“If they want to get action from me and Jessica, up there, they better f****g get us some AC”

Dom is the POV host.
POV players: Cody, Alex, Jillian, Jason, Matthew and Raven
Paul won the temptation.

First off check out our Houseguest ranking system . Every day you assign between 1-5 “Stars” to a houseguest. We then track this data and craft it into a handy graph. Matt, Christmas and Mark currently the most popular.

8:32am Finally the houseguests wake up in mass.

They think they’re might be “Something BIg” coming up today because they are being woken up earlier than usual.

8:39am Christmas, Elena and Paul go back to sleep.. (sounds like they are allowed to sleep for bit longer but lights remain on)

8:46am Kitchen, Kevin, Raven, Jason and Cody
Talking about the late night Diary rooms and sleeping in the BB house in general.

Cody – I keep saying, If they want to get action from me and Jessica up there they better f****g get us some AC . I’m like UGH a furnace up they’re..
Cody – you guys want it cause it’s not going to happen with that f****g air
Kevin complains about Paul waking him up calls him the Tasmanian devil

Proto showmances .. Matt and Raven

They say they can hear construction going on outside. There is speculation the POV is today.
Raven mentions the weak reason Cody gave for putting Alex up as the replacement nomination. “I dunno I put her up”

Jesscia and Cody

Feeds go down and we get KITTENS!!

(I got two new Kittens this year. Whoever thought of showing kittens during feed outages was a genius)

9:28am Feeds on kittens

9:49pm HOH Jessica, Cody and Dom
Jessica is saying since the POV players were picked the competition will be later today. She suggests they bring snacks and water.

Dom leaves..
Paul and Matt join them .. “this one is going to be a balls to the wall POV”
Cody asks if it’ll be a spelling comp. Paul isn’t sure tells them Jason can’t spell.

Cody says Josh came and talked to him and through that conversation Cody “solidified” that all information will come to him.

Jessica – do you think he’ll follow through with that
Paul – he’ll fill his ear with fluff

They talk about how dumb Josh is. Cody calls him pathological because he believes his own lies.

Christmas joins them.

10:00am Alex and Jillian questioning if all the houseguests chips were in the POV bag during the pick.

They complain that on “older” season they were allowed to nap. Jillian complaining that her legs are swollen. Blames it on no potassium in the slop.

Cody joins them asks them why they have isolated themselves. He points out that Megan was the only person in the house that was disliked.

They start talking about Megan and the feeds cut.

When we’re back they talk about the temptations. Sounds like it was already given out but they don’t know who got it.

Cody stresses to Jillian how everyone talks about how sweet she is.

Raven is taking her time getting ready today..

10:22am Christmas… . (love her)

10:21am Paul and Kevin
Kevin- I’m talking about over all what is going on.
Kevin saying that Alex has told him there’s 6 people in a couples group

Paul – listen did you hear yesterday that they all think Ramses won the 25 thousand dollars.

Paul – do you see how I’m spilling it.. what you gotta do is just be cool, I’ve already told them that YOU are Okay. They all like you, they all think you’re fine”
Paul – Cody picked you, you are in a really good spot.
Paul tells him whenever he hears stupid shit from “them” (Alex) relay it back to him and they can asses if it’s something to worry about or not
Paul – the fact they haven’t put me on the block is incredable
Kevin – that’s because there’s so many jerk offs, early jerk offs. (LOL love it)

10:30pm Cody prepping for the POV

10:32am Paul alone
Alex, Jason, Ramses, Jillian and Josh vs the other side that is 7
Says he’s positioned himself in a way that he’s a sense of comfort.
Calls this season – Moth to flames

Paul is going to take each players paranoia and “pump the gas”

Paul – thank you for the Temptation Thank you for the 3 weeks of safety.. (OF Course he won it. )
Paul says because he’s a vet the people in the house are believing everything he tells them.
Likens it to “training a dog”
Paul – everyone is giving me information for no reason.. i’m not even involved in the mess of things.
Paul goes on about how it blows his mind he’s not on the block. (cause you’re getting backdoored.. well not now because you have the gold key)

Paul says he can keep this going for a month.

Says Josh, Jason, Ramses are destroying themselves.
Paul – it’s almost like I’m putting a bomb inside these people and they’re blowing themselves up.
Paul – Like Megan did
Explains that at first he gives them good advice then gives them bad advice so they blow their game up.
Paul – Moths to a Flame
Paul – just filling you guys in because I know you f***g nerds love that.. (well thanks Paul.. a f****g nerd)
Paul says this season the girls in the house are vicious.
Paul adds that last season the girls were duds.
“the guys.. they’re a little plain Jane in my opinion”

Adds that the girls are mentally more strong. The guys are athletic.
Starts trying to take credit for Megan leaving the game.

Paul – Cody is very militant.

Paul thinks he’s better positioned with the girls than the guys. the guys are really “broing”
Paul predicts Cody is the next target, “people will be banding together and take out Cody he’s making himself out to be this tough..Marine.. I don’t give a f*** character. Similar to Paulie but Paulie at least was charming.. had an act. . Cody has no act.

Paul goes on about how much of an advantage being a vet is…

Paul – people are going to start banding together and attacking Cody because he’s making himself out to be this tough..Marine.. I don’t give a f*** character.

Goes lists his strategy

1) Step 1 Build a connection, build trust build a solidarity
2) Continue doing that
3) Start giving some not s go good advice, fuel the paranoia, fuel the anxiety, fuel the angst. “You know I would be careful about this, you kbnow I would look out for that, maybe you should go call them out.. maybe you should go do that, start giving them BAD BAD BAD advice”

Paul – you can’t come and blame me for taking my advice cause it’s just advice i was just suggesting it.

Paul stresses how he has to keep the temptations a secret.

11:14am Jillian, Ramses and Elena

Jillian says she went to the Diary room and they gave her electrolytes. It’s because she’s “lacking in vitamins”
Jillian – because we can’t eat anything and the only thing we can have is the shake so.. I miss a lot of vitamins.
Elena – I’m sorry it’s the worst
Jillian – I feel better now after I took the electrolytes

Christmas is trying to sell us one of her fitness books. ( UGH ) Feeds flip fast..

Links to the ranking system

For those of you that like Statistics here are some expanded reports.

37 thoughts to ““If they want to get action from me and Jessica, up there, they better f****g get us some AC””

  1. Paul got the Key — No shocker there.

    Rather watch the kittens – way more entertaining that watching this clown…

    1. i feel you… but there are people who always hate on people like paul because he’s confident, outgoing, happy and enjoys life…that bugs them because their miserable in some way…

      1. I liked Paul last season ( even in the begging when people did not like him at all). But he is a character, and he has not changed anything from last season, It is just boring watching him again doing the same things he did last season.

    2. I don’t like Paul. Can’t stand him, in fact. His voice grates on my ears. When you say “most of us do” (like Paul), exactly who are these people for whom you speak> Because on last season’s message boards on many great reality sites (from here to Sucks), Paul was NOT a favorite.

  2. Paul is gifted three weeks of safety by the producers and he thinks he “positioned himself into a sense of comfort.”

    This kid has a great social game but just has no self-awareness of where he stands in the game (which was the case last season also, from week one to the final three).

    With the bigger target on him I think he’s out pre-jury this year.

    1. The only reason I voted for him was I was hoping it would do the same thing to him as it did Neda in BBCAN. She became over confident and then as soon as it was over, they voted her out.

    2. But it bolsters the storyline that I saw the 1st night: Paul versus Cody ( or like I like to call him “Dexter”). Should be fun to watch

  3. Important question… This is my first year with all access, how do I go back and watch specific parts of the feeds. Want to see Paul explain his strategy, and some of Cody’s conversations with people. Thanks

  4. Complete and utter BS! Production saves Paul’s butt. Say what you will about Cody but he sees right through Paul’s game plan. He would be backdoored and sent packing WEEK 2, if not for production’s involvement. 3 week safety from eviction??? Really…! That’s crap!

      1. ratings. i was kinda surprised production didn’t give him blanket immunity for at least the first week right off the bat as they have almost every other time a player’s returned.

        targeting him is still probably the right play to get his immunity out in the open, but a) cody should be smart enough to realize paul’s probably immune anyway, and b) cody should up his social game to deflect the blame to “the house” instead of himself. cody is toast pretty soon the way he’s playing, has no idea how lucky he is to at least have josh deflecting some of the attention.

        1. They did give him protection from the first toss out by giving him his friendship thing. Hopefully, we’ll avoid any more heavy-handed production moments. (I wouldn’t bet on it though.)

  5. Really Not Surprised Paul has the temptation…….
    This temptation was made for him because production likes to protect it’s “vets” and knew people were going to gun for him the first few weeks .

  6. Say what you will about her, but I hope Alex wins the Veto, it will make the rest of the week at least a little more interesting.

  7. Good thing we have Paul to explain the game and how everything is going to go down. We would all be lost without Paul

  8. So Cody thinks everyone wants to see some action from him and Jessica? LOL The only thing I want to see involving him is being evicted.

  9. Why the hell did Megan leave?
    what the heck happened?
    Boring ,insufferable jerk – Cody
    What an ASSHOLE!

  10. OMG Cody makes me sick! I can’t believe that 12 hours ago I liked him. The dude clearly needs to get laid, it’s all he talks about. I’d rather even see Josh in the house then him at this point. Paul is being Paul. This is the same shit he did last year. He talks such a great game in the Diary Room about the stories he makes up in his head. It’s laughable. How does Robyn Kass even have a job?!?

  11. Three things i had hoped for at the start of this season. 1 ) No immediate elimination. Give the Players a few days to develop social game 2) No Veterans 3) Production allowing a hands off game with few twists, go back to the earlier season models of BB..Looks like i was 0-3

    I feel sorry for all the people who love the game, worked their tail off in an audition , were not selected but had to watch Megan self-evict. That really is a slap in the face. Also Josh and Megan are two of the best Casting could come up with ? Wow. Production aided or not, and whether you like him or not, there are few threats to Paul in the house

    All that said however, we need to give them a bit more time before deciding on the success of the season. It is way too early still. Simon/Dawg thanks again for all you do to make this site tick. My 5th year back. Last year i went by name Unbattled Block

  12. An opinion:
    Why did Megan leave?
    She’s unaware of how the first two episodes are edited. She knows she’s been labelled the snake of the season by Josh in their altercation. She’s either tried to incite a ‘racist’ incident, or informed on the ‘racist’ and was not believed in the long run. So. you’ve been told you’re the snake. We don’t know if it happened. We know that the house decided to believe Jessica’s version over Megan’s. So, you’re Megan, you’ve been nominated as target because douchecanoe hoh ‘just doesn’t like you much’ and now you’re the liar and possible ‘racist’. All of this is happening in the first week, without knowledge of what is actually being edited into episodes, or how that will affect her life outside of the show. Anyone remember the firings and backlash that went along with bb15? (Does a professional dog walker worry about that?)
    So… imo, she’s either a quitter that couldn’t see any way to change her character perception in the house, or she’s afraid of being labelled and the out of show ramifications. That’s my take. For what it’s worth.

    1. according to Megan: it was decided in agreement between herself and the producers, it was better for Megan’s health if she be removed and sent to a hospital. She says she didn’t quit, she was convinced to leave.

      1. Interesting: “Better for her health”? The show tonight didn’t show her as that upset – crying yes, but I didn’t see any impact to her health. They left Audrey in…and her mental health DID look like it was under siege. So, I dunno, I’m not buying that comment (if it in fact was made by Megan). I think Megan heard Pao Pao and thought they said Panda.

  13. this temptation was so rigged for paul, but when’s the last time a returning player didn’t get the first 4 weeks of the game without immunity. really hoping this backfires on cody. man is dullllllllll.

  14. I loved Paul last season but hate seeing him be the producers little pet. Ugh, this season is going to be painful to watch if they are just going to script him and protect him like they did the vets last summer.

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