when Nat & Bridge (along w/ Meech) rose up to flip the house on top of Paulie, Corey, and Nicole? I think your powers of perception might suck.

      3. That’s the 100% truth and all the lonely unfulfilled people who buy her BS with James have even given Nat credit for Bridgette’s game. Bridgette was the one talking to everybody, not just James. Bridgette was the one telling Nat what the score was, while Nat thought James was safety for her. Bridgette knew they were all sitting ducks and it wasn’t until she felt safe that she finally decided to use Bridgette.

        The truth is all the people left are basically awful people….Vic exempted. He’s pretty dumb, but at least he’s not malicious, cowardly, conniving, and disingenuous. All the folks here rooting for players baffle me. I hope that there’s nothing but turmoil the rest of the season and whichever winner emerges, who cares. They get one year in the top tax bracket, clear $250K, blow through that in a year or two because they think it’s the start of something “big”, then go back to being their needy, desperate to be famous selves

    1. She is so cute even without makeup. Too bad she doesn’t realize that less in more especially under the bright lights. Someone mentioned here the other day she is like Mary Ann on Gilligan’s Island and I agree she is perfect for the part in both looks, statue and personality.

      1. first time I saw Nat with the pig tails I also thought Maryann from G Island . nice to know I am not the only person to have that thought . VIC FOR THE WIN

  2. Its weird how good Victor is with his violently aggressive puppet show……Its like a pimp ranting in the style of Bill Burr!

  3. Battle back friday! Paulie or Frank will win! I hope frank comes back and takes out Paul or James! Lemme see those thumps down you sheep

    1. If Paulie has the RT then they need to have a double eviction in order to get back to 3 people on September 21 for finale. A buyback would also mean a double will have to happen and since this episode was on the schedule for awhile I doubt it has anything to do with bringing a player back and everything to do with the concert.

    2. That’s not possible because Frank is already at home. You can’t reenter the game once you have been released back into the real World.

        1. He cracked a smile, at someone other than Nicole, so that must mean he thought it was funny.

          Almost the entire thing was on After Dark, if you can get that it was really funny. Vic’s part got cut off unfortunately he was really funny too. the style of one of those comics who does the yelling, it wasn’t violently aggressive like someone mentions here.

  4. IMO, Natalie is not here to be a friend. She’s here to win money. She is playing James and has him wrapped around her finger. When that girl alliance didn’t work, she found another one with James. I don’t personally like her, but she is playing under the radar. I think she loved Paulie’s comments at the time they were said but conveniently used them against him. She is manipulative and that’s the game.

    1. Even IF the above was true, she is still nicer than any of the other girls. Same with James, he is actually one of the nicer guys to ever play BB. Too bad being nice doesn’t win you the game, but it will in real life.

    2. Natalie genuinely cares for james.. just because she is strategically using him to get further in the game doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about him. She has never in this game thrown james under the bus to anyone and has been completely loyal to him since day 1. And of course natalie wasn’t going to tell people paulie offended her when he was still in charge of the house. You need to get ur facts checked lol

  5. Paul is one creative, funny mofo. That was on point. He went a little easy on James, but Nicole was the shittt.

  6. Well. It’s obvious CBS is hoping for Cory for ACP. That edit was insane. That’s one way they try to manage outcomes. People who only watch the show will now probably want to vote for Corey. Hopefully those viewers don’t go online to vote.

  7. Paul and Victor’s roasts with the eagle were too great and too funny! That made up for a lot of the boring time on feeds recently.

  8. Google “victor’s puppet show” from yesterday it’s hilarious
    Tonight’s puppet show featuring paul and vic should be up thursday night

  9. Jeez, Paulie just claimed, to Meech and Victor, that he confronted Tiffany about being Vanessa’s sister! He obviously didn’t (from feeds) and was surprised when she confided that to him. He wanted to work with her, until he decided that she was actually Vanessa, and constantly saying that she (Tiffany) must go ASAP…. first mistake he made, of many.
    I think they could have worked well together, as a side alliance between the boys and the girls, until she heard the degrading and misogynistic words that he’s said about women.
    It’s all catching up to him now.

  10. “Listening to PAulie talk about gambling.. he says if they go to Vegas he’ll put his entire stipend on black and if he wins he’ll play the craps table if he loses, ‘Oh well no more gambling for a week” So much for his “sick” aunt and his parents mortgage……wish someone would call him out for this gambling statement!

    1. THIS! What a psycho! I’ve been playing this game all along for my dying aunt. Please keep me. Oh, and yeah, 5 Gs aint nothing, I make that off one party. Taking my stipend to Vegas and blowing it as soon as we get outta here! But if I WIN, THEN, then my dying aunt is gonna be taken care of. This guy…

  11. Puppet show had me in tears. And Baldwin. I literally kept watching the puppet show over and over in some parts. I was laughing so hard I would miss the next part. Too bad they wouldn’t let him roast Production. Big babies. Lol Paulie sure seems like he’s changed his attitude a bit. He’s at least laughing with everyone. Good on him. But too late now.

  12. Seriously laughed my butt off watching After Dark tonight. First, Victor doing Baldwin with the Eagle trying to collect money from James. Hilarious! And Paul, he’s just an entertaining. That Roast was so funny I cried.

  13. (Just watching Wednesday’s episode.) I need an intervention–cannot stop replaying Victor saying to Paulie, “Some plans don’t work out. That one didn’t out for you.” Now nothing is sexier to me than a man calling another man a dumb f**k without ever using the words.

  14. I wonder why nobody calls out Paulina on his cons? Hoping for a jury vote maybe. As much as he played up the illness of his aunt as soon as he said he would stop in Vegas and put it all on black someone should have asked why he wasn’t bringing that 10K or whatever it is home to help as he cried he needed to do.
    When he is sitting telling Nat how Max-Z was like a dog in heat but he restrained himself due to his moral code and family honor I wish she pointed out “But you told all the guys (and America, everyone else around the globe watching) how you boned her 5 times including the when and the where and how much skill it took” ” Which is the real deal?”
    Maybe all of the “Jersey Girls”, “a$$hole North Jersey Jewish people”, and people who are disgusted by his use of a terrible disease as game play should meet him at the Newark airport to give him his first well deserved “meet and greet”

  15. Michelle, Paul and Victor could you please shut the f*ck up? You planned of talking shit almost 200 times, so now please shut up 😀
    They seem the new mean girls

  16. Vic and Paul are THE comedic duo. No worries if Paulie’s gone. There will be plenty of laughs. In fact…they will really go to town…and it’s hilarious because taking the mcikey out of Paulie..it’s all true:)
    I guess i’m stunned (SHELL SHOCKED ) at just how Loooooong Paulie can talk for. He HAS to be on something. It’s just not possible.
    He’s compulsive. and it’s unnerving.
    What I find really low though…(the lies and manipulation are par for the course) is Paulie betraying Cory. And he’s done that in spades. He lies to Cory about what he’s doing..and even after paul reminded him that begging to stay for one more week..and having Cory leave in the meantime..Paulie hasn’t let up.
    THAT shows his true character.
    Nevertheless….after trapping Michelle in Safari..for the 4th night running…and pleading and promising every thing he could..he finally goes to bed..jumping on a sleeping Cory…switching on the lights…because..hey..he’s not an arse hole..and then a hugging session…lots of love you’s..before parting type thing.
    And then Paulie strokes himself type thing. If you know what I mean..type thing. Finally giving his parting words to Cory..
    How all of them will regret backstabbing him..because they want to hang with him after the show.
    ( and a lot of paulies *message* to Michelle toninght are about all the meet and greets.
    Oh..and by the way…he goes into the room where James, Nat, Paul are….and tells them..yes..you guessed it..
    Meet and greets in USA…Canada…UK…South America…South Africa.
    Does he REALLY think he’s going a travellin?
    It seems..also..that Daddy will block all hate messages….so I guess the delusion will continue.
    The Paulie..that has talked about banging his girl 5 times..peed in the hot tub…been a bad sport..threatened all and sundry…personally attacked most of the HG’S..
    tells Cory and Nic..that he’s giving a classy exit.
    Yeah..because y’all..that’s his type..that’s his thing.
    In a year..he’s going to have a bald spot ..because he spent HOURS twirling his hair at the top.
    Bye..Baldy Paulie.

  17. I don’t think Nat sincerely likes James in that way, it all seems for game play which is fine. However, I don’t like her because I think she’s a hypocrite and how she acts is totally for the camera. She calls out Paulie to Z about how he’s using her and not sincere. She tells James later in the game that Paulie was “flirting” with her (not sticking up for the guy but it did sound like a joke) eventhough she flirted with every guy in the house. She tells Paulie if her flirting made him uncomfortable he should have told her… I’m sorry and when did she do that to him before telling James and Bridge?! Its a game and everyone will talk smack about everyone… but she has to act so innocent about it. I’m sorry to the Nat fans but I find her 1000% fake!

  18. Look Paulie said to Michelle, he want to take a shot at Victor, he did (Paulie backdoored Victor). Then Paulie says if I miss, he did(Victor won his way back into the house), Paulie went on to say if I lose the veto, he did( he lost HOH & POV), Paulie said he would accept defeat and leave. Well he didnt!!! He’s such a hypocrite. SMH

  19. I find it so hilarious when people come on these sights and trash talk the show and all the players. They are so horrible blah, blah, blah. If you honestly thought that it was so bad why would you even be watching the show never mind wasting your time coming on and reading the sites and commenting on them. If the house guests were as bad as you say you wouldn’t be wasting your breath.

    1. The show sucks! The HG’s suck! Production sucks! And you suck for saying that I suck for saying they all suck! (I’m sorry–sike, lmao.)

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